June 30 - July 20, 2024: Issue 630


PNHA Georegion Excursion to West Head sites

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association members and friends attended PNHA's event along the West Head Rd last April 2024 to learn about the proposed Ku-ring-gai Georegion. 

We hope you enjoy these videos, whether you attended on the day, or missed out.  Feel free to forward to anyone interested.

The proposed Ku-ring-gai GeoRegion includes all of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, Pittwater, and the Northern Beaches down to Long Reef and across to Brooklyn in the west.  

Hosted by Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, two excellent plain-speakers offer unparalleled insight into the region's geology, biology, morphology and anthropology.

John Illingsworth kindly made this video record of the event on May 24 2024. Here is a condensed version of the five hour April 2024 walk and talk session at West Head.

You can watch the whole video here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0OxjOSJ8FI or as is embedded below

Or: just watch the sections that interest you: 

INTRODUCTION and outline of GeoRegion proposal https://youtu.be/g0OxjOSJ8FI?t=0

RED HANDS CAVE – Art, Angophora Cave, Octavia Man https://youtu.be/g0OxjOSJ8FI?t=840

WEST HEAD LOOKOUT – Dykes, sea levels, the Pittwater River https://youtu.be/g0OxjOSJ8FI?t=1642

BASIN TRACK ENGRAVINGS https://youtu.be/g0OxjOSJ8FI?t=2112


We hope you enjoy these videos of our marvellous environment, in a small area of the whole proposed Georegion.

Thank you John.

PNHA Committee