February 21 - 27, 2021: Issue 484
Mona Vale Road Upgrade: February 2021 Pictorial Update
There have been a few incidents since the September 2020 Update for the records, including:
Semi-Trailer Closes MVR

Debris, sand and rocks ended up on the road at Ingleside on December 30th and the amount of rain the area experienced that same day led to localised flooding and road closures. Council is also monitoring the creeks through the Warriewood Valley after residents reported discharge from the road works appearing in these watercourses.
Overall the works are progressing speedily with a minimum of incidents alike those seen on other large upgrades.
The Mona Vale Road East upgrade includes 3.2 kilometres of Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale. The NSW Government is investing $140 million to upgrade Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside, and Foley Street, Mona Vale, from two to four lanes to improve safety and traffic efficiency.
Roads and Maritime Services has awarded the contract for construction to Georgiou Group Pty Ltd. The construction started in January 2019 and is expected to complete in 2022, weather permitting.
The key features of the Mona Vale Road East upgrade include:
- Widening Mona Vale Road between Manor Road, Ingleside and Foley Street, Mona Vale from two lanes to four lanes with a central concrete safety barrier. The concrete safety barrier would be located from east of Manor Road to west of Daydream Street
- Providing three metre wide shoulders along Mona Vale Road between Manor Road and Daydream Street to allow a safer area for breakdowns and on-road cyclists
- Replacing the existing roundabout on Mona Vale Road at the intersection of Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street with new traffic lights and signalised pedestrian crossings on all legs
- Providing new bus priority lanes on Mona Vale Road on the approaches to and departures from the intersection of Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street
- Relocating the eastbound bus stop on Mona Vale Road near the Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection further east to the departure side of the intersection
- Providing a three metre wide shared path along the northern side of Mona Vale Road for pedestrians and cyclists. This is currently being redesigned.
- Providing a three metre wide shared path along the southern side of Mona Vale Road between Ponderosa Parade and Foley Street for pedestrians and cyclists
- Changing the speed limit from 70km/h to 80 km/h once the road upgrade work is complete
- Implementing a 40km/h truck and bus speed limit for the downhill descent from Ingleside Road to the base of the escarpment
- Providing a truck arrester bed, for eastbound vehicles next to Walana Crescent
- Building six fill retaining walls up to six metres in height and five cuttings up to 16 metres in height along the length of Mona Vale Road due to the local terrain
- Providing fauna connectivity measures
- Upgrading the existing road and cross drainage systems including the construction, reconstruction and extension of the road drainage network
- Establishing temporary site compounds and stockpile locations during construction
- Landscaping over the length of the proposal
- Installing traffic monitoring cameras at all signalised intersections to assist with traffic management.
Some photos from December 2021 and February 2021 for those watching the road not what's going on beside it when passing through these work sections run below, as this is of interest for young and older alike, and we are witnessing history take place. The sequence is heading up Mona Vale Road from around the Pittwater RSL end or coming back towards Mona Vale from around the Kimbriki Tip end.
Also Available:
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Project: Construction Update – September 2020
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: July 2020 Pictorial Update
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Extended Weekend Work + Road Closure For Large Boulder Removal Works - Georgiou Group is talking to the community about closing Mona Vale Road to all traffic from Manor Road to the Mona Vale Road, Ponderosa Parade and Samuel Street intersection from 7pm Friday 24 July to 5am Monday 27 July 2020, weather permitting. If there is wet weather, the closure will occur on the following weekend from 7pm Friday 31 July to 5am 3 August 2020.
Mona Vale Road Upgrade: The Machines Helping Build The Road – For Younger Readers: This is a story about the road-building machines we included in last Issues’ Pictorial. Some of our younger Readers have asked us ‘but what’s that one and what is it used for?’ so it seems best to put it all in a page for you. We didn’t get ALL the machines being used – but here’s some insights into those we did, and a bit more, for those who want to know more - June 2020
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: May 2020 Pictures Record
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: January 2020 Update and Photographic Record Of Works
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Update - To December 2019: Our last day of work for 2019 will be Friday 20 December and we will return to work on Monday 6 January 2020
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade Calls In Sydney Wildlife Volunteer To Relocate Lapwing Plovers Nest: Eggs Hatch! - October 2019
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: October 2019 Update In Pictures
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: September 2019 Update - and Pictorial Record Of Works - September 2019
Mona Vale Road Upgrade Update: Fauna Fencing To Be Installed During Construction + June Night Works - June 2019
Mona Vale Road Truck Arrestor Bed Miscalculation? - report by Phil Walker and John Illingsworth/Pittwater Pathways - June 2019
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Some Progress Photos - May 2019 Record
Mona Vale Road Upgrade - Changed Traffic Conditions Reminder - from Office of Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater - March 2019
Upgrade Of Mona Vale Road East To Commence This Month - an overview of what to expect - January 2019
Contract Awarded For Mona Vale Road Upgrade - from Office of the Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater - November 2018
Roads To Pittwater: The Mona Vale Road (History page) - September 2018
Plans Accelerate For Mona Vale Road East Upgrade - June 2018
Plans Accelerate For Mona Vale Road East Upgrade - from Office of The Hon. Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater - March 2018
Sydney's First Fauna Overpass To Be Installed On Mona Vale Road + RMS March 2018 Mona Vale Road update
Mona Vale Road East Upgrade: Proposed Lease Of Land To Roads And Maritime Services (RMS) - Council Invites You to Have Your Say - November 2017
Reducing Roadkill On Mona Vale Road by David Palmer, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association - September 2017
Front Page Issue 330: Jumping For Joy: Fauna Crossing For Mona Vale Road Confirmed - September 2017
Funding Secured To Commence Mona Vale Road Upgrade - June 2017
NSW Government Funding To Commence $90M Upgrade Of Mona Vale Road East - June 2016
Bill To Facilitate Mona Vale Road Upgrades Passes: Vital Fauna Bridge Discussed - Stage 3, Mona Vale Road Upgrade- West, one step closer - June 2016
Angus's Onion Orchid at Ingleside?? by David Palmer, PNHA - October 2015
Community Feedback Sought On Mona Vale Road Upgrade - November 2014
Once Was Barrenjoey - Can Community Reduce Fauna Road Deaths - Community Consultation on stage 2 (between Mona Vale and Ingleside) for Mona Vale Road upgrades is expected to begin later this year and will also include fauna connectivity options: if you too are distressed by the growing numbers of wallabies, possums and bandicoot road deaths, supporting a few other locals may help - August 2014
Upgrades To Start on Mona Vale Road - June 2014
Delivering Infrastructure - Upgrading Mona Vale Road - March 2014
Images Taken December 13th And 18th, 2020
Coming back (December 18th):