Generous Donation to Avalon Beach SLSC

Avalon Beach SLSA has received an unexpected and most welcome donation fron the Avalon Active Seniors Group.
Avalon Active Seniors Group has ceased operating after many years in Avalon.
The Group decided that the remaining cash at bank should be donated to a suitable charitable organisation in Avalon Beach.
A cheque for $2,628.17 was donated by the Group to the Club "in recognition of your Club's contribution to the Avalon Beach community."
The surf club is most appreciative of the generous donation as like everything and everyone else this year the surf club's operations and finances have been adversely impacted by necessary coronavirus health safety measures.
Its finances are basically sound and the club will be ready to provide its volunteer surf life saving services when the 2020-21 season starts.
But the surf club's usual funding sources such as the annual swims, hall hire, functions etc were severely impacted this year.
Health safety measures also meant that normal training, educational, youth support and development and other surf club functions have been adversely affected
''Donations such as that of Avalon Active Seniors are unexpected bonuses, which as well as improving surf club finances, are morale boosters for our volunteers.'' club President Ash Cardiff said this week.
Other organisations or individuals who might wish to make donations to the surf club, a registered charitable organisation, will be most welcome.
Please send to Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club Inc PO Box 110 Avalon Beach NSW 2107 for a tax deductible receipt.
New members old and young are also welcome when the club's activities start to gradually resume. Contact the club via the website at
Roger Sayers
ABSLSC Publicity Officer, Life Member