Mackerel Beach RFB Captain Bob Mitchell steps down after 46 years of service to the Community

Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers had a busy day today, Saturday July 6th. Our crew attended the Mackerel Beach RFS Brigade AGM, where after 46 years, their Brigade Captain, Bob Mitchell stood down from the Captains role.
Bob is a founding member and has been instrumental in the management of Mackerel Beach RFS with his wife Christine also holding many roles over the years. In 1997, Bob was Captain, his wife Christine was Snr. Deputy Captain, their son a Deputy Captain and their daughter a fire fighter in the Brigade.
Bob is stepping away from the Captain role, but still holds an officer position within the Brigade.
Christine and Bob Mitchell
After looking through some old photos, even spotting our current RFS Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons in one from the station opening when he was a volunteer, Ingleside RFS took off for some fire boat training in Broken Bay, where the crew from West Pittwater RFS explained the boat operations.
A great day at Mackerel Beach Brigade and a great day on the water.
Thank You Bob Mitchell for your decades of service to our community.
Report and photos courtesy Ingleside RFS

Bob Mitchell, ?, ?, Ron Castle, Keith Simpson, Jan Bennett, Craig Geddes, ?, Peter Owens, Laurie Bagnall, Shane Fitzsimmons, Ingleside Captain in 1989 Rex Mitchell in light blue on the far right behind Shane - Patrick Williams front right

Fire boat training off Mackeral Beach

Hose work and a rainbow

Wallaby's at the Basin on Pittwater

Ingleside RFS Volunteers out in Broken Bay near Lion Island.