January 19 - 25, 2020: Issue 434
Mark Trollope: New South Wales Rural Fire Service Volunteer
When Mark Trollope agreed to provide a few insights into his deployments as a Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade volunteer during the 2019-2020 bushfire season, which commenced for many Firies on July 1st 2019 and is still going, while the 2018-2019 fire season closed on April 30th 2019, the proviso was we include insights into what every other of the 17 NSW RFS Brigades in our area have been doing and ensure Readers understand they have been backed up by every other emergency service agency and many others - their fellow NSW RFS Brigades across the state, NSW Police and Ambulances services, Fire & Rescue units, the SES, Marine Rescue NSW and Surf Life Saving NSW, all of which have sent trained people and equipment into fire zones, the Wildlife Carers and those who have been making pouches for injured animals, the people in the towns they have been to providing food and shelter, the fundraisers that have sent food and water into firegrounds for people and animals, the family members waiting anxiously at home, the Australian Defence Forces.
It is often said of our fire fighters that when everyone else is running away from danger, they run into it. By Christmas 2019 NSW RFS Strike Teams in the East Region had 'run towards danger' 792 times.
There are four NSW RFS Regions, and a large area in New South Wales that is not a NSW RFS Region - they went in there too, supporting their fellow brigades.
A single NSW RFS Strike Team comprises five fire trucks and a Strike Team Leader's vehicle, all filled with firefighters - sometimes five Strike Teams have been sent into one Fireground, up to 100 people of the 1200 local volunteers. Most of our NSW RFS Brigades have been on rolling deployments (24/7), day after day, for five months now.
This NSW RFS document shows you an overview of Fireground Organisation - This NSW RFS document shows you the four NSW RFS Regions.
To convey the enormity of what the 17 brigades have been doing and have done their social media posts, if they have a platform for those, was enlisted. Even those who do not have social media are there among the mix, as part of teams that have worked together as one. These platforms are used by the Brigades to assure loved ones at home they are safe, to communicate urgent fire warnings to communities, to share vision of 70 metre flame walls or explain back-burning operations, to thank those who have made donations of equipment or provisions, to educate, to share the cards and messages from children, but mostly to exhort residents to ensure their Fire Plan is up to date.
The messages of reply this 2019-2020 have not just come from those in our area - there have been an inundation of 'thank you's from those whose homes they have saved. This Winter-Spring-Summer the community has been all of us.
In honouring Marks' proviso Readers will find the Brigades posts, images and videos overlap each other. It's a very very long page, yet still just 'tip of the iceberg' stuff - an overview which meets in many places with some variations in the 'character' of each Brigade.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
Whilst Tumble7 and Tumble1 will remain in shed today unless paged out, Tumble are crewing Duffys9 and composite on Candle1 as part of the Northern Beaches strike team heading to Katoomba. This strike team is E19/792 - the 792nd strike team to deploy from Region East this year....
Newport Surf Life Saving Club: January 4, 2020: Newport SLSC is representing Sydney Northern Beaches Branch again this weekend. With several bush fires out of control up and down the state the Rural Fire Service has again requested help from Surf Life Saving. Newport has members who have volunteered to assist with evacuations on jet skis down the South Coast for the areas that are only accessible via water as well as having members answer phones at the State RFS headquarters providing information on road closures and going fire issues. Thank you to all the Surf Life Saving members volunteering this weekend!
What do you do for work Mark?
After a long career in teaching, I am now the General Manager of The Highgate Group, which is a company based locally in Warriewood. It designs, installs, services and inspects adventure leisure products, as well as gymnastics products.
How did you get involved at Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade?
While teaching at Pittwater House, a superb local school with a real recognition of the value of service, I noted a large group of young people at the Avalon Market day, all dressed in a yellow uniform. It turned out that they were members of the Northern Beaches local RFS Cadet Brigade. It struck me that this might align well with the school’s existing Army Cadet unit and further support the existing service opportunities in place.
After a conversation with the adult leaders things grew from there and with support from the Northern Beaches Fire Control team and was put in touch with the Captain at Tumbledown Dick RFS Brigade, John Watson and my training began so I could better help the creation of the cadet unit at Pittwater House. Things for me just grew from there.
What were you teaching at Pittwater House?
At Pittwater House I was the Head of the Grammar School, which meant I was responsible for the boys in the school. Pittwater House is somewhat unique and recognises that boys and girls learn and grow with differing needs and as such, offers a gender differentiated approach to their education within a very nurturing and family-orientated community. This commences with the younger children being apart for a large percentage of their lessons and then progressively integrating together in the classroom as they become older and their learning needs evolve.
The RFS Cadet Unit – did the students like getting involved in that?
Yes, they really enjoyed it and it gave them a potentially lifelong skills set that would be valuable within their communities. We were very fortunate to have the support of a number of the local brigades in the District - in particular Beacon Hill, who were very generous with their time and involvement. We also received a huge amount of ongoing assistance and guidance form Inspector George Sheppard and District Officer Alex Chesser, from the Northern Beaches District Fire Control Centre. Within two years 6 of our more senior students had qualified for their Bush Firefighting Award, which is the entry award for all operational RFS firefighters.
What does the Training involve?
To start with, and it’s changed a little since I joined 4 years ago, you do your entry level training which is Bush Firefighting Award. Should you wish, you then move onto higher levels and more specialist training.
Very briefly, the initial training comprises of a 50:50 mix of online modules and tests and practical training and assessment, both through your brigade and at District level. Further training courses and skills can range from Breathing Apparatus Operator to First Aid or even Aviation Support courses.
All of your personal protective clothing is provided by the NSW RFS; the helmet, jacket, shirts, pants, boots, gloves, protective mask. They provide everything.
We’ve had bushfires since July 2019, months prior to the former commencement of the Bushfire Season – how long have you been on duty or deployed so far this Winter- Spring-Summer?
To be honest with you it’s been a bit of a blur where everything rolls into one another and I think anybody you talk to within the RFS or other services would probably say the same.
When were you first called out then – did you attend the bushfire at Long Nose Point on Pittwater on August 19th 2019?
Yes; we deployed by boat and got off the boats and into West Head, so that would be the first one if you’re looking at it that way. Then we’ve been everywhere, from Bateman’s Bay to Wollemi – there’s a huge list, and the brigade has been rolling until recently almost 7 days a week 24 hours a day, as has every brigade in the district and every district on the state really. So it’s not just been our brigades and our district but everyone everywhere doing all they can – people with families and jobs – just doing all they can.
Do you have a family?
I do – I have two teenage boys and my lovely wife. They have been very understanding and yes, it does put a bit of a strain on things. I haven’t been doing 7 days a week, but the brigade has. Sometimes you’re away for 24 hours, sometimes it’s 4 to 5 days, sometimes 3, depending on what the availability is, but it’s generally focused on what you can do and that’s really appreciated.
A photo taken by a Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade member shows you sitting on the truck looking exhausted and actually nodding off – where was that taken?
At Mangrove Mountain, I think that was there. But compared to some of the brigades and some of the people who have been going 7 days a week for months at a time. You must bear in mind too we have been very fortunate, we get to come back home to here, to Avalon or Mona Vale etc. and the northern beaches or which has so far escaped much of these fires, so we get a chance to recharge, but a lot of the men and women fighting these fires are not getting a chance to, and they really are tired.
'Exhausted' - Photo by Cory Allen, Tumbledown Dick RFb
When did you first go outside the area to help?
I think the first one was the one at Wisemans Ferry. We went out that way when the fires were coming through there. That was way before Christmas, and we went out there several times to support the local brigades who were working so incredibly hard to help their communities.
These are just extraordinary people, the people living in these fire hit areas and not just them but their RFS Fire Brigades and all the support services that have gone non-stop for months now to help communities – the Police, the NSW Ambulance services, SES, the Fire & Rescue people, all those emergency services have really been hit hard because there’s no reprieve.
Every day for months and especially these past few weeks even here you now walk outside and all you can smell is burnt earth, burnt trees and even dead animals – even though there’s nothing burnt near here and we have been fortunate to not lose our wildlife. Those living in these grounds have that, but stronger. Have you seen this affecting those among these places?
There’s also the dirt, the dust too. And even those who haven’t been impacted too badly, if their home or business hasn’t gone, there is still the enormity of having to fight a fire, or the experience of having to leave an area and your home not know if you will have a house to come back to, or even coming back into an area that has been impacted. We here have been so fortunate and I think that’s the thing that strikes me – whether its an RFS member or an emergency services member – we haven’t gone through what some people in these areas have and that is quite humbling.
For people like me in the RFS, the last months have simply been our turn to serve the community. But we shouldn’t forget that there are a huge range of volunteers looking after and giving to the community in many ways– whether is Surf Life Saving, youth group workers, bush carers – the list goes on…
How many volunteers are in the Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade?
Our brigade is not a big one, there’s around 35 members. Some brigades in the District are bigger, some smaller. We have a very good Fire Control Team at the Northern Beaches District Office Headquarters as well.
I was struck during the past months how members from the brigades in our district deployed to support fellow RFS firefighters from brigades across the state. That and the way all the services have worked together has been extraordinary; the interactions between the NSWRFS and Fire & Rescue, NSW Police, the NSW Ambulance Service, the SES – and not just that but the support from the communities we have gone. We have been fed by some extraordinary people in these places, communities that have come together when they have nothing to look after us, as well as the Red Cross support or even people just taking water and food into these places.
That’s why I say for me the whole experience has been hugely humbling – others may have great war stories and huge conflagrations they have helped fight – but what’s hit me is how hugely humbling this has all been.
Have you experienced those fire-storms this season, been where a huge wall of flames was coming towards you?
Yes, I have – I think we all have.
Batemans Bay on New Years Eve was particularly full-on.
Bilpin, when the fire front came through Bilpin that was very full-on as well. Those were two very busy deployments.
I don’t think you get a chance to think about it at the time, you’re just trying to work with the guys in your team and crew and work with the people who are there. Afterwards you may think about it a bit – and then once again you realise that we have been lucky.
Tragically we have lost volunteer firefighters through these fires, people with young families. How has that impacted on your brigade and the service itself?
We’ve talked about it within brigade of course – but I don’t think there’s anybody here in Australia who hasn’t thought about it. It’s just tragic that we have lost these people – they’ve stepped up to help their communities and they’ve lost their lives in doing so. My heart goes out to their families obviously and their colleagues who lost a brigade member and friend.
So yes, it does affect us and you can’t say anything that will change what has happened. They weren’t lost through negligence or lack of training, it was just a series of extraordinary circumstances and we have been very fortunate not to lose someone.
I think what such tragic events remind us, is that we are very mortal - this is not something removed behind a television screen, this is real.
It’s not just fighting fires and saving lives and homes that the units have been involved in – there have also been a few wonderful moments where NSWRFS members have done what they could where they are at any moment. One image Pittwater Online shared on one of its social media platforms of a Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade member saving an echidna has given everyone a much welcomed sight amongst news of the loss of so many of our animals. Who is he?
That’s Lars (laughs) – Lars Steele-Mills. I wasn’t on that deployment but the brigade was on a 5 day deployment down south. Lars is a caring person, obviously noted the echidna was in trouble and so went to its aid.
'Sometimes a small save is just as important.... near Nowra' Lars and that echidna - Tumbledown Dick RFB photo
What have been the positive experiences for you during what you have been through the last few months – apart from being fed by people who were under strain themselves?
Coming home to my family after each run has been pretty special.
The thing you find quite moving is when people say ‘thank you’. You don’t do it for ‘thank you’, it’s just our opportunity to serve the community. I think service to the community is really important, no matter how you do it – I just think you should give. I think when somebody says ‘thank you’ to you and they’ve been through these terrible experiences and maybe even lost everything; homes, livelihood, I find that really humbling. I think that’s the thing that has made, for me, community service really worthwhile – making a difference.
To me making a difference is something that is important, whether it’s something small or something big; whether it’s just helping somebody across the road or whether it’s jumping in a fire truck or helping out in a kids youth group or whatever it is, it’s important.
We saved houses and properties and livelihoods and that was really important to people because everything is in those homes; all their memories, all those treasures inside their homes, so to be able to do that through our additional gear and training – to give them a hand was an opportunity to help them not lose everything. So that was pretty special.
Being part of something with like-minded people, that sense of camaraderie that comes as being part of the NSW RFS team, even during adversity, that’s been exceptional to experience too.
You have 35 new best friends or 70 thousand when you take into account how many NSW RFS Volunteers there are?
Yes, (laughs) – perhaps not always at 3 o’clock in the morning, but it’s there even then.
Especially if you have already been going for 10 hours non-stop and are dehydrated and hungry?
It can affect you but the NSW RFS are very clear in their understanding of how long you can be on the fireground and of fatigue management and have definite parameters they have in place – as are all the services.
Rain is now falling across the firegrounds which may help with the endless rotations to support your fellow RFS Brigades, but we still have a few months before the Bushfire Season closes. What does rain mean for you?
Apart from the obvious relief this may bring in dampening down some fires and lessening others, this is a chance for those people in those areas impacted to have the space and time to gain some respite. We have all have been hearing about the Bushfire Recovery responses and plans being shaped and I suppose this is going to provide those people in these agencies with an opportunity to start helping those people who have been managing a pretty difficult time by themselves.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade celebrated its 60th year in 2019 – a clear indication of a great brigade still going strong. Was that good to be a part of?
Oh yes; this is a great brigade with a great history and 60 years is a great achievement. When you go into the station you can see the boards and the history there. I have only been a part of it for a relatively short time but the brigade has taken me in and given me an opportunity to do something positive as well. It’s a great brigade to be a part of – we have 17 great brigades in our District; high standards, a great level of training and camaraderie. The brigade has a very strong positive culture and has its own characters – as do all the brigades in our district.
Volunteers in NSW RFS Brigades are not just firefighters though – we’ve had a tragic accident on Mona Vale Road a few years ago where we tragically lost people and Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade and Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade were first on the scene to try and help and to put out a tanker fire. Mona Vale Road has been the scene of numerous accidents or even just oil being spilled and once again our local brigades have responded to make passage safe. Aside from accidents there are call outs to respond to storm damage or clearing trees felled by wind storms from homes. These are not purely firefighting responses – and there again you’re working alongside other emergency response agencies?
Yes, we do. Part of our role isn’t just bush firefighting. What we do, because of the area we live in, where you have this urban interface, we deal with motor vehicle accidents, structural fires, weather incidents, we support search and rescue operations when someone has gone missing – so yes, it’s pretty broad. That means that there’s an opportunity to develop a broad array of skills in other areas. For example in responding to structural fires there’s the need for firefighters with breathing apparatus training, in responding to motor vehicle accidents you utilise your First Aid, there’s working with aviation units, fire boats.
All these volunteer emergency response agencies underline the huge gap we would have if they did not exist – we couldn’t have the Police out cutting up fallen trees when we may need them at the same time to respond to an accident caused just up the road by this – does that ever feel like it’s too much, given the amount of storms and floods from these now occurring regularly, or even the length of this fire season, so far?
To me it comes back to community service once again and being able to do something. I think Australia has a very strong and great service mentality within each community that is maintained, and I’d cite surf lifesaving as one clear example of this, year in, year out. I think without this sense of service in Australia there would certainly be more pressure on the other emergency services – these people are doing an extraordinary job every single day, whether Fire & Rescue, the Police, Nurses and Paramedics attached to the Ambulance services, these people can never be paid enough – we’re volunteers and have been trained to support the response to emergencies and support them.
Just on that paid aspect – have you had to take unpaid time off work to respond to deployments?
I’ve had annual leave during the Christmas period and before that I had opportunities to help and still fit it in with work. I have heard of people in those outer districts that have been fighting fires for months now.
You mentioned previously that you don’t do it for the thank you – what is it within all these brigades that is perpetuating this community service?
My approach is ‘if not me than who’?
If I’m expecting someone to step up and keep me safe than why shouldn’t I step up? I think that’s it – for me, I can’t talk about anyone else – I think I have a duty and a responsibility. You have to invest the best of your self back into it – you have to put in; why should you expect someone else to do it and not you? I think that’s always been part of me and what I do.
What are your favourite places in Pittwater and why?
I love Pittwater, the estuary itself – I think that’s a very special place. We’ve taken our sons over to The Basin many times, another special place.
Paradise Beach to me is a favourite too – a little hidden gem where you can swim, fish and have some peace.
I think where we live here, in Avalon and around Palm Beach is pretty good – it’s home – and a pretty special spot.
I come from the U.K. originally, from Bristol, the land of milk and honey, but out here is very special. There are things I miss about the U.K.; the green rolling hills, the cultural opportunities – but I think Australia is extraordinary – that ‘can do’ spirit and that proud to be Australian and that ‘we’re all in it together’ spirit is pretty special. I think that’s what drives us all.
What is your ‘motto for life’ or a favourite phrase you try to live by?
To never be an ‘if only’ – if you’re given a great opportunity to have the courage to give it a go.
Another good one from a good mate of mine is ‘the standard you walk by is the standard you set’.
Warringah/Pittwater NSW RFS Brigades' Deployments: 2019-2020
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade
About our district
The Northern Beaches District has approximately 1200 volunteers that provide service to the community through effective Operations, Risk Management, Community Safety, Education and Learning & Development activities, through various roles of Firefighting, Communications, Catering, Logistics, Aviation, Fire Investigation, Cadets and many more.
All of the Brigades and members within the Warringah Pittwater District are committed to their role in ensuring the ongoing protection of life and property from fire and other emergencies and to assist other Emergency Services when required.
The members of our 17 Brigades live within the community and give freely of their time to provide a service to the people of the Warringah and Pittwater area as well as to other communities within New South Wales and other States as requested. For more information on each brigade click here. The Warringah Pittwater Rural Fire Service has continued to be a leader in bushfire suppression, hazard management and training which reflects our ongoing commitment to the community.
District Staff
District Manager - Fire Control Officer: Superintendent Craig Geddes
Deputy Fire Control Officer - Operations: Inspector Ian Stockwell
Deputy Fire Control Officer - Learning and Development: Inspector Wayne Reeve
Deputy Fire Control officer: Inspector George Sheppard
Operations Support Officer: Alex Chesser
District Administration Officer: Jodi Cree
District Administration Coordinator: Jodi Cree
Planning and Mitigation Officer: Scott Molenaar
District Support Officer (Fleet): Darryl Pearson
District Administration Officer: Sam Dyer
Fire Mitigation Officer: Ray Duguid
Beacon Hill
Coal and Candle
Duffys Forest
Warringah Headquarters
Terrey Hills
Cottage Point
Warringah Catering Unit
Warringah Comms Unit
Coasters Retreat
Mackerel Beach
Scotland Island
Tumbledown Dick
West Pittwater
Warringah Pittwater Cadets
Bush Fire Danger Period Extended Until 30 April 2019
April 14, 2019: NSW RFS
The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) has extended the statutory Bush Fire Danger Period in the Cudgegong area due to ongoing warm and dry conditions.
NSW RFS Superintendent Troy Porter said the Bush Fire Danger Period, which usually ends on 31 March, had been extended this year to Tuesday 30 April 2019 due to weather conditions in the Mid-Western Regional area.
“The extension means anyone wanting to light a fire in the Mid-Western Regional Local Government Area (LGA) after 31 March 2019 will require a Fire Permit,” Superintendent Porter said.
“Fire Permits are free and available from your local brigade permit officer or by contacting the Cudgegong Fire Control Centre on 6372 4434.
“As always, residents must also notify neighbouring land owners and the local fire authority 24 hours prior to burning.”
Superintendent Porter said that although the area has recently received some rain there are areas in the District that did not benefit from the rainfall and the risk to the community in these areas is still significant.
The decision to extend the Bush Fire Danger Period was made in consultation with local brigade Captains and other local organisations including National Parks and Wildlife Service and the Mid-Western Regional Council.
“These decisions are never made lightly and involve a number of stakeholders from the local area,” Superintendent Porter said.
“Our overriding concern is the safety of all residents and we have acted accordingly by extending the Bush Fire Danger Period until 30 April 2019.
“Now is not the time for anyone to become complacent about the risk of bush fires.
“I urge all residents to know what they and their family will do if a fire was to threaten. When will you go, what will you take and where will you go? Ask yourself, how fireproof is your plan?
“Please also report any unattended fires you see to Triple Zero (000) immediately.”
NSW RFS Declares Start Of Bush Fire Danger Period
August 1st, 2019: NSW RFS
The NSW Rural Fire Service (NSW RFS) today announced 12 Local Government Areas (LGAs) will commence the Bush Fire Danger Period (BFDP) today, due to prevailing dry conditions.
NSW RFS Acting Commissioner Rob Rogers said the 12 LGAs that will enter the BFDP on 1 August 2019 are Armidale Regional, Bega Valley, Eurobodalla, Glen Innes Severn, Inverell, Kempsey, Mid Coast, Nambucca, Port Macquarie Hastings, Tenterfield, Uralla and Walcha.
Acting Commissioner Rogers said a number of factors, including local fuel conditions, are considered before declaring a variation to the statutory BFDP that commences on 1 October 2019.
“Conditions across the state are drier and warmer than average, with more than 98 percent of NSW drought affected,” Acting Commissioner Rogers said.
“During the Bush Fire Danger Period, land owners and managers are required to obtain a Fire Permit from their local Fire Control Centre before lighting any fires, including hazard reduction burns.
Acting Commissioner Rogers said now is the time for residents and land managers to start preparing for the threat of bush fire.
“Last season we saw more fires in July and August then the whole of summer combined,” Acting Commissioner Rogers said.
“Recent fires on the Mid Coast and in the Hunter region have shown that bush fires can strike at any time and it is vitally important to be prepared,” Acting Commissioner Rogers said.
“This means doing simple things like cleaning your gutters, removing combustibles from your yard, ensuring hoses can reach all corners of your property and completing or updating your bush fire survival plan, so you and your family know what you will do in the event of a bush fire.”
“I encourage households to update their bush fire survival plan and make sure the whole family knows what to do when faced with a fire. It could save your lives.”
“Ask yourself, when you will go, what you will take and where will you go.”
Information about hazard reduction burning and required notifications is available on the NSW RFS website at www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/BFDP
NSW Rural Fire Service: December 21, 2019 at 1:29 AM
A touching tribute to firefighters who have been battling for many months now here in NSW. A very nice poem written by 11 year old's Hailee and Casey from Riverwood in NSW.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: December 26, 2019
Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons wrote a message of support to all RFS members yesterday. Within the message he spoke of some unbelievable statistics.
Since the 1st of July 2019:
- 🚒 8,240 fires in the state
- 🚒 3.41 million hectares burned.
- 🚒 Fires stretching from the Queensland border down to the South Coast of NSW.
- 🚒 We have experienced, for the first time, concurrent Catastrophic Fire Danger ratings across Greater Hunter, Illawarra/Shoalhaven and Greater Sydney Regions.
- 🚒 39 Section 44 declarations
- 🚒 111 days of consecutive Section 44 declarations
- 🚒 45 days of Total Fire Ban (including 8 days of State wide Total Fire Bans)
- 🚒 2 State of Emergency declarations
- 🚒 272 Emergency Alert campaigns successfully delivering 153 409 voice messages and 1,134,447 SMS messages.
- 🚒 BIA teams have confirmed that 894 homes have been lost so far, some have been the homes of RFS members who have been fighting elsewhere.
- 🚒 7,931 homes in the same impact area were saved.
- 🚒 Interstate and overseas personnel alone, are now over 5000.
Support For Firefighter Families
January 1st, 2020
The NSW RFS has created dedicated bank accounts to collect donations for the families of volunteer firefighters who have been tragically killed while on duty this fire season.
Firefighter Samuel McPaul
On the evening of Monday 30 December 2019, volunteer firefighter Samuel McPaul, a member of Morven Rural Fire Brigade, was tragically killed while on duty at the Green Valley fireground east of Albury NSW.
Whilst on the fireground, the fire truck that Samuel and crew were operating from was involved in a rollover caused by extreme winds associated with the fire, resulting in the terrible loss of Samuel and non-life threatening injuries to two other members.
This is a devastating loss to Samuel’s family and his broader NSW RFS family. Samuel was a young man (28 years old) with his whole future ahead of him. He leaves behind a loving wife, Megan, who is pregnant with their first child, due in May. The young couple were in the midst of preparations to welcome their baby and Megan is now facing parenthood without Samuel.
Firefighters Geoffrey Keaton and Andrew O'Dwyer
On the evening of Thursday 19 December 2019, two volunteer firefighters were tragically killed while on duty at the Green Wattle Creek fireground, near Buxton in south western Sydney.
The fire truck they were travelling in was struck by a tree, causing the vehicle to leave the road and overturn.
Firefighter Geoffrey Keaton (32 years old) joined the Service in 2006 and is a Deputy Captain of Horsley Park Rural Fire Brigade, and a former member of Plumpton Brigade.
Firefighter Andrew O'Dwyer (36 years old) joined the Service in 2003, and is a member of the Horsley Park Rural Fire Brigade.
Both Geoffrey and Andrew leave behind loving partners and very young children.
Since this devastating event, many people have kindly asked how they can help these firefighters' families.
The NSW RFS has created a dedicated bank account to collect donations. All funds received will be equally distributed between the spouses of Samuel, Geoffrey and Andrew, and tax receipts will be issued to donors. Details here.
Beacon Hill
Postal Address - Willandra Road, Beacon Hill, 2100
Brigade Contact - 9971 4847
Email: captain@beaconhillrfb.org
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 4th Wednesday of every Month
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 2nd Wednesday of every Month.
Joining the RFS
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: November 20, 2019
"With the extensive fire activity around the state at the moment, we have been inundated with enquiries about joining Beacon Hill, so we thought we would take a moment to explain the process.
At Beacon Hill we do a single recruitment campaign in mid-Spring each year (advertised on our Facebook page and elsewhere). Our campaign for this year closed a few weeks ago, and we have 16 new recruits ready to start their structured training program (one weeknight per week over a 12 week period) in the new year.
This means that unfortunately we won't be recruiting any new brigade members until Spring 2020. Anyone who has contacted us over the past few weeks has been added to an "Expressions of Interest" list, and we will be in contact when our next recruitment campaign opens.
It is never easy to say "sorry, not now" when someone wants to volunteer, but we hope that everyone can appreciate the need for us to focus on fires during the fire season, and work on recruitment/training in the cooler months. We do appreciate your interest though, and suggest keeping an eye on this page for any announcements regarding additional or future recruit intakes.
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: December 16, 2019
Yesterday started as a "day off" for our tanker and crew, before the brigade was activated shortly before midday to respond up to Mt Tomah as part of a Northern Beaches Strike Team with four other brigades.
Crews were engaged in property protection throughout the afternoon and were faced with extreme fire behaviour, numerous spot fires, and unfortunately reports of significant property loss.
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.
Today is the first day since the 26th of November that we don't have any brigade members deployed to fires around the Greater Sydney area. However, the firefighting goes on, with many volunteers including a strike team from Northern Beaches brigades deploying into the field today. Please keep them in your thoughts today.
Please also spare a thought for those that have lost their lives and the many hundreds of families that have lost their homes to fires this season. The devastation has been widespread, and we are just fortunate it hasn't affected communities closer to home yet.
We have received our own Christmas gift...our medium tanker "Beacon Hill 7" was returned to us late last night after being deployed in the North of the state since early September. Special shout-out to the District mechanic and on of the Inspectors who worked all Xmas Eve to get it back to us in a road-worthy state. It left us with 6000km on the odometer, and has returned with 21000km and is definitely showing the battle scars of 3 months of hard work, so we know it has been put to good use serving the communities up North.
Finally, thank you for all your support. The letters, paintings from children, hampers and other donations truly leave us overwhelmed. The RFS exists to serve and protect our community, and we couldn't be prouder to serve the communities around Beacon Hill and beyond.
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
Our heavy tanker is currently enroute back to Beacon Hill from Cooma, where it ended up yesterday after staging in Yass yesterday morning. The crew spent the afternoon and evening in the communities of Adaminiby and Eucumbene Dam. The photo below was taken at 3pm in the afternoon.
Our medium tanker was also responded down to Queanbeyan late yesterday afternoon to assist with property protection amidst deteriorating fire conditions. It too will be returning to Beacon Hill this afternoon.
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: January 9 2020
Yesterday we had a wonderful local resident donate 10 respirators to our brigade. Thank you so much Samantha from Parkway Designs.
Parkway Designs: January 8, 2020: $1200 of P3 masks delivered to a happy Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade today! They have 45 active members tho and a heatwave headed again this weekend they could do with 20 more so if you have any at home or would like to buy one call Shaun at Autolac Industries Brookvale who are doing us a great deal and keeping it local !! Drop to our warehouse at 3/13 Ethel Ave Brookvale and we deliver to a brigade once we have enough to cover a few of their trucks not just one person !
Beacon Hill Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020:
It has been a big weekend for Beacon Hill. Both of our trucks are still deployed in the South-east of the state, and we have additional firefighters deployed on other trucks as well. Whilst the weather is milder, there is still a lot of work to be done to contain the large number of fires still burning throughout the state.
Yesterday, our wonderful community came together and helped us raise over $700 for the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal via our Bunnings BBQ. This money makes a significant contribution to the recovery effort for communities that have been devastated by fire.
Last night there was a massive community turnout at the 7th Day Brewery, who have donated proceeds from their night to the brigade so that we can organise a family day for our families once the fire season calms down. Their generosity was astounding.
This morning, 9 of our firefighters joined the Warringah Triathlon Club at North Head for their monthly race. As triathlon first timers it was definitely a challenge, but all in the name of a good cause. This month the club was racing to support the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal, with proceeds from the race entries, cash donations, and generous contributions from their sponsors all going directly to the appeal. The contribution is still being counted, but it is in the vicinity of $5000. Another outstanding community effort.
The recovery for the towns that have been impacted by fire will be long and traumatic for those individuals and families involved. If you are looking to make a contribution in the wake of the devastating bushfires, please donate to the Red Cross Appeal or one of the wildlife recovery appeals.
Postal Address - Forest Way, Belrose, 2085
Brigade Contact - 9450 2460
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Monday of every Month.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 9, 2019
Belrose spent yesterday implementing containment lines around the fire at Wisemans Ferry in preparation for the increasing temperatures coming up. We will continue to assist until the fires are controlled.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 10, 2019
Belrose currently has crews deployed to the fires as well as a crew responding to local jobs such as this oil spill on Mona Vale Road.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 17, 2019
Another big day at Bilpin for our members. The team will be out again tomorrow.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 21, 2019 at 9:22 PM ·
Today Belrose deployed a crew to Lithgow where they were successful in saving numerous houses from destruction. Our thoughts are with the residents who weren’t so fortunate.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
Our crew has worked through the night assisting to extinguish assets that were not able to be saved from the day’s fire in Balmoral.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019
Our brigade was back out again today assisting with back burning in the Blue Mountains to ensure the locals can have a Merry Christmas. Whilst our brigade will be taking a well deserved day off tomorrow, many other fire fighters from the northern beaches are forgoing Christmas with their families to provide fire protection to those who need it most. We wish them well.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 28, 2019
Yesterday our crew conducted operations around Warragamba dam. Today we have a crew on 20 minutes notice to move for a strike team anywhere in the state.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: December 30, 2019
Belrose has had 2 crews in the field today strengthening containment lines in Hill Too ahead of severe fire danger tomorrow.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: January 7, 2020
Despite the rain Belrose continues to have crews in the field preparing containment lines in preparation for the return of hot weather later in the week.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: January 8, 2020
It might be raining but our crews are back out again with a strike team heading to Cooma today. This is a photo of one of our members taken at dawn last Sunday after the fire had come through.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: January 9, 2020
A massive thanks to the kids in year 1 at Kambora School for their awesome pictures and refreshments. We hope to enjoy these when we can.
Belrose Rural Fire Brigade: January 13, 2020
Whilst most all our members are frontline firefighters, some have developed specialist skills in air base operations and assist in running what can be very busy airfields. We currently have a member at Mittagong doing just that.
Coal And Candle
Postal Address - Mccarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 2011
Email - http://www.candle.org.au
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 2nd Wednesday of every Month.
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: November 12, 2019
A huge thank you to Lee from Bayview who this morning saw one of our members purchasing some fresh mangoes to bring to the station and insisted on paying for them. A random act of kindness that has brought smiles across the station. Thank you Lee!
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: November 20, 2019
Another great update from Darren Muogamarra Rural Fire Brigade; Muogamarra Rural Fire Brigade: November 20, 2019
Muogamarra member Darren, making his name via artistic, easy to understand fire maps, is back with another update.
“After the emergency warning at the Gospers Mountain fire last night, people are clearly taking an interest in what is happening and what is going to happen. I have had a few questions, of which I will try and give you "sensible" answers and of course I have added a detailed image of the events 😉
Q1. How did it go last night?
A1. Well from all accounts so far most property was saved including the school, Colo Heights Rural Fire Station and the Community Hall - From the footage I have seen this morning and over night - nothing short of heroic! Well done to all agencies involved. Bloody legends.
Q2. (my favourite) why is there a clear area in the middle of the burnt area.
A2. no news on this officially, and from what i saw on the fire-line this week, this can only be a either a patch of super evolved unburnable trees..... or the maps don't quite line up. I am going with option 1, but you make up your own mind.
Q3. With the rain clouds that should help put the fire out?
A3. Not these clouds, they are holding onto every little bit of moisture they have, so while it helps cools things down - today - tomorrow is back hot and the little fluffy grey things haven't done anything... we really need some big sooky wet clouds to drop buckets of water to put out this behemoth of a fire.
Thanks to all the comments yesterday - was fun. I did see one comment however that I loved from Yolanda Lyon. At the end of this fire season both federal and state governments should put on parades in the major centres for all the agencies and their families who support them in these times of need. I for one couldn't go and fight without the support of my family.
Just a thought for all you good people out there!”
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
Taking advantage of favourable conditions today Candle has a crew at Warragamba dam, heading towards the western side of the dam to backburn.
This burn is a strategy is to contain the northern edge of the Greenwattle Creek fire.
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
Candle 1 Alpha was out again yesterday, this time conducting back burns at Blackheath and Medlow Bath for asset protection, including a sub station and airstrip.
The fires don’t stop for Christmas though, Candle has another crew heading out today! Today we have little elves out at Katoomba to help strengthen containment lines for the Ruin Castle Fire. Stay safe and have a merry Christmas.
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: December 28, 2019 at 7:37 PM
Coal and Candle 1 Alpha, as part of a Northern Beaches strike team went to Hill Top yesterday. 4 members of Candle were joined by 2 Davidson members making up the crew who spend the day mostly mopping up.
A new friend was made along the way, “Jeremiah” the lizard was found in the burnt area by our OIC, and seemed more than comfortable just hanging out. After posing for some photos he was released into the unburnt side of the track.
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: January 7, 2020
Candle has been very busy this past week!
Since New Year’s Eve we’ve had members deployed all over, including on the South Coast and in the Blue Mountains. Here’s a few photos from their deployments.
Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020
Such good news!!! - NSW RFS - Hawkesbury District; January 12 at 4:20 PM ·
The Gospers Mountain fire is now contained.
After lightning started the fire on October 26, it has burnt through more than 512,000 hectares across the Lithgow, Hawkesbury, Hunter Valley, Cudgegong, Blue Mountains and Central Coast local government areas.
The firefighting effort has seen a range of local, interstate, federal and international agencies involved.
It is important to remember not to be complacent as there are still a few months of the bush fire season to go with some bushland that still has not been burnt.
Postal Address - Kambora Road & Borgnis Ave, Davidson, 2085Brigade Contact - 9451 7292
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 2nd Monday of every Month.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 28, 2019, 2020
This video shows our Brigade volunteers, alongside NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade volunteers doing vital prep work on a containment line on Boxing Day. With worsening bush fire conditions returning early next week, you must be preparing your home this weekend too.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
From all of our volunteer firefighters we hope you have a wonderful festive season and most importantly, stay safe. We continue to send crews to wherever they are needed, with two firetrucks on deployment in the Blue Mountains today. Spare a thought for those volunteers across the State away from families, as well as those that have lost everything from bush fires over the past few months.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
The past few days have been tough. We have had all three of our trucks responding to fires throughout the state, from Ulladulla to Hawkesbury. Despite the best efforts of crews, there were plenty of losses - but also plenty of saves.
Sadly, two firefighters from Horsley Park Rural Fire Brigade paid the ultimate price on the same fireground. As we head into Christmas spare a thought for those firefighter’s families as well as those that have lost their homes in these devastating fires.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 19, 2019
Given the extreme bush fire conditions, Davidson has a truck with a crew of volunteer firefighters at Fire and Rescue NSW Emergency Services Academy in Orchard Hills, ready to respond to any fire outbreaks in the Greater Sydney Area. We are ready - are you?
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 15, 2019
Today our volunteer firefighters responded alongside NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade to the Mt Tomah area to protect properties being impacted from the Gospers Mountain fire. Today wasn’t a Total Fire Ban, nor was it a particularly bad fire weather day - however it highlights the need to have a Bush Fire Survival Plan ready. Always.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: December 15, 2019
This is the video our captain just sent through. Taken about 10 mins ago whilst in Mt Tomah. Edit: please keep in mind that this is fire weather behaviour in fairly mild conditions but the actual fire doesn’t seem to care. This week is going to get hot.
Video shows fire with 60-70 metre flame heights: - video by Peter Duff
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: December 8, 2019
Our volunteer firefighters, with the assistance of NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade, have extinguished a small area of Bush Alight at the end of MacFarlane Ave, Davidson. The fire has been contained. As a reminder, download the Fires Near Me app to keep up to date with local incidents.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 29, 2019
Davidson Station will be open again this evening from 6:30PM to 8:30PM for residents to charge their phones and have a tea or coffee whilst the local power is out. As a reminder, we are located at the corner of Borgnis Street and Kambora Avenue, Davidson. Come down and say hi to our friendly volunteer firefighters!
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 28, 2019 ·
Ausgrid have advised that it may be Sunday before power can be restored to homes and businesses without power in the local area, and to consider relocating if possible. Remember, stay at least 8 metres from downed power lines.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 26, 2019
We have numerous crews along with emergency crews from across Sydney working through the storm damage that has occurred this afternoon. As a reminder, stay well away from downed power lines and only dial Triple Zero (000) in the event of a life threatening emergency. For everything else, call the NSW SES on 132 500.
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 22, 2019
Did you know there is more to firefighting than firetrucks? In addition to deploying crews on trucks, today we also deployed a crew of 4 ‘Arduous’ certified volunteer firefighters to the Gospers Mountain fire, north west of Sydney. These crews use firefighting techniques without water, in areas usually only accessible by foot or helicopter insertion.
Fire Fighting Mission Saves Prehistoric Pines
January 15, 2020: NSW Government, Department of Environment
A specialist team of remote area firefighters have helped to save the prehistoric Wollemi Pines from this season’s bushfires, confirmed Environment Minister Matt Kean.
Mr Kean said the Wollemi Pines survived the dinosaurs and now they look like they’ll survive these bushfires thanks to the work of the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) firefighters and the NSW Rural Fire Service.
“Wollemi National Park is the only place in the world where these trees are found in the wild and, with less than 200 left, we knew we needed to do everything we could to save them,” Mr Kean said.
“The pines, which prior to 1994 were thought to be extinct and whose location is kept secret to prevent contamination, benefited from an unprecedented environmental protection mission.”
The operation included large air tankers laying fire retardant and specialist firefighters being winched into the remote site from helicopters to set up an irrigation system in the gorge to increase moisture content of the ground fuels.
In advance of the fire, NPWS firefighters were again winched into the site to operate the irrigation system and as the fire approached, helicopters water bucketed the fire edge to reduce its impact on the groves of trees.
Mr Kean said the NSW Government has done a detailed scientific assessment and, while some trees are charred, the species has survived this summer’s fires.
“The 2019 wildfire is the first ever opportunity to see the fire response of mature Wollemi Pine in a natural setting, which will help us refine the way we manage fire in these sites long-term.”
Mr Kean said the full impact of the fire may not be known for some time so we need to do everything we can to ensure their long-term protection which really depends on maintaining confidentiality around the trees’ location and ensuring the public’s cooperation in not attempting to visit the sites.
“Illegal visitation remains a significant threat to the Wollemi Pines survival in the wild due to the risk of trampling regenerating plants and introducing diseases which could devastate the remaining populations and their recovery.
Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) trees savers - Photo: J Plaza/DPIE
Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) trees savers - Photo: J Plaza/DPIE
Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) trees savers - Photo: J Plaza/DPIE
Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) trees savers - Photo: J Plaza/DPIE
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 20, 2019
Last night a crew of our volunteer firefighters were responded to Colo Heights to assist at the Gospers Mountain Fire, returning early this morning. It was clear that those homes with a considered Bush Fire Survival Plan were much better prepared. Closer to home, this week Sydney Snake Catchers also took us through some snake familiarisation to make us safer on firegrounds. Thanks Robert and the team!
Davidson Rural Fire Brigade: November 15, 2019
While we had two firetrucks crewed and available for incidents today thankfully no local fires occurred. Further from home we have deployed two volunteer firefighters to the Gospers Mountain fire in Hawkesbury, which is causing much of the smoke in Sydney. We also received some special thanks from St Martin's Catholic Primary School Davidson. Thanks from all of our volunteers!
Duffys Forest
Postal Address - Anembo Road, Duffys Forest, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 1144
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Monday of every Month.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: November 3, 2019
Yesterday members from Duffy's Forest got out on the Sandy Trail to do some trail maintenance. This is important work which will help firefighters get to the scene of a bushfire along a trail as quick as possible while keeping the truck scratch free! It also gives firefighters the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the local area and talk about what we would do if a bushfire was to start in that area.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: November 26, 2019
Wow what a crazy time of year this is! From fires one day to massively damaging storms the next. In the last week Duffy’s have had crew at the Gospers fire putting in back burns in an effort to contain the fire and now we find ourselves in our local area cleaning up after the destruction of the storms. Just when we thought we would get a break due to rain.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: December 14, 2019
Duffy’s have been busy. Monday-Friday this week we have had a crew out at the Mangrove Mountain Fire. Today we had one member on a composite crew at the Gospers Mountain Fire which went to emergency warning level and is a large reason why it is again very Smokey in Northern Sydney, here are some happy snaps.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: December 18, 2019
Duffy’s currently have a crew at the Gospers mountain fire in Mount Tootie, we are currently preparing for property protection as we watch the fire crest the ridge as you can see in this video.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: December 19, 2019
This is the scene that our truck is arriving at in Bargo, extreme heat with multiple properties under threat.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
Merry Christmas everyone!
It’s been a very busy time with Duffys putting out consistent crews for the last 2 months! While today luckily Duffys were given the day off, many of our colleges are giving up their Christmas helping to secure containment lines before the increased fire danger forecasted for the end of the week. Thank you for giving up your time!
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: December 31, 2019
Duffy’s has a crew on our bush fire tanker in Batemans Bay today. They are hard at work doing property protection in challenging conditions. The first image was taken at 12:15pm today!
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
With South Eastern NSW having potential for EXTREME fire danger today Duffy’s have a crew on our category 1 tanker being forward staged in Yass. They arrived last night and are set to return home on Sunday after what will be a very challenging day today.
As the Greater Sydney Region has potential for Severe Fire danger Duffys will be manning our category 9 unit and Personnel Carrier at Duffys station.
To find out how you can prepare your home and family for bushfire follow the below link:
To stay up to date with fires in your area download the "Fires Near Me" app or follow the below link:
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
Duffys category 1 tanker is currently responding to Cooma with a large convoy made up of Northern Beaches and Hornsby strike team.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
Duffys 1 arriving in the Snowy Monaro area and it’s only 4pm!!!!
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 11, 2020
Duffys continues to supply crews for the fires burning across New South Wales. One crew departed this morning for the Blue Mountains and another crew departed Thursday to Bombala near the Victorian border on a multi day deployment and will be returning on Sunday.
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020 - The more you know!
Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade: January 17, 2020
Even with the wet weather, Duffy’s still have crew in the field conducting property protection and back burning on the Good Good Fire. They have been part of a 5 day Northern Beaches strike team helping out the Parkview Brigade who are ‘slightly’ busy at the moment!
The Sydney Morning Herald recently had a interview with our Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons and makes an interesting read. He’s been a rock throughout this already long bush fire season and we are very proud to say that he is a life member of Duffys Forest Brigade! Keep up the good work Shane!!
NB: Sydney Morning Herald's coverage of the bushfires does not require a paid subscription and is provided free to all Readers: interview linked to above - Ed. Pittwater Online News
Warringah/Pittwater Headquarters
Postal Address - Gate 1, Thomspon Dr (Off Kamber Road), Terrey Hills, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 2222
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 3rd Wednesday of every Month.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: October 22, 2019
Warringah Headquarters along with NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade, Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade, Coal & Candle Rural Fire Brigade & Davidson Rural Fire Brigade sent a team to Northern NSW to assist with the ongoing bushfires that have been going since August. These members were part of a joint strike team with other districts from the Greater Sydney Area. The on going efforts from all volunteers during this time has been tremendous.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 2, 2020
Warringah Headquarters would like to pass a giant message of thanks to Janine from The Epiphany Group, who unexpectedly donated a large amount of money to our very humbled Brigade. Thank you very much, your donation will be used to purchase equipment to directly help our crews during this unprecedented bushfire season.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 3, 2020
This afternoon, another 8 Members from Warringah HQ were deployed to Nowra on Warringah HQ 1 & PC, with the crew on the PC manning a Jervis Bay Fire Boat. These crews will meet up with 3 other HQ members already deployed on a composite crew aboard Coal & Candle 1A.
We wish everyone good luck for tomorrow. Look after your crews. We want you home again.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
The temperature on the fire ground in Conjola south of Nowra, at around 1pm - photo Alex Milgate.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
Huge shoutout to McDonald's South Nowra for feeding our crews over the last few days, you guys are amazing!
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 6, 2020
It’s not just trucks and crew that being sent all over the state from the Northern Beaches, we are also sending our district’s boat operators to help out where we can.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020
Thanks to Lizzie and her partner at Nimmitabel motel for putting up our members on the Bombala strike team over the last few days. Great hospitality and we are all grateful for a bed and good feed.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020
Big shout out to Harvest Goulburn for the Amazing Breakfasts and Coffees for our members on a 5 day strike team deployment to Goulburn. We were also very happy to meet Oliver and show him over our truck - his mum works for the adult burns service helping look after those people suffering serious burns.
Postal Address - Cnr Booralie Rd & Yulong Ave, Terrey Hills, 2084
Brigade Contact - 9450 2573
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 4th Thursday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 2nd Thursday of every Month.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 18, 2019
The rain is here, so what does this mean? And is this the end to this horrible bush fire season?
The short answer is unfortunately it may not be. Whilst rain fall has been significant over the state in the past few days (compared to what we have seen for the past few months) it is by no means the be all and end all... yet.
Soil is a sponge, little tiny holes that usually soak up the water, but with prolonged dry spells the little tiny holes fill up with dust and dirt. This makes it hydrophobic (big snazzy word).
Now the lovely rain clouds come and chuck a load of this wet stuff down. Creeks are flowing, fire grounds are being doused, Mona Vale Road is flooding and we are all rejoicing (not about Mona Vale Road flooding).
But the ground is still hydrophobic, meaning it allows the water to run right off it. Booooo! It will take a little time for the sponge to start sponging again but this means, for now, we can’t be sure that we have seen the end to the grumpy fires and the nasty drought.
Our weather is all over the shop at the moment. Although February is usually our wetter month in summer it’s not a given yet, we have been experiencing some volatile grumpy fires all year round of late, so although I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade (see what I did there 🤗) please don’t become too complacent. All it takes is westerly winds for a couple of days to dry out this awesome land again.
Apologies to any meteorologists and agricultural types if the explanation above has been butchered.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 13 , 2020: Sophie's Post
One of our brigade kids has written a post for our page, it started out being a coping mechanism for her feelings but she wanted to share her message. She is just one of many amazing kids, in the Terrey Hills RFB family and indeed the state, who have their own perspective on how this season has been for them.
“I am just 14 but this fire season has affected me in more ways than one, although I was never in a town that was affected. Like everyone else we have been exposed to all the pictures and videos in the news, we have heard the stories of people losing their homes and possessions and we have seen animals suffering. I am also the daughter of two volunteer fire-fighters at Terrey Hills Brigade and have been allowed into a world not many children are familiar with. They are all my family, as I have been around at the station since I was born, as have my 11 year old and 6 year old brothers.
Growing up I’ve had many babysitters looking after my brothers and I while our parents are out with their RFS family training, attend meetings and being involved helping a community neither of them have ever lived in, but love. In the past two months, we’ve hardly seen them as they, and the other members, have been darting across NSW helping other communities. Thankfully we kids have had great support from so many family and friends, but mostly our awesome Grandparents and fantastic Godmother. It’s only now, in the last couple of weeks of the holidays, that we can spend some time with mum and dad properly. There might only be two weeks left, but I will appreciate it in a way I would have never done before.
At the start of these fires I thought I understood what they all did, but when we woke up to the horrible news of the two RFS members who died just before Christmas, it made all three of us realise the risks in, what they all do, more than ever before. We would dread the next time mum and dad would say they were going out but we knew that they and the other firefighters around the state, were needed to make this awesome team that is the RFS. When they went out to fires we would make them cards just so they knew that we loved and appreciated what they were doing.
The people around me are brave and you would hardly ever see them cry, but in the past month of exhaustion and sadness, I’ve seen the firefighters and loved ones in my life cry more times now than I have seen ever. My mum and I cried so much when we watched the news of the Commissioner with the children that lost their dads, it broke my heart. It’s also heartbreaking seeing the people around me donating all their strength and energy they possibly can, yet at times, feeling like they aren’t doing enough. But you are and you have.
My message is that all the firefighters, RFS, Fire and Rescue, National Parks and Forestry are all amazing. But the ones that I know, in my brigade and district, are my favourites. Thank you for letting us in on this journey and for doing everything you could. You have taught me, and my two brothers, the kind of people we aspire to be when we are grown up and I am so so glad to be a part of your family.”
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 11, 2020
Big thanks to 3 year old Charlotte! What a little star -
Parkway Designs, January 11 at 6:30 PM: Our 3yr old Charlotte had great fun day delivering masks to Duffy’s Forrest and Terrey Hills Brigades and scamming them of their lollies and iceblocks ! Thanks to Terrey Hills for putting on lights and sirens for her especially.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 9, 2020
Please give some love, this Saturday morning, to our local Sydney Wildlife Team. They will be taking their brand new, amazing van to the South Coast on it’s first journey to assist with injured wildlife.
Don’t forget that these wonderful people are volunteers too and rely heavily on donations and assistance from some fantastic veterinary clinics in the area. Love your work!
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 7, 2020 at 10:21 PM
2220 - Crews responding to a motor vehicle accident at Akuna Bay.
2232 FINAL UPDATE - Northern Beaches Flyer is on scene, no persons trapped or injured. Police in attendance. Flyer’s Crew will deal with a small fuel spill. Other units have been stood down.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: January 7, 2020
Yesterday the call went out for members to join in performing the Haka at Andrew Dwyers funeral. We were so proud to see one of our members, Maleko Tuifua, represent our brigade and our district.
Read Maleko’s post below along with the pictures.
Our hearts remain with Andrews (as well as Geoff and Sams) family, brigade and friends.
NSW Rural Fire Service: January 2, 2020
Today the NSW RFS family farewelled one of their own, with the funeral of Geoffrey Keaton held in western Sydney earlier today. Geoff was one of two firefighters who tragically lost their life while fighting fires in south west Sydney on 19 December 2019.
Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons honoured Geoffrey today by awarding him posthumously a Commissioner’s Commendation for Bravery and a Commissioner’s Commendation for Service.
NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade: November 12, 2019
Road Closure
McCarrs Creek Road is now closed from McCarrs Ck Road x General San Martin Drive to the Bus turning circle in Church Point until further notice. Only residents will be allowed to enter. This is a precaution and not due to any fire threat.
Good morning,
Today is the day. As you can imagine we are hoping for the best but preparing for the worst with today’s forecasted conditions so please bare with us while we run through a couple of last minute key points and reminders. Please make sure all unattended fires are reported through 000 immediately and not through social media.
Ku-Ring-Gai National Park will be closed today
Should a fire break out in the local area, where Terrey Hills could potentially be impacted, we plan to sound the station air raid siren for a 60 second burst. If this occurs we ask residents to implement their Bush Fire Survival Plan immediately. Those who have not had the opportunity to get an SWS sign but have a large body of water on their property such as large tanks, swimming pools or dams (not spas or small ponds) then you can tie something brightly coloured to your letter box or a piece of paper with the words SWS in large letters.
Reminder that your neighbourhood safer places are located at:
• Frank Beckman Reserve, Yulong Avenue, Terrey Hills (at the front of the fire station)
• Kurara Reserve, Kurara Close, Terrey Hills
• Terrigal Reserve, Terrigal Road, Terrey Hills
• The Greenway, Duffy’s Forest
Large animal evacuation centers are now located at:
• Rat Park, Narrabeen
• Frenches Forest Showgrounds
Bush Fire information line is 1800 NSW RFS (1800 679 737)
Download Fires Near Me App and set watch zones
Adhere to any warnings or advice sent to you by NSW RFS through Emergency Warning SMS’s
Keep up to date via emergency service social media and websites as well as mainstream news outlets.
The station will be open today from 8am and remain open until the threat has passed.
Cottage Point
Postal Address - Cottage Point Road, Cottage Point, 2084Brigade Contact - 9456 7444
Email - cottagepointrfs@idx.com.au
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 3rd Monday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Monday of every Month.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 21, 2019
On Thursday 19th December 2019, Cottage Point 1 with a crew of 6 responded as part of a strike team from Northern Beaches district to the townships of Buxton / Bargo / Balmoral which had been issued an emergency warning.
We’ve put together a short video highlighting the day in the life of a NSW Rural Fire Service volunteer. We warn some of the footage might be distressing to watch.
On arrival, Cottage Point 1 was tasked with property protection. We set up to defend a home at the end of a cul-de-sac and prepared for immediate defense against the fire.
Unfortunately for our crew, and this is just how erratic fire behaviour can be, a change of wind direction fuelled the fire into a major crown fire and in a matter of seconds our truck was completely surrounded by flames.
The crew immediately deployed emergency protective measures and retreated to our fire truck, seeking refuge until the fire moved past us. Crews from neighbouring trucks were dispatched to our aid and thankfully the fire passed just as we had used all our truck’s water to defend ourselves. Thank you to Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade, Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade and the other trucks for coming to our aid. The crew from Cottage Point came out unharmed with only minor damage to our truck.
Thursday was a very testing day for all volunteers. Sadly we found out later that evening that two volunteers from another RFS brigade had tragically lost their lives in the line of duty. Our condolences to those families, the brigade, and the first responders who came to their aid. To the three other crew who survived, we wish you a speedy recovery. You are all heroes!
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: January 10, 2020
Today Cottage Point has three volunteer members on the Northern Beaches Flyer. The ‘Flyer’ is an RFS Category 11 pumper firetruck that provides primary fire response in the Northern Beaches district. The flyer is the first truck that responds to any number of different 000 calls from Automatic Smoke Alarms (AFAs), to Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVAs), bushfires and other emergencies.
A reminder that today is a Total Fire Ban day across Sydney.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade is in Wentworth Falls, New South Wales: January 8, 2020
Yesterday Cottage Point as part of a Northern Beaches strike team assisted in a major backburn to protect the communities of Blue Mountains from the approaching Green Wattle Creek and Erskine Creek fires.
We were tasked to assist with backburning behind the mountain community of Wentworth Falls that had already commenced couple days prior. This included backburning around the old Queen Victoria Hospital with its heritage listed buildings more than 130 years old. In the early 1900s it was known for world class treatment of Tuberculosis and repurposed in 1958 as a nursing home until it was closed in 1999. Great local history here.
In the morning we commenced with blacking out any trees/logs that were smouldering from the previous days shifts, before locking in any patches of the fire trail and road that hadn’t burnt. We had the support of a water bombing helicopter all day to assist with any flare ups or spot fires. Great outcome for the local communities here.
Massive thanks go out to NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade for lending us their Deputy Captain Adam P as our driver for the day.
RFS Tax Deductible Gift Register: https://bit.ly/2s3akiI
For those looking to donate to our brigade, search for 'Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade', or you are able to donate to any other RFS Brigade. Thanks.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: January 7, 2020
Cottage Point today has been deployed as part of Northern Beaches Strike team to Blue Mountains. We have a composite crew with Cottage Point and NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade members.
25+ firetrucks plus support vehicles, 130 volunteers, depending on weather will be conducting a backburn to help contain the Green Wattle Creek fire that is currently burning towards Blue Mountains communities.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 27, 2019
Throwback to earlier this week when Cottage Point assisted Northern Beaches strike team on deployment to Bilpin and Kurrajong Heights, implementing a number of tactical backburns to protect properties from the Grose Valley fire front.
Senior Deputy Captain Oliver and Firefighter Alex we’re tasked on Duffys Forest Rural Fire Brigade category 9 fire truck. It’s smaller than our category 1 fire trucks, allowing us to access more remote properties and fire trails, plus being nimble enough to chase and extinguish any spot fires as necessary.
Deputy Captain Chrys and Firefighter Raff were on Davidson Rural Fire Brigade category 9 fire truck as part of a Northern Beaches strike team down south to the Wattle Creek fire, tasked with implementing a backburn around Warragamba Dam western side.
Cottage Point 1 fire truck remained in the district to assist with local protection if needed.
Thousands of volunteers continued to work day and night throughout this week including many doing shifts on Christmas Day away from their families, ensuring these fires are constantly being put out and containment lines established ahead of the hotter weather expected this weekend.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019
It’s been a tough week leading up to Christmas. Cottage Point crew responded to Buxton as part of the Northern Beaches strike team on Thursday. The crew managed to save a number of homes, however sadly the main fire front devastated the township. It’s estimated 40 homes were lost.
While the crew were setting up for property protection as the fire front approached, we were caught in a sudden wind change forcing the crew to retreat back to the firetruck and initiate emergency procedures. We captured the moment the fire began to crown, trapping us. A situation all firefighters train for but never hope to experience.
Thankfully our firetruck protected us as the fire went around us. The crew suffered no injuries and we returned to duty continuing working on putting out spot fires. Our truck suffered some damage - two live reels on the rear of the truck completely melted plus some exterior damage to the vehicle, rear lights melted etc. The reels have been replaced.
We’ve shared a number of photos from Thursday, showing the devastation the townships of Buxton, Bargo and Balmoral endured.
Thankfully the weather eased this week allowing firefighters to put in additional backburns in threatened communities. The danger sadly remains as we expect temperatures to rise come the weekend.
Cottage Point will continue working with strike teams throughout the holiday period assisting across the state.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 23, 2019
Massive shout out to the entire Duffy family from Manly - Lucy (aged 6) and Charlotte (aged 10) along with mum Lisa, thank you so much for your generous donations. We loved the card! Merry Christmas and hope you have a safe and healthy 2020!
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
Today Cottage Point crew have been placed on two separate Category 9 fire trucks with Northern Beaches Strike teams. Deputy Captain Chrys and Firefighter Raff are backburning at the Wattle Creek fire, putting in containment lines to protect Sydney’s water supply at Warragamba dam. Senior Deputy Captain Oliver and Firefighter Alex have been deployed to Colo high school, yet to be tasked but most likely heading to assist at Bilpin / Gospers Mtn fire.
Cottage Point Rural Fire Brigade: December 16, 2019
A post from our Deputy Captain Chrys on Cottage Point 1 Today - Its been a long and hard day at Bilpin and Mount Tomah defending multiple houses from this massive fire front. Our strike team saved over 30 homes. Sadly some were lost. The Cottage Point crew did an amazing job in the horrendous conditions. Thanks to this great team working with me today.
Warringah Catering Unit
Postal Address - Thompson Dr Off Kamber Rd, Terrey Hills, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 0397
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Saturday of every Month.
Warringah Comms Unit
Postal Address - Thompson Dr Off Kamber Rd, Terrey Hills, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 3000
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 3rd Wednesday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Wednesday of every Month.
Coasters Retreat
Postal Address - Coasters Retreat, 2108Brigade Contact - 0414 849 248
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 4th Sunday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 4th Sunday of every Month.
Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade: August 19, 2019
At approximately 10pm last night, NSW Rural Fire Service crew’s were alerted to a fire burning in remote bush land at Long Nose Point, just south of Coaster's Retreat in the Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park. But unfortunately, while the fire location could be seen, due to the lack of light, it was decided it was too dangerous to put firefighters into the bush to attempt to access it. The fire was monitored by crews over night and will be accessed today to develop containment strategies. This fire is clearly visible from Avalon, Bilgola Plateau, Newport, Scotland Island and the Pittwater western foreshores. Thank you the residents of this areas for being on the ball and calling 000 this morning. We appreciate that you're keeping an eye out.
Postal Address - 5 Manor Road, Ingleside, 2101Brigade Contact - 9913 2230
Email - info@inglesiderfs.org.au
Brigade Training Details - Training is held Last Wednesday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Wednesday of every Month.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 16, 2020 -^:37 PM
This just in from our Ingleside NSW RFS volunteers at the Numerella Good Good Bushfire. Rain and Hail... going to need a lot of it though.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 15, 2020
6 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers worked off Peak View Rd, Numerella assisting to provide containment on the GoodGood bushfire on Tuesday. Working with a D6 dozer and water bombing helicopters, the Northern Beaches Strike Team of 7 vehicles pushed a trail of 2.5km along the fire edge. Long hard day for the crews.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 13, 2020
Ingleside NSWRFS tanker is currently at the Good Good bushfire in Numerella. The fire has crossed Peak Hill Rd and continues to burn in an Westerly direction. Our crews are assisting with property protection in the area. The Fire is at a Watch and Act Level (1830) Stay up to date using the FiresNearMe App.
2020-01-13 16:32
A bush fire is burning in the Peak View, Jerangle, Jerangle Village, Numeralla and Countegany areas. The fire is more than 36,000 hectares in size and is out of control.
Current Situation
This fire is adjoined to the Badja Forest Road fire to the east. Fire activity is increasing in the Peak View Road area, to the east of Numeralla. The fire is producing a lot of smoke making local conditions difficult.
If you are in the area of Numeralla, Peak View, Jerangle, Countegany and Badja, monitor conditions. Know what you will do if fire threatens.
RFS Tax Deductible Gift Register: https://bit.ly/2s3akiI - Search for 'Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade', or if you are able to donate to any other RFS Brigade.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade is at Harvest Goulburn: January 12, 2020
Many thanks to Harvest Goulburn for the fantastic Breakfasts and Coffees for our members on a 5 day strike team deployment to Goulburn.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 13, 2020
6 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers are continuing to work out of the Cooma, Bombala, Numerella areas. This is a 5 day deployment for our volunteers. Today we are working on the Good Good bushfire North-East of Cooma with the Strike Team being lead by two Ingleside RFS volunteers. Great to our Defence Force to give assistance.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 10, 2020
While on standby at station today we had a visit from budding fire fighter Rhydian who raised money with his mates Ben and Tim for our Brigade. Rhydian and his mates raised $400 with a cake stall, the money will be used to help buy more equipment for the brigade. Rhydian and his brothers spent some time with the fire fighters on crew today, learning about what we do and the equipment we have. His really impressed the crew with his knowledge of our equipment and the functions of the NSWRFS. Thanks guys!
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 9, 2020
7 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers deployed Wednesday morning and into the field at Cooma/Adaminaby today. Two of those crew are the Strike Team Leaders. Our crew is in the area until Sunday. Today the crew conducted mopping up operations and backburning 7km in the Eucumbene Lake/River area. Warm weather and stronger winds are predicted Friday. Keep up to date with the FiresNearMe App.
Location: Providence Portal NSW 2629 - https://maps.app.goo.gl/ZYUNEmpeYTE5L4qZA
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 7, 2020
Today's Sunrise 7NEWS Sydney report this morning, gave thanks to our Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers who responded last Tuesday to the Surf Beach area bushfire emergency.
Quite often we never find out what it means to save someones home burning, as we move onto the next. Ingleside volunteers (like all RFS Fire Fighters), have been running constantly since 8 November 2019. This family contacted us and we were able to give them a picture of what happened when the fire hit and afterwards. Our Brigade was there when the fire impacted, then about 60 mins later, we returned to put out some more smouldering areas that would have burnt the house. We wish the community the best for their rebuild. This family were lucky, but there were many homes we could not save in their area.
Here's a pic of the note we left, sent to us by the family.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 6, 2020
Our two Ingleside NSWRFS Strike Team leaders are returning to the Northern Beaches of Sydney tonight after their 3 day deployment to the South Coast. The 5 truck team of 31 volunteer fire fighters engaged 57 residents affected by bushfire in the West Conjola area today. Some great work, particularly during the 45⁰C heat on Saturday, saving homes in Bendalong, Manyana and Little Forest areas.
Thanks to The Milton Hotel for putting on delicious pizzas, coffee and softies at no charge for our volunteers this afternoon.
Brigades on the Strike Team:
- Davidson Rural Fire Brigade
- NSW RFS - Terrey Hills Brigade
- Warringah / Pittwater Headquarters Rural Fire Brigade
- Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade
- Belrose Rural Fire Brigade
- Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
It's not all hard work for our Ingleside NSWRFS Strike Team Leader at the South Coast NSW bushfires. This wombat wanted to thank our Fire fighters with a bit more than a hug.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is seen here setting up to wear Breathing Apparatus and running to extinguish a house fire at Bendalong, 3 hours South of Sydney, on Saturday. Tony worked off our Ingleside NSWRFS tanker fighting the bushfires in 45⁰ Celcius (115⁰F) heat.
Tony used BA on 4 occasions on Saturday including at 2 structure fires. Great to see Tony working hard as he always does when he volunteers with the RFS. Our next video will show Curvers Rd, Manyana where Tony was working with the team to save the houses.
The 5 tanker Strike Team lead by our Ingleside officers worked in terrible fire conditions due to heat & strong winds. The fire impacted Bendalong & Manyana communities.
Edit: Ingleside RFS Volunteers worked with Tony as a team, although there has been some commentary he volunteers with us, but he actually volunteers with the Davidson Rural Fire Brigade which is a brigade a few kilometres from ours. We regularly work together as an RFS Team and Tony is a credit to the RFS for the time he puts into volunteering.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
This footage is the Bushfire on Saturday hitting Curvers Drive, Manyana. The video shows the ferocity of the fire impacting when our #Ingleside Strike Team Leader and his team, including our former Prime Minister Tony Abbott were first into the street. A number of fire trucks were deployed into the street. Sheds and caravans were lost, but all houses were saved. Temperatures were 45⁰C (113⁰F) with 45km/h hot winds.
You can hear commentary of our Northern Beaches Council area strike team leader organising more trucks from another of our Strike Teams. All up, Northern Beaches put in 9 tankers to Bendalong and Manyana working with local RFS & Fire and Rescue strike teams.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020 at 1:44 AM
Ingleside NSWRFS Strike Team leaders returning from fire fighting all day, came across a large shed on fire, impacting a house at Tomerong on the South Coast. Flagging down Belrose Rural Fire Brigade & NSW Rural Fire Service St Georges Basin Brigade our volunteers got to work extinguishing the fire.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers have been battling bushfires in Manyana and Bendalong area of the South Coast of Sydney, Australia. Temperatures were 45 degrees Celsius with very windy conditions. The battle continues.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers are in the field at Milton, Nowra and Yass today. Both our tanker and Pumper are deployed. One of our officers is leading a Strike Team of 5 trucks out of Nowra. We have these teams on two 5 day deployments and one 2 day deployment. Warm and windy conditions today in the lower half of NSW. Keep up to date with the FiresNearMe App.
These pics are from our 3 day strike team yesterday near Milton.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 2, 2020
This is a photo of our RFS Senior Deputy Captain Brad Kelly in Hill Crest Ave, Surf Beach, Batemans Bay on Tuesday (Dec. 31, 2019). Brad was the officer in charge of our Tanker. He was protecting the house next to this one from burning down during the bushfire. This scenario happened multiple times. One house burns, two houses either side were saved. Well done to our Ingleside volunteers, Brad, Nathan, Chris, Sara, Andrew, Josh. Keep up to date with the FiresNearMe App.
Edit: This was midday too. Not midnight.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 1, 2020
11am Wednesday 1st January 2020: Video Lake Conjola to North of Sussex Inlet. There are a number of bushfire edges, dangerous trees along the roadway and powerlines/poles down. These are being cleaned up and checked by the RFS, RMS & Endeavour Energy crews. This is why the roadway is closed between Milton and Falls Creek. Stay up to date on travel plans and electricity outages:
Traffic/Travel: Live Traffic NSW (www.livetraffic.com) Electricity: http://www.endeavourenergy.com.au
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: January 1, 2020
This video footage was taken by our Ingleside NSWRFS Group Officer who was leading a Northern Beaches RFS Strike Team to Batemans Bay on NYE. Our officer was involved in deployment of his 5 trucks to property protection. It is hard to manage fire trucks and save property, whilst watching people's houses burn. Our team, including our Tanker, arrived 930am Tuesday morning to Bushfire impacting Surf Beach, Sunshine Bay and Catalina suburbs. We worked solidly until 5pm with many other RFS, FRNSW, NPWS teams.
Ingleside RFB photo taken at 1 p.m.
Our volunteers dealt with winds upwards of 70km/h. We saw over 30+ properties destroyed, either before we could try to save them, or lost whilst trying to defend them. But what our volunteers can take away, is that they saved many many more homes. We also had one of our volunteers hospitalised with smoke/heat inhalation and remain in hospital due to be released Wednesday afternoon.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 29, 2019
5 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers have been in Lithgow at the Glen Davis bushfire since Friday. The crews as part of the Northern Beaches area have been securing the fire edges ahead of warm and windy conditions this week.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 27, 2019
6 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers spent an arvo swing shift at the Warragamba Dam bushfire this evening. This crew conducted mostly mopping up operations. For two of our members, they get rather excited about Dams for some reason..
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 27, 2019
8 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers spent today at the HillTop / Bargo / Buxton Bushfire in the Southern Sydney area. Two of our crew lead the Strike Team of 5 trucks from the Northern Beaches area. Our crews were involved in mopping up operations ahead of warm and windy weather from Sunday.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019
Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers are currently at the Yerrinbool and Hilltop bushfires. Crews are involved in Backburning and patrolling operations to assist in containing this fire. We have 9 crew in the field on 3 different trucks.
8 Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers were on the fire yesterday in the Kurrajong Heights and Mountain Lagoon areas. One crew on our Pumper, the other two leading a strike team of 5 trucks. Don't worry, it's not one off, we have another 8 out today on the fire ground.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers are leading 5 Strike Team RFS Tankers doing property protection at Blackheath. This video was taken at 1.20am on Hat Hill Road by brigade officer, Sean. Residents in the area need to take shelter if fire impacts your property. Major fire activity still occurring at Blackheath at 4am.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 21, 2019
Ingleside NSWRFS volunteers have been working hard at the Balmoral bushfire near Bargo and Buxton areas.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: December 19, 2019
Ingleside NSWRFS responded to Bargo and Bruxton areas today for the bushfire emergency South of Sydney. This video is from two of our volunteers, Sean & Josh who lead a Strike Team in the area. A number of property losses, but many were saved in some pretty dangerous fire conditions by RFS and Fire &Rescue fire fighters. 13 Ingleside volunteers deployed to the area on our Tanker and Pumper.
Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade: November 8, 2019
Ingleside NSWRFS heavy bushfire Tanker was deployed 5am this morning to the Port Macquarie area to assist with the bushfire effort. An additional 5 tankers were also responded to Taree just after lunch. Ingleside currently have 4 RFS volunteers involved in this bushfire effort.
The 2nd Strike Team that left just after lunch from the Northern Beaches RFS District today (Friday November 8th) ended up at the Rainbow Flat bushfire, just South of Taree. Hot times for that Strike Team.
Later same day (8.11.2019):
The four Ingleside Rural Fire Brigade NSWRFS volunteers have continued to assist with the bushfire effort on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Their heavy bushfire tanker continues to work in the area. They have saved homes!
The Ingleside NSWRFS Tanker is up in the Port Macquarie area.
At 12:30am, November 10th, 74 bush fires continue to burn across NSW with 43 still not under control. 1 fire remains at Emergency Warning at Hillville Rd on the Mid-Coast and 15 still at Watch and Act.
Crews are using favourable conditions on a number of firegrounds to undertake backburning to strengthen containment lines ahead of worsening conditions early this week.
Here are some photos from our RFS volunteers over the last 24 hours. Keep up to date with the Fires Near Me App.
You too can volunteer with the Ingleside RFB: www.inglesiderfs.org.au/join-us
Photos courtesy Ingleside RFB
Mackerel Beach
Postal Address - Diggers Crescent, Great Mackerel Beach, 2108Brigade Contact - 9974 1162
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 1st Saturday Of Each Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Saturday Of Each Month
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Mona Vale: January 6, 2020
More than happy to support the legends of Mackerel Beach Rural Fire Service with 6 respirators.
Scotland Island
Postal Address - Catherine Park, Scotland Island, 2105
Brigade Contact - 9999 4404
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 17, 2020
While many of us spent yesterday clearing gutters and waiting for rain, Brigade Members were still working on fire grounds around the state. These photos are from Brigade Members working on the Good Good fire in the Snowy Monaro district. Rain is forecast for the area and conditions are expected to ease. Hopefully this means the fire will be controlled soon and our Brigade Members and everyone else working on this fire and the others around the state can return home and get some well deserved rest.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 12, 2020
Well that’s a wrap - other than a 6 hour drive home - Northern Beaches Strike Team Delta to Bombala is on the way home. For the past 3 days the team has been involved in fire fighting operations including property and asset protection and back burning. Thanks to the Imperial Hotel Bombala for putting us up and for the worlds biggest breakfast!
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 7, 2020
Brigade members spent yesterday assisting local Blue Mountains Brigades with back burning operations as part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Alpha. This back burn is designed to protect residential properties and other assets from the Erskine Creek and Ruined Castle fires currently burning in the Blue Mountains. Brigade members returned about midnight last night after a productive day.
It's great to see some rain, but weather conditions are expected to deteriorate again later this week.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
If you belong to a “water brigade” you know that fires aren’t just fought on land in trucks or from the air. The Rural Fire Service also has a number of fire boats. Our crews have been active for the past couple of days evacuating people from along the Shoalhaven River and gathering intelligence on fire behaviour and spread. Our crew helping people decide to leave before full fire front arrives - we helped clear most of Shoalhaven river of people other than the few that planned to stay.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 5, 2020
Brigade members on their way home from Cooma as part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Charlie have now been responded to the Blue Mountains where a number of fires are burning.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
This is the view as we approach Berridale.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 4, 2020
Brigade members have just been responded from Yass to Cooma as part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Charlie. A number of fires in that area have now moved to Emergency Warning level as weather conditions deteriorate.
We also have Brigade members deployed in Nowra and the Shoalhaven.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: January 1, 2020
Confirming all of our Brigade members arrived home safely around 2am this morning from the South Coast. Obviously it was a tough day for a lot of people. Several lives were lost, communities were ravaged, houses, businesses and outbuildings were destroyed and fire fighters were injured.
Our thoughts are with all those people impacted during what was a terrible day.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 31, 2019
Brigade members arrived in Cooma at about 2pm. This was the outlook from Cooma.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 31, 2019
Dust storms outside Canberra:
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019
A great time was had by all at today's Scotland Island Dog Race. Thanks to everyone for the generous donations. We were truly touched by people's understanding of the bush fire emergency, the impact it is having and their generosity. Thanks to the Pasadena, Sydney, Waterfront Cafe, Scotland Island Lodge and Sailing Pittwater for the fabulous prizes donated. The money raised will be used to support people impacted by the bush fires especially the families of Geoffrey Keaton and Andrew O'Dwyer, the two fire fighters who lost their lives last week, and the Scotland Island Brigade.
Photo: Carolyn Hampson
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019
When things get urgent and we have sufficient resources back burning can be done on a large scale. In this case we have multiple tankers spaced out along a Blue Mountains road with crews burning from the road back into the fire front to try and ‘lock it in’. To minimise the risk of back burning, if we have time we do it in sections - burning then blacking out, burning then blacking out....
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019 at 2:28 AM
Members of the Brigade working as part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Delta are providing property protection in the Blackheath area. Photo: Hoses are set for property protection. Time for 5 minutes rest before the front arrives.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 20, 2019
We are really sorry, but due to the current bushfire emergency and operational requirements tomorrow Santa will not be able to visit Scotland Island as planned. We hate to cancel our annual Santa visit, but we hope you understand. Our Brigade and the remainder of the Northern Beaches District RFS will have every fire truck on standby for deployment and we need every single available member to help with fire fighting. We hope to be able to reschedule Santa's visit in the next few days - but if that isn't possible we are very, very confident he will visit on Christmas Eve in the usual way.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 19, 2019
Brings out the best in people. Stopped for a rest for 5 minutes and Bargo locals start supplying food and drinks. Thank you!!!!
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 17, 2019
Brigade members spent yesterday working in the Mt Wilson and Mt Irvine areas protecting properties and back burning as part of a Northern Beaches Strike Team. Despite challenging conditions we managed to protect a significant number of properties from the fires burning in the area. We all returned safely early this morning.
Conditions are expected to deteriorate significantly this week. Make sure you have a Bushfire Survival Plan.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 10, 2019
Today members of the Brigade worked with 2 of the 4 Northern Beaches Strike Teams deployed at the Three Mile Fire. Our main objectives today were property protection and ensuring the Fire didn’t break containment lines and jump the river. Work is continuing into the night.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: December 9, 2019
The past couple of months have been incredibly challenging for many communities and RFS Brigades around NSW. Our Brigade is doing what we can to help and will continue to do so. Tuesday promises to be another challenging day and we will have several Brigade members working as part of Strike Teams from the Northern Beaches working on fires around the Central Coast. The Northern Beaches district will have almost 100 fire fighters and 20 fire trucks deployed as part of these Strike Teams.
This is only possible because of support from other teams like Communications, Catering and Logistics. Its also made easier by the tremendous support from our local community who have risen to the challenge of preparing themselves and their properties for the increasing risk of fire closer to home. If you don't have a Bushfire Survival Plan build one now and discuss it with your family. Get the pack from the RFS web site. If you don't have the Fires Near Me app download it now from your App Store.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: November 17, 2019
As expected, today Brigade members and other members of the Northern Beaches Strike Team have been working hard backburning to create containment lines for the Gospers Mountain Fire ahead of worsening conditions later this week.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: November 15, 2019
Today members of the Brigade were deployed to the Gospers Mountain fire as part of a Northern Beaches Strike Team. Crews are focused on property protection in areas around St Albans.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: November 13, 2019
Yesterday was a challenging day for all of us.
The Brigade had up to 20 members at the station or on standby at home and we were also able to provide assistance to some other Brigades in the area.
During the day Brigade members attended 1 medical emergency on the island and assisted with fires at Warriewood and South Turramurra. We also responded to various other reports of fire that turned out to be false alarms including one at Coasters Retreat.
Thank you to those members that gave up work and personal time to make themselves available. Thanks also to the many members of the community who offered help, reported fires and took the initiative to prepare themselves, their families and their properties.
No doubt there will be more challenging days this summer, but after yesterday we are all a bit better prepared.
If you haven't done it already, download the Fires Near Me app (search for Fires Near Me in the app store), read this advice from the RFS https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare and make sure you have a Bushfire Survival Plan.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: November 11, 2019
There’s so much more to be done up here on the mid North Coast but we’ve done our job for today. Now back home to prepare for the challenges tomorrow will bring.
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade: November 11, 2019
Scotland Island Brigade members are enroute to assist with bushfires on the North Coast, returning late tonight to help in our own neighbourhood with difficult weather conditions expected on Tuesday.
Local RFS Volunteers Helping Fight Fires Far From Home

Tumbledown Dick
Postal Address - 2 Tumburra Street, Ingleside, 2101
Brigade Contact - 9486 3475
Brigade Training Details - Training is held 1st Wednesday of every Month.
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 3rd Wednesday of every Month.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: January 13, 2020
Strike Teams
This past week Tumble have been on a number of strike teams; in the Blue Mountains, the Southern Highlands and Snowys. Tomorrow a Tumble crew again head down to the Snowys and will be based out of Cooma.
The Northern Beaches district has provided many strike teams since the start of August and Tumble have been on just about all of them. Sometimes one and sometimes four strike teams have been deployed out of district dependent on operational requirements. This means we’ve worked across most of the firegrounds in NSW, from the Queensland border through to the Snowy Mountains and all in between. The list of townships, localities and National Parks this season is becoming a very long list.
With such a long campaign our equipment and tankers take a beating. Nothing is firefighter proof and we’ve encountered that many times over the past 5 months. Despite the best equipment care and tactical use, things break, get burnt or lost or just wear out with non stop use for months. Replenishing, making good and cleaning is a constant activity undertaken by all in the brigade (and district) and supported by our Equipment Officer and the local staff at our District Office who work tirelessly to keep our tankers and equipment operational.
This week (despite the deployment tomorrow) our people are replenishing themselves; our tankers are getting some extra attention and our equipment some TLC in preparation for the coming months.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: January 9, 2020
Tumble crew on Northern Beaches Strike Team Charlie are staging in Goulburn and due back in district Monday (Jan. 13). Tumble1 on strike team Alpha is being staged in district for tomorrow.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: January 3, 2020
Tumble1 as part of Northern Beaches strike team Bravo are deploying to Nowra and due back Tuesday (Jan. 7). Further Tumble crew are on Lovett7 as part of the same strike team. We also have Tumble crew on Beacon1 as part of Northern Beaches strike team Charlie deploying to Yass and due back Sunday. We will also have Tumble7 crewed tomorrow and night crew in place.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 31, 2019
Sharing from the Tumble team with Northern Beaches Strike Team Alpha in Batemans Bay and Nelligen. Worked through Nelligen with local crews and Sutherland strike team now back to Batemans Bay. Work continues. Tumble crews on strike teams in and around Batemans Bay will be staying overnight in Batemans Bay due challenges with the road network to the north
Batemans Bay at Midday. Crews hard at work.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 31, 2019
Today about half of the brigades active roster are in the field.
As part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Delta, Tumble7 plus additional crew as Strike Team Leader and offsider, on Davidson9 has been in Lithgow since Friday working the eastern edge of the Gospers Mountain Fire around Glenn Davis and Capertee. They are currently due for return through today.
As part of Northern Beaches Strike Team Alpha, Tumble1 and additional crew as Strike Team Leader offsider, and on Candle1A are heading to Batemans Bay. An additional crew member is on a 3rd Northern Beaches strike team.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 30, 2019
Tumble7 in Lithgow working Glenn Davis and Nile Valley with Tumble crew and Tumble as strike team leader as part of multi day strike team. Tumble1 heading to Hilltop.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 25, 2019
Whilst Tumble7 and Tumble1 will remain in shed today unless paged out, Tumble are crewing Duffys9 and composite on Candle1 as part of the Northern Beaches strike team heading to Katoomba. This strike team is E19/792 - the 792nd strike team to deploy from Region East this year....
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 24, 2019 - Tumble1 with Northern Beaches strike team heading to Hilltop in southern highlands.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 23, 2019 - Tumble1 as part of Northern Beaches strike team heading to Bilpin. Thank you Catering, Colo High School and ADF for provision of welfare today.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 22, 2019
Tumble1 and Tumble7 returned from the day around Kurrajong Heights and Bilpin around 2am this morning as part of a Northern Beaches strike team (one of 4 strike teams from Northern Beaches). Tumble night crew yesterday were deployed to Balmoral onto Candle 1A. and are currently returning to station. Tumble1 with fresh crew is heading back up the mountain to Bilpin as part of a Northern Beaches strike team.
Video is from last night after the southerly change impacted the Bilpin area, navigating into an isolated property off Bells Line of Road which was under threat with persons in place. The use of the iPad and Topo maps proving very helpful in locating isolated properties (purchased via brigade fundraising).
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 21, 2019 - Heading through Bilpin:
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 19, 2019
Very challenging day for fire crews today. Tumble 7 was staged early this morning in the western suburbs being responded to Bargo for urgent property protection. Tumble 1 wasn’t far behind responding to Bargo too.
There have been reports of fire fighters injured, but we can report all Tumble crews are safe and well.
This video was taken by our captain.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 16, 2019
Thank you Anytime Fitness
A month or two back, as a number of our members got ready for the MND stair climb in November, the team at Anytime Fitness stepped up and offered to train the crew. We joined them for their RUOK charity event and they supported us with the MND stair climb event. The personal training they provide to our firefighters was intensive and spread over many weeks, and greatly appreciated. It served us well for the MND stair climb and serves us well now with the fire season well underway.
Thank you Anytime Fitness Avalon.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 16, 2019
Very long day for the crew on our Cat 1 today. 0530 wake up before being deployed to Bilpin staging area as part of a Northern Beaches strike team. The initial plan of back burning quickly went out the door and with winds picking up into the afternoon we were deployed to Mt Wilson to set for property protection. Fire impacted many properties in Mt Wilson and Mt Tomah unfortunately with some property losses.
With the weather heating up again toward the end of this week, it’s not looking good for Christmas!
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 15, 2019 - This video from Terrey Hills brigade as part of the Northern Beaches strike team. (Mt. Tomah fire - see above).
Yesterday marked 4 months to the day that the first tankers from Northern Beaches deployed to Region North to support operations in that area which had been going for some weeks. Our thanks to our volunteers and the family and friends who support them.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 9, 2019 - In what is forecast to be a challenging day tomorrow the Northern Beaches district will have some 100 firefighters in the field and 24 vehicles across 4 strike teams. This commitment is being supported by a large contingent of Catering, Communications and Support members and Staff who are helping to bring these teams together and get them on their way.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 7, 2019
From earlier this week, a short video of Tumble7 as part of a Northern Beaches strike team at this fire. Work was predominantly property protection in the Reedy Creek area as the fire made a run to the east across Putty Road, subsequently joining with the Little L fire to its east (where Tumble had been working out of Laguna the day prior).
Tumble7 responded to the Paddock Run fire from forward staging at Lake Macquarie FCC. There we met a second Northern Beaches strike team which had come through the Gospers Fire from the south which had Tumble1 as part of its team.
Video: J. Pritchett
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 4, 2019
Hi. Our fundraising at Woolworths this weekend will be postponed to a later date. All available members will be committed to operational activity as required.
There is a saying "it takes a village"... and it certainly does. We couldn't do what we do without our members and the support they have from their families, friends and employers; nor could we do it without the support of our community.
Apart from the messages of support which mean so much, our community also provides the funds we need to do what we do.
We "shake the can" to raise funds for a variety of reasons. Whilst the Rural Fire Service provides the vehicles (Tankers and Personnel Carrier) and most of our protective clothing and fire fighting gear; and council provide the fire station; there are many things that are not yet provided - and we need to raise funds to cover these.
Communications: We spend several thousand dollars each year communicating with our members via SMS and system so we can page them out for fire calls, mobilise for campaign fires, hazard reductions and the dozens of notification types that go on all the time;
Telephone: We raise funds to enable us to have a landline at the fire station;
Consumables: We raise funds to provide for consumables such as toilet paper, soap, towels, clothes washing items and vehicle washing items, tea and coffee and general cleaning and garden items for the station and vehicles;
Food: We raise funds to have food, tea/coffee etc for crews for 24 hours operational activity on the tankers and PC;
Operational Equipment: We purchase operational equipment to help us do a better job. Things like an iPad and mapping software so we can navigate accurately to a fire; Eskys to keep drinking water cold; Storage boxes to keep food together on tankers; specialist nozzles for improved effectiveness of firefighting and a raft of things to maintain the vehicles and station such as leaf blowers, pole saws, high pressure water cleaners, lawn mowers, washing machines, fridges, stove, microwave, BBQ, outside table, chairs, desk, printer, computer, TV, air conditioning, hose drying pole, shade cloth for outside areas, garden shed etc etc I’m sure you get the idea.
The generosity of the community helps us with purchasing these items.
Whats on our wish list?
These are some of the things we use funding for:
* $6,000 or thereabouts to cover general operating expenses across the areas noted above;
* $1,671 for an iPad navigation and fire mapping tool for our second front line tanker;
* $1,920 - $3,028 to enable us to start acquiring respiratory protection for crews - the RFS currently provide simple disposable P2 dust masks for firefighters.
Tumbledown Dick Rural Fire Brigade: December 3, 2019
Leggetts Drive, Cessnock. Tumble1 as part of Northern Beaches strike team.
NSW Rural Fire Service: December 1, 2019
NSW already has faced its most challenging bush fire season ever - with lives lost, homes destroyed and communities changed forever.
And today is the start of summer.
This summer, make sure you're ready. Talk with your family about what you will do in a fire, make a plan, and prepare your property.
NSW RFS Graphic, December 1st, 2019
Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons: December 1, 2019: Summer Starts Today - Are You Prepared This Fire Season?
It's already been an extremely busy, difficult and dangerous season this year. Since 1 July, more than 7,300 fires have burnt out over 2 million hectares and tragically, claimed 6 lives.
Whilst fire fighters have saved over 9,500 homes and other buildings, sadly 673 homes and just over 1,400 buildings have been destroyed.
Thunderstorms this week have resulted in more than 100 new fires across the state as a result of lightning and today we still have over 140 fires, with 53 yet to be contained.
My sincere thanks to the thousands of fire fighters and emergency personnel, both on the ground and in the air, that continue to fight these fires. My thanks also to all the employers, families and loved ones for supporting and sacrificing time with our volunteers so that they can serve and protect their community.
A big shout out to our Australian and New Zealand colleagues too - more than 3000 have supported the ongoing effort here in NSW so far.
Unfortunately, hotter and drier than normal conditions are forecast to continue over coming months, with no meaningful rain expected until January/February.
With devastating drought conditions dominating the state and increasing flammability of fuels (vegetation), preparation is critical.
Visit our website for information on how to prepare - https://www.rfs.nsw.gov.au/plan-and-prepare
West Pittwater
Postal Address - Elvina Bay & Lovett Bay
Brigade Contact - 9997 3795 (Elvina Bay Station)
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 1st Monday of every Month.
Warringah Pittwater Cadets
Postal Address - Gate 4, Thompson Dr Off Kamber Rd, Terrey Hills, 2084Brigade Contact - 9450 3000
Brigade Meeting Details - General Meetings are held 2nd Monday of every Month.