October 15 - 21, 2017: Issue 333
Norman Godden

A few weeks ago we had an email from Norman Godden, one of Warriewood SLSC's early members:
"I was one of the Warriewood SLSC members attending the Avalon Beach SLSC carnival of November 1956. We saw the making of surfing history that day with the Americans. After the competition was over late in the afternoon, the Americans took out their boards and their bodyboards. The waves were quite big and they simply zipped across them, leaving all of us with gaping mouths. A long board guy, Windshuttle, tried to show that the long, hollow board was just as good. It wasn’t. He caught the wave in the old traditional style and came off.
The show that the Americans put on that afternoon was amazing. One of them was Tommy Zhan from Santa Monica, California who later starred in a couple of films.

Tom Zahn who was the Hawaiian Board Champion - photo taken in 1956 at the carnival, courtesy Don Henderson, Freshwater SLSC via Surf Research
Sydney took to the new boards, with Northern Beaches, Gordon Woods making them from moulded ply (beautiful craftmanship) and a bit later, Roger Keiran making them from foam blanks. My brother and I bought one of the first Wood’s boards.
I now live in NZ but still think of that memorable day at Avalon."
We contacted Norman and asked if we could talk to him about that day and also find out a little more about Warriewood SLSC during its formative years.
When and where were you born?
I was born in Manly on the first of November 1937, I’ll be 80 in November.
Did you grow up in Manly?
Yes. I left there when I was 24. I worked in the NSW Attorney General’s Department as secretary to a couple of fellows, then secretary to a senior people. I then went to Sydney University for a couple of years and then transferred to Auckland.
I transferred to Auckland because I met my future wife on a cruise.

Norman when younger
What was Manly like while you were growing up?
Very different. The Corso was all different; there were hardware stores, clothing stores, no takeaways or anything like that. There was a village with the sort of stores you now find at Warringah Mall or Warriewood Mall, and of course it had roads right through from Manly Beach to the harbour and lined on either side with palm trees.
You didn’t have the multi-storey buildings along Addison road on the east side or up on top of the hill near the hospital – none of those were there.

Manly Corso in the 1940's
When did you join Warriewood SLSC?
Warriewood SLSC was formed on the 18th of February, 1950. I joined in 1953 as a 15 year old. Ken (Savva) Lloyd was my best mate then and still is – and a frequent Contributor to Pittwater Online News.
My brother was also in Warriewood Surf Club and they won a number of Australian, New South Wales and Metropolitan junior surf boat championships. He was part of Allan Collins crew in 1956-1957.

Warriewood Australian Champions, Bondi: also Branch Metropolitan, Interstate, NSW Champions - Jeff White (bow), Merv Godden (2nd bow), John McNamara (2nd stroke) Allan Collins (sweep) Allan Hinson (stroke). Below: Same crew as above. Photos courtesy Allan Collins.
Why did you join Warriewood?
Friends of mine had a house on the headland. I went out there and we all joined the surf club together.
What was Warriewood like in 1953?
There were hardly any houses along the top of the ridge overlooking the beach there; there were a few along Narrabeen Park Parade. We had old wooden dressing sheds which were just built on the sand. There was a wooden clubhouse, which blew over one year and has long since been replaced.
We used to raise funds for the club through working at a canteen which was down on the bottom of the road, which operated for all the years I was there and was run by volunteers, both guys and the girls.
What were they selling?
Sandwiches and hot dogs and soft drinks, that sort of things. There was nowhere else to go when you went to Warriewood Beach, so no competition.
There was the Casa Sierra, which was towards Mona Vale, but that was a restaurant, open at night. It had a great big Spanish style entrance constructed of concrete and a big bell, such as you see in Spanish architecture.

'Casa Sierra', September-October 1949 edition of Decoration and glass Australian Glass Manufactures, Waterloo, N.S.W from http://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-371574681
Warriewood - "Casa Sierra" Cafe
Built of Brick ln SPANISH MISSION STYLE and commanding DELIGHTFUL VIEWS of forest valleys and hills, Mona Vale Golf Course, and Pittwater in the distance.
At present CONDUCTED AS A RESTAURANT to seal 60 patrons and GROCERY STORE, "CASA SIERRA" could be adapted to ALMOST ANY BUSINESS OR FOR A PALATIAL RESIDENCE. The Store and Cafe are WELL EQUIPPED, and the whole undertaking ENJOYS EXCELLENT TRADE. The Vendor's RESIDENCE COMPRISES double bedrm., excellently appointed lounge, bedroom, modern bathroom, laundry, etc.
Auction Sale Date: Tuesday, 15th August
In Conjunction.
L J. HOOKER LIMITED and RONALD KNIGHT PTY. LTD. 86 Pitt St. 12 Pittwater Road. Manly. XU48S.1. Solicitors: DETTMAN, AUSTIN and MACLEAN. Advertising (1950, July 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 25. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27573853
Were there many visitors to Warriewood for the life savers to look after?
It was less popular when we first started there. There was a dirt road down to the beach so you had to be pretty keen to go to Warriewood compared to the other beaches so there weren’t the big crowds to start with but it became more and more popular, particularly as the surf craze in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s developed.
In a big southerly it’s protected by Turimetta Head, so you have a very big wave coming around the point then.
1956 on Avalon Beach – Warriewood was part of that restricted carnival and you were there to witness the Americans showing the new style of surfboards – what was that like?
There were more than two Americans that’s surfed that day. There were two other guys, Australians, who tried to ride the long board (16ft) at the same time. I believe one was a guy named Keith Hurst, who was an Aussie board champion in 1946 and 1950 and Serge Denman who was a champion in 1952. They tried, like Windschuttle, to ride their long boards and of course the waves were so big they came off.
Everyone was derisive of these Americans, who were lovely guys, because the longboards that they had were plastic, just like the skis and paddling boards that they use nowadays. They had these little short boards, which I think were balsa, and bodyboards, which were also balsa.
Everyone was carrying on; ‘how are they going to go in this surf?’.
They paddled out and this huge wave came and this guy got on it and he went straight across, he went the length of the beach but sideways. Everyone was gobsmacked – everyone just stared.
The whole crowd was just mesmerised for the next half hour or so while they rode these waves.

One of a younger Norman in a pillow fight at a Carnival with his more or less permanent opponent from Avalon Beach Surf Club. (Can’t remember his name. He is on the Left in the lighter club cap and I have the Warriewood cap. )
Did you take up surfboard riding yourself?
Yes, at that time. There was a guy called Gordon Woods who built the first Malibu surfboard from moulded ply. These were superb boards, superb craftsmanship. We got one of the first among these.
They then developed the balsa board and then came the foam blanks.
Where did you surf?
We surfed everywhere; Warriewood, Long Reef and Narrabeen. It really depended on the wind. North Narrabeen is great in a northeaster, whereas Warriewood is good in a southerly.
Did you have a favourite wave or break when it was on?
Yes, I like a lefthander as I was what they call a ‘goofy foot’.
Our main interest was surf life saving. I was in the Rescue and Resuscitation squad and we swam as surf teams in various carnivals around Sydney.
Why did you join a surf life saving club, apart to be with your mates – why give back to others as a volunteer on the beach?
Well I ended up following through on that more as I later did a Masters Degree in Counselling and doing that in life as well.
I was a competitive swimmer and therefore could do this through the club. We surfed down at Manly and Queenscliff as kids, so it was a natural evolution.
How did you meet your wife?
On a cruise on the Arcadia, which in those days was 21 thousand tons – if you compare it to the cruise ships today, which are 100+ thousand, you can see a difference.
When did you move to New Zealand?
In 1965, to Auckland. We had two girls. One did the reverse; she married an Australian and is in Perth. The other flies with Air New Zealand as cabin crew.
And grandchildren?
Yes, they’re in Perth.
Do you miss Australia?
Yes and no. We had an apartment in Manly for quite a long time and were there every six weeks or so. And my mother, who is 101 is at Collaroy still, in the Elizabeth Jenkins Home, and I get over there every two months.
Did you continue with water sports in New Zealand?
Surfing, yes and swimming, yes. By then I was married and had a child on the way. We went to the West Coast beaches here a lot and up north a lot, most weekends actually, but I didn’t rejoin a surf club here.
Are there any good waves in New Zealand?
Oh, fantastic! There’s a place called Raglan which has the best left-handers anywhere. There’s New Plymouth in Taranaki – I’ve done some great surfing there. There’s Piha and Muriwai and Pakari – there’s great waves here.
So for an 80 years young gentleman you sound very sharp and very fit – how do you do that?
I’m still involved in a couple of Trusts and support significant scholarships and what have you at the University of Auckland, so I’m still very much involved with the university here.
I still go to gym five days a week – I have the time to do this now.
Do you miss Warriewood?
Oh yes; when I’m in Sydney I always go out there and have a look at the waves. There is a member who is older than me – Jock McKay, he’s still around too and is the club’s Historian. Jock was the Sweep of a boat crew I was in and he took me through my Bronze Medallion.
What is your favourite place in Pittwater and why?
The beach opposite Palm Beach, Mackeral Beach and Great Mackeral Beach (Currawong). We used to go there when it was deserted, when there was absolutely no one there. We’d stay the weekend and fish. We’d just row across in a rowboat from the boatshed.
I also liked Clareville in those earlier days – and Warriewood of course, as a surf beach.
What is your ‘motto for life’ or a favourite phrase you try to live by?
The finest steel is hardest beaten. (a Quote from Rosseau)
In other words, overcoming tough times leads to people being resilient and achievers.
Notes And Extras
Ken "Savva' Lloyd pages:
Keith “Spaz” HURST
Keith "Spaz" HurstKeith Hurst known to all boaties as "Sir Keith" & "Spaz" had an extensive record of achievement in competition in both long-boards and boats at National and State level and was a handy swimmer.

A handy swimmer Keith won the Sydney Branch Junior Belt Race in 1944.
In addition to his achievements in the water, little is known of his support for the League in its infancy in 1993. "Spaz" spoke with Ron Payne on many occasions regarding his views and the direction he thought the League should be headed. Remember this was prior to the meeting at Manly on 10 September 1993 the day the League was officially 'born'.
Keith gave wise counsel to Ron and the Interim Committee and probably in hindsight his prophetic advice to Ron was, "Ron, never break away from the Association."
There were many in the Association at both National and State level who thought at the time that the League was a 'break-away group'. That was never going to be the case.
"Spaz" attended a lot of events, always passed on invaluable advice to many aspiring rowers and sweeps, was always at the Boaties Conference at the Aussies, remained loyal to his many friends and the League until his passing on 29 January 1996.
Keith was the first inductee in the ASRL Hall of Fame in 1996.
Keith was acknowledged by SLSA as a Legend of Surf Lifesaving.
Approaching 60 years of age, Keith rowed 200km in a small dinghy alone, alongside surfboats in the 1988 Brewarrina to Bourke outback classic and still took the time at the end of each day's rowing to pass on to younger sweeps and rowers his wealth of experience from many years in boats.
So to finish off, Keith's insight in the early years was invaluable at the time and to the future of the League and his legacy will always remain.
SPORTS HELD IN BRIEF. Australian surfboard champion for 1945-46, Keith Hurst, has applied to join Avalon Surf Club and has resigned from North Bondi. Avalon will hold its annual meeting at the S L S A rooms, 16 Hunter Street, tomorrow night. SPORTS HELD IN BRIEF. (1946, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17996072
Keith was still south of the bridge in 1950 though:
By J. S. McAuley
North Bondi and Bronte surf clubs have protested against suspensions of members on a charge of misconduct at Freshwater carnival on Monday.North Bondi member Keith Hurst, former Australian surfboard champion, was suspended until January 1, 1951. Serge Denman (Bronte) was "outed" until next season. North Bondi secretary Mr. Sid Price said today that Hurst told him he did not use abusive language to officials at Freshwater. Mrs. D. Denman, mother of Serge Denman, said today members of Bronte Club were prepared to swear her son was not implicated in the alleged brawl at Freshwater carnival. Mrs. Denman added: "Bronte Club has put in an official appeal against my son's suspension. He is a good lad who never holds anything from me "Like all other lifesavers, he risks his life to protect people Who go to the beaches. "He and other surfers pay ''or the privilege of patrolling beaches, and I will not have his name besmirched."
MOTHER DEFENDS SURF SON (1950, February 2). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 43 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230077025
Serge Denman
Serge appeared in Life Magazine in 1956 (the issue with JFK on the cover) and his trademark black and white striped board made him something of a celebrity. At just 17 years of age, he and four mates appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald, having paddled their toothpicks (hollow plywood boards, 16 feet in length) all the way from Manly to Bondi. Serge started surfing in his early teens and won many paddle board titles in the late 40s and early 50s. He was a member of North Bondi Surf Club and later became Head Beach Inspector at Bronte. Serge often surfed Ben Buckler with his good mate Bruce Agnue. Serge Denman passed away in 1982, an amazing character who loved life and is sorely missed. - Martin Greer, Bondi Stories

SWEPT GAL OFF HER FEET, THEN SWEPT HER OUT OF SURF (1950, October 1). Truth (Brisbane, Qld. : 1900 - 1954), p. 47. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article201441536
Sydney Lifesaver Now Coast Star
... Star Surfers Paradise lifesaver Serge Denman, who won the board race at the Northcliffe carnival on Sunday spends most of his leisure time rescuing his wife from the surf. . The Denmans, both keen surfers, are employed at the Surfers Paradise Hotel. They spend their time off on the beach, but Mrs Denman, qho is an adventurous surfer, is often carried out. Only a week after their marriage a few months ago, her husband had to rescue her
from a gutter into which she was swept by an outsize wave. Serge said yesterday: "It's quite a job seeing that Enid doesn't get drowned.".
His pretty, fair-haired wife says she feels quite safe surfing with Serge who was Metropolitan surf board champion in Sydney before coming to live at Surfers Paradise. In those days he was a member of Bronte Surf Lifesaving Club.
Serge, who defeated champion, Allan Miller of Greenmount, at the recent Tallebudgera carnival, is working at Surfers while he awaits a call to join the RAAF. He said yesterday that he hopes to become a pilot in the Air Force. He and his wife are both aged 20. Serge said yesterday that he had only been swimming for the past three years. Unlike most other champion lifesavers, he dislikes surf flippers, is not a potential "frog man."

Serge Denman pictured at Northcliffe on Sunday.
MAGAZINE (1950, December 15). The South Coast Express (Surfers Paradise, Qld. : 1949 - 1951), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article226284560

Three American Olympic swimmers visiting Sydney this week found the Bronte surf inviting. The swimmers, from left, Mike Wall, Jed Graef and Thompson Mann, sampled the surf with the help of Serge Denman holding the ski.
Snell, Davies to meet Czech (1964, November 21). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), p. 27. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article107510498
Some Early Warriewood Notes

— A tense moment with the fishing party "Father's got a bite." The amateur photographer in this case has caught a very pretty picture which is well grouped and conveys the impression of excitement which should go with this critical moment. Photograph was taken on the beach near Warriewood.News of the Hour in Capital Pictures The World Through a Camera Lens (1923, August 10). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 12 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article224113699
The Beach at Warriewood

The seclusion of Warriewood Beach, near Mona Vale, makes it a haven for those holiday-makers who avoid the beaten track.
The Beach at Warriewood-- (1936, January 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17223593
SHARKS made their appearance at several beaches yesterday, and in some instances bathers were lucky that the monsters did not claim a victim.
Two brothers, one Mr. Hodgins, brother of the former North Sydney Rugby League player, had a thrilling experience at Warriewood, a small beach north of Narrabeen, when they discovered a huge shark, said to have measured 13 feet, floating in a channel about 4 feet deep.
Fifty yards from the spot where the monster was seen about fifty bathers were enjoying themselves, Including a number of women and children. The tide was low and the channel extended along the whole of the beach. The shark entered the channel from the southern end or the beach, and at no time did it show its fins. That the monster did not sight the bathers is, no doubt, accounted for by the fact that the shark would have had to keep to the channel for a certain distance, as a big sandbank extends 30 yards from the shore. Several residents secured lines and attempted to hook the shark, but the monster was too wily. When last seen it was swimming leisurely down the channel towards the open sea.
Thousands of bathers at Manly yesterday were treated to a sensation, when a huge shark was seen cruising beyond the first line of breakers off Queenscliff. The alarm was given by a look-out from the local club, and when the warning bell won rung there was a stampede for the shore. Word was sent to the adjoining clubs, and four surf boats were soon searching for the shark. The 'kill' fell to Percy Smith, the well-known long-distance swimmer, and a member of the Drummoyne Club, who, perched in the bow of the Freshwater boat, harpooned the monster with a sharpened oar.
His improvised spear sank into the monster, and there was an upheaval of water, which almost swamped the boat. Smith retained his hold of the oar and made several more deadly thrusts. The shark then sank, and was left to the mercy of its companions.
Bathers at Palm Beach also cot a shock when the alarm was given that a shark was hovering close in shore. The bathers left the water, but some of the more venturesome returned later. They exercised great care, however, and few ventured far from the shore. A strict look-out was kept for the rest or the day. but no further sign of the shark was observed. 'WARE SHARKS ALONG THE SURF BEACHES (1926, October 18). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article117327723

Charles Tindall, 'Warriewood', Along the Road, 1937
Courtesy of Davidson Auctions © Charles Tindall or assignee

Realistic war lessons were to-day taught members of the Sydney University Regiment. From Castle Hill, they rushed to Warriewood beach to resist an "enemy invasion." Left:. In the buses, some were sleepy, but dawn found them (right) lying in hastily-dug sand trenches, machine-guns ready to fire.
Major J. Theyer giving lo the Sydney University Regiment a word picture of what would be done during the dawn attack over amplifiers. (See story, Page 2). LEARNING ART OF WAR (1938, August 18). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 1 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229136831

MAJOR J. THEYER (above) giving to the Sydney University Regiment a word picture of what would be done during a dawn attack over the amplifiers, and, right, a member of the regiment ready with a machine gun in a trench at Warriewood Beach (Sydney) in preparation for the "attack." No title (1938, September 1). New Call and Bailey's Weekly (Perth, WA : 1934 - 1940), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article211050883
It was stated at the Surf Life Saving Association Council Meeting last night that a drive would be made on Sunday at the beaches in support of war savings certificates.
Western Australia Queensland and Tasmania State centres of the Surf Life Saving Association have all supported the proposed new regulations governing rescue and resuscitation competitions which have therefore been adopted The rig ulm lons principally define reasons for disqualifications and their c\Unt
Messrs J Cameron J B Dillon C Mack and B Rudd have been appointed a sub committee to report to the annual meeting of the association on an inter-services surf carnival in aid of comforts funds
The annual inspections of life saving Gear on the beaches of the metropolitan district will be made in Bondi, North Bondi, Tamarama and Bronte on October 26 at Oak Park, Shelly Beach, Cronulla, North Cronulla, Maroubra, Coogee, Clovelly on October 27 at Manly, North Steyne, Queenscliff, Freshwater, South Curl Curl, North Curl Curl on November 2 at Palm Beach, Whale Beach, Avalon, Bilgola, Newport, Mona Vale, Warriewood,Turramatta, North Narrabeen, South Narrabeen, Collaroy and Deewhy on November 3 and at Era Burning Palms and Garie on November 10
The Surf Life Saving Association will have a stall In Martin Place for the Australia Day appeal on Friday. Mr. J B Dillon is calling for volunteers to assist at the stall. SURF CLUB NOTES. (1940, October 2).The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17697556
North Narrabeen SLSA official, Mr. J. Young, is helping in .the formation of a surf club at Warriewood i Beach, the only beach between Manly and Palm Beach without a surf club. SURF CLUB PLANNED (1950, February 9).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 43 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230079366

Title: Warriewood Beach , ca. 1950
By Ernest William Buckmaster (Australian, 1897–1968)
Medium: oil on canvas laid on board Size: 54.5 x 78.5 cm. (21.5 x 30.9 in.)
By the start of next surfing season lifesavers at Warriewood will have a clubhouse as good as anything the United States can produce. Warriewood is a classy beach between Narrabeen and Mona Vale. Sydney architect Ken Spain has designed the clubhouse free of charge. It will consist of two decks, fitted with massage rooms, showers, streamlined kitchen, dance floor, first aid room, offices, boat room, flat roof and shark tower. Warriewood club was formed this year by 20 residents, including engineers and carpenters. There are six bronze medallion holders in the club, but more are needed. The district council is behind the move and has granted £500 to the club, which has also raised £300 by local activities. GINTY LUSH GIVES (1951, April 1).The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article230071344
Safer Beaches-At A Cost
By A Staff Correspondent
MANY THOUSANDS of people will welcome the official opening of the surfing season this weekend-if only because it will cost them nothing.
THOSE who do go in the water will do so with comparative peace of mind. Anyone in trouble in an undertow, or in dumpers has only to raise an arm. That is the signal for a human torpedo to shoot through the water with white lifeline snaking behind him and a team of trained men in action on the beach.
For on all main beaches the lifesaver will be on patrol week-ends and holidays from now till Easter. He likes the surf, too; and he likes saving lives, but it does cost him something.
Most Australians have accepted his sacrifices year in and year out, but without thinking very much about them. It costs the life-saver up to £1/1/ annual member ship fee to belong to his club. It costs him time spent on surf club training and on beach patrols. Some times it costs him his life.
For instance, that is what it cost Jim Peryman, 23 year-old captain of North Cronulla Surf Club, last summer when seaweed fouled his line and pulled him under while he was rescuing Daphne Knowles, 16, of Bexley.
A month earlier Harbord lifesaver, Mervyn Fletcher, 16, had been drowned when seaweed fouled his line during a surf carnival at Dee-why.
Shocked by these deaths and another near-tragedy at Newcastle in the same manner, the Surf Life Saving Association of Australia decided that a quick-release safety belt should be made standard equipment. It approved two belts, the Ross and Munyard.
Wearing either of these the life-saver, with a flick of the wrist, can release himself from belt and line.
This season each club will have one or more safety belts, but most will have to use old-type belts because they cannot afford to re-equip with safety belts.
S.L.S.A. officials say it is the same with all types of gear. The clubs-which have always had to battle for funds-are up against inflation.
A reel and line, which cost about £20 before the last war, now costs £38.
A surf boat that could be put on the water for £100 now costs £300.
Last year the Common-wealth Government for the first time granted £5,000 to be shared between about 180 surf clubs in Australia. But even this with State grants could not make up the leeway, and small clubs that have just started, like Warriewood, Bilgola and Long Reef, will be desperate for gear, according to S.L.S.A. officials.
A fast-growing population and increasing popularity of the surf have increased the problems of the clubs. More patrols are needed, more gear and more "social work" to raise funds.
New Australians have swelled the ranks of the surfers and banked up more problems and anxiety for the lifesavers. Many of them don't understand, or ignore, the "Bathe between the flags" signs and seem unconscious of the patrolman's whistles and signals when they drift towards a treacherous rip or undertow. Like so many of the old Australians, the migrants just take it for granted when the lifesavers drag them from death in the surging waves.
"I'm sure that most of the New Australians think we are paid to do the job," said Mr. A. R. Loton, Sydney Branch secretary of the S.L.S.A.
Club membership is not what it used to be in the pre-war days, when most big clubs had closed member-ships and waiting lists.
In some clubs the membership is falling off and the old hands are working hard to maintain efficiency.
Since it started its voluntary work in 1907 the Association has saved about 80,000 lives.
It is ready for another 3,500-odd rescues this season.
Safer Beaches—At A Cost (1951, September 30). The Sunday Herald (Sydney, NSW : 1949 - 1953), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28670997
Warriewood - "Casa Sierra" Cafe
Built of Brick ln SPANISH MISSION STYLE and commanding DELIGHTFUL VIEWS of forest valleys and hills, Mona Vale Golf Course, and Pittwater in the distance.
At present CONDUCTED AS A RESTAURANT to seal 60 patrons and GROCERY STORE, "CASA SIERRA" could be adapted to ALMOST ANY BUSINESS OR FOR A PALATIAL RESIDENCE. The Store and Cafe are WELL EQUIPPED, and "the whole undertaking ENJOYS EXCELLENT TRADE. The Vendor's RESIDENCE COMPRISES double bedrm., excellently appointed lounge, bedroom, modern bathroom, laundry, etc.
Auction Sale Date: Tuesday, 15th August
In Conjunction.
L J. HOOKER LIMITED and RONALD KNIGHT PTY. LTD. 86 Pitt St. 12 Pittwater Road. Manly. XU48S.1. Solicitors: DETTMAN, AUSTIN and MACLEAN. Advertising (1950, July 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 25. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27573853
Warriewood - "Casa Sierra" Cafe
80 persons and GROCERY STORE adaptable to ANY BUSINESS OR PALATIAL
HOME RESID COMPRISES bedrm Inge bedrm bathrm ldry etc H W RE
In conj RONALD KNIGHT PTY LTD. Advertising (1950, August 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18180066
Warriewood: Warriewood Road: F. gar. — A. Boldine. O., Mr. Giennie, "Casa Sierra," Mona Vale, R., £150. SMALL CONTRACTS (1953, August 5).Construction (Sydney, NSW : 1938 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article222898007
Warriewood Surf Club will hold a surf life-saving display at Warriewood beach on Sunday afternoon. Proceeds of the display will go towards the construction of a new club-house. U.S. BOXER MAY VISIT (1952, January 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18258865
About 3,000 people saw a gala display of lifesaving at Warriewood Beach yesterday. Competing clubs included North Narrabeen, Avalon, Warriewood Beach, Mona Vale, Bilgola, Palm Beach, Newport, Long Reef, South Narrabeen, Collaroy, North Palm Beach. MANY SEE SURF GALA (1952, February 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18254505
Thieves broke into a temporary storeroom of the Warriewood Beach Surf Life Saving Club and stole three surf-reel lines worth £50 and other equipment. Members of the club discovered the theft yesterday.
The secretary, Max Muras, said the club was started only 12 months ago, and was struggling desperately for funds.
Detective R. Sadler, of Manly, is investigating.
THIEVES ROB SURF CLUB (1952, July 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18275144
Sir Edward Hallstrom has been elected patron of Warriewood Surf Club. HALLSTROM PATRON (1952, September 24). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 39 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article231007467

A tree silhouetted against the glow in the sky caused by bushfires at Warriewood, near Mona Vale, last night. There were 12 separate outbreaks in Mona Vale and Warriewood areas yesterday. Firemen, assisted by volunteers, fought the fires, which burnt out 50 square miles of bush.STRIKING PICTURE OF FIRE BY NIGHT (1952, November 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27529012
Boats Answer Nightfalls
Surf boats manned by members of two Sydney surf life-saving: clubs last night made two dramatic rescues in heavy seas, far off the coast.
Four men were taken from a sinking launch l£ miles out to sea by members of the Palm Beach club. North Narrabeen club members battled for several hours to save a 35ft launch, with three aboard, from being swept on to rocks.
Palm Beach club members were holding a dance in their clubhouse when a distress rocket was seen out to sea about 8.30 p.m.
Five surf club members, four rowers and a sweep quickly changed into swimming trunks and rowed one and a half miles to where the distress signal had been seen. There they found a battered 30-foot cruiser, with the four men on board, awash to the deck.
The men had hacked at the cabin-canopy and were making a raft with this, with petrol tins and slashed mattresses. The men were ready to board the raft, as the wreck seemed in danger of sinking at any moment.
The surf boat was able to draw alongside close enough for the men to step into it.
Heavy seas were running. The surf boat made towards the southern end of Palm Bench, because calmer waters were necessary for a safe landing.
The cruiser was sinking as the surf boat left.
The surf crew managed to land the four men safely in the light of car headlamps.
The rescued men said that the launch began to leak about. 6.30 and was soon foundering.
The men, who would not give their names or addresses, lost all the belongings they had on board.
The five men in the surf boat were: W. E. Sweetapple, R. Gurney, J. Kraefft, M. Hall-Dest, R. Butler. All are in their early twenties.
The launch was washed up on North Palm Beach at It o'clock last night.
The North Narrabeen club save was made as the 35-foot launch was going on the rocks at
Warriewood Point, near Mona Vale.
Residents at Warriewood telephoned police about 7pm when they saw the craft drift mg towards the rocks. Sergeant Adams of Narrabeen police went to North Narrabeen Surf Club, where a dance was in progress and asked for help.
Six members of the club, Jim Mason, Norman Ambrose, Ken Hodges, Ron Well, Leslie Brown, and R Noonan, took out the club's boat and a line, while other members of the club raced to Warne wood beach and spotlighted the launch with motor car headlights
They rowed four miles against a strong south westerly wind, through rain and huge waves and reached the launch when it was 20 yards from the locks
One of the surf club members, Ken Hodges, dived from the surf boat and swam 50 yards with a line to the launch.
The other lifesavers then pulled the yacht clear of the rocks and into deep water
At 11 o clock they had the launch in tow before the south wind while the police launch Nemesis raced to give assistance
The lifesavers had intended to take the launch in to Mona Vale beach, since both Warriewood and Narrabeen beaches were too rough
But at 10 30, a strong southerly had forced them to go beyond Mona Vale and keep a straight course ahead
"It looks as if they will have to keep on going north until the Nemesis catches up with them," a member of the North Narrabeen Club, Mr Bill Ford, reported at li 15 last night
"It's pitch black out there, and we are completely out of contact with them, but our members and others have lined the point and beaches, spotlighting them with motor car headlights
"The present arrangement is that the Nemesis will take them in tow, drop our members here on the way back and take the launch back to Sydney "
At 11 30 last night, the two boats were drifting helplessly in heavy seas a mile and a half off Avalon
The police launch. Nemesis had just reached them
At 1 o clock this morning police aboard the Nemesis re ported that they had six members of the surf club and three people from the yacht aboard. They were making heavy weather of it and the surf boat they were towing was completely submerged at one time
Large waves were breaking across it
Mrs Marge Mason, of Arthur Street, Deewhy, whose husband. James Mason, is the surf boat captain, said "I was helping at a fete near the club house. The fete was to raise money for a new boat. The one the boys are out in is very old and leaky
“The club Captain raced over and told my husband that a yacht was in distress off Warriewood Point
'Jim and the crew who were with him grabbed their costumes and had the boat in the water in minutes.
"How they got it out in that surf I don't know. That was nine o'clock
'They have got a torch in the surf boat. I have been watching its light getting smaller It was nearly out of sight when the lights of the police launch came up in the south
'Then I knew they were all right "
Mrs Hazel Brown, wife of Les Brown, one of the surf boat’s crew said ' The boys in the boat will be half frozen and probably sick.
"They were only wearing cotton costumes and it has been raining off and on since they left " SURF MEN'S RESCUES (1952, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18296475
Wife risks death in heroic rescue
Sydney, Sunday
THE heroine of yesterday's surf drama off Warriewood tonight was nursing her husband, who lay helpless with illness while she battled single-handed to save their disabled yacht from destruction.
Mrs. Alma Kothner (picture right), whose fortitude amazed the crews of a surf boat and a police boat which went to her aid, was at the helm of the yacht Alcyone when a huge sea snapped the rudder.
Alcyone drifted helplessly towards the rocky shore as Mrs. Kathner flashed distress signals from a small torch.
Six lifesavers left a dance at North Narrabeen and put out in their surf boat to row to the yacht, five miles away.
They fought the waves until they reached Alcyone, but she was- so near the rocks they, could not get alongside. '
Ken Hodges, a probationary constable, put on a belt and swam 30 yards through shark-infested water with a line.
Mrs. Kathner helped him on to the yacht, and fastened the tow rope.'
It snapped twice as the surf boat, full of water, and battered by the storm, went down into troughs between the waves. Each time Hodges dived in and swam back to the surf boat for a new one.
Boat disappears
The police boat Nemesis arrived after the surf boat crew, cramped with cold and exhaustion, had held the yacht for four hours.
They had just boarded Nemesis and fastened a line from Alcyone, when their wrecked surfboat disappeared.
Mrs. Kathner, drenched and cold, stayed on the yacht, and fastened new tow lines as the storm broke the others.
Mrs. Kathner, who cannot swim, clung precariously to the side of the rolling yacht as wind and waves tried to pluck her loose.
A Sydney newspaper has started a fund to replace the £450 surf boat. But philanthropist Sir Edward Hallstrom said today he would buy the club a new one.
Wife risks death in heroic rescue (1952, December 29). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article23210614
Queen honors brave surfers
Three Sydney lifesavers have been awarded the Queen's Commendation for their part in a courageous rescue of a disabled launch at Warriewood on December 26, 1952.
The men, Ken Hodges, James Mason and Les Brown, are members of North Narrabeen Surf Club. In company with three other club members, the men rowed two miles through a raging surf from Narrabeen to Warriewood Headland to a launch, with two people aboard, drifting helplessly toward the rocks. The surf boat was unable to get close to the launch, so Hodges swam 50 yards to attach a line.
Police help
The boat crew kept the launch off the rocks until arrival of a police launch. Brown and Mason then swam to the police launch and attached lines to the disabled craft and the surfboat. On the long tow back to Narrabeen, the surf-boat was swamped and abandoned. Hodges later received a bronze award and Mason and Brown certificates of merit from the Surf Lifesaving Association. A requirement of the award of the Queen's Commendation is that there must be a risk of injury or death involved. Queen honors brave surfers (1954, June 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 18 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article229714732
Three Warriewood lifesavers were injured yesterday when their surfboat crashed on a sand-bank at Whale Beach.
Sweep Ken Scully received back injuries, bowman John McKay injured his legs, and Allan Kensey slightly hurt his right leg.
The upset, during the senior surf-boat race at the Whale Beach restricted carnival, was described by officials as the most unusual and spectacular seen in recent years.
Returning from the buoys the Warriewood boat caught a small wave which petered out near the edge of a bank near the beach. Then a huge wave suddenly built up behind the boat.
As the dumper curled and broke, about 18 inches of water in the boat surged to the bows. The crew was powerless to prevent a crash.
The boat smashed nose first on the sandbank, bounced, and then did a stem to stern turnover, landing upside down. LIFESAVERS HURT IN BOAT CRASH (1953, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18402498
Four Hurt In Heavy
Surf, Many Rescues
Four men were injured in heavy surf at Sydney beaches yesterday and contestants had to abandon water events at a carnival at Maroubra.
With large crowds at most beaches, lifesavers had a busy day, some clubs rescuing more than 30 people.
Sharks interrupted a surf contest at North Bondi, swam near lifesavers rescuing a girl at Deewhy, and caused an alarm at Bondi.
Two of the men were injured when heavy seas at Warriewood, between Narrabeen and Newport, swamped the surf club's surfboat about 65 yards from the shore. A big wave turned the boat over, throwing the five members of the junior surfboat crew into the water. The gunwhale of the boat struck Allan Dickson, 17, of Mcpherson Street, Warriewood, injuring his back. Michael Woods, 19, of Warriewood, was knocked unconscious.
Other lifesavers swam to the boat with four lines and brought the crew back. Manly Ambulance took Dickson to Manly Hospital, where he was treated and allowed to leave. Woods recovered on the beach.
At North Narrabeen beach, a heavy "dumper" threw Arthur William Durno. 47, of Victoria Road, West Ryde, onto the sand and dislocated one of his shoulders.
Manly District Ambulance took him to Manly District Hospital, where doctors admitted him.
At Freshwater Beach, William Hannaford, 22, of St. George Crescent, Drummoyne, received injuries to the face land a possibly fractured nose.
Manly District Ambulance took him to Manly Hospital, where he was also admitted.
Heavy seas at Maroubra forced the Maroubra Surf Life Saving Social Club to cancel all water events but one in a women's surf carnival yesterday morning.
Twelve teams competed in beach events, however, and a large crowd watched the march past. Teams had come from many metropolitan clubs and from Wollongong.
Officials of the North Bondi Surf Club had to abandon the club's junior belt champion-ship races yesterday morning when they sighted two sharks underneath the finishing buoys 250 yards from the beach.
They stopped the leading contestant only 15 yards from the buoy and warned the rest to turn back. Organisers abandoned the rest of the water events.
Officials sounded shark alarms both at North Bondi and Bondi in the morning, but the sharks swam out to sea during the afternoon.
At Deewhy Beach late yesterday afternoon, a shark swam close to three members of the Deewhy Surf Club, J. Strong, beltman, D. Morgan, and R. Vickress, as they were rescuing a girl about 250 yards out.
Strong was supporting the girl on a surf ski while the surfboat was picking up a man who had been swept out with her.
Morgan and Vickress were about to help bring the girl in when they saw the shark and signalled the boat to take the girl as well.
At Manly, lifesavers rescued almost 50 persons in a day of treacherous "rips." A middle-aged woman who was caught between two rips and swept out about 150 yards, had to be treated for severe shock for more than half an hour after club members had brought her in.
Lifesavers at Collaroy and Tamarama also rescued about 30 persons at each beach.
Almosy all surf clubs reported that the fine hot weather had brought the largest crowds for a month, although summer is officially over.
Four Hurt In Heavy Surf, Many Rescues (1953, March 9). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18360724
Residents of Warringah Shire, near Sydney at a public meeting last. Saturday afternoon.

The meeting was called to protest against a proposed sewage outlet near Warriewood Beach. The State Government has refused their demand that the outlet pipe be extended out to sea.
No title (1963, April 24). Tribune (Sydney, NSW : 1939 - 1976), p. 11. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article236851946

Warriewood Beach. The dotted line on the southern headland shows present progress of the sewerage pipe which will empty effluent from the new Mona Vale Hospital into the sea below the headland. The outlet will be about 40 yards from a natural pool among the rocks nearer the beach. Residents have offered to pay for a 700ft. extension of the pipeline farther along the headland.
Warriewood fighters won't give up. For the past few weeks the usually happy wives of Warriewood, N.S.W., have dropped their domestic duties to take arms against a Government sewerage pipeline.
As planned the pipe will convey effluent from the new Mona Vale Hospital into the sea just off Warriewood beach, a small, gently curved bay between Narrabeen and Mona Value, north of Sydney. The beach is the centre of relaxation for Warriewood residents who live in neat houses overlooking the stretch of sand and surf.
During the summer week-ends almost the entire district "lives" on the beach.
Visiting surfers can bring the number to 5000 on holidays. Evenings out are usually spent at the fine surf club on the beach. And dur-the week, when the husbands have gone to work, the wives use the natural pool at the southern end as a playground for their young
The planned outlet for the hospital effluent is not far from the rock pool. In fact, a wave passing the outlet takes only six seconds to wash directly into the "children's pool." The housewives have timed it.
They have also calculated that, come a westerly blow, the effluent, emptying only 595ft. from the beach at the rate of 50,000 gallons a day, would be trapped within the sheltered beach for perhaps days on end.
Mothers have joined wholeheartedly the Warriewood Progress Association's fight to have the pipeline extended another 700ft. along the headland so that the effluent will empty into deeper water and be swept out to sea. They have offered to foot the bill.
They have led deputations to Health Department authorities and Government ministers. They have called meeting after meeting, in between doing the family washing and ironing, to discuss plans of campaign.
They have suggested a sit down strike on the pipeline and, backed by the Warriewood Progress Association, they dug an extension to the pipeline last weekend as an act of protest.
In the meantime, the clay scar of the Government pipe-line advances inexorably over the headland.
"We're not usually a militant group of people," said Mrs. E. Armstrong, looking from her living-room picture window toward the headland. "We're just mothers. At the moment very frustrated and distressed ones.
"I lost one child through cancer. I plan to keep the other three alive and healthy and I'll fight to do it.
"We know that the effluent will be chemically treated at a plant near the hospital before it is discharged into the sea. We know that bacteria don't live long in sea water and that, chemically treated, the effluent will be free of them.
"But what about the viruses? No doctor has been able to tell us that the chemically treated effluent will contain no golden staph, hepatitis, or polio."

Local mothers and children on the headland next to the of pipe.
A knock at Mrs. Armstrong's door, and Mrs. Freda Egan came in.
"I've just left the washing up and my nineteen-month old babe with a neighbor," she said, "to come and talk about the meeting tonight.
"This used to be such a lovely, friendly beach," she told me. "We've never participated in anything like this.
"But when the Government men supposed to represent the people go ahead with plans that affect us vitally and don't take any notice of our views, it's a serious matter.
"Wars have been fought for freedoms like this.
"Also, if this happens to Warriewood, what's to stop it happening to any beach along the coast?"
Marshal of the Warriewood resistance movement is the president of the Warriewood Progress Association, Mr. C. Thackrah. The Association heard about the pipeline last September, before the scheme was started.
The Association protested and the Minister for Public Works offered members a trip to Gosford to observe a similar effluent scheme and treatment.
"After the Gosford trip, we were satisfied that there would be no visible effluent on our beach," said Mr. Thackrah.
Mrs. E. Armstrong (left) and Mrs. F. Egan, of Warriewood: "We shall fight till the last pipe goes down."
"At Gosford we were told the effluent there was 95 per cent, organically pure. Later we discovered that 'organically pure' doesn't mean there are no wogs in it.
"Even if the effluent were pure, as Health Department authorities insist it will be, who, from an aesthetic point of view, would want to swim in cabbage water?"
At that stage the Association proposed that the pipe-line be taken 700ft. farther along the headland away from the beach. The proposal was turned down as too expensive. Their next positive step was a Saturday afternoon meeting on the headland where the pipeline was to go.
Five hundred residents turned up for a two-hour meeting and to hear a speech by Mr. R. W. Askin, Member for Collaroy and leader of the State Government Opposition. Subsequently the Association presented the alternative proposal to Mr. P. N. Ryan, Minister for Public Works, had interviews with Dr. A. Douglas, Metropolitan Officer for Health, and with the Ministers for Health and Local Government, Mr. Sheahan and Mr. Hills.
"While this negotiation which took weeks-was going on, the pipeline was started," said Mr. Thackrah. "The only results of our efforts were Mr. Sheahan's concession to put in a chlorinating plant and a suspension of the pipeline after discussion with Mr. Hills.
"However, work on the pipeline soon started again.
"Our only hope now is to appeal to the Acting Premier, Mr. Renshaw. This we will do when we have an accurate quotation from our contractor for the extension we propose to pay for."
Mrs. J. Key, who has two children under five, said:
"The whole thing is a disgrace-and that's putting it mildly.
"We moved here from Newtown because, for the children's sake, we wanted a clean, healthy area.
"Nearly all the young people here - many built their houses themselves -have come because of the beach."
RESISTANCE MOVEMENT (1963, June 5).The Australian Women's Weekly (1933 - 1982), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article58435718
SEA IN 2 AREAS Lifesavers rescued 336 people from treacherous surfs at Sydney beaches yesterday.
Swept Away In Sydney, Maroubra life-savers rescued 14 people from rips at the northern end of the beach in the morning. Six belts were used to res-cue people as far out as 150 yards. One of the beltmen rescued four people from the surf be-fore he handed the belt over to another club member. Many of the rescued were members of other Sydney clubs and were strong swimmers, but when they tried to return to the beach from beyond the breakers they were swept away by a strong and fast rip. In the afternoon, 21 surfers were caught by a rip running near the centre of the beach. Three belts were used, and many of the members in the morning rescue helped the people to shore. Officials closed the beach later.
40 In Trouble
At Freshwater, 40 surfers were rescued in a mass rescue, and 30 people in minor difficulties were helped. Some were caught in a rip and carried 200 yards from shore. Lifesavers using six lines brought the exhausted swimmers to the beach. A 19-year-old girl and a man were placed on the Eve-rocker. They recovered and were allowed to leave. Cronulla lifesavers rescued large group of surfers. Members were lined up for the …bathers began to get into difficulties. Lines were taken to the scene and surfboard and surf ski riders supported those in difficulties till club members swam out to make rescues. Twenty minor rescues were also reported by officials at the beach. Manly lifesavers rescued 50 people. A woman required resuscitation and 20 children were rescued from minor difficulties.
Other minor rescues were at Bondi (13), Coogee (8), North Bondi (20), North Narrabeen (5), North Steyne (1), Queenscliff (14), and Dee Why (20). At Cronulla, three 8ft. sharks circled the surfboard of Harold Spurway when he was 300 yards out. Spurway cautiously paddled his way to shore and gave the alarm. The club surfboat was sent out, and chased the sharks from the surfing area.
Boat Dumped
Members of Warriewood Surf Club worked on a fellow club member, Laurie Finelay, for 20 minutes before he regained consciousness after his boat had been dumped 800 yards out. Finelay was a member of the surfboat crew which laid the marking buoys for carnival races. The boat was returning to the beach when it was dumped by an enormous wave. Crew members were tossed outland caught in the waves. Finelay was submerged for some minutes, and when other lifesavers dragged him into the boat he was unconscious. The crew managed to get the partly filled boat to a sand-bank where a patrol member on shore swam out with a line and brought Finelay to shore. The carnival was cancelled because of the dangerous surf.
On Newcastle Beach, L. Lazarus, J. Young and D. Brant made six rescues. The rescued surfers were from 100 to 150 yards from the beach. Five rescues at Bar Beach were made by D. Thornton, A. Gilmore and another surf club member. The patrol at Nobbys made two rescues, one about 150 yards from the beach, the other about 200 yards out.
Skis Smashed
W. Mcintosh, Australian surf ski champion, and J. Johnson, another member of Dixon Park Club, had their surf skis smashed in halves by the heavy seas. Both were training on their skis when big waves pounded their skis on a sandbank. The "surf dangerous" sign was erected at Dixon Park all day. The bronze medallion swim, to have been held at Dixon Park in the morning, was postponed. At high tide in the morning the seas covered Stockton Beach. The waves lapped the high bank that runs along the beach. 349 RESCUES FROM SEA IN 2 AREAS (1954, March 8). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954) , p. 1. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article134905891
SYDNEY: The scheduled visit of a Federal Minister and Japanese Prince Mikasa to the surf carnival at Warriewood (about 20 miles north of Sydney) this Saturday Jan. 16 will be the occasion for a demonstration around three major political issues.
liberation, a (radical, anti-war and anti-conscription movement in the Manly-Warringah area has called the demonstration to protest against the war in Vietnam and Gorton's refusal to withdraw all our troops immediately; the takeover of Australian natural resources by Japanese; American imperialisms in collusion with the Australian ruling class; and the Australian Surf Lifesaving Association's invitation to an all-white South African surfing team to visit Australia in March. The demonstration will begin outside the Warriewood Surf Club at 2.30 pm. Cars will leave Liberation, 368 Pitt-water Ed., Harbord, at 1.45 pm. SURF CARNIVAL DEMO FOR MINISTER AND A PRINCE (1971, January 13).Tribune (Sydney, NSW : 1939 - 1976), p. 1. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article237866726

Warriewood SLSC Clubhouse in 2016