Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program Round two Opens at Manly

Photo: James Griffin MP (left) and Minister for Sport Stuart Ayres (right)- holding an Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
Wednesday, 18 July 2018
Minister for Sport Stuart Ayres and Member for Manly James Griffin today joined Manly Life Saving Club members and President Chris Bell to tour the club and announce the opening of the Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program, providing life-saving technology to people experiencing cardiac emergencies.
The program commenced in 2017 and provides grants to community-based sports facilities towards the purchase and maintenance of an Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
Member for Manly James Griffin said access to defibrillators in sporting clubs increases the chance of survival by up to 75 per cent for patients experiencing cardiac arrest.
“Access to defibrillators can be, for some in our local community, the difference between life and death,” Mr Griffin said.
“Last summer was a stark reminder of why we need these machines in our community, with The Boathouse at Shelly Beach now providing an AED for the public.
“Across the state, the NSW government will aim to provide more than 2,500 life-saving defibrillators to local communities and I strongly urge our eligible local clubs to apply.”
Minister for Sport, Stuart Ayres said the four-year program has assisted over 400 sporting organisations provide this life-saving technology since it’s initiation.
“With over 7,000 people experiencing out of hospital cardiac arrest in NSW every year, immediate access to CPR and defibrillation at local sports grounds is vital,” Mr Ayres said.
“Clubs receive 50 per cent towards the funding and maintenance of a defibrillator, with clubs in NSW’s Far West region set to benefit from a 75 per cent co-contribution from the program.
“Eligible sports clubs and organisations can receive between $1250 and $1900 towards the installation and maintenance cost of a defibrillator.”
Minister Ayres and Mr Griffin also discussed with Mr Bell the club’s plans for the redevelopment of the South Steyne clubhouse, which was originally built in the 1980s. The club plans to apply for the NSW Government’s Greater Sydney Sports Facility Fund, which invests in new and existing facilities to improve the quality and quantity of sports infrastructure across Greater Sydney.
Applications for the Defibrillator Grant Program close 14 September 2018.
Details about applications and eligibility can be found at https://sport.nsw.gov.au/clubs/grants/defibrillator
Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program
The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program allocates $4 million over four years to assist sporting clubs across NSW in the purchase and maintenance of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs).
An AED is a life saving device which delivers a controlled shock to an individual experiencing cardiac arrest, increasing their chances of survival.
About the program
The Local Sport Defibrillator Grant Program provides NSW sports clubs the opportunity to acquire an AED package for their club or sports facility at a reduced cost.
Sporting organisations will be able to choose from a panel of approved AED Panel Service Providers and a variety of AED packaged services with the level of customer service that meets their needs.
The base level AED package will include:
- An AED
- AED familiarisation instruction
- A minimum of six years of essential AED maintenance
For full details of what a base level AED package includes, visit the Frequently Asked Questions.
AED Panel Service Providers, AED products and services are required to meet and maintain minimum requirements under the panel contract with the Office of Sport. Sporting organisations must rely on their own enquiries to the suitability of the AED Panel Service Provider they engage.
Funding available
Grants are available up to 50 per cent of the AED package in Zones 1 and 2 and up to 75 per cent in Zone 3.
Applicants can request more than one AED.
Zone Maximum Grant Amount
1 $1,250
2 $1,300
3 $1,900
Applicants will need to contribute to the purchase price and accept any further operating expenses from their own budget.
Grants are available up to 50% of the selected AED package price in Zones 1 and 2 and up to 75% in Zone 3, capped at the levels stated below.
Funding should be expended within six months of the date of signing the funding agreement.
Who is eligible to apply?
- Incorporated, not-for-profit sports clubs in NSW
- State or national sporting organisations on behalf of member clubs located in NSW, to a maximum of 10 per Zone
- Licensed sporting clubs, providing that the project directly benefits sporting activities
- Sport clubs associated with a school, church or university providing they are an incorporated not for profit club in their own right
- Councils on behalf of sports clubs
- Councils in Zones 2 and 3, for sport and recreational facilities within their local government areas
- Service clubs such as Rotary, CWA and Lions, on behalf of sporting clubs
What is not included?
Items listed below unless outlined in the terms and conditions are not included:
- Ongoing maintenance outside of the scope of the maintenance schedule and any extended warranty as specified by the AED Panel Service Provider
- Accredited CPR, First Aid, ongoing or additional face-to-face AED familiarisation instruction
- Out-of-warranty repair of equipment
- Replacement costs of consumables including batteries and electrode pads
- Replacement or temporary replacement of the AED if it is damaged or unrecoverable through wear and tear, vandalism, accident, theft or misuse
- General first aid maintenance items or equipment (items requiring cleaning and disinfecting after use)
Note: This is a general guide only. Sports clubs/organisations should refer to the details set out in the particular AED Panel Service Providers’ packages when choosing an AED Panel Service Provider.
Local Sport Defibrillator Program Guidelines (PDF, 1.87MB)
AED Panel Service Providers
Click your zone below to access a list of AED Panel Service Providers and the lowest cost of the base level AED package from each. Prices, inclusions and models vary between providers. Sporting organisations must rely on their own enquiries to the suitability of the AED Panel Service Provider they engage. For a map that shows the local government areas within each zone, click here.