Pittwater: Take Away & Food Available From Local Outlets
As a community service, there is no charge to list your eatery here - you do need to email details: name, operating hours along with a menu if available, to pittwateronlinenews@live.com.au - we will keep adding them in as/when received.
Muchacha Narrabeen
1421 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen
9913 9135
Dear valued Muchacha customers,
Due to the ongoing Coronavirus crisis we have decided, for the time being, to operate on a delivery and takeaway basis only. We feel this is the best thing we can do to be socially responsible and we hope you will understand and continue to support us. Below is a map of our new delivery area extending to:
- Walsh St, Warriewood
- Corner Elanora Road/Powderworks Road Elanora Heights
- South Creek Road Wheeler Heights
- South Creek Road Collaroy.
Deliveries will incur a $3.50 fee and all take-away operations will continue as usual. Last call for deliveries at 8pm and last pickup orders by 8:30pm.
Please call 9913 9135 for all orders.
We hope to return to business as usual as soon as possible, and thank you for your understanding.
Muchacha Narrabeen.
The Tramshed Cafe, Narrabeen Lake
March 25, 2020
Tramshed Takeaway Specials - All $16 | Call 9970 7486
Tramshed Family pack deals also available - Perfect for families juggling work, kid's at home school and those caring for others.
1395A Pittwater Rd Narrabeen (behind the big tram)
Local Delivery Available or Pick up (we can drop to your car window on the street)
Menu www.thetramshed.com.au or HeyYou Ordering Available & UBEREATS coming soon!
Stay well and look after your loved ones!
H2O Cafe Restaurant
Shop 3 1431 Pittwater Road, Narrabeen
Ph: 9913 1360
h2ocafe.com.au - 7.30am to 12pm
Breakfast and Brunch
It’s a beautiful morning and we are serving up our fantastic Sacred Grounds organic coffee!!! Grab a coffee and bacon & egg roll sit in the park and enjoy the lake.
Oceans Narrabeen
March 25, 2020
Cnr Malcolm St & Ocean St, Narrabeen
Ph: 9970 6262
Order from the window, online or phone! www.oceansnarrabeen.com.au
One Cafe North Narrabeen
1 Narrabeen Park Parade Narrabeen
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to say thank you to our community, who have supported us since we took over One Cafe and Bar in North Narrabeen less than two weeks ago. Clearly not the best timing but we are here, we are open for takeaway with a refreshed menu, ready for orders via text to 0424 473 609 or call us on 9131 5409 to place your order.
Our operating hours have altered slightly during this time. Closed Mondays. Open Tuesday to Friday from 7am to 2pm for breakfast and lunch. Dinner service starts at 5pm to 8pm Wednesday to Friday. Saturday and Sunday open all day from 6.30am to 8.30pm.
We are running specials daily.
Please follow our Facebook page to keep informed of our new takeaway meal deals: https://www.facebook.com/onecafenorthnarrabeen/
We are practising necessary social distancing guidelines and ask that you pay by debit or credit card where possible.
Hope to see you all soon. Stay safe
Salma Ebrahim
The Boatshed Cafe And Bar
Lower Level 11 Narrabeen St Narrabeen
Ph: 9913 8938
For your convenience The Boatshed offers HOME DELIVERY MEALS- so you don't have to leave the house !! Order all your Boatshed Favourites online with UBEREATS & MENU LOG. Or alternately PHONE us to pre-order your meals for pick up on (02)9913 8938
NEW to our Boatshed Menu a range of GREEK PITAS! These are Lamb & Chicken served with chips. Pre order for pickup on: 9913 8938 or order through Ubereats or Menulog! We are OPEN 7 days - 7:30am-7:30pm for food & drinks.
We will be updating our Menu over the next few days with more family meals. Check out the current menu on this link.
Garden Street Cafe
54-56 Garden St, North Narrabeen
Hours: Monday to Friday 5:30am–2:30pm
Saturday 7am–12pm
Sunday 7:30am–12:30pm
Phone: 9913 1233
Take Away only
Elanora Heights
The Nook Wholefoods
Shop 2/69 Kalang Rd, Elanora heights
Open 7am - 3.00pm Mon-Fri. - 7am - 2.30pm Sat and Sun
Nourishing health and wellness!
Organic coffee, superfood smoothies, cold pressed juices, raw treaties, healthy foods and products.
We have healthy takeaway options 7 days a week.
Top Shot Espresso
Shop 3, 50 Kalang Road , Elanora Heights
Ph: 0404 381 346
6am to 2pm 7 days a week
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/topshotsespresso
The hole in the wall coffee shop located in the heart of Elanora’s top shops. Serving Allpress coffee, yummy toasties, delicious bacon and egg rolls and naughty treats. Open 7 days a week.
We are still operating under the new norm. TAKEAWAY ONLY!
Offering our full food and drink menus.
Text ahead to have any food made for your arrival and to avoid traffic at the counter. - 0404 381 346
JC's Pizza
Kalang Rd.Elanora Heights
Phone 9970 6523 - Opens 5pm - does delvery and Take Away
Order: menulog.com.au - direct link to menu
Frenchies Brasserie
Shop 3, 54 Kalang Road, Elanora Heights
Ph: 9907 2528
A new menu will be up tomorrow by 11am pending product availability.
The Frenchies Team
Ingleside Market
307 Powderworks Road, Ingleside
Ph: 9913 7188
Fruit & vegetable shop · Shopping & retail · Cafe
Hours 05:30 - 17:00
We ask the following of our customers:
- Please do not attend the store if you are unwell!
- We are not accepting any reusable keep cups at this time.
- Where possible, please try to use our prepay apps (Skip & HeyYou). The window will be open for collection of prepaid goods only.
- Avoid cash transactions - please try to use EFTPOS. There is no minimum, no charge and we accept all cards.
- Thoroughly wash your purchased fruit and vegetables
Please be aware that whilst every effort is being taken to keep the availability and price of produce stable and competitive, we too are subject to our current fluctuations across the supply chain.
We deeply appreciate our community’s patronage and support. These are challenging times for small businesses, and we are unable to work from home. Please be respectful of our staff and treat each other with love and kindness.
We're still open for take away and we would like to thank you all for your support during this crisis. Thank you, and good health to everyone!
Ingleside Market
Solace Kitchen Cafe
280 Powderworks rd, Ingleside
Ph: 0428 859 220
Open M-F 7-1 & Sat 8-1.
Come enjoy some takeaway street food & drinks.
Sandstone Café
48 Myoora Road, Terrey Hills
10% off for our local community... call 9450 2000 option 2 or 3
Garden Terrace Cafe
20-22 Macpherson street, Warriewood
Ph: 9999 5028
Monday to Sunday 8am to 4pm, takeaway only
We are still open trading as normal. Check out our takeaway menu.
Takeaway / Home delivery service available within 5km radius, every day.
Contact us if you have any questions.
Sunrise Cafe
122A Narrabeen Park Pde Shop 2, Warriewood
Ph: 9997 2515 - Open 6am to 3.30pm - Take Away only.
Cafe Ponderosa
4 Ponderosa Parade, Warriewood
Monday to Friday 5.30 am to 2.25pm
Ph: 9999 5053
Coffees, drinks take away breakfast-lunch menu
Mona Vale
Mona Vale Market
at Pittwater RSL every Sunday morning
8:30 till 12:30
Open for fresh food and produce...see you every Sunday!
PH: 9999 2226
Pittwater Place In Accordance With The Australian Government
Only Fresh Products
1/8 Wilmette Place, Mona Vale,
Ph: 9979 7725
Wholesale and supply shop · Caterer · Hospitality service
Hours 08:00 - 15:00
Hi everyone,
We will be open and selling to the public all week even if we go into lockdown as we are a primary producer, so please come down for quality products cheaper than the supermarkets and support local!
Coffee Brothers
1/54-56 Darley St, Mona Vale
Ph: 8411 2190
Monday to Friday: 5am–3pm, Saturday: 6am–2:30pm, Sunday: 7am–1:30
This is a game changer for us but we just wanted to let you know that most our menu will be available for takeaway at this point. We have plenty of coffee and plenty of beans.
We look forward to seeing you and we all remain full of support as we all deal with a new reality.
Let's take some time to thank all the nurses and doctors working tirelessly just to make sure we are all okay. Some of these nurses have been working for 13 hours straight with little to no rest, not even for a cuppa coffee!!
Photo: on March 21st Coffee Brothers sent in coffees and cakes to the nurses at Mona Vale Hospital
Paddock & Vine
Number 5 Bungan Street, Mona Vale
Ph: 9999 3807
Website: www.paddockandvine.com
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paddockandvine/
Takeaway & delivery menu ready. We will open the bifolds from 11am tomorrow.
As a precaution for all of our safety we will not be accepting cash so bring your card with you & pick up some beautiful Italian takeaway.
Call us on 9999 3807
Ruby Lane Wholefoods Mona Vale
5 Darley St E, Mona Vale
7.30 am to 2pm 7 days a week
Menu: rubylane.com.au
Phone: (02) 9446 9921
Dear customers and members of our precious community,
We’re working tirelessly to provide you with healthy food & drinks as usual considering the current measures that are in place to protect each other.
How do we operate these days?
We’re offering:
- Takeaway food in both of our stores
- New Immune Boosting Retail items
- Online delivery through Deliveroo and DoorDash
- Take home meals in stores +
A new website is available here for you to order meals, retail goods and Fruit & Veg boxes in the comfort of your home. We can get through these tough times together. Look after your loved ones, fellow community members and offer help where you can.
Keep eating HEALTHY, maintaining robust immune system plays a vital role in fighting any disease!
Banana Blossom Mona Vale
4/17 Bungan St, Mona Vale
Ph: 0439 805 571
Monday to Saturday 10.30am to 4pm
Menu: eatmoregreen.com.au
Order: deliveroo.com.au
Premium cress mix, chinese cabbage, asian herbs & red onion.
KEY - GF: Gluten Free, FS: Fish Sauce, N: Nuts
Please inform us if you have food alergies. All dairy free. Gluten Free options available.
Modus Operandi Brewing Co.
14 Harkeith Street, Mona Vale
Ph: 8407 9864
March 24, 2020
Remember not so long ago when you could sit at a bar, bunched up with your mates feeling regal when you ordered an Espresso Martini?
Let’s bring this high society of the past back with this jubilation shaken into 500ml cans using the freshest beans from our mates at Allpress Espresso. Bringing you a silky mouthfeel that ripples long after your first sip, its all class minus the martini glass. Then just wait for the rich coffee hit overlaid by dark chocolate and caramel aromatics. Put your best kit on, stretch out within your 1.5 metres and enjoy a regal memory of yesteryear.
This beer WAS brewed for Good Beer Week / Good Heavens Melbourne and GABS Festival which WAS going to be limited to VIC... but NOW you can enjoy this from the comforts of your home!
We have had SO many requests for this... so here it is! A mixed case of our most recent 500ml LIMITEDS! Weekend Sorted.
Order NOW via our online store www.mobrewing.com.au/shopbeer

Blue Pearl Bayview Thai Waterfront Restaurant
17/1714 Pittwater Rd, Upstairs of Bakers Marina, Bayview
Ph: 9997 8918
Website: www.bluepearl.com.au
On Facebook: www.facebook.com/bayviewbluepearl/
At Blue Pearl Thai, we are open for Pick-up and delivery for lunch and dinner from Tuesday to Sunday. You can also order on Menulog and Eatnow.
Blue Thai Jungle Curry
Church Point
The Waterfront Cafe & General Store
1860 Pittwater Road, Church Point
Ph: 9979 6633
Just a quick glance at our vacuum-sealed meat offers that we are more than happy to home deliver. We've sourced these from a wonderful supplier we use religiously for ourselves. Beautiful quality & flavour!
Pick-up is still an option as well - just call or text this number to purchase: 0435 027 068
Pasadena Pantry & Fresh
1858 Pittwater Rd, Church Point
Ph: 0424 190 188
On Facebook to message
Hours 07:30 - 19:30
Pasadena Pantry & Fresh is a brand new upmarket delicatessen & convenience store. We have an amazing range of products (and support local suppliers where possible!), including:
- gourmet cheeses & charcuterie from around the world
- handcrafted gelato (made on the Northern Beaches)
- premium meats, groceries, fruit & vegetables
- gourmet artisan stocks, jams & conserves
- earth friendly refillables
- fresh flowers
- and everything you need every day: bread, milk, ice, gas, soda-stream ... even dry cleaning!
We also have an online shop - www.pasadenapantry.com.au
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC
16 Mitala St, Newport
Ph: 9998 3700
At this current time the tender, waterfront & slipway team are in full operation (abiding by COVID-19 regulations) and we were excited to launch our ‘Alfred’s Grab & Go’ Takeaway food & beverage operations.
Cocoa Bar
366 Barrenjoey Rd, Newport
Ph: 9999 1191
Monday to Friday: 6am–3pm - Saturday and Sunday: 7am–3pm
March 23: Sending out our love to all. We’ve done our best overnight to reconfigure cafe so it’s takeaways only from here on in.
A local family own cafe serving All day breakfast and lunch, free parking, gluten free menu, energizing smoothies, delicious gelato but most importantly smooth rich 100% Arabica coffee exclusive to Cocoa Bar. We have loved being a Newport staple for over 10 years now! www.cocoabar.org
Caffeine Villains
7/331 - 335 Barrenjoey Rd, Newport
Monday to Friday: 7am to 3.30pm - Saturday and Sunday: 7am to 2pm
Either order through @ubereats.aus or call is direct on 0418-944-861
Our NEW MENU is now available for all orders. TAKE AWAY & HOME DELIVERY.
Harvest Store And Kitchen
352 Barrenjoey Rd, Newport
Ph: 9997 6967 or text: 0401 067 637
Changes home cooked meals to take away daily - delivery available.
Visit Facebook page to see range of meals on each day.
Pasta, flour, eggs, milk, rice, sausages, jams, tea, fresh fruit and veg...what’s your pantry missing? We’ve got you covered, Harvest Store & Kitchen.
Rusti Fig
3/363 Barrenjoey Rd, Newport
Ph: 0451 228 195
Monday to Sunday: 6am to 5pm
Still proudly serving Tobys Estate coffee and all our usual delicious treats that you can take away. Come in and support your local businesses xx Rusti Fig crew
Avalon Beach
Avalon Beach RSL
Takeaway available 12pm - 8:30pm
Delivery available 5pm - 8:30pm (Currently to Avalon 2107 area only - Contactless delivery available)
Minimum delivery $10 - $5 Delivery Free - Free Delivery for orders $30 or over.
Orders must be pre-paid with credit or debit card.
Avalons Organics Cafe & Grocer
Address: 25 Avalon Pde, Avalon, NSW, 2107
Menu: avalonsorganics.com.au/menu
Ph: 02 9918 3387
Thank you to all our amazing customers that have continued to support us through this challenging time. To ensure that we can keep our doors open, we have decided to reduce our trading hours to allow for grocery pre-orders and deliveries and Café takeaway options. From tomorrow, Thursday 26th March, our trading hours will be:
- Organic Grocer: Monday - Sunday from 7:30am to 2pm
- Café (takeaway only): Monday – Sunday from 6am to 1pm
To reach our incredible customers that may not be able to visit us in store, we will also be offering home deliveries for all your grocery needs, from this Friday 27th March. Home deliveries will only be available from Monday to Saturday from 2pm to 6pm. Please note that grocery orders must be submitted by 2pm the day before your delivery date, to allow our staff enough time to organise your orders. To view our pre-order grocery list and place your order, please email orders@avalonsorganics.com.au for more information.
Our full Café menu, including our famous ‘Brekky Roll’, fresh juices and coffees, are now also available for takeaway. If you would like to pre-order anything from our Café, please call 02 9918 3387, and place your order 30 minutes before you would like to collect your food.
Make sure you keep an eye out in store and on our social media pages for more updates, including our new home cooked dinner range which will be available shortly! From all the staff at Avalons Organics, we appreciate your continued support and hope you all stay safe and well.
Sky Thai
21 Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach - Opens 11am - Ph: 9918 3605
As a local reliable Thai restaurant, we will continue our service to support our customers, 7 days for lunch and dinner for home delivery & takeaway.
Only 30 minutes deliver to your door. *Card payment available over the phone.*
Order now at 9918 3605
Visit: www.skythai.com.au
Nourished Wholefood Cafe
17 Avalon Parade, Avalon Beach
Ph: 9973 3233
Hours: 6am to 4.30pm 7 days a week - Take Away only
Menu: nourishedwholefoodcafe.com.au
We have loaded tables up with goodies for you to buy and we are sending lovely energy to the whole COMMUNITY!
The Sneaky Grind
3/48 Old Barrenjoey Rd, Avalon Beach
Ph: 0450 006 206
www.thesneakygrind.com - Hours 06:30 - 15:00 - 7 days a week
A quick Sneaky update - We are STILL OPEN
We’ll be serving takeaway coffee and food from our fully rebooted (and highly sanitised) version of The Sneaky Grind. Thank you all, once again, for your amazing support and encouragement! It’s massive for us!
Riva Bar And Kitchen

Careel Bay
Oliver's Pies
1 Careel Head Rd Shop 3
Careel Bay Shopping Centre, Barrenjoey Road (opposite Hitchock Park and Soccer Fields)
Open 6am to 5pm
Ph: 8919 0302 - Visit Oliver's Pies on Facebook to see this week's specials
Examples of what's on offer:
Presenting our popular: Spicy Lentil, Sour Cream and Pumpkin pie (left) and Special of the week: "Lamb Rogan Josh" . A special creation for you this week created by our favourite pie man Dan - Fresh herbs and spices used as always!
The Chick'n Shack
Shop 7, 1 Careel Head Rd, Avalon
Ph: 9918 6969
Website: www.thechicknshack.com.au
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thechicknshack/
HOME DELIVERIES kick off Thursday (5pm-8pm) to Avalon, Whale Beach, Palm Beach.
To our much valued Chick’n Shack customers and our wonderful local community in Avalon, Whale Beach and Palm Beach.
Despite these challenging times we will continue to operate (within guidelines) and to serve and support our local community as best we can.
We are ADAPTING.....INTRODUCING online home delivery.
What we are doing at The Chick’n Shack to make things SAFE FOR EVERYBODY.....
In these most challenging of times we are taking steps to keep our people and our customers safe by:
* ramping up existing personal hygienes practices; ie. more regular hand washing, sanitising surfaces, food handling gloves etc etc...
* All our people are trained in our industry food handling and hygiene practises
* Sanitising regularly ( by the hour or as needed) all tables/ chairs, drink fridge door handles and all benches and public space surfaces.
* Sanitising our coin change - all our change received from customers is placed directly in a sanitising solution tray (without being handled by staff); outgoing coin is already sanitised
* Any of our people displaying signs of sickness will not be working
Thank you for supporting local business and thank you to all our loyal and amazing Chick’n Shack customers - we look forward to seeing you soon!
Remain positive, think creatively, be willing to adapt to the new reality, think creatively, support one another, be open to ideas, be responsible to keep ourselves and others safe! Be kind and show Love towards one another! Working together we will all get through this!
Stay safe!
Cranzgots Pizza Cafe
1\1 Careel Head road, - Careel Bay Shopping Centre
Ph: 9918 5550
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/cranzgotspizzacafe
A little message from the crannies team, these are challenging times as our country and the international community band together in the wake of the Covid-19. We would personally like to update you and the precautionary measures Cranzgots are taking to ensure the safety of guests and employees.
The safety and well-being of our community and employees of Cranzgots is our top priority.
We would like to reassure we are doing everything possible to make sure our staff are maintaining the highest level of hygiene and sanitising all areas of the restaurant. In addition to this, we are ensuring that any staff that show signs of illness or have travelled overseas are staying home. Our processes will evolve where necessary as we continue to closely monitor the Covid-19 situation. In the meantime we are open for business and we encourage you to continue to support local businesses while it is safe to do so.
Home delivery and take away will continue Wednesday - Sunday.
Contactless payments would be preferred.
We would also like to take the time to Thankyou for your patience with our phone. We are still experiencing technical difficulties with our business line. Unfortunately this is out of our control. If you wish to order please continue to call our alternative number 0431 626 077. Once again we apologise for the inconvenience here and appreciate your continued support.
Stay safe throughout this time. We wish our customers and our beautiful community the best of luck.
Lots of elbow love,
Louis, Georgie & the Cranzgots team.
Whale Beach
Whale Beach Deli: Closed
March 26, 2020
To our Boathouse friends, family, valued guests + local communities.
Due to the current climate, recent government updates + forever changing nature of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, our venues will be closed from today until this situation improves.
The safety of our team + local communities is of upmost importance, so closing our doors is the best measure we can take to prevent the spread of the disease.
The Boathouse Home + Bakery will remain open to offer essentials to our local Northern Beaches communities.
Together we will get through this, we wish you safety, health + happiness. See you soon!
Pip, Andrew + Heath x
Palm Beach
Boat House Palm Beach: Closed
March 26, 2020
To our Boathouse friends, family, valued guests + local communities.
Due to the current climate, recent government updates + forever changing nature of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) situation, our venues will be closed from today until this situation improves.
The safety of our team + local communities is of upmost importance, so closing our doors is the best measure we can take to prevent the spread of the disease.
The Boathouse Home + Bakery will remain open to offer essentials to our local Northern Beaches communities.
Together we will get through this, we wish you safety, health + happiness. See you soon!
Pip, Andrew + Heath x