Manly Fire Station Celebrates its 100th birthday with a $2.9M Heritage Facelift - commenced serving the community 144 years ago

Manly residents are set to benefit from a $2.9 million Fire Station upgrade as the newly renovated facility reopens, marking 100 years of keeping the community safe.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott was joined by Member for Manly, James Griffin and Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) Commissioner Paul Baxter to unveil the refurbished Manly Fire Station at a 100th anniversary ceremony today. Neil Evers of the Manly Warringah Pittwater aboriginal support Group gave the Welcome to Country.
Photo: FRNSW Manly
The Manly fire station has received extensive heritage and facility upgrades and incorporates improved training facilities to meet the needs of a modern fire service.
Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said Manly Fire Station’s 100-year celebration represented an important milestone for the community with the upgrades serving as a fitting birthday present.
“For the past 100 years, firefighters have responded from their Manly Fire Station to major incidents ranging from industrial and residential fires to floods, storms and serious road accidents.”
“This $2.9 million investment from NSW Government into the station upgrade will provide better emergency response coverage for Manly and surrounding communities now and into the future.”
Member for Manly, James Griffin, said the facelift would enhance the ability of firefighters to respond to fires and other emergencies.
“Our firefighters need to be well-resourced and equipped to protect the community from bush fires, motor vehicle crashes, structure fires and other emergencies,” Mr Griffin said.
Manly Fire Station has been serving the local area from its current location on Sydney Road, Fairlight since its construction in the 1920’s. The current station configuration and facilities were upgraded to bring it in line with modern emergency service requirements.
Mr Elliott said the upgrades will allow the 31 firefighters stationed at Manly to continue to provide a first-rate emergency response well into the future.
“It is critical that the firefighters based at the station have the best possible facilities and equipment to support their firefighting efforts so that the local community is well protected,” Mr Elliott said.
“The NSW Government is committed to providing our firefighters with the resources to do this, so I am sure that local residents will be pleased to see that Manly Fire Station has received this vital upgrade.”
Commissioner Baxter said the much-needed upgrades will boost firefighters’ ability to continue to protect the local community.
“This milestone is an opportunity to thank all of the firefighters, past and present, who have served the Manly community over the years,” Commissioner Baxter said.
“The new design features designated work and living areas, a new training room, separate male and female amenities, improved recreation spaces and heritage works to restore this historically significant asset for both FRNSW and the community,” he said.
At the centenary celebrations, NSW Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott presented Station Officer, David Ford, with the second clasp to his National Medal, acknowledging his 35 years of service to the community.
Manly firefighters received nearly 1,400 requests to assist the community and performed over 900 community safety activities during the 2020/21 financial year.
The upgrade

Manly Fire Station
from State Records Authority of New South Wales
The Manly Volunteer [Fire Fighting] Company was formed in June 1877 and occupied premises in Market Square.
Bravo ! ye men of Manly,
Ye're manly coves indeed ;
With willing hearts and siuews
Ye helped your friends in need
Ye had no lack of water
To fight the raging foe ;
'Twas engines that ye needed
To lay the demon low.
Your losses taught a lesson
That struck straight home to each ;
And quickly there assembled
The men of Manly Beach.
They sank all petty quarrels,
And rowed in the same boat,
Morris, and Woods, and Thornton,
And other men of note.
Nem. con., they all decided,
While yet their blood was warm,
To buy an Engine for themselves,
And a Fire Brigade to form.
Of Torning they took counsel,
Who counselled them right well,
For of many a fire has Torning's band
A good account to tell.
And now ye have an Engine,
Work it with willing hands
Whenever sad occasion
Its services demands.
When next within your little town
The cry of " Fire " is heard,
Ye 'll do your duty, Manly men,
Punch pledges now his word.
A MANLY SONG. (1877, June 9). Sydney Punch (NSW : 1864 - 1888), p. 8. Retrieved from
They also soon had a band:
Manly Fire Brigade.
The first public performance of the band belonging to the Manly Fire Brigade was given on Saturday after-noon, and the residents of this delightful watering hole are to be congratulated on the success of the brigade in forming so attractive an institution. The band has only been in existence a few months, yet through the able tuition of Mr. W. H. Hedges, excellent progress has been made. The band after marching to and from the Lagoon Bridge, played for some time on the verandah of Mr. Reinford's Hotel, in the presence of a large number of visitors from Sydney, as well as residents in the township. Manly Fire Brigade. (1878, December 30). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
From earlier in 1878, this report shows the first Mayor of Manly, Thomas Rowe, father of Harry Ruskin Rowe of Ruskin Rowe, the street, of Avalon Beach (4., 5.). The Municipality of Manly was first incorporated on 6th of January 1877. Manly Council met for the first time on February 15th 1877 :
Yesterday evening the ceremony of christening the engine of the Manly Volunteer Fire Brigade was performed at the residence of the captain. It may be remembered that about a year ago a disastrous fire occurred at Manly Beach, and that on the following day a meeting was held at which it was resolved that a local fire brigade should be formed. Subscription lists were distributed, and the pecuniary feature of the movement was greatly aided by a very successful concert held shortly afterwards. Subsequently the matter was placed in the hands of the Corporation. After some delay a brigade was at length formed, an engine purchased, and a house built for it in tho Market-square.
The brigade is under the command of Captain Rowe, Mr. Adrain being superintendent ; Mr. H. Wood, jun., foreman ; and Mr. Pomfrey, second foreman. The engine is a manual one, of small size, but powerful, supplied with hose-reel, some hundred feet of piping, with buckets, tanks and all necessary paraphernalia. The engine-house is constructed of galvanized iron, and it surmounted by a bell. At the rear there is a well of water.
The local company invited the Sydney brigades to unite with them, and celebrate the christening of the engine in a festive manner. About fifty members of the Nos. 1, 2, end 3 Svdney, Newtown and Camperdown, the Glebe, and the Woollahra Volunteer Fire Companies, with several members of the Insurance Fire Brigades, responded to the invitation, and were conveyed to Manly Beach by the steamer Royal Alfred, and they were accompanied by the Volunteer Artillery Brigade Band. On their arrival at the wharf at Manly Beach they were met by Captain Rowe and the members of his fire company, and they proceeded to the engine-house to inspect the engine. At 8 o'clock, the members of the different companies having formed themselves in procession with the engine decorated in front, and torches having been lighted, they marched through the principal streets, the band playing various enlivening airs. Captain Rowe, on horseback, led the procession. A considerable crowd followed the fire men, and altogether tho event caused quite an excitement in the quiet little borough. After promenading the streets for some time the procession moved to the residence of Captain Rowe, where the firemen were drawn up.
Miss May Rowe was then called on by superintendent Camb to perform the christening ceremony, and this the little maid duly accomplished by breaking a bottle of champagne over the wheel of the engine, naming it "The Blanche." after her elder sister, the name which the Fire Brigade had requested should be given to it. Cheers having been given for Captain Rowe and the brigade, the procession was reformed and marched to the pavilion. Here refreshments were partaken of by the firemen.
Afterwards superintendent Camb proposed '" Success to Captain Rowe and the Manly Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade." The toast was drunk enthusiastically. Captain Rowe responded on behalf of himself and the company, and expressed their gratification at seeing so many of their Sydney friends present at the christening of their engine. Though a small one, the time would doubtless come when a steam engine would be required, for Manly Beach was doubtless destined to be a great place. He thanked them heartily for their kindness in coming down to Manly Beach on the present occasion. He concluded by proposing the health of their visitors. The toast was acknowledged by Mr. Bird (fore-man of No. 1 Company), superintendent Lane (of the Newtown and Camperdown Fire Brigade), Mr. Barnard (for the Woollahra Brigade), Mr. Fenton (superintendent the Glebe Company), Mr. Dobson (No. 3 Company). Success to the Blanche" was proposed by Mr. Camb; and the chairman having given "The Queen," which was duly honoured, - and cheers given for the Manly Brigade, the firemen quitted the pavilion and marched to the engine house, where the engine was housed with éclat, end cheers given for the local brigade. The visitors were then escorted to the Royal Alfred, and returned to the city, spending their time by the way in a very jovial manner in singing songs. MANLY BEACH FIRE BRIGADE. (1878, July 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Col. Thomas Rowe, from album ''Eminent citizens [of] New South Wales, 1850-1900'', Item; a1304047 courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales
Interestingly Andrew Torning, who founded the NSW Volunteer Fire Brigade in 1857, was living in Manly at the time of his death on April 13th 1900.
Andrew Torning and Eliza (Crew) Torning, who came to Australia in October 1842 aboard the "Trial" travelling from Portsmouth via Rio de Janeiro. They made their mark on early Sydney town through the theatre and fire fighting. Mr. Torning was an English-born actor, dancer, choreographer, scenic artist, entrepreneur, theatre decorator, director, producer.
One of the most versatile theatre practitioners of the 19th century, Andrew Torning made his Australian debut in Sydney in 1842. He went on to choreograph and arrange pantomimes at the Royal Victoria Theatre for more than 10 years; painted scenery at several Sydney theatres (including the 1870 production of Kodad); and redecorated the Royal Victoria (1843 and 1872) and Queens Theatre (1875). As an entrepreneur Torning owned the Royal Hotel (1851) and became lessee of the Royal Victoria (1854-55) and Prince of Wales (1855).
Corner of George and Hunter Streets, ca. 1849 by Andrew Torning - Item; a1528487h, courtesy Dixson Galleries, State Library of New South Wales
He and his family left Sydney in 1858 for San Francisco where he took American citizenship and joined the local Fire Brigade. When he returned to Sydney in 1867, he was elected as superintendent of the Australian Volunteer Fire Company No 1.
He was buried in the Independent Old Ground Section of Rookwood Cemetery.
It will be learned with regret by a large number of friends that Captain Andrew Torning died at the residence of his daughter at Manly on Friday last, the immediate cause of death being congestion of the lungs. The deceased, who at the time of his death was in his 86th year, had been a resident of Cowper-street, Waverley, for a number of years, and was well known as the founder of the old Royal Prince Alfred Volunteer Fire Brigade, No 1.
Captain Torning was also energetic in other walks of life. He held the office of deacon of the Pitt-street Congregational Church for several years, and also took a deep interest in the Freemasonry craft. It is now 45 years since he founded the old company which has since done much useful work in extinguishing fires in the city. He was the first president of the Volunteer Firemen's Association, and was also the first representative of that body on the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board in the years 1884-5. Since that date the deceased has taken a less active interest in the work.
The funeral, which took place at Rookwood yesterday, was thoroughly representative. The remains of the late captain were conveyed by steamer from Manly to Circular Quay, where they were met on arrival by representatives of the Volunteer Firemen's Association. The body was carried on the deceased's old pioneer engine. Upon arrival at Rookwood the procession was joined by the Volunteer firemen from the western suburbs and the Rookwood manual upon which the coffin was conveyed to the grave. The service at the grave was read by the Rev. E. Tremayne Dunstan. The Masonic funeral ceremony was also read. Amongst those present were Superintendent Webb (Metropolitan Fire Brigade), Captain Love (president of the Volunteer Firemen's Association), Captain Small-wood (vice-president), Captain G. Broadhurst (secretary), Captain Walsh (treasurer), Messrs. Hyam Hains and Kippax, two of the deceased's late comrades in the Prince Alfred Brigade. About 90 fire-men also formed in the procession. The deceased leaves a married daughter, six grandchildren, and 19 great grandchildren. DEATH OF MR. ANDREW TORNING. (1900, April 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
Andrew Torning. Photo: courtesy NSW State Records and Archives
The Manly Company was registered with the Metropolitan Fire Board in 1886 as Station No.24.
Fire Brigades' Demonstration.
The torchlight procession in connection with the annual Fire Brigades Demonstration was held on Monday evening, November 8= Shortly after 7 o'clock the firemen began to assemble in the vicinity of Governor Bourke's Statue, at the Macquarie-street entrance to the Domain, and by 8 o'clock a dense crowd of people thronged the gates, which had been specially opened to admit of the ingress and egress of the procession. The firemen got into their maces, and at 20 minutes past 8 o'clock, headed by Marshal Torning, whose silver-plated helmet and gorgeous uniform made him a conspicuous figure, passed through the gates.
The Tasmanian Champion Band, which followed, boasts a drum major who was, from a spectacular point of view, ' a thing of beauty and a joy for ever.' Raising his stick, immediately the night became noisy with the strains of half a dozen bands playing half a dozen different tunes. Passing through the gates, the procession turned toward King-street, the following being the order of succession : —
Body of police under the supervision of Sub-Inspector G. Hyam, Captain Torning (marshal), Captain Lane (chairman of the executive committee), Superintendent Crawford (Victoria), Captain Taylor (Manly), and Mr. J. Marsh (secretary of the demonstration committee). Then came the Launceston (Tasmania) Champion Braes Band, number-ins 25 performers, under Bandmaster Harrison.
Following the band came the South Australian and New Zealand representatives, including brigades from New Plymouth, Dunedin, and Namer. The Victorian contingent came next, and consisted of the undermentioned brigades :— Kensington and Flemington, Clunes, Sandhurst City, Maryborough, Ballarat City, Fitzroy Temperance, Sandhurst Temperance, Newtown and Chilwell, Prahran City, Footscray Temperance, South Melbourne, Kangaroo Flat, Eaglehawk, Benalla, Kew, South Yarra, Richmond City, Albion, Donald, Kerang, Port Melbourne, No. 1 Sandhurst, Coburg, Fitzroy, Richmond, Creswick, Yarraberg, Beechworth Volunteer, North Fitzroy, Carlton Volunteer, Caulfield, Clunes Salvage, Yorkshire Brewery, East Melbourne, Geelong, St. Kilda No. 1, Golden-square, North Melbourne, Geelong West, Castlemaine, Collingwood Union, Victorian Railways, Abbotsford, Simpson's-road, Long Gully, Tarradale, St. Kilda No. 2, and Sale.
The New South Wales brigades came next in the following order: —
South Sydney No. 4, Parramatta No. 1, Parramatta No. 2, Glebe, Standard Brewery, Mount Lachlan, Granville, Manly, Newtown, St. Leonards, Goulburn, Albury, West Maitland, Newcastle Hose and Reel, Woollahra No. 2, Government Printing Office, Alexandria, Honeysuckle, Woollahra No. 1, Orange, Theatre Royal, Burwood, Parkes, Corowa, Newcastle City, Temora, Wollongong, Wagga Wagga, Paddington, Balmain, Paddington Brewery, and Redfern.
It should be mentioned that the several brigades balloted for the positions which they assumed in the line of march. The official statement proves over 2000 men taking part in the procession. Macquarie-street presented a very animated spectacle, all the balconies along the lino of route being filled with, for the most part, ladies, whose white summer dresses were dyed pink and blue by the changing lights that were burned in the procession. King-street too was massed with people, and from George-street looking up the hill the lines of fretted fire, and the reflected light from the houses on either side with crowded windows and verandahs, made a very brilliant spectacle. The tram traffic had for a time been checked, and so had the 'bus traffic in George-street. Here at the junction with George-street the 'buses and cabs were banked up, the roofs of the former hidden by the number of people crammed upon them.
As the head of the procession passed the Royal Arcade the Association of Federated Seamen came to the windows of one of the upper rooms of the arcade,, where they were holding a meeting, and gave the procession a cheer, to which a hearty response was given. On amid thumping of drums, crackling of fireworks, whizzing of rockets, and in an all-pervading odour of petroleum and naphtha, the exceedingly self-conscious redcoated, brass-helmeted fire-fighters mode their way, with delighted bands of skirmishing urchins ' hoorahing ' and making wild dashes among the brave warrior's legs. At the Waxworks, where the patient digger in the window was still in a paralytic state of astonishment at discovering a nugget, some red fire was burned from the window of the chamber of horrors, and everybody noting the remarkable appropriateness of the compliment, cheered lustily, whilst the trombones were blown still more vehemently, and the drums were thumped with renewed vigour. More smoke, fire, and brimstone till the Haymarket was reached, and here the men began to twine in and out and cross and re-cross, till the tips of flame seen from a distance appeared, to be woven into a fantastic scarf of fiery lace. The terminus of the march was the No. 2 Metropolitan Fire Station, where some of the Sydney men drew up and gave three hearty cheers for the visitors, to which cheers were given in response, and the Tasmanian Champion Band played 'God Save the Queen.' The suburban brigades marched to the railway station, where, after their bands had played the National Anthem, the lights were put out, and the men returned to their homes.
1. A Friendly Group. 2. 'Tripping it' in the Exhibition Building. 3. The Torchlight Procession. 4. Reel Practice. THE FIRE BRIGADES' DEMONSTRATION. Fire Brigades' Demonstration. (1886, November 20). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 1050. Retrieved from
At the yearly meeting of the Manly Volunteer Fire Brigade tbe secretary read the annual report and balance-sheet, which were adopted. The chairman stated that the club had not met with the amount of public support aud encouragement it might justly expect from the residents, yet he hoped they would, now that they bad properly established themselves, be more genorously recognised than tbuy had been in the past. The election of office-bearers then took place, which rosulted as follows : — D. Taylor, superintendent ; D. Morton, foreman ; F. G. Gold, assistant-foreman ; W, A. Oram, hon. secretary ; G. Rowald, hon. treasurer ; G. E. Thorne, engine-keeper; D. Taylor, F. G. Gold, trustees ; J. Carter, collector.MANLY FIRE BRIGADE. (1886, February 15). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved from
The Manly volunteers owned the premises from which the brigade operated in 1895.
A new station in Sydney Road opened February 25th 1898 although it did not have its official opening until March of that year.
The Superintendent of the Metropolitan Fire Brigade (Mr. W. D. Bear) is at present engaged in inspecting the volunteer stations which come under the supervision of the Fire Brigades Board. Last night he paid a visit to the Manly fire station, and was favourably impressed by what he saw. He held a meeting of the men, and examined the appliances, which he found in good order. The Manly station is at present situated in an out of the way place, and it is proposed to erect a building on a new site. The building as it is is complete and well kept. Below there is a Shand Mason manual engine of good type, and a reel, the length of hose available being 800ft. On the top floor there is a fine recreation room and quarters for the caretakers and two call boys. The station is connected to the Manly Exchange by telephone, No. 22, and the alarm is spread by the ringing of a bell. Fortunately for the residents there has not been anything like a big fire for 18 months, the only call during 1896 being for a bush fire. There are 18 members in the brigade, and the officers are : — Captain W. Ray ; first lieutenant, J. Scully ; second lieutenant, M. Curran ; secretary, E. W, Quirk treasurer, A. Wilkinson. MANLY FIRE BRIGADE. (1897, January 26). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 3. Retrieved from
1882 Horse-drawn Shand, Mason & Co. steam fire engine. Photo: AlfvanBeem
The recently completed fire station for the use of the Manly Volunteer Fire Brigade was opened last night by Mr. Dugald Thomson, the member for the district. The new building is situate in Fountain-street, directly opposite the police station, and is a decided ornament to 'The Village.' The station was last night ablaze with lanterns, and was also nicely decorated with bunting and greenery — even the lookout tower was so ornamented. At 8 o'clock Mr. Thomson, by putting into motion the machinery for the purpose, threw open the large front doors, when the local brigade was discovered ready mounted on the manual. Visiting officers from the city and suburban brigades were also present. Mr. Thomson, in a brief speech, declared the premises ready for occupancy by the local fire fighters. Captain W. Kay, on behalf of the Manly Fire Brigade, then presented Mr. Thomson with a silver key, as a memento of the event. After inspecting the new edifice (some visitors even climbing the look-out), an adjournment was made to Mrs. Fallon's Steyne Hotel, where an excellent repast, served in Mrs. Fallon's best manner, was partaken of. Mr. D. Thomson was chairman, and Mr. B. Clark, M.L.A., occupied the vice-chair. A long toast list was gone through, those honored being 'The Queen,' ‘The New Fire Station,' 'Fire Brigades Board.' 'Builders and Architects,' 'Manly Council,' ' Volunteer Firemen’s Association,' 'Parliament,' 'The Press,' and the 'Chairman.' Among the speakers were Messrs. D. Thomson and E. M. Clark, Aldermen Passau (Mayor of Manly), E. W. Quirk (secretary to the brigade), C. C. Tucker, Neville W. Montague, and W. H. Fletcher, Captain W. Kay, Captain Love (president Fire Association), Captain Tuck, and Messrs. W. Taylor, A. Ogden, Wilson, Pritchard, Van Wesen, J. Duncan, and T. M'Kelvey. Excellent music was rendered during the evening by the P. and O. Quintette Band, and some capital songs were given by Messrs. Harrold and Jensen, two patriotic songs by the latter especially hitting the taste of the audience. A pleasant evening was closed by the playing of 'the National Anthem.' MANLY FIRE STATION. (1898, March 10 - Thursday). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 6. Retrieved from
By 1903 Manly had partially-paid staff (1). The first permanent staff were appointed in 1912. By 1914 it was apparent upgrades were needed:
The Fire Brigade Commissioners have informed the Manly council that they propose to visit the municipality for the purpose of dealing with the question of fire protection. The Mayor stated that the present conditions were most unsatisfactory. The council was asked to pay another £50 subsidy, making the total amount £450 a year and they had only an obsolete apparatus, no better than 20 years ago.MANLY FIRE BRIGADE. (1914, January 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
A 40 h.p, Simonis motor turbine engine, which has just been Installed at the Manly fire station, and which had its "baptism" of fire at an outbreak at the Grand Pier Hotel on- Saturday night. .Hitherto, the Manly brigade has been a volunteer body, but under the new regime, which has Just come into operation, It consists of two permanent men, five partially-paid men, and four honorary volunteers. The new engine, which is capable of an average speed of 40 miles an hour, is the most up'-to-date of Its kind in the State. Specially designed, for suburban and country work, it to fitted with a 30ft. Pretoria ladder, three scaling ladders, and a powerful turbine pump capable of delivering 350 gallons of water per minute. The ' officer-in-charge is First-class Fireman' Henry Bulloch, who for the past 51/2, years has been connected with the metropolitan headquarters, portion of the time in control of the motor fire engines. MANLY'S NEW FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT. (1914, December 7). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from
A new station on the corner of Sydney Road and Thornton Street opened on August 17th 1921 (2).
Owing to the rapid growth of Manly during recent years, It has been found necessary to do away with the antiquated village fire station, and to erect a modern building fitted with the latest fire-lighting appliances. The work of building the new fire station has been commenced, and the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone was performed last week by Mr. E. H. Farrar, M.L.C., president of the Board of Fire Commissioners. The building will be constructed of brick on stone and concrete foundations, and will contain the following accommodation: Engine-house with double entrances, watch room and office, billiard-room, and a single men's room and storage apartments on the ground floor. The first and second floors provide four sets of self-contained living quarters, each comprising living-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, pantry, and bathroom, etc., with enclosed balconies in front. Two sets of complete laundries are situated on the roof, with a large drying lint adjoining. The plans and specifications were prepared by the board's architects, Messrs. Spain and Cosh, under whose supervision the work of erecting the building is being carried out by Mr. W. M. Martin, builder. BUILDINGS AND WORKS. MANLY FIRE STATION. (1920, December 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
In 2000 the station address was 128 Sydney Road, Fairlight (3).
The 2021 upgrade works being finished in this station premises centenary year follows on from the Narrabeen Fire Brigade Celebrations of its 100th Anniversary in 2020 where Manly MP James Griffin represented the Government and the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, The Hon. David Elliot MP, also attended to pay respects and commemorate the occasion.
The old Manly fire station was sold at auction for £5500 and, although early history books say it was demolished, this structure was eventually the home of the Manly Daily. The building behind the facade was demolished in 1977 – the centenary of its construction – as part of the redevelopment of the Manly Daily site.
- Annual Report 1903 p.12
- Colin Adrian, Fighting Fire A Century of Service 1884-1984, p.253
- NSW Fire Brigades website: Copy on State Records File 00/384
- Shopping And Shops In Manly: Sales Times From 1856 To 1950 For A Fishing Village
- VP Day 2019: Anthony Thomas Ruskin Rowe, Spitfire Pilot (1919 To 1943) - Who Defended Darwin and His Mate: An Avalon Beach and Pittwater Hero
- Sydney's Fire-Fighters - The Work and History of the N.S.W. Fire Brigade (1923, October 10). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 8. Retrieved from