Liberal Candidate for Warringah in 2025 Election announced: Mr Dutton Visits Dee Why

Last week, Federal Opposition leader The Hon. Peter Dutton, visited Dee Why on Wednesday December 4 to do a meet and greet and announce the Liberal Party’s candidate for Warringah in the 2025 election is Jaimee Rogers, a Broadcast journalist and endurance swimmer.
Also joining Mr. Dutton was the Liberal candidate for Mackellar, James Brown.
Mr. Dutton stated in his opening remarks, ‘If we win these seats back, we win government’.
Although Mr. Dutton’s visit and statement signals the Liberals are determined to try and retake Warringah, Mackellar, and hold off an independent challenge in Bradfield that almost succeeded last time, and will campaign on the Liberal party’s strengths - economic rather than cultural ones - the media pack that gathered to listen and ask questions were more focused on the touted ‘nuclear energy’ details not yet announced by the Federal Liberals, leaving little time for the opposition leader to engage with the local community through the means of a press conference.
However, a forwarded transcript provides a few details and insights in relation to the divisions of Warringah and Mackellar.
The Liberals largely lost because of the local concern over climate change and also gambling and gambling advertising. Are these areas that you're going to be focusing on in this election?
Well, I think what families are voting on at the next election is cost of living, because as we heard before, a couple of cafe workers here on a good wage, but not a huge wage, are paying now $300 a week for a single room that they're sharing in somebody's flat, or apartment, or home. People just can't afford to pay rent under this Government, people can't afford to pay their power bills, they can't afford their electricity bills under this Government, and that's the difficulty that people are facing. I think they will be the motivating factors.
In relation to gambling advertising, the Prime Minister's promised for two and a half years to reform this area, he's done nothing about it. We offered a bipartisan position to the Government to restrict gambling advertising, the Government hasn't done that because there's a huge fight going on within the Labor Party at the moment. There's not just a rift between the Prime Minister and Tanya Plibersek, and obviously they are completely at odds with each other on environmental issues, but the Government can't decide what it wants to do on gambling advertising restrictions, and we've put forward a plan in that regard. It was there on the table for the Government, they didn't adopt it.
In relation to climate, you've got the New South Wales Labor Government and the Victorian Labor Governments now signing an extension of the coal assets in their states. We know that Premier Minns and Premier Allan have done that, and we know that that's been supported by the Albanese Government.
So I think there's a lot of hypocrisy from the Greens and from the Labor Party when it comes to all of these issues, but what I do know is that the Coalition can get our country back on track. Interest rates will always be lower under a Coalition Government than a Labor Government and we'll help families restore their own household budgets as much as we will the country's budget as well.
You're here in the Northern Beaches today – Dee Why, is this for the first time?
No, I've been here many times over the years and I'm very happy to be back, and I've got to say, the weather you've turned on for me – I think it might be blowing out a bit out there now, but it's been a beautiful day.
I'll be back here a lot because when you look at Jaimee and James and what they have to offer the community, they're genuine, They're real, and they're not pretending to be someone they're not.
The problem with the teals is that they're really Greens at heart, which is why they vote for the Greens eight out of 10 times. They haven't delivered anything for their local area, and the reality is that after the election, if Mr Albanese is to form Government – which would be really bad for people on the Northern Beaches because interest rates will stay higher for longer under an Albanese Government – it will be because the teal independents, the so-called independents, but those from the teal party, are supporting Mr Albanese. So a vote for your teal candidate is a vote for Anthony Albanese and a continuation of the devastation that families and small businesses are feeling at the moment.
The word ‘teals’ is used by Liberals and right-wing aligned media to refer to independents – it is from a mix of the blue of the Liberal party and green for a focus on environment.
Mr Dutton, you're in the Northern Beaches with two local candidates, that would have been, in years gone by, been two local Members. There are no Councillors, there's only one State Member on the Northern Beaches and there are no Federal Members in the Northern Beaches. What can the Liberal Party do to regain the faith of the public, to vote Liberal?
Well, it's a good question. I think the first point is that we've got to, as a Party, to select the best candidates available. When you look at the two candidates here, their CVs, their commitment to the local area, I think we've ticked that first box for locals.
I think people know that it's tough to get preselected, it's a tough process to go through, and in James and Jamiee, we've got two local champions who will be part of a Government which will fight for the Northern Beaches, get the infrastructure funding that we need, provide support to families and small businesses so that the local economy can thrive. Under Labor, they've been left with a failing economy, businesses closing, people losing their jobs, electricity bills you can't afford, and teals have been completely and utterly hopeless at providing any solution to the local residents.
So I think also people know that three more years of an Albanese Government would be a disaster for not just New South Wales, but for the country. We can get our country back on track and quickly with a Coalition Government, but we can only do that if we support Jamiee and James and other candidates across the country.
We know with the teal candidates, that if there is to be a minority Labor Government after the election, which is a disaster for every Australian, it will only happen because the teals will automatically side with Albanese and the Labor Party. They vote with the Greens eight out of 10 times when legislation is coming before the Parliament, and that will tell you that they're not interested in supporting the Liberal Party, they're not disaffected Liberals, they are Greens and they're Labor supporters and people should know that when you're voting for a Green-teal candidate, you're actually voting for Anthony Albanese.
The Liberals candidates for local seats stated;
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. My name's James Brown, I'm the Liberal candidate for Mackellar and delighted to welcome you here to Dee Why.
Well, we have set up our campaign office for the forthcoming federal election for the seat of Mackellar. This is a community where the first thing we do in the morning is check the temperature of the water, check the direction of the wind and check what the tide is doing. But increasingly, the first thing a lot of families in this community are doing in the morning is checking their bank balance, checking for the latest bill and checking whether interest rates have gone down. We've just come from a community discussion where we've talked about the cost of living, the pressures we're seeing on every day families, particularly as we're coming into Christmas.
I'm delighted to have our Leader, Peter Dutton here today. He's an authentic and respected leader who is mapping out a vision for the country, and that is resonating with voters in Mackellar and elsewhere across the country. They want real leadership, they want a Liberal Government to fix the economy and I'm delighted to have Peter here showing just how important this seat is, not only to the Liberal Party, but to the country as we look to bring a Liberal Government back into power.
Also delighted to be joined by Jamiee Rogers – who you'll hear from in a second – our recently endorsed candidate in Warringah, who can swim faster and longer than me and is an incredible candidate. I'm really excited to be working closely with her over the next few months as we lead into the federal election.
Jamiee, I'll let you say a few words and then Peter, over to you.
Thank you for being here.
Thanks James.
Thanks to everyone that has come out to Dee Why. We're obviously in the electorate over from us in Warringah, but really happy to be here with Peter and with James. As James was mentioning before, in Warringah, we're the same with issues of the cost of living crisis, housing in terms of letting the next generation down, if they can't afford to live within the area they grew up in and move away from their family and their support.
With Warringah, we're a new electorate. So we actually now take in 70 per cent of North Sydney. So we feature places like Luna Park and North Sydney and Wendy Whiteley's Secret Garden, the Spit Bridge, Mosman and then head over here to the Northern Beaches, where we take in Manly, Freshwater and Curl Curl. So we're a big electorate, we're a beautiful electorate, and I'm really, really honoured and excited to be the Liberal candidate for Warringah because I think right now we need a Liberal Government to be back in place to get this country back on track.
Well Jaimee, thank you very much. James, great to be here with you as well.
I want to say thank you firstly to the community members that we met this morning. We spoke to a café owner who has been in business for 32 years and has never experienced it as tough as it is today. I think that reflects what many small businesses across the country are experiencing. It's certainly what a lot of households are experiencing.
The cost of electricity is up under this Government. We know that it's 12 months ago to this day that we had promises and reports of the Labor Government's commitment – Mr Albanese promised on 97 occasions that there would be a $275 reduction in people's power prices and now we know that power prices have gone up by about $1,000 – and for some small businesses, it's up by 2-or-300 per cent. It's not just power, it's gas. Electricity is an essential ingredient into manufacturing, into a business like this and if we don't get the energy mix right, then we end up with businesses closing. Over the course of the last two and a half years, there's been a 300 per cent increase in the number of manufacturing businesses that have closed in this country. That is quite remarkable.
So we lose the jobs because these businesses are just moving to Malaysia, or to other parts of the world where there's cheaper energy, we lose the economic multiplier into the economy, and ultimately we miss out because there are more emissions operating in an environment that doesn't have the level of environmental standards that we do in this country.
I am so pleased to be here with two exceptional candidates who know their local areas, who have worked hard, who I think, will be great Members of Parliament. At the moment, we've got two teal candidates in these seats. We know that in the case of the teal candidates, they're voting between 75 and 80 per cent of the time on legislation with the Greens and Labor.
Every political commentator worth their salt at the moment is saying that the best scenario possible for the Albanese Government is that they can just creep across the line, but in minority government after the next election. Now, if that happens, it means that the green-teals and the Greens are in Coalition government, in a power sharing government as Adam Bandt describes it, with Mr Albanese. It would be a disaster for the economy. If you think power prices have gone up dramatically over the last two and a half years, if you think gas prices have gone up and the rest of the cost of living that you're really suffering under at the moment, you haven't seen anything yet because they will destroy the economy.
I think it's very important to point out that a vote for a teal candidate is a vote for Anthony Albanese because they will not support the Coalition in a minority government after the next election. They will only support the Labor Party and the Greens.
In James and Jamiee we have two exceptional candidates who I think will do a great job for the local community. If we win these seats back, we win government and we can stop the Albanese Government from destroying the livelihoods of many Australians. We can get our country back on track, and that's exactly what we intend to do. ‘’ Mr Dutton stated
The redrawn boundaries for Mackellar and Warringah, with much of the now removed North Sydney division subsumed into Warringah and the rest into Bradfield, could make for an interesting and possibly vitriolic local 2025 election campaign.
On the Monday, December 2, Liberal MP for Bradfield incumbent Paul Fletcher, usually known for his mild good-mannered approach to politics, delivered an address to The Sydney Institute, titled ‘Why Majority Government is in the national interest - and the Teals are not’, Mr. Fletcher stated independents ‘are a giant green left con job’ who were ‘perpetrated on the Australian electorate by Melbourne billionaire’s son Simon Holmes a Court and a group of other wealthy people’.
Of course, that begs the question; Are there any other politicians or political parties that have been ‘perpetrated on the Australian electorate’ by ‘a group of other wealthy people’?
He also asserted those getting around in campaign t-shirts were a claque, an imported one in some instances, which doesn't wash when people recognise their neighbours of decades in those pictures.
Mr. Fletcher’s chosen title ‘Why Majority Government is in the national interest’ also reflects on the current pause to pass electoral reforms that would benefit, and some state, entrench the two-party system of politics, and lock out independents. It has been widely reported the Coalition and Labor are collaborating to have this entrenched without an inquiry into the Bill.
Details in last week's Issue: Liberal-Labor collaboration on Electoral Reform to lockout all others – lock in just themselves collapses: Update
Nicolette Boele, independent candidate in Bradfield for 2025, was quick to respond. Ms Boele said incumbent MP Paul Fletcher’s characterisation of voters as victims of a ‘dupe’ shows how little respect he has for his constituents.
“Instead of calling us names, my Liberal opponent should listen to the real concerns our community has about party politics. People in Bradfield aren’t so naïve that they could be tricked in the way Mr Fletcher suggests. This community is rightly sceptical of his claims and attacks like this simply show how out-of-step he is.”
“People vote for community independents because they see how the two major parties fail to serve anyone’s interests but their own. This recycled scare campaign fails to understand how disillusioned many in the community are with party politicians.”
“Mr Fletcher is saying out loud what many in Bradfield already know, that the Liberal party has little respect for voters and constituents.”
“Local communities know what is best for them and for this country. Our community deserves a representative who takes the time to listen to and understand what they want and then takes that message to Canberra.”
“This is the exact sort of politics that we are fed up with. Instead of name-calling, we want action: let’s address the rising cost of living, make housing more affordable, and usher in the green economy of the future.”
That given by Jason Falinski; ‘Has the Liberal Party lost its traditional base? Two Views’ (with Michael Sexton) to The Sydney Institute on August 28 was positively illuminating in contrast, and well worth a listen/view – available on YouTube.
Academics, think-tank organisations and residents state a healthy-sized crossbench is creating real reform in Australian politics as those elected pursue the platforms they were elected on rather than ‘toe the party line’. Successful Private Members’ Bills are extremely rare - between the 39th Parliament (10 November 1998) and 46th Parliament (dissolved 11 April 2022), there were just 14 successful Private Members’ Bills. Among these are some pretty important ones though – for example;
- Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017
- Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Fair Protection for Firefighters) Bill 2011
- Evidence Amendment (Journalists’ Privilege) Bill 2011
- Territories Self-Government Legislation Amendment (Disallowance and Amendment of Laws) Bill 2011
- Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction and the Regulation of Human Embryo Research Amendment Bill 2006
Private Bills influence politics even when not successful, with parts of these and their ideas taken up by incumbent governments.
Reforms introduced by incumbent Mackellar MP Dr. Sophie Scamps through her ‘water-trigger’ bill and adopted by Labor for mining approvals have reformed mining approvals. The new laws strengthen the water trigger in the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC Act) to ensure all unconventional gas fracking projects are assessed by the Federal Environment Minister for their impact on local water resources.
Zali Steggalls’ Bill to ban PEP-11 certainly had both the major parties scrambling to claim the same.
Dr. Scamps has also introduced a Bill aimed to curb children being targeted by junk food advertising which is supported across all health platforms, targeted the logging of forests as way passed it’s ‘used by’ date when alternatives are available, while those ‘manning’ her office are now known in the local community for finding the grants, finding the solutions, finding the answer individuals, small business and community organisations need.
Dr Scamps stated on Friday:
‘’Liberal Leader Peter Dutton made a surprise visit to the Northern Beaches this week. He made his intention clear to take back Mackellar for his political party: “I’ll be back here a lot.”
One thing about our community – we know a ‘blow in’ when we see one. You can’t just pop in for press conferences, while turning your back on the way of life we cherish here.
‘’Mr Dutton opposes Australia’s too weak 2030 emissions target for being too ambitious, effectively spurning the Paris Climate Agreement. He is deserting the beaches, bushlands and waterways that make up our way of life here in Mackellar – and across Australia.
He will be back now and again. But we will be here every day between now and Election Day, because this is our home.’’
‘’As a doctor, I relied on medical experts to give my patients the best care possible. The climate experts tell us that to protect our way of life, we must bring harmful climate pollution down as fast as possible.
The Australian Energy Market Operator also tells us the best way to bring our electricity bills down is to build and connect Australian-made renewable energy as fast as possible.
Mr Dutton has a nuclear notion that’s $600 billion and 20 years away, at best. It’s nothing that protects our environment now. It’s nothing that helps Mackellar households and businesses with their cost of living now.
One thing I know from talking to people here every day. We don’t live in a world of political spin and media talk fests. We live in the here and now and we need energy solutions here and now.
That’s why I’m working for a faster rollout of renewable energy, more community batteries and a new federal subsidy for home batteries to harness all the power we make here from Mackellar rooftops.’’ Dr. Scamps stated
Before we all head to the beach, bush, waterways and family get-togethers – ‘clocking off’ from politics for a while – the news service tracked down what has been released for the Liberal candidates for Mackellar and Warringah in 2025; which was the point of the exercise to begin with... perhaps.
These are both straight from the Liberal Party of Australia’s statements on their website, and serve as an introduction and precursor to meeting the candidates across the months to come.
Pittwater Online staff fixed the typos and wrong spelling/wrong word used - eg: The correct phrase is "rein in", not "reign in" - reigning: (verb) means to have sovereign power. reining: (verb) stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins. - but have not 'edited' anything else used.
Jaimee Rogers was listed as the endorsed candidate on the Liberal Party’s Federal website, the page dated Monday December 2.
No mention of the environment, the priority issue that saw Warringah, North Sydney and Mackellar independents secure wins at the last federal election, appears on that endorsed candidate webpage – however, the NSW Liberals webpage for her does state; ‘Jaimee will fight to support local businesses, protect and enhance our natural environment, and improve transport.’
The terms ‘fight for – fight to’ were often used by, and would be associated with the resigned in 2024 former MP for Pittwater, resigned after 10 alleged sexual assault on a child charges were brought by the NSW Police force – and would be viewed as being in very poor taste by the local community. Mr Amon has denied all charges, stating he would make his case before the courts and "not in the media". The next court appearance for the ex-MP is on December 12 2024.
The Final report and maps for the redistribution in Mackellar, Warringah and Bradfield was published on Wednesday 27 November 2024. The October 2024 Maps run below
The Maps and data of New South Wales electoral divisions and the augmented Electoral Commission report are available to download at:
Those statements:
Jaimee Rogers
Broadcast journalist and endurance swimmer Jaimee Rogers has been endorsed as the Liberal candidate for Warringah, and will campaign for a strong economy, better infrastructure and services the electorate needs.
Broadcast journalist and endurance swimmer Jaimee Rogers has been endorsed as the Liberal candidate for Warringah, and will campaign for a strong economy, better infrastructure and services the electorate needs.
Lifelong passion for sport led Jaimee to a career in journalism and sports media – from hosting the WSL Pro Qualifying Series, to the Ultimate Bowls Championship on Fox Sports or jumping in to host the Women's Footy TV show. Jaimee had also worked as a journalist and panellist on Sky Sports Radio's The Big Sports Breakfast, taking on hosting duties for the summer editions of both the weekday and weekend programs, while also working in the Channel 7 and 10 newsrooms. Before putting her hand up to run for Warringah, Jaimee was a journalist and producer with ABC NewsRadio.
Jaimee competed at the 2000 Olympic swimming trials, which later led to her becoming an ambassador for the mental health charity, Gotcha4life, and undertaking a 35km swim across the English Channel in 2022 to raise funds and community awareness of mental health issues.
Raising her two young boys with husband David in Warringah, Jaimee knows how tough local families have been doing for the last two years.
“We’re seeing families having to make choices that no family ever wants to confront – as the Labor cost of living crisis, with the skyrocketing rents and mortgages, is forcing many families to juggle their household bills. Higher prices for food, petrol, energy and insurance are leaving many families to wonder how much longer they’ll be able to afford living in their current home or apartment.”
“I have always believed in putting your hand up and giving back to the community – that’s why I have put myself forward as the Liberal candidate for Warringah,” Ms Rogers said. “Standing on the sidelines is no longer an option – we need a Liberal government that can tame Labor’s inflation and grow our economy.”
“Small businesses are the backbone of our local economy, and they’ve been struggling to keep their doors open and creating the jobs and opportunities we need for Warringah. That’s why I’ll be campaigning to get our economy back on track, cut red tape, and protect small businesses and consumers.”
“I will also continue to be a passionate advocate for mental health, as suicide remains the leading cause of death for Australians aged 15 to 49.”
“With the community’s support, I will fight for the services and infrastructure that the Warringah community deserves; and ensure that our schools and hospitals are getting the funding they need.”
“A Liberal Government will stand up for struggling families and small businesses and take the pressure off households, by reigning in Labor’s inflationary spending and bringing the Budget under control. Only the Liberals have the proven track record of delivering lower interest rates and lower taxes, and the only way to get the support, infrastructure and services our community needs is by voting Liberal,” Ms Rogers concluded.
James Brown
Chairman of Invictus Australia, former Army officer and Space Industry Association CEO James Brown has been selected by members as the Liberal Candidate for Mackellar, campaigning to give the community a representative focused on delivering on local needs.
Chairman of Invictus Australia, former Army officer and Space Industry Association CEO James Brown has been selected by members as the Liberal Candidate for Mackellar, campaigning to give the community a representative focused on delivering on local needs.
James spent more than a decade in the Australian Army, including deployments in Iraq, Afghanistan and Solomon Islands. During that time, he commanded a cavalry troop on combat operations in Southern Iraq, completed a second Iraq deployment as a battle captain at Australia’s task force headquarters in Baghdad, and was responsible for operations and contingency planning for Australia’s operations in the Solomon Islands. In 2008 and 2009 James deployed to Afghanistan on an attachment to a coalition special operations task force.
After his military service, James worked at the Lowy Institute of International Policy and the United States Studies Centre before being elected as the youngest ever RSL President to lead the organisation through a significant period of reform. In 2020 James was appointed as the CEO of the Space Industry Association of Australia, leading more than 70 businesses working to enable space industry for Australia’s economy, security, international partnerships, and climate future. James is the Chairman and co-founder of Invictus Australia which supports more than 3000 veterans and helping the Australian contingent to compete at the international Invictus Games.
“While I was able to buy my first home in Mackellar, it’s something that’s increasingly out of reach for people – as households struggle just to put food on the table, let alone pull together a deposit. I have put my hand up for Mackellar to make sure that our community has a strong voice advocating for people struggling under Labor’s cost of living crisis, with skyrocketing rents, mortgages, food, petrol and energy costs smashing family budgets.”
“I’m standing up for families that are now paying tens of thousands of dollars extra for their mortgages every year, because the Labor Government has been mismanaging the Budget and our economy. Local households are seriously struggling to find the money to pay the additional rent and mortgage costs every month and it’s having a huge flow on effect for our community and local businesses.”
“Anthony Albanese said life would be “cheaper” under a Labor government and promised “cheaper mortgages”, but he has clearly failed. Families are seeing prices of everything from petrol and energy to food sharply going up – and they need a strong voice to stand up for them and their concerns.”
“Only a Liberal Government will take the pressure off households by reining in Labor’s inflationary spending and bringing the Budget under control. Our community needs government funding for critical local infrastructure that is being ignored by the Albanese Labor Government, and I am running for Mackellar to make sure that our community has a strong advocate for the services and infrastructure that our community needs,” Mr Brown said.
“Mackellar is an extraordinary place, and we are all very fortunate to be a part of the Northern Beaches community - I will be a tireless campaigner in the fight to protect its unique character.
“Our community needs someone who will stand for the struggling families and small businesses, who will fight for the funding our services and infrastructure need, and who will ensure investment in our roads, schools and hospitals.”
“Only the Liberals have the track record of delivering lower interest rates and lower taxes, and voting Liberal is the only way to ensure our community gets the funding and support it needs”, James Brown concluded.