October 16 - 22, 2022: Issue 558


Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: October 2022 Pictorial Update

Photos taken October 2 and 9, 2022

The  NSW Budget 2022-23 allocated $340.0 million (over next four years) - $25.0 million (2022-23) for the Mona Vale Road, McCarrs Creek Road to Powder Works Road; Upgrading and widening about 3.4 kilometres of Mona Vale Road between McCarrs Creek Road, Terrey Hills, and Powder Works Road, Ingleside, from a two-lane undivided road to a four lane (two lanes in each direction) divided road. 

Although a query has been made as to why the budget for these works has increased, no reply was received as we went to press. 

One wit has suggested this signage needs updating:

Apparently the works are over 50% complete now, despite rains being frequent this year. The timeline first announced for completion may not be met due to those rains.

The footprint of the construction becomes more apparent in these most recent photos, taken October 2nd and 9th, 2022, along with how much has been done since our last update in April of this year.


Photos Of Works Taken October 2nd, 2022 Heading West:

Photos Of Works Taken October 9th, 2022 Heading East: