Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Update & design Modification: august 2021

The $140 million Mona Vale Rd East upgrade continues with work on the southern lanes underway. The latest update also lists a design addendum. The statement reads:
A recent traffic switch on Mona Vale Road diverting motorists to its northern lanes has allowed work to start on the southern lanes between Boundary and Daydream streets, Ponderosa Parade and Emma Street, and the Foley Street intersection.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said with work over the past two years focusing primarily on widening the northern lanes, starting work on the southern lanes marks significant progress on the project and another step closer toward the project finish line.
''Mona Vale Road is being upgraded from a two lane to a four lane carriageway between Manor Road at Ingleside and Foley Street at Mona Vale to improve safety and traffic flow,” the spokesperson said.
“Since the traffic switch, we have been able to start work on the southern lanes including building the project’s largest retaining wall between Boundary and Daydream streets, and the first fauna bridge in Metropolitan Sydney to compliment the fauna underpass currently under construction.
Artists impression of fauna bridge - TfNSW image
“We will also be building road pavement, carrying out drainage work east of Ponderosa Parade, continuing work on rock cuttings, and relocating the remaining utilities.
“We are excavating about 210,000 cubic metres of soil and rock and will reuse more than 80,000 cubic metres of this excess material to build an embankment for the Mona Vale Road West upgrade.”
Mona Vale West upgrade site - A J Guesdon photo
Later this year, another traffic switch will be put in place on Mona Vale Road from Laurel Road and Lane Cove Road to allow work to widen the southern side of the road and build retaining walls to start.”
Transport for NSW has recently relocated nearly 70 per cent of service utilities, completed two of seven retaining walls, as well as a noise wall along the northern side of Mona Vale Road.
Transport for NSW thanks road users and the community for their patience during this time and will continue to provide updates as the project progresses.
Design Modification
We are making some changes to our design that will provide good outcomes for the local community. The changes include relocating the shared path for cyclists and pedestrians, and extending the heavy vehicle arrester bed further up the slope to slow heavy vehicles down.
We expect the shared zone to be used by residents north of Mona Vale Road and west of Samuel St, and anyone wishing to access Lane Cove Road through the bush. Commuter cyclists and cycle groups are more likely to use the new 3m (approx.) wide shoulders to be constructed along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Daydream Street as observed along other sections of Mona Vale Road where wide shoulders have been provided. The realignment of the shared user path into the existing shared zone is to provide greater visibility for those who will use this route rather than be hidden between a noise wall and a fenced/vegetation border.
These changes are outlined in the Addendum Review of Environmental Factors (REF) (PDF, 18.6Mb) review or download a copy at:
If you have any feedback on these changes, please contact us.
Display of the addendum review of environmental factors
This addendum REF, dated August 4, 2021 is on display for 28 days. The documents are available as pdf files on the Transport for NSW website at:
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To make a submission about this proposal, please send your written comments to:
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For more information on the Mona Vale Road project, visit