June 12 - 18, 2016: Issue 267
NSW Government Funding to Commence $90M Upgrade of Mona Vale Road East

Roads Minister Duncan Gay and Pittwater MP and Planning Minister Rob Stokes at Mona Vale during planning stages for Mona Vale road upgrades
June 10, 2016
The long awaited $90 million upgrade of Mona Vale Road between Mona Vale and Ingleside will now get underway with funding in the NSW Government’s 2016-17 Budget.
$10.5m will be allocated to progress the 3.2km project, between Foley Street at Mona Vale and Manor Road at Ingleside, from planning and design to construction.
A further $3 million will be allocated to finalise environmental assessment and advance road design for the western section of Mona Vale Road between Powderworks Road at Ingleside and McCarrs Creek Road at Terrey Hills.
“This is fantastic news for our community and a huge leap forward for this long-awaited project,” Rob Stokes said.
“Design works, geotechnical assessments and property acquisitions have been undertaken over recent years and the project will now proceed towards construction.
“For decades our community has be screaming out for major improvements to safety and travel flow along Mona Vale Road and we’ll soon be underway.”
Minister for Roads Duncan Gay said the Mona Vale Road East Upgrade had been approved in December 2015 and will improve safety, reduce travel times and provide enormous benefits to the local community.
“With this new investment, we’re now ‘cracking on’ with getting the 3.2km eastern section of Mona Vale Road upgraded from two to four lanes and various safety improvements introduced.
“The upgrade will bring great benefits to the community and is due for completion in 2020.”
“Later this year the NSW Government will be asking the community to provide feedback on the review of environmental factors and species impact statement for the upgrade of the western section of Mona Vale Road between Ingleside and Terrey Hills,’ Mr Gay said.

See Issue 266: Bill To Facilitate Mona Vale Road Upgrades Passes: Vital Fauna Bridge Discussed - Stage 3, Mona Vale Road Upgrade- West, one step closer
Bill Assented to This Week: National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Adjustment of Areas) Act 2016 No 21 — Assented to 07 June 2016