Pittwater Ocean Swims Offer Ocean Swimmers a New Year Breath of Fresh Air
It’s been a challenging year but the Pittwater surf clubs are offering a breath of fresh air for 2021 with a series of ocean swims in January.
Plans are underway for the popular Newport Pool to Peak ocean swims to kick off on Sunday January 3rd at the picturesque Newport Beach.
Chairman of the Pool to Peak organising committee, John Guthrie, says planning is well underway to have three swim courses, 400m, 800m and 2Kms, under a Covid Safe Plan that aims to keep everyone involved safe, as well as comply with Health Department guidelines.
“We will have various protocols in place including a limit of 500 people involved on the beach at any one time with only online entries accepted. Covid Safe marshals will ensure social distancing and the starts for each swim will be staggered to keep people separated.
“These are different times but what a great way to start a brand-new year, swimming in the ocean, at one with nature. We can put 2020 behind us with this great event. We are expecting a rush for entries online once entries open at www.oceanswims.com as we all plunge into the ocean. I recommend booking early as we may have to limit entries,” said John.
“At this stage all the Pittwater ocean swims will be following the Covid Safe protocols, with the limit of 500 applying unless there is a relaxation of the rules in the meantime,” John added.
David Madew and Nicola Curtin, organisers of the Bilgola Ocean Swims, are well advanced with the planning of their two swims for Sunday January 17th. The normal courses of 500M and 1500M are being planned in a COVID-safe way.
“Our aim is to be able to hold the two swims safely for both swimmers and volunteer” said David “We are, however, mindful of that we conform to local, state and national government regulations and advice.
“We will only be accepting entries before the day and then adapt the starting regimes to allow us to operate safely for both swimmers and volunteers.’ he added.
Mona Vale will hold their swims on Sunday January 24th featuring 2 and 1Km courses.
The Big Swim, Palm Beach to Whale Beach would normally be held Sunday January 31st with organisers currently finalising their plans.
Avalon SLSC will hold their swims on Sunday March 21st 2021 with a 1.2Kms swim at Avalon as well as the Newport to Avalon Round the Bends 2.5 Kms. swim and will also follow Covid Safe guidelines.
The Pittwater Ocean Swims series are critical fund raisers for the clubs involved with funds going towards the purchase of essential lifesaving equipment and its maintenance.
“So, here is the opportunity to embrace the wonderful environment at these superb beaches, feel the energizing ocean water again and get your dose of vitamin sea!
“At the same time, you will be supporting the surf clubs who keep you and your family safe,” Mr Guthrie said.
Entries for the Pittwater ocean swims are available online at www.oceanswims.com