A largely attended meeting of the friends and supporters of Mr. P. E. Quinn, M.L.A., was held last night at the Mission Hall, Palmer-street, Mr. John Donald being in the chair. Mr. Quinn addressed the meeting, and pointed out the necessity for opposing the Right Hon. G. H. Reid on account of the fact that the Federal Government had really no sins on its shoulders, and should not be dispossessed until it had had an opportunity of displaying its capacity for safe and prosperous government. He said that the main lines of the policy of the Opposition might be embodied in the combination of Mr. Reid's phrase " a white Australia "with another phrase-" A white Australia in which white men can live." Mr. Reid, he said, had allowed the duty of £3 per ton to remain on sugar when he had had the opportunity of carrying out a policy which he now advocated to do away with the specific duties. He justified his policy on the ground that there was flesh and blood behind the sugar industry. Mr. Quinn stated that that was a very good protectional argument, and pointed out that there was also flesh and blood behind other industries by which Australian men live. He touched generally on the aspect of the question, and advocated the necessity of giving the Barton Government a fair trial.
At the conclusion of the address Mr. J. Burt proposed,-. That this meeting pledges itself to support the candidature of Mr. P. E. Quinn if selected for the National Liberal Association." The motion was seconded by Mr. J. G. Taylor, and carried unanimously. MR. P. E. QUINN IN EAST SYDNEY. (
1901, February 6).
The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Ministerial Candidature.
P. E. Quinn's Speech.
On Wednesday evening Mr. P. Quinn addressed a good crowd from the Grand Hotel balcony. Mr. W. J. Hogan, Mayor, occupied the chair, and introduced the speaker, who at present represents Bligh division of Sydney. There was a good number of townspeople on the balcony. Mr. W. Davis, M.P. for Bourke, accompanied the speaker, and also addressed the meeting at the conclusion of Mr. Quinn's speech. Mr. Quinn was greeted with applause. He regretted that owing to hurried arrangements the meeting had not been so widely advertised as it might otherwise have been, but he intended to visit Cobar again before the election. He felt that as he was a stranger to many of them it was only due to the electors of Cobar that he should speak here as early as possible. He was the SELECTED CANDIDATE of the Liberal Association of Australia, to attempt to win the Darling seat in the Federal interests, and he would endeavour , to accomplish the task set before him. It was his second appearance before a Cobar audience, having addressed them previously on the question of the second referendum in favor of the Common-wealth Bill. He had a grateful re-collection of the courtesy then ex-tended to him. He had travelled N. S.W. far and wide in the interests of that bill, which he had advocated with pen and tongue. Then there was bitter opposition, but he felt as an Australian that those who then op-posed it were earnest and sincere, being actuated by a desire to see the Commonwealth of Australia fairly and squarely and honestly launched on the sea of new existence. Mr Reid said in Sydney that the real question be-fore the electors was 'who should be the Federal Premier,
REID OR BARTON?' Voices : Reid ! Reid! Barton ! Well, continued the speaker, for the present that has been settled, and Barton was the Premier, because the consensus and vast preponderance of Australian opinion suggested to the Governor-General that he should be entrusted with the mission. Barton had formed a ministry, which now awaited the verdict of the people. If the Governor-General was wrong in his choice, then the verdict of the 29th would establish it. He hoped that it would be in favour of Barton. He always recognised Reid's great ability, and if matters had gone differently Reid might have achieved his great ambition, viz, to be the first Federal Premier. Barton was, however, installed in power (Voice : Where he ought to be) and his ministry contained an array of talent of which any Australian should feel proud. He then dealt with the personnel of the ministry. Mr Lyne was a devotional Australian. Sir George Turner steered the destinies of Victoria from distress to prosperity. Alfred Deakin's voice and influence were as potent through-out Australia as that of any man in public life (applause). The Hon. Charles Kingston was the most democratic man in our public life. He won for himself a democratic reputation only equalled by Mr Seddon, the ruler of the most democratic country on the face of God's earth. (Applause.) Even Mr Reid could not belittle the personnel of the Ministry, yet he wanted to turn them out without a trial. The instructs of fair play demanded that before a man or a government should be decapitated it should be shown that he or it had sins on its head. To throw out a newly-born government would be infanticide. The next question raised, and Mr Reid was responsible for it, was THE FISCAL QUESTION. Mr Reid had failed to get the position of Federal Premier by constitutional means, and he was now endeavouring to get it from the people, who certainly had the right to decide their own destiny. No matter how deep they might sink the fiscal question, it always seemed to rise to the surface and divide people into two political parties. It was the only bone of contention. It had all to do with the situation. He was a Protectionist, and had always been one through conviction. For many years he had advocated the cause of Protection as a leader writer on the daily papers of Sydney. (Hear, Hoar.) At the time of the referendum they were told that the fiscal question would be decided once and for all by 'Federation, and that it would be Freetrade within the Commonwealth and Protection against the outside world, and that was the understanding on which many Freetraders then voted. He honored the men who laid down their convictions for the good of the Federal Government. But now all that fair promise of peace had faded away, and once again the fiscal question was resuscitated to perplex and divide the intelligence of the people. Even Reid had then told them that there must be a high tariff, but to day he said that while the tariff would be high it should not foster and protect native industries, and that he would not impose a tax to create industries, Reid believed in the Customs House, then he, the speaker, failed to see why the tariff should be devised so as to exterminate native industries. Surely AMONGST WORKING MEN there should be nothing to object to in an industry by which other working men earned the bread of life. Reid recognised this whilst in office, by the duty on sugar. Hundreds of farmers and thousands of men earned their daily bread by the sugar industry. (Voice : What about black labor.) 'The speaker said he was referring to M.S.W., where there was no black labor. Reid, when he had the opportunity of establishing Freetrade, decided to reduce the duty £1 per year. This he did for two years, until per ten was left on. Then he was face to face with the problem : If he carried out his promise he would be loyal to Freetrade, but if, on though other hand, ho allowed that duty to remain, he would save an industry on which a great many white men were living and supporting their wives and families.
A VERIATABLE WAIL of anguish went up from the sugar growers, who prayed him to stay his hand, and ha would say to Mr Reid's honor that he did stay his hand, adding that ' when flesh and blood were behind an industry he would not strike it down.' He now changed bin tune, and said that the tariff must go into the revenue and not into the pockets of the monopolist. The man that said Protection was had and did not strike it down when he had the power was false to his principle. (Applause). Voice : Why didn't you stay and fight him Mr Quinn replied that he didn't stay and fight him because he didn't think it wise to do it. He would be sorry if Mr Reid was not returned to the Federal Parliament.
Somebody interjected about the Braddon Blot, when the speaker said it was not much use talking on it as they had it for 10 years and could not alter it. It had brought about the high tariff question. CENTRE OF EMPIRE. Many Freetraders cited the centre of the Empire for Freetrade arguments. He gave them an instance of the House of Commons action on the sugar question of India. There ' was an instance whore Freetrade had an opportunity to work itself out logically. They had Cooley labor, the best of soil, and a sugar climate. The labor was the cheapest in the world. The Indian sugar industry was threatened by the German beet sugar. The strict Cobdenite view was that if an industry could not live without a. tariff then it should die. The Indian Government, however, put on a tariff equal to the bonuses paid by the German government, which had the effect of shutting out the foreign article. The matter was taken up in the British House of Commons, and a motion was tabled to the effect I hat the Indian sugar duly should be disallowed. The matter was debated by the ablest men in the land, and the vote showed that the House distinctly refused to disallow that duty, which remained on to the present time, protecting the Indian sugar grower against German aggression. STRONG ARGUMENT. If the British House of Commons adopted protection for the black labor of India, was it not only fair that the white laborer of Australia should be protected ? (Hear, hear.) REFERENCE. . Mr Reid had stated that British goods should have preference. He asked them was that not an illogical position for a Freetrader to take up, The only country that could give a preference to another country's goods was a Protectionist country. He cited the case of Canada, where' Sir Wilfred Laurier gave British goods a 25 per cent preference, which meant that the goods from other parts of the world wore taxed to make up for it.
Protection benefitted the worker He considered that anything which eased the labor market must be profitable to the working man. In his constituency men wore for ever asking him for Government work. The tales were almost too sad to hear, and the position could only be rectified by multiplying the avenues of industry. The state treasury was always being exploited for the purpose of giving employment to the workless workers, and it was in the midst of such a time as that that Reid, in his airy, reckless fashion, proposed to strike down what industries remained in Australia. No working man who had the interests of his homo, his class, and his people could support Reid.
Mr. Barton had expressed the hope that the Commonwealth of. our own Australia would adopt such a policy as would do away with the painful music of the pattering of the bare feet of its people who had been driven out of employment. He not only wanted a white Australia, but an Australia where white men could live without depending on its Government for scanty employment, such as scrubcutting and sand-shifting.
Here in Cobar they had large mineral resources, but there were other industries in the colony. They had untouched and unexploited as virgin as when Captain Cook first touched our shores vast deposits of iron, which with a 10 or 15 per cent, duty would allow to come into existence an industry which would give employment to thousands of miners and thousands of artisans. Under Freetrade that industry would never come into existence, because of the imports from America, Germany, Belgium, and even China, the money for which all went into the pockets of foreign owners and workmen. It was estimated that if our iron industry was developed 20,000 or 30,000 men would gain employment in a very short time, which would considerably ease the labor market. Yet they were asked to say that this huge industry should never, never, never be called into existence. He argued with all the fervour with which he was capable that anything which put money into the pockets of the people was a good thing for the country. (Hear, hear). So long as he lived in Australia, he would raise his voice in favor of a policy that would bring about the development of our industries. It was no compliment to the mother country to let her goods in free because it was, after all, only placing her goods on an equality with that of the Chairman, etc Freetrade was not loyalty to the Empire. ]f they placed a fence around the Commonwealth and left down the sliprails to British goods alone that would be giving a substantial concession to the Empire, like Canada.
He was in favor of getting rid of black labor as speedily as possible. It was the black Hot on our country. He believed that our ports should be closed against every kind of coloured workman. America today had to face the problem of a vast aggregation of inferior races. They were too near, to Asia to allow our gates to remain open to the vast hordes of yellow men. They should preserve Australia for the Australians. (Hear, Hear). They should not allow the crimson current suffer with the black tint which would effect generations yet unborn. They were the trustees of posterity. He knew Australians too well to think that they would tolerate the black man. Any Government that would support the introduction of black labor would risk a revolution. He dwelt at length on the proximity of Japan, but held that whilst they were an intelligent race their presence would be hostile to Australian interests. The Federal Ministry had decided that the Kanaka must go as soon as possible, and in the meantime ho would not he added to. In a few years the white men would be doing the work in which the Kanaka was employed at present.
He believed that the Commonwealth should not launch out; in an extravagant system of defence. He believed in a cheaper and more effective system. .Give an Australian a rifle and a horse, and he stood the equal of any soldier in the world. The destiny of Australia could not be; placed on a better or sounder foundation than the arms of her own sons. (Hear, Hear). The man who could ride and the man who could shoot was the ideal soldier of the future.
He was proud that he was a member of the Parliament which passed the Old Age Pension Bill— a, great measure of which humanity might be proud. He paid a compliment to New Zealand which had led the world in democratic legislation. (Applause). It was the first country in the world to adopt the principle'. The payment of wages certainly cleared employer and employee, but every man had a claim on his country. Every man had helped to build up the House of Empire, and the state was under a distinct obligation which had not been paid. It owed him the promise that when the time came, owing to the inevitable operation of the law of old ago when one had to lay aside the tool, being unable any longer to follow the vocations of life, that they should not be a pauper driven to beg alms in the street or end his days in a benevolent institution; but that he should be able to go to the Treasury and demand his pension, holding ;his head as high and honorable its ever he did in the full vigor of manhood; The Upper House realised the necessity of the principle, which was now law, that the aged poor— man or woman — should be no longer dependent on the bitter bread of charity, but would be in a position to draw from the State sufficient to enable them to find pleasure in the evening of their days. It was better than keeping an army. He hoped – the time would come when the weapons-of war would, be laid aside, and all the money dragged from the pockets of the people for the reddened sword would be devoted to some more munificent purpose. The question of persons moving from one state to another at present, presented a difficulty in N.S.W., but he thought if that might be arranged by an interstate arrangement to the effect that a man's career of service would entitle him.
He cordially endorsed the adult suffrage -plank. Women should have a voice in the making of laws to which they were equally subservient with them.
He favoured the compulsory conciliation and arbitration proposals. He was quite conscious that he came as a stranger amongst them, and he gave them his views as honestly and capably as he knew how. He trusted they ..would see fit to return him as their member, in which case he hoped he would prove worthy of their confidence. Watkins, the Labor candidate for Newcastle, had himself announced in favour of Protection, and a follower of the Barton Government. Ferguson, one of the brainiest and most capable men in Australia, was like himself a candidate of the Australian liberal Association. He wished those who believed that the Barton Government should at least be given a trial, to vote for him. (Hear, heir.) If they voted according to their own consciences he would not complain. It was his great ambition to serve his country in the first Federal Parliament, and he placed his fate in their hands, trusting that his utterances had shown that he was a patriot and a democrat. Mr. H. Cornish congratulated the speaker on his lucid address, which was to the point. Mr Loyd asked would Mr Quinn support Mr Barton in allowing the Kanaka to remain for 10 years. Mr Quinn said he would only allow the Kanaka to remain so long as it was absolutely necessary for the preservation of the industry, but if it came at once to a question of immediately expelling the Kanaka then he would sacrifice the industry. Several noisy persons disturbed the meeting considerably. The speaker was frequently applauded and made a good impression, bringing out salient points hitherto not given in Cobar. He left for Nyngan on Thursday morning. Ministerial Candidature. (1901, March 9).The Cobar Herald (NSW : 1899 - 1914), p. 5. Retrieved from
Whom To Vote For Australian Liberal Candidates
Each Elector is entitled to VOTE FOR SIX — not , more nor less— Candidates for the Senate. The following six are those selected to run in support of the Bartonian policy THE SENATE. Hon. R. E. O'CONNOR, K.C.
... W. P. MANNING. . Mr. JOHN KIDD, M.L.A. Colonel G. W. WADDELL. Mr. MAKE HAMMOND. ELECTORS MEST VOTE TOR SIX CANDIDATES for the Senate. To vote for more or less will be to render the ballot-paper informal, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THE AUSTRALIAN LIBERAL CANDIDATES pledged to support the Bartonian Policy of ENCOURAGING LOCAL INDUSTRY are:— West Sydney.— Alderman J. C. BEER. Dalley.-Hr. I. K. COHEN. Parramatta.— Mr. W. SANDFORD. Illawarra.— Mr. A. HAY. Macquarie. — Mr, W. J. FERGUSON, M.L.A. Canobles.-Mr. B. R. WISE, M.L.C. . Riverina.— Mr. J. M. CHANTER, M.L.A. Wentworth.— Mr. J. T. GANNON. Werriwa.— Mr. T. ROSE, M.L.A, Hume-Sir WILLIAM LYNE, M.L.A. Cowper.— Mr. F. CLARKE, M.L.A. New England. -Mr. W. SAWERS.M.LA. - Robertson — Mr. J. D. FITZGERALD. South Sydney.— Mr. J. S; T. M'GOWEN, M.L.A. Bland.— Mr. JVC. WATSON, M.L.A. Gwydir-Mr. G. A. CRUICSHANK, M.L.A. Richmond.— Mr, T. T. EWING, M.L.A. Darling.— Mr. P. E. QUINN, M.L.A. Each Elector can vote for only ONE CANDIDATE for the House of Representatives, The Voter must SCORE OUT THE NAMES of the Candidates for whom, he DOES NOT DESIRE TO VOTE by running the pencil THROUGH EACH NAME SEPARATELY. Only the Names of the Candidates for whom he desires his Votes to be counted must be LEFT UNTOUCHED.
Mr. Mark J, Hammond. A, Bartonian Candidate for the SENATE.
Mr. Mark J. Hammond, one of 'the selected-Liberal candidates for the Senate, Is a native of New South "Wales, and during his younger days he was occupied as a miner on the gold-fields of the State. In 1876 he was elected an alderman of Ashfield, and had the honour of being chosen Mayor of Ashfield three times In succession. He was twice elected at, the head , of .the poll for the Parliamentary electorate, of Canterbury, then consisting of 14 municipalities, and containing the largest number of electors of any electorate in Australia. While In the height of his popularity he retired from politics owing to ill-health. He was the author of the Municipal Gas Act of 1884, which has already saved gas consumers not less than £1,600,000. Under the Act something like £500,000 has already been . spent in the construction of municipal gasworks In N.S.W. In company with the late ' Mr. W. A. Hutchinson he was one, of the founders of the Municipal Association of New South Wales. During the Federal campaigns of 1898-9 he took a very prominent part on the platform, In the press, and on the various committees in favour of the bill, and occupied the position of one of the vice-presidents of the Federal Association. He is now one of the vice-presidents of the Australian' .Liberal Association. Mr. Hammond has for many years been a contributor to the metropolitan press on various subjects. He Is a moderate protectionist, and with the ' view of finding employment for the people advocates an import duty, on articles the like of which -the country, is adapted to produce. On his retirement from- Parliament in 1887 the press generally spoke in the Highest praise of Mr. Hammond as a public man.
Mr. John Kidd, M.L.A. A- Bartonian Candidate for the SENATE.
(Photo. by Freeman.)
Mr. John Kidd, M.L.A., one of the protectionist "bunch" for' the Senate, is fairly well known throughout the State. A Scotchman by birth, Mr. Kidd is now in his 63rd year, having been born in September, 1838. He arrived. In Sydney at the age of 18 years, and after devoting about four years to various pursuits in the city he removed to Campbell-town, -where, towards' the end of I860,' he set up In business on his own account. For 16 years he continued in business, and the end of that time made a trip to the old country. Upon his return he was invited to contest the Narellan seat under the old Electoral Act for Parliamentary honours. His candidature was, however, not- successful. Under the Electoral Act of 1880 Narellan was absorbed by Camden, a district entitled to return two members. Mr. Kidd again entered the Held, and was returned at the head of the poll, his colleague being the late Mr. Thomas Garrett, sometime Minister for Lands. Since then he
has represented Camden for the greater part of the time. He was Postmaster-General from 1891 till 1894 in the Dibbs Government, and is at present the sitting member for Camden.
Colonel J. A. K. Mackay. Bartonian Candidate for the SENATE.
The Hon. Colonel James Alexander Kenneth Mackay, who is now serving his King and country in South Africa, has been Included in the Liberal "bunch" for the Senate. He made hl3 appearance in politics In 1894, when he was elected as the representative of Burrowa. He was returned for the (Same constituency in 1895 and 1S98. In September, 1899, he accepted the position of Vice-President of. the Executive Council in the Lyne Administration, and resigning his seat in the popular Chamber was elevated to the Legislative Council, where he- represented the -Government with vary considerable ability. Mr. Maekay is better known probably as a military man than as a politician. It was he. who founded the First Australian Horse, which is at once one of the- most picturesque and effective branches of the volunteer service. When the Im-nerial Bushmen's Contingent was being formed for South Africa he volunteered, and was anointed officer in command, His acceptance of the' position, of course, involved his retirement from the Legislative Council. Shortly after his arrival In South Africa he was given an Imperial appointment, and Is probably stationed in Pretoria. In politics he has always been a protectionist, a staunch party man, and a member of comparatively few words, whose few speeches were uttered with a knowledge of the subject he dealt with In the event of his election to the Senate he has made arrangements to return to Australia without delay, and will reach Melbourne in time for the opening -of the first session of the. Federal Parliament.
Colonel. G. W, Waddell. Porinnian . Candidate for-the SENATE.
This gentleman is a native of Ireland, who came with his family to this State at an early age. He was educated at the Goulburn Grammar School, an institution which has turned out some of our most prominent citizens. On leaving school Mr. Wadde entered the service of one of the principal banks, and served for many years as a branch manager. Latterly, before retiring from the service, he filled the responsible position of inspector. Colonel Waddell. who has for nearly twenty years taken an active part in the defence forces of New South Wales, is. colonel commanding the 2nd infantry Regiment. He is also commandant of the chief section of the defence scheme of the State. He is a brother of Mr. T. W. Waddell, M.L.A. for Cowra, and for some time . these gentlemen were jointly Interested In pastoral pursuits. Colonel Waddell is an active politician, and has always been a staunch advocate and supporter of Australian unity,
THE RIGHT HON. EDMUND BARTON. Australians Prime Minister.
It is not too much to say that no man living has been so closely Identified through years of struggle with the Federal movement In Australia as the Right Hon. Edmund Barton, K.C., M.A., P.C., the first Premier of the Commonwealth. The late Sir Henry Parkes was associated with the question in Its earlier stages before it became a people's question', and at his death Mr. Barton, by general consent, assumed the leadership? Australia looked to him as -the man who was to secure the accomplishment of Union. Recognising the vast responsibility cast upon him, Mr. Barton never tired in his efforts to educate the masses in the all-important subject, and the magnificent victory scored for the Constitution Bill at the second referendum was, in a large measure, due to the splendid 'work he did throughout the length and breadth of the colony. : It Is eminently appropriate that the first Prime Minister of the Australian ' nation should he an Australian native. Born at the Glebe, Sydney, on January 18, 1849, he has just entered his 53rd year. His early education -was obtained at the Fort-street Public School, whence he subsequently went to the Sydney Grammar School, and ultimately to the Sydney University, where he graduated B.A. He studied for the legal profession, and was called to the Bar of the Supreme Court of New South Wales In 1871. When only 28 years of age he turned his attention to active politics, and in 1877 he was returned, under the old Electoral Act, as the Parliamentary representative of the Sydney ' University. Four years later he successfully contested Wellington, and at the general election in 1882 he was returned as one of the representatives of East Sydney, retaining the seat till 18S9. When the new Parliament assembled on January ?, 1883, Mr. Barton was elected to the Speaker's chair, a position which he filled With ability and dignity during the life of that Parliament. He was re-elected to the chair in October, 1885, and retired from the high office in January. 1887. Immediately -afterwards he was nominated to the Upper House, and when Sir George (then Mr.) Dibbs formed his short-lived Ministry in January, 1889, Mr. Barton accepted the portfolio of Attorney-General and Representative of the Government in the Legislative Council. The Government was defeated In March of the same year. The downfall of the Parkes Ministry in 1891 again brought Mr. Dibbs Into power, and Mr. Barton once more became' Attorney-General and representative of the Government in the Upper House. At the ! general election in 1891 he, having retired from the Council, contested East Sydney, and was returned second on the poll to Mr. M'Millan, Mr. Varney Parkes being third, and Mr. Bernhard Langrose 'Wise Is the second son of the late Mr. Justice Wise. He studied At Queen's College, Oxford, and took his degree of B.A. In 1881, having two years' before, ,in 1879, entered at the Middle Temple. He was called to the bar both in England and New South Wales in April, 1883. In 1884 Mr. Wise married, on April 2, Miss Lilian Margaret Baird, the third surviving daughter of Sir. John Forster Baird, of Beaumont Hill, Northumberland, and St. Aldan's, Hampstead. His first election for the Legislative Assembly of New South Wales was for South Sydney, and in 1887 he became Attorney-General to the Parkes Government, a post ha resigned In February, 1888. In 1889, at the general Election, he lost his seat for South Sydney, and contested unsuccessfully that for West.
Mr. G. H. Reid fourth.
It was in this year that such an impetus was given to the Federal movement by the holding of the intercolonial convention arranged by the late Sir Henry Parkes. Mr. Barton was a delegate, and his services in framing the. Draft Constitution Bill, upon which the Constitution of Federated Australia was largely based, stamped him as second only to Sir Henry Parkes In earnest and able advocacy of the union which was destined to become an accomplished fact within ten years. During the interval between the 1891 Convention and the Convention of 1897-98 the death of Sir Henry Parkes occurred, and his place in the Federal arena was assumed by Mr. Barton, who set to work in real earnest to make the question one for the people. He went back to the Legislative Council, and there championed the cause In the face of a stubborn , resistance from the anti-Federalists. When the elections to the popular Convention eventuated Mr. Barton was returned at the head of the poll for this State, with the magnificent record of 98,540 votes. His position was recognised by the leaders of the Federal movement In the other colonies, and when the Convention met In Adelaide, in 1897, he was chosen leader, and acted in that capacity throughout the deliberations in Sydney and Melbourne. Mr. Reid's attitude on the Federal question when the Bill went before the people at the first referendum induced Mr. Barton to enter State politics again, and though he was defeated for Sydney-King Division, Mr. Reid's servile following was rendered Impotent, and the Federal leader was not long In obtaining a seat as the representative of the Hastings and Macleay. Upon' his return he took the leadership of the Opposition, and under his guidance Mr. Reid took such stops as secured the second referendum, and the victory of the cause for which Mr. Barton had fought for so many years. When It became necessary to send a delegate to London to confer with the Imperial authorities respecting certain points In' the Bill, Mr. Barton was chosen by the Government as the representative of this State,.' and subsequently became the spokesman of the Australian delegation. His labours In that connection, and the success which attended his mission, need hardly be cited now, though they were no doubt Important factors In the chain of circumstances which caused. his selection as first Premier of the1 Commonwealth to be hailed with such' ' delight throughout the length and breadth: '.of the continent. Mr. Barton is a Fellow of the Senate of the University of Sydney, and a trustee of the Free Public Library.
MR. B. R. WISE, K.C. Bartonian Candidate for the House of Representatives for the CANOBLAS.
Macquarie, but he was re-elected for South Sydney In 1891. Mr. Wise has been a frequent writer "upon Australian questions in English magazines, and his. articles on those Subjects are the theme' of much eulogy In Charles Dilke's "Problems of Greater Britain." In 1892 he published "Industrial Freedom; a Study In 'Politics," wherein he approaches Industrial ' questions In n spirit akin to that of his friend and associate Arnold Tonybee. His exertions in the cause of Federal Union are too recent to have faded from public memory, and the industrial world is not likely to forget the energetic and enthusiastic mariner In which, as Attorney-General In the Lyne Ministry, he last year engineered the Compulsory Arbitration Bill, which he nearly succeeded In passing,- '
Mr. W. P. Manning. Bartonian Candidate for the SENATE.
Sir William Patrick Manning, than whom there is no more ardent and staunch protectionist in New South Wales, belongs to a type of man too seldom met in politics. He Is of the calm, dispassionate class, and is not swayed by the eccentricities of popular outbursts. He. is better known In municipal matters than in State polities, and for many years he was regarded as one of the ablest of the city aldermen. He had had the honour of being Mayor of Sydney, and his terms of Mayoralty proved him one or the best of the administrators who have occupied, the dignified position. In olden times, before local politics degenerated, he was a keen fighter in the ranks of the national party, and on more than one occasion he represented the South Sydney electorate In the Legislative Assembly.' Sir William has an intimate knowledge of all the political questions of the day, and his election to the Senate would be a distinct acquisition to the Federal Parliament. He came Into the contest rather late, and his Inclusion in the Liberal bunch was somewhat of a surprise.
Mr. I.. R. Cohen. Bartonian Candidate for DALLEY.
Alderman I, B. Cohen, the Australian Liberal Association's candidate for the Dalley Federal electorate Is a .native of New South' Wales. Having completed his education, Mr. Cohen launched out in literature, and in 1885 he was associated with Mr. Bailey in founding "The Globe" and "Sunday Times." It was not till 1893 that he became actively identified with politics, but since that .time he has been closely associated with' the protectionist movement, his writings In this connection having earned for him a reputation as an able fighter,-. In 1806 he was chosen as secretary of the Annandale Protection Union, and his powers of organisation soon made themselves apparent in the importance which the body assumed under his direction. Shortly ... the Annandale Council. This was followed by his election as a member of the executive and various committees of the National Protection Union. When the dissolution of the Assembly occurred In 1898 Mr. Cohen was the selected candidate of the protectionists and the Federal organisation for Annandale, and in what had been regarded as a free-trade stronghold he was defeated by only 91 votes. In the following year lie was a delegate from the National party to a Federal Conference held In Melbourne, and in 1900 he' was' a delegate to the Intercolonial Tariff Conference. . He has all along been an ardent advocate of the Greater Sydney movement, and he was elected general secretary of the Metropolitan Municipal Reform body. He Is a member of the board of the Australian Natives' Association, and he holds numerous other official positions. In his candidature for Dalley he has met with unqualified success. and is sure to give a goorl account of himself at the ballot-box. The splendid organisation of the National forces In the electorate Is largely due to ills personal exertions, and the electorate with which he has been, identified forms an example In this respect to other electorates in the colony where the work of organisation has been neglected.
Mp. W. Sandford. Bartonian Candidate for PARRAMATTA.
Among the Liberal candidates for the Federal House of Representatives no one stands In higher appreciation as an energetic promoter of Australian Industry than does Mr. W. Sandford, of the Eskbank Iron and steel rolling mills at Llthgow, Mr. Sandford is a candidate for the Paframatta seat, and the following particulars of his colonial career will no doubt be of Interest; — Seventeen years ago he came to Sydney as the representative of the well-known Iron firm of John Lysaght', Limited, for whom he started wire-netting works on the Parramatta River. His energy was, however, not sufficiently employed in the superintendence of these works, and looking about for a new outlet for his activity he discovered that there was a market in Australia for certain sizes and gauges of iron not kept In stock by Iron-merchantB here. Finding that all endeavours to Induce his principals to secure either the Mittagong or' Lithgow works failed, the homo firm being unwilling to enter on the venture, lie took the Eskbank "works on blown account, arid ultimately purchased them" The initiatory difficulties in his ease, as in those of most people who start In a new line, in the colonies, were- very great, but Mr. Sandford proved himself a perfect Napoleon in overcoming all obstacles, and has achieved success. The amount paid away In wages alone last year was over £46,000, which, of li-»ef, speaks volumes for the energy and character of the gentleman who now seeks to enter the field of higher politics. Needless to say, Mr. Sandford Is it protectionist, and he says that In the past his Industry has been protected by the availability of large quantities of old scrap iron and rails at reasonable rates, and the continuance by the Hallway Commissioners of the "concessions in rail, way freight in Iron made at Eskbank. in his candidature for tho Parramatta seat Mr Sandford is meeting with very encouraging' support, and his chances are so good that he is reckoned among the certainties by both sides. ' '
Mp. J. S. T. M'Gowen, M.L.A, Bartonian Candidate for SOUTH SYDNEY. . (Photo, by Kerry.)
The selected Liberal candidate for South' Sydney Is Mr. J. S. T. M'Gowen, M.L.A., who Is also the labour leader In the State Parliament, and the nominee of the labour party for the Federal constituency. For many years he was connected with the Railway Depart, ment, and was always foremost in advocacy, of reforms in the service, and an ardent trades unionist. In 1891 he came forward as tho selected labour candidate for Redfern, and went into Parliament as the result of the wave of popular awakening which followed on the adoption of payment of members. He has been the leader; of the party In several Parliaments, and has displayed a great deal of ability In ' controlling the destinies of a. body which has been a recognised power In politics for a decade. At each successive election he was returned by a very safe majority. The probabilities are that he will be the representative of South Sydney In the first House of Representatives.
Alderman J. C. Beer. Bartonian Candidate for "WEST SYDNEY.
Alderman James C. Beer, (the Australian Liberal candidate for "West Sydney, has been a resident of that part of the city for 20 years; and is consequently intimately in touch with the electorate for which he 'Is a candidate. He is an Englishman, having been born at Bath in April, 1853. He was apprenticed to Messrs, Slothertt and Pitt to learn the mechanical engineering, and in 1879 set out for Australia. Since his arrival In Sydney he has taken ail active part In general elections for many years, and was prominent in the agitation for Federation on each occasion when the bill was submitted to the people. He occupied the position of chairman of the Pyrmont and Ultimo branch of the Federal Association, and was secretary of the Pyrmont branch of 'the National Protection Union. At the last municipal elections in the city Mr. Beer was induced to offer himself as a candidate for the council, and he had the satisfaction of being returned with Mr. S. Smith, M.L.A., as one of the new aldermen. That was the first occasion upon which he offered his services to the public, and his success was, therefore, all the more gratifying. In business Mr. Beer is a cooking-stove manufacturer and general ironworker, having started in business on his own account in 1884. Politically he is a protectionist, and a supporter of the Ministerial policy In other respects. ,
Mr. W. B. S. C. Sawers, M.L.A, Bartonian Candidate for 'NEW ENGLAND.
Mr. Sawers was horn at Sterling, In Scotland, and came to New South Wales at the age of 21, where he has since been engaged in pastoral pursuits. He spent some years in the western district, and during the rule of the Jennings Ministry represented Bourke in the Legislative Assembly, but retired for private reasons, and did not again enter Parliament until the last election, when he contested and won the scat for Tain worth against Mr. A. B. Piddington. Mr. Sawers, who is a moderate protectionist, fought as a pure Federalist on that occasion. After leaving Bourke Mr. Sawers resided for some years In New England, but has now taken up his residence In Sydney.
Mp. W. J. Ferguson. Bartonian Candidate for MACQUARIE,
The Liberal party's candidate for the Macquarie seat Is Mr. William John' Ferguson, JI.L.A. He first came into prominence In connection with the Broken Hill strike, when he proved an ardent and eloquent advocate of what he deemed to be the rights of the workers. In July, 1894, be ran as the nominee of the labour party for Sturt, and was returned. He has represented Stunt ever since In the-Legislative Assembly. Mr. Ferguson is a protectionist and a fluent and able speaker, whose views on democratic questions have always claimed the most respectful attention of members of the Assembly.
Mp. F. Clarke. Bartonian Candidate for COWPER-
Mr. F. Clarke, M.L.A., the Liberal candidate for Cowper, has a. distinct claim upon the Federal electors for his patriotic act in resigning his seat in the Legislative Assembly In 1898 to make room 'for the Federal leader. Mr. Clarke is an ex-student of St. Stanislaus College, Bathurst, and is by profession a surveyor. He has represented the Hastings and Macleay In the Legislative Assembly for a number of years, and he has been associated with municipal matters as an alderman and mayor of North Sydney. Mr. Clarke Is a protectionist, and enjoys a widespread popularity on the northern rivers.
Mr. G. A. Cruickshank.' Bartonian Candidate for GWYDIR.
The Gwydir appears perfectly safe In the hands of Mr. G. A. Cruickshank, the Australian Liberal candidate. He is an old Parliamentary hand, and an extremely popular man locally. He came Into Parliament in 1898, and has been returned at the four elections since that time for the same seat. Though hardly to be classed as an orator, Mr. Cruickshank has a . close grasp of all the burning questions of the day, and he is regarded as a high authority on all matters Affecting the land-laws. He is a protectionist, believing that only by encouraging local manufactures can the prosperity of the Commonwealth be assured.
Mr. J. M. Chantep. Bartonian Candidate for RIVERINA
An old Parliamentary hand who has done much good service in the national cause is Mr. John Moore Chanter, M.L.A., the Liberal candidate for Riverina. As far back as 1885 he won his seat in Parliament as one of the representatives of The Murray, rind he has been continuously Identified.' with that portion of the colony ever since. He was reelected for the seat in 1887, 1889, and 1891. When the new Electoral Act came into force he selected the Deniliquin division of the electorate as the sphere for his future triumphs, and he was returned- for that seat In 1894. lS9!i, and 1898. He has had a short Ministerial career, having been Minister for Mines In Sir George Dibbs' Government from January to-March, 1889. In 1891 he was appointed a member of the Public Works Committee, and lie has for some sessions past been one of the temporary Chairman of Committees of the Legislative Assembly. Mr. Chanter Is a protectionist, and he has always been a staunch advocate of democratic legislation, giving his support to all reforms of that .character whenever a Government Introduced a' liberal measure. - ' .
Mr. Thomas Rose. Bartonian Candidate for WERRIWA. .
Mr. Thomas Rose, M.L.A., the Liberal candidate for Werriwa, has long been identified with the national party, and his advocacy of the national cause has done much to advance it to Its present position. In his younger days he was connected with newspaper work, but in 1891 he entered upon his political career and at the first attempt won Argyle for the protectionists. He has represented the same constituency ever since, having been triumphantly re-elected in 1894, 1895, and 1898. He is a speaker of no mean order. He buttresses his arguments with statistical facts, and his intimate acquaintance with fiscal controversy makes him a formidable opponent. He has been president of the National Protection Union, and his work in that position resulted In a considerable increase of the party. He has a certain seat at Werriwa. .
Mr. P. E. Quinn. Bartonian Candidate for DARLINGMr. Patrick E. Quinn, -M.LA., who has undertaken the fight in the Darling on behalf of the Liberal party, is a comparatively young politician, though none the less ardent and able on that account. A journalist by profession, he gravitated, as many journalists do, into the turmoil of political strife. He contested Bligh Division, of Sydney unsuccessfully in 1895, but his efforts in 1898 were crowned with success, and he went to the Assembly the representative of that seat with a very substantial majority. He is a protectionist, and his speeches are above the average. Advices from the Darling Indicate that he is almost sure to be the representative of that constituency in the first- Federal Parliament. Mr. Quinn composed the "Commonwealth Ode," which the children of St. Mary's Cathedral school sang with much, success on January 1 in connection with the Commonwealth Inaugural celebrations.
Mr. J. C. Watson. Bartonian Candidate for BLAND,
'A democrat amongst democrats is Mr. John Christian Watson, M.L.A., the Liberal and labour candidate for The Bland. A compositor by trade, lie took an active interest In all matters affecting unionism, and his ardent, advocacy of the workers' cause, combined with his prominence as a member of the Typographical Union, won him in 1892-3-4 the presidency of the Trades and Labour Council. He represented the Typographical' Society of New South Wales on the Trades and Labour Council from 1888 till 1894. In the latter year, when payment of members came into force, he was selected as the labour nominee for Young. He secured an easy victory, and since then has held the seat as -a sort of pocket borough, having been re-elected in 1895 and 1898, defeating in the latter year Mr. R. E. O'Connor. He was president of the Australian Labour Federation in 1895, and is at present a member of the Parliamentary Standing Committee .on Public Works, and one of the temporary Chairmen of Committees of the Assembly. Since his entry Into public life he has developed Into, a good speaker,, and expresses his views in such a manner as to carry conviction. The Bland should prove an easy Federal-constituency for him. He is a protectionist, and before entering Parliament he worked with -the national party to secure the return of protectionists for the old West Sydney seat
SIR WILLIAM LYNE, M.L, A., K.C.M.G. Minister of State Fop Home Affairs. ......
Sir William Lyne was born at Apslawn, Tasmania, and began the active duties of life-as council clerk at Swansea in that State.-At a later date he came to New South Wales, : and entered upon pastoral pursuits In the. Albury and Dubbo districts. For the Hume electorate he entered Parliament 20 years ago, and he has ever since continuously represented that electorate. In 1885 Mr. Lyne became Minister for Lands in the Dibbs Government. 'He held the same office in the Jennings Government of 1886, and again in the Dibbs Ministry of 1889. In 1891 he joined the last Dibbs Government as Minister, for Works, quitting office when that Ministry-roll in 1894. The highest office the State: can bestow, that of Premier, fell to him by the defeat of the Reid Government in 1899, and Is still in his hands. When the Governor- , General desired to form his first Federal Mm-', Istry he entrusted the task to Sir William-Lyne, but that gentleman, finding himself pnable 'to procure the colleagues "he desired, gave way to Mr. Barton, 'and accepted the post of Minister for Home Affairs in Mr. Barton's' Government, lie will thus have the onerous task of bringing into application the Federal Commonwealth Bill, which, as a member of the Federal Convention, he helped to construct. The Premiership of Sir William Lyne : had many important and unprecedented duties to perform. It has had to send contingent after' contingent away to the war in South Africa, to stamp out a sudden attack of plague, and to take measures for the sanitation of the city. In all these matters the promptitude and business ability of the Premier', have . been exceedingly valuable, and -have been highly appreciated by the public. : Under his 'guidance, too, the Ministry has passed many beneficial measures, among which may be specially noted the Early Closing Act, the Navigation, Harbour Trust, and amended Land and Mining Acts of the country Sir William Lyne will administer as Home Secretary he may be said "literally' to" know it personally from end to end, from the Gulf of Carpentaria to the farthest south of Tasman.
MR. R. E. O'CONNOR, K.C., Bartonian Candidate, for the SENATE.
Next to the Federal leader himself few men in politics to-day have done more for the accomplishment of Federation than the Hon. Richard Edward O'Connor, K.C, Apart from . this . claim he has on the electors of New South Wales as a candidate- for the Senate, Mr. O'Connor enjoys a widespread popularity amongst all classes of the community, and particularly in legal and political circles. He' Is, like his chief, an Australian born, and the view he takes of the Federal question is from the national- standpoint, as opposed to the provincial advocated by Mr. Reid. He was educated in Sydney, and had a brilliant, scholastic career. He studied for the Bar, and while yet a young man was admitted to practice. He soon forced his way to the front, and is now looked upon as one of the soundest legal authorities in Australia. His first appearance in active politics was in 1887, when he was appointed a member of the Legislative Council. He graced that Chamber for a number of years, and during that, time his speeches were amongst the most weighty delivered on all subjects. He was Minister for Justice In the Dibbs Administration in 1891 (when Mr. Barton was Attorney-General), and he displayed good administrative: capacity in the circumscribed sphere allowed by his position in the Cabinet. Since 'Mr. Barton became Federal leader. Mr, O'Connor has been his first lieutenant, and he paid excellent service in "bringing about the consummation of the nationhood. He was a candidate for the People's Convention- which drafted the Constitution Act; and the prominent position he occupied on the poll, though : politically a": comparatively unknown .man, - was eloquent testimony of his great popularity. Subsequently he contested Young, but met defeat at the hands of Mr. J. ,C. Watson. On more than one occasion he has been honoured with an appointment as Acting-Judge of the Supreme Court, and his calm, deliberative disposition, proved him admirably capable as an impartial administrator of justice. He Is a staunch protectionist, and a fluent speaker, whose reasoning, is close and whose deductions always carry weight. -When Sir. Barton formed his Federal Cabinet Mr. -O'Connor was offered and accepted the position of Vice-President of the Executive Council. He will be the representative -of- the Government in the Federal Senate.
Mr. Alexander Hay. Bartonian Candidate for ILLAWARRA
The Australian Liberal Association has secured a man of unusual qualifications for the Illawarra Federal electorate In 'the person of Mr, Alexander Hay. The constituency is essentially a farming one, and Mr. Hay's intimate connection with that Industry places him in sympathy with the dairymen along the coast and In Upper Illawarra. He Is widely, known, owing to his- connection with the extensive Berry Estate, the management' of which has been in his hands for some years. He has always interested himself, in the advance of the dairy factory system, and in introducing the most modern appliances for carrying on dairying in the most profitable manner; .He Is extremely popular with the Berry Estate tenants, and has the good wishes of all the people on the land. The organisation of the farmers, owing to the universal adoption on the coast of the cooperative factory system, is very complete, and Mr. Hay should find little difficulty In 'securing the seat for the national party. In politics he is a protectionist, and though this -is his first attempt to enter Parliament, he is a- good speaker, and has a remarkably wide knowledge of political subjects.
Mp. T. T. Ewing. Bartonian Candidate for RICHMOND.
The fight in the Richmond Federal electorate between Messrs. T. T. Ewing and R. Pyers, M.'sL.A., should result In favour of the former, though the result can make no -difference to . the Governmenlt. Mr. Ewlng has the advantage of running with the; Imprimatur of the Liberal party, a distinction which lvis position in State polities and in the electorate enltitles him to. Mr. Ewlng entered Parliament in 1885 as one of the members for the Richmond, and he continued to represent that portion of the State till 1894. The redistribution of seats under Ithe new' Electoral Act out the Richmond up, and Mr. Ewlng choosing Lismore, was returned In 1S94 as the member for that district, which he has continued'. to represent ever since. He is an ardent protectionist, a finished speaker, and makes it his business to thoroughly understand all questions which crop up in current politics. 1-Ie is an ex-chairman of the Public 'Works Committee, having filled the position for one term."
Mr. J. D. Fitzgerald. Bartonian Candidate for ROBERTSON.
The Liberal candidate for Robertson is Mr. J. D. Fitzgerald, a rising barrister-at-law, who has pushed his way to the front in a mariner Indicative of much energy. By trade a compositor, he was, before he entered the political arena, an ardent advocate of the benefits of trades unionism. He was president of the Typographical Society, and was amongst the foremost in the work of improving the organisation of that body. In 1891 he was one of the chosen four labour candidates for West Sydney, and was returned with Messrs. A. Kelly, T. Davis, and G. Black. After entering politics he studied for the Bar, and was subsequently admitted, His loyalty to the cause of protection, however, incurred the displeasure of the single tax element, which at that time practically controlled the labour organisation, and he was defeated in 1894. At a subsequent election he appeared late in the field for Bathurst, and went very nearly ousting Mr. Sydney Smith. When the City Council Reform Act came into force at the close of last year he came out as a progressive candidate for municipal honours, and was elected. He is a sincere protectionist, a democrat, and he is one of the best speakers of the old labour party.
Mr. J. T. Gannon. Bartonian Candidate for WENTWORTH.
Mr. J. T. Gannon, the Liberal candidate for Wentworth; is well known in political circles as a man of democratic ideas and progressive tendencies. He has taken a prominent part In the past in political contests, and he has always been ranged with the Liberals. His candidature for the Federal Parliament has been conducted with a great deal of vigour, and his lucid treatment of all the burning questions of the day has made him many political friends. He has the support of a very influential section of the electors right through Wentworth, and his friends anticipate a heavy poll in his favour on Friday next.THE NATIONAL TICKET. (
1901, March 23).
The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 4 (Commonwealth Elections Supplement to The Australian Star). Retrieved from
Patrick didn’t win this seat in the first Parliament of Australia. The seat of Darling was won by William Guthrie Spence (7 August 1846 – 13 December 1926), Australian trade union leader and politician, who played a leading role in the formation of both Australia's largest union, the Australian Workers' Union, and the Australian Labor Party.
The first federal elections for the new Parliament, which consisted of 36 senators and 75 members of the House of Representatives, were held on 29 and 30 March 1901. Eighty seven of the newly-elected parliamentarians, all of whom were men, had served in their colonial parliaments, including fourteen who had been colonial premiers. Several had also participated in the drafting of the Constitution and were active in the push for federation–ten had been at the 1891 Federation Convention and 25 attended the 1897/8 Convention. The first Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia was opened at noon on 9 May 1901 by the Duke of Cornwall and York (later King George V). The lavish ceremony, which was attended by over 12 000 guests, took place in the Exhibition Building, Melbourne. The Argus reported that:
'The ceremony was marked by the splendour and solemn impressiveness which befitted its historic importance. By the hand of Royalty, in the presence of the greatest concourse of people that Australia has seen in one building, and with splendid pomp and ceremonial, the legislative machinery of the Commonwealth was yesterday set in motion.' - The Argus, 10 May, 1901.
In his address, the Duke told the gathering:
It is His Majesty's [King Edward VII] earnest prayer that this Union, so happily achieved, may under God's blessing, prove an instrument for still further promoting the welfare and advancement of his subjects in Australia, and for the strengthening and consolidation of his Empire.
Members of parliament were sworn in by the Governor-General and then proceeded by foot and horse-drawn carriage to Victoria's Parliament House in nearby Spring Street. The Senate then met at 1.10 pm in the Legislative Council chamber and the House of Representatives assembled at 2.30 pm in the Legislative Assembly chamber for the first session of federal Parliament. The Victorian Parliament House remained the temporary home of federal Parliament until 1927, while a new national capital and Parliament House was built in Canberra. During this period, the Victorian Parliament met in the Exhibition Building.
In Melbourne the opening of Parliament was marked by two weeks of celebrations. The enthusiasm with which Australians greeted federation and the first federal Parliament demonstrated the nation was eager to unite as 'one people'.
The Duke of Cornwall and York opens the first federal Parliament, 1901 - source Museum of Victoria Australia
The members of the Australian Parliament assembled for the first time in Melbourne on 9 May 1901. One hundred and eleven members, comprising 36 senators and 75 members of the House of Representatives, had been elected in polls held in all states on the 29th or 30th March.
Some of these men were already well-known in their states or Australia-wide, while others made names for themselves in the first years of the Commonwealth. A number were virtually unknown at the time of the first election, and have now faded from public memory.
The members of the first Parliament were all men. Although women were eligible to stand for election in South Australia, no woman did stand for federal Parliament until the election of 1903.
The members of the first Commonwealth Parliament included some of the most prominent men in Australia at that time. A considerable number were ‘founding fathers’, having participated in the framing of the Constitution, and having led Australia to federation. Ten had been at the National Australasian Convention of 1891, and 25 at the 1897/8 Convention.
Of the 111 members of the first Parliament, 87 had previously served in a colonial parliament (29 senators and 58 members of the House of Representatives). Fourteen of these had been colonial premiers. Four serving premiers—Lyne (NSW), Holder (SA), Turner (Vic.) and Forrest (WA) resigned their positions to take up places in the first Commonwealth Parliament.
The men of the first Parliament continued to lead Australia for almost a quarter of a century. Every prime minister up to 1923 had been a member of the first Parliament.
Fifty-seven of the first members were born in Australia. Only three were born in Queensland and just one man, Sir John Forrest, was born in Western Australia. The length of their service varied from four months (William Henry Groom) to 51 years (William Morris Hughes).
They were drawn from a wide range of social backgrounds, education and occupations. Twenty-eight were lawyers, but they also included labourers, tradesmen, union officials, journalists, farmers, a clergyman, and a doctor.
Backbench parliamentarians in 1901 received a salary of 400 pounds per year. While they were entitled to free rail travel throughout Australia, initially they had no entitlement to free travel by sea, or to allowances to cover the expense of accommodation or food while attending Parliament. Their families were not entitled to any travel expenses or allowances.
Serving in the first Parliament created financial difficulties for many of the first members. The great majority were not wealthy men. It is probable that a number left the Parliament poorer than when they entered it. - from Members of the First Parliament Exhibition, retrieved from:
New South State Elections were held the same year, on July 3rd, 1901, with many MP's 'retiring' as they had been elected to the federal House of Representatives. Mr. Quinn stood again:
Mp. P. E. Quinn's Candidature
Mr. P . E. Quinn, candidate for Bligh Division, is progressing, as favourably as could be desired. The candidate himself is at present laid up with a throat affection, and being unable to attend last night's meeting at the corner of William and Riley streets wrote to his committee, thanking them for their endeavours on his behalf, and expressing the utmost confidence as to the final result. The wet night also prevented the Premier, who is another sufferer oh account of a sore throat, from speaking in the open air, but his place was taken by the Hon. W. Bennett. Mr. Bennett had a good reception, and at once inquired Into the cause of the opposition of certain newspapers to the Government. Even as late as the Federal campaign the "Dally Telegraph" so freely supported the Government that an Albury newspaper attacked it for throwing over Mr. Goddard, the free-trade candidate for the Hume. (Cheers.) The policy of the present Ministry was one of progress, whereas that of its predecessors was stagnation. He referred to the purchase of the yacht Victoria. In 1899 £10,000 was voted for a new hull' for the Thetis in 1899 £15,000 was voted for a steamer .to replace the Thetis, which was condemned j and in 1000 a further sum of £10,000 was voted for the same purpose. Those Votes, totalled £35,000, and as the Victoria which cost £100,000 to build, was secured for £33,000, It was absurd to say that the Government had, illegally spent the money. (Cheers.) He eulogised Mr. O'Sullivan's vigorous works policy, and thought that gentleman the most progressive man who ever sat in that department. The Government could take credit for the resumption of the Rocks. That was no new question. Sir Henry Parkes had spoken of it, Mr. Reid had even threatened to carry it out, but it remained for the Lyne Government to act. He stigmatised the attacks' on the Government as specious and trivial, and concluded by asking the electors to vote for Mr. Quinn, who, besides being a young Australian, was one of the ablest men In Parliament, and would, in the near future, rise to a very prominent position In the political world. On the motion of J. E. Birt, seconded by J. Purcell, a vote of confidence in the candidate was carried amidst cheers. The meeting terminated with cheers for the Government and the chairman, Mr. E. W. Butler. BLIGH. (
1901, June 28).
The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 3. Retrieved from
Though he has Written some graceful verse, Mr. P. E. Quinn, journalist and politician, recognises that he 'is overshadowed by his younger brother, Roderic, and is content to play the role of critic rather than of poet. He is not without consolation. Not only does poetry spell poverty for the writer who Is unable to do anything else, but in Mr. Quinn's opinion the days of the poets are numbered.
"The race is losing its singing power,' he affirms, 'not that it lacks the qualifications of art and expression, but because the impulses that make great poetry are not to be looked for now.' Science, he thinks, is taking the place of 'poetry in satisfying the Imaginative needs of man to a far greater extent than popularly supposed. The poet has no special message now.
As Macaulay predicted, poetry is declining with the advance of civilisation. A world-movement in the direction of humanitarianism is manifesting itself, and its needs will be satisfied by legislation. Poetry may retain its' place among the arts, and that which is transcript of the emotions of the romantic period in the life of individuals may Always be appreciated; but as the expression of the spirit of the age poetry will lose its significance. Of course, he says, we cannot foresee what tricks Fortune may play upon us.
Here, in Australia we may experience some national crisis or discipline, which will act as an Incentive to national poetry. Nobody can tell.
Mr. Quinn does not see how there can be any specially distinctive Australian poetry any more than there can be distinctive American poetry, seeing that it is not the Accidental environment of the eucalypts or the great plains that determines the direction or character of literary genius. That, he points out, was decided for us long ago.
' We are dominated by the genius of the English language, and we cannot get away from it, even if we wanted to try. Hence, it is that our poetic explorers find to-day nearly every sea charted. POETS AND POETRY IN N.S. WALES. (1909, June 9). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 20. Retrieved from
He was then posted to the United States, his wife and daughter going with him:
That California, with its water power, is destined to become one of the great manufacturing centres of the world, was the prediction of Mr. P. E. Quitiu, trade commissioner of New South Wales, in an address last month before the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, California. He said that he had been making a tour of the western States of America, and had become Impressed with the possibilities of cheap power in California. In New South Wales they cut millions of pounds of the finest wool in the world each year, and that California should be manufacturing it.
"Instead of importing cloth," he said, "California should be sending it all over the world. Here Is power running to waste up in your mountains, and hardly twice the distance from New York are unlimited quantities of raw material. It is' only a question of time when these conditions will be seized upon by some group of far-seeing manufacturers. It can be landed in California by the cheapest mode of transportation known, and California is the logical place for its manufacture."
Along the Feather River he had seen a trail running down the mountain side for miles by the side of the railway track, he asked v.hat it was, and was told that it had been made by the gold-rush pioneers of 1849.
"Many of those pioneers," he said, "were our pioneers. It was only a few years after gold was discovered In California that we found it in Australia, and the Californian gold-diggers showed us the way. The two places have been linked by a similarity of early history. Stories of the wealth and beauty of California were taken to Australia years before they were known elsewhere." Australia was in need of some expert irrigationists. They were just attempting irrigation In that country and a practical demonstration was needed there to show just what could be done with water. "We need some good men,-" he added, "who have a thorough practical knowledge of irrigation work, in California the fruit and vegetable growers have had years of experience in this kind of work, while Australians are only just beginning It." AUSTRALIA AND CALIFORNIA. (1912, October 16). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 19. Retrieved from
Mr. P. E. Quinn, Acting-Trade Commissioner for the New South Wales Government, returned to Sydney on leave a few days ago, from Vancouver and San Francisco, and in the course of an interview said that news of the Australian Navy had created a splendid impression on the minds of the American people. PERSONAL. (1914, October 29). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 21. Retrieved from
Recently Mr. Levy asked several questions in the Assembly respecting the position occupied by Mr. N. R. Neilsen. From a printed reply, circulated by the Premier last week, it appears that Mr. Nielsen is still in the employ of the Government of New South Wales as Executive Commissioner at the Panama Exhibition and Trade Commissioner to the United States and Canada, and that he receives a salary of £4 per day.
His staff consists of Mr. P. E. Quinn, officer in charge of the Vancouver branch, salary £750 per annum; and a secretary, clerk, and typist in the head office at salaries of ;£500, £275, and £180 respectively, in connection with the Exhibition, Mr. J. W. Niesigh is also temporarily engaged, at a salary of £720 per annum. The other expenses provided for in Mr. Nielsen's estimate of expenditure are— Rent £600, travelling expenses £500, cost of railway travelling £200, incidental expenses £850, and furniture for new office £250. [So that, independent of the expenses incidental to the first hurried spiriting away of Neilson, that gentleman is now running a useless show costing the country about £6000 per annum. As the Government is looking round for money they might disband the Neilsen crowd and put the saved money into some' reproductive work— Ed. B.B.]. LOCAL AND GENERAL. (1914, December 2). The Bega Budget (NSW : 1905 - 1920), p. 2. Retrieved from
The efforts on the part of the New South Wales Government to establish closer trade relations between Sydney and New York have aroused unmistakeable interest in America, both at San Francisco and New York (writes our 'Frisco correspondent), and congratulations are being showered upon Mr. P E Quinn, Deputy Trade Commissioner at San Francisco for the New South Wales Government, by reason of his being deputed to proceed to New York with the object of organising the new direct communication.
At the Panama Exposition Mr. Quinn was specially invited to address the New York State Exhibitors' Association in the New York State Pavilion. Mr. Daniel L. Ryan, of New York, presided over a large and influential attendance, which included several of the millionaire merchants of the capital State. In the course of his speech, Mr. Quinn mentioned that considering the trade of Australia was worth more to America than that of Japan, one wondered why the attention of American newspapers persistently focussed itself upon the Oriental trade. The balance of trade between Australia and the United States was very much against the former, and that was why the New South Wales Government sent trade commissioners to the United States to endeavour to assist in rectifying the incidence of trade.
Having shown that the trading between Australia and San Francisco had quadrupled from 1910 to 1914, Mr. Quinn proceeded to deal with the New York project, and said that Australia took about 14 per cent, of the American imports through San Francisco, and the bulk of the balance of imports came from New York, originating in the manufacturing centres of the Eastern States. About three ships monthly left New York for Australian ports, mainly British, and not concerned In return cargoes to New York. They discharged their Australian cargo, they loaded up in Australian ports with wool, wheat, metals, etc.,. for European destinations. This service was of no use to Australia, as it prevented them from reaching the great markets of the custom States with their products.
The Panama Canal offored an opportunity, and in a visit to New York which he made in the early part of this year, he found a unanimous agreement among prominent New York shorehapts and shippers that a direct line should be established. He believed it would have been established but for the intervention of the war. Formerly, much of the goods sent from Now York to Australia were taken to Liverpool, and there transhipped to Australian ports, necessitating unnecessary expense and delay. To secure stability of international trade, It was not only necessary to have reciprocity in trade, but it was also necessary that an exporting nation should transport its own goods in its own ships. He believed it would be for the best interests of the United States to have an adequate merchant marine of Its own. Australians were a people well worth trading with, considered from an economic standpoint, for per capita they possessed £406. In reply to the chairman, Mr. Quinn said he had noticed remarks made from time to time in American newspapers to the effect that the Australian tariff discriminated against American goods. That was not so. Australia had the same tariff rates against Canada as against the United States, and against France, so there could be no ground for complaint on account of the tariff.
Mr. Quinn was cordially thanked for his instructive address, which will be published In the Eastern commercial press. TRADE WITH AMERICA. (1915, September 16). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 4. Retrieved from
He passed away in 1926 after a long illness and was interred in the Manly Cemetery.
QUINN.-— April 2, at a private hospital, Manly, Patrick Edward, dearly beloved husband of Julia Quinn, and loved father of Marjorie, aged 64 years. R.I.P. Family Notices (1926, April 3). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
The funeral took place the next day, April 3rd.
A splendid type of citizen and a man well respected in every sphere of the State's commercial and professional life, Mr Patrick E. Quinn, brother of the well known Mr Roderic Quinn, passed away at Manly after several weeks' illness at the age of 64 years. Mr. Quinn, who left a widow and daughter, was a man of
broad capacity. A well-informed and cultured journalist, he edited a newspaper at Narrabri at 20 years of age, and subsequently served on several Sydney newspapers, commencing with the 'Illustrated Sydney News,' now defunct. Until recently he was on the editorial staff of 'The Daily Telegraph,' where his writings were distinguished by force, clarity, and a sure literary touch.
He wrote much verse of high quality, and it was a matter for regret among his' friends that he never troubled to publish these poems in book form. He did achieve two publications, however, one a textbook on art that has been used in schools in Australia and abroad, and the once well-known cantata, 'Captain Cook,' written in collaboration with Mr. J. Delany.
Verse-writing, it is to be noted, is strongly implanted in the Quinn family; Mr. Quinn's brother, Roderic, is well known in this capacity, and so also is his. daughter, Miss Marjorie Quinn.
For six years Mr. Quinn was a member of the New South Wales Legislative 'Assembly, having entered politics at the beginning of the present century as member for the Bligh Division, Sydney. Politics, however, was not his forte, for though a thoughtful and broad-minded debater,- he was too retiring a spirit for the hurly-burly. Subsequently (in 1912) Mr. Quinn became Deputy Trade Commissioner for New South Wales in the United States, a position he held with credit to himself, and advantage to his homeland for six years. MR. P. E. QUINN. (1926, April 8). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 19. Retrieved from
The funeral of Mr. Patrick Edward Quinn, the well-known Sydney journalist, took place on Saturday afternoon in the Roman Catholic Cemetery, Manly. Prior to the funeral a requiem mass was celebrated in the Roman Catholic Church, Manly, by the Rev. Father J. McDonald, parish priest. Monsignor Hayden officiated at the graveside, being assisted by Dr. Niven and Father McGovern.
The principal mourners were Mrs. Quinn (widow). Miss Marjorie Quinn (daughter), Mr. Roderic Quinn (brother), Misses Nora Quinn and Frances Quinn (sisters), Miss Mary Bourke and Mrs. James Quinn (sisters-in-law), Misses May Quinn and Kathleen Quinn (nieces), and Dr. Roderic Quinn (cousin).
There were also present Messrs. W. Farmer Whyte (representing the Institute of Journal-ists), W. Somerville, T. Courtney, and H. Hall ("Daily Telegraph"), P. D. S. Murray (representing Sir Hubert Murray, Governor of Papua), P. Courtney, E. J. Forbes, J. Donnelly, P. Coonan, W. J. Spruson, J. J. Taylor, J. P. McCarthy, A. M. B. Clarke. J. P. Hickey, H. Bartier, W. Bourke, J. Carroll, T. Brewer, J. Beatty, Darrehy, R. Caldwell, T. Bergin. S A. Burns, D. Quinn, R. S. Quinn, Jones, Chapman, W. O'Brien, A. T. Butler, and re-presentatives of the Marist Brothers.
A large number of floral tributes were sent, including a wreath from the Institute of Journalists. OBITUARY. (1926, April 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from
This article, was published shortly after Mr. Quinn passed:
The Pedestrian's Viewpoint.
An article on the Motor Peril in a recent issue of the. ''Catholic Press' attracted wide interest. It presented the case for what might be called the moderate motordriver in a frank and reasonable manner, and some of the suggestions should receive early legislative consideration.
There is another point of view— that of the pedestrian, the citizen, whose interest in motors is confined to dodging the -various 4 models on the market.
The Motor Toll in Sydney.
During 1925, in Sydney alone, no fewer than 89 persons were killed and 1217 injured by motor vehicles;, and the red roll for the present half-year must be, proportionately, much greater. Every morning the newspapers record several accidents, and the week-end list often amounts to five, or six fatalities. Were there raging in our midst some plague which levied such a dread toll, the community by this time would be half frantic with fear, and the demand for remedial legislation would be incessant. To cross one of* the busy streets in Sydney to-day means risking one's life, and parents sending their children across the streets to school live in constant anxiety ?for their safety. No Redress. And there appears to be no relief against the peril. It is true that we read of sundry prosecutions for minor motor offences, and, occasionally, some driver is fined as high as £5 for being drunk; but these tinkering measures do not appear to have the slightest effect in keeping down the death-roll. The fact is that in many of the 'accidents' that occur, the drivers have broken no regulations. They have driven in the manner permitted by law; and the only consolation that is afforded the unfortunate relatives of the victim is the stereotyped newspaper paragraph — 'Something went wrong with the steering gear,' or 'the driver saw the deceased and tried to avoid the accident.' Obsolete Traffic Laws. Our traffic laws are largely founded on ideas relating to slow horse-drawn vehicles of the past. Our legislators do not realise that new conditions have sprung into existence, and to grapple with these new and dangerous conditions urgent legislation is needed. With the cheapening of the motor car an invention has suddenly come into vogue, which a Melbourne judge has characterised as a 'lethal' instrument in the hands of the user.
Owing to its cost this device can be acquired by only a section of the community, to whom it is, undoubtedly, a source of peculiar pleasure; in the cities one of their methods of enjoyment is to rush this lethal device at a high rate of speed through streets crowded with pedestrians. The motorists are comparatively few, the pedestrians are many. Whose right should prevail? A high rate of speed affords a certain exhilaration to the city motorist^ it means mutilation or death to the pedestrian legitimately using the streets. What is to be the guiding principle of remedial legislation — the pleasure of the speeder, or the pain of the shattered victim?
New Legislation is demanded, which will render several of the present methods of driving offences, and certain others crimes. Drunkennes's whilst in charge of a car should be visited with imprisonment, and, of course, cancellation of license for all time. In New Zealand and Adelaide offenders have been fined up to £100, but in New South Wales the average limit seems to be about £5, which, perhaps, represents the comparative estimate of human life in the respective States.
Too often we read, as the sequel to some gruesome car-smash, that the driver was arrested for being drunk.' But why wait until the tragedy to make arrests? When a motor is observed to be parked outside an hotel for a considerable period, the chances are that the driver and his passengers will return to their seats intoxicated. Also when a car is seen to be crowded with young men and women, engaged in singing and shouting, the probabilities are that the whole crew is drunk. Why not make the arrests then?
Driving Without Lights.
An even worse offence is driving without lights. It is not uncommon in Sydney to see some individual coolly racing along after nightfall with his car in darkness. Pedestrians desiring to cross a congested street have to hurriedly take their bearings from the motor lights approaching on either hand, and, naturally, do not realise that they run the risk of being run down by an unlighted car. This type of fiend takes no risks himself, and when his head lights are quenched, he also switches off the tail light, and is immune from police identification. The only practicable way of stopping this potential murderer is that adopted in the case of the fleeing thief — the use of the revolver.
The new legislation should, further, deal firmly with the question of speed. In Sydney and its suburbs, speed zones might be fixed. In the inner zone, in the heart of the city, a moderate speed should only be permitted, especially whilst turning corners. In the second zone, embracing. Darlinghurst, Paddington, Surry Hills and Pyrmont, an increased rate may be allowed. The third zone would cover the outer suburbs, and a fourth the open country. The principle acted upon at present is that one's speed may be determined by the state of the traffic, whether sparse or dense, at any point of the road. This is leaving too much to individual judgment, and when the driver is drunk, or a fool, he is not a fit party to decide.
Suggested Reforms.
Unfortunately, legislation will not come for several months until Parliament meets; but there are many reforms which can be carried out under the present machinery. As a commencement, the police staff should be increased — the extra cost to be raised by an additional city motor tax. Again, provision should be made to enable citizens' to cross our busy streets in safety. 'Never cross immediately in front or behind a stationary tram. ' 'Always cross streets at intersection; this is the only safe place!' These two flatly-contradictory injunctions, which are shouted at the pedestrian from placards and in the press, are instances of the confusion reigning in the official mind on the most vital aspect of the traffic question. In point of fact, there is no provision made to enable pedestrians to cross any street in absolute safety; and, by far, the' most dangerous spot is at street intersections. At busy crossings, police are posted, who halt, at intervals, the vehicular traffic passing in one direction to enable vehicles to cross the street running at right angles. This halt is solely in the interests of the vehicles. When the traffic in the north-south street is stopped, it is true the cessation enables the pedestrians to pass across the street from east to west; and they could do so in perfect safety were it not for an extraordinary rule which allows motors travelling east and west to turn the corner into the stopped traffic, and rush through the stream of pedestrians scrambling across the street.
Inviting Accidents.
Such a stupid provision invites accidents, the unfortunate victim seeing that the halt is official, being led to believe that he is being protected from all directions. In London and Paris they do things differently. At intervals, all vehicular traffic in every direction is stepped to enable the pedestrian to cross; pedestrian traffic being stopped in its turn to enable the vehicles to pass. Surely, the creation of such lanes of safety should not be beyond the intelligence of our Sydney authorities! And our City Municipal Council can materially help.
Danger of Wide Streets.
Some years ago there arose a craze for widening our city streets; but in their eagerness to slavishly copy old-world cities, our civic fathers lost sight of the real motives actuating the people abroad. In most European cities the widening was made in order to enable islands to be run down the centre, the islands serving the double purpose of dividing the traffic and enabling .the streets to be crossed in safety. With the .coming of the motor this highly-expensive innovation of widening streets in Sydney, instead of being a benefit, .has become a great source of danger to the community; streets like William-street, Oxford-street, Macquarie-street, and Parramatta-road have proved death-traps to many an unfortunate citizen and ratepayer. Our city aldermen, and especially those representing the democratic and, in most cases, non-motor-owning populations of Surry Hills and East Sydney, might well assist the cause of traffic reform by putting in hand the construction of islands in William-street and Oxford-street as a commencement.
Subterranean Crossings.
Again, in cities like London, Paris and ' Berlin, where the congestion is not nearly as great as in Sydney, tunnels or subterranean crossings are provided in busy centres from one street to another. In order to make the streets safe for democracy, this is another matter our Labour Council might consider. The cost would be considerable; but here, too, it might be raised, in part, at least, by a special motor tax. A Lien on the Car. The writer suggests a remedy for irregular motor driving, which, in his opinion, would have a more restraining effect than the severest police regulations. It is simple. Make the car causing a mishap become liable in law for the damage done; this liability to be an automatic lien annexing to the car the instant the mishap occurs, and to be a charge over-riding all previous liens and charges in the way of mortgages, hire purchase, agreements, &c. Apart from himself, there is nothing the flash type of motorist loves so much as his 'machine; ' and when our speedy fiend realises that the loss of his precious car may be brought about by a moment's inadvertance, he will be very careful what risks he runs. Motor owners who sell cars to people on mortgage arrangements, or on hire-purchase, will also take good care that they do not get into the hands of irresponsibles. The obliging person who loans his car to a friend for a midnight spin will also see to it that the latter does not carry too many flappers on the front seat.
Like Frightened Rabbits.
To those familiar with the traffic methods of the old world, the Sydney of to-day presents a strange sight; and to observe how the public cross the streets is, in itself, a fascinating spectacle. A number of citizens will arrive at the kerb and anxiously scan the prospect to the left and right; then, after as many hesitations and false starts as a polar explorer, they finally make their dash, and like so many startled rabbits, have to scuttle, literally, for their lives. The traveller wonders whether he has arrived in a city suddenly rendered motor mad by some bad fairy. His second source of wonderment is how such a state of affairs is tolerated in a country where public interests are so jealously safeguarded by the press and the politicians.
Up Against Big Business.
The explanation is that the pedestrian is up against big business! Expensive motor advertisements make the newspapers very reluctant to criticise good customers too severely; and, as for the politicians, well they either own their own motors, or one day hope to do so; or, perchance, if they are lucky, ride free on State-owned motor cars. They view the problem from.- the angle of the cushioned seat, and to them the pedestrian elector 'is merely a 'jay-, walker.' Anyhow, so long as the public continue to skip with sufficient agility and docility, why worry!
It was to that Parliament, too, that Mr. P. E. Quinn made his first bow as member for the old time constituency of Bligh in the city of Sydney. Mr. Quinn's opponent, Mr. Harvey, was a man of wealth and a large employer of labor. He had made himself popular by many acts of charity. Mr. Quinn had to rely on his eloquence, his firm grip of politics and the enthusiasm of the young men of the district who banded together 'to get one of their own in.' Mr. Quinn, himself a poet, was opposed by two other poets, as well as by Mr. Harvey. Henry Lawson's nominee secured 18 votes; the other versemaker did a little better. Mention is made that Mr. Quinn, like many of the young men who made their mark in public affairs of those days, commenced his literary and oratorical career in the debating society attached to St. Mary's Cathedral, and in which the late Father Petre was the guiding spirit. LOOKING Backwards (
1937, January 21).
Catholic Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1932 - 1942), p. 14. Retrieved from
His wife passed away in 1944 and was interred with him:
QUINN.—March 10, 1944, at a private hospital, Neutral Bay, Julia, widow of the late P. E. Quinn and loving mother of Marjorie. R.I.P. Privately interred at Manly March 11, 1944. Family Notices (1944, March 13). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
Daughter Marjorie also became a prolific poet and writer of some renown and one of the champions of women's literature in Sydney.