MVR Progress shown
Friday March 15th, 2019
Motorists are being reminded that a 60km/h speed limit has been introduced as part of the Mona Vale Road Upgrade.
Work on the $140 million eastern section of the project is underway with work crews progressing vegetation and rock removal, utility relocation and site establishment works.
The completed project will include the introduction of additional climbing and descending lanes, wider shoulders, median separation, fauna connectivity improvements and a heavy vehicle arrester bed.
“This is an essential project that’s been on our community’s to-do list for decades,” Rob Stokes said.
“There’s an enormous amount of work involved in this project and its scale is now becoming apparent as vegetation is progressively removed.
“With heavy machinery and construction crews onsite - it’s really important that motorists follow directional signage and use extra caution.
“Along with all local residents, I’m really pleased to see this upgrade funded and work underway,” Rob Stokes said.
Further information on the project is available on the Mona Vale Road Upgrade webpage