May 21 - 27, 2017: Issue 313
Mums For Mums Ask Us All To Go Grey This Winter: Get A Beanie And Support A Cure
Katrina Meek, Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater, Jodi Newton, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells, Cara Macauley, and Jason Falinski, MP for Mackellar
In June 2015 the proprietors of this news service lost a relative, a cousin, to brain cancer.
This wonderful ray of sunshine was just 41 years old and the mother of a gorgeous young girl not yet a teenager.
Despite our tears, we chose to do all we could to support any who strive to find a cure to this deadly form of cancer.
We chose Hope - hope for a cure.
May is Brain Cancer Awareness Month.
On Friday our local MP’s came out in support of Mums for Mums at The Newport and donned one of the grey beanies this local group is currently selling as part of their own focus on supporting a cure for brain cancer.
Brain cancer is the number one cause of mortality from a type of cancer for people under 40 years and accounts for more than a third of deaths in children under 10 years.
On Friday MP for Mackellar, Jason Falinksi said,
“The Northern Beaches really is an amazing place. Here is a group of women who saw their friend and her family go through something tragic, and decided they wouldn’t just offer sympathy, but real help. Nothing is as traumatising to a family unit as when one of their own falls on hard times, because of sickness or circumstance. To live in a community where non-judgmental, non-intrusive, behind the scenes help is freely given when you are going through such a horrible time, is an immense privilege.
I hope that today, and with this campaign, along with Concetta and Rob, we are able to draw attention to the Mums for Mums: get other parents in the community involved, and help sell the Brain Cancer Beanies. The real legends, heroes and champs are all of us willing to give each other a helping hand.”
Rob Stokes, MP for Pittwater added,
“This is a really important issue which simply doesn’t receive enough attention.
“Despite its seriousness and impacts - brain cancer isn’t something that’s widely discussed, understood or publicised.
“It’s fantastic Mums for Mums are getting behind this great initiative and helping raise awareness.”
The Mums for Mums new initiative- #onebeanieatatime is asking us all get behind this fundraiser and buy a grey beanie.
Why grey? Our brains are often referred to as our grey matter, and our brains matter so much.
Especially when you consider this terrifying statistic: One person is diagnosed with brain cancer every 6 hours in Australia.
In 2014, there were 1366 deaths in Australia caused by brain cancer.[1.]
The proceeds raised will be shared equally between Mums for Mums and Sydney Neuro Oncology Group. The Sydney Neuro-Oncology Group (SNOG) is a charitable organisation that aims to improve the management of brain tumours through targeted research, information sharing, constant scrutiny of treatment options and through education and ongoing support for patients and their families.
Finding a cure for brain cancer is a cause very close to the hearts of the Sydney Neuro Oncology Group (SNOG) and Mums for Mums too.
"We have chosen this organisation to donate half the profits of the#onebeanieatatime campaign as they use the funds not only research but also patient support." Mums for Mums said.
If you would like to support Mums for Mums and the Sydney-Neuro Oncology Group by purchasing a beanie please go online at
The Beanies are a mere $20.00.
Direct webpage link:
Let's see if we can start a new trend for Pittwater where, instead of that summertime blue and white striped t-shirt that has brought us notoriety and laughter recently, a sea of grey beanies becomes another statement of community during the Winter months - how cool, or hot, would that be?...
very cool indeed.

About Mums for Mums

Mums for Mums have supported families with a weekly cleaner, laundry service, assisting their friends setting up meal rosters, filling their freezers with meals from Corella Catering and giving them one on one life coaching sessions to help in their rehabilitation after surgery. We have supported families with day care and nanny fees, to enable parents to go out to work or continue working. We have had mums who were at the end of their treatments who we gave a weekend at a farm stay at Port Stephens to regroup and just enjoy the company of each other, the country side and the animals.
In total we have now supported 39 families and each family required different support from us.
A Family Story
This is our story ………. Our family’s life changed forever when our amazing dad and husband passed away suddenly. Nothing prepares you for this and the immediate impact it has on the family. One day we were just going through our daily routines and the next day we were faced with situations that no one should ever have to experience.
A friend mentioned to me at this time, Mums for Mums and the support they had provided to other local families. A call was placed to Mums for Mums and a relationship began then, that I will cherish forever.
It’s the everyday help that Mums for Mums provides that makes the difference. Meals were provided, a short term cleaning service was put in place and a few of our mounting bills were paid. The most important support they provided however was the comfort and knowledge that there was someone there to help. Someone that families like ours and other families can turn to when worlds are turned upside down.
For this, our family and many others, will be forever grateful.
Understanding Brain Tumours, Cancer Council Australia © 2016. Last medical review of this booklet: May 2016.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. ACIM (Australian Cancer Incidence and Mortality) Books. Canberra: AIHW.
Rob Stokes MP, Katrina Meek, Cara Macauley, Jason Falinski MP, Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and Jodi Newton