June 25 - July 1, 2017: Issue 318
Funding Secured To Commence Mona Vale Road Upgrade

Funding Secured To Commence Mona Vale Road Upgrade
20 June 2017Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced funding has been allocated in the NSW Government’s 2017/18 budget to commence construction of the Mona Vale Road Upgrade.
Tenders for the $150 million eastern section of the project between Mona Vale and Ingleside will now be advertised following a $17.5 million allocation to kick start construction. This announcement follows the completion of necessary planning and preliminary works over recent years.
Additional funding has also been allocated to complete preliminary works for the western section of the project between Ingleside and Terrey Hills.
“Confirmation of construction funding for this $150 million project is fantastic news for our community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“This announcement follows an enormous amount of preliminary work since 2011 – including property acquisitions, geotechnical surveys and detailed road design.
“With the extensive planning works completed - we’re now able to proceed to the construction phase.
“I’m delighted to be part of a government that’s delivering this major infrastructure improvement for our community,” Rob Stokes said.
An additional $2 million has also been allocated in the 2017/18 budget to introduce traffic flow improvements at the intersection of Mona Vale Road and Forest Way at Terrey Hills. This separate ‘Pinch Point’ project includes the construction of a third westbound lane on Mona Vale Road to help reduce congestion.

Project background
The NSW Government is funding two proposals as part of its $300 million Urban Roads Pinch Point Program and its $225 million Pinch Points Program, which aims to reduce congestion and improve travel times on Sydney’s busiest corridors.
Project objectives
The key benefits of the proposed intersection improvements on Mona Vale Road and Forest Way, Terrey Hills include:
- Less congestion and improved safety on Mona Vale Road, with the extended dual right turn lanes providing room for about 16 additional cars, and reducing the incidence of rear-end and lane change crashes
- Increased safety for bicycle riders, with a dedicated cyclist left turn lane from Mona Vale Road onto Forest Way
- Improved access to the left turn lane from Forest Way onto Mona Vale Road, allowing left turning vehicles to bypass queued traffic on Forest Way
- Reduction in queue lengths for motorists travelling westbound on Mona Vale Road
The key benefits of the proposed intersection improvements on Forest Way and Garigal Road, Terrey Hills include:
- Less congestion and improved safety on Forest Way, with the additional northbound lane reducing queue lengths in peak periods, and reducing the incidence of rear-end and lane change crashes
- Improved access to Garigal Road and to the Auslink Business Park with the new left slip lane from Forest Way
- Improved overall intersection efficiency.
Key features
The proposed work at the intersection of Mona Vale Road and Forest Way, Terrey Hills includes:
- Widening into the existing median on the western side of Mona Vale Road to accommodate an extended right turn bay onto Forest Way
- Widening into the existing median on the eastern side of Mona Vale Road to accommodate an additional westbound through lane on Mona Vale Road
- Modifying the existing westbound slip lane on Mona Vale Road from Forest Way to accommodate three through lanes on Mona Vale Road
- Installing a ‘turn left at any time with care’ sign at the westbound slip lane from Mona Vale Road onto Forest Way and at the northbound slip lane from Forest Way onto Mona Vale Road
- Widening into the existing median on Forest way between Mona Vale Road and Garigal Road to accommodate a dedicated left turn lane northbound onto Mona Vale Road
- Modifying the left slip lane from Mona Vale Road westbound onto Forest Way, to accommodate the construction of a traffic island and dedicated cycle lane.
The proposed work at the intersection of Forest Way and Garigal Road, Terrey Hills includes:
- Construction of a traffic island on the south-western side of the intersection to accommodate a northbound left slip lane from Forest Way into Garigal Road
- Installing a zebra crossing from the newly constructed traffic island to the southern side of Garigal Road
- Widening into the existing median on Forest Way to accommodate an additional northbound lane, through the Garigal Road intersection
- Installing a ‘turn left at any time with care’ sign on Forest Way at the new slip lane onto Garigal Road
- Relocating the existing northbound bus stop on Forest Way to the northern side of the Garigal Road intersection
- Providing a new footpath to the relocated bus stop.
For more information visit:
Mona Vale Road East upgrade - Manor Road, Ingleside to Foley Street, Mona Vale
About the project
The NSW Government is planning to upgrade Mona Vale Road from two lanes to four lanes between Terrey Hills and Mona Vale. The project will be staged to provide customers with a better travelling experience and to improve safety and traffic efficiency.
Mona Vale Road East currently experiences congestion as a result of the steep grade and limited safe vehicle overtaking opportunities which increases travel times. The proposed road upgrade for Mona Vale Road East would provide:
- Additional lanes for climbing and descending to improve travel time in both directions
- Widened shoulders and median separation to improve safety
- 80km/h speed limit between Mona Vale and Belrose once the road upgrades for both Mona Vale Road East and Mona Vale Road West are completed
- Facilities for cyclists and pedestrians
- Bus priority measures.
What is happening now?
Following the community consultation of the Review of Environmental Factors (REF) in July-August 2015, the project received approval to proceed. Roads and Maritime is currently completing the detailed design for the road upgrade.
Next steps
The detailed design is expected to be completed in early 2017. Construction is expected to commence in the first half of 2018, subject to funding.
Key features
The key features of the Mona Vale Road East upgrade include:
- Widening Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside and Foley Street, Mona Vale from two lanes to four lanes with a central concrete safety barrier. The concrete safety barrier would be located east of Manor Road to west of Daydream Street
- Providing three metre wide shoulders along the length of Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Foley Street to allow a safer area for breakdowns and on-road cyclists
- Replacing the existing roundabout on Mona Vale Road at the intersection of Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street with new traffic lights and signalised pedestrian crossings on all legs
- Providing new bus priority lanes on Mona Vale Road on the approaches to and departures from the intersection of Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street
- Relocating the eastbound bus stop on Mona Vale Road near the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection further east to the departure side of the intersection
- Providing a three metre wide shared path along the northern side of Mona Vale Road between the eastern end of the Lane Cove Road cul-de-sac and Samuel Street for pedestrians and cyclists
- Providing a three metre wide shared path along the southern side of Mona Vale Road between Foley Street and Ponderosa Parade for pedestrians and cyclists
- Changing the speed limit from 70km/h to 80 km/h once the road upgrade work is complete
- Implementing a 60km/h truck and bus speed limit for the downhill descent from Ingleside Road to the base of the escarpment
- Providing a truck arrester bed, about 150 metres long, for eastbound vehicles next to Walana Crescent
- Building six fill retaining walls up to six metres in height and five cuttings up to 16 metres in height along the length of Mona Vale Road due to the local terrain
- Providing fauna connectivity measures
- Upgrading the existing road and cross drainage systems including the construction, reconstruction and extension of the road drainage network
- Establishing temporary site compounds and stockpile locations during construction
- Landscaping over the length of the proposal
- Installing traffic monitoring cameras at all signalised intersections to assist with traffic management.
For more information visit: