2019 State Election: Upper House candidates and pittwater candidates
2019 NSW State Election
Saturday, 23 March 2019
8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Election of the 57th Parliament of New South Wales, including all 93 seats in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly and 21 of the 42 seats in the New South Wales Legislative Council.
Where you can vote:
- Avalon Recreation Centre
- Barrenjoey High School
- Bilgola Plateau Public School
- Elanora Heights Public School
- Mona Vale Memorial Hall
- Mona Vale Public School
- Mona Vale Surf Club
- Narrabeen Lakes Public School
- Narrabeen Sports High School
- Newport Public School
- Newport Surf Club
- Palm Beach Kindergarten
- Pittwater High School
- RSL Lifecare
- St Luke's Grammar School Bayview
- Sydney Town Hall
- Ted Blackwood Community Centre
- Terrey Hills Public School
- The Lakes Parish Hall
Legislative Council 2019 Election
The NSW Legislative Council consists of 42 members serving eight year staggered terms. Twenty one members face election every four years and that will be the case for 2019's State Election.
Members are elected from a state-wide electorate via quota preferential voting. The quota for election is 4.55% of the state vote.
Constitutional restrictions mean that for parties to have a group voting square above the line, they are required to stand 15 candidates.
Voters have two ways of voting.
- You can give preferences for parties 'above the line'. If you use only a single '1', your vote will only apply to the candidates of your selected party. Voters can choose to direct preferences to other parties by numbering preferences above the line '2', '3' etc up to 21, which in 2015 is the number of group voting squares on the ballot paper.
- You can vote for candidates below the line, as long as the vote has at least 15 preferences. You can vote for candidates from any group or one group, and you can continue to number beyond 15 to as many as 394, the number of candidates on the ballot paper.
Above the line votes for parties are imputed to be an ordered list of preferences for the candidates of each party as printed on the ballot paper, in the order that the voter preferenced the parties.
So a single '1' above the line followed by optional preferences is formal. 15 preferences below the line followed by optional further preference is formal. The more preferences you fill in, the less likely your ballot paper will run out of preferences and more likely your ballot will stay 'live' in the count.
Since the new was introduced at the 2003 election, only about 20% of ballot papers have used the new above the line preference option. As a result, during the distribution of preferences, 80-85% of ballot papers 'exhaust' their preferences. This means the final vacancies at each election are usually filled by candidates with less than a quota of votes.
A party will be likely to win a seat if it gets half a quota on first preferences, around 2-2.5% of the vote. The Shooters and Fishers won the final seat in 2003 having polled 2.1%. Pauline Hanson missed out in 2011 having polled 2.5%, her defeat coming about because she attracted very few preferences.
Legislative Council second preference groups
2019 NSW State electionLegislative Council second preference groups
In accordance with Section 87 (2) (d) of the Electoral Act 2017, in the event of a Legislative Council group having less than 15 candidates due to the death of a candidate or candidates in their group, and a voter has recorded a ‘1’ only in the group voting square for that group, a second preference is taken to be recorded for the second preference group. This is primarily to prevent Legislative Council ballot papers from being informal as electors must vote for at least 15 candidates to cast a formal vote.
The Legislative Council 2nd preference group selections appear in the table below:
Ballot Paper Group 2nd preference group selection
Group H Not applicable
Group S Group D - THE GREENS
Upper House Candidates
Anthony and Sharni Monaghan: Candidates insist Mona Vale, Manly Hospitals to reopen: "More economical"
The peninsula has two candidates standing for the Legislative Council (Upper House), married couple Anthony and Sharni Monaghan, who live at Narrabeen and work together at Sharni's firm, Greylings Attorneys, at Mosman.
Mr and Mrs Monaghan together are Group H on the Legislative Council ballot paper. "To vote for us, you have to vote below the line," they say.
Anthony and Sharni Monaghan
What caused the Monaghans to nominate for election to the Parliament is that Pittwater and the former Warringah Shire are being degraded by the LNP government's actions.
"We are fed up with our neighbourhood being sold out by the government," Mr Monaghan says.
"We will insist, vigorously, that Mona Vale Hospital reopen. We are very concerned about protecting our forests."
The couple's election campaign website is at www.MonaghanMonaghan.com.au.
"We've had a good response, but it is a tall order for us to get elected," Mrs Monaghan says.
From the couple's How To Vote card, available on their website:
“Many times every day for many different clients we deal with disappointing performances from the NSW Government in many different fields.
"Every aspect of dealing with the NSW Government is full of worry, for the professional, and worry and expense for the client. That client could be you.
"This LNP administration has been seizing people’s homes at under value. This government muzzles ICAC while selling the Land Titles Office to a group of banks and a developer.
"Public assets, new hospitals, have been sold to tax haven interests. MPs are routinely compromised. NSW people should put a halt to misbehaving political parties and their connections. There are many instances in many other fields where standards of political probity require correction.”
“We know what the parliaments should do to correct process. You should know that you may trust us to carry this responsibility earnestly and professionally. We do seek your vote for that purpose.”
Sustainable Australia Party
Those from the Northern Beaches include:
Xiaowei Yue
Manly, NSW
Xiaowei was born in China but has spent most of her life in Sydney. She has experienced the downsides of unsustainable systems including overdevelopment and overpopulation: Degraded and polluted natural environments.
She has a teaching degree from one of China’s top universities in Beijing and was teaching in Beijing. She worked in Australia for Myer and ANZ before becoming a homemaker and is now raising two children who are now attending local schools on the Northern Beaches.
Mike Cottee
Fairlight, NSW
Mike Cottee’s interest in sustainability was awakened while working on a newspaper environmental campaign in Africa in the 1970s. He researched and wrote about a wide range of issues, including the impacts of rapid population growth on nature and society. Back in Sydney, and after four years as a reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald, he spent 16 years in the Public Affairs Branch of Qantas.
Mike was a foundation member of Sustainable Australia and stood in Warringah in a past federal election. Mike has two sons and a granddaughter and lives with his wife in Fairlight.
Lower House: Candidates for Pittwater
Candidate for Pittwater
Robert Gordon Stokes

- Advisory Board Member, University of Sydney Innovation Hub
- Adjunct Lecturer, University of Notre Dame Sydney, School of Business
- Former Chairman, Little Manly Community Forum
- Former Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Manly Council

- Keeping the NSW budget in surplus, so we can continue to invest record funding in the things that matter most.
- Ensuring our local communities get their fair share of our strong economy.
- Creating more than 565,000 jobs in NSW.
- Providing the services our community needs to make day-to-day life easier.
- Doubling the Active Kids voucher to two $100 vouchers to reduce the cost of living.
- Lowering energy bills by providing solar and battery systems for 300,000 households with no-interest loans and no up-front costs.
- Building over 800 kilometres of new and upgraded roads
- Providing world class motorways to connect our suburbs, including WestConnex, NorthConnex, and the F6 Extension
- Upgrading our major regional highways including the Princes, Pacific, and Great Western Highway
- Providing another 15,000 public transport services on top of the 36,000 already delivered
- Delivering a world class Metro train network with over 40 new and upgraded stations
- Upgrade 68 additional train stations across the network
- Delivering 10,000 new commuter carparks
- Delivering 41 new air-conditioned suburban trains and more than 550 state of the art intercity carriages
- Delivering record health funding, so there is help at hand when you need it most.
- Completed over 100 new and upgraded hospitals and health facilities, with another 100 projects underway.
- 8,300 frontline staff, including doctors, allied health and other professionals will be added to the workforce.
- Wiping the maintenance backlog to zero in all public schools
- 5,000 additional teachers are already hard at work in our schools, and 4,600 new teachers will be employed in the next four years
- Every public primary school student in NSW can access before and after school care from 7am to 6pm.
Jared Turkington
Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch)
Jared Turkington lives locally in Newport. Having attended Northern Beaches Christian School and as a University of Technology student, Jared understands the importance of delivering a quality education in our area. Jared will work to make Pittwater an even better place to live and work.
"The Liberals have taken our area for granted. Jared will fight to invest in schools, hospitals and community services instead of splurging $2.2 billion on Ms Berejiklian’s stadium rebuild."
Jared will "fight to make sure our community gets our fair share. "
Jared Turkington will:
- Increase funding for our schools and TAFEs, instead of splurging $2.2 billion rebuilding perfectly good stadiums;
- Invest in renewable energy and take real action on climate change;
- Defend local health services from further cuts and privatisation by the Liberal Government;
- Upgrade local roads and public transport to ensure families can spend more time at home and less time on the road; and
- Ease the cost of living for local families by putting downward pressure on electricity prices.
- Supports action on climate change
- Supports increases in public transport
- Supports building roads & tollways
- Supports increased spending on education
- Supports demerge of councils forcibly amalagmated
- Supports increased spending on TAFE
- Supports increased spending on health
- No position on voluntary euthanasia
- No position on action to prevent abuse of the elderly
- No position on greater accountability for politicians
- Supports the lockout laws
- Opposes action to curtail pokies
Also Standing:
Candidate for Wakehurst
Chris Sharpe
Chris Sharpe lives in Beacon Hill with his wife, Tricia. Chris grew up on the Northern Beaches and has been active in the community. He is a regular with the Manly Meals on Wheels program and volunteering with the Cerebral Palsy Alliance. Chris knows our area and will fight to make it an even better place to live, work and raise a family.
Chris works in the Information and Communications Technology industry and has a degree in Business and a Masters in Business Administration. Chris understands the pressures small businesses face and will support small business in the local community.
Standing up for the Northern Beaches
The Liberals have taken our area for granted. Chris Sharpe will:
- Ensure the Northern Beaches Hospital is fully resourced and stop privatisation by the Liberal Government;
- Increase funding for our schools and TAFEs, instead of splurging $2.2 billion rebuilding perfectly good stadiums;
- Fight to upgrade local roads and public transport, including an East-West express bus service and flood proofing the Wakehurst Parkway, to ensure families can spend more time at home and less time commuting; and
- Ease the cost of living for local families by putting downward pressure on electricity prices.
Candidate for Manly
Natasha Phillips Mason
Natasha Phillips-Mason called Manly home for over 20 years before settling in Seaforth. Natasha previously worked as an Operations Manager at the Sydney Opera House, worked in consultancy and has been a small business owner in Manly. Natasha understands the pressures small businesses face and will support small business in the local community.
Living on one of the most pristine coastlines, Natasha believes its beauty should be protected. Natasha understands the importance of delivering a quality education in our area so kids can have the best start in life and easing the cost of living for local families. Natasha will fight to invest in schools, hospitals and community services instead of splurging $2.2 billion on Ms Berejiklian’s stadium rebuild.
Natasha has the right priorities
The Liberals have taken our community for granted. Natasha will put our community before vested interests. Natasha Phillips-Mason will:
- Increase funding for our schools and TAFEs, instead of splurging $2.2 billion rebuilding perfectly good stadiums;
- Invest in renewable energy and take real action on climate change;
- Defend local health services from further cuts and privatisation by the Liberal Government;
- Upgrade local roads and public transport to ensure families can spend more time at home and less time on the road; and
- Ease the cost of living for local families by putting downward pressure on electricity prices.
Miranda Korzy
The Greens NSW

- Transition to renewables
- Returning planning back to the people
- Save our urban trees
- Affordable housing
- Banning plastic bags

Suzanne Daly
Sustainable Australia Party
No Preference
I am sick of trying to fight against hidden vested interests We have lost our hospital our council our democracy. Our very back yards our wonderful Nature is under threat! Some years ago I joined a fledgling group which is now gaining momentum - Sustainable Australia.and they have endorsed me to stand in Pittwater against Rob Stokes.
Suzanne was raised in the western suburbs of Sydney alongside the Hume Highway when it was a two lane country road surrounded by trees, nature and houses with great backyards. Suzanne received one of the first Whitlam scholarships that enabled her to finish high school with a Commonwealth scholarship. She was able to study medicine at the University of NSW. In 1975 Suzanne and her husband travelled extensively throughout Europe and Asia. She was shocked by the density, overcrowding, traffic congestion, pollution and the destruction of nature in the emerging, modern high rise cities back then. It was a relief for her to be able to come back to Sydney in 1976.
Upon her return she became a GP and loved it. She has now been a family doctor on the Northern Beaches for nearly 40 years. Suzanne was a member of the board of the Manly Warringah Division of GP's for 17 years, until it was amalgamated with the Northern Sydney Network. Suzanne was the driving force behind the implementation of some innovative ideas with the community and the Department of Health. She has trained in counselling and has a Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis. Suzanne believes in positive psychology and being proactive. She was attracted to Sustainable Australia Party which has positive solutions to what seem like unsolvable problems that are causing widespread stress and distress. The Pittwater electorate has lost its local hospital, its local council and its democracy. Suzanne wants to give the people in her community that are disillusioned with the established political parties another option.
Also standing:
Steve Molloy
St Ives, NSW
Steve was born and raised in Sydney. He attended Barker College in Hornsby and University of Sydney. Steve has travelled all over Europe, America, and Asia. He then found his real passion, running businesses and being a role model for young aspiring entrepreneurs. He has strong interpersonal and public communication skills and published the book "How Apps are Changing the World".
Steve represented Australia for 'Creative AllStars' in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, speaking to the audience of 1000 people about innovation and business. He has spoken at UNSW, UTS, USYD, Macquarie University and various marketing conferences. During his career, Steve has consulted with large corporations and small start-ups and everyone in-between. He commits 100% and works extremely hard with focus to make sure everything is done to the best of his ability and help grow the team to new heights.
Steve Molloy
Emanuele Paletto
Manly, NSW
Emanuele works in the not for profit sector and has a commercial background in financial services. He created enterprises in sustainable technologies and investment, in financial services recruitment and most recently in property maintenance.
He is passionate about the Party’s values and sees population as the "mother of all our problems". He sees a myriad of opportunities for improving life quality from better planning and a diverse, future-oriented economy.
He has lived on Sydney's northern beaches for most of his life, as well as in more densely populated Asian countries e.g. China, Indonesia, Japan and Taiwan. He has an MBA as well as an Economics degree.
Emanuele Paletto
Greg Mawson
Newport, NSW
Greg has lived on the Northern Beaches of Sydney for the last 35 years. Passionate about political integrity and democratic values he believes that politicians should listen more to the local community.
He is particularly concerned about the impact excessive population growth has had on the local area and Australia in general. Overdevelopment causing overcrowding and excessive strain on public services and infrastructure needs urgent attention and political change.
Running as a candidate in Wakehurst gives local constituents the opportunity to send a clear message to government, “We want to be heard and we want our political representatives to act in our best interest”.
Greg Mawson
Sustainable Australia Party
Objectives and Core Values
Introduction to Sustainability
Sustainability involves the balancing of complex economic, environmental and social demands, but in simple terms means that the Australia (and world) we leave behind is as good as, if not better than, the one we inherited.
Our community movement aims to secure an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable Australia.
This includes secure jobs, affordable housing, better planning, and a sustainable environment and population.
Core Values
Sustainable Australia is a centrist (not ‘left’ or ‘right’) community movement committed to a prosperous, inclusive, democratic and sustainable Australia.
Sustainable Australia policies represent our objectives and core values in action.
Sustainable Australia upholds the following core values:
1. Sustainable Living
Australia should progress economically and socially using resources in ecologically sustainable ways to protect the environment and the natural world. The aim is wellbeing for all Australians, present and future, and to preserve the biodiversity of our ecosystems, with enough space and resources to live well and in balance with each other. Sustainability and environmental impact involves the contribution of population numbers, per capita consumption and technology. A sustainable Australia requires the stabilising of our population, smaller per-person impacts on the environment and the adoption of better technologies.
2. Productive Innovation
We encourage innovation and sustainable development. In economic, environmental, social and cultural fields we advocate renewed investment in education and training, scientific research and entrepreneurship. The objective is a skilled, productive and creative nation, allowing all Australians to fulfil their potential.
3. Egalitarian Democracy
All individuals should have equal opportunity to take part in the democratic process. We are committed to honest governance that prioritises the broader public interest. Public policy should be based on objective evidence-based advice in light of wider social, economic, environmental, national security and cultural concerns.
4.Fiscal Responsibility
Public finances and resources should be properly managed and accounted for, so as to ensure Australia lives within its means.
5. Global Vision
Through partnership, example and assistance, Australia should help other nations to develop sustainably and meet the human rights of all citizens.
For more visit: www.sustainableaustralia.org.au
Stewart Anthony Matthews
Stacey-Lee Mitchell
Australian Conservatives (NSW)

Visit: www.conservatives.org.au
Natalie Matkovic
Animal Justice Party
- Ban 1080 poison and introduce trap, neuter and release programs;
- Protect the ocean and waterways from pollution;
- Release cats and dogs that have been used in medical research and allow them to have a loving home;
- Ban the use of animals in the circus and in entertainment;
- End puppy farms; and
- Free Hens from battery cages

- Farming
- Companion Animals
- Live Animal Exports
- Animal Experimentation
- Bats And Flying Foxes
- Greyhound Racing
- Wombats
- Brumbies
- Dingoes
- Sharks
- Introduced Animals
- Jumps Racing
- Kangaroos
- Koalas
- Native Birds
- Marine Animals
- Animals In Entertainment
- Zoos
- Environment
- Climate Change
- Natural Gas
- Wildlife and Sustainability
- Great Barrier Reef
- Land Clearing
- Animal Law
- Biosecurity
- Cultured Meat
- Economy
- Education
- Employment
- Family Violence
- Gun Control
- Health
- Human Diet And Animals
- International Affairs
- Law and Social Justice
- Mental Health
- Population
Michael Newman
Keep Sydney Open Party

- No position on action on climate change
- Supports increases in public transport
- No position on building roads & tollways
- No position on increased spending on education
- No position on the safe schools program
- No position on increased spending on TAFE
- No position on increased spending on health
- Supports voluntary euthanasia
- No position on action to prevent abuse of the elderly
- Supports greater accountability for politicians
- Opposes the lockout laws
- Supports action to curtail pokies