September 27 - October 10, 2020: Issue 468
Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club

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Narrabeen Amateur Swim Club has been part of our area for almost 60 years and is located in the tidal rock pool at North Narrabeen Beach. Their 2020-2021 Season commences October 10th and people are able to sign up now to be part of a long Summer of great swim meets. This Issue President Brody O'Mara shares an overview of the NASC for those wanting to find a great place and group to enjoy their swimming with - this is a family-friendly community focused club where the emphasis is on fun!
When was the NASC formed?
NASC was formed in 1961 as Narrabeen Mens Amateur Swimming Club, and later changed our name to Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club
What is the ethos at the core of the club?
We are the fun, family-friendly swimming club. We're not at all a serious club, we don't do swim meets anymore and don't follow enforce all the overly-strict swimming rules. We're more interested in everyone coming down to have a swim, catch up for a chat, and have fun!
The club has given some great swimmers to Australian sport, some representing at state, national and international level in past years – there is fun but also skills learning; why is that important; to have both?
When young elite swimmers train many days a week in very serious conditions there comes a point where the majority grow to hate the sport; I've seen this happen on many occasions and its something I personally tried to avoid from a very young age. It's therefore so important that we create a fun, friendly environment so people enjoy coming for a swim at our club; we want people to love coming to swimming, particularly our junior members who come to also improve their swimming. We want them to grow up to be strong swimmers and also enjoy it for the rest of their lives.
Who is the current committee?
Our committee (2020-21) - The elected office bearers of Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club for 2020-21 consists of the following committee members.
President: Brody O'Mara
Vice-President: Linda Dowbiggin
Secretary: Mike Bastick
Treasurer: Ron Doman
Registrar: James Brocklebank
Chief Judge: Ross Barry
Chief Timekeeper: Michael O'Mara
Junior and Senior Handicapper: Michael Crain (Senior) Sherry Martin (Junior)
Publicity Officer: Mike Bastick
Social Coordinator: Edwena Pederson
Social Media Coordinator: Jackson Dowling
First Aid Officer: Lea Davidson
Swim Instructor: Margot Best
Property Officer: Lea Davidson
BBQ Coodinator: Mike Bastick
Race Starter: Michael O'Mara
Who is the club for?
All ages and all capabilities of swimmers. We offer race distances from 15m to 200m and a 400m summer special.
Where do you swim?
North Narrabeen Rockpool. Events are held each year in Summer from October until March every Saturday morning starting at 9am. There are both senior and junior events ranging from 50m to 200m and also specialised 25m races for juniors. After the events on Saturdays a BBQ is available at our Club House overlooking North Narrabeen rock pool. Commencing after Christmas we also have a 400m race to be held on Thursday nights at 6pm.
The club has been at the heart of the Narrabeen community for a long time – how does it still respond to that community or retain that?
The club will be 60 years old next year (2021). We're the biggest Narrabeen Swim Club currently (by member count) and I put this down to our shifting focus away from serious, competitive swimming to being the fun, family friendly club. This is something we've slowly evolved to over the past 10-15 years. We also have partnered well with families from North Narrabeen SLSC Nippers who bring their children to our club to make them stronger swimmers, which is yielding results for those children.
Is there a clubhouse and shower facilities?
Yes, both. The building was fully renovated in 2019.
What activities are involved?
- Handicapped swimming races (distances from 15m to 200m freestyle weekly plus a weekly 50m specialty stroke rotating between breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly and 200m medley)
- Learn to Swim lessons from November to March (currently suspended due to COVID)
- Thursday night 400m nominated time summer special from January to March
- Social events from time-to-time ranging from member social nights to dinners
All races have a handicapped start; with the slowest swimmer starting first. Everyone who swims is awarded a point and extra points are awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
Our 2020/20201 Season Programme is available at:
We welcome swimmers of all ages and abilities. Narrabeen Amateur Swimming Club aims for everyone to improve their individual times during the year!
What are the dates of the ‘Season’?
Our season runs from the Saturday after the October long weekend (10th October this year) to the Saturday before Easter. Sign on is at 9am sharp with races commencing at 9:30am until around 11-11:30am. We then have a fundraising BBQ after this (currently suspended due to COVID).
How do people get involved or become members?
The public are free to come down on any Saturday morning and see how we operate. We also offer two free trial Saturdays so people can give us a go before officially signing up. New members are welcome and can contact us through our Facebook page or our email
How much are fees?
$45 for under-16 year olds, $65 for 16+ year olds and $125 for a family. Social (non-swimmer) membership also available for $15 for those partners/parents who come down but don't swim (provides insurance coverage). More information, as well as the registration form, can be found on our website:
What is the best part about being involved in this club?
The company of our membership base. We have a very inter-generational, fun-loving member base at the moment who are all very open to meeting new people and there to have a good chat and some fun!
Is there a club ‘motto’ or Vision Statement the club operates under?
We are the fun, family-friendly swimming club!