February 5 - 11 2023: Issue 570
Pittwater Summer Houses: 'Billabong' + 'Ocean House', Ocean Street, North Narrabeen - The House At The End Of The Road - Became Site Of North Narrabeen SLSC's 'Batchelor Club

Narrabeen Looking West - From Scenes of Narrabeen album, ca. 1900-1927- Sydney & Ashfield : Broadhurst Post Card, courtesy State Library of NSW. Images No: a106056h (above) and a105060h Courtesy The Mitchell Library, State Library of Australia
Chapter 18. Adieu Australia. Kangaroo, by D. H. Lawrence. 1923.
From; http://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/l/lawrence/dh/l41k/chapter18.html
A little over a decade ago a phone call and then an email from Robert Whitelaw, a gentleman with a passion for literature, Australia and Narrabeen and a D H Lawrence Society of Australia member and historian, is still fondly remembered.
''Love your work! Have I got a story for you!'' Robert said
An hour and a bit later.... and after 10-20 minutes of dancing around the desk before racing to read again segments from our, by then, falling to bits paperback copy of D H Lawrence's Kangaroo, Robert's email and photos from the family album of the Schultz family came through.
One for all who love delving deeper into Narrabeen Lagoon:
By Robert Whitelaw
A photograph of "Billabong", set sideways to the lagoon, taken before it was demolished in the 1950s
The site of Billabong in 2023, as it is today - palm trees still in place
ON SATURDAY, 2 July 2011, I helped an intrepid group of visiting academics - who were visiting Sydney to attend the 12th International DH Lawrence conference - retrace the ferry-and-tram excursion DHL and Frieda made to Manly and North Narrabeen the day after their arrival in Sydney on May 27, 1922. In the course of my tourist-guide narrative, I described the large holiday home (now sadly demolished) at the end of Lagoon Street, North Narrabeen, owned by Mrs Emma Schultz, and how it fitted the description of "the end house" in Kangaroo, and how, in 1909-1910 - some 12 years before DHL and Frieda arrived - the house had been the base for the first manned, heavier-than-air flights in Australia.
I pointed out that there were interesting links between the building industry and the military personalities who took part in those 1909-1910 flights; their continuing friendships into the 1920s and beyond; and the political and returned-servicemen milieu Lawrence describes in Kangaroo. One visitor asked where this research had been published, saying it could have wider literary implications in discussions of DHL's craft - in particular, his creative use of real events and real people. I replied, rather awkwardly, that the research had been a curiosity-driven exercise on my part, with no particular thought of academic publication. This article, however, is an effort to put in print for a wider audience the story of Emma Schultz's end-of-the-road house at Narrabeen.
Emma Schultz (1875-1951) was the wealthy wife of a prosperous and well-connected North Sydney Master Builder, Charles Schultz (1872-1945), who, though born in Queensland, was of Prussian parentage. He regularly undertook public and private building projects for some of the leading architects of the day. The Schultz family had a large house in Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, and Charles himself was a Justice of the Peace (when such things had particular community recognition), while the Schultz children were sent to elite private schools in Sydney.
In 1905 Emma purchased seven large sections of land on the then isolated northern end of the North Narrabeen peninsula, including a waterfrontage on to the lagoon and overlooking the sand dunes and nearby ocean (the holding comprised the suburban block bordered today by Lagoon, Ocean and Malcolm streets). To gain an idea of the size of the purchase, some 19 modern houses, apartments, and shops have been built on the original block. Today the block appears as a singularly unattractive jumble of utilitarian apartments and flashier housing situated on ill-shaped, battle-axe sites. But in 1905 (and still in 1922 when DHL and Frieda walked there) it was an ideal, unspoilt holiday and weekend retreat for a growing family and the Schultz's wide circle of friends in the building and military/aviation sectors. The original location of Emma's house can still be readily identified today by the stand of high palms along the lagoon edge (originally planted at the front of the house) and by a single, high, pine tree at the back of the house.
Watercolour of "Billabong" painted by George Augustine Taylor in the 1920s
On this land, Charles Schultz built his wife a large, two-storey holiday house across a sloping site on the Lagoon Street side of the block. A recent interview with a Schultz grandson confirmed that visitors normally accessed the house through a Malcolm Street walkway directly to the second floor, and then into a purpose-designed reception area that had adjoining bedrooms intended for weekend holiday use (see drawing). The Schultz family and their wealthy friends would have had motor cars, and these would have been parked outside the upper Malcolm/Ocean Street level for ease of entry.
Below; A plan of the "Billabong" property drawn from memory by Charles Schultz's grandson, Michael:
At the time, the two-storey Schultz house (called "Billabong" by the family) was a stark contrast to the weatherboard "shacks" built further down the street. It was constructed in a distinctive architectural style. Charles had experimented with what would today be called Besser-brick fabrication, and at ground level the house featured a patterned-stone facade with blocks made of sand collected from the nearby dunes. The upper floor was of a more-standard timber-and-plaster construction.
Yet, with a squint of the eye, one can see how it might have reminded DHL of the Cornish stone-and-timber buildings in St Columb, Cornwall. (In Kangaroo, Lawrence says that on seeing "the end house", Somers' heart flew to Cornwall and the village of St Columb Major. He called "the end house" St Columb in the novel.) Hitherto, Emma's house at-the-end-of-the-road has been overlooked by literary historians, possibly because, as a now-demolished holiday house on the then outer extremity of Sydney, it did not attract the interest of even the most determined and diligent of researchers.
Moreover, until recently it had been by no means certain if DHL and Frieda had travelled to far-off North Narrabeen the day after their arrival for any purpose other than perhaps looking for cheap transit accommodation. It could well have been that the "end house" in chapter ii was simply another Lawrentian literary invention.
The research breakthrough came in 2010 with a fresh effort to see what might have induced DHL and Frieda to take a long tram trip to North Narrabeen and then trudge nearly a mile along a sandy road to the tip of the Narrabeen peninsula. This fresh effort was encouraged by the growing body of work by local historians on the activities of right-wing para-military organisations in 1920s Sydney - groups such as the King and Empire Alliance, the Old Guard, and later the New Guard (Lawrence readers will be recall that this is the milieu "fictionalised" by DHL in Kangaroo).
More recent research by Robert Darroch, Dr Andrew Moore and John Ruffels pointed to the activities of some key figures in this milieu - people such as such as George Augustine Taylor, Florence Taylor, and Charles Rosenthal - in flying experiments in 1909-1910 at North Narrabeen. Some cross-disciplinary trawling last year turned up a privately-published monograph by former President of the Royal Society NSW and aviation historian, David Craddock. This 1999 paper, entitled Feeling the Air, described in considerable detail (with photographs) the building of Taylor's first gliders, partly constructed for military purposes, and the subsequent careers of several of the key the participants.
Importantly, Emma's house overlooking the lagoon was identified as the place on the peninsula were participants stayed and socialised over periods of weeks during the experimental flights, with temporary sheds on the block being used as hangars for the gliders. Apart from the social friendship between the Taylors, Rosenthal and Schultzes, the three were also connected professionally. They were all leading members of the close-knit (almost Masonic) Sydney architectural and building community. (It is worthy of note that, some 50 years later, Florence Taylor had a paragraph especially inserted in her husband's biography Some Chapters in the Life of George Augustine Taylor to recall the help and friendship of the Schultz family.) As his statue in the nearby Narrabeen shopping centre proclaims, George Taylor was, in December 1909, the first man to fly in Australia in a heavier-than-air aircraft from the dunes at North Narrabeen Beach.
The same day, his formidable wife Florence tucked her frock into her boots and became first woman to fly. An hour later, Emma Schultz took to the air and became the second woman to fly in Australia. Later the same afternoon, a young carpentry apprentice (later Sir) Edward Hallstrom, who had helped build the gliders, also took to the air.
Local history stories of the North Narrabeen Surf Club and of growing up on the peninsula in the 1920s confirmed the social standing of the Schultz and the prominence of Emma's at-the-end-of-the-road house. Interviews with helpful Schultz and Taylor descendants provided further details of the house, its interior, and some useful sketches and contemporary snapshots.
Interestingly, the Lagoon location, curious building construction, female ownership, and vehicle parking arrangements of Emma's house uncannily fit the northern end of the Narrabeen peninsula described "fictionally" in Kangaroo. Lawrence's "end house" in the novel appears to have been a real place, with real people engaged in ongoing and meaningful professional and social contact.
Aviation aside, by 1922 the Taylors were actively involved in many aspects of Sydney life, editing a bevy of architecture and building industry journals, warring with the Burley Griffins, and engaged in numerous political and returned servicemen causes. George was the editor/publisher of a magazine for an ex-servicemen organisation headed by Sir Charles Rosenthal. Before that he had also worked for the Bulletin in Sydney and for Punch in England, and had been a prominent member of Bohemian Sydney in the 1890s. The Taylors in the 1920s were at the very centre of Sydney's vibrant journalism and publishing world.
When Lawrence arrived in Sydney, Charles Rosenthal was no longer a rising artillery officer, a military colleague of George Taylor, and a failed Army aviator (he had crashed an aircraft on a flight to Parramatta - a perilous journey given his considerable bulk). By 1922 he had become a bemedalled war hero, a knighted Major-General, a member of Parliament, a future President of the Australian Institute of Architects, and - most significantly - the current President of the patriotic, right-wing, anti-Catholic King and Empire Alliance (whose launching in Sydney in 1921 had been attended by his building industry colleague and fellow aviator, George Taylor).
However, in late May 1922 George and Florence Taylor were no longer in Sydney. They had embarked on a sea voyage to Europe, leaving a temporary gap in the local world of working journalism.
DHL and Frieda arrived in Sydney - two weeks after the Taylors' departure - carrying Letters of Introduction and, perhaps, hopes of some remuneration to help defray their local costs while they waited for money from overseas for the next stage of their journey to America. (One of the Letters of Introduction, which we know Lawrence did not present, was addressed to a member of the staff of the Bulletin.) Thus the question has been raised why, on that memorable Sunday afternoon in May 1922, did DHL and Frieda travel so many miles out of their way to remote North Narrabeen, then trudge along that sandy road, to precisely where Emma Schultz's house stood. Was it merely a sight-seeing excursion? Instead, is it not more likely that DHL's Letters of Introduction were taking him to a Sydney contact who, it turned out, also happened to know that the Taylors had just departed, and that one of the organisations for which the Taylors wrote might be in need of temporary editorial assistance?
(In Kangaroo, Cooley asks Somers if he is going to write something for their Diggers organisation.)
Could DHL and Frieda have been invited by that contact to come that Sunday for afternoon tea to Emma's house to meet some of the old glider group and King and Empire Alliance personalities, who were otherwise up there for a social weekend? Was Charles Rosenthal there that weekend, and did DHL, having observed his remarkable physical figure and compelling personality, creatively seize on the opportunity to conjure up the central figure in Kangaroo? Real places, real people enhanced by genius?
Is it also possible that, on the same Sunday afternoon at Emma Schultz's house, amid the social chat, one of the prominent Friend family (who were leading building industry suppliers within the Taylor/Rosenthal circle) became aware that DHL and Frieda were looking for temporary, writer-friendly accommodation, and recommended a newly-vacant cottage across the road from a family member's own holiday cottage in Craig Street, Thirroul? The story of "Wyewurk" and its architect Roy Irons is, however, a tale for another day.
Suffice that a good day was recently had by our DHL Society of North America cousins…
…photographing the Tea Room building on the Corso probably visited by DHL and Frieda; crossing over the road and dipping toes into the surf at Manly ocean beach; viewing the spectacular panorama of Sydney from North Head; motoring serenely along Ocean Street where DHL and Frieda trudged all that way on their first full day in Sydney; standing on the sand dunes where Florence Taylor and Emma Schultz became the first women to fly in Australia; and, finally, ending up at Taronga Park, where the young apprentice Edward Hallstrom later used his manufacturing fortune to develop a renowned Zoo on the leafy Harbour's edge.
Leonard (Len) and Lal Schultz at 'Billabong' 1928
Robert Whitelaw, now retired, is a History Honours graduate from Sydney University in the 1960s. His research skills were further honed by several decades as a policy officer with the Australian Government. Photographs: courtesy of Michael Schultz, grandson of Charles and Emma Schultz
Copyright Robert Whitelaw, 2012. Article reproduced with kind permission of Rananim, the Journal of the DH Lawrence Society of Australia, at www.dhlawrencesocietyaustralia.com.au

A mile south of Narrabeen Tram Terminus, 1925.
Narrabeen Tram terminus. Photo: from and courtesy D O'BRIEN COLLECTION
Lawrence describes in Kangaroo:
…They sat on the tram-car and ran for miles along a coast with ragged bush loused over with thousands of small promiscuous bungalows, built of built of everything from patchwork of kerosene tin up to fine red brick and stucco, like Margate. Not far off the Pacific boomed…
…The tram took them five or six miles, to the terminus. This was the end of everywhere, with new "stores"--that is, flyblown shops with corrugated iron roofs--and with a tram-shelter…
off Pittwater Road towards Ocean Street, where Lawrence recounts a long walk his characters undertook:
…The happy couple…walked up a wide sand-road dotted on either side with small bungalows, beyond the backs of which lay a whole aura of rusty tin cans chucked over the back fence. They came to the ridge of sand, and again the pure, long-rolling Pacific…
Why would Lawrence/Somers have taken such a very long walk through a sandy wilderness unless he had a pre-arranged rendezvous to keep at the end of it:
The road ended on the salt pool where the sea had ebbed in. Across was a state reserve--a bit of aboriginal Australia, with gum trees and empty spaces beyond the flat salt waters…Two men in bathing suits were running over the spit of sand from the lagoon to the surf
On reaching the lake, or lagoon, as Lawrence rightly called it, "the happy couple" sat on the sand, and then:
…Harriet sat up and began dusting the sand from her coat--Lovat did likewise. Then they rose to be going back to the tram-car. There was a motor-car standing on the sand of the road near the gate of the end house…it was quite a nice little place, standing on a bluff of sand sideways above the lagoon…
A photograph of "Billabong", set sideways to the lagoon, taken before it was demolished in the 1950s
Schultz Home Becomes The Batchelors Club Of North Narrabeen SLSC
That Old Billabong Home at North Narrabeen was called 'The Batchelor's Club' when I was a young bloke. It was used by Old Surf Club Blokes from around Narrabeen mainly on a Sunday. My Quartet "The Four Brothers" sang there many times. Lots of Big Time sportsmen used to go there and I can remember the First French Rugby League team being there when we were there singing on a Sunday. - Sava (Ken Lloyd), Sunday Feb. 5, 2023
Mr E McIntosh, who owned most of the property along Malcolm Street, sold this large holding to Charles Schultz for £5,000. Schultz would later become one of the surf club’s original Life Members and also a major benefactor.
Although there is no written report, the club’s existence relied heavily on the support of Charlie Schultz and his wife Emma. They were the wealthiest family residing on the peninsula and the family home was a palace compared to other dwellings in the area. Situated on the lake’s shore between Lagoon and Ocean Streets, it featured well-kept lawns and towering palm trees. The club members acknowledged Charlie’s efforts. His son Bill was an active patrol member and competitor for many years.
In 1909, George A. Taylor made the first heavier-than-air flight at the entrance of the lake. His canvas glider had been transported to Narrabeen by Jim Russell, the local general carrier, and it was assembled at Charlie Schultz’s home in Malcolm Street. Russell’s young son Jim and Don Mclean Jr were part of the group that pulled the rope attached to the glider to get it airborne. They pulled until they nearly ran into the surf.
Don maintained that Captain Taylor was a real gentleman, but some of the locals thought he might have been a little eccentric. Nevertheless, Taylor’s feat made Narrabeen more popular as a place to visit.
During the 1920s, a group of weekend members-Jack Brown, Merv Allen, Laurie Irvine, Chic Mitchell and Neville Moore-would stay at Jack’s parent’s small weekender near the present caravan park, where they had all fallen in love with Narrabeen. They called themselves the Summ-ar Bachelors. When Ced Hallowes, Geoff Gilbert, Kell Ruttledge and Fred Mahoney joined them, they had to move to larger quarters, and rented a cottage in Powderworks Road, an area then called Green Hills.
To their delight, a small comfortable shack owned by the Schultz family became available in Ocean Street, very close to the surf club. This camp, or weekender, became famous for its Saturday night parties that would prelude the club’s dance. There was always a keg of Tooheys bought from the local pub for 30 shillings, and those attending paid about one and sixpence to cover costs.
The home of the Schultz famiy at the northern end of Lagoon St, later it became the Bachelors Club.
It was from this atmosphere, that Geoff Gilbert was inspired to compose the ‘Bachelor Song’, a parody of ‘There’s a Tavern in the Town’:
We are the Bachelors of North Narrabeen,
No wine, no beer, no women-we’re pure and clean,
But when the weekend comes then we go upon the spree,
The Summ-ar Bachelors are we . . .
We’re not here because we’re here, no fear,
We’re here because there’s beer, hear! hear!
And where there’s beer there’s cheer.
So give three cheers for beer.
Oh come with us and leave your blues far behind.
We all pop the numbers on and soon you will find,
That you just have to sing.
When the party’s in full swing . . .
Drink your ale . . . let’s be hale . . . BACHELORS!
After many happy years, marriage depleted the gang, but Vince Murray, Jack Dowse, Harry Paton and Reg (Bunny) Packet filled in the ranks, and with the help of the Soady Brothers and Jack Birney, who rented a cottage next door, the Bachelor flag kept flying.
Around 1948 the Bachelors combined with some members of the Ocean View camp. They called themselves the Bachelor Social Club, and under the supervision of Harold Homer, they renovated the falling-down shack and made it into quite a substantial brick edifice with a small hall for entertaining.
These improvements were made possible through raffles and voluntary help with construction.
After many successful years with this new concept, the club became interested in the Schultz’s beautiful two-storey home with its spacious lawns and palm trees on the banks of the lake. This property was on the market and to achieve the amount asked, a company was formed, articles drawn up and debentures called for, resulting in 75 members becoming owners of the project.
By 1956 the Bachelor Social Club was operating as a social club, with the only residents being Bunny Packet and occasionally Jack Dowse. The lower floor contained a large room which opened onto the lawn and lake, making it a great venue for entertaining.
The club became well known in Sydney, and members of the media and sporting notaries were often present at their functions. The French, Great Britain and Australian Rugby League players attended and were high in their praise of the entertainment in such beautiful surroundings. Major Rugby League players from Manly, Balmain, Wests, Eastern Suburbs, South Sydney and North Sydney also availed themselves of the opportunity to enjoy the Bachelors’ hospitality. Apart from entertainment, the Bachelors were renowned for their organisation, providing food and drink that was spoken of highly by Sydney’s sporting fraternity in.
A highlight among their events was the annual Christmas Party. All the members could bring their own children, or those of a friend. Every child received a gift, and there were professional clowns and entertainers to keep the youngsters amused. It was one of Narrabeen’s big days.
All good things come to an end, and what with taxes, members leaving the district after marrying and the demise of others, the clientele fell off to the extent that the premises were offered to the North Narrabeen Surf Club with the object of it becoming a licensed club. Although the club was more than interested and spent a considerable amount of money to achieve this object, the Liquor Licensing Board rejected their application. In 1968, the Bachelor Club was wound up and all assets sold. The only remaining evidence of the Bachelor Club that remains today is the Bachelor’s Social Golf Club.
The Bachos, as the club members called it, was a part of the club history for 40 years. Their support of the surf club was total and their contribution to the clubs finances was beyond estimate. They will never be forgotten as long as the surf club exists.
Among their members were some of the best amateur singers and joke tellers that ever lived. World-renowned entertainers who were guests of the club often remarked they should have become professionals. Geoff Gilbert was one of them, and many club members can remember his impersonations of Adolph Hitler during the Second World War that had the hundreds of spectators at the Crazy Carnivals in fits of laughter.
From: The Beach Comes First - A history of North Narrabeen SLSC, 1911 to 2003 by North Narrabeen SLSC
As the result of the large number of persons frequenting the Narrabeen beach for surf bathing a meeting was held on Saturday evening to consider the question of establishing a surf club and the erection of dressing sheds. The chair was occupied by Alderman W. J. Tomlin. Alderman Powell explained what steps had been taken by the Warringah Council and stated that a grant had been obtained for the rate of £ for £ up to a certain amount. All present formed themselves into a surf committee and a substantial sum was guaranteed as their share towards the expenses of the sheds and life lines. A motion was passed that an early application be made to the council. The officers were elected as follows -Mr W. Dorman, president, Miss J Powell hon. secretary, and Mr W. Douglas, hon treasurer. SURF CLUB AT NARRABEEN. (1910, February 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 10. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15160637
References - Extras:
- First To Fly In Australia, Sunday December 5th, 1909 - George Augustine Taylor and Florence Mary Taylor
- Florence Mary Taylor: First Woman To Fly In Australia, First Female Australian Architect, Engineer - A Women's Champion
- Sir Edward John Lees Hallstrom
- Bayview Koala Sanctuary
- Narrabeen Cenotaph + RSL History: 100 and 65 Years Markers Of Service In 2021
- Pittwater Roads II: Where the Streets Have Your Name - Narrabeen
- North Narrabeen SLSC - first History page - 1910 to 1929
- North Narrabeen Rock Pool: Some History
- Narrabeen Prawning Times - A Seasonal Tide of Returnings
- Camping at Narrabeen - A Trickle then a Flood
- Mark Twain, J.F. Archibald And Henry Lawson - Did They Go Fishing At Narrabeen In The Spring Of 1895?: Probably!
- Tram Memorabilia - Historic Daylight Run For Sydney Light Rail Begins 80 Years After Last Tram To Narrabeen Closed
- Narrabeen Lagoon and Collaroy Beachfront: Storms and Flood Tides Of The Past + Collaroy Beach Reserve Gazettal
- Narrabeen Hotel: Some History About The Licensees
- The Macphersons of Wharriewood and Narrabeen: the photo albums of William Joseph Macpherson
- The Sly Family Of Manly and Narrabeen + The First Surfboat At Manly
The Schultz estate occupied the whole block bounded by the lagoon, Ocean, Malcolm and Lagoon streets (its actual address-frontage). On the Ocean street corner was “Tres Bon”, possibly owned by Emma’s sister Jessie (born 1880) and mentioned by D H Lawrence in Kangaroo. The house, a two storey premises, was the largest around at that time. Michael, grandson of Emma and Charles Schultz, described the house as having a large lounge-room with smaller rooms (6) and verandahs off it built as a weekender – that others flocked to. At the rear of the property there was another structure that could have been an extra cottage, and later there was a separate flat attached to the main house. Michael Schultz also had a photograph of Rosenthal and Taylor in the grounds of Billabong (with a Major McLeod) which dates from before WWI. The Schultzes were great friends with George Augustine and Florence Taylor, who made the first ever flights by Australian men and women on the land of this couple in 1909. Emma Schultz being the second Australian woman to fly.
GLIDING AT NARRABEEN. SENSATIONAL INCIDENTS. AN AUSTRALIAN-BUILT MACHINE. On Sunday last Mr. George Taylor, secretary of the Aerial League, took a biplane,18ft long, with 4ft planes, and box-kite tail balance, to Narrabeen. The trials at gliding were held, Mr. Taylor himself acting as demonstrator. The scene of the flights was at Narrabeen Heads, in the presence of about one hundred visitors, the wide stretch of sand rendering any possible fall a matter of some safety. At the beginning of the experiments the wind came from the south-east at 10 miles an hour. The machine was carried to a sand knoll, and brought face on to the wind. Messrs. Schultz, Le Clere, and Gibbons, of Narrabeen, required all their strength to hold it down. For the preliminary flights the corners were held by guide ropes 15ft in length to prevent the machine from gettingout of control before the experimentor was properly tuned to automatic balancing.
At the signal to let go the machine was well lifted by the wind, and by careful manipulation on the part of Mr. Taylor it shot towards the ocean 98 yards away in a series of curves from 3ft to 15ft above the ground, dragging its guides, who, however, pulled it to the ground at the water's edge. Twenty-nine successful flights were made by Mr. Taylor and Mr. Hallstrom, an enthusiastic member of the Aerial League. As the afternoon wore on the flights improved on account of the wind freshening to15 miles an hour, and coming directly from the east so much so that the last flight of the day was notable.
At "let go" the wind immediately lifted the machine to the full length of the guide ropes, and dragged the operators so fast to the ocean that two let go; the machine now soared to-wards the ocean, and at the water's edge the remaining guide ropes were loosened, the machine making a leap upwards. Mr. Taylor by careful manoeuvring, kept the machine well under control, and dived it in the sea some little distance from the heads. The machine will be fitted with steering gear and other improvements for further flights. Mr. Taylor's monoplane is now having its powerful engine fitted to it at Gibson and Son’s motor works at Balmain, and he hopes to have it in the air during Christmas week. If the flights are as successful as anticipated the machine will be placed at the disposal of the military authorities during the Kitchener camp and review. GLIDING AT NARRABEEN. (1909, December 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15096414

Above and below: 'George Taylor flying at Narrabeen', N.S.W., 1909. Courtesy National Library of Australia. Pictures nla.pic-an24152661 and nla.pic-an24152644

George Augustine Taylor was born in Sydney on 1 August 1872. He was a craftsman and journalist and during the course of his life had a number of interests including radio, telephony, martial technology, town planning and labour saving devices in the home. He trained as a builder, worked as a cartoonist in the 1890s and manufactured 'bagasse', a cement-plaster around 1900. Taylor also became interested in town planning and helped to found the Institute of Local Government Engineers of Australasia.
George's study of Aeronautics began by him making models of aeroplanes. On 28 April 1909 he called a meeting of like-minded people to discuss the future of aeronautics and was chaired by Lawrence Hargrave. George proposed the formation of the Aerial League of Australia. George Taylor's glider was similar to one designed, built and flown at Neuville sur Saone (Rhone) in France by the Voisin Brothers. That glider had been built in 1899 and featured flat, main wings and a Hargrave box kite tail. The wingspan appeared much shorter than Taylor's 1909 glider. Despite the flurry of activity of importing foreign machines Taylor wanted to see a locally produced aeroplane in the Australian air first.
It is also of note that the first man to fly in a heavier than air craft today would not be permitted, for medical reasons, to obtain a pilot's licence. Taylor suffered from Epilepsy. Taylor went on to found the Wireless Institute of New South Wales in 1910, was in the Intelligence Section General Staff in World War I, began publishing "Soldier" in 1916, helped found the Institution of Engineers, Australia in 1919, the Australian Inventions Encouragement Board in 1922 and the Association for Developing Wireless in Australia in 1923. He worked on proto-television, achieving colour transmission in mid 1920s. In 1925 he stopped publication of the "Soldier" magazine and began publication of 'Australian Home". He was also partly responsible for the 1927 Federal royal commission into wireless. Tragically George Taylor died prematurely when he slipped in the bath, struck his head and drowned on 20 February 1928. Florence and George had no children. George Taylor rented premises at 6-8 Brumby Street, Surry Hills which became the first aeroplane factory in Australia and probably the southern hemisphere. At least one glider and one monoplane were built in the Brumby Street factory. "The Sydney Morning Herald" of 2 October 1909 said that the factory was besieged by inventors and eight war kites were apparently under construction. The glider flown by Taylor at Narrabeen was as simple biplane with a box-kit tail made in the factory.
OBITUARY. MR. G. A. TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Mr. George Taylor took place on Saturday. A service was conducted at Wood Coffill's mortuary, and after-wards a brief service was held at the Crematorium Chapel, at Rookwood. The mourners included Mrs. Taylor (widow),Mrs. Barney Logue (sister), Messrs. F. A.March, L. C. Yanz, B. Chantrell (brothers-in-law), Mrs. L. Owen (sister-in-law), Messrs.J. and F. Yanz (nephews). There were alsopresent Sir Joseph Cook, Sir Charles Rosen-thal, Sir John Sulman, Sir Allan Taylor,Messrs. Fred. Davison (representing Re-returned Sailors and Soldiers' Imperial League),…. C. Schulz (North Narrabeen Life-Saving Club), OBITUARY. (1928, January 23). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16436080
"All these buildings were photographed for Mrs Florence Taylor, editor of 'Building' and owner of Building Publishing Co, Loftus Street, Sydney. She and husband, engineer George Taylor, together with Ted Hallstrom and Charles Schultz, flew first heavier-than-aircraft at Narrabeen. She was also the first woman architect in Australia." (Ted Hood, 30/3/1988) State Library of NSW records
TAYLOR.-The Cortege of the Funeral of Mrs. AMY FLORENCE TAYLOR will depart from Ernest Andrews's Parlours. 55 Australia-street, Newtown. THIS DAY, at 2.10 p.m.. for the Church of England Cemetery. Rookwood. ERNEST ANDREWS and CO., Motor Funeral Directors, B5 Australia-street, Newtown. Family Notices. (1931, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16797139
Emma and Charles were married 1894. Charles was a builder involved in many large projects in Sydney and rural NSW. Their main residence was ‘Warraba’ at 72 Burns Bay Road, Lane Cove, a residence so substantial it is now used as 'Mandalay’ a wedding reception business. He also had the Narrabeen Concrete Blocks company, into which the Narrabeen dunes on this property may have disappeared;
NARRABEEN CONCRETE BLOCK CO., Lagoon-street, Narrabeen or C. SCHULTZ, Rhodes-avenue, Tél., 652 N.8._North Sydney. Advertising. (1913, July 26). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15438448
They entertained on a grand scale at Narrabeen with reports of up to 40 guests staying on weekends. Billabong, with six bedrooms, would have accommodated some of these while the rest may have been placed in Ocean House, Ocean Street, Narrabeen, a 20 room Boarding House also built and owned by Mr Schultz.
NARRABEEN.-Furnished COTTAGE. 6 rooms, linen, cutlery, lake frontage. C. SCHULTZ, Rhodes avenue, N. Sydney. Tel.. 652 N. B. Advertising. (1911, October 7). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28139750
NARRABEEN - BOARDING HOUSE to LET, Furnished, in Ocean-street, known as OCEAN HOUSE, most prominent position in Narrabeen, overlooking ocean and lake, large grounds. C. SCHULTZ, Rhodes-avenue, Tel.. 052 N. S._North Sydney. Advertising. (1913, July 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15435908
BOARDING-HOUSE, known as Ocean House, Narrabeen, situated in the most popular place in Narrabeen. At entrance to Lake and Ocean Beach. Large grounds, Rent 35/ per week. Apply FOWLER'S STORE, Ocean-street. Narrabeen, or North 1975. Advertising. (1920, July 3). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article15896384
FIRE AT NARRABEEN. OCEAN HOUSE DESTROYED. Ocean House, a two-story boarding house In Ocean-street, Narrabeen, a two storied boarding house containing 20 rooms, was totally destroyed by fire early this morning. The outbreak was discovered shortly after 3 o'clock, and fire brigades from Narrabeen, Deewhy, Harbord, and Manly, in charge of Station-Officer Butcher, proceeded to the scene, The flames had such a strong hold on the building upon their arrival, however that the firemen were powerless to prevent Its destruction. The building was the property of Mr. Frank Rochester, of Civic-parade, Dee Why, who estimates his loss at about £2600. The cause of the outbreak is unknown. There was no one In the boarding-house when the fire broke out. Mr. Robert David-son, the caretaker, who was residing temporarily in a small cottage at the rear of the boarding-house, awoke shortly after 1am to find the main building was ablaze. FIRE AT NARRABEEN. (1929, March 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 16. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16541481
Mr Schultz was a supporter and member of the North Narrabeen Surf Life Saving club:
NEAR AND FAR." At Narrabeen last Saturday, at a concert In the grounds of Mr. Charles Schultz's, week-end home, 500 people were afforded an opportunity of hearing music "called from the air." It had been transmitted from Mr. Basil Booths wireless station at Clifton Gardens, and received on Mr. Leonard Schutlz's four-valve receiving apparatus. The concert had been arranged by the Narrabeen Surf and Life Saving Club to augment its funds, and as a result of the efforts about … was added to their funds. The Black Cat Concert Company contributed the second half of the programme, the artists being Norman Honce, 15. Cope, P. Walsh, L. Bancroft, M, Bancroft, G. Hynard, J. and A. Roebuck. NEAR AND FAR. (1923, April 3). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved fromhttp://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16053743
NORTH NARRABEEN'S TRIUMPH. North Narrabeen decided a few weeks ago to endeavor to raise sufficient money to purchase a new surf-boat. A concert was held at Mr. Schultz's residence last Saturday night, followed by a surf carnival on Monday. The concert receipts were something like £60 ; the surf carnival netted £68. The longed-for surf vessel has been ordered. The success achieved by the Black and Whites this season has been remarkable.
The above-mentioned champions visited Narrabeen on Monday and were accorded a wonderful reception by the crowd. Harris gave a fine display of surf-board riding, despite most unfavorable water. Charlton ' and Herald paddled round meanwhile. Once Charlton almost thudded on a gigantic wave. A less-expert waterman would have been severely injured. The champions were the guests of the club at dinner, and were accorded a rousing send-off.
THE CARNIVAL. North Narabeen carnival was an unqualified success. Stan Exton. North's bustling hon. sec, and his committee, must be awarded pats upon the back for the splendid manner in which they organised the event. A GREAT PAIR. In winning the brace surf relay race, George Proudfoot and J. (Scotty) Black (North Narraben) again proved they are among the very finest of our surf swimmers. The go between him and Goya Henry was sensational. They contested every foot of water until they reached the broken, heavy surf, which tumbled with great force. Proudfoot took a big dumper and survived; Goya let it go. SENIOR ALARM REEL RACE. Newport's beltman (G. Robertson)was declared the winner from George Proudfoot (North Narrabeen).
SURF CARNIVAL FILMED. (1923, April 6). Arrow (Sydney, NSW : 1916 - 1933), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article103539856
His son Leonard (1906-1980) was a pioneer among radio in Australia, went on to be senior vice-president of the Radio Engineers association, chief engineer at 2GB and set a record in 1953 for gliding, after his earlier flying feats, including being a part of these at Pittwater regattas;
Glider's Record "Goal" Flight. The chief engineer of radiostation 2GB, Mr. L. N.Schultz, set an Australian record yesterday for a "goal" flight in a glider. He flew from Narromine to Wagga, about 210 miles, in five and a half hours, at heights varying between 7,000and 10,000 feet. A "goal" flight is one in which the landing point is nominated before take-off. Glider's Record "Goal" Flight. (1953, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18402977
SYDNEY EXPERIMENTER IN LONDON. Mr. Leonard Schultz, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schultz, of Warraba, Lane Cove, who has distinguished himself in Sydney as a wireless experimenter, has arrived in London by the Aquitania from New York. His parents have received word of his successful tour through America, where he has investigated wireless development. He intends touring Europe before returning to Australia. WIRELESS. (1927, February 28). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16357918
The lady he is pictured with at Billabong in 1928 was his first wife
SCHULTZ_The Relatives and Friends of Mr. LEONARD SCHULTZ, of 72 Burns Bay-road. Lane Cove; Mrs. SIMPSON, of Isis-street Wahroonga, are Invited to attend the Funeral of his beloved WIFE and her DAUGHTER. Agnes Linter (Lalla) Schultz; to leave St. Andrew's Church of England, Lane Cove, THIS DAY. at 10.30 a.m.. after service commencing at 10 a.m., for Church of England Cemetery, Northern Suburbs, per motor service. T. J. ANDREWS. Funeral Director. 'Phones, L2873. 94-96 Walker-street. X3033. North Sydney. Family Notices. (1931, July 31). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16797139
WEDDING For her marriage yesterday to Mr. Leonard Schultz, Miss Margaret Pearson chose a classically cut gown of magnolia satin, with a long train, and a veil of tulle caught into a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of pink water lilies and cream stock. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Pearson, of Waitara, and the bridegroom, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schultz, of Lane Cove. Family Notices. (1934, November 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17131974
DISCUSSING BALL PLANS. PICTURE MRS. CHARLES WALTON, MRS. H. D. ARNOTT, who was elected president, and MRS. LEN SCHULTZ, at the meeting of women members of the Royal Aero Club of New South Wales, which was held at the Australia Hotel yester-day afternoon to form a ball committee for the annual Aero Club Ball, which will be held at the Trocadero on May 16. DISCUSSING BALL PLANS. (1940, April 24). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved December 15, 2012, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17646804
Warringah Shire Council minutes records;
1. Chas Schultz. 8/12/1927. (1) drawing attention to the condition of Lagoon Street fronting his property and entrance way, and (2) requesting that attention be given to the road from Malcolm Street to his entrance in Lagoon r Street Resolved (Crs. Atkins, Greenwood) - That £1 be voted for-the cleaning out of the watertables and maintenance repairs a12/12/1927
Chas. Schultz. 7/3/29. Drawing attention to a-large number of posts recently' erected in Narrabeen Lake,-which are a danger to boats, and are unsightly. To be informed that those posts are on a private boundary.' 18/03/1929
Mrs. E Schultz , 15/2/35, advising that Mr. Wylie and she have made application to the Lands Department for permission to deepen the lake fronting their properties at Lagoon Street,'Narrabeen, and requesting Council's support should it be asked by the Department to express an opinion. Narrabeen lake Dredging Requests - That consideration be deferred until the whole question of dredging in Narrabeen Lagoon is being dealt with: (Crs. Ross, Campbell) 05/03/1935
E. Schultz, 9/3/35, requesting that the extreme northern cr. of Lagoon Street, Narrabeen, be tarred and top-dressed, Bt. and that the long weeds on either side, into which refuse is dumped, be cleared away. Resolved, - that the Overseer's recommendation that about eight lorry-loads of gravel be obtained for blinding the loose gravel at the end of the road be adopted. (Crs,Rass, Nicholas) 19/03/1935
Chas, Schultz , 18/3/38,.requesting (a) that Lagoon Street from Malcolm Street to his property be reconditioned; (b) that noxious weeds on the footpath, which form a dumping ground for picnickers' refuse, be removed. Resolved, - That the Overseer's report be adopted, and £48 be voted for gravelling and tarring 4 chains of the northern end of Lagoon street, the work to be done when money becomes available, and that noxious weeds on the footway be removed. (Cr: Nicholas, Butcher,) 29/03/1938
Charles died in 1945:
The death has occurred of Mr. Charles Schultz, a director of the Master Builders' Insurance Company, who was well known for his support of aviation in its early stages. From 1909 onward his week-end home at Narrabeen often had 40guests, who went there for gliding practice. One of his sons, Mr. Len Schultz, was an honorary aviation instructor in the recent war. Mr Schultz is survived by a widow and family. AVIATION PIONEER'S DEATH. (1945, December 1). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27921813
Emma passed away six years later:
SCHULTZ. Emma.-January 20, 1951 at private hospital. Newport, beloved wife of the late Charles and loved mother of Doris (Mrs. E. E. Warren). Fred, and Len. Privately cremated. Family Notices. (1951, January 23). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article27569489
Worth Noting:
Guilty' OF RECEIVING. Arthur Bowen Baker was charged with having, on October 16, broken Into the residence of Charles Schultz at Narrabeen, and stolen clothes, blankets, sheets, and other articles. There was a second count of feloniously receiving stolen property. QUARTER SESSIONS. (1920, November 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16876173
BUILDINGS AND.WORKS. SPINNING MILLS. Extensive premises for use as spinning mills at Marrickville are to be constructed for the Australian Woollen Mills, Ltd., from plans by Mr. Frederick Moorhouse, architect, has in band, and for which tenders close next week. Mr. Charles Schultz, builder, has Just completed for the same company additions to their mills. BUILDINGS AND WORKS. (1922, November 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16052613
Mr and Mrs- Charles Schultz, of Sydney, who have been guests at Hotel Canberra, left for Sydney yesterday morning. Before reaching Canberra Mr. and Mrs. Schultz toured along the South Coast. Mr. Schultz is well-known In the building industry in the Northern-Capital,' while. Mrs. Schultz is well known on account of her activities in Red Cross and other charitable work. PERSONAL. (1930, March 21). The Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article2287767
AT PITTWATER. Regatta Festivities. Pittwater, on the occasion of the 28thannual regatta, held on Saturday, commencing with the first event before 11 o'clock in the morning and continuing until late afternoon, presented a delightful picture of holiday sport. Yachts In full soil, motor yachts dressed, and smaller craft, all of which had their place In the day's events, together with men in casual or immaculate nautical dress and women in colourful nautical frocks and shorts, conveyed the impressions that the day had been reserved for enjoyment. Events proceeded through a day of balmy sunshine, broken only by one severe shower, and continued on In the evening with a supper dance held on the flagship Gwydir, which arrived from Sydney during the morning, bringing Its share of spectators, which included Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryrie, Mr. and Mrs. G. Fesq, Mr. Aubrey Halloran, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schultz. Lunch was held on board, at which the commodore of the day, Mr. Stuart Doyle, entertained the Lord Mayor (Mr. A. L. Parker) and Mr. John Roche, vice-commodore of the day. AT PITTWATER. (1934, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article17117572
Pittwater Regatta, Broken Bay, Hunter River Steamship Co.'s SS "Gwydir" as flagship. Image No: hood_06534, courtesy State Library of NSW

Above :Pilots watching the display at Mascot. From left to right: J. J. Larkin, L. N. Schultz, J. McLaughlin, G. W. Sawtell, T. R. Swain.
The celebration of Air Day on Saturday last was general throughout the Empire, and the various Stales of the Commonwealth Very appropriately recognised the occasion. In New South Wales the displays at Mascot and Richmond aerodromes were somewhat marred by the inclement weather; but nevertheless at both places a large number of spectators were thrilled by a display of machines and aerobatics well calculated to create that interest and air sense in the Australian public which was the object of the demonstrations.
The Air Fleets of the Powers
The graphs and diagrams on the right are of particular interest just how in view of Mr. Stanley Baldwin's announcement in the House of Commons on Wednesday last that by March, 1937, the home strength of the Royal Air Force Would be increased to 1500 first-line machines. This expansion will require 2500 additional pilots and 120,000 other ranks, and will mean the creation of 71 squadrons, or, as will be seen by the graph, the addition of 920 machines to her present air fleet.
Left :Moth 'planes of the New South Wales,-, Aero Club starting out from Mascot for a flight over Sydney. Empire Air Day. (1935, May 29).Sydney Mail (NSW : 1912 - 1938), p. 17. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article166108730
At the "at home" of Mrs. George A. Taylor and Mrs. Adolph Hyman, at the Queen Victoria Club on Wednesday, 28th, occasion was taken to wish Mrs. W. F. Foster bon voyage. The room was decorated with flowers donated by Mrs. Charles Schultz, Mr. Charles Smythe arranged a most delightful programme, the artists being:-Mr. R. G. Cottorlll, Miss Phyllis Hazel, Miss Muriel Bossley, Mr. Charles Smythe, Miss Trixie Lovejoy, and Smythe quartet party. The guests were:-Lady Richards, Mrs. Felix Booth, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Solomon, Mrs. F. Wilson, Mrs. Aclcman, Mrs. W.Lowe, Mrs. Jacobson, Mrs. Dunsnioro Smith,Mrs. McEvllly, NEAR AND FAR. (1923, March 30). The Sydney Morning Herald(NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 3. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16072922
A welcome home party to Mrs. George Taylor was held at the Hotel Australia yes-terday afternoon. Lady Richards, Mrs. Adolph Hyman, and Mrs. Charles Schultz acted as hostesses. A silver horseshoe, a posy of pansies, and tiny silver bells were placed for each guest. The musical programmes were in the form of gum leaves, and original verses of welcome, were printed on each one. The tables were decorated with pink carnation larkspurs, and maidenhair fern, and the guest of honour, received a posy of carnations and roses. A musical programme was contributed by Miss Joyce Hadley, Miss Crace Saville,Miss Kath Lee, Mr. Charles Stephen, and Mr.Charles Smythe. Among those present were Lady Fuller, the Lady Mayoress (Mrs. Gilpin)Lady Meeks, Mesdames Lawton, D. R. Hall, Fairweather, Lampriere, Beddle, McCamack, Dunsmore Smith, Calett, Hudson, Nott, Goldstein, Ackman, Greatrex, Allan, F. Searl,MacCauley, McCall, Stredle, Zions, Lowe,Ray Paul, Foster, NEAR AND FAR. (1924, December 20). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 7. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article28068054
STOREKEEPER CHARGED Rowley Spalding Burcher, described as a storekeeper was charged with arson It was alleged that, on October 5 last, at Lane Cove he maliciously set fire to a shop. Charles Frederick Schultz the owner of the shop gave evidence that a week before the fire he asked Burcher about his arrears of rent, and Burcher replied 'Don't worry-you will get your rent " Witness said to Burcher' You must be getting a windfall " Mr McKean said it appeared that the balance at the credit of Burcher in the Commercial Banking Co of Sydney Ltd at Lane Cove, on October 6 last, was 9/2 He admitted to Mr Kinkead that the account was not reduced to that amount Just at that time but that was the condition of the account over the previous eighteen months. Accused stated, in evidence that all he would have received as insurance was about £45 for stock He owed about £35 for rent, and when the landlord spoke to him about the rent he was expecting about £500 from an estate He was not guilty of the charge The hearing had not concluded when the Court rose till to-day. QUARTER SESSIONS. (1932, May 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 8. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16864253
Mr. D. H. Lawrence, the eminent English novelist, arrived by the R.M.S. Orsova, this morning, and will possibly remain in the State tor a little while. Mr. Lawrence is one, of the younger school of English writers and in addition to his novels has written a number of beautiful poems and books of travel Mr. Lawrence is interested in orchards, and it is quite likely he will visit the fruit growing country in the South-West. The author is accompanied Mrs. Lawrence. About People. (1922, May 4 THURSDAY). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), p. 6 Edition: THIRD EDITION. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article82888831
Mr. D. H. Lawrence, the distinguished English novelist, who has been on a short visit to Western Australia, left, by the Malwa on Thursday for Sydney, accompanied by Mrs Lawrence. Mr. Lawrence has a very attractive and interesting personality. He is a brilliant conversationalist, and at the same time is extremely, modest, disliking limelight and publicity. He is only 36 years of age, and is considered by the London critics to be one of the coming men in the world of literature. Mrs. Lawrence, who was impressed with the beauty of the Park and the fascination of the bush, is a foreigner. Mainly About People. (1922, May 22; MONDAY). The Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1950), p. 6 Edition: THIRD EDITION. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article82496302
By the beginning of 1922 D H Lawrence was on the way to Australia. In Western Australia he met Molly Skinner, with whom he collaborated in a novel, "The Boy in the Bush," and experienced his first ecstasy at the sight of great distances, walked at night "under the huge electric moon," felt "the hair on his scalp stir" and "went icy cold with terror." In New South Wales he took a train south from Sydney and settled down in a bungalow at (of all places) the town of Thirroul. He had come thirteen thousand miles to recuperate his mental and physical resources in an Australian coalfield! He met nobody, but that did not stop him from loving the country and loathing the people. "This is the most democratic place I have ever been in," he wrote. "And the more I see of democracy the more I dislike it. It just brings everything down to the mere vulgar level of wages and prices, electric light and water-closets and nothing else . . . Yet the weird, unawakened -country is wonderful and, if you could have a dozen people perhaps, and a big piece of land of one's own ..."
BUT when the first batch of letters arrived from home he was filled with hatred: "He wished that every mail-boat would go down that was bringing any letter to him, that a flood would rise and cover Europe entirely, that he could have a little operation performed that would re-move from him for ever his memory of Europe and every thing in it." In spite of this he cut short his stay in Australia and eventually went back to his Europe to die, at a sanatorium near Cannes. And, before his death, the old friends came rallying round once more, bringing him fruit and hyacinths and cyclamens. H. G. Wells, the Aga Khan and many others came to visit him. And at the end the devoted Frieda sat by his bed and comforted him as he took his departure. SOMETHING PERSONAL A Genius But... (1950, June 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article18165893
DEATH OF MR. D. H. LAWRENCE. (Australian Press Association) LONDON, March 3 The death is announced of Mr. David Herbert Lawrence, the well known novelist. The late Mr. Lawrence was born at Eastwood, Nottingham, on September 11, 1885, and was educated at Nottingham High School and Nottingham University. His publications include:-Novels: "The White Peacock," "Sons and Lovers," "The Rainbow," "Women in Love," "Aaron's Rod," "The Lost Girl," "Kangaroo," 1923;"St. Mawr," 1025; "The Plumed Serpent," 1926. He also wrote short stories, dramas, and essays. DEATH OF MR. D. H. LAWRENCE. (1930, March 5). The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 - 1933), p. 19. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article21502304