February 1 - 28, 2025: Issue 639


Project Restore: seagrass from Palm Beach Going to Sydney Harbour - Join the Storm Squad + Environmentally Friendly Moorings – Free Trial Available

Station Beach, Palm Beach, on Pittwater - collection place for endangered (to Exctinction) Posidonia australis and Project Restore

Seagrass Collection – Citizen Science

There are a number of ways the people working in Project Restore are engaging the community through education, workshops and citizen science programs. Specifically, for the success of the Operation Posidonia element of Project Restore we need the help of the community.

As part of Project Restore you will be able to join in on our Citizen Science project, The Storm Squad. This group is integral to helping us collect Posidonia australis fragments. We’re asking the community to collect naturally washed up Posidonia fragments from their local beach and leave them at our collection points.

These fragments will then be replanted at our restoration sites within Sydney Harbour.

There are two main collection points: Bundeena, and on Station Beach at Palm Beach, Pittwater. These collection points are now both open and ready for use.

To get involved or reach out directly to the team at project.restore@sims.org.au to express your interest.

Pittwater Seagrass Collection Point

by Project Restore

This explainer video shows you how to collect and drop off seagrass shoots at our Pittwater Collection Point.

About Posidonia australis

Posidonia australis is a species of seagrass that occurs in the southern half of Australia. It occurs in 17 estuaries along the east coast of New South Wales from Wallis Lake to Twofold Bay near the New South Wales/Victorian border.

Six locations within New South Wales (Port Hacking, Botany Bay, Sydney Harbour, Pittwater, Brisbane Waters and Lake Macquarie) have suffered significant population decline and have been listed as endangered populations.

The species can grow in coarse sandy to fine silty sediments between the low tide line and approximately 10 m depth. It may also occur in deeper water if water clarity is good. It can form large, dense stands (called meadows), and is also often found mixed with other species of seagrass such as Zostera (eelgrass) and Halophila (paddleweed).

Posidonia australis is important because:

  • It supports a diverse range of fauna, providing habitat, shelter and food.  This includes other protected and threatened species such as the White's Seahorse, Little Penguins, Green Turtles, pipefish and seadragons.
  • It also provides nursery habitat and feeding grounds for commercially and recreationally important fish species such as bream, sea mullet, leatherjacket, mullet and garfish.
  • Protects water quality by filtering the water and removing and recycling nutrients.
  • Stabilises sediment on the seabed.
  • Improves air quality by taking carbon dioxide gas out of the water and releasing oxygen. The leaves use the carbon to grow and are eventually buried in the sand when they die. This is an example of "blue carbon" - a captive of the seabed and no longer a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
  • Seagrasses can bury carbon at a rate 35 times faster than tropical rainforests!

Why are some populations of Posidonia australis endangered?

The small and fragmented endangered populations of Posidonia australis are susceptible to many ongoing pressures including:

  • The construction of foreshore structures such as jetties, pontoons and berthing areas which cause shading and loss of seagrass.
  • Dredging.
  • Damage from anchors, boat propellers, moorings and other boating related activities.
  • Increased sediment entering waterways which can smother seagrass and block light.
  • Trampling of seagrass beds due to wading by humans and domestic animals.
  • Extreme storm events can dislodge large areas of Posidonia. Stormwater discharges can also change water quality and salinity levels.
  • Climate change.

Posidonia australis is extremely slow to regenerate, taking up to 50 years to regrow a 1m2 area.


An endangered White's Seahorse on Posidonia australis. A scour through a Posidonia australis meadow. Photos: David Harasti

Information: NSW DPI

Seagrass Planting

Video by Project Restore

Here is the team at work planting the collected shoots at our restoration sites.

Environmentally Friendly Moorings

A key part of Project Restore is the replacement of up to 16 swing moorings to environmentally friendly moorings. This is an exciting opportunity for mooring owners to be a part of Project Restore and help restore Sydney Harbour’s degraded seascapes.

Swing chain mooring’s are the most common mooring technology and widespread use is leading to ongoing threats to seagrass. As the chain drags along the seafloor it destroys the seagrass beds and leaves a mooring scar on the seafloor. Environmentally Friendly Moorings use neutrally buoyant technology that removes the impact on the seafloor while still providing a robust anchoring system.

As part of Project Restore, and in collaboration with Transport for New South Wales (TfNSW), we are offering sponsorship of up to 16 mooring owners in support of replacement of block-and-chain moorings to Environmentally Friendly Moorings.

This sponsorship covers all costs involved in removing existing moorings and buoys and replacing with the Environmentally Friendly units. Additionally, the mooring servicing fees for the duration of the project (until 2026) will be covered by Project Restore.

If you’re a mooring owner or want to find out more, register your interest in the program by emailing project.restore@sims.org.au or view the information PDF here

More on SIMS Webpage: projectrestore.sims.org.au/get-involved#seagrass-collection 

Operation Crayweed: Commenced with Crayweed from Palm Beach

This is the second type of Palm Beach seaweed that has been collected to help restore other areas. In 2014 UNSW and SIMS began collecting Crayweed from Palm Beach to help return other places to how they once were.

More in:

2024 Year in Review

Video By Project Restore

Take a look back on the huge year Project Restore had. From the beginning of restoration to hitting a huge milestone engaging with the community. 2025 is shaping up to be even bigger.