Pasadena Acquisition Motion rescinded Owner rejects offer to buy iconic venue

It was.
On top of that this council decided it will ask if the owners wish to sell; to wit -
'D. Council negotiate with the owner of the Pasadena site and make a commercial offer for the purchase of the Pasadena site, and should this offer be accepted, the Council authorises the carrying out of all things necessary to give effect to this resolution including the execution of any required documentation under power of attorney.
E. The offer referred to in D include a condition that the owner seek to assign any lease of the adjoining crown land to Council.
G. If the offer referred to at D is not accepted, Council notes that the acquisition of the Pasadena site will not proceed and Council write to Minister Stokes MP seeking that the funding allocated to the acquisition be reallocated to the other 10 projects allocated funding in the Stronger Communities Fund, as referred to in Item 6.4 of the 24 October 2017 Council meeting.
H. If the offer referred to at D is accepted, Council develop a Masterplan for the Pasadena site and adjacent land to ensure maximum public benefit into the future.
I. Council write to the relevant minister and seek an extension for the tied grant irrespective of the outcome.'
The formal offer was made on Friday morning, August 3rd. In the afternoon the owner formally rejected the offer, both verbally and in writing. There was no counter offer from the owner, nor a request to negotiate further, and as such Council officers will progress with the consequential parts of the resolution noting that the acquisition process has now concluded.
Councillor Rory Amon said on Saturday August 4th;
“Compulsorily acquiring the Pasadena was an extraordinary financial risk which could have cost council $20 million.”
“The decision to compulsorily acquire the Pasadena was made by the Administrator without any due diligence. It’s unfortunate that it took the elected council so long to unravel this mess.”
“Council made an offer to acquire the Pasadena voluntarily which was rejected. This means the Pasadena will be left alone.”
Another hurdle for the Pasadena owners will be addressed in the Land and Environment Court on August 15th -16th when a group named the Church Point Community Projects Inc. will ask the court to stop what they have stated is 'unauthorised and unlawful use' based on what CPCP says is 'the apparent failure of Northern Beaches Council (NBC) to enforce compliance with the law relating to the site and its use' and 'the appropriation of the adjacent Crown land had not followed due process'.
Pittwater Online understands the owner will not be selling, irrespective of the outcome of the Hearing.
Council's statement to the community just after the Meeting runs below
Pittwater Online News' History page on the Pasadena runs again this Issue as well - by request.
Councillor Amon tries out a Pasadena coffee
The other Motion at the Extraordinary Meeting deals with the subject of many other residents communications to Pittwater Online, that commenced soon after the January update ran;
Cr McTaggart / Cr Amon
A. Council note the community’s strong desire to put into public ownership the environmentally sensitive land known as 62 and 85 Hillside Road, Newport.
B. Council accepts the petition organised by the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association to save this land containing over 2241 signatures as tabled at the meeting.
C. Council write to state and federal members requesting funding to assist with the purchase of the subject lands.
FOR: Unanimous
More on that HERE
Pasadena negotiations continue
August 2nd, 2018: from NBC
Northern Beaches Council will continue negotiations to acquire the Pasadena and if successful work with the community on the future use for the building and the surrounding lands.
At an Extraordinary Council Meeting last night, Council rescinded the original motion to compulsorily acquire the Pasadena and resolved to instead continue voluntary negotiations with the owner.
Mayor Michael Regan said this was a good outcome for the community.
“Removing the requirement for compulsory acquisition reduces the risk to Council and our ratepayers and gives us more flexibility to negotiate in good faith with the owner,” said Mayor Regan.
“Should we be successful in acquiring the property, we have always said that we will work with the community to develop a masterplan for the site which could include a lease arrangement for the building with restricted operating hours or other community uses.
“We could also look to change the zoning to prevent any further development of the site.”
Mayor Regan said the Pasadena occupied a unique place in the history of Church Point.
“We know many in the community have a connection to Pasadena given the number of special events and weddings it has hosted over the years.
“The reason Council is involved is because it was left to run down for many, many years, creating an eyesore at one of our most picturesque locations. The community demanded we act to return it to public ownership and the State Government stepped in to provide the funding to acquire it.
“Now the building is on its way to being revitalised, there are many people who want to see it succeed.
“Whatever the end result of the negotiations we still need to balance the needs of our residents, both on and offshore, who don’t want to continue to fight for the limited parking available.”
Meanwhile – at the Pasadena at Church Point today;
To make use of this amazing Winter weather we have decided to collaborate with our friends at Mexicano Restaurant and bring you this week’s Sunday session. If you are looking for something to do, why not join us on the lawn and listen to some live tunes. Sunday 5th August 2018 | 11.30am - 2.30pm.
Pasadena on Facebook Pasadena on Instagram
PS: If it’s anything like the brekkie roll and coffee we had a few weeks back – this will be scrumptious
PPS: the structure was actually leaking like a sieve when Pittwater Online visited the Gone Fishing Gallery, and had been for a while, before it went to auction and was bought, and paid for, by the present owners.
PPPS: When Pittwater Online spoke to Mr. Peterkin in January of this year it was apparent the owners are looking into a mini-bus for transport for patrons - page link below.
PPPS: Pittwater Online’s history page on the Pasadena runs as an Extra Extra this Issue!