Problem Boat And Trailer Parking Areas Targeted: No Parking, Motor Vehicles Excepted

Problem boat and trailer parking areas targeted under six month trial
Northern Beaches Council is introducing a trial designed to crack down on trailers and boats parked on public roads. It is hoped the trial will help residents park closer to a number of popular local parks and reserves.
Introducing a six month trial in five problem locations across the Beaches, Mayor Michael Regan said other measures had failed and it was time to try something different.
“We are getting an increasing number of complaints from residents fed up with trailers and boats taking up most of the parking next to playgrounds, parks and fields and rarely being moved,” Mayor Regan said.
“Under State Government legislation Council could give trailer owners 28 days notice to move on. However we were finding they would wait until the 28th day and then move a few spots down the street, or even just return to the same spot, and Council would have no recourse but to start the process again with another 28 days notice. It simply was ineffective.
“Our new approach prevents boats and trailers from parking at all in some known problem areas.
“These measures will also prevent the dumping of un-roadworthy trailers which is a persistent issue.
“The trial will be reviewed after six months and expanded to other areas if successful.”
The trial has been developed in consultation with the RMS. Council will erect ‘No Parking, Motor Vehicles Excepted’ signs over the next month at:
- Kenneth Rd, Manly Vale
- Balgowlah Rd, Fairlight
- Aitken Reserve, Queenscliff
- Jacka Park, Freshwater
- Barrenjoey Road, Avalon Beach
Council has notified hundreds of residents in the immediate vicinity of the affected areas and the response has been overwhelming in favour of the trial.
Opportunity To Address Nuisance Boat Trailer Parking
April 7, 2016
Member for Pittwater Rob Stokes today announced Pittwater Council has been invited to participate in a pilot program aimed at better managing boat trailer parking in local streets.
Under recent legislative changes introduced by the NSW Government, boat trailers can be impounded if they are left in the same place for more than 28 days. The new laws are aimed at stopping repeat offenders and providing Councils with greater powers to take action.
“Boat trailers cluttering suburban streets have become a hot topic,” Rob Stokes said today.
“Unfortunately we’ve seeing situations where boat trailers are being left for months and even years on end - robbing residents of valuable parking spaces.
“This situation can’t continue - things need to change.
“Councils will be able to make their own decisions about how the new laws will apply and in which areas.
“Boat owners will be warned and will have 15 days to move their boat trailer to avoid it being impounded.
“These laws aren’t aimed at people who wish to occasionally park their boat out the front of their house – they’re aimed at those storing their boats in the same spots for indefinite periods, taking up valuable parking spaces and creating eyesores.
“Councils will be required to publically announce the specific areas of the community where the new laws will apply – and these can change over time if needed.
“Pittwater Council is among only a small number of Sydney councils invited to participate in the pilot program which is due to commence on 1 July, 2016.
“The NSW Government has also set aside $5 million to help establish off-street boat trailer parking and will work with councils, boating organisations and storage industries to identify opportunities.
“There needs to be a better balance between responsible boat ownership and residential parking and this is where these new laws aim to assist,” Rob Stokes said.
In both Manly and Warringah Council areas the community was asked to provide feedback on the changes.
On 1 July 2016, the Impounding Act 1993 was amended by the Impounding Amendment (Unattended Boat Trailers) Act 2015 to allow councils and impounding authorities to ‘opt in’ to take impounding action against boat trailers parked for more than 28 days.