May 14 - 20, 2017: Issue 312
Mother's Day Flowers 2017:
The Chiltern Track Ingleside by Pittwater Natural Heritage Association

Those shown on this page were taken by Marita Macrae of the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association in early May 2017 while enjoying a few hours on the Chiltern Track in Ku-ring-gai National Park, Ingleside.
The Pittwater Natural Heritage Association was formed to act to protect and preserve the Pittwater areas major and most valuable asset – its natural heritage.
The Association holds regular bushcare sessions along Careel Creek, to restore the creekline, and at Careel Bay to restore the wetlands.
PNHA has been among the volunteers working for and advocating for Saving Grevillea Caleyi at Ingleside.
PNHA is an incorporated association seeking broad based community membership and support to enable it to have an effective and authoritative voice speaking out for the preservation of Pittwater’s natural heritage. Please contact us for further information.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to benefit Pittwater’s natural environment go to the Pittwater Environmental
To join o find out more about PNHA, please
Right: Yellow-faced honeyeater - photo © Neil Fifer
PNHA conducts regular Birdwatching mornings along the tracks of Ingleside and through the Warriewood Wetlands - the next is coming u on Sunday, May 28th:
PNHA Birdwatching

Warriewood Wetlands
Our next bird walk takes us back to Warriewood Wetlands, one of Sydney’s birding hotspots with over 160 species recorded.
Come along and see how many we can find.
Meet: 8am, Katoa Close, North Narrabeen
Bring: Binoculars, water, insect repellent and morning tea for after, if you have time.
Bookings: Not essential, but we will look out for you if you email
This Issue a great way to celebrate all mothers is to offer a whole posy of resident plants from the original mother - our Earth.

Banksia ericifolia x B. spinulosa 'Giant Candles'

Pimelia linifolia, known as queen-of-the-bush and the slender or flax-leafed riceflower

Sunshine Wattle, Acacia terminalis, but past its best. This wattle flowers twice a year.

Hakea propinqua, hundreds of flowers, nobbly woody seed capsules

Darwinia fascicularis changes colour pink - white as flowers age.

Bossiaea heterophylla - Variable Bossiaea

5 petals show this is not Boronia (4) but Crowea a close relative

Paperbark Tea tree Leptospermum trinervium

Pink Spider Flower Grevillea sericea

Calytrix tetragona - Common Fringe Myrtle

Showy Guinea Flower Hibbertia linearis

Banksia oblongifolia

Photographs by Marita Macrae, Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, 2017.