July 5 - 18, 2020: Issue 457
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed extended weekend work + Road Closure For Large Boulder Removal Works
The contractor for the Mona Vale Road East upgrade, Georgiou Group is currently talking to the community about closing Mona Vale Road to all traffic from Manor Road to the Mona Vale Road, Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection from 7pm Friday 24 July to 5am Monday 27 July 2020.
If there is wet weather, the closure will occur on the following weekend from 7pm Friday 31 July to 5am 3 August 2020. If you are impacted by this closure, you will receive a community agreement and a notification about the work in the coming days.
Why Is The Road Closure Necessary?
There are large boulders (in cut 3) and other rock faces along Mona Vale Road that need to be removed in order for us to upgrade the road. As they are very close to live traffic, we are asking for the community’s agreement to extend the hours of work (including rock hammering) so we can carry out more work on these rock faces safely.
The closure will impact all vehicles including heavy vehicles, buses and emergency services. Emergency services will be advised ahead of time and will be consulted regarding the detours to ensure there is no disruption to these services.
The full road closure will allow us to:
- bring the level of the existing rock at cut 2, down to the existing road level
- remove a third of the existing rock face at cut 3
- remove 200 m3 from cut 4
- remove 800m3 from cut 5

To make the most of the road closure, we will also undertake trenching and other necessary work along Mona Vale Road. You will be notified of this work in a separate notification closer to the date.
What are the current working hours?
We are permitted to work on weekdays, on Saturdays from 8am to 1pm and during out of hours shifts (from 8pm to 5am between Mondays and Fridays). In March 2020 the NSW Government gave the construction industry permission to work over weekends and during public holidays to take advantage of the reduced traffic volumes during COVID 19.
What are the proposed hours of the closure and extension of earthworks?
The full closure is proposed from 7pm Friday 24 July to 5am Monday 27 July, 2020, weather permitting.
We would like to extend our earthworks (including rock hammering) from 1pm Saturday 25 July to 5am Monday 27 July. We appreciate there will be noise impacts with this work, and we will limit our rock hammering activities to the daytime as much as possible. Our work breaks will generally be from 9:30am to 9:50am and from 1:00pm to 1:30pm.
Night works will focus on earthmoving and hauling rocks and dirt (with limited rock hammering on the Saturday and Sunday nights) at cut 3 and cut 4 (see map below) and trenching drainage lines in various locations along Mona Vale Road.
Please note we will be working out of hours during the week of 27 July, 2020.
Where will the work take place?
We will be undertaking earthworks in the areas marked in blue below.
 Mona Vale Road Est Upgrade July 2020.jpg?timestamp=1593867816397)
What are the benefits of this work?
The extension of the weekend working hours will ensure this work can be done in a safe and efficient way for both road users of Mona Vale Road and our workers. The closure will allow the large rock face at cut 3, which is very close to live traffic, to be removed safely in a single weekend.
What are the noise impacts of this work?
The work is the same rock removal work we have been undertaking at night however, the weekend closure will allow us to remove these rock faces as well as the large boulders at cut 3.
a. If you live close to the area in which the rock faces are being removed you are likely to be highly impacted by the noise at night, you will be offered Alternative Accommodation (see the red box in the diagram below for an approximation of the noise that you will experience). If you are likely to be highly impacted by the noise, we will be contacting you personally to discuss the proposal over the coming week.b. If you are living a little further away from the rock faces, you are likely to be moderately impacted (see orange box in diagram below for an approximation of the noise that you will experience). We will do our best to minimise the impact by switching off machinery when not in use.c. If you live more than 200 metres from the project you will generally hear the noise at a distance (see the green box in the diagram below).
The Community Agreement may be downloaded and read online HERE
Mona Vale Road East - Out Of Hours Work
Out of hours work is planned between Kimbriki Road and Tumburra Street, Ingleside from 8pm to 5am on Tuesday 7 July.
If work is delayed due to wet weather, we will try and work a different night in the same week. We will notify highly impacted residents if there is a change of date.
Work in the area includes:
- removing rocks from the buffer zone near Mona Vale Road, about 150 metres west of Tumburra Street
- moving spoil near the access gate on Mona Vale Road with an excavator and roller
- relocating barriers.
We will use excavators with rock hammers, backhoes, tipper trucks, street sweepers, and a roller. A stop/slow arrangement will be in place traffic controllers and signage directing traffic.
If you are eligible for Alternative Accommodation you will be advised within 24 hours of the work.
Enquiries and registering for work updates
Call: 1800 413 640 (24 hour number).
Email: monavaleroad@georgiou.com.au
For more information: rms.work/mvreast
If you need help understanding this information, please contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450 and ask them to call us on 1800 413 640.