Funds To Improve Disabled Sailing Opportunities at RPAYC

Funds To Improve Disabled Sailing Opportunities
11 May, 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes has announced $25,000 to support the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club’s disabled sailing program.
The funds have been provided under the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program and come as Sailability NSW is celebrating its 20th anniversary in Pittwater.
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club is a long-term supporter of disabled sailing opportunities and is currently working towards the introduction of new pontoons and an accessible ramp.
“This is a fantastic project that will help get more sailors out on the water,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Along with Sailability the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has done an outstanding job breaking down the barriers to sailing and ensuring people of all abilities can get involved.
“There’s no better place to learn to sail than Pittwater – so it’s great that new opportunities are being created for those who require extra assistance.
“Over the past twenty years we’ve seen huge improvements in disabled sailing opportunities throughout our community and it’s largely thanks to Sailability and its strong relationships with our local clubs and community groups.
“This project will be a great addition to our community and I’m delighted the NSW Government is getting behind it,” Rob Stokes said.
" We were thrilled when Rob Stokes MP, Member for Pittwater advised the Club earlier in the week that the Grant application made to the NSW Government’s Local Sport Grant Program administered by the NSW Sport and Recreation had been successful and that $25,000 had been awarded to assist in building accessible pontoons at our Crystal Bay hardstand facility. " General Manager of the RPAYC Suzanne Davies said on Saturday.
"Sailability has been sailing from this site for many, many years and we have developed plans to improve accessibility for our disabled sailors by installing floating ramps to provide access to the launching pontoons.
We are delighted with the Grant which will contribute to the provision of these facilities and is also further recognition of our Integrated disAbled Sailing Program which was last week was acknowledged at the Clubs & Communities Awards taking out the category forDisability and Social Inclusion.
The Award was presented by Mike Baird and accepted by Club Commodore Ian Audsley. I attended the evening as did Sailability Crystal Bay President Allan Jones, the Club Director and Chair of our Integrated Disabled Sailing Board of Governors along with Club member and Solider On volunteer Bruce Fergusson.
This is the second award for this program in 12 months, joining the Marina Industry Association Award for Best Community Program which was presented in Queensland in May last year."

Dan Fitzgibbon, wife Kumi and daughter with friends aboard Integrated disAbled Sailing Program yacht 'Another Challenge' at Sail Past and Salute to Commodore - 149th Opening of the RPAYC Sailing Season - September 2015