Old Barrenjoey Road Water Main Renewal: March 3 2025 Update from Sydney Water - Construction starting on Monday 10 March 2025
An update: March 2, 2025
Our work for Section 1 planned to start on Monday 10 March and is expected to take about 22 weeks to complete, weather and ground conditions permitting.
We’ll write to you again before work starts in Section 2 to provide more details about our work and confirm our exact start date.
We expect to finish construction by the end of October 2025, weather and ground conditions permitting.
Night work hours
Our work in Section 1 needs to be done at night to reduce the impact on daytime traffic flows and local businesses.
Our night work hours are 8 pm to 5 am, Monday nights to Friday mornings (four nights a week). We won’t work on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday nights, or on Public Holidays.
No work on Public holidays: Anzac Day 11 am March in Avalon Beach along Old Barrenjoey Road
In Section 1, we’ll need to temporarily close part of Old Barrenjoey Road where we’re working at night. Our friendly traffic controllers will maintain access for residents, and parking on either side of our work zone. General traffic will be detoured via connecting streets.
At the end of each night shift, we’ll restore the road so it can be used as normal during the day.
We’ll need up to borrow up to eight parking spaces for equipment storage next to our work area. This storage area will move along the road as we progress.
Come and talk with us
We’ll have monthly drop-in sessions in Dunbar Park. Our team will be there to discuss our work and answer any questions you have.
When: First Wednesday of every month, between 1 pm and 4 pm.
Next session: Wednesday 5 March, 1 pm to 4 pm.
We understand our work can be disruptive. We will make every effort to reduce our impact on residents, local businesses, and pedestrians as much as possible. If you have any questions or concerns about our work, please contact our friendly Community Engagement team by:
- calling 1800 943 119 or emailing confluence@sydneywater.com.au
- speaking to our team in person at our drop-in sessions held on the first Wednesday of every month in Dunbar Park.
We’ll be sending out weekly project updates to anyone subscribed to our electronic mailing list, this will outline the work we have completed that week and what we will be doing in the next week.
If you would like to receive these updates, please sign up to our email list here.