It's About To Get Very Nippers Focused Around Here!

Surf Life Saving Clubs create and tailor a program to suit the needs of their members and their beach conditions. The program is focused on participation and enjoyment and will not just be built around competition. The goal is to increase the confidence and skill base of the nippers in the water and the sand.
A Water Safety Supervisor (WSS) is appointed for all water-based activities. The WSS conducts a risk assessment at the start of each session, and monitors conditions throughout – activities are adapted and can be cancelled in hazardous situations.
Water Safety Personnel (WSP) are qualified and proficient lifesavers who provide surveillance and assistance in the water if required with lifesaving equipment. You will see them on the beach in their orange high-visibility cap and rash shirt stating ‘Water Safety’ on the front and back for easy identification.
Nippers is also a great way for parents and guardians to get involved in their local community. If you're new to the area and love the beach, this is for you.
Under 6's
Those who participate in the youngest age group learn about what makes up a beach environment, sunsmart guidelines, the importance of having an adult with them at the beach, what a lifesaver is and what they do, wading, beach sprinting and beach flags.
Under 8's
Nippers at this age learn to recognise whether they are, or someone else is, in an emergency situation and how to get help. Surf sports skills focus on; bodyboarding, wading, dolphin-diving, beach sprint starts and beach flags starts.
Under 9's
For this age group safety steps up a gear by introducing safety tips and the ability to identify hazardous surf conditions. Participants can begin to use a nipper board, so basic board positioning and paddling is introduced. Other surf sports skills focus on body surfing, sand running technique and diving for a beach flag.
Under 10's
In this age group participants begin learning basic lifesaving skills, including how rip currents work, using body boards to assist someone in the water, and practicing resuscitation skills on a manikin.
Below runs the Nippers Information, which opens in September each year, for the clubs in our area.
North Narrabeen SLSC Nippers
We are part of North Narra Surf Life Saving Club.
North Narrabeen SLSC
PO Box 49, Narrabeen NSW 2101
P: 02 9913 8810
F: 02 9970 6936
Website for NN Nippers:
Main website:
Age groups for the season is determined as at midnight on the 30th September at the commencement of that season. The 2020-21 Season runs from October 2020 through to March 2021.
Membership types are outlined on our website. It is COMPULSORY for at least one parent to join the Club as a Junior Associate member when registering a child/children for Nippers.
IMPORTANT NOTE Proof of age is mandatory for all new members - original or certified copy of a birth certificate or passport will be accepted. Under no circumstance can a child compete in an age group lower than the group to which they belong as set out in the above classifications. Children must train and compete in their correct age group each Sunday to be eligible for any points and/or trophies.
Under 8 and above MUST complete a proficiency swim at the commencement of the season. Cap and goggles required.
SLSA Australia specifies that no Club is to accept membership of a child until they have reached the age of 5 years to comply with insurance requirements. A child who turns 5 years of age AFTER 30th September 2020 may join Nippers at that time however, this child will be required to stay in the Under 6 Age Group the following season.
North Narrabeen SLSC was established 1912. North Narrabeen Beach is backed by the eastern channel of Narrabeen Lagoon, with the shallow mouth flowing over rocks and sand to enter the ocean 20m north of the surf club. Behind the entrance is the last remaining beachfront caravan park in Sydney. The lagoon entrance offers safer bathing and has its own kiddies corner with an adjoining car park. A swimming club and large rock pool is located on the rock platform with a reserve, walkway and lookout on the headland. The North Narrabeen Surf Club is backed by a large car park, park and picnic area.
Warriewood SLSC Nippers
Sunday 13th Sept: 10am – 2.00pm at Warriewood SLSC
Club website:
Nippers Season Commences 18th October 2020 Within guidelines for COVID-19 Health Restrictions
Effective 31st August 2020
It is COMPULSORY for at least one parent to join the Club as a member when registering a child/children for Nippers.
Dear Nipper families,
The whole of Warriewood SLSC is looking forward to welcoming you back to Nippers this coming season! Due to the restrictions in place for community sport due to COVID-19, we know that Nippers will look different this season.
This is the first of our communications we will forward to you in relation to the upcoming nipper’s season. The purpose of the below information is to provide you with the information that is available to us for you to make an informed decision about your participation in nippers this year.
Under the current COVID-19 NSW Public Health Orders, the delivery of our programme this year will look different in many ways. We are currently developing our nippers COVID-19 safety plan drawing on advice from both SLSNSW and SLSSNB and I am pleased to inform you that Warriewood SLSC is a registered ‘COVID Safe Business’.
As members of both the surf life-saving community and as parents and carers we all play an important role in keeping our communities safe. As a club, we of course would love to see everyone as always. Our aim is to make it as enjoyable as we can for our nippers and with everyone’s co-operation, I am confident we can achieve this.
Key Messages
- Groups of 500 people maximum can gather. This will include nippers, family members, water safety, officials, patrolling members and the public.
- Once registrations are finalised, a decision will be made as to operating on two starting times to keep in line with the above point. These are to be confirmed – potentially a 9.00am start for U6’s – U9’s and 10.15am for U10’s – U13’s. SRC’s (U14’s) TBA.
- The 1.5m2 per participant and family members spectating must be in place.
- Only one parent or guardian per child to be in attendance.
- Plan to ‘Turn up, Participate, Leave.’ – arrive ready to go and leave immediately following the conclusion of the activity.
- There will be mandatory record keeping via QR code for all persons attending. One parent within the age group to accept the responsibility of this being maintained.
- Only Age Managers, qualified officials and water safety are permitted to participate in the delivery. Parents not holding a bronze certificate will not be allowed to enter the water within the programme.
- Our competitive water competition training has been suspended for this season. Beach competition training to be advised.
Key dates
Sunday 13th September – registration day at the club for new members.
If you are re-joining please renew your families membership by logging onto:
Sunday 18th October – Nippers commences.
Sunday 19th December – final Nippers prior to Christmas
The guidance within this document is current as at the above date. It will be updated as further information becomes available as we near the start of the season. It will be emailed to you via the address recorded under your child’s name in Surfguard. Please ensure your details in the SLS Members area are up to date as this will serve as one of our avenues of communication throughout the season.
For the most up to date information in relation to surf life-saving and COVID-19 please visit:
As valued members of the Warriewood SLSC we will ensure that you are kept up to date with the most current information as it becomes available to us. We are commited to keeping all members of the club safe, and we thank you for your support and understanding in these times. As Government restrictions change prior to season start, we will endeavour to update you on information as it becomes available.
If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to email me on
Mark O’Connell
Nipper President
Mona Vale SLSC
Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club
Surfview Road
02 9999 3614
Club website:
Mona Vale SLSC is now open for Nippers Registrations for the 2020/21 season. The first day of Nippers is Sunday 11 October.
Enrol your child / children in one of the most fun summer activities the Northern Beaches has to offer. Active Kids Vouchers welcome.
Due to the restrictions in place for community sport due to COVID-19, we know that Nippers will look different this season. The first differences this season, is that unfortunately there will be NO OPEN DAY held on Saturday 5th September, and ALL registrations will be occurring online. This includes returning AND new members.
If you have any questions before registration day, please email the Nippers Registrar.
There are many reasons to get your kids involved in the Mona Vale Nippers program:
- Instruction in surf safety and surf awareness
- Lifesaving and first aid skill development
- Competitive sport activities
- Platform to senior patrolling duties
- To increase fitness and be involved in an active lifestyle
- Enjoyable social activity for children and their parents/guardians.
Nippers Uniform Shop
All Nippers are required to wear a club Nipper cap and a hi-vis rashie to participate. These items can be purchased from the Nippers Uniform Shop which is located online this season, through the Mona Vale SLSC website.
There is also a large range of Mona Vale SLSC merchandise items available for purchase. For any uniform shop enquiries, please email the Uniform Shop
Nippers Team App
Click on here to join our Team App.
Nippers is on every Sunday starting on 11th October.
All age groups (under 6's to under 13's) start at 9.00am, finishing around 10.30 – 10.45am.
Parents are required to attend registration and listen for announcements 10 minutes prior to the session starting. Please meet next to your child's age group flag, near the BBQ, adjacent to the side of Surf Club.
Please bring your Nippers uniform (compulsory Nipper Cap and High Vis Vest), a towel, water bottle and sunscreen. Wetsuits are welcome if the water is a little cold. And don't forget a lovely smile, a positive helpful attitude and lots of enthusiasm!
If the weather conditions are not looking favourable a decision to cancel will be made by 8.00am on the day. A text message and email will be sent to your registered contact details. Please confirm your details with your age group admin to ensure you receive these messages. Please note, we have access to the Basin area of Mona Vale beach that provides significant protection for adverse surf conditions.
We have lots of really helpful and engaged parents that already assist with Age Managing, Water Safety, administration, BBQ support and ad-hoc beach duties but we do need more!! If you’d like to assist please ask your Age Manager how you can get involved.
Parking can be difficult, so please arrive early!
About Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club
Inclusion | Respect | Community
Safety beyond just the water’s edge.
Since 1922, Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club has been providing a vital service to the local community. Our primary goal is to keep beachgoers as safe as possible during patrol hours. We patrol the beach, train lifesavers, and teach and guide our Nippers, the lifesavers of the future. We pride ourselves on being a family oriented club and welcome all ages and abilities to become involved.The more involved you become in the club, the more people you will meet and the more enjoyment you will have.
Our club values of Inclusion, Respect and Community are what we think about as a committee in everything we do for our members and the wider community. As acting President, doing the right thing is my mantra. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or any of the committee members to discuss any aspect of the club.
Mona Vale is one of the busier beaches in the Sydney Northern Beaches area with around 130,000 visitors each year. During the previous summer season there were 63 rescues and 200 first aid cases. The club is proud to have 1,200 members, including 279 active patrolling members, over 440 Nippers and 234 active competitors.
We offer quality training programs to assist new members to become lifesavers, and encourage members to gain further qualifications each year. Nothing prides us more than to see someone become a fully accredited lifesaver when they initially thought they couldn’t.
Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club has something for everyone regardless of your age, gender or swimming strength. There is a role for everyone – we need all sorts of skills to run a Surf Life Saving Club, not just lifesavers!
Our Nippers program is credited with being fun, educational and teaches our under 6 to under 14 year olds confidence on the beach and in the surf. Many of the Nippers go on to become fully qualified lifesavers.
Significant training programs under the guidance of qualified and experienced coaches are available to members who are interested in competition.
We also offer great recreational and social activities and events. We invite you to become a member!
Bungan Beach SLSC
Bungan Beach Surf Club
1 lower Myola Road,
Bungan Beach
(PO Box 715 Newport NSW 2106)
Phone: 9979 5097
Club website:
Operating since 1953, Bungan Beach SLSC is located on Bungan Beach (between Mona Vale and Newport) and is home to 150 active patrol members who safeguard the beach. Patrols run on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from September to April.
For Membership/Patrol enquiries:
For Training enquiries:
Bungan Beach SLSC introduced their highly successful Nippers Program in the 2018/2019 Season. The inaugural season of Bungan Beach Nippers, which ran from 4 November 2018 to 21 April 2019 – had 25 weekend sessions in total. In all 31 Nippers signed up, ranging in age from 5 to 13. They were divided into two groups, the Dolphins (for ages 9 up) and the Stingrays (for under 9s). Typically, Nipper sessions went from 9-10am on Sunday mornings and were run by Age managers, assisted by the volunteer life savers on duty and by parents. Nipper activities included an obstacle course, flags, wading, swimming, rope games and boards.
To get the kids comfortable on Nipper boards, two Sunday sessions were run at BYRA in Pittwater. Being able to practise in flat water helped build the kids' confidence, so that by the end of the season, a majority of the older age group were successfully surfing Nipper boards at Bungan. The Club also purchased boogie boards for the younger group, which turned out to be a monster hit, with the kids taking to the water and riding the waves in all conditions.
All nippers successfully completed the SLSA surf awards for which they were eligible – so a big congratulations to the particpants!
Several social events were held during the season, including a movie night, BBQs, Easter Egg Hunt and a visit from Santa in the rubber ducky. Again, a huge thank you to the surf club for allowing the managers to hold these functions – it really made the season special. The Coastal Environmental Centre also ran a rockpool information morning, where the Nippers were guided through an exploration of the rockpools at the northern end of Bungan.
The 2018 - 19 Bungan Nipper program proved to be a wonderful way to engage the local community and to get kids loving (and become more confident at navigating) our beautiful Bungan Beach.
Rebecca Woodman
Nippers Co-ordinator
Newport SLSC
Our objective at Newport Surf Club is to educate the community from children to adults, to be competent and safe in the beach/surf environment. We also pride ourselves on being able to keep the general public safe by providing a beach that is patrolled through summer. To do this we rely on volunteer members to join us and become lifesavers, undertaking a range of awards and qualifications.
Club website:
Nippers are back on 11 October 2020
Nippers learn to keep themselves and others safe at the beach whilst having fun, learning new skills and making new friends. There’s even room for parents to join in the fun!
- 8:30 am – 10:30 am under 14s (Surf Rescue Certificate)
- 9 am – 10 am for age groups Under 6, 8, 10, 12
- 10 am – 11 am for age groups Under 7, 9, 11, 13 as well as the Dolphins & Marlins
Registrations open early September: join us via
Existing members, in early September: please renew here
Nipper Open Day (cancelled due to social distancing rules)
Nippers Welcome
Welcome to the Newport Surf Life Saving Club Junior Activities Branch, otherwise known as Newport Nippers. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all Nippers and their families to another great year at Newport. We have endeavoured to include everything you need to know about Newport Nippers on our website. If you require any further information, please feel free to ask any Age Manager or Committee member.
Nipper parents are required to join the club as a General member and assist where possible with the management and training of the children. By joining the club, parents are covered by insurance against accidents on the beach, at carnivals and sanctioned surf club activities, and have access to the club facilities and functions. It is your club, please enjoy.
Assistance with the training and activities on a Sunday morning is more than welcome. Please assist your Age Managers in any way that you feel comfortable (water safety, starting events, marking lines, keeping score, etc). A parent must be present on the beach throughout Nippers in case of an accident. We cannot and do not provide a childcare service.
Our objective at Newport is to educate our children to be competent and safe in the beach/surf environment. Surf knowledge and techniques are gradually introduced to the children in accordance with their age and ability – ultimately at the age of 13 (U14) they can attain their Surf Rescue Certificate, which is just one step below the Bronze Medallion.
Whilst all children are encouraged to improve their surf skills through regular competition, no child is forced or pressured to do something they are not comfortable with, or do not want to do. Our first and foremost aim is for the children to have FUN at Nippers and enjoy coming to the beach each week.
Coaching in both water and beach events is available to all Nippers (Beach U6s and over, Water U9s and over) who wish to improve their skills. We have the services of high-quality beach and water coaches to enhance our Nippers’ basic skills and to improve their competitive performance for those who are competing in carnivals and championships.
Committee Meetings are held at the Surf Club on the second Tuesday of each month. Should you wish to attend a meeting to bring a matter to the attention of the Committee, you are most welcome. To do this, please advise your Age manager or myself.
I hope you enjoy your season at Newport.
Bec Capell
Nippers Chairman
Nippers is Surf Life Saving for children aged between 5 and 13 years. Children from 5 to 7 years may join on an educational basis, while children from 8 years up may join in competitions representing Newport SLSC. They can compete in Northern Beaches inter-club competitions, Sydney Branch and state carnivals. While competition is an important element, surf awareness and education is the primary aim. Children are taught how to respect and read the surf, and to use it to their advantage.
On completion of the season all children will receive a certificate to show they have gained the skills required in their age group. If the child has attended between 60 – 74% of all Sunday nippers they will receive a Bronze medal, 75 – 89% will gain them a silver medal and a gold medal is given out to children that have attended 90% or more of Sunday Nippers. This includes attendance to carnivals. We encourage all children and parents to come to each Sunday morning as the skills learnt will only get stronger with practice, and in turn will allow your child’s confidence to grow when it comes to surf lifesaving.
Any girl or boy may join Nippers and you DON’T have to be competitive or athletic or even confident in the surf. One of the best things about Nippers is seeing young children who are scared of the water lose their fear during the season. Children with disabilities are welcome but in some cases a Doctor’s letter will be requested stating that the child is capable of undertaking certain events or activities. In all cases, the child would not be expected to participate in any event or activity where the disability might cause danger to the child.
Special Needs
An extension of the voluntary services that Newport SLSC has provided to the community in recent years has been the continuance of our ground breaking programme for kids with special needs. This is one of only a few programmes being offered within NSW, and incorporates our Dolphins and Marlins groups for kids aged 6 yrs up to young adults.
The programme was developed and delivered to allow for developmentally disabled kids to participate in junior surf life saving activities (modified Nippers Programme). This has seen the kids learn and participate in activities such as flags, sprints, beach relays, as well as a number of other recreational activities. The Programme also sees the kids learn to balance and paddle surfboards and to experience the excitement of catching, for many, their very first wave to the shore.
This programme has been very successful and has given an opportunity for kids with special needs, who may not have had such an opportunity if not for a dedicated bunch of members at Newport, to learn about the surf and safety at the beach. It has also given our members the opportunity to meet these special people, and share in their excitement as they master new skills throughout the season.
The Dolphins and Marlins groups are now integrated into Newport's regular Nipper programme, and both groups run concurrently throughout the season.
Parent Involvement
Parents are actively encouraged to participate in their child’s Age Group activities. Many parents are former (or current) members of Life Saving Clubs and assist with the provision of water safety for events. Other parents act as age officials, managers or committee members (bronze not required for these 3 roles). Any parent who is interested in doing their Bronze Medallion please see your child’s Age Manager who will provide you with details.
Before any child is allowed to participate in any water event or activity (ie. an event where they would be in water out of their depth) they are required to take a proficiency evaluation. The proficiencies are at Brooke Withers Swim School, Warriewood on 27 September 2020 between 1 pm and 2 pm. A gold coin donation is required for entry. Only Nippers in Age Groups U8-U14 (SRC) are required to complete this pool swim and float proficiency.
Children who cannot pass the minimum proficiency are limited for their safety to beach and wade events only.
Children who wish to compete at carnivals in both water and beach events will be required to undertake an open water swim proficiency. Please see your Age Manager for details about this Competition Proficiency Swim.
Registration for 2020-21 Season
All new memberships and renewals are completed online.
Note: for parents and guardians of first year Nippers, please email a photo of their birth certificate or passport to
For any queries regarding registration please contact our club Registrar
Purchase of Club Gear and Nipper Caps
A compulsory safety rash vest and club cap for first-time Nippers is included in the membership fee. The collection method will be advised soon. Our clothing shop is available online and will be open (in the Nippers’ shed on the beach side of the club) during Nippers to enable the purchase of club gear and Nipper caps.
Member Protection Forms
All adult members need to fill in a Member Protection Form. Once completed and signed the forms can be brought along to Nippers on a Sunday morning.
Further Information
Want to know more, email Bec Capell, Remember we’re here to have FUN and learn about surf safety!
Newport Nippers webpage:
Bilgola Beach SLSC
The Serpentine,Bilgola Beach, NSW, Australia, 2107
Office Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Friday: 9am - 3pm
Postal Address: P.O. Box 43 Avalon NSW, Australia, 2107
Phone: (02) 9918 2337
Club website:
Our Volunteer Surf Lifesavers patrol Bilgola Beach from September to April each year, ensuring that beach goers have a safe and enjoyable time at our beach. At Bilgola SLSC our Club’s purpose is to help cultivate and develop an active and healthy community. We have plenty to offer across many areas, from becoming a Surf Lifesaver or a Nipper, to Sport, Education and Functions.
Nippers registration open online now!
The 2020/21 Nippers season will commence on Sunday 18th October 2020.
September 1 Update: We are working closely with SLSNB/NSW Dept of Health to make sure we deliver the Nipper program in a safe and enjoyable environment. Further information and updates on the Nippers season plan will be provided over the next few weeks.
TO JOIN: Note that there will be no registration day at the Club House this year.
NEW REGISTRATIONS this season to be completed online via the Surf Lifesaving Portal.
RETURNING NIPPERS should use the Surf Life Saving Members Portal for renewal and payment of Bilgola Nippers fees.
If you have never used the Members Area before you will need to create an account. Please click here for a video on how to Create a members Portal Account.
Nippers Know How!
Bilgola Surf Life saving club is an all-inclusive family club in which your children and you can have lots of fun and make new friends while learning new and exciting skills for life.
Children are taught how to respect and read the surf, and to use it to their advantage in a safe and nurturing environment. The activities are many and varied and are aimed at children from the age of five (5) and up learning about surf awareness and safety through the “Surf Ed” program. Depending on their age and ability children participate each week in beach sprints, relays, ‘flags’, tug-of-war, wading, swimming, board paddling, surfing and lots of other games and activities.
Remember, the emphasis is on having fun whilst learning new skills. They can also compete in Northern Beaches inter-club competitions, Sydney Branch and state carnivals. After Nippers there’s always the BBQ in our BBQ garden, with food and drinks for sale. The girl and boy ‘Nipper of the Week’ from each Age Group gets a Billy Award for a free sausage sandwich and drink!
So, put some colour into your family Sunday and join us! Become a Billy Nipper!
Parent Involvement
No one knows your children like you do so it is very important for them that you are involved to help them build confidence. You should therefore be willing each week to actively participate. Be dressed for the beach and be prepared to get wet with your child.
We do not offer a child minding service, but with this in mind we realise that some parents have more than one child in different age groups. If this is the case and you elect to stay with one of your kids in a group, then you need to nominate another responsible adult for your other child’s sign-on and sign-off.
Become an Age Manager!
Many parents are past or current members of life saving clubs and serve as patrol members, water safety and committee members. You can also be an Age Manager or an Age Manager’s Assistant. Your kids will think it’s great, and you will provide valuable help and guidance as our children learn about surf fun and safety. Bilgola SLSC provides all the necessary training:
Contact us to join Bronze Medallion and Online Age Manager’s Courses.
Age Manager’s Assistant’s are required to undertake an online Assistant’s Course.
Also see our Membership page for more information on Bronze Medallion training.
Each Sunday
Activities commence at 9am and finish at 10am each Sunday – rain, hail, or shine. Under the supervision of their Age Managers the children participate in several events. Depending on their age and competency, activities may be on the beach or in the water. We have a 50-metre ocean pool with wading area for the younger Nippers. So, you and your children need to bring sunscreen, water, swimming costume, and a towel.
Age Groups
In accordance with regulations from Sydney Northern Beaches Branch, a child must have turned 5 before 30 September of the year that they are eligible to join Nippers. Children are registered in the age group according to the age of the child on 30 September. For example, if your child is 11 on 30 September, the child will be in the Under 12s.
Active Kids Vouchers
Through the NSW Government Active Kids program, you can apply for a $100 voucher to use for sport and fitness costs. As Bilgola Surf Life Saving Club is an approved activity provider, you may use this voucher for your child’s Nippers membership registration.
NOTE: If you have already paid your membership fees for the current season then you are unable to claim a cash refund of the kids voucher amount with Bilgola SLSC after that.
Before a child in under 8 and older age groups is allowed to participate in any water event or activity (ie. an event where they would be in water out of their depth) they are required to take a proficiency evaluation. This consists of a supervised swim in still water (usually done in the pool) to a specific time and a supervised surf swim over a swim course distance (varies by age group). Children who cannot pass the minimum proficiency are limited for their safety to beach and wade events only and cannot enter carnivals. Proficiencies are not required for U6 and U7 groups.
The 2020 preliminary evaluation swims are scheduled currently for Sunday 11th October from 12pm – 4pm at Brooke Withers Swim School. Time for each age groups will be provided on this page and our social media sites when confirmed.
For specific details on requirements for each age group, click on the button here: Proficiency Guidelines
Nippers require a rash vest which can be purchased from the shop on Sunday mornings from 8am during the Nippers season, located upstairs in the clubhouse. We also have a selection of swimmers and other items – come and shop at Bilgola!
Avalon Beach SLSC
558A Barrenjoey Road
Avalon Beach
Postal Address: PO Box 110, Avalon Beach NSW 2107
Phone: 02 9918 3298
Nipper Membership Enquires:
Club website:
Avalon Beach SLSC Nippers – 2020/2021 Season Is ON!!!
Season Commences: Sunday 18th October 2020 at 9.00am
Registration: Online registration has opened on 1st September 2020. Early bird pricing runs through to 4th October. Active kids vouchers are welcomed.
For nipper fees please refer to this link
For new members information on registration please refer to this link:
About The Avalon Nippers Programme
Nippers is for children aged 5 – 13 and is all about kids having fun, gaining confidence in the surf and developing surf awareness and competence. Whilst Nippers follows a formal curriculum, tailored to each age group and working towards a surf award and certificate at season’s end, the primary aim is having fun with your friends at the beach and learning to become familiar with beach conditions. At Avalon Beach Nippers we have a strong focus on getting the kids in the water as often and for as long as possible.
Click on this link for more info:
Want to Get Involved As An Adult?
Avalon Beach Nippers is run entirely by volunteers. Adults / parents are encouraged and welcome to participate in their child’s age group activities in the following ways:
- Age Manager: Become an age manager! Your child will love it. Simply speak to an existing age manager or email if you are interested.
- Water Safety: Assist with the provision of water safety for events, once you have undertaken the required Surf Rescue Certificate or Bronze Medallion training provided by our Club.
- Admin Roles: There a lots of simple admin roles we always need help with that can be done during the week in an around family and work commitments!
- Committee Roles: Join our Committee
Simply email Tom Waters at if you are interested. We can find a role for you that suits your skills and time constraints.
Put your hand up and get involved!!!
Nippers is for children aged *5 – 13 and is all about kids having fun, gaining confidence in the surf and developing surf awareness and competence. Whilst Nippers follows a formal curriculum, tailored to each age group and working towards a surf award and certificate at season’s end, the primary aim is having fun with your mates at the beach and learning to become familiar with beach conditions.
*children must be aged 5 years old as at 30 September.
When and Where
Nippers runs from Sunday, 18 October 2020 – Sunday, 7 March 2021, with a break for Christmas. On a regular Nippers day, the session runs each Sunday from 9:00am – 10.30am subject to conditions and activities with age groups rotated to Palm Beach throughout the season.
Meet your age manager and Nipper group at your age group flag on the beach in front of the Clubhouse. Nippers is on during all weather conditions. Only lightning keeps us off the beach.
What do I need to provide?
Please ensure your kids are ready and outside the Clubhouse 10 minutes before Nippers starts:
- wearing an Avalon Beach Nippers cap (compulsory). Please write your child’s name in large letters on both sides on the the outside of the cap
- wearing a fluorescent pink hi-visibility rash vest (compulsory)
- in their swimwear (sun protection rashies and/or wetsuits recommended); covered in sunblock; fed and hydrated.
Ready to Join?
To join Avalon Beach SLSC Nippers for the 2020/21 season, children must be aged 5 years old as at 30 September. Access our New Member page to find out how to get started.
We look forward to seeing you on the beach!
What About COVID?
We are in the process of developing our COVID Safe plan in close consultation with Surf Life Saving NSW and the Sydney Northern Beaches Branch to ensure the safety of our kids and wider community is at the forefront of everything we do. This will be our COVID Safety Plan will be communicated to all members and the community prior to the season commencing.
Like most things relating to Covid-19, things will change regularly and rapidly but we are committed to delivering a fun, engaging and COVID safe program.
More Information
The Active Kids program provides two $100 vouchers for parents, guardians and carers of school-enrolled children to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year. The vouchers can be redeemed towards payment of membership or fees with an approved provider registered with the Active Kids program, each calendar year.
All Surf Life Saving Clubs have been registered as Active Kids Providers. This step was completed by SLSNSW in early 2018 to reduce the administration requirement on clubs.
As we move closer to the start of the 2020-2021 season, SLSNSW have provided additional consolidated information to assist members in understanding the current situation regarding surf sports within the current Covid-19 environment, as follows –
- The Pre-season Planning Matrix for clubs provides a high level snapshot of the current state of play for all SLS activities – lifesaving, education, Nippers and competition.
- COVID-19 Information Pack & Return to Sport Plan, provides details regarding surf sports and will be updated to reflect changes to restrictions imposed by the Public Health authorities.
SLSSNB is still operating under the following circular for all surf sports training –
The SLSSNB Board of Surf Sports are working on developing options for our 2020-2021 surf sports events in order to be to be responsive to any Public Health orders resutling from the Covid-19 pandemic. These plans will be communicated as soon as they are developed to the appropriate level of detail.
Information regarding the planning and delivery of off-season training and weekend Junior Activities starting in September/October 2020 within the guidelines of the COVID-19 Health restrictions