September 24 - October 7, 2017: Issue 331
No. 3 In: Really Bad Poetry For Children

Pets – Really Bad Poetry for Children: No. 3
Pets are great to have around
They can fill your world with their own kinds of sound
They may be furry
Or scaled - although you may need a special licence for having one of those!

Katie Brady/Creative Commons/Flickr
They can even have a shell and call themselves a snail
There’s ant farms
Mice and rats
Guinea pigs


Kittens, puppies and rabbits that grow up to be
Some pets even have their own pets!
Here’s a cat that has a puppy for a pet – and a puppy that has a cat for a pet - so much for them not getting on together

Here’s a goat that has a rabbit for a pet – you could almost say they are ‘furrs of a similar feather’!

Some are big - like horses!

Some are small - like mice

Pet Mice - picture by Polarqueen
Some oink
Some go bleat
Some go whoof whoof whoof – meaning ‘where’s my treat?’
Others will meow and want to snuggle on your knees
They can be wild birds that pop by to say 'g'day'! And if a cockatoo, may do so for 70 years of days!

They can be lovely old dogs that want to come home and stay - Monika's Doggie Rescue can tell you all about them...
Pets can get up to mischief
and make you laugh
Pets can feel how you're feeling
and make you gasp
Here's our Matilda, she just loves tearing up tissues to bits

Pets can keep you warm at night snuggling around cold toes
Pets can walk beside you, anywhere you go
Pets can teach you how to be a better human being
And when you wake in the morning those loving eyes will be the first thing you are seeing!

Photo: Pixabay/Creative Commons
They're all intelligent
They all have their own personality
If you're doing something you shouldn't
They'll tell you matter of factily
Or stop you with their loving eyes
When we bring them up with lots of love and kisses
Teach them kindly about their little misses - especially when they widdle on the rug
Then we will bring up the best companions
Lifelong friends, bestest buddies and have days filled with moments that matter
So you see, life is better when you have a pet
Looking out for and after someone else is something you will never regret!
This our Matilda, a Sydney Silky, when she was small

Now Matilda is still little, but fully grown, and proves you don't have to be big to be tall in loving licks and puppy dog tail wagging!

Furred, feathered, finned and scaled...
How could you not love them all!?
THe fact that they appear in so many works of Art
Proves that for many many years pets have been good for the heart!

Sir Henry Raeburn - Boy and Rabbit, 1814 - courtesy The Bridgeman Art Library, Object 2991
Really Bad Poetry For Children Series:
Helmets: No 1 in Really Bad Poetry for Children Boats: No. 2 In Really Bad Poetry For Children
Pet definition:
noun - a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure.
verb - stroke or pat (an animal) affectionately.
Origin - Early 16th century (as a noun; originally Scots and northern English): of unknown origin.
The most popular pets are dogs and cats but people also keep house rabbits, ferrets; rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, fancy rats, and guinea pigs; avian pets, such as canaries, parakeets, corvids, parrots, and chickens; reptile pets, such as turtles, lizards and snakes; aquatic pets, such as goldfish, tropical fish and frogs; and arthropod pets, such as tarantulas and hermit crabs.
In NSW not all native animals can be kept as pets, but some species which have been bred in captivity can be kept. None of these animals may be caught in the wild. For most native animals you require a biodiversity conservation licence under Part 2 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 to keep them as pets. You must obtain your licence before you start keeping any native animals as a pet.
Some native birds, like budgerigars, can be kept without a licence.
Licences help us protect and maintain healthy native animal populations and make sure pet owners have enough experience to safely care for their animals. You must be at least 16 years old to hold a licence. Before you apply for a licence, you’ll need to decide what animal you want to keep.
The most common native animals kept as pets are snakes, lizards, frogs and birds.
See the NSW Native Animal Keepers' Species List (PDF 956KB) to find out which native animal you can keep as a pet.

Leonardo da Vinci - The Lady with an Ermine, circa 1489–90 - An Ermine is a stoat or weasel.