June 30 - July 20, 2024: Issue 630
Permaculture Northern Beaches

Website: www.permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/permaculturenb
Email: info@permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au
Want to know where your food is coming from? Do you like to enrich the earth as much as benefit from it?
This local organisation has many ways to support you in such an endeavour. The primary purpose of Permaculture Northern Beaches (PNB) is to share knowledge, resources, and hands-on experience with a growing community of like-minded individuals who care about the production of safe food and the practice of sustainability.
PNB is committed to the principle and practice of ecological sustainability. PNB aims to achieve this through educating ourselves and others by sharing experience, knowledge, and practical skills. Our guiding ethics are ‘Earth care, People care, and a Fair share’.
PNB aims to: Educate – Connect – Influence – Inspire – Support – Protect – Make a difference.
When and Why was Permaculture Northern Beaches formed?
PNB was set up 17 years ago, it is a not for profit group born out of Permaculture North mainly because of a growing interest in sustainability, the environment and food sovereignty along the beaches, and we have been growing ever since. We attract a wide variety of people, those new to gardening, people who are passionate about the environment, those who want to employ chemical free practices as well as experts in gardening and those who want to learn how to do things a little bit differently, learn new things, and meet new people.
What is Permaculture ?
Permaculture, the bringing together of the two words ‘permanent + agriculture’ is a term coined by Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren.
Permaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human environments. A major focus is the sustainable and harmonious use of resources for safe food production.
Permaculture recognises that everything we do has some impact on the environment and on other people. To avoid harm to the environment and to people, all Permaculture actions are consistent with three Ethics:
- Care for the Earth - provision for all life systems to continue
- Care for People - provision for all people to access those resources necessary to their existence
- Fair Share – set sustainable limits to Population and Consumption and redistribute surplus resources to further the first two Ethics
It is based on 12 practical and integrated design principals and methods modelled on the natural world and these principles can be applied to both urban and rural environments making them perfect for the Northern Beaches and suburban living conditions.
We aim to: Educate, connect, influence and inspire, we strive to support, protect and most of all to make a difference - now isn’t that cool!
“What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any group is doing on the planet. We don’t know what a truly sustainable future is going to be like, but we do need options, we need people experimenting in all kinds of ways, and permaculturists are one of the critical groups that are doing that.” — Dr David Suzuki, world renowned geneticist, environmental scientist and activist
Our members have access to free workshops and educational events a year, including permabees, living skills workshops, Seedsavers workshops and guest speaker events. We teach a huge range of skills in self reliance, permaculture design, teaching and community development - and we have a lot of fun doing it!
Our primary purpose is to share knowledge, resources, hands-on experience and friendship with a growing community of like-minded individuals who care about the production of safe food and the practice of sustainability. Sharing, swapping, selling: seeds, produce, food and equipment, living skills.
PNB is committed to the principle and practice of ecological sustainability. We aim to achieve this through educating ourselves and others by sharing experience, knowledge and practical skills. Our guiding ethics are ‘Earth care, people care, fair share’.
How much is membership and what would somebody joining gain?
Annual Membership for Individuals is $25 and for a Household is $35.
PNB Member Benefits include:
- Discounted or free entry to events for members
- Regular visits (Permatours) to members’ and other open-gardens
- Participation in reciprocal Permabees (working bees) in members’ gardens
- Sharing, swapping, selling: seeds, produce, food and equipment
- Opportunities for networking and friendship with like-minded people
- Expert speakers and interesting events/ films at monthly meetings
- Participation in Living Skills, Seed saving, Beekeeping, and other workshops
- Permaculture courses
- Ongoing opportunities to increase knowledge and skills
- The opportunity to participate in and contribute to the activities of our group and take action locally through projects, education and advocacy
- You will receive a Get Into Permaculture Information kit to be collected at one of our education nights or workshops
For non-members, entry/participation by a specified donation is required for temporary membership.
The teaching activities - what does this involve?
We have broad range of workshops that members can attend on living skills where you will learn everything from how to make your own soaps, cleaning products, and skin care products, to composting, bee keeping, making habitats for urban wildlife, growing healing herbs, foraging for edible weeds, sustainable property practices, making worm juice and compost tea, how to make organic fertiliser, how to build a no dig garden, keeping cooks and small space gardening.
Courses on Permaculture Design, with a first level entry course called ‘Introduction to Permaculture’ later in the year.
We are also very proud of having some of the most amazing inspirational speakers imaginable on the subject of sustainability, environment and food production.
We have a range of fact sheets and useful practical information on our website.
The Permatours - what are these about ?
A permatour is a guided tour of a permaculture garden, and shows the many ways permaculture can work in practice. Often it is a tour of member's garden, or a series of gardens, or it could be a visit to an organic farm.
Here we learn tips and techniques from other members, see what worked and what didn't, and get inspired with new ideas and ways of designing your garden space for maximum productivity. It's also a great way to make new friends of course.
You also have a great range of events each year - what are the areas of focus?
We have some really awesome events in the next few months, all are always packed with useful and empowering information!
2015 was the first time that we held our Eco Festival in Ingleside and it was massively successful, every one had such good fun. It's all about inclusion, sharing knowledge, being part of something that can make a real difference, this is a great opportunity to bring the kids along and share in a family learning and fun day out experience. We had a permabee the day before, this is when we get together to help out at and participating in something of benefit for many.
On Saturday May 25th 2024, sustainable landscape designer, Tomas Anderson of Integrated Ecosystems, presented a talk on Permaculture to Mona Vale Garden Club at the Newport Community Centre. Integrated Ecosystems offers bespoke sustainable landscape design and management services using organic and sustainable practices.
At the end of June we have a movie and soup night, time for soup and a share table and learn all about food waste. This is a problem, and raising these issues is something we like to highlight, everyone learns something new. We have hosted panel discussions about the state of our oceans; most people were shocked with the information, and everyone vowed to do something to make a difference. This is the key; we can all do small things that make a massive difference, this is what’s so inspiring when like minded people come together, we feel empowered.
Dates and topics for those coming up are listed below. For more detailed information people can check these on our website: www.permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au/events - and everyone is welcome - members and non-members.
Permaculture Northern Beaches: Upcoming Events
Plastic Free July
Permaculture Northern Beaches is a part of the Plastic Free July challenge - Join Us!
The plastic bottles, bags and takeaway containers that we use for just a few minutes use a material that is designed to last forever. Every bit of plastic ever made still exists!
These plastics:
- Break up, not break down – becoming permanent pollution
- Are mostly made into low-grade products for just one more use or sent to a landfill
- End up in waterways and the ocean – where scientists predict there will be more tons of plastic than tons of fish by 2050
- Transfer to the food chain – carrying pollutants with them
- Increase our eco-footprint – plastic manufacturing consumes 6% of the world’s fossil fuels
Be part of the solution, by taking up these habits:
Refusing plastic bags and packaging (choose your own alternatives)
Reducing packaging where possible (opt for refills, remember your reusable shopping bags)
Refusing plastics that escape as litter (e.g. straws, takeaway cups, utensils, balloons)
Recycling what cannot be avoided by the use of alternatives.
Register to join over 100,000 Australians and a million+ people worldwide stepping up in Plastic Free July www.plasticfreejuly.org
When: Saturday, July 13, 2024: 10:30am – 12:00pm
Where: Balogowlah Community Garden, 100 Griffiths Street, Balgowlah
Gather your seeds for a seed swap! Share and swap quality seeds that are grown organically, locally, and over generations.
Tap into the knowledge and the library of seeds of Balgowlah Community Garden and Permaculture Northern Beaches. Information will be provided on how to save and store your own seeds. This is an invaluable resource for the local community to grow food from your own seeds and enjoy the Swapping experience. If you’ve never come to a seed swap, the more the merrier!
You may choose to bring along a plate of food to share.
We hope to see you there!
When: Thursday, July 25, 2024: 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: Tramshed Arts and Community Centre -Lakeview Room, 1395A Pittwater Road, Narrabeen
This will be a hands-on session, during which participants will learn how to prepare two organic low-tox products, one for the body and one for use in the home. Participants will be guided step-by-step in making beautiful simple products with natural essential oils, and sustainably sourced organic ingredients.
Participants receive a free product of their choice at the end of the workshop, with an option to purchase additional products. Recipes will also be made available for workshop participants.
This is part of Permaculture Northern Beaches' Living Skills initiative for a non-toxic lifestyle.
Spaces are limited, workshop cost is $15 for PNB members and $20 for non-members.
Reserve your space at: https://events.humanitix.com/low-tox-product-making-workshop
We’ll also be offering PNB’s very own brand of Authentic Chai Tea. You’re warmly invited to bring along a small plate to share with all at the workshop.
For inquiries: info@permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au
When: Saturday, August 10, 2024: 9:00am – 1:00pm
Where: Address to be provided upon reserving your space (map) - at Fairlight
This PermaBee offers a great chance to meet like-minded people, learn new skills and get inspired with what’s possible like food forest gardens, animal habitats, vegetable gardens and more!
Permaculture is a design systems approach to living harmoniously with nature. The foundational principles emulate practices that are akin to Sustainability, Regenerative Agriculture and Zero Waste. The 3 ethics of Permaculture are Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.
The Winona Sustainable House and Garden features original buildings dated back to 1914 and pre-20th century. The owners of this property have lived here for almost 40 years. Over this time in response to environmental issues worldwide they have worked hard to progress zero waste and sustainability practices as a way of life.
Around 2 decades ago the owners Keelah and Ahlek participated in a Permaculture Design Course. This experience inspired them with the help of friends and working-bees to establish growing food and managing chickens.
Since 2003 the Winona Sustainable House and Garden has been open for tours like Solar House Day, Sustainable House Day, Permaculture Day and Sydney Edible Garden Trail. The property boasts a 23,000L rainwater tank, a two phase reed bed grey water treatment system, solar hot water, solar power and a dry composting toilet (Rotaloo) accessible from both upstairs and downstairs.
In recent years the garden has received much appreciated hard work by the cottage tenants who take great interest and delight in experimenting with better ways to utilise each area of the garden guided by Permaculture design principles. The garden currently features veggie patches, banana groves, fruit trees, ponds, composting, worm farms and chickens.
Please arrive early for a 9am start. Bear in mind parking can get difficult in this area particularly on weekends, though less at this time of the year. Morning tea will be at 11am. We will end the day with lunch at 1pm. Please bring a dish to share for lunch. We ask you to plan carefully to avoid single use packaging.
Bring your tools: While some tools will be provided, having more is always a good idea. Have them clearly labelled so not to confuse them with others.
- - Long handled shovels for digging.
- - Buckets for moving soil, rocks and water.
- - Gardening gloves.
- - Clothes you can get wet and dirty
Bring along those budding sustainable gardeners!
While many veggie patches have been formed with nutrient dense compost and protective netting from animals, the key ingredient that has lacked is access to water. This is where we will be working to install a wicking bed system. In this type of garden, once plants get established they’ll be able to access water when they need it, this also supports them to be more resilient. Alongside the mission of this property we’ll be able to conserve up to 80% of water used than if we were to water from above the soil. We’ll be repurposing some material that would have otherwise gone to waste.
Alongside a neighbouring fence we experience large volumes of water from rain events. This is where the beginnings of a swale has been formed to slow down water and encourage absorption into the soil. In another area there is an abundance of rocks of various sizes. We shall combine the two by making a dry creek water bed.
The few ponds we have onsite while wonderful and functioning as is, could do with some love and care. There may be additional tasks like weeding and pruning. We’ll see on the day.
Book your free space here (limited availability): www.eventbrite.com.au/e/permabee-at-winona-sustainable-house-and-garden-tickets
When: Saturday, September 28, 2024 – Sunday, September 29, 2024: starts 9:00am
Where: North Curl Curl Community Centre, Corner of Abbott Road and Griffin Road, North Curl Curl
The Introduction to Permaculture is a 12 hour course over two days introducing the Ethics and Principles of Permaculture. It will provide you with an initial understanding and overview of Permaculture and will also give you insight as to whether you would like to continue studying permaculture by doing a Permaculture Design Certificate course or PDC.
This hands-on engaging course will be held at North Curl Curl Community Centre and Curly Community Garden.
To register your interest, reach out to: info@permaculturenorthernbeaches.org.au

Late Summer - 2020; - Thanks to Malcolm Fisher from Save the Manly Dam Catchment Committee for your local knowledge and care of the area. Also a giant thank you to the community for coming to learn about the area and helping to restore its tranquillity. Photo: PNB