September 17 - 23, 2017: Issue 330
Monika’s Cat Rescue: Part of Monika's Doggie Rescue at Ingleside

Monika’s Cat Rescue
Yes, you read right – Monika Biernacki, the lady we all know for her unremitting efforts to find great homes for all dogs great or small, young or old, is also the one, supported by a great team, who has a concurrent policy of finding the best homes for those furry meowers.
For those of us who love animals but don't have the time to take a pooch for a romp morning and night, and those who like having a furry companion with a bit of independence who will love you back to bits anyway, giving a home to these highly intelligent creatures may be the best thing you ever do - for yourself, and for one of these darlings.
This week we caught up with Monika to find out more:
How long have you been housing cats at Ingleside?
We’ve been keeping cats here since 2013.
How do they get on with the dogs?
They’re in a totally separate area. Part of our offices have become the cat rooms where they have little interconnecting cat walkways and all sorts of items to give them enjoyment. We also built an outdoor cat area so some time in the sun each day is part of their routine while keeping them apart from the wildlife in a totally enclosed space.

How any cats do you have at Monika’s now?
There are 10 at present here. The rest of our cats are at the Animal Cottage Hospital, which is our Veterinary practice. The Animal Cottage Hospital is at North Parramatta. This practice is where those animals that come into us needing attention receive whatever it is they need. There’s a bit of running back and forward involved for us but that’s what we do.
We often take mum cats with newly born kittens and pregnant cats so they end up staying at the clinic to begin with. They will often whelp these at the clinic and then place the kittens up for adoption.
Any cat that hasn’t found a home after a while we move across to here, where we house more of the adult cats.
You use the Animal Cottage Hospital for all your medical attention for the dogs and cats you help?
We own 50% of the ACH, we started it up in conjunction with Deidre Clack, who is the principal Veterinarian. We looked for premises together, set up the clinic, did the whole lot from grass roots. Deidre runs the clinic and most of veterinarian work is done there for cats and dogs.
Monika’s Doggie Rescue has a whole visions then; the shelter, the clinic, the volunteers who come in and help walk the dogs – did you have this vision when you began?
We started over 20 years ago with small beginnings, just one or two dogs and no great plans and this has all just grown and happened.
We have volunteers here who know how it all comes together, we now have a Board of Directors and are set up as a proper charity, so the hard work is bringing some results.
What are the age ranges?
At present we have three week old kittens at the clinic and the oldest cat we have at the moment is around 8 years old, and he was a rescue from an animal shelter that doesn’t have a no kill policy.
You are still doing wonderful work there, continuing this ‘no kill’ policy…
Yes, it’s certainly the harder option, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
How do people go about giving one of these cats a good home?
We have placed a profile of all our cats on our website, and that is updated daily, there is an email contact there to start the process. We also say where the cats are located so people can ring directly, either the clinic or to the Ingleside shelter here and come and meet them and see how you match.
For further details or to meet all cats at DoggieRescue call on 9486 3133 or email
Cat rescue page: