August 19 - 25, 2018: Issue 372
Jordan Upton 'Jordyy_flipps'

Jordyy Flipps:
Last week a young man doing some flips on the sand at south Avalon Beach was spotted by those enjoying the early morning sunshine. He was being watched by another young man half his age who thought he was pretty good, a ‘Ninja warrior’.
Jordy doing some of his flips at Avalon Beach:
As it turns out, talking to Jordy Upton was a real eye opener into the world of local dance, young photographers and all the great things someone with a passion for dance, gymnastics and capturing the beauty of our area does when not at school - and even then too!
Jordan is also a great example of how the older generation can learn from the young. He not only has self taught himself new ‘flips’, he makes and produces his own videos and shares them on ‘Jordyy_Flipps’, his Instagram account, with followers who get a buzz out of all he shares as a real positive, AND he now has his own photography website too.
Pittwater Online News will get to share Jordan’s photographs as an Artist of the Month – a great way to see how the upcoming generation is not only embracing all you can do and share in the online world but also how they love the place they are in too, especially in Jordan’s case. He has an eye for seeing what’s around him and capturing that to share with others. Jordan is a fantastic example of how a positive attitude can create and share ‘stuff’ that brings a breath of fresh air and a smile for everyone from the young to us 'oldies'.
This week a small celebration and insight into a young man with the right attitude who is bringing the outdoors directly to everyone who may be stuck indoors!
He just makes you want to DANCE!
You have an Instagram Account ‘Jordyy_Flipps’ which is very popular. How did this begin?
When I started Dance I did more, so I’m self taught and started doing some tricks and worked my way up to doing tricks that are more complex.
You are doing your practicing on Avalon Beach, is that because you have a soft landing there?
Yes, and while there I film videos everyday to share on my Instagram.
Why did you want to do that?
Every morning it’s fun to wake up and do some tricks. I enjoy doing it, it’s really fun.
How did you learn the skills to begin with?
I started Dance when I was 6, doing Hip Hop and Performance Group, Jazz and Contemporary and there are tricks in those. From those first basic ones I just kept working my way up into other tricks.
Do you go into any of the Eisteddfods for dance?
Yes, I go in Dance Eisteddfods every year. Last year I did Jazz and this year I’m working my way up to Lyrical, Contemporary and Jazz and maybe Performance Group Hip Hop.
Who do you learn all that through?
My Dance Studio- Lamont in Avalon.
Is this keeping you really healthy and fit?
Yes, I have a lot of energy.
Where do you want to take it to, do you think you will still be dancing in 20 years?
Yes. I want to be a Professional Dancer or a Dance Teacher and maybe go to the Olympics for Gymnastics.
Have you been attending any local gymnastics classes?
I do a lot at home with my equipment. I’ve also gone to some classes at both Narrabeen and Mona Vale. There’s also a place at Brookvale that has trampolines and all sorts of equipment, I’ve been there too.
I’ve also done Highrise during the school holidays, which is like a more intensive camp. They teach you how to do tricks and stunts.
How many hours a week are you doing this?
I do about three hours Dance each week, and each morning I’m up really early and do some flips then until I have to go to school.
Does it help with your school work, make you think clearer because you’re keeping so fit?
No; I’ve been doing the splits and high kicks in class and my teacher gets a bit annoyed. I find it hard to sit still for too long.
Do you have brothers and sisters?
Yes, I have an older brother and sister.
Do they like doing this stuff too?
My brother is a really good golfer. My sister dances too, also at Lamont.
When did you start doing the flips?
When I was around 5.
Last weekend when you were down the beach doing your flips a little boy was watching you and thought you were a fantastic Ninja warrior. Do you get other positive feedback on your Jordyy_Flipps Instagram page?
People like the videos. This is one I did the other day at Paradise Beach (see below). I put the music to it too.
With the Dance Eisteddfods, do you win placings in those?
Yes. I’ve won about five ribbons so far. I won a trophy at the end of year concert too. I also won a prize where you had to choreograph your own piece – I did a Hip Hop/Jazz solo performance.
This year there’s a Talent Quest coming up in a few days. I’m doing a Student Choreography for that and I’m making it up on the spot. You can win a $150 voucher in the Improvisation section.
Jordan as part of the Lamont team - photo by Danny Osomanski
Do you do any of the dance for school representation?
Yes, I do Ballroom dancing and have been chosen by my school to go out to Homebush on the 10th of September and am doing 10 dances; the Cha Cha, Tango, Salsa, Jazz and Samba. We then do them all again, except the Samba. Then the Finals come out. I’ve been chosen for the finals in the Salsa.
Have you been in the Schools Spectacular too?
Yes, I’ve been chosen for that twice. I also do the dancing at Glen street Theatre, dancing for Lamont and dancing for School Dance Group.
I also have been to visit the Sydney Dance Company.
Wow, that’s big. How did that happen?
I was asked through the school to go there. This was a two day workshop. It was great.
So, what do you do for fun?
Mum: any opportunity he gets to go to an open class, such as Flip Out, which is down at Mona Vale, he goes. He’s going skiing for the first time this weekend.
Jordan: I’ll be doing flips!
To mum; was he doing this as soon as he could walk?
Yes, he was doing turns and spins on the dining room table from around age 2. He’s come out dancing and loves it.
What are your favourite places in Pittwater and why?
The Bible Gardens at Palm Beach. Because it has a really good lookout and you get to see everything; the sunsets and sunrises – I can get some good photographs there.
So you like doing photography as well then?
Yes, I have a photography site too.
How did that start?
I saw mum doing photography for sunrises and sunsets and she is a good photographer so I started too. I take sunrises and sunsets and plants
Mum: we go for walks of a morning and take photos. We’re like a little team.
Is mum your best friend?
What is your ‘motto for life’ or a favourite phrase you try to live by?
Do what you want to do. Be what you want to be.
Live life to the fullest.
Lamont Dance and TheatreLamont Dance and Theatre is located at Avalon Beach on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. With 4 fully equipped studio’s in one convenient location, Lamont has fast become the place to go for students of any level to develop and sustain their chosen craft. We have wonderful programs for all children to start learning and create a great foundation in dance, singing and acting.
Find out more at:
Highrise at Mona Vale
Our school holiday programs are focused on learning basic elements of cheerleading including, but not limited to, stunting, tumbling, jumps, pyramid and dance. In addition to this children will have free time to play with all of our equipment, including our jumping castle.
Our boys only classes will be a 'Flips Tricks & Parkour' day. Boys will spend the day learning how to do different skills and the day will include use of the foam pit, trampolines, crash mats and boxes for safe and enjoyable learning.
Where possible athletes with higher level ability skills will have the opportunity to practice and perfect these skills with qualified coaches.
Find out more at:,-tricks-parkour-holiday-camp