Have Your Say on Our Hospital

By the Save Mona Vale Hospital Committee
The NSW Parliament is holding an inquiry into the Northern Beaches Hospital following the closure of acute services at Mona Vale Hospital and ongoing reports of medical and staff problems at the new hospital.
Save Mona Vale Hospital believes the committee conducting the Parliamentary Inquiry needs to be made aware of the huge local concern over our loss of acute services at Mona Vale Hospital in addition to the ongoing problems at Northern Beaches Hospital.
The Save Mona Vale Hospital Committee will provide a submission to the Parliamentary inquiry but we need you also to make submissions. It is essential that the Parliamentary Committee receives submissions from as many individuals and groups as possible.
Please take some time to make a submission. Talk with family and friends about their experiences. Encourage them to also send submissions.
This is your chance to have your say about how the loss of services from Mona Vale Hospital has affected you and your family, your experiences at the new hospital and what sort of hospital services you would like into the future.
Submissions can be as brief or long as you like – a page is plenty if you can say what you want in that space.
If you are concerned about confidentiality, please contact Save Mona Vale Hospital (see contact number below) and we can include your comments in our submission without identifying you.
A few aspects you could focus on include:
On Mona Vale Hospital:
- Access – distance, time and hazards
- Loss of services
- Need for local emergency and other acute services
On Northern Beaches Hospital:
- Personal experiences at the hospital
- Availability of services – and public versus private issues
- Transport
You can make a submission by:
- uploading it the committee's website: https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/committees/inquiries/Pages/inquiry-details.aspx?pk=2524#tab-submissions
- emailing it to portfoliocommittee2@parliament.nsw.gov.au
- writing to: The Director, Portfolio Committee No 2 – Health, Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000.
Terms of Reference of the Inquiry into the Operation and Management of the Northern Beaches Hospital can be seen at:
Please note: We suggest you prepare or keep a copy of your submission in Microsoft Word or similar software because we’ve had reports last week of residents experiencing problems with the inquiry submission site and losing their text.
For more information call:
Legislative Council Portfolio Committee 2 – Health 9230 3586
Save Mona Vale Hospital 0411 517 035