The Palladium Palm Beach (1930 to 1974) + Palm Beach Studio (1976 to 2024)
March 2024 Meeting of the Avalon Beach Historical Society

The lots were re-advertised in June 1900 with mention of the tram towards Pittwater being used as a selling point and 18 lots up for sale at 'upset prices'!:
Messrs. Batt, Rodd, and Purves will sell by auction next Tuesday at their rooms 88 Pitt-street, 18 allotments at Pittwater, belonging to the Bassett-Darley estate. The lots vary in size from 74 acres down to 4 acres, and the upset prices at which bidding may start are quoted in the firm's announcement in our business columns. The sale is to be without reserve. No title (1900, June 3). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from

The remainder was then offered for sale by the Barrenjoey Land company, who acquired the same from James Channon in July 1911.
In June 1911 the Barrenjoey Company was registered:
Barrenjoey Company, Ltd, has been registered with a capital of £6000, In 120 shares of £50 each, the object being to purchase 410 acres of the Bassett Darley subdivision. The first directors are Messrs H. Wolstenholme, E T Jones, J T Ralston, J Young, and H R Nolan. NOTES AND COMMENTS. (1911, June 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
When the 'Barranjoey' Land Company was formally registered in June 1911 the first directors were named as Harry Wolstenholme (son of Maybanke Wolstenholme Anderson of Bayview), Ernest Trevor Jones, John Thompson Ralston (father of John Malbon Ralston, a founding Member of the PBSLSC who had attempted to save Johanna Rogers and Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC, in 1920 and which initiated the setting up of the surf club in 1921), James Young, and Herbert Russell Nolan. Many of these partners were either students together at Newington College, the well-known Wesleyan School at Stanmore, or related through marriages - James Young, for instance, was the solicitor for Ada Blanche Wolstenholme, the widow of James Wolstenholme, grandfather to Harry Wolstenholme. James Young was also another in generations of Youngs who had tended to the legal matters of the Wolstenholme family - as shown when James Wolstenholme (the youngers') will is ratified in 1911 and assets in real estate placed under Blanche and a new Trustee:
In July 1911 and October 1911, Ernest Trevor-Jones, solicitor, and the wife of Harry Wolstenholme, Edith Lucy, bought the parcel of land and conveyed this to the then just registered Barrenjoey Company. The bulk of this, including the whole of Palm Beach and most of Whale Beach, including over the hills to Careel Bay, became that owned by the Barrenjoey Company - although the Trevor-Jones family held onto Block 19, at the southern end of the beach and ranging over the hill to Careel Bay, with this placed in the name of Margaret Trevor-Jones, the wife of Ernest.
Transactions from HRLV: Book 939-800 and 944-259(Lot 1 and 19) provide:
The Certificate of Title for the Barrenjoey Company Limited series is Volume 2289 – Folio 43, which will also bring up, if you use this to search through the Historical Land Records View (HRLV) those early lands sales until they sold what was left to the 1924 formed Palm Beach Lands company; See Vol-Fol: 3758-71 for the Palm Beach Land Co. phase.
In January 1912 the first land releases were advertised for sale – Book 956-Volume 82 shows that a James A Ramsay and David B Ramsay loaned £1500 on Lots 2-18, the Palm Beach-Whale Beach sections, to facilitate these sales. Interestingly, the company dedicated the beachfront reserve to the Warringah Shire Council at this time, although that was not ratified until they were selling the remainder to the Palm Beach Land Company in 1920, which was formalised in 1924, when those dedications were also formalised with the council.
One person who attended that initial sale tells us:
How many of the Sydney folk have heard of Palm Beach, situated on the neck of land ad-joining the Barrenjoey Lighthouse reserve and Pittwater Harbor ? One of those most glorious spots, given by Nature to the Sydneyites, where rest from the weary toils of the week may be enjoyed. As a comparative stranger in your midst, I would never, perhaps, have feasted on its exceptional beauty and the environs surrounding it had I not chanced upon a small red booklet, circulated on account of a land sale held there on Friday afternoon.
I took the trip, at a cost of 2/6 return — cheap enough in all conscience ! — and on arrival at the pretty little jetty on the estate was so charmed with the natural beauties and picturesqueness of the scene that I feel it a duty to enlighten others of this most charming spot. A glorious day, one of happy Sydney's best, and the beauty of the scene at Palm Beach will long live in my memory. The harbor, with its beach of sand, hard and white, its clear and placid waters for the children, the wild, natural scenery of the hills, the living fragrance of the bush and the beautiful Palm Beach for the surfers, with its ever sounding ocean roar, contrasting strangely with the harbor's peace, and calm, the stately palms in the numerous gullies, and the whole scene clothed with a sea and sky, of exquisite blue. From the hills cape after cape comes into view, both north and south, and to the west we see the Pittwater Harbor, with its numerous bays, "The Basin," Kuringai Chase, the majestic and awe-inspiring Lion island, Ettalong, and several other points of interest. If you have never been to Palm Beach, go. It would be difficult for me to express the treat in store. There is nothing I have seen on your coast to approach it, and it is a matter of much wonder to me that with a splendid service of cars from Manly, and subsidised by a regular launch service (1 1/2 hour from Manly), it has not been availed of ere this.
The opening up of the estate will probably attract the populace, and I am informed Palm Beach is an ideal surfing one, and with all its other natural attractions should bring many an advocate to the shrine of its temple. The land facing the beach has been dedicated to the Council as a reserve for a public park. I understand that every lot was sold at satisfactory prices, including the pretty little bungalow residence recently erected, and the vendors must be highly complimented on opening up such a beauty spot for the permanent use of the people. BEAUTIFUL PALM BEACH, BARRENJOEY. (1912, January 28). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from

Description beneath photograph - 'On the Pittwater side, linking the last hill before descent to Barranjoey', November 21, 1909 - Allan family Album. Courtesy State Library of NSW

9th of February, 1925
Resolved, - 9(Crs. Hewitt, Hitchcock) That the construction of Ocean Road, Palm Beach, from its junction with Palm Beach Road, southward, in accordance with the (Vote) Engineer's report, at an estimated cost of £678 be carried out. Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock, Atkins) That prices for the work be obtained by tender and compared with the Engineer's Estimate.
Going north:
61. Palm Beach Progress Asst. 2/1/1926. setting out the matters which the Association desires the Council to give attention to Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock. Simpson) That a "Caution - Drive Slowly" SIGN that the requested notice be erected on Ocean Road; for the extension of Ocean Road northward to Phillip Park be referred to A. Riding representatives for their consideration, and that the Association be informed of the of Council's intentions regarding the other matters.
5th of July, 1926: Ocean Road Tenders
10. Resolved, - (Crs. Hitchcock, Hope) That tenders be called, for the construction of Ocean Road from the intersection of Palm Beach Road northward, in accordance with the Engineer's Report. 46. E. Kenny 28.6.26. submitting, on behalf of Palm Beach Lands, Ltd. plan of subdivision of about 2 acres of land, between Nos 2 and 3 Subdivisions of Forssberg Estate' (Dealt with in Engineer's report)
July 19th, 1926:
E. Kenny 14.7.26. submitting D.P. of 10th Subdivision of Palm Beach Estate : Referred to the Engineer.
Two tenders were received for the construction of Ocean Road, Palm Beach, and it was resolved, - (Crs. Simpson,. Hitchcock) That the lowest tender, that of L. Gallagher for £399/10/.., be accepted, and the Contractor be notified not to touch the big boulders on the beach, and that this be made a part of the Contract.
17, Palm Beach Recreation Club. Ltd. 22.11.26. advising that the Club has appointed Mr. Harriman as Caretaker of the Park; Governor requesting(1) that two signposts indicating the camping areas Phillip be erected, another at the end of the road indicating - "To Park. Ocean Road and Surf", a double one at the junction of New Road, indicating ‘’To Barrenjoey" and to "Ocean Beach and Surf", and (2) that the fees collected from campers be applied towards paying the wages of the caretaker. Resolved, - (Oms. Hope, Hitchcock) That the signs be erected, as requested. Resolved,. (Crs. Hitchcock, Hope) That Caretaker Harriman be given authority to collect camping fees, the fees to be applied towards the payment of his wages. He also be appointed as Honorary Ranger of the Park, - the appointment to be under seal of the Council.


Arrival of Charles Kingsford Smith in "Southern Cross" at Eagle Farm Aerodrome, Brisbane, Australia, after first crossing of the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco, 9 June 1928. Photo: Queensland State Archives
I HAD A NOTE to tell me that the usual shorts and shirts parties — well, at least for the men folk — will be arranged again this year by the Palm Beach Surf Club, and the two dances will be held at the Palladium at this popular colony tomorrow night and New Year's Eve. Mrs Samuels, Rod Brown, Pete Hunter, and Adrian Curlewis are the leading lights behind the plans, and tickets may be procured from all club members at the club. CHRISTMAS 1932 (1932, December 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from
The Palm Beach Surf Life Saving Club was moved from their 'shed' in to be named Hordern Reserve in 1929 to the beachfront - they would purchase Chorley's circa 1914 built 'The Rest' after he passed away, in 1936, but prior to that had to fund any improvements to the new structure, on the beach, themselves -
Warringah Shire Council has decided that the Palm Beach Surf Club's club-house must be pulled down and that any new structure must be erected on a more suitable site. The existing club-house, a plain erection on a public reserve, has been the subject of an offer by Mr. J. A. Hordern, who has expressed his willingness to lend the council £100 for improvements to the reserve, and to assist the club financially towards the erection of a new building.
It has been stated that the members of the surf club did not want to move, and Councillor Corkery said that if they would not go, the club should be disbanded and a paid life-saver put on the beach. It would never do to allow the council to be dictated to by the club, which was on the beach for the purpose of life-saving only. The council will have a meeting with Mr. Hordern and the members of the surf club, to discuss the question of finance. PALM BEACH. (1929, July 10). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
In a letter to the Editor, the captain of the Palm Beach Surf Saving Club (Mr. Kenneth Hunter) states that there has been no dispute with the Warringah Shire Council. Discussions that have taken place with regard to new premises for the club have been of a most harmonious character. PALM BEACH CLUB-HOUSE. (1929, July 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
The Palm Beach Surf Club's hut is to be removed from its present situation in a valuable public reserve to a more suitable site, near the centre of the beach. The Warringah Shire council will erect the new hut, which will cost £300. PALM BEACH SURF CLUB HUT. (1929, August 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from
By December 1929 this building opened, south of the council dressing sheds. This structure comprised a club room, shower room, casualty room, lavatory, verandah and boatshed. Water came via a well and windmill, with any additions funded by members.
Photo caption: 'Palm Beach as it was' - note PBSLSC bunkhouse/clubhouse building in background with dark walls and light coloured roof. The Club applied to place a room for surfboards underneath but was knocked back by the council. Clearly simply stacking them against the exterior walls for quick access was practised. From: (Vol. 20 No. 2 1 February 1939 ). The Palm Beach myth, The Home : an Australian quarterly Retrieved from
The dances at the Palladium provided this funding - a few examples of those record raising funds at this venue occurred throughout the establishment of facilities for PBSLSC Members from the beachfront 'clubhouse' into the Chorley years for what today is known as the Cabbage Tree Club:
Three hundred visitors, many of whom motored from Sydney for the occasion, were present at the successful dance held at the Palladium, Palm Beach, last night, to raise funds for the Palm Beach Surf Life-Saving Club. Hosts and hostesses who are entertaining large house-parties took their guests to the dance, adding to the record attendance. Another dance will be held at the Palladium on New Year's Eve, with the same object. Mrs. A. Samuels and Mr. Burford Dawson, who were the hon. secretaries for last nights dance, are also arranging next Saturday's party. NEAR AND FAR. (1932, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
The list of attendees for the New Years' dance at the Palladium, again to rise funds for the surf club, lists a who's who of Palm Beach surf club and visitors during this era:
Palm Beach Surf Club's dance at the Palladium on New Year's eve was a specially bright affair, and eclipsing, in gaiety and attendance, all previous records for the club's revelries.
SHORTS, shirts, and pyjamas' were the wear, some of the men's outfits eclipsing the women's in brilliance. Conspicuous among these was a man In scarlet shirt and light blue shorts— the latter complete with one ferocious-looking dagger in the belt. Doug. Levy tied a gay scarlet bandana, cowboy fashion, round his neck, while brother Pat's canary pullover, blue shorts, and scarlet golf hose made a bright blotch , of color. Mrs. Graham Body, who has taken to brushing- her auburn hair straight back from her forehead, looked cool in blue and white spotted pyjamas. Mrs. Betty Grlgson wore quaint overalls of blue and white checked gingham, which were a piquant contrast to the pink embroidered silken suit tavored by Mrs. Laurie Foster.
Joy White, from Muswellbrook, chose chocolate flannel slacks, and tied a gaily patterned silk handkerchief round the top. Mrs. Alrenn Samuels, In black satin trousers, also favored the handkerchief top, and was so busy with her official duties she scarcely found tlmo to danoe. Others In the huge crowd which romped and -formed crocodiles round the room at the stroke of 'midnight were Mr. and Mrs. John Gunning, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter McPherson, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Keep, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lloyd-Jones, Mrs. Walter Keith-Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Pratten, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Prat-ten, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Doyle, Mr. and Mrs. George Mervale, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dlbbs. Also In the throng were Mrs. Fat Levy, Mrs. R. A. Eakln. Mrs. J. W. Plckburn, Mrs. Dorothy Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. John Wardlaw. Barbara and Sheila Smart, Pamela Osborne. Pamela McPhlllamy, Babe Pain, Noel Boyd, Mary Adams, Cherry Davles. Mary Wells. Joan Ord, Pauline McDonald. Janle Kelth-EUlott, Muriel Cob-croft, Margaret Hagon, Dletje Andrlesse. Nancy McNaught, Audrey Favlell, Jean Ruthven. AUne Edwards, and Nuttle Mackellar (fresh from the Strathaird cruise), Betty Stuart Murray, Peggy Street, Elsie McWillam, Mollie Wolfcarius, Peggy Royle, the George Chapmans, Pat McDonald, Audrey Peters, Madeline Mackay-Sim, Mrs. Dick Kirby, Peter Stewart, Owen Rees, Lieutenant and Mrs. Max Clark.
Other dancers were Sam Hordern (who wore his Oxford blazer), Captain Beale, Angus Macpherson, Dick Royle, Alastair Alexander, Paddy Kenny, Keith Hardie, Captain de Traftord. Ken Hall, Alan Major, Asenath, and Bruce Rylance, Adrian Curlewis, Hugh Luscombe-Newman, John Wood, Claude Healy. Dr. Seelos, John Hawkes, Elton Ifould. George Elfbeck, Neville Malley, Bing Carson, Pete Hunter, Jim Fraser, Laurie Foster, and John Ralston. PALM BEACH DANCE (1933, January 2). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from
C.R. Wooden, 28/8/33, applying for permission to erect a Petrol petrol pump in front of "The Palladium" on the ocean beach at Palm Beach. Resolved, 4 That the Engineer inspect and decide whether permission should be granted. Crs. Hitchcock; Sterland
Geoff and Bill's research shows permission was granted because two filler covers are still visible on the footpath at the northern end of the building in some of the Milton family photos. One could also assume that the fuel tank remains as the filler covers are still in place. Interestingly, none of the current historical photos show the fuel pump itself.
Ray Henman, whose family had a garage on the Pittwater side, shared some family photos in his 2022 Profile that indicate what may have been in place.
Palm Beach garage on Pittwater side of Palm Beach (near and in current day line of shops). Photo: Ray Henman family albums.
Clifton Wooden also 'made the papers' for:
For selling liquor without a licence at the Palladium, Palm Beach, on November 11, Duncan Osborne, 57, storeman, was fined £30 or 60 days by Mr. Arnott, S.M., in the Metropolitan Licensing Court yesterday. Clifton Wooden, 27, storekeeper, charged with appearing and manager of the premises and having failed to produce the authority to sell liquor, was fined £10 or 20 days. SLY-GROG SOLD AT PALM BEACH (1933, November 21). The Labor Daily (Sydney, NSW : 1924 - 1938), p. 6. Retrieved from
Duncan was selling beer. The dances went on though:


Warringah Shire Council records parking improvements:
October 11th, 1938: The SHIRE ENGINEER'S ADDITIONAL Supplementary REPORT was dealt with as follows:- ... 2. Palm Beach Parking Area - Suggesting a vote of £100 for extension of the parking area at Ocean Road in front of The Palladium; Resolved (Crs. Nicholas, Butcher) - That this be referred to the Works Committee.
October 3rd, 1939: Parking By Cr. Hitchcock - Will you direct that the Police Department be requested to agree to the erection of "No Parking" signs on the western side of Ocean Road between The Palladium and Governor Phillip Park? By Cr. Hitchcock Could the adjustment of the areas of the camping lots on Governor Phillip Park be expedited?
Corner of Palm Beach and Ocean roads, circa 1937-39. Photo: Goddard family
It was a place Whale Beach SLSC utilised for their annual events and fundraisers as well:
The Whale Beach Surf Club's social committee will hold a dance at the Palladium, Palm Beach, tonight, to raise funds towards providing the club with a surf-boat. SURF BOAT DANCE (1938, March 5). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
Trophies won by Whale Beach Surf Life Saving Club members last season will be presented at the club's dance, at the Palladium, Palm Beach, tonight. The annual meeting will be held tomorrow, in the public dressing sheds, at 3 p.m. WHALE BEACH SURFERS (1940, October 5). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 14. Retrieved from
The August 29th, 1944 - Warringah Shire Council Minutes record:
J. E. Milton's proposed alterations at "The Palladium'', Palm Beach, That approval be granted.
It is likely that the precast cement 'dining room' window boxes were added at this time. They are not visibly present in the above photo from between 1937 and 1939.
Then, as now, Council permission needed to be gained to add signage to anything facing a main street. Later Milton family photos show these were made to stand out, although not large to begin with, through the application of a darker colour on the lettering backed by white relief or a white panted background for the main walls of the building, as can be szeen in the postcard below.
Palladium, ABHS Postcard: Murray Series - Views No. 7 - the photo this was taken from:
On one side of the Palladium building the precast cement 'Dining Room' widow boxes have been retained.
The other main change soon after the Milton family took over was to change the dance hall to a dining hall, permanently:
(L.s.) F. U. JORDAN, Lieutenant-Governor.
If is hereby notified that Part II of the abovecited Act shall no longer apply to the premises specified in the appended Schedule, as such premises have ceased to be used for public entertainment purposes.
Signed and sealed at Sydney this 10th day of July, 1946.
By His Excellency Command - J.M. Baddeley
Palm Beach, The Palladium.
THEATERS AND PUBLIC HALLS ACT, 1908-1940.—PROCLAMATION. (1946, July 26). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1695. Retrieved from
With the 'dance hall' aspect of the Palladium gone the focus was on providing food and also general store supplies, which the Milton family excelled at into the early 1960's.
Palm Beach beachfront, 1946. Item: FL3736087, courtesy NSW State Records and Archives - Note the scalloped top to the building in this image from the Milton family albums
Johnny 'Super' Stewart, the famous speedway racer and Wallamatta Road, Newport resident, owned the restaurant in the building back in the early 1970s according to residents memories of dining there. Then it was called the 'Blue Pacific Restaurant'. It passed out of his hands in 1973.
Mr David Elfick's Address to the March 2024 ABHS Meeting

References - Extras - notes
- John Thomas Pike - Deceased Estates Index 1880-1958. Item No: B31485 [20/4772] | Place: Strathfield | Remarks: Occupation: Retired Contractor
- PIKE William E - Deceased Estates Index 1880-1958 Item No: [19/10248] | Reel No: 3032 | Date Duty Paid: 06/12/1917 | Place: France and Strathfield
- Johanna Maria Pike - Date of Death 07/04/1926, Place of residence Strathfield NSW
- L. T. Carron, 'Swain, Edward Harold (1883–1970)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 1990,
- Heather Radi, 'Swain, Edith Muriel Maitland (1880–1964)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University,, published first in hardcopy 2002
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- Art Deco Inspirations In Palm Beach: The Palladium Dance-Hall, Cafe and Shop - The Surf Pavilion - The Beacon Store
- Pittwater Summer Houses: The Cabin, Palm Beach - The Pink House Of The Craig Family
- Barrenjoey Lighthouse - The Construction
- Light Keepers of Barrenjoey Lightstation
- Broken Bay Customs Station At Barrenjoey: 2023 Reprise
- Iluka Park, Woorak Park, Pittwater Park, Sand Point Reserve, Snapperman Beach Reserve - Palm Beach: Some History
- Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Palm Beach
- Florida House Palm Beach: Some History
- The First Weekenders On The Palm Beach Beachfront + A Look Into Palm Beach SLSC Clubhouses In The Club's 101st Season
- Pittwater Summer Houses: Kalua, Palm Beach
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Jonah's Road House – Whale Beach
- Pittwater Restaurants You Could Stay At Barrenjoey House – Palm Beach: 100 Years Young In 2022 - celebratory reprise
- Wilfrid Kingsford-Smith: 12th Of March, 1882 - January 13, 1960 - aviators round of 4 for Avalon Tattoo precursors, 2012
- 'Little Mountain' Bayview - The Modernistic Art Deco House William Watson Sharp Built For Kenneth Gordon Murray During The Rise Of The K G Publishing Empire
- Early Pittwater Surfers: Palm Beach I - Alrema Becke: Queen of Palm Beach
- Early Pittwater Surfers: Palm Beach I - John Ralston and Nora McAuliffe
- Palm Beach Pavilion To Be Renamed The Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Marks DSO, MC Pavilion
- Harry Wolstenholme; June 21, 1868 - October 14, 1930, Ornithologist Of Palm Beach, Bird Man Of Wahroonga
- The NSW Women's Legal Status Bill 1918: How The 'Petticoat Interference In Government' Came Of Age - A 100 Years Celebration Of Women Alike Our Own Maybanke Selfe-Wolstenholme-Anderson
- Ray Henman ACS - Profile
- Whale Beach Ocean Reserve: 'The Strand' - Some History On Another Great Protected Pittwater Reserve
- Palm Beach Golf Course 1924 To 2024: Some 100th Year History Celebratory Insights
- Barrenjoey Artists' Commune In The Lighthouse Cottages: Post WWII Social Infrastructure Investment Enriched Australia's Cultural Evolution
- The Advent Of The Surfoplane Phenomenon On Our Beaches Led To An Increase In Lifesavers Responses, A Fatality, Along With Lives Being Saved (John ‘Johnny’ Morgan Hawkes who had the Beach Buffet atop old surfboat shed alongside Pavilion notes)
15 Ocean Road Palm Beach. DA2023/1532 - from Issue 618 Community News page: ' Updates: Land & Environment Court Hearings + Other DA's'
- To provide for low-impact residential development in areas with special ecological, scientific or aesthetic values.
- To ensure that residential development does not have an adverse effect on those values.
- To provide for residential development of a low density and scale integrated with the landform and landscape

ABHS March 2024 Meeting: a few photos

A few more Palladium pictures from 2019
taken by AJG/PON
The Palladium Palm Beach (1930 To 1974) & Palm Beach Studio (1976 To 2024); March 2024 Meeting of the Avalon Beach Historical Society - report and research by Geoff Searl OAM, William James Goddard Jnr., David Elfick, A J Guesdon, with assistance from Rogers Sayers OAM and Brian Friend OAM