A few of the people residing at Mona vale then:
A concert and social in aid of the Catholic Church was hold at Mona Vale recently. The programme was a lengthy and enjoyable one, and the audience was appreciative. The contributors wore: Misses Aylmor (2), Clark, M. McLean, Welton, E. Sheldon, M. Brown, M. Johnson, O. McLean, A. McLean E. Olding, Maggie Keaty, Mrs. H. OHara, Messrs. Burton, and A. J. Moore, and Baby Sheldon. The entertainment was a success in every way. The result was £7 6s, which was very satisfactory for such a sparsely-populated district. The committee was: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Collins, Misses M. and F. McLean, Mrs. Roche, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Devlin. Mr. Devlin was hon, secretary. MONA VALE. (
1907, January 24).
The Catholic Press (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1942), p. 19. Retrieved from
First was a surf boat – 1908 - from Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records:
14th August 1908: 51st Meeting, Minutes: Mona Vale Park Trust ; Re handing over the park to Council. Mona Vale Progress Association – complaining of roads in that district. Motions – Purchase of life boat – CR. Powell and Cr. Quirk, seconded the following motion: That the Works Committee report onthe advisability of purchasing a life-boat for Mona Vale and establishing a life-boat Brigade – carried unanimously
Just prior to this:
10/2/1904- 10th Meeting: That the present Douglas pump at Mona Vale be replaced with a force pump and stand pipe similar to the one at Narrabeen, if it is thought advisable by the Engineer
8th May 1908 Works Committee Surf swimming; Correspondence – Manly Council re amount to put beaches in order for surf bathing the following amounts were agreed upon Beach maintenance; Freshwater Beach £300; Dee Why Beach £100; Narrabeen Beach £100; Mona Vale Beach £100;Bayview Beach £100; Newport Beach £100
The North Steyne Surf Club journeyed from Manly to Mona Vale on December 12, and gave life-saving exhibitions on the beach, which proved interesting, as well as instructive. In the evening, the visitors were entertained at dinner by the Mona Vale Surf Club and residents.The repast was laid at Brock's Mansions. President A. Ralston (of the Warringah Shire) presided, and thanked the visiting life-savers for their beach display. He said the local club bad been doing good work, and would now be better able to cope with accidents. The other speakers included Councillor Powell, Mr. C. D. Paterson (captain North Steyne Surf Club), Mr. S. A. Rigney (secretary N.S.S.C.), Rev. F. R. Ford. Councillor Quirk, and Mr. E. Lincoln.SOCIAL ITEMS. (
1908, December 19).
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 14. Retrieved from
At a meeting called by the local surf club it was decided to sink a bath at Brock’s Reef 100ft long by 60ft wide, and from 7ft to 2ft deep. The sinking is through soft shale, estimated top cost 2shillings per cubic yard to excavate. It is, however, strong enough to stand any erosion of the new, and will cost nothing to keep in repair. It is estimated to cost £100, local subscriptions totalling £11 10s were collected in one day. SEA BATHS AT MONA VALE. (
1909, March 12).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
The Department of Lands has notified the Shire Council of Warringah that a grant £ for £ up to £100 would be made to assist surf bathing on three of the beaches in the shire, viz., Freshwater, Bongin Bongin, and Curl Curl. This means that £200 will be spent. The Government suggested the grant should be expended as follows: £50 for Freshwater, Bongin Bongin and Curl Curl to divide the remaining £50.
Public recreation Reserves and bathing conveniences on the beach at Bongin Bongin and Curl Curl will be renovated and added to. At Freshwater the matter is not so easy as the beach down to high water-mark is in the hands of private owners. The grant is offered on the understanding that the councillors can make arrangements for the satisfactory disbursement of the money. If the owners will grant a long lease at a small rent of sufficient beach for the erection of the conveniences 'for the use of surfbathers they would reap the benefit and become as well public benefactors. TO HELP SURF-BATHING. (
1909, June 30).
Evening News(Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 9. Retrieved from
The official opening of Newport Beach, recently resumed by the Government, took place on Saturday. Amongst those present were the president of the Warringah Shire (Councillor Ralston), Councillor Quirk,
Dr. Arthur, M.L.A., Alderman C. D. Paterson (Manly), and several prominent visitors. Newport Beach is one of the many beautiful spots resumed by the Lands Department and handed over to the Warringah Shire.
The members of the North Steyne Surf Club gave the first life-saving demonstration. Councillor Ralston said that the shire had been in existence close on five years. They had control of two beaches at first, Curl Curl and Bongin-Bongin. Then Freshwater Beach, which was alienated from the public, was secured, and it is now the premier surf-bathing beach in the State. Mrs. Nielsen, wife of the Minister for Lands, was presented by Councillor Ralston with a pair of silver scissors, and in severing the ribbon declared the beach open for all time to the people. NEWPORT BEACH OPENED. (
1911, April 10).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
And just after a lifeboat is mooted for Mona Vale Beach:
The surf claimed another victim at Mona Vale beach on Saturday afternoon, when Dr. Charles Murray Woods, lately residing at Arnott House, Wynyard Square, was swept out by the current, and drowned in full view of his companions. The deceased was 32 years of age, and a single man. He was in the habit of visiting the spot on week-end trips, being the medical officer to the Oddfellows' Lodge at Mona Vale. He entered the water in company with several others about 6 p.m., and, being a good swimmer, ventured well out into the breakers. Mona Vale beach is rarely used by visitors, and is considered at times to be treacherous at several places. The doctor was seen by his companions suddenly to disappear under the water, and, on rising, signalled for assistance. A man named Lloyd, who was in the vicinity, attempted to render aid, but could not cross the swirling current that separated him from the struggling swimmer. On the other side of the channel was a sandbank, and the unfortunate victim was washed against this, but all attempts to reach him failed, and Lloyd himself had to be taken out of the surf in an exhausted state. The body was washed ashore some hours later. The deceased was widely respected in the district. DOCTOR DROWNED. (
1911, November 14).
Goulburn Evening Penny Post (NSW : 1881 - 1940), p. 4 Edition: EVENING. Retrieved from
The funeral of the late Dr Charles Murray Woods took place at the Mona Vale Cemetery yesterday afternoon. A large number of friends attended, including several members of the Mona Vale Oddfellows' Lodge, the secretary of the Grand Lodge, and members of the Naval Reserve of which the late doctor was a member. The Oddfellows held a private service in the Rocklily Hotel, and a public one at the graveside, where the Rev Mr Hill, of Manly, officiated. Wreaths wore sent from Arnott House, Wynyard-square, his late residence, from local lodges, and from the Naval Reserve. PERSONAL. (
1911, November 14).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Every other Shire we know of realizes its duty to these pleasure resorts, and especially where camping is the vogue. Byron, Tweed, Hastings, Manning, and other Shires we could name, have all done conspicuously good work in this direction, while Warringah Shire, which extends from Manly to Barrenjoey, and embraces such fine surfing beaches as Freshwater, Curl Curl, Deewhy, Narrabeen, and Bongin Bongin, and a number of lesser-known ones, has installed bathing accommodation and life-saving appliances at all of them, the Council rightly recognising that those resorts are a necessary sanitoria, and need fostering and building up on the interests of a bronzed and healthy Australia. Good roads have been formed to the principal beach as, beautiful drives constructed round the lakes, and a new sea-side park has been acquired for the purpose' of leasing portions to campers during the surfing season. At the Council's instigation a tram-line is being built by the Government to Narrabeen, while on the chief seaside park the Shire band regularly discourses music from a rotunda built for that purpose. Warringah Shire glories in (the fact that it has already spent£1500 of its own money on the road to Pittwater, while a vigorous advertising policy is adopted in order (will some of the anti-Evansites please note this?) to draw visitors - to its various watering places. Postcards by the thousand and cinematograph views of the pleasure places are some of the aids invoked to this end. To do all this costs money, but the ratepayers have, right from the commencement of local government, ungrudgingly paid the maximum rate of 2d in the £; and because of their public spirit in doing so the Government have increased the Shire subsidy from 25s in the £ to30s. A PLEA FOR THE CAMPERS. (
1912, January 12).
The Richmond River Herald and Northern Districts Advertiser (NSW : 1886 - 1942), p. 4. Retrieved from
Judged by a Parliamentary return, furnished on the motion of the member for The Namoi, no cogent reply can be made to his contention that the provision of dressing sheds and other bathing accommodation at seaside and mountain resorts is a municipal and not a political function. Altogether, the Minister for Works has expended £24,845 12s 3d in the erection of these conveniences at Cronulla, Warringah (Freshwater, Curl Curl, Dee Why, Collaroy, Narrabeen, Bongin Bongin, and Newport), Bronte, Manly (North and South Steyne), Randwick, Maroubra, Coogee, Little Coogee, and Newcastle. Obviously it is unfair that the ninety per cent. of the taxed who rarely, or never, have an opportunity to use these places should have to pay as great a proportion of their cost as those who daily enjoy such comforts and conveniences. Although the bulk of the bathers at Manly and Bondi pay no fees for the use of the dressing sheds, it is nevertheless a fact that during last bathing season, the Manly Council's returns from that source more than covered its sanitary expenses for the year, while Bondi, on a total municipal expenditure of £7238, made a net profit of£2407, or in the vicinity of 33 per cent. !What Bondi did the other municipalities should also have done. Randwick, about to borrow £80,000 for the improvement of the borough, has already borrowed from the Minister for Works £11,448 for the erection of surf-bathing sheds at Maroubra, Coogee, and Little Coogee, and for some in-explicable reason will only hand back £9548,or £1900 less than it received. Which is to say that the general public is being defrauded of that sum in order to convenience bathers at those beaches, and in order to enrich the property-holders at those resorts. There can be no doubt about the enrichment. Enormous increases in waterside land values have followed the popularising of the sea-beaches. Land at Manly, which went begging a few years ago at £5 and £10 afoot, has recently been sold at from £50 to £250 a foot. Land on the Coogee oceanfront, which no one would look at ten years ago, was sold at auction a month ago at from £20 to £50 a foot. Surely the property holders who have reaped, and will continue to reap, such enormous advantages from public expenditure, should be called on by in-creased rates to refund some proportion of the expenditures which have made them rich without any effort of their own?
The Minister's only defence is that the moneys thus advanced are to be repaid in ten years' time (save the £1900 forgiven to the Randwick Council) by annual instalments. But so far as can be learned from the return, the municipalities in question are to have the use of this State's money free of cost, save that if payments are not met on the due date, an additional ten per cent, shall be imposed — unless an extension of time has been given. Which means that the interest loss for ten years is to be borne by the general taxpayer. The worst feature of the whole business, however, is that stated in the daily press and in Parliament by the member for The Namoi, who charges the Minister for Works with refusing a few hundreds here and there for the supply of water(by means of tanks, wells, and artesian bores)to small townships and stock-trucking stations. Mr. Griffith's plea has been, it is said, either that these are matters for the Shire Council, or that no money is available. In both these directions he had already cutaway the ground from under his own feet, by lending nearly £25,000 to municipalities for a corporative luxury while refusing a necessity of life to people in the arid back-country and to many thousands of dumb animals. The inlanders are prepared in every case, we are told, to repay any advances made to them for the provision of water, by yearly instalments, and to pay 5 per cent. on the principal until all is repaid. Therefore it is almost incredible that, under such circumstances, there should have been a cold-blooded disregard of the absolute needs of the interior, while luxuries for the seaboard were supplied without hesitation or delay. It does not appear that the distinction made be-tween advances to suburban municipalities and to places situated within the domains of shire councils was made deliberately, but that it was made evidences a lack of sympathy and a narrowness of view which do not appear harmonious in relation to the professed humanitarianism of the Labour platform and policy. STARVING STOCK V. SURF BATHERS. (
1914, June 4).
Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 22. Retrieved from
The Warringah Shire Council has constructed baths on the ocean beach at Mona Vale, and the official opening took place last Saturday afternoon in the presence of a big gathering of visitors and residents. It is confidently anticipated the facility will prove a valuable asset to the district. Councillor Duffy was the originator of the scheme, and with the zealous assistance of Councillors Quirk (president) and Williams was able to have it given effect to. The formation of a Swimming Club was mooted by the president of the Shire when making the official declaration. THE SURF AND SURFERS. (
1914, December 26).
Saturday Referee and the Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1912 - 1916), p. 7. Retrieved from
The Warringah Shire Council is intent on encouraging surf-bathing. Great improvements have been made on the various beaches during the past two years. On Saturday afternoon, in the presence of a large number of people, including several prominent surf-bathing representatives, the president of the Warringah Shire Council (Mr. E. W. Quirk) performed the ceremony of opening the new club-house erected for the life-savers and surfers at Mona Vale. The council also have a number of lifeboats in course of construction. The first of these was launched at Mona Vale during the afternoon. When the remainder are completed they will he placed at Narrabeen, Curl Curl, Freshwater, and other prominent beaches in the shire. Mr. A. Lord (president of the Surf-bathing Commission) and Mr. J. J. K. Taylor (instructor to the district life-saving clubs) referred to the good work the life-saving clubs were doing on the beaches. CEREMONY AT MONA VALE. (
1915, February 1).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from

Top: MONA VALE BEACHES, With rock-bath shown in left-centre of picture. A regular hourly service of motor buses takes 'trippers' to this beach. From: (1915, April 7).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 34. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166255867
The Mona Vale Surf Life saving Club was formed in 1922. The members in the earliest years were mostly locals, and the first Club president was Australia’s first Olympic Gold Medalist in the pool, Freddie Lane, who called everyone together with:
A meeting is to be held this afternoon at Mr. F. C. V. Lane's residence, Oceania, Mona Vale, with the object, of forming a local surf life-saving and swimming club. All interested are cordially invited to attend. NEW CLUB FOR MONA VALE. (1922, October 8- Sunday). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128222438
Frederick Claude Vivian Lane (2 February 1880 – 14 May 1969) was an Australian swimmer who competed at the 1900 Summer Olympics. Lane, from Manly, New South Wales, was four years old when his brother saved him from drowning in Sydney Harbour, whereupon he decided to learn to swim. Later, he attended high school at Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview.

Lane, standing at right, with East Sydney Swimming Club teammates
After breaking many Australasian swimming records, Lane moved to England to compete in the English Championships in 1899.
He was the first Australian to represent his country in swimming at the Olympic Games, when he competed at the 1900 Summer Olympics in Paris, and won two gold medals. He first won the 200 metres freestyle, clearly beating Hungarian Zoltán Halmay. His second final was just 45 minutes later, the discontinued 200 metre obstacle event, where he beat Austrian Otto Wahle.
After the Olympics, Lane stayed in England for another two years working for a legal firm in Blackpool while he continued to swim and break records. In July 1902, he won a 100 yard race and became the first person to record one minute dead for that distance. In August, he swam 220 yards in 2 minutes 28.6 seconds, which in 1974 was ratified by FINA as the first World Record for 200 metres. In October, he broke the one-minute barrier for 100 yards in 59.6 seconds.
On returning to Australia, Lane became a master printer and a partner in a printing and stationary firm on Bridge Street, Sydney. He married in 1908 and had a home at Mona Vale beach.
He died in 1969 at Avalon Beach, New South Wales. He was survived by a son and a daughter. In 1969, Lane was honoured by the International Swimming Hall of Fame in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. On December 10th 1985, Lane was inducted into the Sport Australia Hall of Fame.
Freddy Lane speaks most enthusiastically of the Mona Vale Club. He predicts that in a very short time the baby of the metropolitan clubs will be well to the fore. 'The new costumes are neat, but not gay,' says the old champion. They are royal blue, with yellow and black band waist high (if men have waists). Mona Vale are awaiting Bill Harris return, when they threaten to outdo Cronulla Surf Club and North Steyne in entertaining the popular Hawaiian. They possess a magnificent beach — equal to any — and a splendid bath chopped out of the solid rock on the headland. The district is rapidly growing, and the beach becoming more popular each week. SURF CLUBS ACTIVE (1923, February 2). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103537324
With surf carnivals held at Newport, Stockton, Tweed Heads-Coolangatta, Corrimal, and North Narrabeen during the Easter holidays, the surfing season an competitive events officially closes. It has been a record Season. Members have joined the already established clubs in big numbers, whilst new clubs have been formed at Mona Vale and South Narrabeen. THE SURFERS (1923, April 4). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 14. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article128110939
Mr. F. C. V. Lane has handed over to the Warringah Shire Council, as trustees, a block of land at Mona Vale, which he is giving for a site for a surf club-house. No title (1923, September 19). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 7 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222689706
Jock Blackwood, Mona Vale's hon. secretary, is most enthusiastic concerning this season's prospects. The club is now in possession of a site for a club house with a 50ft frontage to the beach. CALL OF THE SURF IS INSISTENT (1923, October 12). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103539906
Mr. J. G. Blackwood, the Eastern Suburbs Rugby Union forward, and hooker for the State team In New Zealand recently, is in charge of the surf club's affairs at Mona Vale. Mr. W. W. Hill, of Rugby Union fame, has become president of this club, and his first official motion has been the creation of a swimming as well as a surfing club . The recent conference between the surfing and swimming authorities has borne good fruit. Consequently, in order to compete for a trophy donated by Mr. Hill, the Mona Vale surfers will also form a nucleus of the Mona Vale Swimming Club. Ex-champion F. C. V. Lane Is a resident of this district, which Is likely to produce some able swimmers. SWIMMING (1923, October 30). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article245998789
It wasn't long before the skills they learned were put to use:
HE’s DEAD Thrilling Surf Story BOY BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE AT MONA VALE A wonderful surf rescue story comes from tranquil Mona Vale, a growing seaside resort near Manly, where this season a surf life-saving club was established. One of its most' enthusiastic members is Mr. A. W. Slater, who lives at Bay View, Manly. Recently Slater passed his life-saving tests and obtained his bronze medallion. On Monday Mrs. Thomas, matron of Twilight House, Mosman, and her daughter Naide were spending the day on Mona Vale beach with the three male grandchildren of Mrs. Thomas, who lives at Florence-avenue, Pymble. About 4 p.m. Mrs. Thomas and her daughter entered the ladies' dressing sheds. The eldest boy took the other two children into the men's sheds. They were all going in for a dip, and it was arranged they should meet on the beach outside the sheds.
'He's Dead!'
When, they came out, however, Billy, who is' only three years old, was missing, and the others didn't know where he had gone. Mrs. Thomas and her daughter hurriedly searched the beach and surroundings, but to no avail. Then Miss Thomas noticed something tossing in the water just beyond the first line of breakers. She ran to the edge. It was her nephew being swiftly carried out to sea. As the waves rolled down she saw that his little face was black. Realising that there wasn't a moment to lose, she waded in and snatched Billy from the sea. There wasn't a sign of life in him. His face was blacker still, and his cold, limp body bore the pallor of death. His heart and pulse made no response even to the trained ear and fingers of his matron grandmother. She examined him closely and said, 'He's dead!' But one of the tiny ' crowd that, had gathered cried out 'I'll 'phone Narrabeen for a doctor — and get Slater.' He took some minutes to find him in the tiny township, but Slater left his horse and cart — he is a carrier — and made for Mona Vale post haste. The little body was lying on a coat on the sand when Slater arrived. 'You can do nothing with him,' the onlookers said, ''he , was in the water too long.' Slater knew he had to do things; not see them or talk about them. So he turned Billy over and began to rub For a quarter of an hour he swayed to and fro with his strong hands rising and descending over the boy's lungs ;but the face seemed to grow blacker still and the flesh colder. For another 15 minutes he continued his efforts to snatch the life of this baby surfer from the clutches of the Reaper, but still the onlookers told him it was all so use.
'Doctor is Out.'
He went on more determined than ever. Perspiration streamed down his face and his arms grew tired. Summoning up all his strength and concentration he kept to his task and, in ten minutes that seemed ten hours of anxiety the tiny water-clogged lungs were opened. It was new hope for Slater, and it urged him on the more. The man who found Slater returned. 'It's no use,' he' whispered, 'I can't get the doctor. He's out on a call.' And then Billy's wet, curly head moved; he began to breathe ever so slightly. A few more gentle pressures, and his eyes opened. Death had given up the fight. The crowd, which had increased in the meantime, was amazed. The anxious matron regarded it as a miracle. Slater regarded it — just as something for which the Mona Vale Surf Club had been founded. The child recovered completely after awhile, and Slater carried him to the La Corniche Hotel, a little distance away where it was given stimulants, a hot bath, and chocolate. An hour afterwards he carried him to the tram and waved him good-bye. 'Dood-bye, Mittett,' said Billy, his blue-pink nose poking out of the heavy cloak granny had tucked around him. The fact which adds to the lustre of Slater's work is the infancy of his first patient, and his saving of Billy Thomas life reflects magnificent credit not only upon himself, but upon his club and the main, modest governing Association as well. The president of the Mona Vale Club is Mr. F. C. V. Lane, formerly one of the most distinguished swimmers. The secretary is Mr. J. G. Blackwood, of Starkey and Starkey, York-street, and the treasurer Mr. L. Grant, of Mona Vale.' "HE'S DEAD". (
1923, February 25).
Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 3. Retrieved from
Mona Vale surfers experienced more excitement than they bargained for last week-end. They were being put through their pacings by the instructor of Palm Beach when the belt man got into difficulties. He and the patient were rescued; but came in for a tossing. Members of the infant club, Mona Vale, experienced some thrills last Sunday. Palm Beach's hon. instructor(L. A. Palmer) visited the beach to put the lads through their facings, and everything went serenely until the water section of the R. and R. was attempted. The patient — the local limb of the law — swam out in a heavy sea and the beltman was despatched after him. The beltman, a raw youth, after battling for a considerable time, became exhausted, and L.A.P. ordered him to be hauled ashore, as he was being gradually drawn towards the rocks.
Things looked serious until Johnny Blackwood, hon. secretary of the club and a Rugby Union rep. forward, supported by Palmer, went to his assistance and landed him safely. The unfortunate patient came in for a strenuous time. AMONG THE SURFERS. (
1923, March 9).
Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 11. Retrieved from
Austin Dellitt, Hero — North Narrabeen Again — Arne Borg at Mona Vale — Newcastle Doings
Now that the State Swimming Championships are a thing of the past, breaker shooters will settle down and prepare for the coming carnivals, club and State championships. To the names of Jack Chalmers, Frank Beaurepaire, and Bob Chalmers, whose heroic deed's are still fresh in public memory, must be added the name of Austin Dellitt, of Palm Beach, who last week saved the lives of some small children by diving into the water on top of a shark, thus scaring the monster away from the children for whom he was heading. Dellitt's act was magnificent, as it was done in cold blood. Dellitt, realising the danger the children were in, dashed away, intercepted the shark, and scared it out of its path. The Palm Beach Club has applied for recognition for Dellitt, and nothing short of the meritorious award will satisfy them. The matter has been referred to the meritorious award committee for consideration and report.
NORTH NARRABEEN AGAIN. North Narrabeen's famous tour snared its third successive victory in the Rivoli Cup competition at Dee Why last Sunday. The event was a surfteams' race. Ron Harris (Collaroy) wasfirst home, followed up Geo. Proudfoot.J. Lincoln-Block, and W. Grose, all of N.N. Geoff Oatley (Palm Beach) was fifth, with Dusty White N.N.'s fourth man, sixth. It was a great race. Ron Harris was in front until he struck the broken water, then Proudfoot and Black headed him, but Ron eventually won by 3yds from Proudfoot. The first six finished within 15yds of the winner. The alarm reel race was magnificent, Gordon Morrow, Freshwater's beltman, and Barney Barnett, of N.N., dead-heating for first place. N.N.'s four, Stan Exton, D. Mattes, T. Taylor, and C. Bell, won the beach relay race.
BORG AT MONA VALE.W. W. (Billy) Hill— Mona Vale's president — entertained about 20 visitors, including Arne Borg, O. G. H. Merrett, Billy Herald, Moss Christie, Keith Kirkland. H. R. Kelly, L. E. Duff, Jack Dexter, Wally York, and Freddy Williams, at Mona Vale last Sunday.In the morning the party visited the baths and indulged in a series of events, Moss Christie winning the visitors' handicap. The afternoon was spent in surfing and tennis. A big crowd watched proceedings. SURF GOSSIP. (
1924, January 25).
Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 12. Retrieved from
Cronulla and Mona Vale Surf Clubs banded "The Sun" to-day the names of their competitors for the Queen of the Surf Competition: Miss Phyllis Stroud (Cronulla).
Miss Violet Armstrong (Mona Vale). The Surf Life-Saving Association at its meeting last night accepted. The Suns offer of prizes for a teams competition, and appointed a sub-committee to draw up the conditions. The meeting left the Surf Queen Contest (a separate competition) to the Clubs themselves.
Sea, sun and sand — what more is needed jar health and happiness?
THE Mona Vale Club, in deciding to enter the competition, congratulated "The Sun" on its effort to assist the hospitals — and the surf clubs. "It may appear presumptuous," writes the Mona Vale secretary- (J. G. Blackwood), "for such a small club to enter into competition with those in the more populated areas, but, after all, the object is the thing." "If the entry means a few more pounds for the' hospitals, that is as far as we can aspire." It is far from presumptuous. It shows a tine spirit. And, anyhow, as the voting for the election of the Queen will have the widest possible scope — it will not, by any means, lie confined to the beaches — Mona Vale, with a little organisation, may quite reasonably hope to win a prize If it does, it will be handy — there is still about £30 owing on the club house, built four years ago when the club was formed. Mona Vale's candidate, Miss Violet Armstrong, could teach many men something In the art of "shooting " It Is thrilling to watch her in the surf. Last year she was a prominent member of the Metropolitan Ladies' Swimming Club, and at the end of the season swam third in the New South Wales 150 yards championship. She is well known and well liked.
From Surfing Family Cronulla's choice.
Miss Phyllis Stroud, is another great swimmer and surfer. Her father, Frank Stroud was one of the founders of the Cronulla Club, and was captain for several years. The family is' one of the oldest and best known in the Cronulla district. Who'll Be Maroubra's Girl? The Maroubra Surf Club , will select its candidate for the queenship by the end of the week. Names of girls wishing to run for this club' should be sent to L. S. Powell, secretary of the club, Box 39, G.P.O.. Sydney. LATEST IN (
1926, October 20).
The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 11 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
N.N. Surfers Join .Mona Vale Club
Fresh to Mona Vale's little band of .life-savers are two' brothers- from the North Narrabeen Club — "Dusty" White and Hoc. White. "
W. W. Hill
Both are good surf swimmers — what Mona Vale, a small, young club, needs to give it a hope in some of the surf competitions. "Dusty" used to be one of North Narrabeen's shark experts; He was always out where the big ones break. A few seasons ago— so they say at Narrabeen— "Dusty" dusted up a shark, so to speak. It wasn't far from him, in deep water, where "Dusty" kicked on to a "shoot," and rode It high and dry to the beach.
A few years, ago the Mona Vale Club had no club house, and no equipment., They got to work, received £200 from the council, added to it, and built a clubhouse. The Job cost £600. By organising entertainments the club has raised enough money since then to clear the place of all debts, except about £30. The club's president, by the way, is W. W. Hill, once secretary of the Rugby Union, and also of the Swimming Association.. He still takes a deep interest in both. He will be remembered as the man who organised the last Olympic tour. Before that he was well known as an Interstate Rugby Union forward— a hard, keen footballer. Mona Vale's candidate for the Queen of the Surf Competition is Miss Violet Armstrong, a young, pretty, keen surf girl.
The Waratah Rugby Union forward, G. Blackwood, has been elected president of the Mona Vale Surf Club. There are several very fine swimmers in the Waratah's team. A WARATAH. (
1927, October 26).
Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 17. Retrieved from
John C. Blackwood, who hooks the ball in the Waratah scrummage, had his nose fractured in the Ulster match at Belfast last week, but will be all there against Wales next Saturday. Blackwood is a Manly boy, and captain of the Mona Vale Surf Club* though he plays Rugger with Eastern Suburbs.THE WARATAHS' HOOKER AND HIS NOSE. (
1927, November 23).
Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 1. Retrieved from
A seaplane is being employed to search for Dorothy Grace May Shaw, aged 23, of New South Head-road, Rose Bay, who disappeared at Mona Vale Beach, near Newport, in the late after-noon of Boxing Day, after having gone for a swim. It is feared that she may have been taken by a shark. Miss Shaw was staying at La Corniche boarding-house, Newport, with her mother and father. At 6.30 p.m. on Boxing Day she drove her mother In their car to Mona Vale beach. Both were in bathing costume, and the mother . decided that she would swim in a rock pool, about 300 yards from the car. Miss Shaw, however, said she' preferred a plunge in the surf. Sharks at Dusk?
Mrs. Shaw is reported to have seen her daughter entering the surf, but half an hour later there was no sign of her. It was then practically dusk. If Miss Shaw had screamed It is probable that her mother would have heard her. The mother searched along the water's edge, and eventually returned stricken to the boarding-house. Constable Langworthy, of Mona Vale, searched the beach without success, and on Boxing Night Captain Taylor volunteered to continue the search next day in his seaplane. He made a search from the air lasting half an hour, but this also proved futile. Miss Shaw, who was subject to fainting fits, may have collapsed in the surf. It has been reported that the surf at the time was extraordinarily calm and that there was probably no undertow. The search has not been relinquished. Lifesavers and others are assisting the police. LOST GIRL (
1930, December 29).
The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (CRICKET STUMPS). Retrieved from
After a stern fight, members of the new club at Mona Vale are congratulating themselves upon the way the wheel of Fortune has turned. The club was formed In October by a few boys who visited Mona Vale at the week-end. Gradually new members were trained, and today the club can boast, of 40 men all of whom know how to conduct themselves well In the water. Two reels were supplied by the Warringah council, and one of the older clubs on the north side presented a surf boat, and the boys are becoming quite adept at handling It. Now the council have given paint with which to rejuvenate the comfortable little club-house that has nestled on the beach for several years. The captain of the club. A. Porter, and the secretary. S. Mould, are confident that they have a batch of men who will help to make a name for Mona Vale. Members have performed creditably In the baths over all distances, and they Include Fred Lane, son of the famous Olympic champion, George Dean, J. Walton, A. Porter, and L. Knox. Few of the members have their bronze medallions, but Instructor Fred Baldwin has been working hard, and a big batch will face the examiner on Sunday. Cup Event Features Tattersall's Holiday Programme. (
1930, December 31).
Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
The assistant secretary for the Alumni Surf Club (Mona Vale) Ball, which will be held in the Warringah Hall on August 19th. No title. (
1931, August 13).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
The members of the Mona Vale Alumni Surf Life-Saving Club, Alumni Rugby Union football Club, and the Alumni Debating Society held a successful dance at Warringah Hall last night to gain funds for the building of a surf club-house at Mona Vale
Mrs D F Nettlefold was the president of the dance committee, Mrs G A Moore hontreasurer Miss Dorise Hill hon secretary, Miss Norma McKillop assistant hon secretary, and Miss Dundas-Smith Mrs Jack Pratten Miss Mary Wells, and Miss Cherry Barclay Haley vice-presdidents. The Alumni club colours of green and white decorated the tables and the committee members wore white carnations and green leaves. The club song was sung during the evening. More than 500 people attended the dance, and among these were the Misses Dorothy Hughes S Barntastle L Weaver Enid Jones, Betty Bevan J Weekes Jean Ruthen Phillis Porter, Joan Webster, B Williams, Kathleen Lord, T Dickens, Peggy Ryan and Peggy Finch. THE ALUMNI DANCE. (
1931, August 20).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
SURPRISES were the order of the afternoon. In the senior belt race the Australian title holder, Aub. Laidlaw, did not gain club representation, and Deewhy, last year's surf boat champions, finished last in their heat, the final of tho boat race being won by Manly, with North Steyne second. The surprise in the belt race came from D. Dickson, of the resurrected Mona Vale-Alumni Club. He narrowly defeated the favorite, A. Henley (Deewhy) in the first heat, and again beat Henley in the final, with Noel Walpole (Manly) in third place. FIRST OF SEASON'S SURF CARNIVALS. (1931, December 2).Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article136748357
The first public appearance of the green and white Mona Vale SLSC uniform and colours:
THAT was Just one of the features of the North Steyne Surf Carnival. Others were the wonderful handling of surf boats by Rastus' Evans and the success of the smaller clubs....
Yesterday might well have been called "Rastus Evans" day for the spectators went home quite certain that they had seen easily the best boat skipper ever. It was a picture to see him in action after he'd done great and hard service in laying and relaying the buoys. Called in from that jon he took his place in the Surf Boat heat and showed what's what In boat racing. Other crews went like bulls at gates at the huge waves but 'Rastus' nursed his crew and stopped them rowing until things looked brighter, with the result that whilst Dee Why and Cronulla turned turtle, North Steyne went on to a lone victory. In the final, "Rastus' using different methods to get through the waves and finished miles ahead of Manly, the only other crew to finish.
Huge Seas
In one heat of the boat race it was lucky that a serious accident did not take place. Huge seas hit the competitors and Manly 'B' crew was shot at speed-boat pace right back onto Bronte's boat The two collided and over they went Things looked very black, but the only injury was a badly gashed eye sustained by J. Atkins of Manly
Mona Vale surprised the natives with a very showy costume of green and white vertical stripes, and brought their name into prominence again when Dickson, after being beaten by Jack Butcher in the Beltrace heats, turned the tables in the final to win a great race. 'Mona ' also notched a heat win in the Beach Relay, but was 'put out' for starting too early.
Very Fast
Another of the smaller clubs won a first prize when Tom Guthrie, of Palm Beach, surf-boarded cobber 'Pete' Hunter to victory in the first Surf Board Rescue Event held. This was a most interesting contest, and the pace with which the boards were urged through the heavy seas to the patients at the buoys was an eye opener. It certainly showed beltmen a point or two in speed. ...Rings Run Round Empire Champion Ryan in Rough Race (
1931, December 13).
Truth (Sydney, NSW : 1894 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
The honorary secretary of the annual ball of the Alumni Mona Vale Surf Club, to be held at the Blaxland Galleries on August 29. A card party to defray the expenses of the ball will take place at the Pickwick Club this evening. MISS BETTY RANKEN. (1932, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16889647
The switching on of lights at Mona Vale rock pool was cause for celebration - from Warringah shire council minutes of meetings:
68. Mona Vale Rock Pool Carnival Committee 29/11/32, Mona Vale inviting the Councillors and Officers in the switching on of Rockbath the electric light at the rockbaths by Cr. Austin on 17th December at 8 p,m. Resolved, - That the invitation be accepted. (Crs. Sterland, Pox)
A swim, on this occasion, included a demonstration of surfboard riding by a Hawaiian:
Frank Kurtz and Malola Kallil were the guests of Mr. W. W. Hill and the Mona Vale-Alumni Surf Life Saving Club at Mona Vale Beach yesterday Mr. Hill, who was the foundation secretary of the Australian Swimming Union, entertained the two famous Americans. Mr. J. Dexter, chairman of the council, Mr. D. Hellmrich, Hon. secretary, and several members of the executive of the Amateur Swimming Association, were also present.
Kallil gave a demonstration of surfboard riding, but found the choppy sea a trifle strange. However, he performed skilfully, and also gave an exhibition of freestyle and backstroke swimming in the Mona Vale rock baths. He caused Interest and amusement by his Imitations of J. Weissmuller and other famous swimmers with whom he has come In contact In other parts of the world. SURF LIFE-SAVING. (1933, March 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16972951
Old boys of the various Great Public Schools have banded together and formed the Alumni Surf Club at Mona Vale, with other clubs for cricket and football. Last night the annual ball of the Alumni Mona Vale Club was held at the Blaxland Galleries, to raise funds for the club's activities. The dance was a most successful one, the efforts of the organizing committee resulting in a large attendance
Mr R A O Martin (representing the Rugby Union), Mr L Stevenson and Mr Burke (SurfLife Saving Association), and Mrs L Steven-son, were members of the official party, whichwas entertained by the president of the dance committee, Mrs E A Moore. Miss Betty Rankin (secretary), Miss Miriam Leverrier (as- sistant secretary), Mr Geoffrey Moore (treasurer), Mrs Frank Cooper, Mrs Douglas Nettlefold and Miss Shirley Smith (vice presidents), were among those who entertained parties.
Others present were the Misses M Dundas Smith, Lurline Brown, Gladys Griffin, Margot Beetham, Jean Lillyman, Jean Wilkinson, Sheila Curtis, Peggy Finch, Dorothy Heming-way, Joan and Mary Maiks, Cynthia Harkness, Sheila Warburton, B Kerr, Grace Richards, Denise Humphreys, Meg Beeman, Ruth Challand, Phyllis Porter, Betty Broad, Molly Talbot, Olive Simpson, Betty Canvin, Kathleen Lord, Messrs W Cunningham, Frank Cooper, Roy Andrew, Arthur Frost, Ted Webster, D Dickson, P. Paton, Eric Thomas, L Knox, Rowley Morgan, Frank Brown, and W. Alexander. ALUMNI SURF CLUB. (
1932, August 30).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from

Malola Kallill (U.S.A.), and Phil Hooper (Randwick and Coogee) in a happy pose immediately after the former had defeated the Sydney swimmer in the 100 yards international invitation scratch race. Kallil's time of 54sec established a new Australian record. Glimpses of Australian Sport and Sportsmen (1933, March 1). Referee (Sydney, NSW : 1886 - 1939), , p. 18. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article135318880
The three men victims of the level-crossing accident at Warwick Farm near Liverpool late on Tuesday night were well-known city business men. They and the woman passenger were identified by relatives yesterday. The names of the victims are:—
Miss Ellen Lee Count, 27, of Parramatta-road and Layton-street, Camperdown.
Pier Noel Clark, 37, of Upper Pitt-street, Kirribilli.
Leslie William Paterson, 37, of Hurlstone-avenue, Summer Hill.
Edric Dalkeith Scott, 24 of Undercliffe-street, Neutral Bay.
Mr.Clark was the managing director of Messrs. Westphal and Clark wine and spirit merchants. Mr. Scott was the sales manager of the firm and Mr. Patterson the chief cellarman.
Mr. Scott, who was the sales manager of the firm, was well known and popular at Sydney University. He was a bachelor. A former pupil of the Church of England Grammar School, North Shore, Mr. Scott had five years' experience on pastoral properties near Cobar after leaving school. While he was on the land, he completed a correspondence course in accountancy. Returning to Sydney, he began the diploma course in economics, attending evening lectures, and had completed his first year shortly before his death. Mr. Scott was a member of the Sydney University Eight, which competed on the Huon River last year, and which rowed second to Western Australia, the present holders of the title. He had also rowed with the Grammar School, in the eight of 1926. Mr. Scott was a member of the Alumni Rugby Union Football Club, and of the Alumni Mona Vale Surf Club. The funeral is to take place to-day. There will be a service at 1.30 p m. at St. Augustine's Church, Neutral Bay, before the remains are conveyed to the Crematorium.CAR TRAGEDY. (
1933, June 1).
The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Mr. J. Lord has brought under the notice of the Surf Life-Saving Association the necessity for a pubic telephone at Mona Vale beach. So far the Postmaster-General's Department has declined to instal one, and the only means of quickly summoning assistance in case of emergency is to use a telephone at a private residence, about a quarter of a mile from the beach. SURF LIFE-SAVING. (
1933, November 28).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from