Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, sand point reserve, snapperman beach reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
Sunday November 21st, 1909:
Description beneath photograph 'View on the Hawkesbury River on the road to Barranjoey - (is really view over Sandy Point, Pittwater, Palm Beach - taken from what we would today call 'Craig Rossie corner')
Description beneath photograph - 'This shows the kind of bush track we passed over on our way to Barranjoey' (corner down the hill from Craig Rossie Corner)
Description beneath photograph - 'On the Pittwater side, linking the last hill before descent to Barranjoey'.
Description beneath photograph - 'A better view of the same beach'

All from:- Album 52: Photographs of the Allen family, November - December, 1909, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

Panorama of Palm Beach and Pittwater, New South Wales, circa 1917, above: sections from, Part of Enemark collection of panoramic photographs - courtesy National Library of Australia. EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917). Panorama of Palm Beach, Pittwater, New South Wales Retrieved from

Probate has been granted of the will of Mr. Charles John Edward- Forssberg, of 'Stancombe,' Addison-road, Manly, furniture warehouseman, who' died on July 25 last. The estate was valued at £44,303, of which £26,640 was comprised in realty. The date of the will was October 29, 1918.
Mr. Forssberg appointed his wife, Catherine Forssborg, and his daughters, Christina Elizabeth Forssberg, and Valetta Forssberg, the executrices and trustees of the will. Among the legacies were the following: To his sister, Edith Florence Alberta Tait, of Melbourne, £250; to his brother, Ernest ' Albert Edward Forssberg, of North Sydnev £250. To his step-sister, Alline Christina Campbell Kennedy, of Allora, Queensland, £100; the property known as 'Stancombe,' Addison-road, Manly, and also the property near Mulgrave railway station, used- by testator as a country residence, to his widow. He directed that out of the income from the estate £600 a year should be paid to his widow, the residue of the estate to be divided among his children. LATE MR. FORSSBERG'S WILL. | (1921, October 7). Windsor and Richmond Gazette (NSW : 1888 - 1961), p. 8. Retrieved from
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John McCabe block - he sold to John Laughlan Ellis January 1954 - from NSW Land Registry Services HLRV Vol-Fol 3750-118
(Before Judge Curlewis.)
Forssberg and another v the Council of the Shire of Warringah.
This was an appeal under Section 341 of the Local Government Act, 1919, by Christina Elizabeth Forssberg, of Stancombe, Addison road, Manly, spinster, and Valetta Eccles, wife of Herbert Eccles, of Lauderville-avenue, Manly, sharebroker (the surviving executrices and trustees of the will of Charles John Edward Forssberg, deceased) against the decision and disapproval of the Council of the Shire of Warringah on the application of the plaintiffs for the approval of the council to the plan and design of a subdivision of a parcel of land comprising lots 20 to 25 Inclusive, of the Bassett Darley Estate. Pitt-water. Appellants submitted for the council's approval a plan of subdivision of a large block of land at Palm Beach, showing a road-Iluka-road-running through it. The subdivision was bisected by another block known as the Barrenjoey Estate.
When using the CPI/RPI, the (average) value in 2020 of £158 from 1927 is $12,100.00. That's not the real context though - this article from 1935 sheds more light on wages then - if only for 'workers' with women only receiving half what men did:
CANBERRA, Tuesday.
Figures prepared by the Commonwealth Statistician (Mr. E. T. Mc-phee), disclose the remarkable fact that during the last few years of the depression there was an increase, and not a decrease, in real wages.
Although nominal wage rates have declined, the fall in the prices of commodities has made their purchasing power greater than during the peak year, 1929.
The average nominal weekly rate of wage In Australia, based on an Investigation of the weekly rates for over 4000 occupations, was £5/1/5 for adult males, and £2/14/2 for adult females on September 30,1928, when peak rates were recorded. Since that date nominal wages have declined steadily. The corresponding rates were £4/6/10 and £2/7/5 at the end of 1931. £4/1/10 and £2/4/2 at the end of 1932. and, £4/0/6 and £2/3/5 at the end of 1933. On June 30, 1934, they were £4/1/7 for males and £2/3/10 for females, representing the first increase since the decline commenced in 1929.
The highest average rate was recorded for employees in the printing and allied trades, and the lowest In the agricultural Industry. Wage rates for the fourth quarter of 1933 were for the aggregate of the six States 21 per cent, below the 1929 level. In South Australia the fall amounted to 25 per cent., In Victoria 24 per cent., in New South Wales 21 per cent., In Western Australia 19 per cent., in Tasmania l8 per cent., and in Queensland 13 per cent. Notwithstanding the fall in nominal wages, all States show an increase in "real" wages over the rates for 1929, due to the greater fall in prices. All States show a slight increase on. rates for 1932, with the exception of New South Wales. During 1933 there was an increase In "real" wages for full work compared with the preceding year. Comparison with 1911 shows that the "real" wage for full-time work in' 1933 was 17.8 per cent, higher, but if allowance is made for unemployment, it was 7.4 per cent, lower. .... REAL WAGES. (1935, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
Of course the $615 to $860 per foot this would equate to today would not be enough to buy land in Palm Beach.
The Auction of the No. 3 subdivision took place in the first week of Summer that year:
Iluka Park - Woorak Reserve - sandy point Reserve

The section of reserve above high water mark at Sandy Point is part of the parcel of land that was transferred to Warringah Council from the Forssberg estate in October 1927, and is zoned 6A Public Recreation. The remainder of Sandy Beach Reserve is Crown land, also zoned 6A Public Recreation. Pittwater Council was made Trust Manager for the portion of Sandy Beach Reserve owned by the Crown, in August 2009.
NSW Land Registry Services HLRV (1) Volume 4061 Folio 122 - 30 foot Reserve, Snapperman - also shows Iluka Park as 1 acre and Sand Point Reserves
A Half Cricket Pitch in iluka park

Council Asset Number A12067, Reserve Number 14 is a small developed park, 0.4232 hectares in area, located adjacent to the Palm Beach kindergarten in Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach. It is bounded by Barrenjoey Road to the east, Iluka Road to the south west, and Woorak Road to the west.
Warringah Shire Council's need to create a playing field that commenced the filling in of the mangroves at the northern end of Careel Bay current playing fields and the leasing of the land for a tip, also to fill in the mangroves.
Warringah Shire Council records on July 3rd, 1933, by Cr. Hitchcock, seconded by Cr. Hughes, that ''in regard to the Palm Beach District Cricket Club's letter handed in to this meeting, submitting several requests; the Club be supplied with metal from Newport quarry for the construction of a wicket on Careel Bay Park, the work to be done under the supervision of the Inspector, and in consideration of the Club doing this work and improving the reserve; it be granted the use of the ground for three years without charge.''
Those of 25th of September 1933; That the sand pump at Newport Beach be sent to Careel Bay Park cricket ground and installed there.
On November 6th, 1933 the Council Meeting records:
36. Palm Beach District Cricket Club, 26/10/33, (a) inviting Councillors and Officers to attend the opening of the new cricket ground on Careel Bay Park on 11th November at 1.30 p.m; (b) requesting Council to call the reserve at Careel Bay "Hitchcock Park". Council Resolved, - That the reserve be called Hitchcock Park. .(Cre. Austin, Hughes)
Warringah Shire Council minutes of Meetings record, November 20th, 1933: By Cr. Hitchcock - That the preparation of plans for drain age at Wilshire Park and Glenburnie Park be expedited. Careel Park; by Cr. Hitchcock - That plans for dredging Careel Park be prepared as soon as possible.
Worth noting from the same council minutes is how that triangular piece of land where the North Avalon bus stop is was formed:
Main Roads Department, 16/6/37, forwarding for Council's information, copy of plan shoving the portion of Hitchcock Park Careel Bay, resumed for main road purposes. Resolved, Hitchcock' That the Department be asked to beautify the small triangular-cornered piece severed from the park by the deviation of the road. (Crs. Hitchcock, Ross)
On October 28th, 1941 that same Council records: Re Careel Bay Reserves, recommending that the Minister be requested to dedicate or reserve a strip between Hitchcock Park and highwater mark for public recreation purposes, as an addition to Hitchcock Park.
Although the above shows the Warringah Shire Council was calling this area 'Hitchcock Park' by 1933, it wasn't officially gazetted as Hitchcock reserve an area designated for public recreation and registered as such until November 13th, 1942.
Geoff Searl OAM, President of Avalon Beach Historical Society provides this aerial from 1951 which shows just a cricket pitch on the site of the Careel Bay Tennis Courts (directly opposite Whale Beach Road!).
Geoff says;
There seems to be some activity and an entrance to the mangroves from the entrance to the dairy buildings opposite.
No sign of the tip but I think some locals have begun to use the area for depositing rubbish (dairy mob.?).
No sign of the cricket club building before it was moved to Palm Beach to serve as the surf club for North Palm Beach SLSC. I think it had already been moved - soon after 1946?
Meanwhile, Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records March 26th, 1934: Palm Beach District Cricket Club, 10/3,/34, inquiring whether the Council would permit the Club to put down a practice pitch on the reserve on Forssberg Estate. Resolved,- That the proposal be not approved. I 28. A.J.Small, 15/3/34,advising that, by arrangement with the NRMA. he proposes to provide accommodations At Avalon Building Beach as a petrol depot. Resolved, - That the proposal be approved provided the building be kept back 9 feet from the building line instead of 5 feet.
August 27th, 1934: Stacey A Heave, Architect, 16/8/34, inquiring at what charge the Council would construct a concrete motor Crossing, Contrib. or other suitable type of crossing, to the site of Mr. W.A. Starkey's proposed garage at Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Resolved, - That upon receipt of £15.5.0, the full estimated cost of the work described in the Engineer's report on the . letter, the work be carried out. 35. Palm Beach Cricket Club, 14/8/34, requesting permission to put down a "half-wicket" for batting practice on the small public reserve on Forssberg Estate, PaIm Beach. Resolved, That permission be granted on the understanding that the Club will accept all responsibility in the event of an accident or damage occurring
September 10th, 1934: Palm Beach The following requests, submitted by the Councillors named, were agreed to. By Cr. Hitchcock - That in regard to Mrs. Hordern's offer to supply posts, rails and palings for fencing Wilshire Park, the Council, subject to Mrs. Hordern agreeing, erect a chain Park wire fence in lieu of a paling fence, and use the palings for the purpose of constructing the drain through the park. By Cr. Hitchcock - That the Overseer be instructed to provide the Palm Beach Cricket Club with two loads of metal for the proposed half-wicket on Forssberg Estate Reserve.


The pitch is a rectangular area of the ground 22 yards/20.12 m in length and 10 ft/3.05 m in width. It is bounded at either end by the bowling creases and on either side by imaginary lines, one each side of the imaginary line joining the centres of the two middle stumps, each parallel to it and 5 ft/1.52 m from it. – Lords
In the game of cricket, the cricket pitch consists of the central strip of the cricket field between the wickets. It is 22 yd (20.12 m) long (1 chain) and 10 ft (3.05 m) wide.] The surface is flat and is normally covered with extremely short grass, but can be completely dry or dusty soil with barely any grass or, in some circumstances (that are rarely seen in high level cricket), made from an artificial material. Over the course of a cricket match, the pitch is not repaired or altered other than in special circumstances - meaning that it will change condition. Any grass on the pitch in the game's first over, for example, may have disappeared by the twentieth over due to wear.
Woorak Reserve
The Council exchanged Stuart St, Newport (closed road) for the Department of Education’s five land parcels constituting Woorak Reserve, Palm Beach. It would seem that as soon as the State Government sold their previous site (of the Barrenjoey School) another was needed and the sale of the 2 acres may have offset the cost of the new site:
Department of Education,
Sydney, 11th August, 1920.
IT is hereby notified, for general information, in accordance with the provisions of the 34th section of the Public Instruction Act of 1880, that it is proposed to establish a Public School at Palm Beach.
Minister of Public Instruction. NEW PUBLIC SCHOOL. (1920, August 27). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4978. Retrieved from
Screenshots courtesy HRLV LTO Charting Map 1991
This land is subject to Positive Covenant Number 5973417, which states that the land “… will not be used other than as a park open to the public and that the owner of the said lands and any occupier… will not erect any building or structure on the said lands not being reasonably incidental to their use as a park open to the public.”
Woorak Reserve was zoned 6A existing recreation under the Pittwater Local Environmental Plan, 1993 (LEP). It was proposed to categorise the reserves as Park and General Community Use under the Local Government Act 1993. Pittwater Council owned the land fee simple. The land is classified as community land.
WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—Proposed Road Closure: Woorak Road, Palm Beach.—Notice is hereby given that the Council intends to apply to the in the Authority of New South Wales for consent to the placing and maintaining of obstructions or barriers in Woorak Road, Palm Beach, at its southern intersection with Iluka Road. The proposal has been developed following negotiations between Council and the State Government regarding the use of the surplus Department of Education site at Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Plans of the scheme are on exhibition at the Civic Centre, Dee Why, Mona Vale Library and Palm Beach RSL. Any person may lodge with the Council an objection in writing, to the application. The time for objection will expire on 26th May, 1986. F. L. THOMSON, General Manager/Shire Clerk, Civic Centre, Dee Why. (8010) WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE: WOORAK ROAD, PALM BEACH.—Notice is hereby given that the (1986, April 24).Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1862. Retrieved from
IN pursuance of the provisions of the Public Roads Act 1902, I propose to consider the closing of the roads hereunder described.
All persons interested are hereby called upon to set forth in writing and forward to the officer specified in the notice for the purpose, within one month from the date of publication of this notice, any objections which may appear to them to exist in these proposals.
I. R. CAUSLEY, Minister for Natural Resources.
Sydney, 23rd December, 1988.
Land District—Metropolitan; Shire—Warringah
Part of Woorak Road west of Iluka Park at Palm Beach, Parish Narrabeen (Sheet 1), County Cumberland. Objections should be forwarded to the Regional Manager, Metropolitan Lands Office, Blacktown. MN88 H 491. NOTIFICATION OF PROPOSED CLOSING OF ROADS (1988, December 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 6620. Retrieved from
Sydney, 6th September, 1939.
I, the Right Honourable John de Vere, Baron Wakehurst, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of the provisions of section 20, Public Roads Act, 1902, hereby declare the roads hereunder described, which are now no longer required, to be closed, and that the lands comprised therein shall be freed and discharged from any right of the public or any person to the same as highways.
WAKEHURST, Governor. COLIN A. SINCLAIR, Minister for Lands.
The part of confirmed public road (R. 1,477-1,603) shown by neutral colour on plan R. 20,536-3 1,603 and adjoining lots 62 and 63 of D.P. 13,620 and part of lot 61 of D.P. 14,682, parish Narrabeen, county Cumberland, Land District Metropolitan, Shire Warringah. R. 37 3,167. .
NOTE.—The land in the above-described toad now vests in the owner of the adjoining lands (area 13 ½ perches). NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF UNNECESSARY ROADS. (1940, January 5). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 28. Retrieved from
Proposed Alteration of Residential District No. 3 WITHIN WARRINGAH SHIRE
IT is hereby notified that the Warringah Shire Council has applied to the Governor to alter Residential District No. 3— Warringah Shire, as proclaimed in Government Gazette No. 109 of 26th September, 1947, by excluding therefrom the portion of Warringah Shire defined in the Schedule hereto.
Any person interested may lodge objection to this proposal on or before 18th March, 1960. (S. 59-2,580)
P. D. HILLS, Minister for Local Government. Department of Local Government,
Sydney, 12th February, 1960.
Land proposed to be excluded from Residential District No. 3 (at Palm Beach)
The whole of lot 6, deposited plan 14,682,—having frontage to Nabilla-road, Palm Beach. (2769) LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919 (1960, February 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 397. Retrieved from
I, the Minister for Planning, in pursuance of section 70 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, make the local environmental plan set out hereunder. (S91-06974)
Minister for Planning Sydney, 20 January, 1992
1. This plan may be cited as Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985 (Amendment No. 74).
Aims, objectives etc.
2. This plan aims to rezone the land to which this plan applies to allow Warringah Shire Council to permit development for the purposes of open space/public recreation. Land to which plan applies
3. This plan applies to Lots 68-72, DP 14682, Iluka Road, Palm Beach and part of Woorak Road west of Iluka Park, comprising an area of approximately 895m2 at Palm Beach, as shown edged heavy black on the map marked "Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985 (Amendment No. 74)" deposited in the office of Warringah Shire Council.
Relationship to other environmental planning instruments
4. This plan amends Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985 in the manner set out in clause 5.
Amendment of Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985
5. Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985 is amended by inserting in appropriate order, at the end of the definition of "the map" in clause 5(1) the following words:
Warringah Local Environmental Plan 1985 (Amendment No. 74) ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 (1992, January 31). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 597. Retrieved from
In 2012 Pittwater Council commenced changing part of Woorak to accommodate boat trailers for those accessing Sand Point to launch the same
Improvements to Woorak reserve, Palm Beach - photos taken December 12th, 2012. Pictures: A J Guesdon:
The other Old School Ground

EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). circa 1917, Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 14 , PIC P865/6/1 LOC Nitrate store, (zoomable at ) and sections from – courtesy National Library of Australia

On February 2, 1894, a statement was put out that although the enrolment was 8 students, attendance was an average of 6, and likely to decrease. An idea to start a school at Wilson's Beach (Currawong) on the opposite shore of Pitt Water, was deemed inadvisable because there were too few pupils, no school room available, and the residents had manifested no desire to provide or help to provide one. The cost to the Department to construct one would be £32, and there would be a boat approach only.
On February 14, 1894, the Under Secretary agreed to close the Barranjoey school, and a week later, Mr Day, the teacher at the time, was on his way to Wallambuie Provisional School. On August 1, 1898, Frank Eckman, Isaac Newman (keeper), Lizzie Smith (William Smith's wife) and Nancy Mulford (wife of Mackerel Beach orchardist) proposed that Miss A Madigan be appointed as an itinerant teacher. The school would be located in a room in Lizzie's cottage and Miss Madigan would be accommodated at the Eckmans's home for 15 shillings per week. She had been instructing the children there for 2 years, presumably as a tutor.
On December 22, 1898, the Acting Inspector visited the lighthouse and the Customs Station, with the view of establishing a school. This was vetoed due to the lack of school age children and the rough crossing of Pitt Water in bad weather. In 1899 applications by residents of Barranjoey and Careel Bay were again refused, for the same reasons.
The children continued were without the required Teacher until a proposal to use launch to transport them to school allowed Bill Sykes to tender a offer, eventually won the contract, and started the first school launch service in Australia in April 1904. For the first four months he always kept to schedule, despite rough weather. The Patonga was a thirty foot motor launch with a beam of eight feet and powered by an 8 hp Hercules engine.
James Booth, a jack-of-all-trades (he built a cairn, since destroyed, on Barranjoey Headland to mark an original lighthouse site), was always interested in the Palm Beach school land. On September 28, 1898, he unsuccessfully applied to rent the two acres, offering £ 2/ 12/- per year. He tried again on March 29, 1917, that time for only one acre at 2/6d a week. In his application to start a small boat hire business, he promised not to 'put up any unsightly buildings'. The Education Department still refused his application, advising that the land had been transferred to the Barrenjoey Company and later to what became the Palm Beach Land company.
NSW HRLV Map, 1913, showing resumed 2 acres sold - Real Property Act 31230
Palm Beach War Memorial Kindergarten
The Palm Beach Kindergarten now operates alongside Iluka Park. Originally it was housed in the caretakers cottage at Governor Phillip Palm Beach as well as the resited old Avalon Beach Cricket Club House when that became the first North Palm Beach SLSC clubhouse. Even from the outset though the plan was to have this in or adjacent to Iluka Park. This would have worked in with the public school that was originally planned to be sited in the same locality.
North Palm Beach Surf Lifesaving Club was officially founded in 1946 although those camping in Governoir Phillip Park during the early 1930's had already formed themselves into Patrols of sorts to look after the campers using the north end of Palm Beach as the Barrenjoey SLSC. The club was started by local families and regular holiday makers at the northern end of Palm Beach. In those days the area near the base of Barrenjoey Headland was a public camping ground and it was popular destination for people living on the northern beaches and families and tourists traveling the 40 kilometers from the centre of Sydney each weekend. Palm Beach remains a popular holiday destination but these days it has become the location of choice for many celebrities wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the CBD.
The first clubhouse was very small and was located where the public amenities block now stands. A little further north in the hollow of the dunes was the boat shed and the bunkhouse.
The North Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club reformed after WWII and by 1946 the Old Avalon Cricket Club Building was moved to a location near the present site of the club (located where the current public toilet facilities are today) and the club added verandahs. In these early days the club shared the facility with the Palm Beach Kindergarten.
Palm Beach Camping in 1946. Item: FL3733992, Courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW. More In: Camping at Palm Beach
Warringah Shire Council records show that even prior to a kindergarten being established at North Palm Beach discussions about one being started in Iluka Park had commenced:
August 20th, 1946: 20/8/1946. the Lands Department for permission for the erection of such a building on this reserve. With the consent of the Council, the motion was altered to read - "That the question of establishing a Kindergarten on Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach, be referred to the Parks & Reserves Committee, and inquiries be made of the Lands Department regarding such a building on the Reserve. Kinder- Cr. Morrow seconded, and the motion was carried. MOTION IN PURSUANCE OF NOTICE: Cr.. Dunbar moved - That the Council approve of the establishment of a Kindergarten on Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach, and apply to
November 12th, 1946: Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust, 5/11/46, requesting permission to start clearing the reserve in Barrenjoey Road, the proposed site for the Kindergarten Centre. Resolved, - That a copy of the letter be sent to Solicitor L.W. Jones for an opinion.
November 26th, 1946: Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust 16/11/1946, forwarding report on the activities of the Trust. Resolved, - That they be congratulated on their work, and a copy of the report supplied to Cr. Batho.
February 18th, 1947: Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust, 12/2/47, stating that the Committee has an opportunity of purchasing a Government weatherboard recreation hut, and inquiring whether Council would have any objection to its being placed on the reserve agreed upon for use as a kindergarten school until the permanent building is erected. Referred to the Health and Building Committee. (38) Same 12/2/47 requesting that the Shire Engineer survey the land at Forssberg Reserve at his convenience, putting in pegs so that their Architect will not encroach on adjacent land. Resolved, - That the survey be made.
April 29th, 1947: Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust, 19/4/47 (a) thanking Council and officers for assistance, and stating it is taking steps to purchase structures on the lines of Captain Taylor's, and will submit plans in due course; and (b) stating it desires to render the present tennis court serviceable and maintain it, and inquiring whether this would be in order. Council's decisions- (a) "received"; (b) that permission be Courts given for the term of the Council's pleasure.
The Captain Taylor would be Captain P G Taylor who established the Bayview school for his children and others in old army huts - they had all been on his front verandah to begin with. This has become the current day St Lukes' Grammar school at Bayview:
Airman Started A New Kind Of School
In a little bush clearing overlooking the reaches of Pittwater, 60 children are going to Australia's most unusual school-founded by an airman. Captain Patrick Gordon Taylor, pioneer of world air routes, set out after the war to blaze a new trail-and it led to Loquat Valley School, Bayview. He came home from service on the North Atlantic air routes with two daughters, Jennie (now 9) and Sue (7), and found there was no school for them to go to up that way. Others in neighbouring districts were full.
Captain Taylor decided to found his own school and neighbours welcomed the idea.
Captain Taylor arranged to start in a tennis club building, but the club found it needed its building. So 13 children attended their first session on the verandah of a nearby home.
From the old Army camp in French's Forest Captain Taylor bought two big huts.
Captain Taylor got the bricks by driving around the country in his car, telling his story to sympathetic but unhelpful brick-yard men. At last, one said: "You shall have the bricks to-morrow."
He got the bricklayer by persuading his household maid to talk her boy friend, a brick-layer on another job, into it.
Captain Taylor and his wife, his secretary and his school staff sawed wood, painted walls, made window boxes, helped with the building-and got the school going.
Now there are two full-time teachers at the school-Miss Joyce Kennington, who started the school in 1946 With Mrs. Gomme, and Mrs. John Day, who teaches the older children.
Right from the start Captain Taylor determined it should be an Australian school for young Australians to give them a feeling of confidence in their country and themselves, and to break away from ideas unsuitable to life in Australia.
He poured more than £5,000 into his ideal.
Children aged 3 to 11 sit at desks built of Australian wood, in airy classrooms with walls tinted in warm shades and ceil-ings a pastel blue.
The children see their lessons chalked on a green board-not black, because it is too drab-1 and on their bush rambles they learn nature lore from seeing koalas and wallabies and possums and jet black rabbits frolicking in the undergrowth.
They swim in Pittwater, they ride ponies, they learn ballet.
Captain Taylor watches the school grow and plans how he will extend it-a swimming pool here, a new building there. And because it is an ideal he is working for, he puts back into it all the profits from fees.
BELOW: Children leave Loquat Valley School, Bayview, after their day's lessons. Airman Started A New Kind Of School (1949, November 20). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), , p. 6. Retrieved from
At the Council Meeting held on October 14th, 1947: Palm Beach District Citizens' Assoc., 3/10/47, requesting support in an application by the Palm Beach Kindergarten Trust to the Building Materials Division for a permit and materials for the establishment of a kindergarten and recreation centre on Forssberg Reserve, Palm Beach and submitting list of residents who are supporting the proposal. (13a) M. & F. R. Stapleton, 30/9/47 - further in opposition to the proposal for the establishment of the kindergarten on the reserve. Resolved, - That the Association be advised of the legal position in this matter, and letter be "received'.
The former Barrenjoey Surf Life Saving Club reformed as the North Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club after WWII and by 1947 the old Avalon Cricket Club Building was moved to a location near the present site of the club (located where the current public toilet facilities are today) and the club added verandahs. In these early days the club shared the facility with the Palm Beach Kindergarten.
photos courtesy North Palm Beach SLSC
A series of fundraisers commenced:
There will be thrills; spills and chills at Palm Beach public park on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, October 5, 6 and 7, when a super carnival and novelty regatta will provide the fun and frolic. Proceeds will be for the erection of a local kindergarten. Among the many events will be races for leading jockeys on sea horses, races for men, women and children in dinghies, rowing and motor skiffs, motor yachts and cruisers and the State championship for seine trawlers. There will be every opportunity for patrons to 'study the form,' as a mannequin parade of beauties with 1946. G-string costumes will take place. Luncheon and supper win be available in a novel way. Pick your own live fish or lobster and it will be caught, killed, cleaned and cooked in any style you require. What more could anyone want! If you are interested, phone Mrs. Ward (Palm Beach 1). CHARITY GALA (1946, September 22). Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Jockeys to stage sea-horse Derby
Sydney jockeys have staged many sorts of queer races for patriotic and charitable funds. They have had hobby-horse Derbies, draught-horse Derbies, trotting matches and running races. Now they will hold the Seahorse Derby at an outing in aid of the local kindergarten at Palm Beach Park on October 6.The The sea-horses will be 44-gallon drums on which tails and wooden heads will be attached. Contestants who will wear swimming trunks and racing colors, will have to paddle the drums for 25 yards with hands and heels. Jockeys who have promised to take part Include F. Shean, G. Moore, E. and S. Cracknel!, J. Hickey, G. Podmore, W. Cook, N. McGrowdie and H. Russell. Jockeys to stage sea-horse Derby (1946, September 29). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (SUNDAY SUN SPORTS SECTION). Retrieved from
Funds raised at the North Palm Beach Surf Club ball at Grace Auditorium last night will help defray costs of the newly established Palm Beach kindergarten which will be officially opened the first Sunday of October. I see...and hear... (1948, August 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
Palm Beach locals establish new kindergarten
Thirty-five Palm Beach children between the ages of three and five years will form a guard of honor when their new kindergarten is officially opened by Mr. P. C. Spender, MHR. on October 3.
"Establishment of this kindergarten is the result of three years' hard work by local residents," secretary and organiser of the Kindergarten Committee, Mrs. Harold Daniell, said. "We are particularly delighted, as it is the first time all Palm Beach residents have been working for one project."
The new building, which will be worth about £3500, also contains a pavilion for the North Palm Beach Surf Club members and a hall which may be rented by other local organisations — the first hall of this type in the district.
Worked in cottage
The children started their kindergarten work about two months ago in a nearby cottage, but are anxious to move into their new building, which has all the latest kindergarten equipment. A full-time trained kindergarten teacher will be in charge, with a domestic assistant. For a nominal fee the children will receive their fruit and daily milk, and, in time, the committee hopes to provide a midday meal cooked in the modern all-electric kitchen. An upright baby grand piano was bought with funds raised for the committee by Mrs. S. Donsalves. A sum of £250 subsidised by the Warringah Shire Council went towards building costs. Members of the management committee include Mrs. Daniell, Mrs. Rudolph Mueller, Mr. C. Gow, and Mr. Frank Savage, who is president of the North Palm Beach Surf Club. Palm Beach locals establish new kindergarten (1948, September 15). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
The kindy at North Palm Beach was duly opened officially on Sunday October 3rd, 1948 – Percy Spender (later Sir), MP for Warringah, had a place at Whale Beach – see The Strand Reserve History page, so possibly the Sunday opening was chosen to coincide with him being at his Whale Beach weekender. NB: the reference of a ‘Donsalves’ would actually be a Gonsalves family member. Mr. C. Gow would have been Carl Gow.
These photos from Tom Gilbert's family albums show him as a tacker and Carl with his own son as well as a fundraising function held at the Gow's-Gonsalves boatshed in 1949 and underline it wasn't just those in the camping reserve that needed a kindergarten.
back of photo reads (Carl Gow is at right and back with blond little boy on his lap):
Tom (in middle) atop Carl Gow's/Gonsalves Boatshed, 1949.
On January 6th, 1948 Warringah Shire Council's Minutes from Meetings records: Education Department 2/1/48 re proposed Kindergarten and Day Nursery at Palm Beach, inquiring if it was placed on the Department's land adjoining Iluka Reserve, whether the reserve would be available for playground purposes, and failing this, requesting Council's views on the dedication of the area for school purposes. Resolved, - That the Department be informed if the Kindergarten and Nursery are erected on its land, the Council considers there would, be no objection to the use of the reserve for playground purposes, provided the public was not excluded from such reserve
On March 30th, 1948 S. Yewen. 22/3/48 'requesting that Myola Road between Bungan Head Road and the beach be cleared sufficiently to permit building materials to be delivered to his land. Resolved - That the builder be given permission to provide temporary access for building material., as recommended by the Acting Engineer. V. J. Toohey, requesting that a tree which obstructs the entrance to his property "Allendale", Iluka Road Palm Beach be removed. Resolved - That the tree be removed. • Removal (Crs. Kent Forster)... ('+8) North Palm Beach S L. S C, 23/3/48 stating that the Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust has donated building material to the club and requesting (a) permission to remove this material from Forssberg Reserve to North Palm Beach adjacent to the temporary Clubhouse; and (b) permission to erect a Surf Clubhouse on Governor Phillip Park on the site at present known as the "Car Reserve". - Referred to Parks & Reserves Committee. 48(a) Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust, 23/3/48, supporting the requests of the Surf Club. -Referred to Parks & Reserves Committee. (Crs. Porstor Kent).
At the December 21st, 1948: Palm Beach Kindergarten & Recreation Trust, 10/12/48, thanking Council for its rebate of rent on the Caretaker's cottage at Palm Beach, and extending to Councillors and Officers Compliments of the Season.
March 8th, 1949: Manly-Warringah Council of Sub-Branches of RSSAIIA 1/3/49 requesting to the council to make available to the Palm Beach Sub-Branch a meeting-place, stating it is hoped that His Excellency the Governor of N.S.W. will be visiting the Sub-Branch very shortly. Resolved, - They be informed the Council has no building available, but that the Palm Beach Kindergarten and the North PaIm Beach Surf Club will be asked if arrangement could be made for the temporary use of their building at night.
Palm Beach Kindergarten Trust, 11/3/49, (a) inviting Councillors to inspect some of the activities of the Kindergarten, (b)requesting the provision of a street light adjacent to the 'Trust's building and (c) inquiring whether Council would deposit some filling to build up portions of the land on which the building is situated to prevent undermining. council's decisions:- (a) Parks &-Reserves Committee to make inspection; -(0)referred to the Electrical Engineer; (c) that the work be carried out.
The program to raise funds for a permanent kindergarten and support that already in place continued:
Palm Beach Kindergarten Trust, which maintains a kindergarten at Palm Beach, will hold their first annual ball at the Pasadena, Church Point, on Friday, September 30. Evelyn Gardiner, well-known Gilbert and Sullivan opera singer, will be compere. Winner of the lucky ticket competition will be given a model gown. Reservations may be made by ringing the Pasadena or the secretary, Mrs. Harold Daniell, at Palm Beach 181. around and about (1949, September 7). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 21 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
The Mosman Spastic Centre and the Palm Beach Kindergarten will hold a joint "Gala Fishing' and ' Entertainment Day" at Palm Beach next Sunday. Launches will leave Palm Beach public Wharf at 6 a.m. for deep-sea fishing, and the organisers will give prizes for the biggest and best catch. Luncheon, including fish foods, will be available in a marquee at the beach, and also in the park. FISHING DAY FOR CHILDREN (1949, September 26). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
An organised deep-sea fishing outing and entertainment day will be held at Palm Beach to-day. LAUNCHES will leave Palm Beach public wharf at 6 a.m. and return at midday. The fish will then be weighed and prizes awarded for the biggest and best catch.
Rollo Moore last week speared 20 good-sized lobsters, as well as bream, luderick, and morwong at Long Reef, Deewhy. Although conditions were bad last week-end, spearmen had successful outings. During the week Wally Gibbons speared five luderick and four morwong at Fairy Bower, Manly.
The Underwater Spear Fisher-men's Association will hold a picnic and barbecue at Deep Creek, Narrabeen, to-morrow. One of the main events will be an underwater shoot at a target for the McNiven trophy. Proceeds will go to the Spastic Centre, Mosman, and the Palm Beach Kindergarten. FISHING AND WHERE (1949, October 2). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 14 (Sports Section). Retrieved from
MR. and MRS. NEVILLE GOODALL were among the guests at the dance given in aid of the Palm Beach Kindergarten at the Pasadena Ballroom on Friday. Many of the guests arrived in a launch from Palm Beach and were serenaded on arrival and up to the ballroom. Dining, Dancing Prelude To Race Week (1949, October 2). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 10. Retrieved from
THE Spastic Centre, Mosman, and the Palm Beach Kindergarten will share £500, the proceeds of the fishing outing held at Palm Beach last week-end. FISHING AND WHERE (1949, October 9). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 14 (Sports Section). Retrieved from
Mr. Johnny Hawkes will be Santa Claus this morning at the Christmas party for the 36 children who attend the Palm Beach Kindergarten. Mrs. R. Muller, Mrs. H. Daniel, and Mrs. Scotty Allan helped decorate- the- Christmas tree and arrange the party. CHRISTMAS TREE (1949, December 14). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
Johnny Hawkes, one of Palm Beach's glamor boys, seems to me to spend the ideal life. He runs a surfers' service at the beach through summer, and spends the winter living a "Bongo-Bongo-I-don't-want-to-leave-the-Congo" life at Barrier Reef. On Saturday he rescued a gent in difficulties in a moderate surf. The gent gave a grunt (probably full of sea water) and walked some distance. He came back and gave Hawkes five bob, which will be part of next year's fare back to the Congo. CONTACT (1948, October 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 1 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
Photos: Some of original Beachcombers Surfboard Riders Club members - Palm Beach 1961 near the present day dressing sheds. Note Johnny Hawkes Beach Buffet in the background washed away in king tides. The Beachcomber’s Club was underneath the Beach Buffet. Back row – Ken ‘The Blue Streak’ Mackey, John ‘Pine’ Prosser, Richard Parkinson. Front – John ‘Olly’ Oliver, Ron Turton, Johnny McIlroy (with hat on)Pearl Turton, Glenys Pearson, John ‘Beaver’ Gonsalves, Ronnie Berczelley (smoking!)and Laci ‘Hompus Stompus’ Berczelley. Note the jackets with the initials on them. ‘Cooky’ Burnes style from 77 Sunset Strip. Photos: Ron Turton.
CHINESE dishes and barbecued food were served to more than 60 guests by the committee of the Palm Beach Kindergarten at the buffet party held at the home of their president, Mrs. Rudolph Mueller, at Palm Beach last night. Mrs. Mueller was assisted in entertaining the guests by Mrs. S. Allen. Social News And Gossip (1951, August 19). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 19. Retrieved from
Birthday dances Garden lights. . .
COLORED fairy lights floodlit the garden of Mrs. R. Mueller's Palm Beach home for the barbecue party she gave in aid of the Palm Beach kindergarten last night. Chinese food, which the host cooked, was served to the 60 guests. Among them were Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Allen. Mr and Mrs. N. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Eric McIlwraith. Commander and Mrs P. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. N. Goodall, and Mr and Mrs Harold Daniels. Birthday dances Garden lights... (1951, August 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 43. Retrieved from
A GAY model beach frock was the present to the person with the lucky door ticket at the Palm Beach Kindergarten Ball last night . . .it was held at the Pasadena Road House at Church Point ... Mrs. Scottie Allen welcomed more than 200 guests . . . the menu included savories, grills and fillets of fish . . . Mr. and Mrs. Neville Goodall; Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mueller, and Dr. and Mrs. Brien Oxenham were among the guests. They're saying that... (1953, August 2). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from
Finally, in 1959 the Kindy with funds raised by the Palm Beach Community. The Gazettal:
Sydney, 21st October, 1960.
IT is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of section 5 of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, the following is hereby declared a public purpose within the meaning of section 24 of that Act :—
War Memorial Kindergarten. P. 59-6,588.
J. B. RENSHAW, Minister for Lands. DECLARATION OF PUBLIC PURPOSE (1960, October 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3359. Retrieved from
And then it was built, to a design by well-known Architect Peter Muller:
Kindergarten. Palm Beach. N.S.W. Peter Muller. 1961. Photographer: Wille, Peter, 1931-1971. Courtesy State Library of Victoria. Items: FL17626454, FL17628203 and FL16267776
Peter Neil Muller AO (3 July 1927 – 17 February 2023) was an Australian architect with works in New South Wales, Victoria, Adelaide, Bali, and Lombok. In Sydney 1953, Muller worked in his own architectural practice called 'The Office of Peter Muller'. He avoided synthetic finishes and instead used natural materials, as he felt strongly about the Australian landscape. This is reflected in many of his Sydney contemporaries.
Another local example: Richardson House, 949 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach, Sydney, Australia, 1956; Like many of Peter Muller’s designs, the Richardson House began with extensive research of the site. Muller designed this house to sit on the edge of a cliff face, seven metres below the adjoining road and fifteen metres above the water. One design key was the use of circles as the primary motif. This motif came from the form of a large rock already on the site. Twenty-nine hollow cylinders, made of curved concrete blocks and of a natural grey and green appearance, made up the main support system. Muller was a designer of organic architecture and all of the interior spaces of this design are connected and freely flowing.
Mr. Muller later moved to Marulan, New South Wales where he practiced at home in his grazing property "Glenrock". In 1962 Muller tutored at the University of New South Wales and worked as a director of the National Capital Branch of the National Capital Development Commission in Canberra from 1975 to 1977. This helped and allowed him to author 'The Esoteric Nature of Griffin’s Design for Canberra’ in 1976. Later, in 1978, he was the founding Principal of Regional Design and Research and he has acted independently from locations all around the world as a consultant for 'Peter Muller International'.
In the 2014 Australia Day Honours, Muller was appointed Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) "for distinguished service to architecture, to the adaptation and preservation of Indigenous design and construction, and to the integration of the built and environmental landscape."
Trustees appointed were published in the Government Gazette:
Sydney, 13th December, 1963.
IT is hereby notified that, in accordance with the provisions of section 26 of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, the undermentioned gentlemen are hereby appointed as trustees, respectively, of the portions of land hereinafter particularised.
K. C. COMPTON, Minister for Lands
An area of 1 rood 21 1/2 perches at Palm Beach, parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, dedicated 21st October, 1960, for War Memorial Kindergarten:—Alfred Perkins Curtis, Ronald Edgar Ogden, Neville Philip Goodall and Geoffrey Michael Cohen. Pks. 59-6,588. Government Gazette Appointments and Employment (1963, December 13). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3691. Retrieved from
Pursuant to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is established under the name stated in that Column and is appointed as trustee of the reserve specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule.
GARRY WEST, M.P., Minister for Conservation and Land Management
Sydney, 21st June, 1991.
COLUMN 1; Palm Beach War Memorial Kindergarten Trust
COLUMN 2; Area at Narrabeen dedicated for the public purpose of War Memorial Kindergarten in the Gazette of 21st October 1960. Torrens title identifier: Lots 83 and 84 of D P 14682. MN79R38. ESTABLISHMENT OF RESERVE TRUST (1991, June 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4891. Retrieved from
In 2018 Pittwater Online was fortunate to speak to Carolyn Tucker (Nee Gee) as part of the 50th anniversary celebrations for Barrenjoey High School - Carolyn was a member of the first graduating class. In sharing some insights into the Pittwater of her younger years Carolyn also shared a few insights into Palm Beach Kindergarten:
My best friend at that time was Sylvia Capel who was tall and very good at Athletics. She became the New South Wales State High Jumper. She was also a very good hockey player, in fact very good at everything. I would try out for everything so I could get in and go to the carnivals with her and see her compete.
Sylvia lives at Cromer now and is semi-retired but it is worth mentioning that she became the Director of Palm Beach Kindergarten for many years.
Sylvia at PB Kindy - Adam Crowley, Carolyn's son, has a red sailboat on his jumper.
Palm Beach Kindergarten continues as a non-profit Kindy at 1053 Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach. It remains a community that encourages the involvement of parents and family members; they are all required to attend at least one weekend morning each year to help maintain the centre.
The Management Committee is still a group of volunteer parents who fulfil duties, which assist with the successful running of the Kindy. These positions are filled annually at our AGM and are both rewarding and fun. The Committee consists of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Fundraising Co-ordinator (and fund raising sub committee), Working Bee Co-ordinator, Fundraising Treasurer
Palm Beach kindy has 29 children each day it is open with four staff members looking after them.
It serves as a polling booth during elections, a role it took on after opening that had previously been fulfilled by the Gow's-Gonsalves boatshed and even Barrenjoey House, and remains, in registered name, the Palm Beach War Memorial Kindergarten
Snapperman Beach Reserve

Snapperman Beach Reserve was dedicated as a Public Recreation Area (Certificate of Title - Volume 4061 Folio 122) and transferred to the then Warringah Council on October 5th 1927. It was then transferred into Pittwater Council’s name on 8 August 2000.
Access to the Reserve is via a laneway six (6) metres wide off Iluka Road between numbers 100 and 102 Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Pittwater Council owned the land in Fee Simple. The adjoining land on the eastern boundary is residential (Lots 12 – 18 DP 12979). The land to the west is the foreshore transition zone to the Pittwater estuary , being unreserved Crown land. At the present time the recognised boundary between the Reserve and Crown Land remains ‘High Water Mark ’ as per D P 12979.
Snapperman Beach Reserve is classified as community land, which means that it is intended to be managed for use by the community and may not be leased for more than 21 years and cannot be sold. Snapperman Beach Reserve is a narrow rectangular strip of land (approximately nine (9) metres wide and one hundred and two (102) metres long). The Reserve contains open manicured lawn, the two large Screw Pines (Pandanus tectorius ), a park bench, reserve signage and a seawall.
The western front of the reserve is a sandy beach and the waters of Pittwater and the remaining s ides are bound by residential properties. It has a predominantly open and relaxed character and nat ural beauty. This is highly valued by the local community.
In a report prepared by the Royal Botanic Gardens for the Pittwater Council 2006 POM, the Screw Pines were identified as extraordinary species because they are extremely large specimens in the Sydney area and because they are a pair, one male and one female.
Screw Pines (Pandanus tectorius) on Snapperman Reserve - more photos below.
The beach itself has had at least two names, one being 'Chinaman's Beach' and the other the current 'Snapperman. Records state that there was a group of fishermen here drying fish. A few items from the pages of the past shedding insights include:
Fisherman's garden
WHERE the Palm Beach (Barranjoey, NSW) wharf is today there was a garden kept by three old fishermen back in 1828. This bower of the fishermen was hidden by rocks and luxuriant fig trees. They had a hut and a garden in cultivation, and supplied the settlers far up the Hawkesbury with fish. The name of one of these fisher-folk was John Howard. He arrived in the transport Scarborough with the First Fleet.
Felton Mathew (a surveyor) and his wife visited the bower in 1834. On that occasion two of its inhabitants were away fishing. They found the other very civil, offering them dried fish and poultry, so they stopped for breakfast; and afterward crossed the swells in a boat to Brisbane Water. The place is shown on the maps now as Snapperman Beach, because there was a colony of Chinamen there 90 years ago engaged in curing fish for the Sydney and Melbourne markets.
The manager, Ah Chuey, was a Chinese gentleman, much respected by the residents of Pittwater. He was exceedingly fair in his dealings and had a regular price for the fish. He preferred snapper, for which he gave 5/- a dozen, but he would take other fish, and sometimes two or three boatloads would be piled up on the beach. The Chinese also had a garden from which they sold excellent vegetables to less industrious residents. The bus to Palm Beach now passes over the site of the fishermen's garden.-J.S.N.W. (NSW). AUSTRALIANA (1953, January 3). The World's News (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 1955), p. 30. Retrieved from
This is from Mr Wheeler, of Church Point knowledge - John Howard was actually who was assigned to set up the Broken Bay Customs Station at Barranjoey
The Pittwater Online News page on St. Michael's Arch/ Hole in the Wall at Avalon Beach, shares, on St. Michael's Arch a report from June 1867 wherein the storm that turned an arch into a pedestal also impacted on this garden:
June 24 – We have had tremendous weather, but, as far as Pitt Water is concerned, no damage has been done with the exception to one of our picturesque curiosities, St. Michael’s Arch. It has at length to the too mighty elements and the destroying influence of time, that which was the admiration of all who have beheld it is now almost baseless fabric-there is only about one half of the outer support left, looking at it at a distance it has the resemblance of a coloured pillar. In its fall it carried a large portion of the overhanging rock with it, a thousand tons of gigantic boulders, and in such masses that I think it will stop the ingress from that part to the cave, but at yet we have had no close inspection for the rollers are dashing to the height of the stupendous rocks. The only idea I can give of the gale is that the froth of (not spray) the sea came over Mount St. Joseph, opposite the house, half a foot in size, and spread itself down to the dam, at times shading the heights of the mountain,-its resemblance was that of an overwhelming snow storm.
The sea at Barranjoey washed away the flower garden in front of the Chinamen's huts, taking soil and all, so that the beach comes close up to their door. There must have been awful havoc in the Hawkesbury, for all the beaches from Barranjoey to the Long Beach are strewn with fragments of houses, boxes, chairs, door frames, dead pigs, hay, wheat, broken bedsteads, weather-board sides of houses, oranges with large branches, pumpkins, melons, corn cobs, and other debris, that scarcely any portion of the beaches can be seen. Mr. Conolly picked up a workbox, in which was contained a number of receipts and letters directed to Mr. Moss, Windsor. The beaches on which are the debris is Barrenjoey, Whale Beach, Collins's Beach, Mick's Hollow Beach, Farrell's Beach, Mona Beach, and Long Beach, so it may be imagined the great extent of destruction. BROKEN BAY. (1867, June 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
South Snapperman Beach
One of the earliest purchasers of lots was the patriarch of the Goddard family who bought lots 6 and 7 in Iluka road:
After William Joseph Goddard purchased two blocks of land in 1926 he applied for and was granted a Special Lease for a jetty as well as kerbing and guttering through Warringah Shire Council:
September 13th, 1926 Council Meeting: That Mr. Goddard's frontage, Iluka Road, Palm Beach, be kerbed and guttered at an estimated cost of £14/16-, on payment of half cost
On December 6th, 1926; That Mr. Goddard's application to instal a septic tank on his property in Iluka Road, Palm Beach, be granted.
W. Goddard and Sons. 29/10/27. Requesting permission to instal a petrol pump in Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Referred to Works Committee for report.
Parish Narrabeen, county Cumberland, Special Lease 26-10, Metropolitan, for jetty, slips and skids. Land applied for—about 1 rood 24 perches below high-water mark, fronting lots 6 and 7, section B, d.p. 12,979, Snapperman Beach, Pittwater. Applicant—William Joseph Goddard. Objections may be lodged at Land Board Office, Sydney. APPLICATIONS FOR LEASES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. (1940, November 22). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4632. Retrieved from
At Palm Beach W J Goddard and sons began a northern estuary enterprise in 1917 with a fair amount of boat-building and boat running experience:
An old identity of North Sydney in the person of William Rueben Goddard, died at his residence in West-Street Blues Point, on Saturday, aged 68 years. Mr. Goddard, though a native of England, was brought out to Sydney by his parents when only two years of age, so that he spent 66 years at Blue’s Point.
It was as a boat builder that he became known to the people of North Sydney, and he won a big reputation as a designer of small craft—skiffs, dinghies, buteder boats and model yachts. In fact, he was recognised as an expert in this particular branch of the Industry. After passing through his apprenticeship to the late Mr. W. Dunn, of Lavender Bay, he opened some 40 years ago, his own building shed in Berry’s Bay upon the site now occupied by Mr. J. W. Eaton's timber yards. Later he erected the present sheds, where for about 20 years he was actively engaged in building skiffs and dinghies for almost every aquatic man on the north side of the harbor, and for the Royal Navy. In addition, he designed and built innumerable flood boats for the country, inland boats for trading purposes, and fishing craft in great variety. Among his numerous clients were Messrs. T.A. Dibbs, H. H. Massie, R. J. Black, M.L.C., the late W. A. Adams, Geo. Crowley, M'Donald, and the late Robert Moodie and Deltrach.
Mr. Goddard, known to a great many as ‘Billy’ Goddard, had a wide circle of friends and nothing gave him greater pleasure then to see them trying out his skiffs and determining the merits of this or that design. But he was never tempted to build racing skiffs or wager boats, a branch of the trade he was often asked to take up. As a designer and builder of model yachts he was considered the best of his time, and he at all times took a keen Interest in the model yacht contests at Centennial and Moore Parks. He was a great sufferer for two years prior to his death. He left behind him four sons and two daughters, the eldest son. Mr. W. J. Goddard, being the well-known motor launch builder of Rose Bay. Picture: THE LATE MR. GODDARD. BILLY GOODARD. ILLUSTRATED (1916, February 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
The Goddard men were renowned in Palm Beach SLSC and were firm friends with the already resident Gonsalves and Verrills families, and were the men called by a succession of Barrenjoey lightkeepers when people were in distress at sea. In between escapades and rescue efforts, they built yachts, launches and opened a shop:
MOTOR LAUNCH FOR HAWKESBURY RIVER. A motor launch, to be utilised for passenger service on the Hawkesbury River, for Mr A Deas, has been completed by Mr. W .J. Goddard, of Palm Beach, Pittwater, and was launched on Saturday. The dimensions are length 43ft overall, 12ft beam, and 4ft moulded depth. She is planked with New Zealand kauri, with a spotted gum frame. The cabin is finished in Queensland maple. The vessel has seating accommodation for 74 passengers and is designed for a speed of 10 miles. The launching was somewhat novel as the boat was built a quarter of a mile form the water. MOTOR LAUNCH FOR HAWKESBURY RIVER. (1922, October 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
FISHERMEN RESCUED IN HEAVY GALE. ABOVE: Two elderly fishermen, who refused to give their names, photographed in their launch last night, after it had been towed into the shelter of Pittwater from four miles off Palm Beach, where the craft had been caught in a 50-miles-an hour gale. AT RIGHT: Two of the three rescuers, Messrs. Arthur Goddard (left) and Charles Pritchard. FISHERMEN RESCUED IN HEAVY GALE. (1946, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from Photo courtesy Peter Verrills.
Licence for Store.
Without hearing the address by counsel for the applicant, the full bench of the Licensing Court yesterday granted an application for a spirit merchant’s licence made by William Joseph Goddard, storekeeper, of Iluka and Barrenjoey Roads Palm Beach
Mr Scobie, L.M., said that the Court had heard no opposition to the licence from local residents. The only opposition had come from the police, the licensee of the nearest hotel and from one civilian who was not a resident at Palm Beach.
The Court was inclined to agree with evidence that there was no other place within the metropolitan area of the importance of Palm Beach where the nearest licensed premises were of more then six miles distant.
Evidence was given by Mr. Creswell O’Reilly, Chief Film Censor, who said that he had a week-end cottage at Palm Beach for 18 years and had never heard anybody there complain about the lack of facilities for buying liquor. He considered the normal liquor requirements of Palm Beach residents were met by the regular deliveries of reputable city firms.
To Mr. J W M Laidlaw (for Goddard) Mr. O Reilly denied that he was known throughout the State as an ardent temperance worker. He said he approved of licensed hotels provided they were properly conducted and also of spirit merchant licences in certain circumstances but he did not think such a licence was needed at Palm Beach
Mr. Laidlaw: When did you last have a drink?
Mr. O Reilly: In France during the last war.
The licence granted yesterday will allow Goddard to sell beer, wine and spirits at Palm Beach in quantities of not less than two gallons. PALM REACH LIQUOR. (1941, August 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from

Goddard's wharf circa 1939, as seen from Observation Point; postcard/photo.

Peter Verrills regarding this image; the vessel to the left being built is the Wongawill - the big yacht slipped on the south is the Mistral. The date of the image is circa 1945/46.

Lot 6 is where the current day Palm Beach General store is - photo is from the Vietnam Veterans Northern (Palm Beach RSL - Mark Ferguson OAM and Peter Rumble were initiators) 2016 March and Commemorative Service:
On the opposite corner:
Palm Beach Garage
Here are two photos Ray John Henman shared with Tom Gilbert years ago of Palm Beach Garage - the top one is circa 1920-1930's.

Warringah Shire Council notes show at the meeting held on August 3rd, 1926
E. M. Simpson for Barrenjoey Motor Co. 24.7.26. requesting permission to jnstall a Kerbsjde petrol pump in Petrol Pump front of the proposed garage building on Lot 21, Forssberg Estate. Referred to the Works Committee.
August 16th, 1926: That E. L. Simpson's application, for permission to instal a petrol pump in Barrenjoey Road, in front of Lot 21, Forssberg's Estate; be approved;
February 7th, 1927: Palm Beach Motor Garage and Service Station. 3/2/27. Applying for permission to erect additional petrol pump at corner of Iluka and Barrenjoey roads. Referred to Works Committee.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Jack Lewis Rigney and William John Henman, carrying on business as garage and service station proprietors at the corner of Barrenjoey and Iluka roads, Palm Beach, under the name of Palm Beach Garage, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 19th October, 1953. All debts due and owing by the said late firm will be received and said by William John Henman, who will continue to carry on the business under the same name at the same place.—Dated at Sydney, this nineteenth day of October, 1953. JACK L. RIGNEY. Signed by the said Jack Lewis Rigney in the presence of,—W. J. C. Forsyth, Solicitor, Sydney. J. HENMAN. Signed by the said William John Henman in the presence of W. J. C. Forsyth, Solicitor, Sydney. 3160—£1 5s. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore (1953, October 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3555. Retrieved from
There were other first shops, kiosks, boatsheds and small businesses along with early permanent residents and seasonal visitors thriving around these Pittwater estuary reserves at Palm Beach as the place changed from pristine outpost to holiday resort and then urban community. One more of these:
IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned applications have been received for leases for special purposes and for extensions of terms of Special Leases, under the provisions of the 74th, 76th and 229th sections of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, of the lands and for the purposes hereunder stated, and that it is the intention to grant leases should no sufficient objection be found to exist, after inquiry by the Land Board and consideration by the Minister.
Any objections will receive due consideration, if lodged in writing with the District Surveyor for the Land Board District in which the land is situated, on or before the date specified, in each case hereunder.
R. T. BALL, Minister for Lands.
Parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland; Special Lease 28-29, Metropolitan, for boat-shed. Land applied for—about 9 perches, adjacent to lots 59, 60, 61 and 62, at the southern end of 'Chinaman's Beach', Pittwater. Applicant—Willie Christian. Objections may be lodged at the Metropolitan Land Board Office, Sydney, up to 19th August, 1928.APPLICATIONS FOR LEASES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES AND FOR EXTENSIONS OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1928, July 20). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3486. Retrieved from
A few other early Iluka end of the Forssberg estate notes from Warringah Shire Council's records:
July 23rd, 1929: H.C. Sims 10/7/28. Requesting that something and be done to the end of the drain and roadway adjoining his property in Forssberg Estate to prevent further encroachment by the sea on his property. The Overseer's recommendation noted on the letter was adopted.
April 3rd, 1929; A. Muddle & Stephenson. 14/3/29. Respecting the inadequacy of the stormwater drain adjacent to Mr. H. C Sims place in Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach, and inquiring if the Engineer could discuss the matter with Mr. Sims.. Resolved that the Engineer make a further., and close inspection, and report to next meeting.
H. B. Hirst. 9/4/29 Requesting the Council to take steps to prevent the further destruction of aboriginal rock carvings at Palm Beach, Decided to refer the request to Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. on whose land the carvings are situate on (this is actually towards the north end of this section)
May 27th, 1929; C. Fisher.. 7/5/9. Suggesting that the Council erect two public conveniences on the reserve at the south end of Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach. Consideration deferred until before the next .summer season.
December 2nd, 1929: Resolved (Crs. Hitchcock, Robertson) That H. E. Rogers be given permission to erect a tent on his land in Barrenjoey Road, Forssberg Estate, on the conditions set put in the report.
January 28th, 1930; Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach .- H Holloway's letter asking, in the event of his taking over Mr. Christians’ boatshed lease, that he be permitted to erect a landing skid on the right-of-way near Mclntosh's property; Resolved (Crs. Parr, Greenwood) - That, as recommended, permission be refused.
February 10th, 1930; - That H.C. Rogers be notified to remove immediately the camp from his land in Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach
February 24th, 1930: W. Christian. 11.2.30. Resubmitting his request for permission to erect a landing wharf off the 24-ft. right-of-way adjacent to Mr. Sims' lot, Forssberg Estate. Resolved (Crs.. Robertson, Ross) - That the Council adhere to its previous decision, and do not agree to the erection of the wharf in the position mentioned.
July 14th, 1930: Land Department. 25/6/30. Inquiring whether there are any objections: to the 'granting of W. A. Peirce's application for a site for a jetty adjacent to the 24-ft. lane in Forssberg Estate, Pittwater. Referred to the Works Committee.
September 22nd, 1930: 14 and 15. The applications of Mrs. Taylor for installation of septic tank at Quirk Street, Deewhy, end Mr. J. Orr in Bayview Road, Mona Vale, was referred: to the Works Committee. 17 Resolved, - That the Inspector make an inspection of W Christian's kiosk on Forssberg Estate, Barrenjoey Road, Buildings and see whether it is constructed on the correct alignment. (Ore, Hitchcock, Austin) -
August 10th, 1931: Re F. Geddes application to make an extension of his garage at Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Referred to the Works Committee for report.
October 23rd, 1933; By Cr. Hitchcock - That attention be given at the first opportunity to Iluka Road where material has been deposited, the material to be levelled up and attended to generally.
November 20th, 1933; Emergency Belief Work: Resolved, - That £30 be voted for cartage of ballast, supervision, etc, for Iluka Road. (Crs. Hitchcock, Hughes)
March 26th, 1934: E. Raymond, 20/3/34, requesting Council to remove, or substantially lop, a tree growing on the footpath in front Roads of her cottage, in Iluka Road, which is extremely dangerous. Resolved, - That the tree be lopped by the Council's employees in conjunction with the Electricity Department.
May 14th, 1935; G. F. Ashby, 29/4/35, stating his desire to have his allotments, Nos. 49 and 50, Iluka Road, Palm Beach, and also the land between them and the bitumen road filled in and levelled, he being prepared to pay the cost. Resolved, - 'That he be forwarded a copy of the. Oversocr's report, and informed that upon payment of £6, the Council will till in and top-dress the depression on the footpath.
Main Road's Dept., 27/5/35, stating that the future alignment of Barrenjoey Read near Mr. Christian's property, opposite Iluka Road, Palm Beach, has been investigated, and it is found that no acquisition will be necessary to effect the improvement required in the existing alignment. Received.
September 22nd, 1936: Re Miss A. Swain's building at corner of Iluka Read and Barrenjoey Read, Palm Beach, in respect of which a Closing Order has been issued: Resolved, -That the Inapector's recommendation be adopted, and Miss Swain be notified that the condition of the building warrants demolition, and the Council expects this will be done within a reasonable time. (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) Resolved, - That the Inspector also report regarding the building on the opposite side of the road, which was badly damaged by a falling tree some time ago. (Crs. Hitchcock, Boss) Compare at the same Meeting- Re Mr. James Wheeler's application for permission to occupy an unfinished building at Waterloo Street, Narrabeen by using the front portion as a hardware shop: Resolved, - That permission be granted, provided the doors of the roar room are nailed up, kept closed, and not used, as recommended in the report. (Ore. Hewitt, Green)
January 18th, 1938; Main Roads Department, 17/12/37, re kerbing and guttering of Barrenjoey Road south of Iluka Road, Palm Beach, (a) pointing out that the adoption of the permanent levels of the Department will involve alterations to existing kerbing, Kerb & guttering and constructed footpath; (b) approving of the Gutter tire Engineer's estimate, £77, for the whole work; (c) explaining the manner in which the work, and what work, should be carried out; (d) stating that in accordance with its usual policy the Department will bear one-fourth of the cost of kerbing. and guttering where none existed before; and (e) requesting that upon the completion of the whole work a certificate of expenditure be submitted with a view of securing the Department's share, £66.10.0, of the whole of the proposed works. Resolved, - That the terms of the Department's letter be accepted, and the Council vote £10.10.0, its share of the cost.
March 1st, 1938: By Cr. Latham - The Council has a piece of land running off Barrenjoey Road down to Goddard' s boat shed and around the corner, and there is a lot of lantana on it. Could this be cleared? On the Engineer stating that the land referred to was Iluka Road, the President stated an instruction would be issued for it to be cleared.
April 12th, 1938; Re Condition of Mr. Goddard's premises at Iluka Road, Palm Beach: as regards a septic tank: Resolved - That Mr. Goddard Tank be required to abate the nuisance forthwith, and should he fail to do so, he be prosecuted, (Crs. Lathan, Nicholas) Palm Beach Progress Assoc, 4/4/38, requesting that the Council again make representations to the Water Board for the giving of a supply of water to the higher levels of the Palm Beach district. "Received" 4/4/38, Same, requesting that the clearing of lantana in the area about Iluka, Nabilla, Woorak and Barrenjoey Roads be expedited; (b) on the necessity for the provision of a...

Warringah Shire Council notes show at the meeting held on August 3rd, 1926
E. M. Simpson for Barrenjoey Motor Co. 24.7.26. requesting permission to jnstall a Kerbsjde petrol pump in Petrol Pump front of the proposed garage building on Lot 21, Forssberg Estate. Referred to the Works Committee.
August 16th, 1926: That E. L. Simpson's application, for permission to instal a petrol pump in Barrenjoey Road, in front of Lot 21, Forssberg's Estate; be approved;
February 7th, 1927: Palm Beach Motor Garage and Service Station. 3/2/27. Applying for permission to erect additional petrol pump at corner of Iluka and Barrenjoey roads. Referred to Works Committee.
NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned Jack Lewis Rigney and William John Henman, carrying on business as garage and service station proprietors at the corner of Barrenjoey and Iluka roads, Palm Beach, under the name of Palm Beach Garage, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 19th October, 1953. All debts due and owing by the said late firm will be received and said by William John Henman, who will continue to carry on the business under the same name at the same place.—Dated at Sydney, this nineteenth day of October, 1953. JACK L. RIGNEY. Signed by the said Jack Lewis Rigney in the presence of,—W. J. C. Forsyth, Solicitor, Sydney. J. HENMAN. Signed by the said William John Henman in the presence of W. J. C. Forsyth, Solicitor, Sydney. 3160—£1 5s. NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore (1953, October 23). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3555. Retrieved from
There were other first shops, kiosks, boatsheds and small businesses along with early permanent residents and seasonal visitors thriving around these Pittwater estuary reserves at Palm Beach as the place changed from pristine outpost to holiday resort and then urban community. One more of these:
IT is hereby notified, for general information, that the undermentioned applications have been received for leases for special purposes and for extensions of terms of Special Leases, under the provisions of the 74th, 76th and 229th sections of the Crown Lands Consolidation Act, 1913, of the lands and for the purposes hereunder stated, and that it is the intention to grant leases should no sufficient objection be found to exist, after inquiry by the Land Board and consideration by the Minister.
Any objections will receive due consideration, if lodged in writing with the District Surveyor for the Land Board District in which the land is situated, on or before the date specified, in each case hereunder.
R. T. BALL, Minister for Lands.
Parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland; Special Lease 28-29, Metropolitan, for boat-shed. Land applied for—about 9 perches, adjacent to lots 59, 60, 61 and 62, at the southern end of 'Chinaman's Beach', Pittwater. Applicant—Willie Christian. Objections may be lodged at the Metropolitan Land Board Office, Sydney, up to 19th August, 1928.APPLICATIONS FOR LEASES FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES AND FOR EXTENSIONS OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1928, July 20). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3486. Retrieved from
A few other early Iluka end of the Forssberg estate notes from Warringah Shire Council's records:
July 23rd, 1929: H.C. Sims 10/7/28. Requesting that something and be done to the end of the drain and roadway adjoining his property in Forssberg Estate to prevent further encroachment by the sea on his property. The Overseer's recommendation noted on the letter was adopted.
April 3rd, 1929; A. Muddle & Stephenson. 14/3/29. Respecting the inadequacy of the stormwater drain adjacent to Mr. H. C Sims place in Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach, and inquiring if the Engineer could discuss the matter with Mr. Sims.. Resolved that the Engineer make a further., and close inspection, and report to next meeting.
H. B. Hirst. 9/4/29 Requesting the Council to take steps to prevent the further destruction of aboriginal rock carvings at Palm Beach, Decided to refer the request to Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. on whose land the carvings are situate on (this is actually towards the north end of this section)
May 27th, 1929; C. Fisher.. 7/5/9. Suggesting that the Council erect two public conveniences on the reserve at the south end of Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach. Consideration deferred until before the next .summer season.
December 2nd, 1929: Resolved (Crs. Hitchcock, Robertson) That H. E. Rogers be given permission to erect a tent on his land in Barrenjoey Road, Forssberg Estate, on the conditions set put in the report.
January 28th, 1930; Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach .- H Holloway's letter asking, in the event of his taking over Mr. Christians’ boatshed lease, that he be permitted to erect a landing skid on the right-of-way near Mclntosh's property; Resolved (Crs. Parr, Greenwood) - That, as recommended, permission be refused.
February 10th, 1930; - That H.C. Rogers be notified to remove immediately the camp from his land in Forssberg Estate, Palm Beach
February 24th, 1930: W. Christian. 11.2.30. Resubmitting his request for permission to erect a landing wharf off the 24-ft. right-of-way adjacent to Mr. Sims' lot, Forssberg Estate. Resolved (Crs.. Robertson, Ross) - That the Council adhere to its previous decision, and do not agree to the erection of the wharf in the position mentioned.
July 14th, 1930: Land Department. 25/6/30. Inquiring whether there are any objections: to the 'granting of W. A. Peirce's application for a site for a jetty adjacent to the 24-ft. lane in Forssberg Estate, Pittwater. Referred to the Works Committee.
September 22nd, 1930: 14 and 15. The applications of Mrs. Taylor for installation of septic tank at Quirk Street, Deewhy, end Mr. J. Orr in Bayview Road, Mona Vale, was referred: to the Works Committee. 17 Resolved, - That the Inspector make an inspection of W Christian's kiosk on Forssberg Estate, Barrenjoey Road, Buildings and see whether it is constructed on the correct alignment. (Ore, Hitchcock, Austin) -
August 10th, 1931: Re F. Geddes application to make an extension of his garage at Iluka Road, Palm Beach. Referred to the Works Committee for report.
October 23rd, 1933; By Cr. Hitchcock - That attention be given at the first opportunity to Iluka Road where material has been deposited, the material to be levelled up and attended to generally.
November 20th, 1933; Emergency Belief Work: Resolved, - That £30 be voted for cartage of ballast, supervision, etc, for Iluka Road. (Crs. Hitchcock, Hughes)
March 26th, 1934: E. Raymond, 20/3/34, requesting Council to remove, or substantially lop, a tree growing on the footpath in front Roads of her cottage, in Iluka Road, which is extremely dangerous. Resolved, - That the tree be lopped by the Council's employees in conjunction with the Electricity Department.
May 14th, 1935; G. F. Ashby, 29/4/35, stating his desire to have his allotments, Nos. 49 and 50, Iluka Road, Palm Beach, and also the land between them and the bitumen road filled in and levelled, he being prepared to pay the cost. Resolved, - 'That he be forwarded a copy of the. Oversocr's report, and informed that upon payment of £6, the Council will till in and top-dress the depression on the footpath.
Main Road's Dept., 27/5/35, stating that the future alignment of Barrenjoey Read near Mr. Christian's property, opposite Iluka Road, Palm Beach, has been investigated, and it is found that no acquisition will be necessary to effect the improvement required in the existing alignment. Received.
September 22nd, 1936: Re Miss A. Swain's building at corner of Iluka Read and Barrenjoey Read, Palm Beach, in respect of which a Closing Order has been issued: Resolved, -That the Inapector's recommendation be adopted, and Miss Swain be notified that the condition of the building warrants demolition, and the Council expects this will be done within a reasonable time. (Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) Resolved, - That the Inspector also report regarding the building on the opposite side of the road, which was badly damaged by a falling tree some time ago. (Crs. Hitchcock, Boss) Compare at the same Meeting- Re Mr. James Wheeler's application for permission to occupy an unfinished building at Waterloo Street, Narrabeen by using the front portion as a hardware shop: Resolved, - That permission be granted, provided the doors of the roar room are nailed up, kept closed, and not used, as recommended in the report. (Ore. Hewitt, Green)
January 18th, 1938; Main Roads Department, 17/12/37, re kerbing and guttering of Barrenjoey Road south of Iluka Road, Palm Beach, (a) pointing out that the adoption of the permanent levels of the Department will involve alterations to existing kerbing, Kerb & guttering and constructed footpath; (b) approving of the Gutter tire Engineer's estimate, £77, for the whole work; (c) explaining the manner in which the work, and what work, should be carried out; (d) stating that in accordance with its usual policy the Department will bear one-fourth of the cost of kerbing. and guttering where none existed before; and (e) requesting that upon the completion of the whole work a certificate of expenditure be submitted with a view of securing the Department's share, £66.10.0, of the whole of the proposed works. Resolved, - That the terms of the Department's letter be accepted, and the Council vote £10.10.0, its share of the cost.
March 1st, 1938: By Cr. Latham - The Council has a piece of land running off Barrenjoey Road down to Goddard' s boat shed and around the corner, and there is a lot of lantana on it. Could this be cleared? On the Engineer stating that the land referred to was Iluka Road, the President stated an instruction would be issued for it to be cleared.
April 12th, 1938; Re Condition of Mr. Goddard's premises at Iluka Road, Palm Beach: as regards a septic tank: Resolved - That Mr. Goddard Tank be required to abate the nuisance forthwith, and should he fail to do so, he be prosecuted, (Crs. Lathan, Nicholas) Palm Beach Progress Assoc, 4/4/38, requesting that the Council again make representations to the Water Board for the giving of a supply of water to the higher levels of the Palm Beach district. "Received" 4/4/38, Same, requesting that the clearing of lantana in the area about Iluka, Nabilla, Woorak and Barrenjoey Roads be expedited; (b) on the necessity for the provision of a...
Pittwater Reserve - then Park: on snapperman beach, palm beach

Observation Point, Palm Beach, Newport Digital Order Number: a106120 circa 1912-1917, Broadhurst Image, courtesy State Library of NSW. NB: no 1917 installed fenced swimming enclosure
Pittwater Park is Crown reserve No R60988 for the purpose of Public Recreation. The land comprises Lot 7008, in DP 93682 & Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10 in Section A of DP 12979, Barrenjoey Road, Palm Beach. This too was land resumed from the Forssberg Estate or lots taken from those who had already purchased land and was officially gazetted in 1929.
Vol-Fol: 4398-7 and Vol 388 Fol 154 from the NSW Land Records shows the blocks of Forssberg land resumed - along with the lots such as that owned by Mr. Graham and earlier and later land purchasers.
Currently the Reserve is roughly rectangular in shape and has a total area of 1.4ha, has parking spaces at its north and south ends with a centralised green reserve. The north area has a parking capacity for approximately 53 vehicles. Other uses of this area of the Reserve that are associated with the Wharf functions include a bus set down area and underground fuel tanks located adjacent to the wharf. The carpark is currently utilised by the Gonsalves Boatshed for access to its premises. The southern carpark accommodates 76 vehicles in marked spaces and is accessed via two access ways to Barrenjoey Road.
Pete Verrills recalls family anecdotes about this being the place where lumber for building holiday homes and other materials would be offloaded prior to being carted over the hill.
Barrenjoey House, the first version, not the white building standing on the site today, was first built around 1920. Albert Verrills chose the land on which Barrenjoey House still stands as his lumber for building was being offloaded at the pier named Palm Beach Jetty by the Barrenjoey Land Company when bringing people into the far end of Pittwater, and what became Gow's Wharf, and stored in what is now Pittwater Park, and he wanted to keep an eye on these valuable supplies.
This published construction item confirms the existence of one of a growing number of boarding establishments and one of the names for the structure you may eat in and stay in that is now called 'Barrenjoey House' - and that it was trading at least earlier then Spring 1923:
For making additions and generally re-modelling the hotel at Palm Beach, plans have been prepared by Mr. W. H. H. Thomson, architect, who has let a contract to Mr. A. Verrills, builder, to carry out the work. GENERAL NOTES. (1923, September 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Albert's Home, circa 1919.
The original Barrenjoey House, circa 1920-1922. Photo courtesy of Peter Verrills.
A new building, new management and a proprietor and the name 'Barrenjoey House' appeared for the first time in January 1925 more can be read about the owner and course of this iconic building's history in Barrenjoey House Celebrates its Centenary in 2022.
By January 1925 the new two storey building was complete and open for business:

Enlarged section from EB Studios (Sydney, N.S.W.). (1917-1925). Panorama of Palm Beach, New South Wales, 12 Retrieved from - More in: Barranjoey House
Barrenjoey Road, Pittwater Park prior to being resumed and named as such and Ferry Wharf - Gows Jetty with Pool area shown circa 1917. Gow-Gonsalves-Verrills family photo
EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, below high-water mark, Pitt water, portion Sp. L. 1912 4 ; Ms. 3,922 Sy. Area, 1 rood 20 perches.
1917 -1176 Barranjoey Co., Ltd., 14 Castlereagh-st., Sydney. No. of Application – 1912 – 4, Metropolitan Bathing Place – from 1 Jan. 1917 to 31 Dec. 1921
Special Lease 1912 4, Metropolitan. Barrenjoey Company, Limited.—The lease shall be subject to subsections 1, 3, 4, G to 0, 11, and 13 of Regulation No. 10G (notified 20th April, 1917), and to the following special conditions:—(a) The lessees shall permit children attending any school in Warringah Shire, and in charge of teachers, to have the free use of the baths without payment on one day in each week between the hours of 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., such children to provide their own towels and bathing costumes. (b) The lessees shall have not less than three life-buoys readily available at all times. (c) The lessees shall be responsible for the proper conduct and cleanliness of the baths, and shall compel bathers to wear suitable bathing costumes, (d) The lessees shall, after determination of the lease by forfeiture, effluxion of time, or otherwise, and within such time as may be given, remove the structure or all or any material from the lanel at their own cost, and without compensation, if required by the Minister in writing to do so. ) The lessees shall, within six months from the date of notification in the Government Gazette of the granting of the extension of the term of the lease, enclose the land with a shark-proof fence, and maintain such fence in efficient repair throughout the currency of the lease. (e) A breach of any of the conditions, or the occurrence of any indecent or disorderly conduct, will render the lease liable to forfeiture. EXTENSION OF TERMS OF SPECIAL LEASES. (1917, November 2). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5968. Retrieved from
The Barrenjoey Company records of sales of their lots from June 1911 on, as well as those when the Palm Beach Lands Ltd took over show both these men were Palm Beach land owners - George William Hitchcock buying in 1923, when he moved out here, and Carl, in conjunction with the Gonsalves family, in 1926 and again in the 1930's.
Although these records, and who is in them and when, will form part of a future history investigation, it's worth putting them here in this page given the Council asked for and received another old school site atop Sunrise Hill and that this was where Cr. Hitchcock chose to live too, while Carl's venture into being a land owner placed him and his mate Frank Gonsalves alongside Pittwater Park - council's records show:
Sunrise road reserve; 4/10/1949, Resolved, - That the Education Department be requested to dedicate the former School Site on Sunrise Road Palm Beach as a public Reserves recreation area and vantage point. (Crs. McKay, Thomas)
The Hitchcock and Gow/Gonsalves lands:
This Park was Gazetted 21/1/1927, finalised 23.9.1927. The Government Gazette Notice provides:
IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the Governor, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, that so much of the land hereunder described as is Crown Land has been appropriated, and so much thereof as is private property has been resumed under the Public Works Act, 1912, for the following public purpose, namely, for the establishment of a Public Recreation Ground at Palm Beach, and is vested in the Minister for Lands as Constructing Authority on behalf of His Majesty. [Misc. 1926-13,363]
Signed and sealed at Sydney, this twenty-first day of January, 1927.
( i,s.) D. R. CHAIR, Governor.
By His Excellency's Command,
W. F. DUNN, Assistant Minister for Lands.
All that piece or parcel of land situate in the parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, and State of New South Wales, containing an area of 1 acre 1 rood 17 1/2 perches: Commencing at the high-water mark of Pittwater at the north-western corner of lot 11 of section A of the Forssberg Estate,—as shown on d.p. 12,979; and bounded thence on the south by the northern boundary of that lot bearing 90 degrees 57 minutes for 152 feet to the western side of Barranjoey-road; thence on the east by that side of that road bearing 8 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds for 278 feet 6| inches and 350 degrees 49 minutes for 126 feet inches; thence on the north by a line bearing 270 degree's 57 minutes for 143 feet to high-water mark, Pittwater, aforesaid; thence on the west by that high-water mark generally southerly, to the point of commencement, and being lots 1 to 10 inclusive, of the Forssberg Estate,—as shown on d.p. 12,979, and being also part of freehold portion 18 of 400 acres. NOTIFICATION OF RESUMPTION OF LAND UNDER THE PUBLIC WORKS ACT, 1912. (1927, January 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 418. Retrieved from
Pittwater Park confirmed
For Public Recreation.
Metropolitan Land District, and Warringah Shire.
No. 60,988. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, containing an area of about 2 acres 1 rood 12 1/2 perches. The Crown Lands within the following boundaries: Commencing at a point on the high-water mark of Pittwater at the north-western corner of lot 11, section A, deposited plan 12,979; and bounded thence by the northern boundary of that lot Rearing 90 degrees 57 minutes 152 feet; thence by the western side of Barrenjoey-road, being lines bearing 8 degrees 53 minutes 30 seconds 278 feet 6 /4 inches and 350 degrees 49 minutes 486 feet 5 3/4 inches; thence by the south-eastern boundary of lot 10A of deposited plan 13,374, and end of road of variable width, being a line bearing 243 degrees 20 minutes 132 feet to the high-water mark of Pittwater; thence by that high-water mark of Pittwater- generally southerly, to the point of commencement, comprising lots 1 to 10 inclusive, deposited plan 12,979, and the unsubdivided balance of lot 32 of the Bassett Darley Estate. [Us. 1927-9,366] RESERVES FROM SALE. (1929, February 22). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1016. Retrieved from
Also worth noting:
W. P. CULLEN, Lieutenant-Governor. 9th October, 1928.
I Sir William Portus Cullen, the Lieutenant-Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, in pursuance of the Local Government Act, 1919, do hereby declare the wharf described in the Schedule hereto to be a public wharf and vest the control thereof in the Warringah Shire Council.
[L.G. 1928-60,933] By His Excellency's Command, MICHAEL F. BRUXNER, GOD SAVE THE KING!
The wharf constructed of timber on piles about 165 feet by about 6 feet together with appurtenances, situated on the northern end of Snapperman Beach of Pittwater, Broken Bay, in the parish of Narrabeen, county of Cumberland, and having an area of about 3 1/2 perches (shown on a plan catalogued Ms. 3,609 Sy., in the Department of Lands, Sydney). *[1760]. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919. (1928, October 19). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 4563. Retrieved from
During the past five years the ratepayers of Warringah Shire have paid £50,790 of the £68,956 authorised for the purchase of fore-shores and reserves.
The principal resumptions and their costs are:- Newport Beach reserve, £9600; Newport reserve, for access to Pittwater, £2200; Mona Vale Beach, £2800; Palm Beach, £4500; Lake Park extension, Narrabeen, £1900; Collaroy Beach reserve, £18,050, Deewhy Beach reserve extension, £2000; district park, £9500, Manly Municipal Council contributing a similar amount in respect of the last-mentioned purchase.
The matter was referred to the council meeting by the shire clerk (Mr. R. G. Jamie-son), who stated that probably no other council in New South Wales could show such a fine record.
The president (Councillor Corkery) said that they could not be expected to go on burdening the ratepayers in that way indefinitely. The beaches were used by people who came in their thousands from all parts, and the acquisition of places of access, in his opinion, should be a national work. THE FORESHORES. (1929, August 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Historical notes on the Palm Beach Whale Beach Association, along with those kept in Warringah Shire Council records, show that the 1930's named 'Progress Association' first suggested a name for the park opposite Barrenjoey House, the then Warringah Shire Council records show:
Palm Beach Progress Assoc., (letter dated 14/3/35), pointing out that the absence of a notice bearing the name "Palm Beach" on the public wharf is the cause of uncertainty and inconvenience to visitors by launch; (b) on the necessity for a name for the reserve opposite Barrenjoey House, suggesting the name “Pittwater Reserve”; (c) pointing out the need for repairing and widening Palm Beach Road to render it less dangerous; (d) expressing the opinion that the building of a concrete retaining wall on the ocean beach reserve would detract from the appearance of the beach. Council's decisions were that a notice be erected as requested; and that the name Pittwater Reserve be adopted. (Per Crs. Hewitt, Austin);
Pittwater Park the view south circa 1930-1939
The above image, with its plane landed on Snapperman beach, may be related the Ailsa Craig-Brown when she became Mrs. Lee-Brown. Her father bought one of the Forssberg lots, gifted it to her after her marriage, and she onsold in 1929. Both Ailsa and her husband had a passion for flying. Tragically he was killed in a plane accident in 1934.
Ailsa later married Scotty Allen. So this plane may even be his when they lived atop this hill in what has been called The Pink House.
Palm Beach Ferry wharf and Pittwater Park circa 1938 from beside Barrenjoey House. Crowley Family records state Mr Crowley was allowed to form a vegetable garden in the land behind Barrenjoey House and did so for a few years, which is the aspect from which this image has been taken. The Norfolk pines are already in place.
Gow's-Gonsalve's Boatshed circa 1930 or 1940 - Verrills Family photos
Gows and Gonsalves boatshed taken from Carls originals courtesy Peter Verrills, circa 1939-1940
WWI Veteran Mr Gow also had other dealings, along with the Gonsalves, over the original Palm Beach Jetty, now a wharf, with Warringah Council. Their records chart its changes:
C.B.Gow 20/12/29. Asking if Council has any, objection to the granting of a permissive occupancy to C.B. Gow for a business boatshed at Palm Beach. - Referred to Work's Committee (Crs.Parr,Austin.)
'31. C.B. Gow, applying for permission to wall and fill in an area about 30' x 20' between his boat shed and garage on the foreshore at Palm Beach. Referred to Works Committee. 19/11/1934
(b) that the carrying out of the drainage of Barrenjoey Road "between Milton's corner and Gow’sbe 'proceeded with; 27/3/1933
A. Dangar-Browne & 9 others, 21/9/35, submitting an emphatic protest against the proposal to use Goddard's wharf Palm Beach at Palm Beach in lieu of the public wharf, and setting out reasons for the protest. 18a. C.B.Gow, 23/9/35, regarding condition of wharf, and stating he is prepared to repair and maintain it in a state of good repair for period of 12 months for the sum of £20, the money to be paid at the end of the 12 months. Resolved, - That the offer of Mr. C. B. Gow be accepted, (Crs. Austin, Hewitt) 1/10/1935
C.B. Gow, 25/3/38, requesting permission to take over the old wharf at Palm beach stating he is prepared to reconstruct it to the engineer's satisfaction and take over the lease from the Lands Department. 29a. A .Dangar Burne, suggesting that the old wharf be allowed to remain for the convenience of boating men. Resolved, - That Mr. Gow be informed the Council proposes to terminate the occupancy of the site of the wharf, and will Permit him to take it over provided that the public will have uninterrupted use of the wharf and he complies with whatever conditions the Lands Department may lay down. (Crs. Hitchcock, Savage)
Lands Department, 7/12/38, replying that it offers no objection to the leasing of the old wharf at Palm Beach to Mr. C.B. Gow, provided he undertakes to repair and keep it in good order and allow the public free use of it at all times. Resolved, - That the Council agree to the lease to Mr. Gow, provided he first places the wharf in good order to the Shire Engineer’s satisfaction. 20/12/1938
Reporting that the old structure of Palm Beach Wharf Beach should be demolished: Resolved - That Mr. C.B. Gow be given two months in which to complete the restoration work to the Shire engineer’s satisfaction. (Crs. Latham, Savage) 24/1/1939
Reporting that Mr. Gow has ceased his improvement operations on the old public wharf at Palm Beach: Resolved, That Mr. Gow be required to finish the whole of the work within two months. (Crs. Butcher, Campbell) 11/7/1949
Gow & Gonsalves, 12/7/52, drawing attention to the state of the Council's wharf adjacent to Gow's boatshed and suggesting that it be repaired or demolished, but if the Council is not prepared to do this, stating that they are prepared to take over the structure. Resolved: that this wharf be demolished (Crs. McKay and Berry).
C. B. Gow, 18/9/52, regarding the old wharf at Palm Beach, contending that it would be more expedient to re-build the old wharf than to demolish it, pointing out that a wharf has been at this site for about 40 years, and is greatly used by local residents; and stating that he would be prepared to build and maintain a new wharf or pull the old one down. 22. Resolved, - That he be informed that Council adheres to its previous decision, and the Engineer be instructed to demolish this wharf at. the earliest possible Opportunity.- (Crs. McKay, Berry)
CARRIED. (b) Cr. Berry moved, Cr. McKay seconding, that the decision of 21/7/52 to demolish Mr. C.B. Gow's wharf at Palm Beach be rescinded, and he be allowed to rebuild the wharf at his own expense and that the Council be relieved of any legal Wharves responsibility as to the management of this wharf. Cr. Horn moved as an amendment, Cr. Quinlan seconding, that this matter be referred to the Finance & General Purposes Committee, with a report by the Shire Engineer and Legal Officer, and in the meantime Mr. Gow be asked to confer with the Engineer and submit a proposal as to what he is prepared to do to reinstate the wharf to good condition., and the terms under which he desires to be allowed to use the wharf. The amendment was carried, and on becoming the motion, was again carried. (c) Cr. McKay moved, Cr. Berry seconding 30/3/1953
Tom Gilbert (in middle) atop Carl Gow's/Gonsalves Boatshed, 1949. Annual fundraisers were held in the park near the ferry wharf to raise funds to support the Randwick Hospital with the Carl Gow/Gonsalves Boatshed put into use as the 'Beer House'. This became an annual event: HOSPITAL BENEFIT AT PALM BEACH. The Randwick Auxiliary Hospital will benefit from a deep sea fishing and sporting day at Palm Beach tomorrow. Professional fishermen operating from Palm Beach and private owners are providing the trawlers. HOSPITAL BENEFIT AT PALM BEACH. (1950, March 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Tom: My old man always used to sing ‘Jealousy’. He loved a rum or two; then he’d sing 'Jealousy'; Cecil Bluey Gilbert. Mum used to find his rum bottle out in the store and she’d half fill it with water. Mum used to sing too; ‘Roll out the Barrel’ and ‘Palm Beach Boys are Happy.’
‘The Palm Beach boys are happy
The Palm Beach boys are free
They never tarry
For they’re all good company
Oh the Palm Beach Boys are happy
When they’re out upon a spree
But they all drop dead when Friendly says
Come and have a drink with me’
Palm Beach Boys 1920, Picture courtesy Peter Verrills
At Palm Beach (1920s) by James Squire MORGAN - from and courtesy National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Felton Bequest, 1926 © Estate of the artist. Item: Df112248

Palm Beach - made in 1926, by Sydney Long (1871–1955)
line-etching, printed in brown ink with plate-tone, from one copper plate Reproduced with the kind permission of the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia. intaglio , line-etching, printed in brown ink with plate- one, from one copper plate on thin smooth dark cream laid Van Gelder Zonen paper
17.5 (h) x 35.2 (w) cm 7/60 , published state , edition of 60 , watermark centre, 'VAN GELDER ZONEN [runs vertically]'
Signed lower right below plate-mark in black pencil, 'Sydney Long'. Titled lower centre below plate-mark in black pencil 'Palm. Beach.' Inscribed with edition details lower left below plate-mark in black pencil, '7/60'.
Reference: Mendelssohn (1979), 75; Paul (1928), 6
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra NGA 1977.9.80
The Stephen Collection, purchased 1976.
Reproduced with the kind permission of the Ophthalmic Research Institute of Australia
By National Gallery of Australia's Emma Kindred:
'The wooden boathouse, originally used as a shed for sail making, sits out from the curve of the sandy shoreline in Long’s composition, with a ramp leading down to shallow ripples at the water’s edge. Long sketched the scene sitting on the sand looking towards the mouth of Pittwater as it opens out to the Tasman Sea, opposite West Head and Resolute Beach. The view encompasses the dense shrubbery of Barrenjoey Headland, which divides the opposing sides of the peninsula. Long did not invert his drawing before etching the plate, and consequently the image is in reverse. By the 1920s, Palm Beach was a haven for popular sports such as fishing, sailing, golf and rowing. Prosperous Sydneysiders maintained second homes or stayed in guesthouses that were dotted around the beach. The Palm Beach Surf Lifesaving Club was established on the beachfront in 1921, and the boathouse that faces north, away from the beach on the Pittwater shoreline, was also built around this time. A copy of Palm Beach was first exhibited in 1926 at the ‘Sixth annual exhibition of the Australian Painter–Etchers’ Society’, Sydney, June–July (43). An artist’s proof is held by the Art Gallery of New South Wales."
Gonsalves Boatshed as it was and is today - still run by a Gonsalves:
Gonsalves Boatshed aerial - courtesy Beryl Driver OAM

Carl Gonsalves, son of Carl and Caressa Gonsalves, current proprietor, in 2013. (sorry Carl, running it again!)
Also a long term part of what was around Pittwater Park was the recently demolished fish and chip shop:
There's much more to all these Public Reserves, including the stories behind the people who were part of the original sales. A broad strokes overview allows for delving deeper into these - but first, a few more pictures, including those that are more current, but also chart the changes - for the records:

The Phoenix pulling into Palm Beach Jetty, pre 1931 installation of electricity poles, from and courtesy John Cowper's family albums.
Sailing Palm Beach, 5 January 1939, courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy ACP Magazines Ltd. Item: c21138_0001_c
Searle, E. W. (1939). Aerial view of Palm Beach, Broken Bay, New South Wales, and enlarged section from circa. 1939 Retrieved February from
Hurley, Frank. (1910). Palm Beach good general [looking north from Pittwater side circa 1950 - enlarged section from showing just planted Norfolk pines growing] [Sydney, New South Wales, Aerial] Retrieved from
Sandy Point, Iluka Park, Woorak Reserve, Snapperman Beach, Pittwater Park: 2011 to 2022 Pictorial Records
Photos; A J Guesdon unless otherwise credited
Iluka Park
South perimeter edge shows kindergarten and facilities block:
Woorak Park
sand point (Sandy Pointy): 2011 - 2022
Sandy Point foreshore, Palm Beach, 2011

Trevor Gourlay's Photos of Sandy Point, Palm Beach after April 20-22, 2015 Sydney Storm - See Issue 211

Woronora - A Dutch-style Grand Banks Schooner 100’ – on Pittwater Saturday December 12th, 2015
More in Palm Beach Sailing Club's Christmas Sail 2015 Blessed with Great Winds. More photos in Palm Beach Sailing Club Christmas Sail 2015 Album

Snapperman Beach: 2012 and 2021-2022
Visit: Hawkesbury River: 1 In 100 Years Floods - What Washed Up On Pittwater Beaches

Pittwater Park: pre/post ferry wharf upgrade (completed in 2015)

References And Extra Notes
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Pittwater Parks and Reserve Palm Beach Pittwater Snapperman to Sandy Point Research Notes.pdf Size : 1116.169 Kb Type : pdf |
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- The Mitchell Library - State Library of New South Wales
- All people, be they Nyungar or not, who live, work, visit or have any other connections to Western Australia now, use the Nyungar place names within the cartographic and geographical nomenclature of the Southwest. From UNDERSTANDING PLACE NAMES IN SOUTHWEST AUSTRALIA Katitjin Ngulluckiny Boodera. Retrieved from
- The Barrenjoey School: 1872 To 1894
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Barrenjoey House – Palm Beach
- Summer Houses In Pittwater: A Cottage Of 1916 and Palm Beach House - 1916 To 1929
- Peter Verrills - Profile of the Week
- Tom Gilbert - Profile of the Week
- Albert Verrills - History
- Fred Verrills; Builder of Bridges and Roads within Australia during WWII, Builder of Palm Beach Afterwards - History
- Lucinda notes in The Basin, Pittwater: A Reprise
- Palm Beach Jetty - Gow's Wharf - originally built in 1911 by James Booth
- Gow-Gonsalves Boatshed -Snapperman Beach
- Carl Gow’s WWI Service in AIF
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
- Reginald Howlett (Palm Beach Stores/Shops)
- Joern Utzon, Surfing In Pittwater, World War 2 Invasion Preparations, and Their Place In The History Of Two Local Boatsheds - Goddards - ABHS Meeting March 10, 2020 report by Roger Sayers OAM
- The Fearless Men Of Palm Beach SLSC's Surf Boats First Crews ; A Tale of Viking Ships, Butcher Boats and Robert Gow’s Tom Thumb 'Canoe'
- Palm Beach Wharf Upgrade (update) - Pictures Taken: 31.10.2014
- Palm Beach Wharf Upgrade Official Opening - February 2015 - Boost For Pittwater’s Boating Facilities
- Broken Bay Customs Station at Barranjoey
- St. Michael's Arch/ Hole in the Wall at Avalon Beach
- Lucinda Park, Palm Beach: Some History + 2022 Pictures
- Camping at Palm Beach
- North Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club - formation history
- Hawkesbury River: 1 In 100 Years Floods - What Washed Up On Pittwater Beaches
- Barrenjoey House Celebrates its Centenary in 2022 - updated History page records
MAIN ROADS ACT, 1924-1938.
(L.S.) WAKEHURST, Governor.
The Right Honourable John de Vere, Baron Wakehurst, Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council, and in terms of section 8 of the Main, Roads Act, 1924-1938, and in pursuance of the Transport (Division of Functions) Act, 1932, do hereby repeal the Proclamation of Main Road No. 164, published in the Government Gazette of 2nd April, 1937, No. 43, folio 1412, and I do hereby proclaim the roads described in the Schedule hereto as main roads; and I farther hereby give and notify the numbers set opposite thereto to the said main roads.
Signed and sealed at Sydney, this fifth day of April, 1939.
By His Excellency's Command,
Road Nos. and Descriptions.
Main Road No. 164. From the intersection of the Pacific Highway (State Highway No. 10) and Mount-street, North Sydney, via Miller-street (with branch from the Pacific Highway, via Falcon-street to Miller-street), Falcon-street, Merlin-street (with a branch from Merlin-street easterly and northerly via Falcon-street, and haycock-street to Militaryroad), Military-road, Spit-road, Upper Spit road, Spit Bridge (with a .branch via Battle-boulevarde, Edgecliff-esplanade, Palmerston-place and Ponsonby-parade to Sydney-road), Sydney-road, Condamine-street, Pittwater-road, Barrenjoey-road, Beach-road and Ocean-road to the junction with Palm Beach road, Palm Beach. MAIN ROADS ACT, 1924-1938. (1939, April 14). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2109. Retrieved from
(l.s.) J. NORTHCOTT, Governor. 19th August, 1953.
ORDINANCE No. 35a, as proclaimed in the Government Gazette of 12th November, 1920, and subsequently amended, is hereby further amended in clause 1 by inserting under the heading "Shires" after the words "Coal and Candle Creek Wharf, Cowan Creek" appearing opposite the word "Warringah" the words "Palm Beach Wharf in Pittwater Park, Salt Pan Wharf, Taylor's Point Wharf, Great Mackerel Wharf, four wljarves on Scotland Island".
(S. 53-787)
By His Excellency's Command,
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT, 1919.—PROCLAMATION. (1953, August 28). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2736. Retrieved from
The Land Records, Vol-Fol 3885-154 - 'Live Title Remains Forssberg' - Land Sales From october 1926 On: