Mona Vale Hospital Construction Works Continuing: March 2019 Update
More Than 370 Mona Vale Hospital Staff Providing Exceptional Service

Construction of new Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit
March 123, 2019
Mona Vale Hospital’s latest phase of infrastructure improvements are continuing with significant progress on the new Support Services Building, helipad and 10-bed Inpatient Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Unit.
These infrastructure additions will be joined by other upcoming projects including a new 20-bed inpatient building to accommodate specialist inpatient palliative care and geriatric medicine units, a new ambulance facility and improvements to the Urgent Care Centre building.
These projects follow the construction of the new Community Health Services building in 2016, the Beachside Rehabilitation Unit in 2014 and the expansion of the palliative care outpatient unit in 2013.
“It’s exciting to watch more new hospital infrastructure emerging,” Rob Stokes said today.
“We’ve recently seen over $60 million allocated towards infrastructure improvements at Mona Vale Hospital and there’s more to come.
“Mona Vale Hospital looks vastly different today than it did 10 years ago and the campus footprint is now much larger.
“It’s important that existing and future medical services at Mona Vale Hospital are provided in modern, state-of-the-art buildings.
“The process of introducing new infrastructure at Mona Vale Hospital commenced in 2012 and it’s great to see this continuing,” Rob Stokes said.
More than 370 doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and other support staff are employed at Mona Vale Hospital and this number will further increase as the ongoing infrastructure projects are completed and more medical services come online.
The entire hospital campus has been secured in public ownership and all urgent care, inpatient medical and community health services are provided by NSW Health.

Construction of new Support Services Building

Construction of new helipad
More Than 370 Mona Vale Hospital Staff Providing Exceptional Service
March 14, 2019
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes has praised staff at Mona Vale Hospital for their fantastic work whilst major building upgrades continue at the hospital.
More than 370 doctors, nurses, allied health professionals and support staff are employed at Mona Vale Hospital and this number will increase as ongoing infrastructure projects are completed and more medical services come online.
The entire Mona Vale Hospital campus has been secured in public ownership and all emergency medicine, inpatient medical and community health services are provided by NSW Health.
3 major infrastructure projects are currently underway including the construction of a new support services building, new helipad and a new 10-bed inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation unit.
A further 3 infrastructure projects will soon commence including the construction of a new ambulance station, renovations to the urgent care centre building and the construction of a new 20-bed inpatient building to accommodate specialist inpatient palliative care and geriatric medicine units.
“The staff at Mona Vale Hospital are continuing to do a fantastic job,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Over recent years we’ve seen more than $60 million allocated towards major infrastructure improvements at Mona Vale Hospital and there’s more to come.
“These infrastructure works aren’t without disruptions and the hospital staff are doing an incredible job ensuring medical services continue.
“Everyone from our emergency medicine specialists through to the hospital’s support staff are making invaluable contributions during this major construction process.
“Our community is enormously appreciative of their efforts whilst these essential building improvements continue,” Rob Stokes said.
Current and upcoming health services at Mona Vale Hospital include: emergency medicine, radiology, pathology, pharmacy, 56-bed inpatient rehabilitation and assessment, 10-bed inpatient palliative care, 10-bed inpatient geriatric evaluation and management, 10-bed inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation, outpatient palliative care, adult and child dental surgery, hydrotherapy, paediatric occupational therapy, paediatric speech pathology, paediatric physiotherapy, adult, youth and child mental health, adult musculoskeletal physiotherapy, acute post-acute care, podiatry clinic, diabetes clinic, community drug and alcohol services, early childhood services, community nursing service, chronic disease community rehabilitation services, carer support services, community aged care rehabilitation service, continence service, dietetics, outreach maternity antenatal clinic and cardiac rehabilitation.