New Auxiliary Kiosk for Mona Vale Hospital

New Auxiliary Kiosk at Mona Vale Hospital
Thursday September 13th, 2018
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today said planning works are being finalised for a new Auxiliary kiosk at Mona Vale Hospital.
Work has recently commenced on the latest phase of infrastructure improvements at Mona Vale Hospital which will include the construction of a new Support Services Building, the relocation of the helipad to enable the construction of a new inpatient building and the reconfiguration of the existing emergency building to provide a new 24/7 Urgent Care Centre.
As part of the introduction of the new Urgent Care Centre, the hospital’s kiosk will be relocated into a modern, purpose built space with convenient access at the front of the hospital.
Other infrastructure projects completed at Mona Vale Hospital in recent years include the Community Health Service Building in 2016, the Beachside Rehabilitation Unit in 2014 and the expansion of the Palliative Care Outpatient Unit in 2013.
“The Auxiliary’s kiosk has long played a central role within the hospital community,” Rob Stokes said today.
“The kiosk is an important meeting point, social space and convenient service for staff, patients and visitors.
“The Auxiliary volunteers do an incredible job on behalf of our community – so it’s fantastic they’ll have a new kiosk as part of the upcoming infrastructure works.
“The new kiosk will be in a prime position at the front of the hospital and will ensure the Auxiliary volunteers have a modern, purpose built space to continue their outstanding work.
“This is another important infrastructure improvement that’s been secured at Mona Vale Hospital,” Rob Stokes said.
Over 250 public hospital staff will continue to work at Mona Vale Hospital in the future and all in-patient, urgent care and community health services will be provided by NSW Health. The entire Mona Vale Hospital campus remains in public ownership.
Mona Vale Hospital will continue to provide a range of existing and new health services including: 24/7 Urgent Care, radiology, pathology, pharmacy, inpatient rehabilitation and assessment, inpatient palliative care, inpatient geriatric evaluation and management, outpatient palliative care, adult and child dental surgery, hydrotherapy, paediatric occupational therapy, paediatric speech pathology, paediatric physiotherapy, adult, youth and child mental health, adult musculoskeletal physiotherapy, acute post-acute care, podiatry clinic, diabetes clinic, community drug and alcohol services, early childhood services, community nursing service, chronic disease community rehabilitation services, carer support services, community aged care/rehabilitation service, continence service, dietetics, outreach maternity antenatal clinic and cardiac rehabilitation.
Photo: new constructions works are underway at MVH.