Protect Pittwater January Update: Have Briefed New Senior Counsel
+ MP For Mackellar Calls on created council to Pause on Headlong Overdevelopment
+ Phil Jenkyn OAM Addresses his Local State MP; the Minister for Planning
Northern Beaches Council Needs To Press Pause On Development
Community Demands Democracy For Local Planning Panels
Draft Environment SEPP: Urban Bushland
The Berejiklian government has just announced changes that propose to repeal and replace the following State Environmental Planning Policies (SEPPs) with a single Environment SEPP:
• State Environmental Planning Policy No. 19—Bushland in Urban Areas - [Manly, Warringah, Pittwater; pages 23 to 32]• State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011• State Environmental Planning Policy No. 50—Canal Estate Development• Greater Metropolitan Regional Environmental Plan No. 2—Georges River Catchment• Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 20—Hawkesbury-Nepean River (No.2-1997) [*Pittwater and Warringah]• Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005• Willandra Lakes Regional Environmental Plan No. 1—World Heritage Property.
Aimed at reducing 'red tape' and 'streamlining' NSW's planning system, some changes are commended such as protecting Sydney Harbour's natural assets by prohibiting new canal estates.
However other changes will enable development in sensitive areas that are currently protected.
Designed to marry up with other planning instruments, such as the controversial Biodiversity Act 2016, the changes also give greater effect to Ministerial Directions.
The changes also propose to revise the term ‘bushland zoned or reserved for public open space purposes’ to ‘public bushland’. This includes all land that is zoned non-rural, and owned or managed by a council or a public authority, or reserved for acquisition for open space or environmental conservation by a council or a public authority, and that has vegetation which meets a clear definition of bushland.
State Environmental Planning Policy No 19 – Bushland in Urban Areas (SEPP 19)- The majority of the provisions of SEPP 19 will be transferred to SEPP (Environment). These provisions will be updated and some will be transferred to a Ministerial Direction.
- Update council names to reflect recent council amalgamations and boundary changes.
- Extend its land application to cover local government areas that are currently partly outside the application of SEPP 19 including parts of Hawkesbury and Central Coast local government areas.
- Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction.
- A new circular on Urban Bushland is being finalised for consultation. It has been developed to provide further information and detail regarding the application of SEPP 19. This circular will replace planning Circulars No. B13 and No. 114.
Creating a new Ministerial Direction – Urban BushlandSEPP 19 contains provisions for the preparation of local environmental plans in clause 10. The clause ensures that when a council is drafting local environmental plan provisions for any land to which SEPP 19 applies, other than rural land, it considers the general and specific aims of the SEPP, and gives priority to retaining bushland unless significant environmental, economic, or social benefits arise which outweigh the value of the bushland. This should be transferred to anew Ministerial Direction as it is the appropriate mechanism to guide plan making. No current direction adequately covers urban bushland in the same way. Urban bushland exists across many different zones, therefore Ministerial Direction 2.1 – Environmental Protection Zones, is not appropriate to address public urban bushland of the type protected by SEPP 19.
The new Ministerial Direction is intended to function largely the same way as clause 10 of SEPP 19. As currently, the direction will apply when a planning authority is preparing a planning proposal for land to which the Urban Bushland provisions of SEPP (Environment) apply.
Critically the current SEPP (no 19) SEPP 19 extends 'beyond the protection of environmental values of bushland by identifying 'the need to protect the aesthetic and community values as well as the recreational, educational and scientific values of this resource'.
The proposed SEPP also enables the Roads and Maritime Services, to undertake the subdivision of foreshore lands in order ‘to lawfully reclaim Sydney Harbour land’ and redefine the ‘heads of consideration for consent authorities when assessing Development Applications on Foreshore lands.
The changes also include amending the aim of the Harbour Regional Environmental Plan that ensures Sydney is a ‘working harbour’ to enable a range of recreational, transport, tourism and commercial uses. Greater flexibility to 'mooring pens' is also proposed, which are currently prohibited.
Other changes include transferring heritage provisions to the relevant local environmental plan, thereby reducing the protection of heritage assets.
In addition, concerns have been flagged that moving the prohibition of extractive industries in parts of the Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment to the SEPP for Mining, Petroleum and Extractive Industries - and moving the Sydney Opera House provisions in the Harbour Regional Environmental Plan to SEPP (State Significant Precincts) effectively reduces the current protections.
The changes are on exhibition for public comment until the 15 January*.
_______________________*page 26:Provisions to be updated and moved to Ministerial DirectionsProvisions within the Hawkesbury Nepean Regional Environmental Plan related to local plan making will be updated and are to be moved to a new Ministerial Direction.
The following current provisions contain plan making guidance suited to a Ministerial Direction:• Clause 3 ‘Aim of This Plan’• Part 2 ‘General Planning Considerations, Specific Planning Policies and Recommended Strategies’• Clause 6(3) ‘Water Quality’• Clause 6(10) (a) ‘Urban Development’ - rezoning or subdivision of land• Clause 6(11) ‘Recreation and Tourism’.
Other aspects of Clause 6, such as water quality, total catchment management, biodiversity and environmentally sensitiveareas will be transferred to the proposed new SEPP.
Have your say on the Explanation of Intended Effect for the proposed Environment SEPP until 31 January 2018 (NB changed date for submissions/feedback) • Or write to:
Director, Planning FrameworksDepartment of Planning and Environment GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001
- The majority of the provisions of SEPP 19 will be transferred to SEPP (Environment). These provisions will be updated and some will be transferred to a Ministerial Direction.
- Update council names to reflect recent council amalgamations and boundary changes.
- Extend its land application to cover local government areas that are currently partly outside the application of SEPP 19 including parts of Hawkesbury and Central Coast local government areas.
- Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction.
- A new circular on Urban Bushland is being finalised for consultation. It has been developed to provide further information and detail regarding the application of SEPP 19. This circular will replace planning Circulars No. B13 and No. 114.
Draft Environment SEPP
October 31, 2017: NSW Dept. of Planning and Environment• Draft Environment SEPP (PDF: 6.215 MB)The Explanation of Intended Effect for the Environment SEPP is on exhibition from 31 October 2017 until the 15 January 2018. The NSW government has been working towards developing a new State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) for the protection and management of our natural environment. These areas are important to communities in delivering opportunities for physical health, economic security and cultural identity. This consolidated SEPP proposes to simplify the planning rules for a number of water catchments, waterways, urban bushland, and Willandra Lakes World Heritage Property. These environmental policies will be accessible in one location, and updated to reflect changes that have occurred since the creation of the original policies. The Department of Planning and Environment is seeking your feedback on the proposed SEPP to update and improve the planning framework in regards to these environmental issues. This is discussed in the Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) for the proposed Environment SEPP. Changes proposed include consolidating the following seven existing SEPPs:
• State Environmental Planning Policy No. 19 – Bushland in Urban Areas• State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Drinking Water Catchment) 2011• State Environmental Planning Policy No. 50 – Canal Estate Development• Greater Metropolitan Regional Environmental Plan No. 2 – Georges River Catchment• Sydney Regional Environmental Plan No. 20 – Hawkesbury-Nepean River (No.2-1997)• Sydney Regional Environmental Plan (Sydney Harbour Catchment) 2005• Willandra Lakes Regional Environmental Plan No. 1 – World Heritage Property. Changes are also proposed to the Standard Instrument – Principal Local Environmental Plan. Some provisions of the existing policies will be transferred to new Section 117 Local Planning Directions where appropriate. The EIE outlines changes to occur, implementation details, and the intended outcome. It considers the existing SEPPs proposed to be repealed and explains why certain provisions will be transferred directly to the new SEPP, amended and transferred, or repealed due to overlaps with other areas of the NSW planning system. Download the EIE document (PDF:11.215 MB)
Have your say on the Explanation of Intended Effect for the proposed Environment SEPP until 31 January 2018
We welcome your feedback on the Explanation of Intended Effect and encourage you to have your say. • Or write to:
Director, Planning FrameworksDepartment of Planning and Environment GPO Box 39 Sydney NSW 2001
New Sydney Planning Panel Chairs Announced
Better Community Engagement With Major Projects
16.01.2018: Departmental Media Release - Department of Planning and EnvironmentCommunity Consultative Committees (CCCs) for state significant projects will be strengthened after the Department of Planning and Environment appointed a group of high-calibre candidates to chair these important forums for enhancing community engagement.
Acting Executive Director Mike Young said the Department selected the independent Chairs after a rigorous and transparent recruitment process.
"We are pleased to announce the appointment of 27 chairpersons to the pool of independent experts who will now be available to chair CCCs across NSW.
"The successful candidates bring extensive knowledge and experience of community issues, planning regulation, and state significant projects, and will ensure CCCs are run effectively," Mr Young said.
"As advisory forums, CCCs have long provided an important link between communities and the proponents of state significant projects, especially in the mining and wind farm sectors.
"Last year, we published new CCC guidelines to make the committees more independent by enabling the Department to vet and appoint the chairpersons of these committees.
"We also expanded the scope for CCCs so they can now be established much earlier in the assessment process, and for any state significant projects including road, rail, industry and large residential projects."
Mr Young said the committees create a forum for community members and proponents to share information and address issues about state significant projects.
"State significant projects are large, complex, and can have major economic, social and environmental impacts over a long period," Mr Young said.
"The new chairs will be heavily involved in the appointment of community members to CCCs, promote effective communication between all members on projects, and mediate any disputes that may arise."
For more information about the 27 chairpersons, or for a copy of the CCC Guidelines visit the Department's website.
+ NSW Government's White Paper + Proposed Local Government Reforms + Fit For the Future
Pittwater Council Community Forum on Amalgamation and Planning - May 2013
Pittwater - To Be Or Not To Be?
Transcription of Speakers at Independent Local Government Review - Dee Why, 4th of June, 2013
Front Page Issue 115 - Amalgamation and Transcription of Community Consultation by ILG
NSW Government's White Paper - Issue 116
Hon Rob Stokes Hosts Roundtable Discussion On Council Mergers from Hon. Rob Stokes and People for Pittwater
Bigger is Better Theory on Council Amalgamations De-bunked by Mayors Townsend and Hay of Pittwater and Manly (New Report: AN ASSESSMENT OF SGS REPORT LOCAL GOVERNMENT STRUCTURAL CHANGE: OPTIONS ANALYSIS) - published 6 September 2013 - Professor Brian Dollery
ONE NORTHERN BEACHES COUNCIL OUT OF THE QUESTION: At its 13 October, 2014 meeting, Pittwater’s councillors reviewed the NSW Government’s local government reform package ‘Fit for the Future’ (FFTF), which was released in September 2014. The proposal, reconfirming the Independent Local Government Review Panel’s recommendations that Pittwater be merged with Manly and Warringah to form one council, was rejected.
One ‘mega council’ Would Be A Disaster for Pittwater - Pittwater residents are satisfied with Council - NSW government's Fit for the Future package includes amendments that make it harder for councils to prove they are financially viable, write Professor Brian Dollery and Joseph Drew - Front Page Issue 189
Artspot 2015 Opened with Aplomb
Pittwater Council to Purchase Avalon Beach Bowling & Recreation Club’s Green 3 - Keeping our Community’s Future 'Fitting' + Front Page Issue 211
Pittwater Uprising Again by ‘Pittwater Scout’ + Front Page Issue 212
Community News Issue 212 - May 2015: Local Government Reform - Have your say
NSW Government's "Fit For The Future" process erodes democracy and local lifestyle by 'Pittwater Scout'
Public Meeting on Proposed Local Government Reforms Indicates Forthcoming Backlash Against NSW State Government - Community Votes 'No' Amalgamation Again
SHOROC Shenanigans - Amalgamation Ploy to Undermine 'Scale and Capacity'? + Community News Issue 216
New Data Proves Overwhelming Support for Pittwater to Stay As We Are + Fit for the Future timeline makes mockery of fair process from Pittwater Council and LGNSW
Save Our Councils Coalition Launched – State MP’s Join their the Ranks Against Forced Amalgamations from SOCC
Community News Archives - June 2015
Pittwater Declares Autonomy: FFTF IPART Required Documents Lodged
NO Amalgamation Chant Becomes Louder in Pittwater: Rally at Local MP's Office + Front Page Issue 234
Pittwater Residents attend NO Amalgamation Rally in Hunters Hill - Front Page Issue 235
Front Page Issue 236: Pittwater Residents Maintain NO Amalgamation Stance at Rosehill...
Keeping Pittwater Independent Stance Persists: Media Releases Monday 12th October to Friday 16th October, 2015 relating to FFTF Reforms by LGNSW, IPART, State and Pittwater Council
Front Page Issue 237: NO FORCED AMALGAMATION RALLY at Winnererremy Bay Park Thursday 29 October 5pm
FFTF Facilitators Found Faulty: 'No Amalgamation' Chant Continues: + Front Page Issue 238
Pittwater Prefers to Remain Pittwater: Greater Pittwater Option Forwarded as Second Preference: Cr. Hegarty's Address at Council Meeting of November 16, 2015
NSW Government Announces Amalgamation Proposal Plans: Reactions and What's Next in Process - 2016
Community News February 2016: VOICES of PITTWATER - community leaders on amalgamation
Pittwater Residents Urged to Have Their Say on Proposed Council Changes - Passionate residents speak out at Public Inquiry Meetings
Pittwater's Future Down to A Numbers Game? Warringah Council's Bid to Have it ALL Revives New/Old One Council Proposal -Community News March 2016
Pittwater Asked to Have Its Say On Council Amalgamations AGAIN
Front Page Issue 257 Community Have Their Say on Proposed Amalgamation
Front Page Issue 258: Community Have Their Say on Proposed Amalgamation
Front Page Issue 259: Community Voices on Amalgamation
Front Page Issue 260 - Pittwater Councillors Passed Motion to Commence Legal Proceedings Against Forced Amalgamation Overturned Due to 'No Substance' to Grounds Raised
Pittwater is STILL Pittwater: Residents - Sacked Councillors Discuss Options: Legal action and second Secession to begin discussed
Mona Vale Place Plan: Have You Say By November 13, 2016 - community dismayed at draft slating six storey buildings for Mona Vale
Mona Vale Place Plan Meeting Discloses Salient Points And Communitys' Objections
Administrator's Message: draft Mona Vale Place Plan
Community News Issue 291 - Administrators Minute November 22nd, 2016
Mona Vale Rally on Mona Vale Place Plan Reopens Recent Wounds - Pittwater Council's MVPP List echoes Greater Sydney Commissions List for Mona Vale
Community News Issue 299 : Council Amalgamations Windback: Community Feedback This Week: Issue 299
Calls To Restore Pittwater Council Persist: Issue 300
Community News Issue 304: Interview with Hon. Rob Stokes on Mona Vale Hospital
Resident Birds Baffled By B-Line Sleight Of Hand: Where Did All Our Trees Go?
Protect Pittwater Community Forum: 7 P.M. Tuesday May 16 At Pittwater RSL - What impact will the new government body - the Greater Sydney Planning Commission – have on Pittwater? How will development approvals be carried out? How can we recover our local Pittwater Council?
One Year On: Amalgamation STILL Rejected: May 2017 Issue 312 + Front Page Issue 312
Pittwater Community Forum Supports Legal Action To Restore Council - Protect Pittwater launched + Front Page Issue 313
Crowd-funding Appeal for Legal Action to Protect Pittwater Launching on Tuesday - contact points fixed + Front Page Issue 314
Huge Response To Pittwater Crowd-Funding Campaign To Reinstate Pittwater and Demerge + Front Page Issue 315
Protect Pittwater Campaign Grows and Prepares to Join Careel Bay Marina Winter Festival Next Weekend by Miranda Korzy + Front Page Issue 316
Careel Bay Marina Winter Festival 2017: + Community News Issue 317
The Local Government Amendment (Amalgamation Referendums) Bill 2017 Passes Upper House: gives residents in councils that have been forcibly amalgamated the right to a binding vote on de-amalgamation - goes to Lower House first week of August + Front Page Issue 318
Community Expresses Dissatisfaction With B-Line To Newport Proposal and Reduction of L90 Service - Newport SLSC carpark to meet Mona Vale shortfall and be used as bus terminus, 100 buses a day turning through Newport + changing from L90 to B-Line services will make a longer commute for current longest bus run in Sydney + Front Page Issue 318
Protect Pittwater Community Backed Group Engages Lawyers For Action On Council Restoration
B-Line Terminating At Newport Won’t Work: Community Residents Groups Alternative - Residents Groups Meeting with Project Team notes there will be no community feedback sought prior to new timetable being published, no through city services covering the ‘Newport Loop’ during peak hours, Newport Surf Club carpark to be used as commuter carpark, proposed L90 cuts during peak hour
Pittwater Calls For Pittwater To Be Restored: We're Not Backing Down - Not Going Away, after NSW Premier's Announcement amalgamations of councils fighting in court against forced mergers will not proceed + Front Page Issue 323
Pittwater Locals Disappointed by Delay in Plebiscite Bill
Residents Should Not Fear Demerger Costs - visiting Greens MLC states - de-amalgamation bill to be debated again in September, petition calling on the state government to reconstitute Pittwater Council within its former boundaries, President of Protect Pittwater Bob Grace states this community group is seeking further legal advice and 'the fact that we seceded 20-odd years ago has some significance'
Fight for Pittwater Continues as Voters Go to the Polls from Protect Pittwater Community Group
Warriewood Proposal A Taste Of Things To Come: Greens State
Local Government Election Results Show Very High Informal Vote Rate
Community Groups Input Seemingly Ignored In B-Line Consultations
Newport B-Line Update October 2017: Roundabout proposed for Neptune/ Barrenjoey roads - Newport Residents Association is holding a Community Rally around these issues on Sunday October 22nd at 12.30 p.m. at Newport Surf Club - all welcome. Transport for NSW is holding drop in sessions so you may ask questions and provide feedback - dates, times and places in page
Northern Beaches State MPs Vote Against Democracy: Local Government Amendment (Amalgamation Referendums) Bill 2017
Greater Sydney Commission releases the Revised draft North District Plan 2017 for feedback: Mona Vale prioritised for Urban activation
B-Line Rally Calls For A Common Sense Approach To A Potential Problem
Newport's Bushlink 'From The Crown To The Sea' Paths: Celebrating Over 20 Years Of Community Volunteer Bushcare Results: The pathways wend through the Crown of Newport Reserve, Porter’s Reserve, Attunga Reserve and the Kanimbla Reserve. Includes link to March 2016 Amended Draft of 'North Ward' by NSW Government 'Planner'.
B-Line Services Reaches Its Day One: Wait And See If Modifications May Be Needed - November 26, 2017
B-Line Two Weeks On: Feedback Being Monitored - Newport Residents Update
LGNSW Conference 2017: Overview - Labor Councillors win President, Treasurer and Vice Presidencies, Motions carried: against the State Government takeover of planning powers through IHAP legislation + the requirement that where an amalgamation with one or more councils is proposed there be a binding referendum in each council area asking voters if they want their council to be amalgamated or not. Not discussed: Transfer plan making provisions in SEPP 19 to a Ministerial Direction: Urban Bushland
Community News Issue 342: December 2017
Residents Want 'Welcome To Pittwater' Sign Returned