May 19 - 25, 2019: Issue 405
Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Avalon Beach

In Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville and Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Scotland Island family members of landowners such as Herbert James Fitzpatrick, one time owner of the classic yacht Bona and originator of the Scotland Island Yacht Race, turn up in the streets made for subdivisions.
After the initial splitting into acreage for farms the next great shifts of turning these paddocks into weekend blocks, as most of the trees were gone by then and a dairy was in place along the swampy stretch called 'Priest's Flat', was the installing and opening of the tram to Narrabeen. Distance from town and accessibility had precluded the option of most of the northern end of Pittwater from appeal as a place to get to and from for holidays. Although thousands of 'excursionists' had done a day trip to and from Pittwater from the 1870's on, mostly via steamer, and with the introduction of a mail route and deliveries, more and more by coach, the line finished at Newport. To go further those intent in staying needed to make use of what scant ferry services there were, just a few a day, or employ the services of someone with a launch or other kind of boat - not always available in a place where the farm income was supplemented by fishing.
With the installing of a bridge at Narrabeen, so the coach could cross the lagoon, and slightly better roads to Church Point and Newport, boarding houses or cottages that could be rented attracted holiday makers - but they didn't come all year round enmasse and they didn't stay long. Visitors still had to access the ocean side, even they didn't own a car or horse drawn vehicle, by boat from Newport to Clareville wharf, and with the opening of a wharf at Palm Beach in 1912, that end could also be accessed.
The prospect of a tram had been mooted as a reason for buying land for a few decades due to the perception it would increase in value - even Scotland Island was reported as having sold in 1889 due to the prospect of a Marine Holiday resort being built there and George Brock staked his whole fortune on a tram to Mona Vale and lost The Oaks as a result of construction tardiness.
Ground wasn't broken at the Manly end until 1901 though and it would be over a decade before a tram ran to Brookvale and then on to Collaroy Beach.
Most of the subdivisions of paddock to smaller blocks in what we today call Avalon began soon after the tram reached Collaroy with hundreds of acres moved under the Real Property Act from 1912 on, and more so in 1913, when the line had been established right to Narrabeen's waters, opening for service to the lagoon on December 8th, 1913 - a Monday. The same shifting of paddocks under the Real Property Act occurred further south - at Warriewood, Narrabeen, Mona Vale and Newport.
The extension to Collaroy opened and the work to extend it right to the lagoon commenced the same month:
There is also a distinct advance movement in real estate in the direction of Narrabeen. To-day the tramway is to be officially opened, and from this morning the public will have an hourly tram service between Manly and Narrabeen for 5d each way, and as the last tram from Manly for Narrabeen is somewhere about 10 p.m. the service will be a great improvement upon the present one of coaches and 'buses, running from Manly at the rate of only three or four trips a day, and at a cost to the traveller of at least 1s each way. The sales pf land at Narrabeen this season promise to be greater than last year. In fact, right along the Ocean beach, as far as Pittwater, estates will be opened up, and people will have an opportunity of securing a week-end allotment in a picturesque spot on that magnificent stretch of coast line from Manly to Pittwater. REAL ESTATE. (1912, August 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
Some good and bad press around Dee Why, Collaroy and Narrabeen in August, October and November 1913 added attractions for visitors and impetus for holders of large tracts of land to begin going through the legal processes that would enable them to sell those paddocks as smaller holiday blocks for cottages or simply camps - all due to a tram extension :
Pictures by Will Ashton which have been hung in the Royal Academy Exhibition.
A COMPLIMENT TO SOUTH AUSTRALIA. (1913, August 9). Observer (Adelaide, SA : 1905 - 1931), p. 29. Retrieved from
THE PADDLE-WHEEL STEAMER EUROKA ON SHORE AT LONG REEF, NEAR NARRABEEN. It will be seen that the vessel is flying a distress signal.
ON THE ROCKS NEAR NARRABEEN. (1913, October 21). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1923), p. 9. Retrieved from
It is proposed to make those cottages (which will cost about £100 each) available to approved families whose circumstances would not permit them to pay high rents ruling at seaside resorts. A nominal rental of about 10s 6d per week will be charged for the houses, which will all be furnished plainly, but comfortably. Major Stowe, the honorary architect, suggests that commitees be formed In country districts, both to raise money for the scheme, and to report upon applicants for the houses.
COTTAGES BY THE SEA FOR RURAL WORKERS. (1913, November 18). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from
The mile and a half extension took four months:
Commencing Monday next, the extension of tram line from Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen will be opened for traffic, and a regular service of trams will be run daily between Manly Pier and Narrabeen, connecting with steamers to and from Circular Quay.NARRABEEN TRAM. (1913, December 6 - Saturday). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 22. Retrieved from
A trial trip was made on the tramway extension from Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen Lakes on Thursday. The new line is about a mile and a quarter in length, and the trams will be running on it about the middle of next week. Arrangements are being made by the residents to celebrate the opening. NARRABEEN TRAM. (1913, December 6). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 9. Retrieved from
The official opening took place on Saturday December 20th, 1913, and included:
The official opening of the Narrabeen tram extension will be performed on Saturday next, at 3.30, by Mrs. Arthur Griffith, wife of the Minister for Works. The Warringah Shire Council and a committee are making arrangements to suitably celebrate the occasion. A Venetian carnival on the lakes will be held at night, and there will also be a display of fireworks. The Pittwater tramway and transit committee has arranged to take the official party for a trip through the Pittwater district, including Newport, Bay View, and Church Point. Refreshments will be partaken of at the latter place, after which the party will journey back through Narrabeen for the purpose of witnessing the evening carnival.
The tram has been running since Monday last on the route, and the traffic on the line is regarded as satisfactory. Passengers are now landed right at the Narrabeen Lakes, and within easy distance of the beach and other adjoining tourist resorts. NARRABEEN TRAM OPENING. (1913, December 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
The first fatality of the new tram can be ascribed to a Sydney resident seeking a place for a future holiday:
Concerning the death of John Nibblett Overall, 41, of Summer Hill, the City Coroner yesterday recorded an open verdict of death through his being run over by a tram at Narrabeen on December 16.
In evidence, Septimus Davis, an engine-driver, of Brookvale, said that at 7.25 p.m. on December 16 he was in front of a Manly-Narrabeen tram. When between Clarke and Devitt streets he noticed deceased, who carried a kit-bag, coming from behind a tin shed. Deceased rushed towards the tram at right angles. When four or five feet away he dropped his bag, and took a leap, as though to cross the line. Deceased was run over.
Mrs. Edith L. Overall said that for 25 years her husband had been employed in the Sydney Mint as an artificer. He went to Narrabeen to arrange about a cottage for the holidays. He was very short-sighted, and could hardly see without glasses. NARRABEEN TRAM FATALITY. (1913, December 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from
The opening of the Spit Bridge and Middle Harbour Bridge also provided better access, a 1925 'Wonders of Warringah' article in the Sunday Times reporting that the population of Narrabeen had doubled in the last five years. Changing the Bilgola road route to Avalon and building the new Barrenjoey road also provided more access but the area was still considered one for holiday makers and advertised as such. There was no water on tap, the roads were still not great, and electricity was not switched on until 1923, and was only available further down the line initially.
To-night hundreds of electric lights will shed their cheerful radiance over the populated areas in B and C Ridings of Warringah Shire, when the president, Mr. A. G. Parr, switches on the current. For some months the work of erecting the poles and carrying out other work incidental to the installation of electric power, has been going on, and to-night's ceremony will crown the efforts of those who have advocated and worked for the project for some years past.
Mr. Parr is one of the pioneers in the move to have the electric light extended- to the populated areas of this rapidly-growing district. Since his election to the Shire Council over three years ago he has worked untiringly to achieve that end. To use his , own words, "I felt the battle was won when Sir Denison Miller, governor of the Commonwealth Bank, told the deputation that waited on him that he would favorably consider our request for a loan of £23,000 to carry out the work."
Sir Denison was as good as his word, and Immediately the council received word that the money was available the work was put in hand. It is anticipated that a considerable increase in land values will take place in the area served by the electric light in the near future. Landholders will thus be recompensed for the additional payments they are called upon to meet In the current year's assessments.
Substation and motor house in Winbourne Road, Brookvale. Inset: Cr. A. G. Parr, president of Warringah Shire Council.
ELECTRICITY FOR WARRINGAH (1923, March 29). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
The 1930's, and homelessness due to the Great Depression, meant people would flock where they could have a permanent home in a tent and find fish for hungry mouths. On the obverse, thousands flocked to Palm Beach for the 'Season' or to watch those partaking of 'the Season' while others went to Narrabeen because of the holiday cottages - but this wasn't a suburb building, rate paying population, although income from rates had obviously increased substantially due to the building of holiday homes and 'weekenders'.
Even after World War II, when the Wakehurst Parkway was finally completed and the area held appeal for all those who survived because land was cheaper here and they could just afford to buy and build, materials were then in short supply and although Australians weren't living on rations to the degree and for as long as their United Kingdom allies were, those here then have related they had to live in garages for years as there was nothing to build with.
During the 1950's this affordability continued and made Avalon Beach and surrounds attractive. The six land carriageway changes at Newport of Barrenjoey road in the mid 1950's increased accessibility for commuters and a better public transport system meant they weren't 'cut off'. Even though young families lived on a budget and the bread winner had to commute to town, they could raise a family here in a green and open and safe space, with areas set aside for parks through the design of some of the original subdivisions, and access to bush to play in and water to sail and a school to go to - Avalon Beach Public School opened in 1950.
During the course of these 1912 to 1950 subdivisions a few of the other names of Avalon Beach streets stem from those responsible for those land divisions. The people behind these changes, and those names that we still have as part of the Avalon Streets, were either the first generation born here or came here to do great things - most of which they achieved.
What they were doing in the lead into the tram opening - and providing an alternative to the long and winding tracks of the coaches, shows a propensity towards developing or improving, for profit. Harley Usill Mackenzie, from which we today have North Avalon's 'Harley Road', was involved in the redevelopment of the Clarendon Hotel on Manly Beach in 1910 into the Manly Pacific so many know today.
Functional names that were there from early on and remain intact - Central Road for example - are still part of the suburb too.
Some of these names were changed too, the most noticeable being the recognition of what started out as Rev. Therry's 'Marine Village of Brighton' becoming 'Clareville' and 'Clareville Ocean Beach', and even 'Burne's Beach' for the purposes of selling blocks of land, that then became 'Avalon Beach' in 1921 - again for the same purpose - to illustrate and underline the beautiful qualities of a place in order to sell blocks of land. Were these sellers taking a leaf out of the page of the book of the Barrenjoey Land Company in aligning Palm Beach in New South Wales with that Palm Beach of Florida? - possibly - if it works, do it - otherwise find yourself much poorer for having invested in land that has remained virtually worthless - due to access.
The shift from being an echo of that other famous 'Brighton' came as a result of access too:

Marine Village of Brighton - John St, William St, George St (the Parade), Joseph St, Therry St, Patrick St, Elizabeth St, Queen St, [1871]. Item No: c053460043, courtesy State Library of NSW. Map 2
The Careel Bay centred 'Marine Village of Brighton' and then the 'Township of Brighton' became known as 'Clareville' and this name extended to the beach now known as Avalon itself as the 'Marine Village of Brighton' as well as to the previously named 'Long Beach' for what we today call 'Clareville' Beach, which had also been known by the names of owners such as 'Farrell, Taylor and Powel'.
The name 'Clareville' being applied to that pier is a reference to the original land grantee, Archpriest John Joseph Therry who had installed a pier, or wharf at Careel Bay by 1862 for an April excursion of that year, aboard the SS Collaroy, under the command of Captain William Mulhall, brother of George Mulhall, the first light keeper at Barrenjoey.
Born in Cork and educated at St Patrick’s, Carlow, Therry was ordained in 1815 and did parochial work in Dublin and Cork before sailing to Sydney in May of 1820 aboard the Janus, a transportation ship carrying over 100 Irish men and women convicts.
As one fellow traveller, Cruig Barry, when visiting the just purchased property of a friend on 'Long Beach', the name then given to Clareville Beach, in the late summer of 1880 states in 'A Trip to Pittwater', in describing the trip aboard the first boat to Manly;
Another harbour, pre-eminent for its capacity and safety,' and no mean rival of our own is more blessed in this respect, for the melody of the Shandon Chimes supplies the void felt here. On this I ponder,
Where'er I wander,
And thus grow fonder,
Sweet Cork, of thee ;
Why thy bells of Shandon,
That sound so grand on
The pleasant waters
Of the river Leo.
The reference to Cork, Ireland, points out that the name likely given to that pier, by an Irishman in Therry, stems from reminiscence about where he came from and how that compared, or reminded him of, the bright bay Careel Bay is, whichever season you see it in - a brightness that also applies to Clareville.
'Scorcha' is common to both the Irish and Scottish Gaelic languages, and is derived from a Gaelic word meaning "brightness". In Scotland, Sorcha has traditionally been Anglicised as 'Clara', which retains the name's Gaelic meaning: the English Clara is derived from the Latin clarus, meaning "bright", "famous". The word 'ville' has a definition: ( denoting ) a place, condition, or quality with a character as specified, - a combining form extracted from place names ending in -ville,.
Avalon Beach environs were also originally known as part of 'Priest's Flat' and was one of the earliest beach sites to be dedicated for all for all time in Pittwater, a dedication due solely to the vision and aspirations of a gentleman, the Rev. John Joseph Therry, who had received 1200 acres, including the valley of Avalon, in 1833.
The name 'Clareville' for Avalon persists even in the notices of a gentleman whose land ownership in the area was definitely on the ocean side of this valley, even if on the road to Clareville.
On May 3rd 1880, Richardson and Wrench offered the Therry estate, as they did again the following year:
The whole of the residue of
STOKES POINT, which is now subdivided into VILLA SITES, fronting CAREEL COVE
adjoining the Township of BRIGHTON, PITTWATER.
RICHARDSON and WRENCH have received instructions to sell by public auction, at the Rooms, Pitt-street, on MONDAY, 16th May, at 11 o'clock, The whole of the unsold lots of
No. III. Area. 128 ACRES 1 ROOD .14 PERCHES, having frontages to the PACIFIC OCEAN and the MAIN ROAD to BARRENJOEY, on which is the HOMESTEAD and, RESIDENCE now in the occupation of JOHN COLLINS, Esq.. and also the CELEBRATED CAVE.
No. IV. Area, 65 ACRES and 32 PRRCHES, adjoining the above, and which are the WELL-KNOWN SPRINGS.
Nos. 8 to 16 and 10 and 20, surrounding the TOWNSHIP OF BRIGHTON, in areas from 2 ACRES 3 ROODS 35 PERCHES to 9 ACRES 3 ROODS 10 PERCHES, having frontages to the MAIN PITTAVATER ROAD and other roads and streets, all 1 chain wide.
Nos. 1A and 2A. Areas. 5 ACRES 3 ROODS 21 PERCHES and 7 ACRES 34 PERCHES respectively, overlooking PITTWATER.
Nos. IV. and V. TWO FINE FARMS, areas 97 ACRES 3 ROODS 17 PERCHES, and 91 ACRES 2 ROODS 9 PERCHES respectively.
Lots 5 to 8 and 5A to 8A. EIGHT CHOICE VILLA SITES in PITTWATER, fronting LONG BEACH ; areas from 4 ACRES 2 ROODS 10 PERCHES to 17 ACRES 27 PERCHES.
Lots 9 and 11. TWO SMALL FARMS in REFUGE BAY; areas. 25 ACRES 1 ROOD 6 PERCHES, and 11 ACRES 1 ROOD 24 PERCHES.
Lots 16 to 21, and 24 and 25. S GRAND BLOCKS of RICH SOIL in CABBAGE-TREE VALE, on BILGOLA BEACH : areas, from 5 ACRES 2 ROODS 36 PERCHES to 21 ACRES 1 ROOD.
The whole of this Magnificent Point will be submitted in lots, as per lithograph, now published, viz..
Section A. 15 VILLA SITES; areas. 3 ROODS 17 PERCHES to 2 ACRES 20 PERCHES.
Section B. 14 VILLA SITES : areas. 1 ACRE 10 PERCHES to 6 ACRES 3 ROODS 32 PERCHES
Section E. 10 VILLA SITES, adjoining the TOWN OF BRIGHTON : areas. 1 ACRE 11 PERCHES to 4 ACRES 1 ROOD 23 PERCHES.
This subdivision is well worthy of attention, as there is no doubt that PITTWATER will become an important and attractive resort for our BUSINESS MEN requiring CHANGE OF AIR, QUIET, and REST from the busy turmoil of the city.
The communication between the city and Pittwater is now more frequent than formerly, besides having the coaches daily from MANLY BEACH, there are now commodious fast steamers plying regularly from the city.
The NORTHERN RAILWAY will pass within 7 miles of CAREEL COVE at Pittwater.
Messrs. ELLIS and MAKINSON, Elizabeth-street, are Solicitors of the vendors. Day of Sale, MONDAY NEXT. Advertising (1881, May 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Pittwater Estate Monday May 16th, 1881 - Richardson and Wrench - Item c050370020, courtesy State Library of New South Wales.
Some insights into those associated with early Clareville show Frederick Arnold Horning was born on September 21st, 1866 to John William and Margaret Horning (nee Cameron). His elder brother, and the eldest surviving son, born 1862, was Henry William Horning, of the real estate agent company of H. W. Horning and Company registered as Auctioneer Land and Estate Agents Valuers and Financial Agents and Insurance Brokers, of 58 Pitt Street Sydney on May 13th,1903 - partners; Henry William HORNING, Henry Thomas Rowley BULL, and Henry Thomas Rowley (Jnr) BULL.
Their uncle was Duncan Joseph McIntyre, also another prominent real estate agent who also did a lot of metropolitan subdivisions.
His father, who went by the name of 'William', passed away while he was still quite young:
Sudden Death
A person named John William Horning, aged 49, described as a clerk, a native of Germany, died suddenly about 11 o'clock yesterday morning, at his residence, Falcon-street, St. Leonards, North Shore. He was apparently enjoying excellent health until within an hour of his death, when he complained of pains in his head and chest. No medical man saw him previous to his decease. Sudden Death. (1875, June 7). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 2. Retrieved from
HORNING—June 6, North Shore, William Horning, aged 48 years. Family Notices (1875, July 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 9. Retrieved from
Frederick Horning also seems to have died of a heart attack:
A middle-aged man, Frederick Arnold Horning, a farmer, was found dead at his camp, Newport, at about 5 a.m. yesterday by Robert Colin Sinclair, living near-by, who went to Horning's camp in order to give him some tea, as he had complained the previous night of not feeling well, having pains in the region of his heart. The Mona Vale police were informed and Constable Hewitt went to the camp, but found life extinct. Deceased was a brother of Mr. H. W. Horning, land and estate agent, of Sydney. FATALITIES AND ACCIDENTS. (1912, January 25). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 8. Retrieved from
HORNING - The Funeral of the late FREDERICK ARNOLD HORNING will leave our Funeral Parlor, 92 Corso, Manly, THIS MORNING (THURSDAY), at 11 o'clock, for the Manly Cemetery. Family Notices (1912, January 25). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 12. Retrieved from
HORNING - Suddenly (23rd instant), at Risingholme, Pittwater, Frederick Arnold, youngest surviving son of the late William Horning, of Sydney, and Mrs. Henry Allan, Kelvin, Ridge street, North Sydney. Family Notices (1912, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 6. Retrieved from
By Order of the Trustees in the Deceased Estate of Frederick Arnold Horning on the Property known as Risingholme Clareville via Newport
Motor Launch will leave Newport day of Sale at ...
Of all Stock Plant, and Building Material on the Property Comprising -
Powerful heavy Grey Heavy Draught horse 7 years Tip Dray and Harness Hogskin Saddle and Bridle 2 well bred Jersey Cows in full milk Roan Bull (selected for breeding and soundness)
Plough Scantier Harness Sundry Farming Implements about 2 tons Lucerne Hay Quantity of
Bran Chaff and Pollard.
Full Set Carpenter's Tools.
Highest Grade Building Material for a 4-roomed cottage (just landed for erection) comprising Galvanised Iron Hardwood flooring and Weatherboards Fibro Cement Sheets Doors and Window Sashes Bolts, Nails, and Screws 2 G L Tanks 800 and 1000 gallons *
Sundry Household Furniture and Kitchen Utensils Incubator Grindstone Fodder Cases tin lined etc.
DJ MCINTYRE and CO Auctioneers, 20 Castlereagh street, city have been instructed by the
Trustees of the Estate of Frederick Arnold Horning (deceased) to hold an Unreserved Auction
Sale of the whole of the Personal Estate on the Property
The auctioneers can personally vouch for the absolutely genuine character of this Sale the Plant, Holding Materials Tools etc. having only been purchased a month or two and must be cleared off the land
The Property known as "Risingholme " Clareville via Newport comprising 101 acres, the pick of the whole district for soil and beauty- of situation will also be offered by Auction on the Ground prior to Sale of Effects.
See Property Auction Advts.
Practically "The Gem of the Pacific Ocean.
On the Property known as "RISINGHOLME” Clareville, via Newport
SATURDAY 3rd FEBRUARY, at 2.30 sharp. Motor Launch will leave Newport day of Sale at 1.45 pm. ,
101 ACRES THE PICK of the whole district for soil and beauty of situation. An old identity states that nothing in the district can be compared with it for subdivision purposes or as an ideal
DJ M INTYRE and CO Auctioneers ...have been instructed by the Trustees of Frederick Arnold Horning deceased to
hold an Auction Sale on the Ground of the above described Valuable Property. Advertising (1912, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 11. Retrieved from
Worth noting from the month after the above auction:
Warringah Items.
It was unanimously decided to place the seal of the council to a document from the trustees of the late Father Terrey's Estate, dedicating to the council a 20 acre reserve, including the whole of the beach on "Priest's Flat," Barrenjoey Peninsula. This land was left for a reserve some 25 years ago, when the Pittwater Estate was being cut up, but was never dedicated, and the Registrar-General would not recognise it as such. After considerable trouble the dedication was arranged, without expense to the council, and the shire deserves congratulation on the result of their negotiations. Warringah Items. (1912, March 8). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Later that year the tram to Narrabeen was opened. The months preceding this official event many a local land owner was bringing larger acreage under the Real Property Act in order to subdivide and sell.
Frederick ARNOLD Horning's 101 acres was purchased by George Crowley (City Mutual Insurance Society) and John Michael Taylor, made into smaller blocks and offered for sale soon after - this wasn't the only land owned by members of the Crowley family that had formed part of the Therry Estate:
No. 10,815. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, 135 acres 3 roods 33 perches and 9 acres 0 roods 30 perches at Long Beach, near Careel Bay, Pitt Water, adjoining the properties of E. E. Small, J. Crew, and Mrs. Powell,—compiles lots Nos. 1a,1, 2a} 3a, 4a, 3, 4, 21, 22, and part of lot V of the north division of Pitt Water Estate, and part of 1,200 acres granted to John Joseph Therry. Applicant: Jeremiah Crowley. Of North Sydney. 1 Sept 1899. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1899, July 14). New South Wales Government Gazette (Sydney, NSW : 1832 - 1900), p. 5273. Retrieved from
Mr. George Crowley, chairman of directors of the City Mutual life Assurance Society, died suddenly yesterday at his residence, Shalimar, Drummoyne. He was at his office on Saturday, and then appeared to be in his normal health. He collapsed at his home early yesterday morning.
Mr. Crowley was a distinguished authority on life insurance practice, and he was often consulted by business people and sometimes by representatives of Governments on complex questions affecting insurance matters. Born at North Sydney, where his father, Mr. Jeremiah Crowley, was the first Catholic denominational schoolmaster, he was educated at the Fort-street School, and at an early age he entered the City Mutual Life Assurance office. His brilliance soon carried him to the higher positions, and for 43 years he was manager of the company, and at the same time he held the position of chairman of directors. Many articles on world affairs appeared from his pen in the "Freeman's Journal," of which paper he was chairman of directors, while, following a visit abroad in 1908, he wrote a book, entitled, "The Old World Through the New World's Spectacles." In 1930 he was invited by the Scullin Ministry to accept a seat on the Commonwealth Bank Board, but declined, owing to business reasons.
Mr. Crowley had many interests, and was a keen angler and golfer. His garden also occupied much of his spare time. In his younger days he was an oarsman of merit, and always retained his interest in rowing.
Mr. Crowley, who was 69 years of age, is survived by his sons, Dr. Vivian Crowley, formerly of Western Australia, and now attached to the Lidcombe Hospital; and Mr. Kevin Crowley, rental officer of the City Mutual Life Assurance Society; and two daughters, Mrs. Fred Pfeiffer, of Double Bay, and Miss Kitty Crowley. Mrs. Crowley died in 1913.
The funeral, which, at Mr. Crowley's wish, is to be private, will take place to-day. OBITUARY. (1933, November 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
The sympathy of a very wide circle of friends will go out to Mr George Crowley and family in the bereavement they have sustained in the death of Mrs. Crowley on Monday,' the 17th inst. The deceased lady was very well-known in Sydney Catholic circles, though for some years past, on ac count of delicate health, she had not been able to so actively identify herself with social and charitable functions. Mrs. Crowley was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wainman, of Paddington, the other daughter being married to Dr. Donald Cormack, of Macquarie-street. There were many social or charitable functions of any importance- in Sydney in the early 'nineties at which the pretty and accomplished Miss Famine Wainman was not present, and her wedding at St. Mary's in 1892 (one of the very few at which, his late Eminence offi ciafcd) was a brilliant affair. There are four, children — two sons and two daughters. The eldest son is at the University Medical School, and was in his time a general favourite both with his fellow-pupils and tutors of Riverview College, from whence be matriculated in March of last year. The funeral on Tuesday at the Field of Mars cemetery was a private one, confined to immediate members of the family, but was at tended by quite a large number of intimate friends desirous of paying a last tribute oi respect. The burial ceremony was conduct ed by Father Laurent, S.M., and he was assisted by Fr. Hassett, S.J., and Father Kein, S.V.D.— R.I.P. Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), Thursday 27 February 1913, page 19
Death of Mr. Jeremiah Crowley.
Mr. Jeremiah Crowley, an old resident of North Sydney, died yesterday at his residence, Naremburn. The late Mr. Crowley was born In Skibbereen, Ireland, in 1837, and came to Sydney over 60 years ago. When he opened the first R.C. school 55 years ago at St. Leonards (as North Sydney was known in those days) there was almost continuous bush between Miller's Point and Hornsby. The site of the school Is now occupied by the North Sydney School of Arts. In 1879 Mr. Crowley took charge of the new public school at Crow's Nest (then known as North St. Leonards), and children flocked to the school from all parts of the district. A large number of North Sydney middle-aged residents have affectionate remembrance of what to this day— although Mr. Crowlay's connection with it ceased nearly 20 years ago— is known as "Crowley's School." He leaves two sons, one or them, Mr. George Crowley, chairman of the City Mutual Life Company, and one daughter, ' who married Mr. J. M. Taylor, of the Public Service Board. One of his grandsons— the only one of age — Dr. R. J. Taylor— is serving with the forces In France. DEATH OF MR. JEREMIAH CROWLEY. (1916, August 25). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
High in the esteem of many of our leading citizens, Mr. Jeremiah Crowley, who died at his residence, Naremburn, on Wednesday week, left an honoured name as an ideal citizen, a true patriot, and a devoted Catholic. Born in Skibbereen, Cork, in the year 1837, Mr. Crowley heard the call of the southern land of Australia, and he came out to Sydney about sixty years ago, and settled in what was then the wild bush around St. Leonards.
At that, time the Rev. Father Powell looked after the spiritual requirements of his scattered flock, from Milson's Point to the rugged ranges of the Hawkesbury and farther north. Recognition and appreciation of Mr. Crowley 's work and abilities were soon forthcoming, and we presently find him taking charge of the Catholic school at the corner of Mount-street, St. Leonards, the site now occupied by the School of Arts. He continued to exercise fruitful authority over the school until the old denominational system of education passed away under the Bill brought in by Sir Henry Parkes in 1879. Naturally, through population and material progress, the district had assumed importance, but Mr. Crowley, so well equipped mentally, kept ahead of the times, and when the call was answered by the authorities for the establishment of a public school, Mr. W. Wilkins, who was then directing educational affairs in the colony, pressed Mr. Crowley to take charge of it. This he did, and to this day one frequently hears the St. Leonards School termed "Mr. Crowley's School"—evidence of the deep imprint of his scholarly character upon the young Australian minds entrusted to his wise guidance. He retired from active service in the year 1892, to the great regret of the scholars and their parents.
A student and a gentlemen of high intellectual attainments, Mr. Crowley's erudite pen was consistently championing the cause of justice, and many illuminating articles have from time to time brightened the pages of the "Freeman's Journal." In controversy his polished diction and irrefutable logic were of much value in levelling prejudice which from time to time found play in the events of the day. Well versed in the history of Catholicity in the State, Mr. Crowley published a volume dealing with educational and religious occurrences which won favour and appreciation from the late Cardinal Moran and other leading ecclesiastics. In the promotion of the work of the Church and of Catholic education Mr. Crowley was a generous helper, while in charitable circles his unostentatious deeds stand as a monument to the liberality of a big-hearted Irishman.
"To you," writes the Lord Mayor of Sydney and Speaker of the N.S.W. Legislative Assembly (Mr. R. D. Meagher) to a member of Mr. Crowley's family, "he has left the precious legacy of a good father. To me and others he has left the fragrant memory of a good friend and a good citizen."
For some time he had not enjoyed good health, and he was a patient in the Mater Misericordiæ Hospital, where he was spiritually attended by the Very Rev. Father E. Corish, S.J., Rev. Fathers W. Barry, M. Sherin, Breen, and J. Brennan, S.J. The love of the land of his birth was ever abiding in the heart of Mr. Crowley, and he had set his mind on visiting Dublin and participating in the joyous celebrations which were to welcome freedom for his native land. In this, however, sad disappointment was in store for him, as well as for his kith and kin. The funeral was of a private nature, the remains being interred in the Gore Hill cemetery, where his wife, who had predeceased him nine years ago, had been placed. At the graveside the Rev. Father Sherin officiated, and was assisted by the Rev. Fa-ther Breen. A Requiem Mass was celebrated in the church at Naremburn on Friday morning. Deceased leaves two sons (Mr. George Crowley, the well-known managing director of the City Mutual Life Assurance Company of Sydney, and Mr. Michael Crowley) and one daughter (Mrs. J. M. Taylor, wife of the Chairman of the Public Service Board). His grandson, Dr. Robert Taylor, is on active service fighting for the Empire some where abroad.—R.I.P. THE LATE MR. JEREMIAH CROWLEY. (1916, August 31). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 25. Retrieved from
Mr. John Michael Taylor, a member of the firm of Taylor and Kearney, solicitors, and formerly a member of the Public Service Board, died yesterday, aged 72 years. Mr. Taylor was born at Woonona, South Coast, and eventually entered the teaching service. Later he addressed himself to University subjects and gained the Master of Arts degree in 1891, and the LL.B. degree in 1893. Still later he qualified for appointment as police magistrate, and was admitted to the Bar, but remained attached to the teaching service for many years until he was appointed as a members of the Public Service Board. At the expiration of his term of office in 1919 he was removed, at his own request, from the roll of barristers and placed on the roll of solicitors of the Supreme Court. Subsequently he entered into partnership with Mr. C. B. Kearney, and since then had continued to practise his profession. Last year he was appointed to the directorate of City Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd. He was a Fellow of the Council of St. John's College, with-in the University, and wrote an authoritative work on the geography of New South Wales, as well as numerous articles on arithmetic.
Mr. Taylor is survived by Mrs. Taylor, who is a sister of Mr. George Crowley, and by four sons and three daughters. The sons are Dr. R. J. Taylor (Randwick), Dr. G. C. Taylor (Brisbane), Mr. J. G. Taylor (secretary, City Mutual Life Assurance Society, Ltd.), and Mr. Harold Taylor, who is also associated with that company. The daugh-ters are Mrs. J. V. Duhig (Brisbane), Mrs. C. B. Kearney, and Mrs. C. H. Murphy. The interment will take place privately today. MR. J. M. TAYLOR. (1933, April 19). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Avalon subdivision plans, September 16, 1912. Image No.: c027560011h, courtesy State Library of New South Wales
The Beach itself was also once called 'Burne's Beach' after one of the early landholders and subdivisions;
No. 17 749. APPLICANT:—Frederick Burne, Forest Lodge. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 61 acres 13 perches, on road from Manly to Barranjoey and Central-road, Pittwater,—lot 2, south division, Pittwater Estate, and part 1,200 acres (portion 20 of parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of City Mutual Insurance Society and executors of late J. Tomkins. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1912, June 12). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3669. Retrieved from
Forest Lodge is a small, inner-city suburb of Sydney between Glebe and Annandale, named after a house built in the area in 1836 by Ambrose Foss. The house stood on the present site of 208-210 Bridge Road until being demolished in 1912.
There are a few gentleman named 'Frederick Burne' in and around Sydney during this era, just two of these, the first selected because he may have wanted a place to retire to beside the sea given his earlier days and certainly had 'Knightley' as part of his family names, and the second because of ongoing connections with this place:
Private Rainald Knightley Burne, killed in action, was born at Ballarat 37 years ago, and was a son of the late Mr. Albert Bodicote Burne, of Sydney. He came of an old military family. Major-General Sir Owen Tudor Burne, who was secretary to Lord Mayo and Lord Lytton, Viceroys of India, and General Henry Burne being his uncles. He left Sydney with A Company of the First Battalion. In civil life Private Burne was employed in the Government Tramway service. He resided at Marrickville prior to enlistment. He leaves a widow and two children. MEN OF THE DARDANELLES. (1915, August 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
BURNE -- killed in action at the Dardanelles, April 25-29, 1915, Private Rainald Knightly Burne, A Company, 1st Battalion, 1st Infantry Brigade, fourth son of the late Alfred Bodicote Burne of Sydney and grandson of the late Rev Henry Thomas Burne of Bath, Somerset, England. English papers please copy.
BURNE--April 25-29, 1915, killed at Dardanelles. Rainald Knightley, fourth son of the late Alfred Bodicote Burne and Mrs Burne of Balmoral, N.S.W. Inserted by his brother O. T. Burne. Family Notices (1915, August 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Alfred Bodicote Burne and Frederick Burne were sons of Henry Thomas Burne and Knightley Goodman Burne (nee Marriott). His grandmother was named after grandmother - Jane Knightley.
The late Mr. Frederick Burne, district registrar of Hurstville, was one of a family of twenty of the late Rev. and Mrs. Henry Burne, of Bath (England). Several of Mr. Burne's brothers, including the late Major-General Sir Owen Tudor Burne, K.C.M.G., distinguished themselves in the army and navy. The late Mr. Burne was trained on the Victory, and saw active service in the Baltic during the Crimean war, on H.M S. Imperieuse. After a term in the P. and O. service, he took up land on the Paroo, and later on the Barcoo. In 1881 he was appointed C.P.S., and served at Condobolin, Tumut, Tenterfield, Grenfell, Temora, Gunning, Burwood, Glen Innes, and Inverell. After retirement he settled at Minto; later at Hurstville. A widow, three sons, and four daughters survive. The oldest son, Mr. P. Burne, is police magistrate at Dalby, Queensland. The eldest daughter. Miss M. Burne, is matron at the Lady Edeline Hospital for Babies at Vaucluse. Two sons have returned from Gallipoli incapacitated. LATE MR. F. BURNE. (1916, July 14). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Mr. Frederick Burne, District Registrar for Births, Marriages and Deaths, died suddenly at his residence, Gloucester-rd., Hurstville, on Saturday last, at the advanced age of 77 years. The funeral took place on Monday last, the remains being interred in the Church of England portion of Sutherland Cemetery, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. The late Mr. Burne was born at Plymouth (Eng.) in 1839. At the age of 12 he joined the navy and was trained on the Victory, and saw service in the Baltic on H.M.S. Imperial during the time of the Crimean War. He afterwards joined the P. & O. service and came to Australia in 1861. He was in Queensland for twelve years, afterwards taking up land on the Paroo. In consequence of severe droughts he had to abandon his station after five years. In 1881 he entered the Government service, his first appointment being that of C.P.S, at Condobolin. He served successively as C.P.S. at Tumut, Tenterfield, Grenfell, Temora, Gunning, Burwood, Glen Innes, and Inverell. After 35 years service he retired and settled at Minto, subsequently removing to Hurstviile. He leaves a widow, three sons, and four daughters. The eldest son is police magistrate and land commissioner at Dalby, Queensland. Two other sons have been in the firing line at Gallipoli, and have returned home wounded, the youngest and only unmarried son being incapacitated for life.Death of Mr. F. Burne. (1916, June 30). The Propeller (Hurstville, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
The Mayor of Camden
Mr. Frederick Henry Burne, Mayor of Camden (N.S.W,), was born in Jersey (Channel Islands) in 1848, and arrived in Sydney with his parents in 1851. He was educated in the National School Fort-street, Sydney. About five or six years of his early life were spent on the Araluen diggings, He eventually settled at Ashfield (a suburb of Sydney), carrying on the business of contractor and decorator, in which he was so successful that at the end of five years, he retired.
But after a time, finding that an indolent life was not to his taste, he turned his attention to woollen manufacture, and, having secured premises at Camden, went into that line of business with two partners, one of them being his brother, Mr. E. E. Burne. With his partner he took a trip to England to procure the necessary machinery ; and at the same time he visited Scotland and France. On his return he settled in Camden, and he has taken a leading part in matters which have had for their object the advancement of the town and district. He identified himself with the movement for the incorporation of the town of Camden; and when the election of aldermen took place in April last he was returned at the top of the poll. He was unanimously chosen the first Mayor of Camden. He is also vice-president of the Camden Branch of the Australian Natives' Association. He is considered a shrewd man, and, thoroughly straight in all his actions. To commemorate his election as Mayor he entertained the aldermen and some of the leading residents at a banquet. The affair was a great success. Mr. Burne married, Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Mr. James Riddell, of Bowenfels. MUNICIPAL. (1889, December 14). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 24. Retrieved from
Mr. Frederick Henry Burne, who was the first Mayor of Camden, died yesterday at his residence, Dalmar-street, Croydon. He was In his 85th year. Mr. Burne had control of the woollen mills at Camden. These were sold to a syndicate, and he shortly afterwards left the district. One of the streets In the town is named after him. The funeral will leave the residence at 2.30 this afternoon for the Church of England section of the Rookwood Cemetery. MR. F. H. BURNE. (1930, June 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from
The first Mayor Camden, F H Burne, had a brother who was a member of the RPAYC and whose son was a visitor to Pittwater as a member of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club and who competed in Pittwater Regattas. His son also married the daughter of George Zephirin Dupain, father of Max. The Dupains were Newport residents by the 1920's- :
The Prince Alfred' Yacht Club held their annual meetings in the Club Rooms, Moore street, on Thursday evening last, Mr. W. M. Marks, vice-commodore presiding. The annual report and balance sheet showed that the club was still flourishing. The number of yachts-on the register was 39, and the membership' roll showed 210. Bona was the most successful yacht, winning the cups presented by the ' vice-commodore and rear-commodore, the championship of club and prize money ,pf . £47 5s. Among the other' 'Successful ones were Petrel, £43 Is ; Fleetwing, £34 13s ; Culwulla, £30 9s ,; Heather, £27 6s ; Aoma, £ai. The Fleetwing holds the Commodore 1OQ Guinea Cup. The receipts for the season amounted to £2638 9s 2d. Of this sum the takings of the bar, billiard tables, etc., in the club -rooms was £2010 1s 9d, and subscriptions and entrance fees £242 1s. The expenditure totalled £2213 2s 8d, the principal items being liquors, etc., £928 5s 5d, club room furniture £120 Is 9d, rent, wages and steamer hire -£898 7s, prize money' £252.
It is very interesting to note that out of a total income of £2038 the subscriptions and entrance fees' for races' only provided the insignificant sum of £242, and the prize money paid only amounted to £252, out of a total expenditure of £2213.
The club has outgrown the primary objects of its formation— that of promoting the interests' of yachting in our waters, and as the work of managing such a gigantic concern in clubdom, it was found necessary to engage the services of a secretary who will be in receipt of a salary, to which office Mr.. L. H. Wyatt has been appointed. Mr. Sid Dempster, who has been a tower of strength to the club as house secretary, and Messrs. A C Jewett and L. C. Waterman, both good men, have retired from their various positions, owing to the appointment of the salaried official. The following are the officers for the ensuing season :— Commodore, S. Hordern, vice commodore W. M. Marks ; rear-commodore C. T.Brockhoff ; hon. treasurer, J. J. Rouse ; general committee S M Dempster, C. L. Garland. A. W. Crane, A. R. Marks, C. E; Waters, L C Waterman ; handicap committee, F. S. Adams, W. M. Calvert, F. W. J. Donovan; House committee; Dr A Burne, W M: Marks, S. M. Dempster, T. E. Tillock, J. Macintosh ; library committee. F J. Empson, L: C. Waterman, E. E. Gray, auditors; J R Stutter and L. Tange. SAILING. (1902, September 17). Sydney Sportsman (Surry Hills, NSW : 1900 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
At St. John's Church, Ashfield, on Thursday afternoon, Miss Jeannie M. Dupain, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Z. Dupain, of "Charenton," Ashfield, was married to Dr. A. Dangar Burne, elder son of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Burne, of "Kinella," Waverley, Rev. Alfred Yarnold being the officiating clergyman. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a beaitiful gown of ivory white satin charmeuse, with an overdress of ninon. Her shower bouquet, which, with a rubv and pearl pendant, was the bridegroom's gift. Miss Fairy Bvrne, who was bridesmaid, wore a pretty frock of white Organdi muslin over satin, inlet with Valenciennes and Cluny lace. Her white lace hat was trimmed with pink roses. Her bouquet of pink roses and diamond ring were the gifts of the bridegroom. Mr. C. B. Dibbs was best man.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Dupain entertained the guests' at their residence. Those present included—Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Burne, Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Mr. H. Dupain, Mr. and Mrs. Yarnold, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mortley, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher, Mr. E. Fisher, and Miss Belshaw. Later the bride and bridegroom left on their honeymoon, the bride wearing a coat and skirt of blue silk crepe, and a white and green hat. SYDNEY WEDDING. (1912, January 25). Punch (Melbourne, Vic. : 1900 - 1918; 1925), p. 30. Retrieved from
The funeral of the late Dr. Alfred Burne took place yesterday from his residence in Dalley-street, Waverley, and the remains were interred in South Head Cemetery.
The chief mourners were Dr. A. Dangar Burne (son), Messrs. Frederick Burne (brother), L. H. Burne, Geo. Burne, and F. H. Burne, jun. (nephews). The Society of Dental Science was represented by Mr. Keith Oatley (president), Dr. P. A. Ash, Dr. P. C. Charlton, and Dr. Frank Marshall. The Dental Hospital was represented by Mr. E. K. Satchell (president), Mr. A. J. Arnott (superintendent), Mr. F. H. Galloway (secretary), and Mr. J. Baird. The Bondi-Waverley School of Arts was represented by Mes- srs. F. P. J. Gray (trustee), A. McCourt, G. S. Inman, and H. E. J. Lloyd. The representatives of the Millions Club were Mr. Stanley Bailey (secretary), and Mr. J. J. Mulligan (treasurer). The Waverley Municipal Council was represented by the Mayor (Alderman R. Jackaman, and the deputy town clerk (Mr. J. S. McKinnon).
The Masonic Craft was represented by Right Wor. Bro. Aubrey Halloran, G. Reg., Right Wor. Bro. W. H. Hellings, S.G.W., and Right Wor. Bro. A. E. Packer, J.G.W., Very Wor. Bro. C. Matthews Drew, P.D.G.I.W., Wor. Bro. John Campbell (representing Bronte and Wav-erley lodges), Wor. Bro. J. H. Collins (Wav-erley), Wor. Bro. E. V. Agnew (Prince Ed-ward Lodge), Wor. Bro. H. I. Thomson, and Wor. Bro. A. E. W. Watts.
Others included Dr. A. H. Horsfall, Messrs. C. B. Westmacott, C. C. Marshall, M. S. Foley (Foley Brothers), Victor Cohen, W. Clemesha, and H. C. Kerr.
The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Egerton E. North Ash, of St. Mary's Church of England, Waverley, and the Masonic ritual was recited by Wor. Bro. Saeger, W.M. of Lodge Tarbolton. LATE DR. ALFRED BURNE. (1926, September 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Frederick Henry Burne and George Riddell Burne were sons of first Mayor of Camden, Frederick Henry
The sailing activities of the 29th Pittwater Regatta which will te held on Saturday December 28 will greatly exceed those of last year and its immediate predecessors both In numbers of races and of entries In addition to the morning and afternoon contests for yachts heavy cruisers and SASC boats two races for local boats have been restored to the list Also two races have been provided for North Shore dinghies and Vaucluse Juniors both of which classes aie new-comers to this regatta
... Event No 4 Mischief Memorial Race SASC boats nominated skippers time at start 11 a m.... Boreas (A D Burne) PITTWATER REGATTA. (1935, December 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
A small digression - good to know that family members still enjoyed beautiful Pittwater. The Knightley Estate was first advertised in October 1912 - the lithograph shows one block is reserved from sale:
The First Portion of KNIGHTLEY ESTATE, Subdivided into 43 GOOD ALLOTMENTS, with frontages to MAIN ROAD TO BARRANJOEY and CENTRAL-ROAD (to Clareville Wharf), will be Sold on the Ground, at 3 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9.
Some of these Choice Sites overlook a Surfing Beach. The frontages are 66 feet, with depths up to 200 feet back to lane.
TERMS: 10 per cent, deposit, balance in 32 quarterly payments, at 5 per cent, per annum.
MOTOR CARS from Auction Rooms; 98 Pitt-street, at noon on DAY OF SALE. Return Ticket only 4/.
And from TRAM TERMINUS, NARRABEEN, at 3.45 and 2.30 p.m. on Day of Sale. Return Ticket, 2/ each.
Messrs. PALMER and McGRECOR are Solicitors of the Owner. Advertising (1912, October 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 21. Retrieved from
KNIGHTLEY ESTATE Advertising (1912, November 4). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 8. Retrieved from
Avalon subdivision plans, Item no. c027560005, courtesy State Library of N.S.W.
On the 9th of January 1913 the 100 acres bought by Mr. Crowley and Mr. Taylor also changed hands, although the Stamp Duty wasn't paid until a little later.
Geoff Searl OAM, President of the Avalon Beach Historical Society, confirms who bought the above Frederick Horning estate from Mr. Crowley and Mr. Taylor- Arthur Jabez Small.
The gentleman so many associate with Avalon Beach, Arthur Jabez Small, whose father had served as a Councillor at Manly, spent at least a few years when quite young at Manly, and stayed in the valley of Avalon in late 1912 when he brought his young family here for holidays. They stayed at the Scarr home on the road to Paradise Beach - near where it slopes down from Riverview road (Scarrs were also Manly Councillors, father and son). This home was recorded as being the retirement home of Herbert Scarr in 1933.
What is so important about Mr. Small is he didn't seek to sell every single block of land and raze the trees. His was a bigger picture. As part of that bigger vision he ensured parcels of land were set aside as reserves and parks as part of any land sale and thus ensured we have today Palmgrove park, Angophora Reserve, the Avalon Golf Club green area, and even that incline of green overlooking Clareville. In all 10 reserves were set aside so koalas may still have their home among the gum trees too.
It was unanimously decided to place the seal of the council to a document from the trustees of the late Father Terrey's Estate, dedicating to the council a 20 acre reserve, including the whole of the beach on "Priest's Flat," Barrenjoey Peninsula. This land was left for a reserve some 25 years ago, when the Pittwater Estate was being cut up, but was never dedicated, and the Registrar-General would not recognise it as such. After considerable trouble the dedication was arranged, without expense to the council, and the shire deserves congratulation on the result of their negotiations. Warringah Items. (1912, March 8). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
HORNING - Suddenly (23rd instant), at Risingholme, Pittwater, Frederick Arnold, youngest surviving son of the late William Horning, of Sydney, and Mrs. Henry Allan, Kelvin, Ridge street, North Sydney. Family Notices (1912, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 6. Retrieved from
By Order of the Trustees in the Deceased Estate of Frederick Arnold Horning on the Property known as Risingholme Clareville via Newport
Motor Launch will leave Newport day of Sale at ...
Of all Stock Plant, and Building Material on the Property Comprising -
Powerful heavy Grey Heavy Draught horse 7 years Tip Dray and Harness Hogskin Saddle and Bridle 2 well bred Jersey Cows in full milk Roan Bull (selected for breeding and soundness)
Plough Scantier Harness Sundry Farming Implements about 2 tons Lucerne Hay Quantity of
Bran Chaff and Pollard.
Full Set Carpenter's Tools.
Highest Grade Building Material for a 4-roomed cottage (just landed for erection) comprising Galvanised Iron Hardwood flooring and Weatherboards Fibro Cement Sheets Doors and Window Sashes Bolts, Nails, and Screws 2 G L Tanks 800 and 1000 gallons *
Sundry Household Furniture and Kitchen Utensils Incubator Grindstone Fodder Cases tin lined etc.
DJ MCINTYRE and CO Auctioneers, 20 Castlereagh street, city have been instructed by the
Trustees of the Estate of Frederick Arnold Horning (deceased) to hold an Unreserved Auction
Sale of the whole of the Personal Estate on the Property
The auctioneers can personally vouch for the absolutely genuine character of this Sale the Plant, Holding Materials Tools etc. having only been purchased a month or two and must be cleared off the land
The Property known as "Risingholme " Clareville via Newport comprising 101 acres, the pick of the whole district for soil and beauty- of situation will also be offered by Auction on the Ground prior to Sale of Effects.
See Property Auction Advts.
Practically "The Gem of the Pacific Ocean.
On the Property known as "RISINGHOLME” Clareville, via Newport
SATURDAY 3rd FEBRUARY, at 2.30 sharp. Motor Launch will leave Newport day of Sale at 1.45 pm. ,
101 ACRES THE PICK of the whole district for soil and beauty of situation. An old identity states that nothing in the district can be compared with it for subdivision purposes or as an ideal
DJ M INTYRE and CO Auctioneers ...have been instructed by the Trustees of Frederick Arnold Horning deceased to
hold an Auction Sale on the Ground of the above described Valuable Property. Advertising (1912, January 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), , p. 11. Retrieved from
Geoff provides:
This holding had been brought under the Real Property Act by a Margaret Allan prior to her selling it in 1912 to George Crowley
No. 13,259. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, 101 acres 1 rood 381 perches, situated on Clareville Wharf Road, Clareville,—is Block No. 3, South Subdivision, Pittwater Estate, and is part of 1,200 acres (portion No. 20 of parish) granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining the properties of F. Burne, J. Robertson, S. Smith, and G. A. Smith, Trustees of Mrs. Evans, or J. G. Cousins, G. Holland, The London Bank of Australia, and J. H. Parry. – Applicant: Margaret Allan, Mosman. Day until which Caveats may be lodged: 17th February, 1905. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1904, December 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 9437. Retrieved from
From HRLV:
George Crowley put some of this land up for sale in September 1912 (Block III, Portion 20) and then onsold what was left to Arthur Jabez Small in 1915 - the State Library of NSW Avalon subdivisions folder and the HRLV provides
Avalon subdivision plans, September 16, 1912. Image No.: c027560011h, courtesy State Library of New South Wales
Arthur Jabez Small began selling blocks of land in 1915, with the first one sold on October 15, 1915 to Frederick William Tyrer - HRLV provides those who these blocks sold to between 1915 and 1920, showing that some people came back and bought more blocks - many of these were acreage size:
One of the earlier land sales advertised by Arthur Jabez Small of the land acquired precedes the name of 'Avalon' itself.
Avalon Subdivisions - Clareville Estate Pittwater - Arnold Road, Central Road, Item No.: c027560007h, courtesy State Library of N.S.W. - Arnold Road was possibly named for the owner Frederick ARNOLD Horning.
Pittwater Clareville Ocean Beach Estate - Central Rd, Seaview Avenue, Clareville Road, Bellevue Avenue, Barrenjoey road - A J Small. Item No.: c027560009 [Avalon subdivision plans] - courtesy State Library of New South Wales. And sections from to show residences and name for Avalon Beach.
The above is interesting as it shows what we now call 'Avalon Parade' was originally called 'Clareville Road' - as in the road to Clareville and that the name 'Seaview' has been changed too and was changed to 'Elouera', an aboriginal word meaning 'a pleasant place' in 1939. The name swap from 'Seaview' to something more in keeping with the original custodians wasn't the only Seaview to go in 1939 - Elimatta is an Aboriginal word meaning 'my home':
Names of Roads.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Council has, in accordance with the provisions of section 249 (a), Local Government Act, 1919, and of Ordinance No. 30 thereunder, and with the approval of the Minister for Works and Local Government, given the undermentioned names to the roads described hereunder:—
Situation, Old Name and New Name.
At Careel Bay, Pittwater, parish of Narrabeen—Bayview-road—Cabarita-road.
In Ocean Beach Estate, Avalon (deposited plan No. 9,151), parish of Narrabeen — Seaview-avenue— Elouera-road.
Connecting Ralston-road and Pacific-road, Palm Beach, as shown on deposited plan No. 13,780—Unnamed—Ebor-road.
In Brocks' Estate, Mona Vale, deposited plan 6,195— Rickard-road—Orana-road.
In Warriewood Estate, Warriewood (deposited plan 5,464), parish of Narrabeen—Sea view-street—Elimatta-road.
At Mona Vale, running easterly from Barrenjoey-road (Newport-road) to the Pacific Ocean—Allen-street——Golf-avenue.
At Deewliy West, running north-easterly and northerly from the junction of Fisher-road and Lynwoodavenue along the western boundaries of portions 647, 646, 1,290, 643, 642 and 641, parish Manly Cove —Unnamed—Campbell-avenue.
At Manly Vale, parish Manly Cove, running easterly from Condamine-street to Stuart-road—Dalley-street —Koorala-street. SHIRE OF WARRINGAH. (1939, June 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3373. Retrieved from
Mr. Small seemed to have problems selling the blocks of land too, some of which could be ascribed to the distance between Sydney town of then and the end of the peninsula with poor roads and infrequent transportation for those not affluent enough to own their own car.
Mr. Arthur J. Small, of Royston Park, Asquith, takes exception to the statement last week that Palm Beach Estate, Barrenjoey where land brought £4 per foot, ls Inaccessible to the public, and practically can only be reached as a residential area by persons owning their own car. He draws attention to the fact that there is an hourly service of motor cars from the present tram terminus at Narrabeen to Newport, and a regular ferry service thence to Clareville and Palm Beach of two trips each way daily. This service was Inaugurated by the Palm Beach Co. when they first opened up the estate some five or six years ago. REAL ESTATE. NOTES OF THE WEEK. (1917, March 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
These land holdings were the breaking up into smaller blocks what had previously been holdings large enough to run as farms as the 'Township of Brighton' and the adjacent 'Marine Village of Brighton'.
Advertising (1918, March 31). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 24. Retrieved from
Advertising (1919, January 19). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 11. Retrieved from
In 1921 the first subdivisions of land at 'Avalon Beach' took place. These were presented as a 'weekend spot' rather than to be a suburban choice initially. Geoff Searl OAM again provides the document that explains Mr. Small and Alfred Ickerson, Vendors, decided to employ the services of the brother of the gentleman who once owned the land:
Cronulla was, Palm Beach is, and Avalon Beach will be. This is the catch slogan which has been adopted by the vendor of the Palmgrove Estate at Avalon, which is to be sold by Messrs. H. W. Horning and Co., on Boxing Day. Judging by the beautiful panoramic views which appear in an attractive booklet, and which also occupy a conspicuous position in Messrs. Horning and Co.'s windows, Martin-place, the scenery surrounding the estate must be exceptionally beautiful. Avalon is the new seaside resort between Newport and Palm Beach. The Palmgrove Estate is on the main Barrenjoey-road, and is right at the beach.
The owner has evidently had the public good in mind, as the estate has been well planted with Ornamental shade trees, while a section of it known as the Palm Grove, has been presented as a park. This is a remarkable beauty spot, with a wealth of graceful palms, maidenhair, burrawang, and other ferns. The estate is in every respect a most attractive proposition to those looking for week-end and holiday sites. REAL ESTATE NEWS (1921, December 11). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 10. Retrieved from
That booklet - and enlarged sections from to show the details - also includes why 'Avalon' became the name, for sales purposes and because Mr. Small was obviously finding this place as such:

1921 Brochure - Palmgrove Estate, Avalon Beach, new seaside resort between Newport & Palm Beach Newport Beach, Palm BeachImage No.: c027560016 and Avalon Beach first subdivision. Image No.: c027560017 and Palmgrove Estate, Avalon Beach. No boundaries shown. Image No.: c027560018 - from Avalon Subdivision Maps, courtesy State Library of NSW

Aims of Movement.
"That every child shall have a chance to play and every citizen the opportunity for recreation" was adopted as a chief aim in the constitution of the New South Wales Parks and Playgrounds Movement, which held its first annual meeting at the New South Wales Cricket Association's Chambers on Wednesday. "The normal expansion of Sydneys playing fields should be, at a minimum, from 100to 120 acres of level land every year," says the report of the movement. A report on the whole matter by the Surveyor-General, who was being assisted by a committee of the movement, was expected shortly. "In the meantime, the executive of the movement has taken up (as an Immediate measure) the question of pressing for 'Five More Moore Parks."
The meeting, which was a full one, delegates from 30 bodies being present, was concerned largely with the elimination by the Legislative Council of the parks clauses of the Greater Sydney Bill. 'This meant', said Dr. C. E. W. Bean, honorary secretary of the movement, 'that, although the Greater Sydney authority, if established, could plan parks and playgrounds, It would not be able to acquire them, or even to accept them if given to it-powers which were possessed by greater-city authorities all over the world. '
On the motion of the chairman, Mr. A. J.Small, seconded by Mr. D. G. Stead, the meeting expressed its unanimous disapproval of the elimination of these powers from the bill. The liability of all State school playgrounds to taxation while many private school grounds were exempt was also strongly criticised in the report, a case being cited in which public land lying Idle was heavily rated as soon as it was permitted to be used as a play-ground for State schoolchildren. On the motion of the chairman, seconded by Mr. R.A. Bennett, it was resolved to urge that, in the bill projected by the Government, exemption should be extended to all school play-grounds. A committee was appointed "to co-operate with the city authorities in their task of re-organising the playground system of Sydney," And It was also resolved, on the motion of Mr. Burrows and Mrs. Wyatt, to urge the preservation by some means of the Pymble State forest. Mr. A. J. Small (president of the Town Planning Association) was elected as first president of the Parks and Playgrounds Movement. PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. (1931, September 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Since the sale of Avalon Beach Estate at Christmas additions and improvements have been effected on the estate.
The rock pool baths at the southern end of the beach have been extended 18ft., and are now 57ft. long, with a smooth bottom. Ladies' dressing sheds have been erected immediately at the rear, on a spot once occupied by a jumble of rocks, and a general store and refreshment room of original design has been built close to the beach.

General Store, Avalon Beach - ON 165/925 Item c07771_0002_c - photo by Rex Hazlewood, Image Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of NSW, circa January - February 1922
Several landowners are already building homes on their lots. A new, wide road has been constructed, giving the land direct access to the beach, and at the side of all the roads, trees, of eight different varieties, chosen as specially suitable for the land and atmosphere, have been planted. One of these is the Illawarra Flame Tree, which carries blooms of fire color. IMPROVING AVALON (1922, March 22). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 10 (FINAL RACING). Retrieved from


Gunjulla And Gunjulla Place

My great grandparents clearing the land at Gunjulla Pittwater. Now called Gunjulla Road. 1922. Their grandson Geoffrey aged 4 is keen to lend a hand. - photo and information courtesy Helen Grant
'Clareville Road, Pittwater between 1922/1925 and 1930'. My great grandfather's photo Albert Henry Grace. Image shared on local Facebook History pages by and courtesy Helen Grant. This was soon to be renamed 'Avalon Parade' the name is is still now called. Helen's great grandparents bought land in 1917 and built a place they called 'Gunjulla' - the home is still intact and gave its name to 'Gunjulla Place' off Avalon Parade towards the Clareville end. His son Henry Albert Grace is well-known as being ''The Bird Man''. Visit: Jennifer O'Callaghan, 'Grace, Henry Albert (1885–1966)', Australian Dictionary of Biography, National Centre of Biography, Australian National University, Visit: Pittwater Summer Houses: Gunjulla, Avalon Beach-Clareville by Helen and Deborah Grant
Advertising (1926, July 25). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 17 (CRICKET STUMPS). Retrieved from
Avalon Beach Estates 1926 Image No. c027560001h, from Avalon Subdivision Maps, courtesy State Library of NSW - this shows 'Old Barrenjoey Road heading down into Bilgola Beach.
More 'news' courtesy of the Real Estate section:
Lack of an unbroken path from the city to beyond Manly has retarded the development of— the beaches on the Barrenjuey peninsula. This Is due to the fact that there are vast suburban areas on the north side of the Harbor barely scratched by development and, consequently, the majority of Sydney's citizens are congregated on the south side. Naturally, they patronise the beaches nearest home; few cross the harbor to swim and surf. This aspect will be changed by the growing North Shore bridge, whose steel link, should create an enormous new population whose surf benches will be Newport, Avalon, Whale Beach, and Palm Beach. Co-ordinating with this work, the Warringah Shire Council is straining every effort to have the road from Manly to Newport constructed in a permanent manner, either of concrete or of something equally durable, and plans to improve the existing road from Newport to Palm Beach up to Main Roads Board standard. A start is already being made, for a deviation is to circle the ugly hill which divides Newport from Avalon, and surveyors are now studying contours and levels on the Avalon side. This deviation will do more than cut out a bad-surfaced route with a nasty grade. It will Improve the road to the north by adding new scenic vistas, for the route will curve around the hill towards the ocean, skirt the bluff, and, before it rejoins the existing road, pass between the golf course and sea, and run the length of Avalon behind the reserves.
Better roads, naturally, lead to Improved transport facilities, and, now they are assured that their 'buses will not be shaken to pieces by a succession of pot-holes, proprietors of the 'bus companies who have been serving this district have amalgamated Into one big, company which plans to put new and better 'buses on the run. Soon after Christmas, they anticipate, they will have at least 20 'buses serving the district between Manly and Palm Beach. This, normally, should mean Increased tourist traffic and quicker residential development — which will, In turn, demand still more 'buses.
These aids should help the northern beaches to a quick move forward. Palm Beach has long been popular with the class who own motor cars, and now attention is being paid to Avalon, which is closer to the city, and, yet quite as attractive in Its less spectacular way. Here the land flows gently in the beach Instead of rising to the sudden heights which (is) rampart at Palm Beach, and, as a result, offers easy building conditions and proximity to the surf. Hundreds of motor-owners now make it a week-end resort, and many are lured by the interesting golf course, with its novel holes. Land Is now being sold here, adjoining the golf course, fronting the new main road, and on the gentle slopes overlooking the beach. Many very fine sites are available in the Avalon Estates, despite the speed with which they are being bought. The inauguration of the better 'bus services and the completion of the deviation should undoubtedly add to the beach's popularity, and, at the same time, to values In the vicinity. REAL ESTATE (1926, October 29). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 15 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
Avalon Beach Estates: Advertising (1926, October 29). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 15 (FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
COMPANY NEWS. The following companies have been registered, shares being of the value of £1 each: 'Avalon Beach Estates, Limited,' capital £25,000, to purchase, take on lease or in exchange, or otherwise acquire any lands and buildings, but in particular to acquire a certain parcel of land, containing about 180 acres, situated at Avalon, N.S.W. First directors, G. M. Whitmore, R. N. Randell, and A. R. Macgregor. COMPANY NEWS. (1927, November 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
The 'new' Barrenjoey Road appears among advertisement for Avalon Beach Land sales towards the end of 1927 and includes those famous panoramas made by EB Studios:
Advertising (1927, December 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 37. Retrieved from
The work of constructing The Serpentine was carried out in 1928 by W. M. Farley (Mervyn) and Gerald Lewers, brothers in law from Queenscliffe (Mervyn built the 'Kiosk' at Freshwater).
A February land sale advertisement from the same year provides a basic map as well as the homes that had been photographed for the Prospectus photographs of Avalon album by Rex Hazlewood:
Advertising (1928, February 5). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 33. Retrieved from
Palmgrove Estate … Fascinating Selection of Sites Including Ocean and Golf Link Frontages
AS SAFE AS ANY SURF BEACH CAN BE. That is the expressed opinion of H. Ruskin Rowe, Esq., a keen, experienced j surfer, and an AVALON BEACH , enthusiast. AVALON BEACH is a magnificent stretch of clean sand and the big rollers gladden the hearts of enthusiastic surfers.
Sites from £99 each Five Year terms A magnificent selection of allotments close to Surf Beaches and Golf Links, and adjoining some of the finest homes at Avalon Beach, are available at attractive prices arid terms. Homesites of individual beauty and gorgeous landscape setting. Faultless sites, generously proportioned, with matchless views of the entire surroundings. Read the list given below.
FINEST 9 - HOLE SEASIDE GOLF LINKS IN THE STATE. the number of players during
THESE SITES WILL BE ALMOST UNPROCURABLE IN A FEW YEARS EVERY YEAR SEES MORE AND MORE PEOPLE TURNING TO THE BEACHES With the opening of the North Shore Bridge AVALON BEACH will become so accessible that many city business men will make it their permanent home place. A forty minute run in their cars and the city will be reached. The PALMGROVE Sites we are offering at from £99 each, will then be almost unprocurable, even at several times to-day's prices, and as in developed beaches of the past, demand will exceed supply, and the result will be greatly enhanced values. ' You could not ask for a more sound and profitable investment than is offered by PALMGROVE ESTATE to-day. Get further Particulars and arrange to inspect.
BELLEVUE AVENUE. Lot 39 — faultless site generously proportioned, level as a lawn and practically opposite the homes of Messrs. Ivor Youill and W. Todd. Many other fine homes in' the vicinity. Golf Links and Surf Beach quite handy. 10 per cent, deposit. 5-year terms. PLATEAU ROAD. Lots 165 and 173, two of the cheapest lots in Avalon Beach. Gloriously elevated with views of Golf Links, Surf Beach, and Ocean, that can never be built out. £99 each. 5 years in which to pay. Lot 158 has a wonderful appeal. Entrancing views, faultless position, magnificent setting — a truly charming site for your beach-side home, or a sound and profitable investment. Only £150, on five year terms. 10 per cent, deposit. THE SERPENTINE. Lot 100, right opposite the magnificent new residence just completed for W. C. Abbott, Esq., occupies one of the most commanding actual ocean frontage positions in Avalon Beach. Two minutes surf — 3 minutes Golf Links. 65ft. frontage, with reserve access along one side. Lot 103, another actual ocean frontage site, overlooking Mrs. Maclurcan's palatial residence, and the whole of the picturesque Warringah Shire Coast as far as Manly. The view from this site presents a picture of marvellous beauty and charm. 10 per cent, deposit. 5 year terms. BARREN JOEY ROAD. Lot 123, a magnificent site, with matchless views, and only three minutes Bilgola Surf. This creased rapidly. Fror splendidly situated site', has assured prospective value, and values have risen at … and at £170 is exceptional buying. 10 per cent, deposit. 5 year Beach will reach that terms. Lots 133-144 inclusive. An interesting group of 12 fascinating sites, with permanent panoramic views that almost defy description. Beautiful Bilgola Beach settlement, with its palms and native trees, nestles at your feet. £155 each. 10 per cent, deposit 5 year terms.
AS AT EVERY SYDNEY BEACH, BIG PROFITS WILL BE MADE AT AVALON Take the history of every Sydney Beach as your guide. Without exception, tremendous profits have been made — profits beyond those returned by any other form of investment. AVALON BEACH prices, originally ruled "where to-day as high as £100 per foot is asked. That is why history must repeat itself at Avalon Beach to the profit of those who buy to-day. . BONDI. The increased, population is reflected in increased prices. In 1910 £6 per foot— to-day as high as £100 is the value. Avalon Beach will show equally striking - increases. CRONULLA, ' Only a few years ago homesites, right at the beach could be bought for a few pounds per foot. The same lots to-day bring as high as £50 per foot. As Cronulla values grew so will Avalon, MAROUBRA. Before the tram was built sites could be had at almost your own price. To-day £12 to £30 per foot are the ruling rates. COLLAROY. During the past few years value have...week-ends and holidays is evidence of its popularity. A Club House is there now, but provision has been made for the erection in the future of a much larger one; the area for this purpose has been reserved. L - — £15,000
THE NORTH SHORE BRIDGE WILL FORCE VALUES UP. Rapid … growth is inevitable. The great Harbour Bridge will wipe away the present travelling inconvenience. Electric trains will open up the North Shore to a flood of incoming population, and the Northern Beaches will come into their own.
BEAUTIFUL 4-COLOUR ART FOLDER FREE ON APPLICATION.— It contains photo-graphs of magnificent homes, of golfing and surfing scenes, comprehensive drawing showing the relation of Avalon Beach to Sydney and the great North Shore Bridge; and, above all, an exquisite 3-colour painting of Avalon Beach itself. WILLMORE & RANDELL LTD. Managing Agents, Head Office : 10 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY 'PHONE: B7896 (5 lines).
At present Avalon Beach prices the .. new homes is high as £60 per foot, Avalon in the past 12 months at figure In a shorter period. . . Avalon Beach. (551 Free ... WILLMORE & RANDELL, LTD., Hi . 110 Castlereagh Street, I B AVALON I Box 2132 L, CJ>.0. M 3 L- 1 Please -send me ( free 0/ any expense or H B 1 obligation ) free plan and price list of H | I AVALON BEACH ESTATE, together II H 1 with handsome art folder. I M \ NAME ... SYDNEY ADDRESS' ...
Advertising (1928, December 9). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 37. Retrieved from

Australian Securities v Avalon Beach and others. Reserved judgment was given on the application, under the Moratorium Act, 1930, by Australian Securities, Limited, of Wynyard-street, Sydney, for leave to take foreclosure proceedings in respect of certain mortgage securities to it from Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, over the interests of the latter in certain land bought by it from Arthur Jabez Small, and over purchase moneys under sub-sales by Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, of the same land to various sub-purchasers. It was submitted that Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, still owed certain of the purchase moneys payable to Small, and had also given a mortgage security to Motor Discounts. Limited, of Castlereagh-street, Sydney, over certain of the contracts of sub-sale. Evidence was given that Willmore and Randell, Limited—the company was not made a party to the application—had been appointed by Avalon Bench Estates, Limited, selling agents for the allotments in the sub-division, and that these two companies were now in voluntary liquidation. George Malcolm Willmore and Reginald N. Randell, company directors, who were covenantors for payment of the mortgage moneys secured to Australian Securities, Limited, were made respondents to the application.
For the applicant company it was urged that the evidence given should satisfy the Court that as to certain alleged breaches by Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, regarding securities, its conduct in allowing Willmore and Randell, Limited, to receive from it certain of the purchase moneys under the sub-sales was such as to render Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, undeserving of the benefit or protection of the Moratorium Act, within the meaning of sub-section 4 of section 4, and that, there-fore, the application should be granted.
It was contended on behalf of Avalon Beach Estates, Limited, that the question of conduct under section 4, sub-section 4, could only be taken into account in the case where the mortgagor was unable either to redeem the property in full or to repay any part of the principal moneys. It was further contended that the proviso in sub-section 3 of section4—which prohibited the Court from granting leave to commence proceedings for fore-closure unless the Court was satisfied that, having regard to all the relevant circum-stances, including the ability of the mortgagor to redeem the property out of his own moneys, it would be unjust and inequitable not to grant the application—only applied in a case where the evidence established that the mortgagor was financially able to pay the whole of themortgage moneys due. Evidence had been given, however, that some of the moneys were still held by the liquidator of Avalon Beach Estates, Limited.
His Honor, remarking that he was not satisfied that he should give leave to take the course proposed, dismissed the application.
Mr. H. V. Jaques (instructed by Messrs. Stephen, Jaques, and Stephen) appeared for the applicant company; Mr. E. F. McDonald(instructed by Messrs. W. S. Gray and Perkins) for Avalon Beach Estates, Limited; Mr.J. M. Sanders (instructed by Mr. R. S. B.Sillar) for Motor Discounts, Limited; and Mr. E. R. Mann for G. M. Willmore and R.N. Randell. DISTRICT COURT. (1931, June 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from
Popular Motoring District Near Sydney — The road to Palm Beach and Barrenjoey. The view was taken at Avalon, looking back along the road towards Manly. The trip from Sydney to Palm Beach and Barrenjoey is now an easy one by way of the Harbour Bridge and the Spit Bridge. Motoring: Search for Petrol Substitutes (1932, August 24). Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 44. Retrieved from

Another Contribution By A. J. Small

At the north end of Avalon Beach's valley other landowners were bringing their acreage under the Real Property Act in order to subdivide:
No. 13,259. County of Cumberland, parish of Narrabeen, 101 acres 1 rood 381 perches, situated on Clareville Wharf Road, Clareville,—is Block No. 3, South Subdivision, Pittwater Estate, and is part of 1,200 acres (portion No. 20 of parish) granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining the properties of F. Burne, J. Robertson, S. Smith, and G. A. Smith, Trustees of Mrs. Evans, or J. G. Cousins, G. Holland, The London Bank of Australia, and J. H. Parry. – Applicant: Margaret Allan, Mosman. Day until which Caveats may be lodged: 17th February, 1905. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1904, December 30). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 9437. Retrieved from

Careel Bay Pittwater - No boundaries shown, 1882. Item No: c053460084, courtesy State Library of NSW.
APPLICATIONS have been made to bring the lands hereunder described under the provisions of the Real Property Act, Certificates of Indefeasible Title will issue, unless Caveats be lodged in accordance with the Third Schedule to the said Act ON OR BEFORE THE 6th JANUARY 1909: -
No 15,531 APPLICANT Frank Henry Burt, Sydney LAND -County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 18 acres 1 rood 20 perches, at Pitt Water, lot 18, villa sites. Pitt Water Estate, and part 1200 acres (portion 20 of parish) granted to John Joseph Therry, adjoining properties of A E Wickham and W H Holt Advertising (1908, December 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
No. 18,217/ APPLICANTS:—John George Cousins, Amess Bissett Coleman, and Thomas Hardy, all Sydney. LAND: —County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 96 acres 3 roods, on the road from Manly to Barrenjoey, being Block IV, South Division, Pittwater Estate, and part 1,200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of F. Burne, estate late John Tomkins and A. Bowen, G. Crowley, and J M. Taylor. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1913, June 25). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3845. Retrieved from
No. 18,923. APPLICANT: James McKinlay, Marrickville. LAND: County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 8 acres 1 rood 12 1/2 perches, on Pittwater. near Refuge Cove,—part lot 11, Villa Sites Pittwater Estate, and is part 1200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry ; adjoining properties of A. E. Wickham and — Kilminster. Diagrams delineating these lands may be inspected at the land Titles Office, Sydney.
10th December, 1913. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1913, December 10). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 7336. Retrieved from
No. 18,867. APPLICANT:—Mackenzie, Goulding, & Co., Limited. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 10 acres 1 rood, 38 ½ perches, in William-street,—lots 17 and 13 north division, Pittwater Estate, and part 1,200 ares (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, January 21). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 316. Retrieved from
Sale of Ocean Water Frontages.
One of the attractions of the New Year with big advantages attached by reason of the rarity of the opportunity is the auction sale, January 26, of ocean water frontages on a beautiful surf beach at Careel Bay, Pittwater, just above Manly.
No better way to spend Anniversary Day could be found than to visit the spot, for which every provision will be made, as may be gathered from the advertisements. The land for sale is the Careel Ocean Beach Estate, which is only three-quarters of a mile from Clareville Wharf at Pittwater. There are hundreds of splendid deep blocks fronting a beautiful ocean beach and intersected by a fine wide marine parade. Only £3 deposit is required for each £50 purchase, and the balance, in easy instalments over a term of seven years. The auctioneers are Messrs. Stanton and Son, Pitt-street, and Messrs. Hanson, Strong and Robey, Manly. The solicitors to the Estate are Messrs. Bowman and Mackenzie, George-street, Sydney. Sale of Ocean Water Frontages. (1914, January 17). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1919), p. 4. Retrieved from
Stanton and Sons, Ltd., have arranged a regular outing in connection with their sale of the Careel Ocean Beach Estate, which is situated on the main road between Newport and Barranjoey. The sale takes place on Monday, and motors and launches will take intending purchasers to the ground, and there will also be a free luncheon. REAL ESTATE. (1914, January 23). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 12 (CRICKET EDITION). Retrieved from
Avalon Subdivisions, Careel Ocean Estate 1914, Marine Road, Careel Road (now North Avalon Road) Item No.: c027560006h, courtesy State Library of NSW - Litho showing those that sold.
No. 18.843. APPLICANTS:—Louisa Little, Wallendbeen, Henry John Little, and William Augustus Little, both Sydney. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 27 acres 3 perches, at Pittwater.—lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, villa sites, in the Pittwater Estate, and part 1200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of P. A. Temple, A. Robinson, W. Robinson. J.D. Fletcher, J. Smith, and J. Gregg. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, May 27). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 3104. Retrieved from
No. 19,362. APPLICANT: —John Henry Parry, London. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah. 2 acres 1 rood 15 1/2 perches, 3 roods perches, 2 roods 24 perches, and 14 acres 1 rood 29 perches, in William, John, and Patrick streets and Central-road.—lots 3, 4, and 5, section 13. lot 5, section 12, lot 2, section 9, Marine village of Brighton "Josephton," Pittwater, and lots 5a and 6a, villa sites in Pittwater Estate, and parts 1,200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of estate late R. Mcintosh, Mrs. Madden, E. Cole, J. T. Taylor. London Bank of Australia Ltd., G. Crowley, J. M. Taylor, and A. J. Small. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, September 9). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5456. Retrieved from
No. 18,395. APPLICANT :—John Stevenson, Gladesville. LAND:—-County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 26 acres 5 perches, on Bilgola Creek and road leading to road from Manly to Barrenjoey,—lot 19, and part lot 18, South Division, Pittwater Estate, and part 1.200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of W. J. Hollins, C. W. B. King, — Humphrey, and Crown Land. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, December 9). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 7291. Retrieved from
No. 18,259. APPLICANTS:—Harley Usill Mackenzie and John George Cousins, both of Sydney. LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen, shire Warringah, 161 acres 1 rood 16 perches, on road from Manly to Barren joey and Careel Creek, at South Head of Broken Bay and Hole-in-Wall on South Pacific Ocean,—lots 3 and 4, North Division, Pittwater Estate, also part 280 acres (portion 49, parish), and 1,200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to Reverend John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of H. R. Nolan, E. Darvall, F. M. Callaghan, estate late J. Lucas, Warringah Shire Council, and applicants. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1914, December 16). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 7405. Retrieved from
Harley Usill Mackenzie was the eldest of five sons of Walter and Frances Mackenzie (nee Usill).
MACKENZIE —USILL. —On the 24th instant, at St. Michael's Church, Wollongong, by the Rev. T. C. Ewing, Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, Esq., M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., England, and Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, of West Maitland, to Frances, second daughter of the late Harley Matthew Usill, Esq., of Wisbeach, Cambridgeshire, England. No cards. 720 Family Notices (1865, January 31). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 1. Retrieved from
Children - from NSW BDM's Records:
The Mackenzies lost one son while quite young and Dr. Mackenzie passed away before the boys were grown too. Fortunately he had established a form of income for his family in mining interests prior to passing away - a few news items tell the story:
MACKENZIE—Dec. 10, Sydney, Walter Fawkes Edwards, second son of Dr. W. F. Mackenzie, aged 7 years. Family Notices (1875, December 25). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 813. Retrieved from
MACKENZIE.-October 14, 1886, at Lyons-terrace, Sydney, Dr. Walter Fawker Mackenzie, aged 51. Family Notices (1886, October 23). The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser (NSW : 1871 - 1912), p. 879. Retrieved from
DOCTOR MACKENZIE, — Doctor Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, chief medical officer of the Australian Mutual Provident Society and medical examiner to the Board of Education, died in his residence on Thursday after a short illness. He was a member of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, and of London. The deceased gentleman commenced his career early in the decade '60 to '70 in West Maitland, and afterward removed to Wallerawang, which place he left for Sydney. Dr. Mackenzie was one of our best known metropolitan practitioners, and was highly respected. His practice was chiefly with families, and his handsomely appointed brougham was a familiar, object in the fashionable thoroughfares in and about Sydney. He was brother to the examiner of coal fields. He leaves a widow and five children. General News. (1886, October 16). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 9. Retrieved from
"Amicus" writes: — "The late Dr. Walter Fawkes Mackenzie was a man whom it was impossible to know without eutertaining a sincere appreciation for his sterling worth. Always cheerful, never at any time mentally depressed, and full of energy, he possessed a gaiety of heart that lent itself in an 'infective' manner to those in his company. Possessing wondrous tact and xavoir J aire he took infinite pains to use these special gifts to the best interests of those enjoying his friendship. Ho was devoted to his profession and enjoyed the benefits of a largo and lucrative practice, but such were his systematic arrangements and habits .of routine that he seemed fairly to revel in his active duties. Full of consideration to all, aud especially to those in his service he, to whom time was more vnlunblo than to most men, would go out of his way to do a friend a good turn, with a charming air of bouhomie that would leave the recipient for ever grateful. His nature was singularly free from any jealous feelings, and to his profession and the members thereof be was loyal to the core, many of whom are much indebted to his kindly interest on their behalf." GENERAL NEWS. (1886, October 19). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 5. Retrieved from
The Late Dr. W. F. Mackenzie.-This gentleman, who was one of the leading members of the medical profession in Sydney, died at his residence on Thursday, after a short illness. Dr. Mackenzie was born in Lancashire and took his diplomas in Edinburgh and London. He arrived in the colony in 1862, and settled in the first instance at West Maitland, where he soon obtained a very large practice, under the pressure of which his health gave way. He retired for a time to Wallerawang, in the Blue Mountains, where he had a property, and on regaining his strength resumed his profession in Sydney, where he enjoyed a large practice up to the time of his death. In 1876 he was appointed medical officer, to the Australian Mutual Provident Society, the duties attached to which position he discharged to the entire satisfaction of the board. The work was onerous, involving the personal examination of from 400 cases annually, and the revision of all the medical reports from the country. His loss will be severely felt, not only in his own immediate family circle, but also by a large number of friends by whom he was much esteemed for his genial disposition, his generosity, and up-rightness. He leaves a widow, and five children, of whom the eldest is not yet of age. At the meeting of the medical section of the Royal Society which was hold last night, the following resolution was proposed and unanimously carried-"That the section has heard with deep regret of the death of Dr. Walter Fawkes Mackenzie ; and that the section do now adjourn as a mark of the respect and esteem with which he was regarded."-Herald. LOCAL NEWS. (1886, October 19). The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), p. 5. Retrieved from
BEFORE,Mr. Justin FAUCETT, and Mr. Justice INNES )
... was the appeal of the defendant, Dr. Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, against the decree of his Honor the Primary Judge declaring his brother, the plaintiff, John Mackenzie, examiner of coaIfields, to be a partner with him in certain valuable coal and shale lands near Wallerawang....
The CHIEF JUSTICE, in delivering judgment, said that if there were nothing else to be considercd but the deed poll, there would be no question that it gave the defendant a rompíalo right to the property. However, the relation of the parties in respect to the property from the execution of the deed in 1870 down to 1883 showed that no change had taken place in the ownership. Although no works were carried out, and no coal extracted, effort» wpre made in various quarters to make aouie portion of the land available by selling It, and during all these transactions the plaintiff and defendant had corresponded and talked together when it became necessary,until at some time in July, when the plaintiff wrote for copies of deeds, in order to have his position put on some satisfactory bans. Apart from the authorities which had been stated it was quite evident that when two persons entered into partnership to work ... properties they being the a> le matter of the partnership, when one conveyed his interest to the other the partnership could not be ...must be a dissolution. If the plaintiff came to that Court with such a OKI» as that he would have no ground for asking ... appeal was therefore dismissed with costs, the Court Joining in a recommendation to the parties to ..come to some arrangement. LAW REPORT. SUPREME COURT.—THURSDAY, MAY 21. (1885, May 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Kerosene Vale
Is a rural place and a valley located 2km east of Lidsdale. It has the creek system, Sawyers Swamp, flowing through it. Dr Walter Fawkes Mackenzie (1835-1886) applied for a Mineral Lease of 240ac at Sawyers Swamp in 1866. Ref: Survey Plan C290.1507. In a few short years, his holdings in this area had increased to 691ac (279ha). It was due to the shale, also referred to as Torbanite, mined in this locality for its oil content, which produced, when processed, kerosene. The mining in this area resulted in the locality being called Kerosene Vale. At present, this area is used as a repository for the dry ash generated by the Wallerawang Power Station. Constructed in 1960, it was filled with a combination of by product ash from the Wallerawang Power Station and mining spoil.
Harley's brother William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie was a gentleman known for his Military Service and for his care of the men under his command during WWI, although this item, in noting his death, refers back to the industry started by his father and his father's brother:
In last Saturday's Herald was a notice stating that Lieut. Colonel William K. S. Mackenzie, D.S.O., who was admitted to the New South Wales Bar in 1895, died last Tuesday.
This is of more than passing interest to people, interested in mining in this district and possibly others, reports Mr. E. J. McKenzie, research secretary of the Lithgow Historical Society. It was Colonel Mackenzie's father (Dr. Walter Fawkes Mackenzie) and his uncle (John Mackenzie) examiner of coal mines in the early days of the Mines Department, who established the kerosene oil industry at Kerosene Vale, Lidsdale, in the 1860's. In the Bathurst Times of November 20, 1867, it was reported that a consignment of 200 gallons of "Cannelite oil from Mackenzie Bros' oil works near Bowenfels had reached Bathurst. It appears that be cause of the pale amber color of the oil the public were prejudiced against is in favor or the American oil which was clear in color. Up till about 10 years ago Kerosene Vale was one of the beauty spots of the district. The Mackenzies, who by the way came from Wiggan, England, planted the place with ornamental trees and shrubs. During the last war the poplars' and redwoods were sold and taken to mills , in Sydney for manufacture into better class furniture, etc., but with the remaining shrubs, along with the unusual natural formation of the place, it still retained much of its charm as a picnic ground. SEVERANCE OF LINK WITH EARLY MINING HISTORY (1952, June 12). Lithgow Mercury (NSW : 1898 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Harley died quite young:
MACKENZIE - March 3 1916, at St Vincent's. Private Hospital Darlinghurst, Harley Usill Mackenzie aged 49 years. Family Notices (1916, March 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from
The death of Mr. Harley Ursill Mackenzie, one of Sydney's best-known solicitors, and a member of the legal firm of Messrs. Bowman and Mackenzie, of this city, In St. Vincent's Private Hospital on Friday, was consequent upon an operation for appendicitis. Deceased who was in his 49th year, was a son of Dr. Mackenzie, of Sydney, and a brother of Lieutenant-Colonel Mackenzie, now at the front, and formerly Associate to Mr. Justice Gordon, Judge in Divorce.
Mr. Mackenzie was well known in social and sporting circles in this State. The interment took place yesterday afternoon at Burwood, in the Church of England portion of the cemetery. The funeral was, large and representative, and Included many legal men. Amongst those who forwarded wreaths were the directors of the Hotel Pacific, Mr. and Mrs. Septimus Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levy, the management and staff of the Hotel Pacific, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert- Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macdonald, Mrs. and Miss Lewis, Mr. John Mackenzie. Misses Hay, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Morton, the guests of the Hotel Pacific, Rachael Joy Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Allen, the board of directors of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; Mr. Harry Chisholm, Mr. Venour Nathan, Mr. A. G. Andrews, Mr. Edwin Geach, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Prosser, and Misses Morton. MR. HARLEY MACKENZIE DEAD (1916, March 5). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (SUNDAY EDITION). Retrieved from
In the Supreme Court of New South Wales.
In the will of Harley Usill Mackenzie, late of Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, solicitor, deceased.
PURSUANT to the Wills, Probate and Administration Act, 1898: Notice is hereby given that all creditors and other persons having any claims upon or being otherwise interested in the estate of the abovenamed deceased, who died at Sydney aforesaid on the 3rd day of March, 1916, are hereby required to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, the proctors for the executors of the will of the said deceased, before the 25th day of October next, after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which they shall then have notice ; and the said executors shall not be liable, for the assets or any part thereof so distributed, to any person of whose claim they shall uot have had notice at the time of such distribution.—Dated this 8th day of September, 1916.
Proctors for the Executors,
279 George-street, Sydney. PROBATE JURISDICTION. (1916, September 15). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales(Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 5610. Retrieved from
His brother W K Mackenzie was in charge of his estate, and that of his brothers
William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie war service:
Colonel Mackenzie, who completed his first year of active service at the front to-day, is in good health and spirits, according to a letter received from him by Mr. Justice Gordon yesterday. Prior to going to the war Colonel Mackenzie, who Is a member of the New South Wales Bar, was Associate to his Honor. MEN AND WOMEN (1916, June 14). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 6 (FINAL RACING). Retrieved from
Informal portrait of two 61st Battalion officers at a camp in southern England. Identified left to right: Captain Arthur Havelock Hirst; Lieutenant Colonel William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie, DSO, Officer Commanding. Place made: United Kingdom: England, Dorset, Wareham, Date made: May 1917, Conflict First World War, 1914-1918 - courtesy Australian War Museum
Colonel William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie, DSO, Officer Commanding Place made: United Kingdom: England, Dorset, Wareham, Date made: May 1917, Conflict First World War, 1914-1918 - courtesy Australian War Museum
The following is an extract from a letter from Colonel Mackenzie of the 19th batt., dated August 14-
__"At times we have had an issue of fresh clothing, and have been able to purchase extra food from canteens or village shops, but this is not invariably the case. There are times when men greatly need a clean change and frequently we are unable to purchase extra., at least, to the extent desired. Only a week or so ago, a consignment of shirts, socks, etc, came to hand. The time was most opportune, and the clean shirts and socks were eagerly taken up and soiled ones discarded. Shirts and socks are the two items most required. Those sent are entirely satisfactory and I hope our committee and continue to send them. The short khaki pants are also much appreciated. There is a distinct craving for sweet things. Men who, in ordinary life, would scarcely dream of buying chocolate and sweets, seem to acquire a taste for them here. Cigarettes are always acceptable, and at times the men sadly need them. We get an issue of two packets (20 cigarettes) a man per week, but as a man will smoke at least a packet a day there are times when men (if not near a canteen) run out of cigarettes.”
Gifts of books and fiction magazines are earnestly requested by the 19th Battalion Comforts Fund, 11 Bent- street, for the use of the reinforcements leaving on the transports.
'The Sevres porcelain factory has been transformed since the outbreak of war Into a great munition factory producing materials for manufacturing explosives. THE 19TH BATTALION. (1916, October 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from
William passed away in 1952, preceded by his mother, who was living in Victoria - probably with youngest son Cecil who was an Engineer and employed by the Melbourne Harbor Trust - and brother Eric and sister Edith, who died within months of each other:
THE LATE MRS. FRANCES MACKENZIE. (1918, May 11). Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929), p. 7. Retrieved from
MACKENZIE.—At The Wyllies, Marshall, Victoria, Frances, widow of the late Dr. Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, of Sydney, N.S.W. Family Notices (1918, May 3). Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1859 - 1929), p. 1. Retrieved from
AFTER fourteen clear days application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of Victoria, in its Probate Jurisdiction, by William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie, of Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, barrister-at-law, the surviving executor to whom probate of the will and one codicil of EDITH USILL MACKENZIE, late of Number 24 Darlinghurst road, Sydney, in the State of New South Wales, spinster, deceased, was granted by the Supreme Court of New South Wales, in its Probate Jurisdiction, on the eighth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and forty-four, Eric Blundell Mackenzie, of Bayswater road, Sydney, In the State of New South Wales, Gentleman, the other executor named In the said will, having died on the third day of September, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five, that the said probate be RESEALED with the seal of the said Supreme Court of Victoria. Dated the fifth day of October, one thou-sand nine hundred and forty-five. KROROUSE. OLDHAM, & DARVALL, of 352 Collins street, Melbourne, solicitors for the applicant. Advertising (1945, October 5). The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), p. 18. Retrieved from
LEGAL NOTICES IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES.— PROBATE JURISDICTION.— No. 319829.— Hi the Will of ROBERT LE GAY BRERETON formerly of The Rock in the State of New South Wales late of Royal Australian Air Force deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that the First Accounts in the above Estate have been filed this day in my office Sydney and all persons having any interest in the said Estate may come in before me at my said office on or before the twenty-third day of October 1947 at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon and inspect the same and if they shall think fit object thereto otherwise if the said accounts be not objected to the same will be examined by me and passed according to law. Dated this 23rd day of September 1947. CHAS. E. BUTCHART (L.S) Registrar.
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES.— PROBATE JURISDICTION.— In the Will and Two Codicils of Eric Blundell Mackenzie late of Darlinghurst in the State of New South Wales Retired Grazier deceased. APPLICATION will be made after 14 days from the publication hereof that Probate of the last Will and Testament of the abovenamed deceased dated the 23rd day of January 1941 and two Codicils thereto dated respectively the 18th day of April 1941 and the 24th day of June 1943 may be granted to William Kenneth Seaforth Mackenzie and Hilton Raymond Gordon two of the Executors named therein, Edith Usill Mackenzie and Wilfrid Mount Batten the other Executors named therein having predeceased the Testator and all Notices may be served at the undermentioned address. All creditors in the Estate of the deceased are required to send in particulars of their claims to the undersigned. Bowman & Mackenzie Proctors for the Executors 133 Pitt Street Sydney. Advertising (1947, September 25). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1931 - 1954), p. 32. Retrieved from
MACKENZIE, William Kenneth Seaforth.-June 3, at Sydney, late Lieut.-Colonel 19th Batt., First A I.F., beloved brother of Arthur Cecil. By request, no flowers. Family Notices (1952, June 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 26. Retrieved from
A snippet about Arthur Cecil:
Harbor Engineer Resigns Position
Mr, Mackenzie Desires to Enter Private Practice
Surprise no doubt will be expressed In engineering circles at the announcement of the resignation of Mr. Arthur Cecil Mackenzie, M. Inst. C.E.. chief engineer of the Melbourne Harbor Trust, In order to enter private practice. "
Mr G. F. Holden stated today that the resignation of Mr Mackenzie had been accepted by the Harbor Trust Commissioners. His term of office expires at the end of the year. In accept-Ing the resignation, the Chairman of the Harbor Trust and the Commissioners referred to the excellent services performed by Mr Mackenzie during his period of office as engineer to the Trust. A successor has not yet been appointed, but the matter is now under the consideration of the Commissioners. In the engineering world Mr Mackenzie occupies a front rank position,
and his career has been characterised by brilliancy, industry, and , originality. It Is doubtful whether there Is another man In the Commonwealth rivalling the high qualifications he holds in his particular department of activity. The commissioners will find it difficult to replace mm.
Son of the late Mr Walter Fawkes Mackenzie, of Sydney, the retiring engineer was educated at the Sydney Grammar School,- where he distinguished himself In mathematics. In his early youth Mr Mackenzie nurtured a penchant for engineering. Leaving school, Mr Mackenzie went to London for experience, serving his articles with the London and Great Northern Railway Company. Five years later he went to China on railway construction Work"
Fighting the Boxers
During the Boxer rebellion In 1900. when the members of the Chinese Secret Society made a fierce attack upon foreigners and Christians, Mr Mackenzie was one of those who enlisted for active service in Northern China. After experiencing what he describes as "an uncanny time in that bloodthirsty country, Mr. Mackenzie returned to Sydney, taking up a responsible position on the staff of the Sydney Harbor Trust. There he remained ' for another five years, then migrating to Geelong to fill the post of Engineer-in-Chief of the Geelong Harbor Trust during the presidency of the late Mr E. 1-L Liiscelles. Only those aware of the great enter-urlso shown by the throe Geolong Commissioners during the next seven years can obtain any idea of the magnitude of the work undertaken by Mr Mackenzie and the' highly efficient manner in which It was executed. Mr G. F. Holdon succeeded Mr Lascelles as chairman"
His Ability Recognised
The Government was not slow to recognise the progressive policy and sound administrative ability shown by tbo /former' who, when offered the more lucrative position of chairman of the Melbourne Harbor Trust, accepted. Neither did they overlook the engineering capacity of Mr Mackenzie, -whom they - appointed chief engineer. Mr Mackenzie is a. member of -the Council of the Victorian Institute of Engineers, and is also a member of the Advisory Council of the London Institute of Engineers. He has decided to enter into partnership with Messrs. Charles D'Ebro and Meldrum.
A Gigantic Task.'
The gigantic, task of remodelling the whole inner port, devolved upon Mr Holdon and Mr Mackenzie who drew up all the plans in connection therewith. It Is. 'to be a long and- costly contract, but Its completion will give Melbourne one of the most wonderful harbors In the world. The estimated cost is over £6,000,000. In planning works for 30 years ahead the Harbor Trust Commissioners have given evidence of an Inspiring enterprise. Among other things, the Harbor Trust scheme drawn up by Mr Mackenzie (which is being adopted in its entirety) provides for many miles of double-sided wharves, served by railroads and tramways converging into the base of the State railway system in Spencer street, and branching into factories, stores ' and workshops of Port. South, and North Melbourne. Victoria Dock, at the' head of Coodo Canal, is to be supported by a service of four other and greater parallel works, cut to a depth' of 32ft. into the silt, and divided by spacious wharves and piers.
Improvements Planned
A new road will be driven from Queen's Bridge along the base, line of the harbor works to the river mouth, and along the! road will run on electric tramway, reducing the Journey between Williamstown and the city from miles to four 'miles. A tunnel or- a transport bridge, will carry the trams and other traffic across the river into the old seaside suburb. The trams will serve not only the wharfside business, but the coming residential settlement on the undeveloped part of Port Melbourne, west of the railway. A huge swamp area, that for half a century has been an eyesore — a seemingly rotten, core in the heart of the Port ' Phillip settlement — is being redeemed. The Harbor Trust Commissioners are cutting out the dross as one would excise the bruised portion from ah apple.
Nature left the biggest part of the task to human hands. A fleet of bucket dredges, barges, and rock drills, and an arsenal of blasting apparatus will be required to shape the inner port but of the silt beds. It Is the contention of Mr Mackenzie that as the development of a harbor is work of national importance, it cannot be left to private enterprise, which caters only for berth-ago accommodation for its own personal requirements, without thought of the general trade for which provision is required, and without giving due consideration to future expansion. Extensive powers are required, 'he maintains, which can only be obtained by Act of Parliament, and the reservation of large areas of suitable land and water frontages is indispensable.
Sydney's Bad Example
As an instance of the lack of the realisation at an early date of the requirements for future port development, Mr Mackenzie cites Sydney as a typical example, where practically the whole of the harbor foreshore has been alienated by titles for land being granted to high water mark. Fortunately for Melbourne, the Crown reserved some 3824 acres of land adjoining the River Yarra and Hobson’s Bay, which Is the most Sukarno for port development. This action was taken 75 years ago at the instigation of citizens, who were responsible for the formation of the Harbor Trust In the year 1876,. assuring the development upon economic and, definite lines during the past 42 years. Harbor Engineer Resigns Position (1919, November 5). The Herald (Melbourne, Vic. : 1861 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
Further shifting of acreage under the Real Property Act - and the map showing where they had held the land:
No. 20,282. APPLICANTS:—Percy Charles Lucas, Ingleburn; John Hector Lucas, Five Dock; and Edgar Lucas, Waverley.LAND:—County Cumberland, parish Narrabeen; shire Warringah, 12 acres 12 perches, on road from Manly to Barren joey, and on Central-road,—lots 10 and 11, North Division, Pittwater Estate, and part 1,200 acres (portion 20, parish), granted to John Joseph Therry; adjoining properties of Mrs. E. Darval, E. M. Callaghan, and Careel Ocean Beach Estate, Limited. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1916, December 29). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 7818. Retrieved from
No. 22,830. APPLICANT:—Samuel Jamieson, Manly. LAND:—Shire Warringah, 20 acres 32 perches, lots 12, 13, 15, and 16 North Division Pittwater Estate, fronting Barrenjoey-road. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1921, March 18). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1786. Retrieved from
No. 29636 Katherine Mary Roche 6 a. 38 ½ p. pts. secs. 4 and 5 and lot 7 sec. 8 Brighton Village Est. and lot 8 sec. E. Stokers Point Est. George, Therry, Patrick, Elizabeth, Queen's and Joseph Sts. Pittwater. REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICES. (1949, July 1). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1851. Retrieved from
No. 36,092. Louis Forster, 2 a. 2 r. 20 p., lots 1 to 5 incl., sec. VI, village of Brighton, in George, Joseph and Therry sts., and on Careel Bay, Pittwater. NOTICE UNDER REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1947, May 16). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1152. Retrieved from
No. 42754 Avalon Heights Estate Pty. Limited 3 ac. 14 per. part of lot V North Division of the Pittwater Est. in the vicinity of Therry and Riviera Sts. Avalon. REAL PROPERTY ACT NOTICE (1963, July 26). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2141. Retrieved from
Sale of Ocean Water Frontages. One of the attractions of the New Year with big advantages attached by reason of the rarity of the opportunity is the auction sale, January 26, of ocean water frontages on a beautiful surf beach at Careel Bay, Pittwater, just above. Manly.No better way to spend Anniversary Day could be found than to visit the spot, for which every provision will be made, as may be gathered from the advertisements. The land for sale is the Careel Ocean Beach Estate, which is only three-quarters of a mile from Clareville Wharf at Pittwater. There are hundreds of splendid deep blocks fronting a beautiful ocean beach and intersected by a fine wide marine parade. Only £3 deposit is required for each £50 purchase, and the balance, in easy installments over a term of seven years. The auctioneers are Messrs. Stanton and Son, Pitt-street, and Messrs. Hanson, Strong and Robey, Manly. The solicitors to the Estate are Messrs. Bowman and Mackenzie, George-street, Sydney. Sale of Ocean Water Frontages. (1914, January 17). The Newsletter: an Australian Paper for Australian People (Sydney, NSW : 1900 - 1918), p. 4. Retrieved from
Stanton and Son, Ltd, report, 15 lots in the Careel Ocean Beach Estate, with frontages of in all of 752 feet to Marine Parade for a total of £6781. REAL ESTATE. (1919, January 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
Stanton & Son. Careel Ocean Beach estate [cartographic material] : "The hole in the wall", 2nd subdivision, April st, 1922. MAP Folder 37, LFSP 499. Part 1. and Stanton & Son. Careel Ocean Beach estate [cartographic material] : "The hole in the wall", 2nd subdivision 1922. MAP Folder 37, LFSP 499. Part 2., courtesy National Library of Australia.

Careel Ocean Beach Estate - Central Ave, Careel Rd - 3rd Subdivision showing Harley Road and Watkins Road. Item No: c027560024, courtesy State Library of NSW
Careel Bay Estate and Pittwater May 16th. Item No: c053460085, courtesy State Library of NSW
Comprising 85 Lota, fronting Barrenjoey-road and George-street, 14 Lots fronting Bayview-road and Riverview-road, right at Careel Bay, and 8 Water-froutage Lots, fronting Bay view-road, and running down to Careel Bay, almost adjoining the wharf.
Sale will be held on the Ground at 3 p.m., from the Barrenjoey-road Section, and purchasers are asked to view the Careel Bay and Pittwater Lots prior to Auction, to avoid moving the rostrum, though cars will be available if required.
By PEACH BROS., 76 PITT-STREET, SYDNEY. Advertising (1926, December 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from
Johnston Estate 1928, Johnston Estate Avalon and Careel Beach - Bayview Rd, Queens...Item No.: c027560023, courtesy State Library of NSW
Dr. James Frederick Elliott of Elliott Brothers, Limited, was rear-commodore of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron in 1893-94 and 1900-02 and vice-commodore in 1902-04, and a director of the private company formed to buy the club's premises, Carabella, Milsons Point, in 1904.
J F Elliott passed away in 1928 but two years prior to then purchased land at Careel Bay, which, according to some reports, was going to form the basis for a RSYS place at Pittwater: Primary Application - James Frederick Elliott 29 acres 11 roods 35 1/4 perches in Bay View & River View Roads & on Careel Bay & Pittwater in Parish Narrabeen County Cumberland Shire Warringah Volume 3952 Folio 98 Date range: 13/04/1926 to 23/12/1926 (From State Records of NSW).
A description of Marara at Careel Bay from 1929 sale Notice:
Dr. JAMES FREDERICK ELLIOTT, "MARARA." CAREEL BAY. near PALM BEACH. OCCUPYING a sheltered position, commanding a wide range of enchanting views if the picturesque Inlets of Pittwater, its shores, and headlands. An ideal Waterside Bungalow of attractive design, built of specially selected mahogany weatherboards on massive stone foundation, WITH DOUBLE ROOF and shingles over iron, to ENSURE A LOW TEMPERATURE.
It contains: Living-room, 25 x 10, with inglenook. In addition large plate glass observation window, and is fitted with built-in bullet and cabinets, four bedrooms, each with lavatory basin fitted therein, supplied with running water, modern bathroom, with lavatory, kitchen with stove and sink, hot and cold water service, etc. Verandah in front. 33 x 12. Verandah at rear. All windows and doors fitted with copper wire flyscreens. Delco Electric Light Installed throughout, Telephone. The water supply Is a special feature, having a storeage capacity of '60.000 gallons, with special Reserve supply for household purposes, connected to bedrooms, bathroom, and kitchen.
DETACHED LAUNDRY, fitted with up-to date appointments, storeroom.
ON THE WATERFRONT Is a BOATSHED. with man's quarters over, comprising living-room, large bedroom, kitchen (stone), separate water supply. SHARK-PROOF SWIMMING BATH. 130ft, x 40ft. Substantial Hardwood Wharf, Other improvements comprise: Motor Garage, Cow Shed. Fodder Bins, Poultry Run, Septic Tank. THE LAND COMPRISES AN AREA OF 28 ACRES 8 ROODS 6 PERCHES. TITLE TORRENS. HAVING FRONTAGES to CAREEL BAY. BAYVIEW ROAD AND RIVERVIEW-ROAD, about 4500 FEET t o EXISTING ROAD?.

The second son of the late Dr. George Robinson Elliott, who founded the firm of Elliott Bros., Ltd., the late Dr. J. F. Elliott was born in Elliott-street, Balmain, in 1857, and was educated at the Sydney Grammar School. For his technical education he proceeded to London, thence to Germany. Returning to Sydney, he was appointed to the position of pharmaceutical chemist to Elliott Bros., Ltd., and he designed the laboratories at Rozelle. He also occupied the position of scientific director of the chemical works of the company, succeeding the late Mr. James R. Elliott as managing director of the chemical works and laboratories. In these positions he had great opportunities of showing his ability as a chemical engineer, and under his supervision great progress was made in the manufacture of sulphuric and other mineral acids, and also the manufacture of superphosphates and other chemical manures, He was a leading authority on all pharmaceutical matters and chemical engineering and was a life member of the Pharmaceutical Society of New South Wales.
During the last few years he made several visits to England, the Continent, and the Far East, and was one of the founders of the oil industry in Timor. He took a special interest in the refinement of bismuth metal.
Subsequent to the death of the late Mr.George Elliott in 1912 he became general manager and chairman of the board of directors of Elliott Bros., Ltd., and also became director of a number of other companies, including the Australian Alliance Assurance Co., Consumers' Ammonia Co., of Australia, Ltd., Taylors and Elliotts, Ltd. (Brisbane), in which were amalgamated the businesses of Elliott Bros., Ltd., and Taylor and Colledge, in Brisbane. He was a member of the New South Wales Club and the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron. Yachting had a fascination for him and he introduced the 30ft class, and he sailed the Magic and the Meteor. Latterly, he owned the motor yacht, Lotus. LATE DR. ELLIOTT. (1928, September 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Just my Luck!
One often hears this remark made, usually when an opportunity has been lost. Lost opportunities never return, so be sure not to allow them to pass. NOW IS YOUR In a most sheltered position away from the southerly and westerly winds, Dalwood Park Estate at Avalon, offers one of the best possibilities of rising values in this famed northern beach area. The lots are of ample frontage and depth, most lots being 40ft. x 150ft. The title is Torrens, and the prices range from £100 per Lot. TERMS: £10 deposit, and balance by 12 equal quarterly payments. Interest 6. per cent, per annum. Land Development Co. Ltd. 82 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Tel., B1059. Advertising (1929, June 16). Sunday Times (Sydney, NSW : 1895 - 1930), p. 16. Retrieved from

Items No.: c027560027 Dalwood Park Estate 1 and c027560028 Dalwood Park Estate 2, courtesy State Library of NSW
The above relates to names given by Herbert Fitzpatrick to his Avalon land holdings - Elvina is named for and to Honour ElvinaNoonan, an aunt of his wife and who introduced them while Keven Avenue is named for an uncle Charlie Kevin.
Visit: Pittwater Roads II: Where The Streets Have Your Name - Scotland Island

Visit: John Collins of Avalon and Katherine Mary Roche - Pittwater Matriarch
For Plans, Booklet, and Price list, send:
133 Pitt-street, Sydney. 'Phone, B7896 (2 lines).
Phone, Y9155. Advertising (1935, December 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
J I over 8 Acres In the heart of AVALON with frontage to AVALON PARADE. BUS PASSES City water light Close to SHOPS and SUCH A fine stone wall and gate and stone ballasted drive leading and clearing levelled for building. Plans for subdivision Into 16 blocks have been passed by council
STANTON HOUSE 131 PITT STREET, SYDNEY. Advertising (1951, November 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from Advertising
Some Of The People Behind The Street Names
Wickham Lane
Stanley Montgomery Wickham 'Stan' (4 January 1876 – 16 August 1960) was a pioneer Australian rugby union player, a state and national representative centre who captained the Australian national side on a number of occasions in the early 1900s. He was tour captain for the inaugural Wallaby overseas tour, that to New Zealand in 1905.
Born in Parramatta, to Sydney and Jane (nee Galvin - married in 1861), S M Wickham was the youngest child and fifth son:
WICKHAM-GALVIN-On Thursday, the 4th instant, by special license, at St. John's Church, Darlinghurst, Mr. Sydney Wickham, to Miss Jane Galvin, both of Sydney. Family Notices (1861, April 9). Empire (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1875), p. 1. Retrieved from
Sydney and Jane Wickham Births - from NSW BDM's
Mr. Wickham was schooled at Parramatta Marist Brothers followed by Sydney Boys High School graduating in 1889 where he learned his rugby. After school he played for the Parramatta Two Blues in 1893 & 1894 then the Wallaroo club side in Sydney in 1895 and 1896. He lived in Lucknow near Orange, New South Wales from 1896 to 1899 and played rugby there, making representative Country sides for clashes against City in each of those years.[4] In 1900 he returned to Sydney and commenced with the Western Suburbs DRUFC in its inaugural year of competition. He would play 87 first-grade games for the club.
Representative career
Wickham was first selected in a New South Wales representative side in 1895 aged 19 and would go on to make 37 Waratah appearances in a state representative career than lasted till 1906. He made 24 state appearances in matches against Queensland. Howell cites his finest Waratahs game as an 1897 tour match against the visiting All Blacks when he scored two tries and booted a conversion for a rare 22-8 New South Wales win over New Zealand.
Wickham 2nd row, left with 1908 Wallabies
Stan Wickham (#30) with named 1908 Wallabies. (1908). The Australian Rugby Football Team (The Wallabies) Retrieved from - National Library of Australia.
He first represented at the national level against New Zealand, in Sydney, on 15 August 1903. He made two Test appearances against Great Britain who toured Australia 1904 and then in 1905 he was selected for the Wallabies tour of New Zealand, the first overseas campaign by an Australian rugby side. He was one of fourteen New South Welshman, who with nine Queenslanders made up a twenty-five strong squad. It was a disappointing tour for the Wallabies who played seven games and won only the last three against Manawatu-Hawkes Bay, Wanganui-Taranaki and Auckland.[2] Wickham played every match on tour and was top-scorer with eighteen points from two penalty goals and three goals from marks. In total he claimed five international rugby caps for Australia, four of them as captain.
Wickham had been two years retired by the date of the 1908–09 Australia rugby union tour of Britain. New South Wales state selector James McMahon was tour manager and in those days the idea that anyone other than the captain would coach the side was frowned upon. McMahon was initially the only accompanying official but Howell writes that a public campaign resulted in Wickham also being included on the tour as Assistant Manager acting unofficially as coach.
In 1916 he married Grace K C MacDonald. Grace and Stan came to Avalon in 1924 with their two young children, Stanley and Lois, to take up tenancy of A. J. Small’s General Store.

Avalon Beach General Store owned by Stan Wickham, on Avalon Parade, New South Wales, circa 1930, Image No.:nla.pic-an24768496, courtesy NLA from album Prospectus photographs of Avalon, 1930
In 1934 the Wickham’s had built their own store on the diagonally opposite corner, where the wine store now stands. In fact the Wiockham's owned the whole shopfront's from Old Barrenjoey Road up to where Wickham Lane is now.
Wickham store - 1934

While Stan was out making deliveries Grace would run the store, including the Post Office within the store, redirected telephone calls, handled holiday lettings for the cottages and homes as they sprang up, raised her children and as a nurse, acted as the local GP until a doctor had settled in the valley of Avalon.
On a tragic note, she also took the telegram which informed her of her son being shot down over Germany in 1939 whilst a flier for the Royal Air Force.
Son of Stan Wickham
Pilot-Officer Stanley McDonald Wickham (22), who died on Monday while serving with the R.A.F., was a son of Mr. Stan Wicklham of Rugby Union fame, and a grand.son of the late Mr. Sydney Wickham, who preceded Mr. Syd. Davies as town clerk of Parramatta. His parents, who reside at Avalon, received the news yesterday In a cable from the British Air Ministry.
"Although the cable just says he was killed in an aircraft accident," Mr. Stan Wickham said last night, "we think he was serving on thle Western Front.
Educated at North Sydney High School young Wickham gained his advanced A flying certificate as a member of Sydney Aero Club. He left Australia nearly two years ago to take up a four year commission with the R.A.F. AIRMAN KILLED (1939, December 20 - Wednesday). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 1. Retrieved from
Wickham Lane, running beside the Post Office’s present site is named after the Wickhams. The Lane's name originally extended right through to Dunbar Park. That section between Avalon Parade and the park was officially changed in 1988. The section that runs from the post office to Avalon Public School remains 'Wickham Lane'.
Alison Bosley (Grace is her Great Aunt) explains that this was the path they used to use to go to the shop and later the tea rooms beside it.
“They lived in Central Road and that was the path they walked along to go to work” Alison explains.
Stan Wickham circa 1902/1905 - photo courtesy ABHS
Stan Wickham was also a foundation member of the Avalon Beach SLSC. The Avalon Beach SLSC, and a reel and line on the beach, existed long before a clubhouse. Warringah Shire Council's Minutes of Meetings notes: 17/12/1923: Resolved, - That maintenance Man Oliver be instructed to return to Mr. Small the life line which he holds, and the surf reel at Avalon Beach, and return the other line to station.
Mr Small and Mr Wickham and others met at Mr. Small's Avalon Beach home on Sunday, March 8th, 1925 - please note that it should be an 'A' instead of H for Mr. Small's initials:

Edmond Hock Lane

Avalon Fire Brigade

SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—Naming of Roads.—Ordinance
30, Clause 53, Local Government Act.—Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned roads have been renamed in accordance with section 249 (a) of the Local Government Act:—
Past Name or Location and New Name.
Unnamed road at West Dee Why, running approximately east to west between portions 835, 836, 839, 840, 842 and 843 on its northern side and portions 829, 830, 825, 824, 823 and 822 on its southern side—Maybrook-avenue.
Unnamed road at West Dee. Why, running north from proposed May brook-avenue to Toronto-avenue West, between parish portions 841/2 and 847/8—Truman-avenue.
Unnamed road at French's Forest, running north from French's Forest road to Iris-street along eastern boundary of parish portion 1,137—Patanga-road.
Unnamed lane running north and south between The Crescent and Avalon-parade, Avalon—Edmund Hock avenue.
Unnamed road at French's Forest, off Arthur-street, between parish portions 2,037/8, 2,169, 2,482, etc., on its northern side and portions 2,487, 2,488/9, 1,946, 1,969, 2,462 etc., on its southern side—Angophora-crescent.
J. MORGAN, Shire Clerk, Shire Hall,' Brookvale, 3rd May, 1955.
SHIRE OF WARRINGAH.—NAMING OF ROADS.—Ordinance (1955, May 6). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales(Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1313. Retrieved from

Avalon golf house - photo courtesy Avalon Beach Historical Society
Patterson Lane
Named for Geoff Patterson, a founding member of the Avalon Preservation Trust. His wife was Joy. Son Bruce was a member of the Avalon Beach SLSC.
WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—Naming of Roads.—Notice is hereby given that Council in accordance with section 249a of the Local Government Act lVlV (Ordinance 3U, clause dJ) has renamed the section of road listed hereunder:
Past Name and New Name
Wickham Lane, Avalon (unsealed section between Dunbar Park and Central Road)—Patterson Lane.
Authorised by resolution of Council 15th September, 1987. F. L. THOMPSON, General Manager, Civic Centre, Dee Why, N.S.W. 2099.
WARRINGAH SHIRE COUNCIL.—NAMING OF ROADS.—Notice is hereby given that Council in accordance with section 249A of (1988, February 19). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 1053. Retrieved from
Patterson Lane looking towards commencement of Wickham Lane, Avalon Beach, May 2019
Trappers Way

Held on Tuesday night 12 March 2019
At Avalon Beach Bowling Club
Even when you've lived in Avalon Beach for 50 years and you see that the topic for the next ABHS meeting is a talk on Trappers Way, your first thought is: what could I possibly learn about Trappers Way?
But then, you know that President for Life Geoff Searl OAM's evenings are always informative and interesting for anyone living in Avalon Beach.
Last night was no exception.
Over 70 people were entertained and informed by Geoff, David Lyall PSM ESMM FAIB and Mrs Gail Lonnon, accompanied by John Stone on the projector.
ABHS Members and Visitors at March 2019 Meeting - photo by Roger Sayers
Geoff brought members and visitors up to the minute on the happenings of the ABHS, and on some current living history of Avalon Beach including a walk around Avalon Beach with the new CEO of Northern Beaches Council, Ray Brownlee PSM, hosted by the Avalon Preservation Trust to discuss a number of current issues of interest to residents. This included a brief look in at the Society's office, which is kindly made available by John Stone, and its displays in Bowling Green lane. And the Surf Club has set up a Heritage Committee to categorise Club memorabilia.
David Lyall and Gail Lonnon, both residents of Trappers Way individually and collectively provided background on the street's name and on some of the various and amusing quirks of living on a private road owned by the residents, including at one stage the road being deemed too unsafe for mail deliveries by the post office. The notice to each of the residents advising them of this cessation of service, was delivered by the mailman! It took an episode of a TV current affairs program "The Investigators" to have this overturned. The background to the subdivision and road name is in the information below from David's notes.

You may have know that, but did you that one of the residents, sculptor Robin Blau, provided the striking Australian coat of arms above the entrance to our National Parliament in Canberra? I didn't. Pretty cool.
Everyone had a convivial evening with questions and laughs over supper and refreshments at the Av Bowlo.
Next time you see a notice of an upcoming ABHS meeting be sure not to miss it. New members and visitors are always welcome.
Roger Sayers
ABHS member.
To find out more visit:
David Lyall's Trappers Way History

J. T. Stapleton, ABHS photo - courtesy ABHS and Stapleton family.
Avalon Beach Commercial Area
This classic photo shows the commercial area of Avalon Beach in the late 1930s. ‘Avalon Beach Store’ was built by Stan Wickham in 1934 and in the same year, the ‘Avalon Service Station’ and the neighbouring NRMA Patrol Hut were built by A.J. Small.
J.T. Stapleton’s huge real estate advertising sign and agency has been erected on the northwest corner of Avalon Parade and Old Barrenjoey Road (the old Westpac site). Note the condition of the surface of Avalon Parade, especially as it begins to climb the headland. Obviously kerb and guttering was not a priority in Avalon Beach at that time. - Geoff Searl OAM, ABHS photo

A Few Extras:
NB: Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Avalon Beach and Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Clareville will run soon
Available now: The Roads And Tracks Of Yesterday: How The Avalon Beach Subdivisions Changed The Green Valley Tracks

List of Streets in Avalon Beach, New South Wales
Albert Road
Alexander Road
Avalon Parade
Bangalley Way
Bareena Road
Barrenjoey Road
Bellevue Avenue
Bilkurra Avenue
Bilwara Avenue
Binburra Avenue
Bowling Green Lane
Brindisi Place
Burrawong Road
Burrendong Place
Buyuma Place
Cabarita Road
Cannes Drive
Capri Close
Capua Place
Careel Bay Crescent
Careel Head Road
Catalina Crescent
Catalpa Avenue
Central Road
Chisholm Avenue
Coolawin Road
Coonanga Road
Coral Close
Crane Lodge Place
Dolphin Crescent
Dress Circle Road
Eastbourne Avenue
Edmund Hock Avenue
Edwin Avenue
Elaine Avenue
Elgata Close
Elizabeth Street
Elouera Road: an Aboriginal word meaning 'a pleasant place'.
Elvina Avenue:
Etival Street
George Street
Gunjulla Place
Gunyah Place
Harley Road: named after Harley Usill Mackenzie
Hilltop Road
John Street
Joseph Street
Katandra Close
Kevin Avenue
Koala Place
Lewis Street
Marine Parade
Nandina Terrace
Net Road
Neweena Place
North Avalon Road
Old Barrenjoey Road: Warringah Shire Council Minutes of Meetings records - 13/10/1924: 13. Arthur J. Small of Avalon Beach Estates, 13/10/24, re proposed deviation of Barrenjoey Road, and declining to agree to pay the whole cost of construction, where his land fronts the road on both sides Resolved, - (Cre. Hewitt, B..worth) That the President see Mr. Small and discuss the road matter with him on the ground, in company with the Shire Engineer.
54. Avalon Beach Estate 2.11.26. suggesting that the opening of Barrenjoey Road deviations be treated as an important public event, that the name "De Chair Drive" be given the deviations, and submitting a proposal for tree planting along the deviations. Resolved, - (Crs. Simpson, Hope) That the suggestions-be favored but be deferred for consideration until the construction of the deviations is in progress.
Resolved (Crs Hope, Hitchcock) - That the deviations of Street Names Barrenjoey Road be called "Barrenjoey Road", and that the old road in the same section be called "Old Barrenjoey Road."19/03/1928
Palmgrove Road: from 'Palmgrove Estate'
Paradise Avenue
Park Avenue
Patrick Street
Patterson Lane
Plateau Road
Queens Avenue
Rayner Road
Riverview Road
Riviera Avenue
Ruskin Rowe
Sanctuary Avenue
Sanders Lane
Shore Brace
Surfside Avenue
Tasman Road
The Appian Way
The Circle
The Crescent
The Knoll
The Outlook
The Pinnacle
The Serpentine
Therry Street
Toorak Place
Trentwood Park
Urara Road
Wanawong Road
Wandearah Avenue
Wandeen Road
Watkins Road
Whale Beach Road
Wickham Lane
William Street
Wollstonecraft Avenue
Native Names for Property
"New Reader": (1) Adina, good; Mama, flowing water; Allambie, a quiet place; Allara, day; Allawah, I camp here; Attunga, high place; Allungra, the sun; Baanya, camp; Banool, hill; Banoon, sweet water; Banyandah, home on the waters; Baranball, towards the east; Berakee, place of stone; Barega, win; Bareena, plant like a ti-tree; Balrina, summit: Baringa, light; Barkoola, tow; Barranduna, bush myrtle; Bimbil, box trees; Bindaree, river; Birubi, southern cross; Booral, big, high, large; Brinawa, place where rock lilies grow; Bringa, sunset; Bucaan, running stream; Bulwarra, pelican; Bundilla, meeting of waters; Bunyana, good or sweet; Caloola, an old battle field; Carawatha, place of pines; Carbethon, cheerful; Carcolla, gum trees; Carranya, sand hill; Chepana, coast, seashore; Coorong, Moreton Bay pine; Cooyong, Bandicoot; Curbarra, plenty; Currawarra, pine tree; Curringa, black duck; Currong, silver wattle; Elanora, home by the sea; Elimatta, my home; Elouera, pleasant place; Eurobin, big lagoon; Girrahween, place of flowers; Coonda, star; Goreen, wind; Gooyong, a camp; Illira, shelter hut; Illoura, pleasant place; Iluka, near the sea; Immarna, camp; Karuah, native plum tree; Kiata, summer; Koonda, the sun, day; Keoringle, happy home; Kjarrara, south; Kowari, far; Kumboorah, east; Kuringal, in the bush; Kurrung, a creek; Kurrara, place of opossums; Kyeema, dawn; Kyalla, north; Lowanna, beauty; Lumeah, here I rest; Maroopna, deep water, or water-hole; Merrigal, place of many dogs; Milleara, to set at a distance; Miowera, emu; Mirrabooka, southern cross; Miolong, tide coming in; Moora, a camp; Moorilla, stone; Moorillah, pebbly ridge; Mumong, sky; Myoora, a camp; Myuna, clear water; Nairana, eagle; Narweenda, fine day; Neerini, high, elevated; Noogaleek, mine, belonging to me; Nyora, native cherry; Oceana, fuel; Oorong, camp; Panamuna, ocean; Tarrarara, bend of a river; Tocumwal, deep hole; Toolangatta, many currajong trees; Trawalla, much rain, wild water; Turumbol, rainbow; Urella, eaglehawk; Wallung, stone; Waree, wind; Warella, canoe; Warrah, honeysuckle; Weabra, camp; Weerona, resting place; Wilga, a tree like the willow; Wiralie, black cockatoo; Woorarra, mountainous place; Wyralla, black and red cockatoo; Yarrallah, camp; Yarrabin, white gum tree. Native Names for Property (1948, December 17). The Land (Sydney, NSW : 1911 - 1954), p. 31. Retrieved from
References And Extras
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- Shelagh Champion OAM and George Champion OAM, in their Profiles of the Pioneers in Manly, Warringah and Pittwater (1996 - revised 2013)
- Archpriest John Joseph Therry
- John Collins of Avalon - Pittwater Patriarchs Series I
- Maria Louisa Therry - Pittwater Matriarchs Series I
- Careel Bay Steamer Wharf And Boatshed
- The Mulhalls Of Broken Bay And Barrenjoey - Australian Champions
- Light Keepers of Barrenjoey Lightstation
- Captain Francis Hixson
- The Collaroy Paddle Steamer: New Ephemera Added To Public Accessible Records - Her Connections To Pittwater
- Albert Thomas Black
- John Black
- Pittwater Reserves, The Green Ways: Clareville Wharf and Taylor's Point Jetty
- Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers And Scullers: The Green Family
- Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers And Scullers: The Fox Family
- Early Pittwater Paddlers, Oarsmen, Rowers And Scullers: The Paddon Family Of Clareville (Or Clairville)
- Hy-Brasil: Avalon Beach - Pittwater's Summer Houses
- Pittwater's Torpedo Wharf And Range
- The Roads And Tracks Of Yesterday: How The Avalon Beach Subdivisions Changed The Green Valley Tracks
- Roads In Pittwater: The Barrenjoey Road
- Avalon Beach Golf Links: Pittwater Fields of Dreams II
- Avalon Beach Surf Life Saving Club: The First Clubhouse
- Pittwater Summer Houses: Gunjulla, Avalon Beach-Clareville by Helen and Deborah Grant
- Avalon's Village Green: Avalon Park Becomes Dunbar Park - Some History + Toongari Reserve and Catalpa Reserve
Also Available:
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your name - Scotland Island
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Newport Beach
- Roads In Pittwater: The Bay View Road
- Motor Car Tours To And In Pittwater Show Us The Way This Place Once Was
- Roads To Pittwater: The Wakehurst Parkway Along Old Oxford Falls Track
- Roads To Pittwater: The Pittwater Road
- Roads To Pittwater: The Sandspit Punt and Spit Bridge
- Roads To Pittwater: The Mona Vale Road
- My Holiday by Charles de Boos – 1861
- Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood
Arthur Jabez Small
Arthur Jabez Small was born on October 10, 1878, at Marrickville to Emma Augusta (nee Newsham) and Jabez William Small. He was barely a teenager when his father passed away:
On the 9th instant, at the Congregational Church, Petersham, by the Rev. Thomas Roseby, B.A., J. W. SMALL, youngest son of the late William Small, M.D., M.R.C.S.E., Boston, Lincolnshire, to EMMA AUGUSTA, second daughter of Captain JOHN NEWSHAM, N. S. W. Rifles, Bayswater, Marrickville. Family Notices. (1870, November 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 1. Retrieved from
SMALL. October 10, at her residence, Mordiallic, Sydenham-road, Marrickville, the wife of Jabez W. Small, of a son. Family Notices. (1878, October 26). Australian Town and Country Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1870 - 1907), p. 40. Retrieved from
SMALL—December 20, 1891, at his residence, Balwyn, Victoria, Jabez William Small, aged 51 years. Family Notices. (1892, January 25). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from

MR. AND MRS. P. R. WATTS, of Laurel-avenue, Turramurra, have been entertaining at a house party at "Meonya," Avalon Beach, the sea side home of Judge and Mrs. H. F. Markell. Among the guests were Professor and Mrs. E. M. Wellish, and also enjoying the holiday were Misses Nancy and Betty Watts and Master Bill Watts. SPOTLIGHT ON SOCIETY (1937, December 30). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 13 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from

Harley Usill Mackenzie - the Mackenzie family
Manly hotel – the Clarendon:
Advertising (1910, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
The old Clarendon Hotel, which la to be replaced by a large and handsome building, is associated with Interesting memories of Manly's earliest days, and its intervening development. In an interview with the courtly old lady, Mrs. Kilminster, who presided over its destinies for 32 years, a "Sun" representative was able to gather some interesting facts about the old Manly landmark in particular, and Manly's early history generally.
The old buildings were begun in the year or the memorable Dunbar wreck, 1857, in the shape of a terrace of three cottages for residential purposes. The Misses Horner, who in after years ran the Imperial Hotel, in Wynyard-square, obtained a licence for the terrace, and turned It into a hotel, giving it the name of 'The Clarendon'.
They kept the hotel for a good many years but it evidently did not pay, and the cottages were again let as furnished houses, About 40 years ago the late Mr. John Woods purchased the property, and again It became a hotel, with Mrs. Donnelly in possession, A few years later Mrs. Sargent became the lessee.
Mrs. Kilminster bought The Clarendon from Mr. Woods 32 years ago, and remained in possession, conducting the hotel personally, until she sold the whole property to the Manly Hotels Company within the present year. All through these long years The Clarendon enjoyed an uninterrupted career of popularity as a first-class family hotel, and Manlyite and visitors alike were sorry to learn of the retirement a few months ago of Mrs. Kilminster.
The life of The Clarendon haw been synonymous with the growth of Manly. Mrs. Kilminster saw old Manly In all its original primitiveness. In those days there were no roads or streets, it was all deep sand on the flat between the ocean and the Harbor, and along what is now the broad, well-paved Corso a narrow wooden platform built on piles existed for the convenience of pedestrians. Most of the furniture for The Clarendon wan carried on man's back from the wharf. There were only two or three houses on the Corso, and not a road lamp In Manly. At night everybody had to carry a hand lamp, as they stumbled through the sand to their homes.
Mrs. KiIminster saw the planting of the Norfolk pines on the ocean beach, and has watched them grow to their present noble proportions. The pines were planted by a road trust— a public-spirited body that included such old Identities as Messrs. Woods, Pitt and Hayes— and Mrs. Kilminster recollects being presented by Mr. Woods with some of the young trees for her own grounds.
Mrs. Kilminster has, of course, a pardonable love for those old times, and she declares that Manly looked even more beautiful in the old days, when the hills and flat were clothed in natural verdure, than It does at the present time in all Its glory of color and contour. The surrounding country was then a paradise of wild flowers, and the people who resided in Manly enjoyed their lives thoroughly. They all knew each other Intimately, and as the boat service with the city was infrequent they lived very much within themselves. There was no regular boat at night to town. When the Manly folk wished to go to the theatres they had to charter a steamer for themselves, for which a minimum charge of £3 was made, and the captain started back from the city at what-ever time the theatre-goers desired. There, was a delightful casualness about the whole arrangements. The shipper would call out to see If all were aboard, and If anyone had not turned up at 11 o'clock, which was the generally-accepted time of departure, he (knowing all his passengers personally) would obligingly wait half-an-hour or so until the absentee arrived.
Then the Manly people of the past had in later years their times of joy and beauty In the annual wild-flower shows, and these functions drew big crowds of visitors to the "village." and brought hundreds of pounds revenue to the funds or the park and the different churches, one year's show netted £1700. The pretty "Manly Oval" had been formed, and most of the churches had been built out of these wild-flower festivals.
Mrs. Kiminster was born at Braidwood, N.S.W., and saw her birthplace only the other day after an absence of over 69 yours. She has a family of nine children living, amongst whom are Mr. George Kilminster, a well-known and valued officer of the Public Instruction Department, and Miss Edith Kilminster, the promising young pianist. The veteran lady is now enjoying a well-earned rest in Manly, and leaves with some of her family for a holiday trip to Europe early next year. A MANLY LANDMARK. (1910, December 2). The Sun(Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 2 (CRICKET EDITION). Retrieved from
Actually, Mrs. Sargeant was sent to gaol, for arson:
The inquiry into the circumstances connected with the fire which broke out between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning of the 3rd instant, at the Clarendon Hotel, Manly, terminated yesterday afternoon, when, as will be seen below, the jury returned a verdict of arson against Mrs Sargeant, the proprietress and Daniel Tivan, the barman of the hotel. The case excited general interest throughout Manly, and the room in which the sitting was held in Lambourne's Family Hotel has been crowded daily. It will be remembered that the City Coroner commenced the investigation last Tuesday morning, continued it on Wednesday, and brought it to a conclusion yesterday. We now publish a full report of the evidence given during the three days' inquiry :-
Mr. West (instructed by Messrs. Slade and Smith) represented the Victoria Insurance Company, Mr. Gannon appeared on behalf of Mrs. Sargeant, Mr. Bown (superin-tendent of the Fire Brigade) was present to watch the proceedings and sub-inspector Johnson (of No. 4 Station), from the Police Department, watched the case on behalf of the Crown.
The following evidence was taken on the first day :-
Mr. John Woods, J. P. , residing at Manly Beach, owner of the Clarendon Hotel, examined by Mr West, said: The furniture valued at £800, belonged to him, and was insured for £600; the building was insured for £1500; the hotel, which consisted of three houses adjoining each other, was let to Mrs. Sergeant, and the lease expired in a month or six weeks; she had made no requisition for a renewal.
By the Coronor: Witness had arranged with a Mr. Kilminster to take the hotel, and Mrs. Sergeant complained that the latter was taking advantage of her; witness had not given Mrs. Sergeant notice to quit, but he had told her that he should raise the rent at the end of the term; she had occupied the premises for three or four years, at a rental of £6 per week; a proposal had been made that Kilminster should have the bar, and Mrs. Sergeant the two adjoining houses; she had mentioned to witness that her circumstances were embarrassed; she was not in arrears with her rent; she was afraid she would not be paid a fair price for some fixtures; he heard an alarm of fire on the morning of the 3rd instant and went lo the Clarendon Hotel to see the fire which had broken out in a wooden store; he went upstairs and found a couch on fire in a bedroom over the bar, quite separate from the outside fire and about forty feet from it; in another room, a front one, he found evidence of a recent fire; this room was separated from the former by a hall and a room, and was also a separate fire; witness then went downstairs and found traces of a fire against a wall, near a wooden palisading; the upper portion of the wall was weatherboard: he afterwards saw Mrs. Sergeant, and told her that he thought some one had set the place on fire, she said she was afraid that was so.
Alice Horan, housemaid at the Clarendon Hotel, examined by Mr Want, said: the house was left in charge of the barman at 11 o'clock on the night preceding the fire; when she went to bed the house was quite safe; she took some kerosene out of a can at 9 o'clock; there were two cans, which were kept in a pantry; it was the duty of a girl named Rebecca Watson to lock up the pantry but witness did not know whether it was afterwards locked; she was awakened about half-past 1 o'clock on Wednesday morning last, the 3rd instant when she immediately got out of bed and found the store on fire; her bedroom, on the ground floor, was close to it, the fire was then limited to the inside, but it spread to the outside: the door was a little open ; the store is in the middle yard ; Mrs. Sergeant's room opens near the bar; there is a wooden skillion close by; witness saw a couch on fire under that skillion; that fire was quite distinct from the other; she saw no one about at the time; she screamed out to Mrs. Sergeant that the place was on fire, and also called to Dan, the barman, and Peter, the cook; witness went upstairs to get a water can and smelt smoke, but did not see any fire, she after-wards saw that fires had occurred in two rooms; she met Dan coming up the stairs, and he said he thought there was a fire iu the other house; the cook called her to see another fire which had taken place in the kitchen; the fire was under a table some distance from the fireplace; she heard a noise in the front drawing room while the fire was burning; she called out but received no answer; Peter met witness and said he was certain the place had been set on fire; witness told Peter about the noise; the drawing- room was in front of the bedroom which was burnt; the next morning she found a kerosene can rolled up in some clothes on the couch which had been on fire; witness did not say to Mrs. Sergeant that if she was not careful it was in her (the witness's) power to send her to Darlinghurst Gaol; Dan took the water can from witness; he came out about five minutes after she had given the alarm; before going to bed Mrs. Sergeant called out twice to her, "Alice, why don't you go to bed"? the second time was at a quarter to 11; Mrs. Sergeant went to bed at 9 o clock; Dan was at the time serving in the bar; witness did not know whether the door of the store was closed; the water can was kept on the balcony over the bar; the rooms in which the fires occurred were entered from the inside, not from the outside; witness heard that Peter was suspected of having set fire to the place, but did not say to him that she knew he did not do it; he was very much excited; there were three male servants - Dan, Peter, and Jim, the latter was pumping water at the time; when she got up in the morning she found the store door open; she was not aware of anything having been packed up and sent away from the hotel during the last few weeks; she did not hear Mrs. Sergeant complain about Kilminster having taken the house; no one slept in the house where the fire occurred except Mrs. Sergeant and Dan; a few weeks ago Mrs Sergeant sent away the best plate to get it re-plated, but witness had not seen it since.
Peter Fotheringham said he was employed as cook at the Clarendon Hotel; he went to bed about 11 o'clock on the night preceding the fire; Dan and the two housemaids were also up at that time; Mrs Sergeant went to bed at 9 o’clock; the kitchen was left all right when he retired: there was some fat in a couple of tins, one of which was on a shelf, and the other on a table; he slept in a room in the yard of the House which contained the bar; he was aroused between 1 and 2 o'clock by an alarm of fire ; he ran out of his room and found the store on fire, on the inside; Mrs. Sargeant and Dan had charge of the store and kept the key ; the door of the store was open; there was vert little stock in the store: Mr Campbell, a resident, rendered assistance in helping him to put out the fire; witness went into the small kitchen and found a fire set under the table; it was eight or nine feet from the fireplace, and quite distinct; there were a lot of carpets piled up on the fire, and a lot of fat not melted by the heat; there were carpets also on the large kitchen floor which were on fire; while witness was putting out the fire a baker went into the house, Mr Woods and Mrs Sargeant also went into the room ; witness told Mrs Sargeant he would call in the police, but she said "For my sake, don't say anything about it;" before that he had said to her, "From what I have seen I have a good mind to put it in the hands of the police "; she said nothing about it ruining her, he then went to the steps that led to the rooms over the bar, and met Alice; constable Carton was on the balcony outside the bedroom, Mrs Sargeant and Dan were whispering together at the end of the steps, and they both called out to the constable that it was all right up there, witness then went upstairs, and saw that in one of the front rooms a mattress had been on fire, on going opposite he saw flames issuing from the room over the bar; the two fires were quite distinct; he did not see Dan helping to put out the fire, a quarter of an hour afterwards Dan brought him a bucket, which contained little or no water, and witness threw it down in a rage ; witness did not see Dan coming out of Mrs. Sargeant's bedroom, but he saw him go in ; Dan was her "confidential" man, she went to bed at 9 o'clock; witness also saw a sofa on fire under a skillion adjoining a weatherboard close to Mrs. Sargeant's door ; the couch was not on fire when he passed it the first time but it was on his return ; every one lent a hand to put out the fire except Dan and Mrs. Sargeant; no one slept in the house where the fire broke out except Mrs. Sargeant and Dan; a short time previous to the fire Dan told witness that he was packing up his clothes; he thought it was the day before the fire, Dan was dressed when he gave witness the bucket, he slept in the front parlour in the first house; all the fires mentioned wero separate and distinct; a few days after the fire, when Dan had gone to Sydney, witness had a conversation with Alice, who told him she knew he (wit-ness) was suspected of having set the place on fire; she then said "Never mind I know enough to clear you; I can do that much for you;" she also said she had seen something that she would never forget as long as she lived; what she saw was in a bedroom of the first house, and it made her scream; witness asked her if it was Dan, and she replied "No;" and when he said "Was it Mrs. Sargeant?" she would not answer; witness believed he was watched on the Tuesday night, as he heard a noise outside his window; there were three watch dogs on the premises, one of which would not let a stranger pass but they made no noise; when witness returned from the store, he passed the small kitchen, and saw a light and a man inside, who was stooping; the man looked like Dan, but witness would not swear that it was him; witness believed from what he saw that the place had been set on fire.
By Mr. Gannon : There was just sufficient light to enable him to see the form of a man in the kitchen ; he saw it through the window ; it was some minutes after that before he went into the room and found a fire under the table ; he believed that Mrs. Sargeant thought he knew more about the matter than he really did, and he considered it likely that she would give him his overdue wages, so that he might start at once for Melbourne ; his object in asking for his money was to ascertain, if possible, how far Mrs. Sargeant was implicated in setting the place on fire.
Rebecca Watson, housemaid at the Clarendon Hotel, said that on the Tuesday night she went to bed between 10 and 11 o'clock; she did not see any one go into Mrs. Sargeant's room that night ; Mrs. Sargeant called out to them to go to bed ; witness slept with Alice ; she was woke up about 1 o'clock, and saw the flames issuing from the store ; an alarm was raised immediately ; witness went upstairs for a water can, but saw no fire there ; Dan was then at the store door, and on her return she saw him take a bucket from Alice and go for water ; the pantry where the kerosene was kept was not locked that night ; witness saw a fire under a couch outside Mrs. Sargeant's door ; a few hours later a kerosene can was found among the clothes near the couch; the can had been taken from the pantry; on going upstairs a short time afterwards she found a match stuffed into a pillow in the front drawing-room ; the cover and the pillow were slightly burnt ; the match was not there when she cleaned the room the day previous; when Dan went into the room he remarked that the fire looked suspicious, and took the match and threw it away : he said that it looked as if some one had done it in a hurry ; witness had heard that a box of plate had been sent away recently. …. THE LATE FIRE AT THE CLARENDON HOTEL, MANLY BEACH. (1878, April 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
The series of long villa-like building at the corner of Steyne-road and Raglan-street, Manly, known as the Clarendon Hotel, is in process of demolition, to make room for a magnificent block of buildings of many storeys, to be, when completed, known as the 'Hotel Manly,' which the present lessee, Mr. Phillips, says, 'will dwarf every other hotel, even making The Australia look small.' The dining room will seat 400 guests, and there are to be over 100 bedrooms, with all attendant apartments. Everything is to be on an absolutely up-to-date plan. At present only the bar of the old Clarendon stands at the corner of the streets, the rest of the structure having been removed. The architecture of the Clarendon was of a patchwork nature, as pieces had been periodically added to the original structure, which was a small hotel started in the very early sixties by Mrs. Mary Horner at the corner of Pacific-street, which name has been changed to Steyne-road. About 1873 the hotel passed Into tho hands of Mr. Peter Donnelly, and in 1875 Mr. M. Sergeant became landlord. In 1878 Mr. George Kilminster, who had been a prominent resident of Manly for some years took charge until 1883, when his widow assumed ownership and continued so up to recent date it being for 32 years under Kilminster management.
...The- presence of a great mansion hotel on the ocean beach, however, will open up more pro vision for the fashionable tourist, who. even In holiday making, wants style in in his surroundings. For many years the Clarendon was looked upon as a great dinner hotel, . parties of gentlemen going together for the blow across the harbor, then dinner, a stroll on the beach. and the pleasant trip home again. Mrs. Kilminster was a very popular hostess and there are few in the political or commercial world of Sydney who have not enjoyed a pleasant evening at the old Clarendon, and who have not happy memories of the old hostelery. A considerable area at the rear of the present grounds have been purchased now occupied by cottages. which when required can be utilised for the new mansion hotel. A. motor garage Is to be built on the premises- Within a short distance behind the hotel is the Manly Park. of 12 acres, vested in the Municipal Council. This is a well kept recreation ground. Ivanhoe Park, where Adrain's Ivanhoe Hotel was situated near by, was in the long past the 'Maze' of Manly, a unique pleasure ground. wherein the enjoyment was in being ,lost and found again In the intricacies of paths through the thick bush and natural scrub land all now entirely disappeared. The Camera Obscura was also a departed attraction, which Manly possessed a few years ago. In 1836, when Governor Bourke ruled here the population of Manly was given as 45 people...MANLY. (1911, January 6). Evening News (Sydney, NSW : 1869 - 1931), p. 3. Retrieved from
Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Plan of hotel, elevations to North Steyne Parade and Raglan Street, elevation of boundary fence, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 1 September 1910, Clarenden Hotel written at side of plan - from NSW State Archives and Records
Also available in NSW State Archives and records: Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Plan of hotel, ground floor plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Plan of hotel, ground floor plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed first floor and mezzanine plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 1 September 1910 + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed first floor and mezzanine plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 1 September 1910 + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed first floor plan, mezzanine floor plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 27 July 1911, Clarendon Hotel written on back of plan + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed first floor plan, mezzanine floor plan, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 27 July 1911, Clarendon Hotel written on back of plan + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed ground floor plan and cellar plan, section through rolling way, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 1 September 1910, Clarenden Hotel written at side of plan + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed ground floor plan and cellar plan, section through rolling way, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 1 September 1910, Clarenden Hotel written at side of plan + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed ground floor plan including yard, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 27 July 1911 + Hotel, Raglan Street and North Steyne Parade, Manly, Proposed ground floor plan including yard, Applicant/owner, Manly Hotels Limited, Architect Robertson and Marks, Pitt Street and Martin Place, Sydney, Signed 27 July 1911
The death of Mr. Harley Ursill Mackenzie, one of Sydney's best-known solicitors, and a member of the legal firm of Messrs. Bowman and Mackenzie, of this city, In St. Vincent's Private Hospital on Friday, was consequent upon an operation for appendicitis. Deceased who was in his 49th year, was a son of Dr. Mackenzie, of Sydney, and a brother of Lieutenant-Colonel Mackenzie, now at the front, and formerly Associate to Mr. Justice Gordon, Judge in Divorce.
Mr. Mackenzie was well known in social and sporting circles in this State. The interment took place yesterday afternoon at Burwood, in the Church of England portion of the cemetery. The funeral was, large and representative, and Included many legal men. Amongst those who forwarded wreaths were the directors of the Hotel Pacific, Mr. and Mrs. Septimus Levy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Levy, the management and staff of the Hotel Pacific, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert- Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Macdonald, Mrs. and Miss Lewis, Mr. John Mackenzie. Misses Hay, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Morton, the guests of the Hotel Pacific, Rachael Joy Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Allen, the board of directors of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital; Mr. Harry Chisholm, Mr. Venour Nathan, Mr. A. G. Andrews, Mr. Edwin Geach, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Prosser, and Misses Morton. MR. HARLEY MACKENZIE DEAD (1916, March 5). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 5 (SUNDAY EDITION). Retrieved from
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES-Probate Jurisdiction-No 73414-In the Will of HARLEY USILL MACKENZIE late of Sydney In the State of New South Wales Solicitor deceased -Notice is hereby given that the Accounts In the above Estate have this day been filed in my office Supreme Court Building King street, Sydney and all persons having ans claim on the said Estate or being otherwise interested therein are hereby required to come In before me at my said office on or before Monday the 12th day of August next at 11 o clock in the forenoon and inspect the same and If they shall think fit object theieto otherwise if the said Accounts be not objected to the same will be examined by me and passed according to law And notice is also hereby given that on the allowance of the sold Accounts by the Court commission will be applied for on behalf of the Executors Dated this seventeenth day of July in the year one thousand nine bundled and twenty nine L M ADDISON (L S ) Registrar) BOWMAN and MACKENZIE Proctors for the Executors, 14 Bond street Sydney. Advertising (1929, July 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES -Probate Jurisdiction -No 73414 - In the Will Of HARLEY USILL MACKENZIE late of Sydney In the State of New South Wales Solicitor, deceased -Notice is hereby given that the Seventeenth Accounts In the above Estate wero on the fifth day of December 1935 filed in my office Supreme Court King street Sydney and all persons having any claim on the said Estate or being otherwise Interested therein are hereby required to come in before me at my said office on or before Friday the tenth day of January next at ten thirty o clock In the forenoon and Inspect the came and If they shall think fit object thereto otherwise If the said Accounts be not objected to the same will be examined by me and passed according to Law And Notice is also hereby given that on the allowance of the said Accounts by the court commission will be applied for on behalf of the Executors Dated at Sydney this fifth day of December in the year one thousand nine hundred and thirty five CHAS E BUTCHART (L S I Registrar BOWMAN and MACKENZIE Proctors for the Executors, Stanton House 133 Pitt street Sydney. Advertising (1935, December 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
Notice of Intended Registration of Notice of Death of Mortgagee and Transfer of Mortgage without Production of the Duplicate Copy of the Mortgage and the Certificate of Title.
In the matter of the mortgage, No. 128,375, from Dinah Sarah McGeorge to Sarah Gunn, dated 21st May, 1887, over the whole of the land described in Certificate of Title vol. 818, fol. 94, situated in Darling-street, in the town, parish, and county of Wentworth ; and in the matter of a transfer of the said mortgage, dated 22nd October, 1895, from Charlotte Elizabeth Gore (executrix under the will of the said Sarah Gunn, deceased) to Harley Usill Mackenzie.
NOTICE is hereby given of the intention of the Registrar General to register the abovementioned Notice of Death and Transfer of Mortgage, after the expiration of twenty-one days from the date hereof, without production of the duplicate copy of the Mortgage and the Certificate of Title, reasonable cause having been shown, pursuant to section 38 of the Heal Property Act. All information respecting above may be obtained at the Land Titles Office, Elizabeth-street, Sydney.—Dated at Sydney, this 22nd day of March, 1901, at the Registrar General's Department.
Registrar General.
REAL PROPERTY ACT. (1901, March 22). Government Gazette of the State of New South Wales (Sydney, NSW : 1901 - 2001), p. 2479. Retrieved from
An interesting assault case came before Mr. Macfarlane, S.M., at the Central Police Court this morning, the complainant being Harley Usill Mackenzie, solicitor, and the defendant, secretary of the Australian Mortgage, Loan, and Finance Co., Ltd. Mr. W. K. Mackenzie appeared for the complainant, and Mr. Shand (instructed by Mr. J. W. Abigail) for the defendant. Harley Usill Mackenzie gave evidence that he had business transactions with the defendant as secretary of the Australian Mortgage Loan and Finance Co., Ltd. On the 2nd Iast, he went to the company's office at the corner of Pitt and Park streets, accompanied by Mr., H. Lee' and the latter's wife, for whom- he was acting as solicitor. He saw the defendant and said, "I have come 'to pay off £27 due the company under a bill of sale." Defendant replied that he could not take the money, as Mr. Fels, the managing director, was out. .Witness .then said, "I tender you '£27 In gold," at the same time offering -the money, Orams replied, "I WON'T TAKE IT," and walked along a passage into another room: Witness went to the door of that room, and, standing in the doorway, said, : "I again tender you this money." Defendant exclaimed, "Get out of my room," and witness replied, "I must tender you this money!" Orams said, "Get out of my room, or I'll throw you out," and witness replied, "! must Insist upon you -taking ' rjila money, or telling me the; exact' amount that the company claims." Defendant' thereupon caught. hold.- of his shoulders and. threw; him violently into the passage: It was with great difficulty that he saved him-' self from a severe fall. Orams then slammed the door, and witness left the premises. Mr. Shand: Did you any to your clients, "This Is just what I wanted. Come and we can settle the matter?" . .Witness: I have no recollection of saying , that.' " Did you speak in an aggressive way, and not in your ordinary mild tone, such as you are adopting to-day?— I may have been a little more heated. I was certainly annoyed at being FIRED OUT .
In that sort of way... Herbert Lee and his Wife, who were present at the time of the alleged assault, told substantially the same story. The defendant stated that on the date in question, when complainant called, he was engaged In 'his room in business with a lady. He went outside and saw the complainant, who said, ''I come to settle this matter." Witness knew the people who were with him, and the matter to which he referred. He said, "I can't settle with you. I am not authorised.. Mr. Fels Is not in," and asked complainant to kindly take a seat for a few minutes. Mackenzie said, "You are secretary of the company, and you can settle the matter up,'.'but witness again told him that he was not authorised, and returned to his room. The report of the case will be continued In a later edition.A LIVELY INTERVIEW. (1904, August 10). The Australian Star (Sydney, NSW : 1887 - 1909), p. 5 (FIRST EDITION). Retrieved from
The magistrate was of the opinion that a technical assault had been committed, but he thought that it was of such a mild character as not to merit punishment. He therefore dismissed the case. SOLICITOR AND SECRETARY. (1904, August 11). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
The original land sales and portions
PITTWATER. VALUABLE AGRICULTURAL & GRAZING' ESTATE. in area about 2000 ACRES. Subdivided, into FARMS, SUBURBAN BLOCKS, and VILLA SITES, as per Lithographs. It is bounded on the east by the PACIFIC OCEAN, on the west by the BEAUTIFUL Bay of PITT WATER, on the SOUTH partly by a GOVERNMENT RESERVE and FARRELL'S FARM, and on the north by the BASSETT DARLEY PROPERTY. The Estate, as regards quality of soil, it is equal to any other in this rapidly improving and truly attractive district. It is 14 miles distant by a good road from the PIER at MANLY BEACH, and only 2^ miles from Custom-house Station at BARRENJOEY. Also, THE UNSOLD PORTIONS OF THE TOWN OF BRIGHTON.
RICHARDSON and WRENCH have received instructions to sell by public auction, at the rooms, Pitt- street, Sydney, on MONDAY, 3rd May, at 11 o'clock, THE PITTWATER ESTATE, subdivided as follows:
NORTH DIVISION. FIVE CHOICE FARMS. No. I., area 104a. Ir. 22p. II., ditto 76a. 2r. 30p. III., ditto 128a. lV. 34p. IV., ditto 6oa. Or. 32p. Each of these have frontages to the Pacific Ocean and the main road to Barrenjoey. On Lot III. is the Homestead and Residence now in the occupation JOHN COLLINS, Esq., and also the Celebrated Cave. No. V., area 61a, 3 v. 32p., has frontage to the Central Road which passes from the coast-line to Pittwater, crossing the main road at the' Recreation Reserve.
Nos. 1 to 21 are SUBURBAN BLOCKS and VILLA SITES, surrounding the TOWNSHIP of BRIGHTON, in areas from 2 ACRES 3 ROODS 35 PERCHES, to 18 ACRES 3 ROODS 3 PERCHES, having frontages to MAIN PITTWATER ROAD and other ROADS and STREETS, all one chain wide 22, a Farm of 38a. 3r. 37p. on the CENTRAL ROAD, about midway between PITTWATER and the OCEAN.
SOUTH DIVISION. No. I., area 63a 3r. 12p. fronting the coast and the main road. On this lot is the COAL BORE, 400 FEET DEEP. Nos. II., III., IV., and V.— 4 FARMS, areas from 63 ACRES 3 ROODS 38 . PERCHES to 101 ACRES 3 ROODS 37 PERCHES, having frontages to the MAIN PITTWATER ROAD, the CENTRAL ROAD, and OTHER ROADS.
Nos, 1 to 8, and Nos. 1 A to 8a.— 16 CHOICE VILLA SITES in PITTWATER fronting LONG BEACH ; areas from 4 ACRES 3 ROODS 8 PERCHES to 17 ACRES 27 PERCHES.
16 to 25.— 10 Small FARMS in CABBAGE-TREE VALE, on BILGOLA BEACH. Areas from 5 ACRES 2 ROODS 36 PERCHES to 21 ACRES 1 ROOD.
This subdivision is. well worthy of attention, as there is not the shadow of a doubt that PITTWATER ; will become an important, and attractive resort; for our BUSINESS MEN requiring CHANGE, QUIET, and REST from the busy turmoil of the CITY. THE COMMUNICATION between the city and Pittwater is now more frequent than formerly. Besides having the COACH DAILY from MANLY BEACH, there are now COMMODIOUS STEAMERS PLYING REGULARLY throe days per week, via,, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY, FROM THE CIRCULAR QUAY, at a quarter-past 7 a.m. NOTE THE LIBERAL TERMS: ONE QUARTER CASH DEPOSIT, and the residue in 3 years from day of sale, interest, 6 per cent, per annum, payable quarterly. A large auction plan of the subdivision is now in course of completion, and will be for inspection in a few days, at the rooms, Pitt-street, and LITHOGRAPHS are now ready for distribution.
Messrs. ELLIS and MAKINSON, Elizabeth- street, are solicitors of the vendors. A large sum of money has been voted by the Government to complete the main road, which passes through the above estate, from Manly to Careel Bay, at the town of Brighton, Pittwater. Advertising (1880, April 24). Freeman's Journal (Sydney, NSW : 1850 - 1932), p. 11. Retrieved from
In the recently published biography of the late Archpriest Therry, the founder of the Roman Catholic Church in Australia, reference is made to the early history of the Hunter River, with which the noted cleric was very familiar. The book is the work of the Rev. B. M. O'Brien, Professor of Australian History in St. Patrick's Ecclesiastical College, Manly, and from this the following' extracts are taken:
"But for the Pittwater settlement he had greater ambitions than mere agriculture. The coal seams that were being worked with success at Newcastle were supposed to continue through to the Illawarra, and it was possible that Pittwater might be n 'the route.' Accordingly he set about coal-mining. His nephew recalls with some indignation that although there were many good Irishmen unemployed In Sydney, his uncle employed Germans and Italians. at the mine. Many men were engaged and the expenses mounted hlgn, whilst the existence of coal still remained problematical. After Father Therry's death: the trustees continued the work, in the hopes of finding a rich seam. Father Dalton, one of the trustees, wrote to his solicitor on October 8, 1877: 'We care fully perused the coal mine lease, and have signd it also. We have perfect confidence in your judgment.'
'In. the next month he asks: 'How is the coal mine getting on? Any royalties yet?'
In 1880 the advertisement for the sale of the estate states that on one subdivision there is 'The Coal Bore, which Is 400 feet deep.' The coal mine proved a failure. At the end of 1862 Father Therry contemplated selling the Pittwater Estate, The scheme of sub division was again ambitious. Mr. Elyard, the Surveyor, recommended that 'a sufficient portion may be reserved near the water, and possessing the sea breeze, for public gardens and games, and also sites for a school of arts, library, courts of justice, and Christian churches .. .
" The plan of subdivision was to be called Josephton, and the township Brighton. The land was sold in May, 1880. The city of Brighton and diocese of Josephton may come In the future. EARLY HUNTER HISTORY. (1922, April 29). Newcastle Morning Herald and Miners' Advocate (NSW : 1876 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Pittwater estate, subdivision of Father Therry's grant, as follow., viz.:— Stokes Point: Lots 1 and 11, section A, in area 3 acres 0 roods 34 perches, L40 3s Id — Mr. I. J. Josephson, purchaser ; lot 15, section A, 2 acre 0 roods 20 perches, L24I 8s 9d ; lots 3 and 4, section A, 2 acres 3 roods 36 perches, L30 11s 7d — Mr. Francis ; lot 13. section A, 1 acre 0 roods 33 perches, L12 13 3d — Mr. S. .Swain ; lot 14, section A, 1 acre 1 rood 30 perches, L15 Is 10d ; lot 12. section A, 1 acre 0 roods. 17 perches, LI1 12-5 4d — Mr. H. .Solomon : lot 2. section A, I acre 0 rood 11 perches. Ll l It's 3d — Mr. I. J. Josephson ; lot 10, sec tion A. 1 acre 2 roods Ifi perchc-, 1/22 S;— Mr. J. Cunningham ; lots 7 to 9, section A, 3 acres b roods 23 perches, LJ0 12s fid — Mr. F. Smith ; lots 5 and fi, sec tion A, 3 acres I rood 21 porches, LlO Ills— Mr. .J. Cunningham.
Section B, lot 1 and 14, 2 acres 2 roods 4 perches, L22 Ms fid — Mr. R Symons ; lots 2 and 13, 2 acres 3 roods 27 perches, J/23 7s — Mr. J. Hodgson; lots 3 and 12, 3 acres 1 rood Ifi perches, LIS 8s fid— Mr. W. Waterhouse ; lot 4 and 1 1, 7 acres 0 roods 17 perches, L35 Km 7d — Mr. G. Harrison ; lots 5 and 10, 8 acres 2 roods 22 perches, L43 3s 3d — Mr. M. Bayley ; lot7, 6 acres 3 roods 22 perches, L41 14s — Hon, J. Lucas ; lot 6,4 acres 2 rood 21 perches, L23 3 Id — Mr. A. Myers ; lots 8 and 9, 12 acres 29 perches. L48 14s 6d - Mr Francis
Section C : Lot 1, 1 acre 3 roods, 24 perches L57 19s; Lot 9 3 acres 0 roods 30 perches, l108 7s 6d - Mr. R. Symons; lot 2,1 acre 3 roods 34 perches, L37 5s 9d; lot 3 2 acres 2 roods 4 perches L44 3s 9d - Dr. Milford; lots 4 and 5, 5 acres 1 rood 23 perches, L80 18s 1d - Mr. W. Waterhouse; lot 8, 2 acres 1 rood 16 perches, L50 10s 6d; lot 6, 4 acres 0roods 5 perches, L66 10s 4d - Mr. Francis, lot 7 , 2 acres 2 roods 9 perches L43 9s 1d - Mr. J. Blannie.
Section D: lots 5 to 7, 10 acres 1 rood 25 perches, L156 1s 10d — Mr. M. Bayley; lot 1. 1 acre 3 roods 33 perches, L2fi 1 8s .Jd ; lot 4, I acre 0 roods 21 perches, L5 1 12s 10d — Mr. Francis; lot 3, 2 acres 2 roods 13 pcrcncs, L25 lfis 3d — Mr. G. A. Shipley; lot 2, 2 acres 2 roods 31 perches. LSI 3s lOd — Mr. J. Blannie.
Section E, lots 4 and 7, 3 acres 0 roods 38 perches, L12 Is 8d — Mr. F. Grishrook; lot 8, 1 acre 3 roods 1 perch, Lll Is — Mr. F. Collins lots 3 and 10, U acres 2 roads 11 pcrche?, L28 Ms ; lots 5 and fi, 7 acres 3 roods G perches, LIG Ms Gd — Mr, J. Waudels ; lot 1, J acre 2 roods 30 perches, L20 5s — Mr. J. Hodgson ; lots 2 nnd 3, 2 acres 1 rood 37 perches, L21 Ifis 3d— Mr. E. Fisher.
North Division : Lots 19 and 20, 14 acres 0 roods 14 perches, L66 18s 6d; lots 12, 13, 15, 16, 21 acres 0 roods 26 perches L53 3s Md— Mr. Francis; lot 14, 5 acres 2 roods 23 perches. L2211s 6d — Mr. H. E. Castle ; lot 8, 4 acre 1 rood 23 perches, L48 1 Is ; lot 7, 3 acres 1 rood 28 perches, L13 0 3d — Mr.R. Symons; lot 9, 7 acres 1 rood 35 perches, 1,21 fin' 5d — Mr. R. M'lntosh; lots 10 and 11,11 acrcn 3 roods perches, L35 7.s 3d — Hon. J. Lucas; lots 1a and 2a, 13 acres O roods 18 perches, L45 17s 10d — Messrs. Kearey Brothers.
Farms : Lot 3, 128 acres 1 rood 31 perches, with homestead thereon, L770 15s Gd — Mr. G. Lix ; lot 4, 65 acres 0 roods 32 perches, L247 15s 2d — Mr. F. Smith.
South Division ; Lot 5, 4 acres, 2 roods 10 perches, L3fi 10s; lots fi to 8, 27 acres 0 roods 12 perches, LI 50 3s — Mr. Jones; lots 5a to 8a, 37 acres 1 rood 13 perches, LMO fis fid — Mr. Francis; lot 11, 11 acres 1 rood 21 perches, L57 — Mr. J. W. Warren ; lot 9, 25 acres 1 rood 6 perches, L57 17s 11d— Dr. Milford; lot 26, 12 acres 3 roods 8 perches, L64 — Mr. C. E. Jeannerett ; lots 16 to 21, 21 and 25, 103 acres 1 rood 17 perches, 1,310 Is 4d ; farm, L44 3s 3d— Mr. Francis; lot 22, 11 acres 0 roods 34 perches, L14 18s — Mr. Renwick.
SALES OF PROPERTY. (1881, May 24). The Sydney Daily Telegraph (NSW : 1879 -1883), p. 2. Retrieved from
BELOW; Sections from (showing sales/owners) Marine Village of Brighton - John St, William St, George St (the Parade), Joseph St, Therry St, Patrick St, Elizabeth St, Queen St, [1871]. Item No: c053460043, courtesy State Library of NSW. Map 2

Careel Bay Pittwater - No boundaries shown, 1882. Item No: c053460084, courtesy State Library of NSW.
EIGHT MAGNIFICENT BLOCKS OF LAND, CAREEL BAY, PITTWATER, SURVEYOR'S DESCRIPTION. W PRITCHARD will sell by auction, THIS DAY, Thursday, JULY 6th, at 11 o'clock, in his Rooms, 289 George-street. The above magnificent blocks of land.
SURVEYOR'S DESCRIPTION. The land forms the pick of the late Rev. Therry's PITTWATER ESTATE, on CAREEL BAY. It is with regard to beauty of scenery, salubrity of climate, and fertility of soil, unsurpassed in this charming locality, and overlooks the tranquil waters of CAREEL BAY and PITTWATER HARBOUR, backed by the bold MOUNTAINS of the WORLD-FAMED HAWKKESBURY on the WEST ; and commands an immense and extensive view over the PACIFIC OCEAN on the EAST. Lots A and B. of block 1, rise in gentle terraces from the MAINROAD to BARRENJOEE, to a height of above 200 feet, and then slope down to the coast in a northerly direction. Lots C and D of Block 1 lie on gently rising ground, partly cleared, and are protected against southerly winds by a wall of high COAST CLIFFS. All these four lots contain an abundant supply of USEFUL TIMBER and practicable facilities for a PERMANENT SUPPLY OF FRESH WATER, particularly lots C and D. which are traversed by a watercourse running into CAREEL BAY.
ALL lots have large frontages to the GOVERNMENT MAIN ROAD leading to the POST and TELEGRAPH OFFICE and LIGHTHOUSE at BARRENJOEE. which connects the land for sale with MANLY, LANE COVE, and M'CARR'S CREEK SETTLEMENTS: and on the portion from the old HOMESTEAD to BARRENJOEE the GOVERNMENT have voted £500 for improvements, so that communication with the POST and TELEGRAPH OFFICE will be EASY and ENJOYABLE.
LOTS A. B. and C of Suburban Lot 2, in the primary subdivision of the "PITTWATER ESTATE," are on level ground, bounded on the WEST by the waters of CAREEL BAY and on the EAST by the GOVERNMENT MAIN ROAD to BARRENJOEE. Lots A and B are pretty well timbered, and Lot C is nearly open ground, and enjoys on the South the frontage of another ONE CHAIN ROAD to the MOUTH of CAREEL CREEK.
THERE IS DAILY COMMUNICATION WITHIN A FEW MILES OF THE LAND FOR SALE, either by LAND or SEA, Coaches run duly from MANLY to NEWPORT, and thence a ride, drive, or sail for a few miles brings one to CAREEL BAY. The STEAMER FLORRIE, which runs in connection with the coaches from NEWPORT to GOSFORD, will also land passengers and luggage at BARRENJOEE; steamers run also direct from SYDNEY to the HAWKESBURY" and BRISBANE WATER, midland passengers at the LIGHTHOUSE STATION. The whole distance from MANLY is about 14 miles. The GOVERNMENT have voted the necessary funds for a bridge over the NARRABEEN LAGOON, and it is also clearing a new one-chain road from the LANE COVE-ROAD to the PTTWATER-ROAD, andeo avoids the NARRABEEN LAGOON. FOUR SCHOONERS are plying regularly between PITTWATER and SYDNEY, and so facilitate the transfer of heavy material.
(Signed) J. WANDELS, CE., 19-6-82.
The land in this locality has been proved to be well suited for ORANGE GROWING ; but in a few months there will not be an acre of land in the locality available for purchase. LITHOGRAPHIC PLANS may be had at the Rooms of the Auctioneer. TERMS AT SALE. Advertising. (1882, July 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from