August 14 - 20, 2016: Issue 276
Put on your sailing shoes: the 2016-2017 sailing and boating season on pittwater

Put on Your Sailing Shoes!
You've got to put on your sailin' shoesPut on your sailin' shoes
Everyone will start to cheer
When you put on your sailin' shoes
Little Feat – 1972
Which is the shoe that can go from restaurant to backyard lawn cricket pitch to boat deck?: the sailing shoe!
With the 2016-2017 Summer Sailing Season about to officially open on Pittwater, not that we’re not sailing all year round!, we thought we’d have a quick look into what is coming up for Sailing, Boating and Paddling clubs based on Pittwater, most beautiful estuary in the world!
An overview of each runs below, with more information on each club’s website, along with contact details for trying out, getting aboard a boat as crew, Registration dates and Opening of Sailing and Boating Season days, should you or a family member decide that this Season will be the one you put on your sailing shoes…
Pittwater’s Sailing and Boating Season 2016-2017
Palm Beach Sailing Club (PBSC)

1 Iluka Rd, Palm Beach NSW 2108
Catamaran - Multihull Sailing
Heart Starter / Open Day: 27/08/2016
Club House - 1 Iluka Road Palm Beach
Trailer Parking Area – adjacent Iluka Park: note that this is paid parking for cars with attached trailers only. PBSC has a limited number of season passes for these parking areas - contact a committee member for details.
PBSC has access to some free parking for cars and trailers at the back of the Western car park.
Boat Rigging Area - access via Sand Point Lane, Palm Beach
Palm Beach Sailing Club is a family –orientated club with many world champions among their members. They sail Catamarans, Wetas, Hobie 18 and 18, F18’s.
The club has a range of races and social event sails, including the Patonga Fish and Chip Run.
The Beware the Bullets Regatta each November attracts sailors from around the state. This is an all weekend chance to be among great people and great sailing in the above classes and colour up Pittwater with those flying bright sails.
Their Season runs late August 2016 until May 2017 with a break over Christmas when the rest of the world crowd visit Palm Beach.
Facebook page:
Palm Beach Yacht Club (PBYC)

If you like Sailing, cruising, racing, boating on Pittwater, you should think about Palm Beach Yacht Club. At Palm Beach Yacht Club, on Pittwater, you can sail, cruise, and race with friends. Plus you have access to Club Casual Moorings. All this for only $295 pa for full family membership.
The Club is just completing their Winter Series (Great Wackers Race: Sunday August 14) and the Ice Breakers Race (Sunday August 21st).
They will have a Rally and Raft Up – with Barbecue, at The Basin on September 4th.
The PBYC hosts several social events each year and encourages all members to attend with their family and friends so they can meet other members.
Our regular social events include dinner at Club Palm Beach after each Friday twilight race; and we would like to have more raft-ups at the Basin after Sunday races.
We will also host the annual family BBQ (November) and our Presentation Dinner (May).
The web-site is a vital source of information and has contact details as well as the Program for their Summer Sailing Season.
Avalon Sailing Club (ASC)
‘Fostering, encouragement, promotion, teaching, and above all, enjoyment of sailing on the waters of Pittwater.'
Old Wharf Reserve
28B Hudson Parade
Clareville Beach
The ASC is family orientated and offers a great Program for young sailors through their Centreboard focus and for Yacht and Power boat Owners. Regular Sails and Social events are organised throughout the Season. The club has launched many sailors into the national and international arena and holds the distinction of being hosts of the Australia Day Regatta on Pittwater each year. Membership for the 2016-17 season is now available for Existing Members Renewal and New Members.
Registration Day

Register for 2016-2017 Blue, Red & Gold groups
Contact Ralf Moller
Register for 2016-2017 Blue, Red & Gold sailing plus information about BICs, Manly Juniors, Flying 11s & Spirals. Blue Group usually books out on registration day - if your friends are interested make sure they don't miss out. The website has a wealth of information.
Blue, Red & Gold groups Overview:
Blue - Learn To Sail
An introduction to sailing aimed at 7~10 year olds. Sometimes we have a group of slightly older children in it too.
Run over a summer season, all the basics are introduced, children often sail in pairs in Manly Juniors or Nippas. Depending on size, experience and wind strength we also use our Puffins. The kids have heaps of fun and are mentored by our experienced teenage sailors with adult support.
Parents are immediately involved with deck duties and opportunities to assist on water. Everyone learns and it involves all the family.
Although many of our instructors and support are YA registered, we use a flexible training and progression system rather than a fixed course time.
As skills improve the children are moved up to Red.
Skills learnt include:
• Identifying the wind direction and strength
• How to set the sails depending on wind direction and which way the boat is pointing.
• Changing direction ... tacking and gybing
• How to go upwind, downwind and reaching
• How to rig and care for the equipment
• Launching and retreiving boats off the shore.
• Capsizing safely to have fun
Expect to spend 3~6 months in Blue unless there are opportunities to join more experienced skippers.
Blue is run on Sunday mornings between approx 830 ~1130am.
Red - Developing Skills
Sailors normally start in Blue for a season and progress through to Red the following season. However, if sailors have some prior sailing experience, such as a summer sail camp or two, Red group may be the right place for them to start, and where sailors are progressing more quickly we encourage them to progress to the group that suits their level of skill.
Unlike the Blue (learn to sail) group where sailors use the club's boats and equipment, in Red group sailors must have their own boats and equipment. The club has a fleet of "two handers" in Manly Junoirs (MJs) and Flying 11's, plus "single handers" in O'Pen BICs and Spirals. It is typical for the Skipper to own a "two hander" with crew committing to the boat for the season.
Skills include:
• Able to sail around a triangular course with limited or no assistance
• Can set their sails, including spinnaker, to suit direction and wind
• Understands and uses communicaton onboard
• Can "read" the wind and allow for gusts
• Understands starting sequence to race.
• Basic rule knowledge (Port & Starboard, windward & leeward)
This group also uses our experienced teenage instructors with overseeing adult mentors. Expect to spend most (part) of a season in Red before moving into our Gold "Novice group". It is not unusual for our Red sailors to be asked to crew for our more experienced skippers.
The more time that sailors can spend on the water ... the faster they will learn.
Novice & Gold - Racing
Sailing their own Manly Juniors (MJ), Flying 11 (F11), Spiral, O'pen BIC or Laser this is where the racing becomes the focus and more competitive ... but still with plenty of fun and mucking about.
Our Novice group is capable of getting around a smaller course in winds up to 15 knots. They sail in the "Gold AM" races that are held between 11:00am and 1pm. The Open MJ fleet (the youngest of our experienced sailors) will also sail in "Gold AM" which benefits the novices who can learn a lot from chasing more experienced sailors around the course. Coaching is provided on the course for our novices to hone their sailing and racing skills. There is nothing wrong however with picking the lighter breezes as skills improve.
Our Gold group can be very competitive with goals of winning State and or National Championships, Racing is conducted in upto 25 knots of breeze provided it is relatively safe between 2:00pm and 4:30pm. The "Gold PM" fleet is made up of Flying 11s, O'pen BICs, Spirals, Lasers and extends to a number of other classes for our "Superfleet" Sundays where Avalon, Royal Prince Alfred's and BYRA combine all fleets about 5 times during the season.
Additional training on weekdays, and Saturdays is provided for Novice and Gold with professional coaches to help the learning and prepare for State & National regattas. Avalon has a proud history of producing great sailors, some have gone on to achieve fame in the sport, however just as many simply enjoy being out on the spectacular waters of Pittwater with family and friends where fellow sailors are always there to lend a hand and join in the fun.
Often our Gold group do additional training and are involved in other types of sailing (school, teams, match, yachts or just other types of centreboarders). Most of the coaches and instructors for our Blue & Red groups are our top Gold sailors, also acting as great role models for the younger sailors.
Expect to stay a full season in Novice
You can stay in Gold until you are ... oh about 80!
Facebook page:

Woody Point Yacht Club (WPYC)

Summer - Start, Stokes Point, Soldiers Point, Taylor’s Point(s), Finish
Winter - Start, Stokes(s), Taylor’s(s), Towler’s Bay (p), Rocky Point (p),Stokes (s), Finish
Start/finish if light breeze, finish Rocky Point.
The WPYC history begins back in the early 1980’s, with the original charter enshrining the philosophy of the members. Over time, a more formal constitution had to be adopted, however the original charter remains the soul of the Club.
This document aims to define the objects of the Club so that its original concept may not be lost or diluted with the passage of time and/or Members, nor fundamentally changed in any way. Persons desiring otherwise are free to choose from numerous other boating clubs which may better serve their requirements.
Founding Members of the Woody Point Yacht Club were a dedicated group of social drinkers with a boating problem. Their motivation was and is the enjoyment of the Pittwater and its inhabitants, largely facilitated by craft giving access to the remote foreshores and to the water itself. Suitable craft included tinnies, yachts, putt-putts, work boats, in fact anything that floats - and even some vessels whose buoyancy is questionable.
These craft provide a platform for the many and varied pastimes enjoyed by Members, including fishing, yachting, putt-putt regattas, picnics, parties, breakfasts, etc. The Club does not favour a particular past time so long as a boat is involved either as a means to an end (ie. transport, fishing) or an end in itself (ie. sailing, cruising, just messing).
The Club has a penchant for all things traditional - timber boats in particular - and prefers the simple family orientated atmosphere inherent in our unique community.
A Commodore shall be elected by popular vote at the Annual General Meeting together with other office bearers as required. A Committee of five Members shall be responsible for organising all functions during the year. The camaraderie shared by Members is such that 'rules' in the normal sense are inappropriate and any semblance of formality is purely for the entertainment such pomp and ceremony usually provides.
However, to maintain a friendly and intimate atmosphere, club membership shall be limited to 100 persons in any year on a first come first served basis. The club does not discriminate, even ladies and Kiwis are eligible to join. Senior citizens (capable of pulling beer) may also join and hold office.
Facebook page:

Royal Motor Yacht Club of Broken Bay (RMYCBB)

Phone: (02) 9997 5511
Opening Day to the Boating Season
Saturday, 15 October, 11am – 4pm
Since 1926 the Royal Motor Yacht Club has been operating on the shores of Pittwater. The gateway to Broken Bay and the Hawkesbury River, arguably one of the most beautiful boating waterways in the world.
Divisions: Cruiser, Game Fishing, Mini Mariner, Multihull, Sail, Sail Cruising, Timber Boat, Social, Top Hat Sailing.
The Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay, is ideally situated on the beautiful waters of Pittwater and is widely recognised as one of Australia’s premier Yacht Clubs. Since its inception back in the 1920’s the Club has undergone many changes, once a small semi-rural establishment that has transformed into a modern facility catering for a diverse community of cruising, sailing, racing, fishing and social events and activities.
A spirit of kinship and camaraderie has always been evident at our club and continues to evolve. We welcome not only those who own a boat but also those who just want to socialise and enjoy the club's atmosphere.
All members enjoy the restaurant, bars and heated pool which complements an international class marina facility catering to all sizes of watercraft. With a 100 tonne slipway and a variety of marine trade services on site most boating services are catered for at the club.
For the benefit of all members, the Royal Motor Yacht Club has a free shuttle bus. Suburbs of pick up and drop off in the 5 km radius from the Club are: Church Point, Bayview, Mona Vale, Warriewood, Newport, Bilgola, Clareville and Avalon (further only by arrangement).
The RMYCBB Hosts the Timber Boat Festival, Lock Crowther Regatta, Classic Yacht Regatta, Sydney SUP Festival, among others, as well as a range of Social Events to support Community, such as the annual Unique Vehicle Show and Golf Day.
There is also a range of entertainment regularly booked from great live music to fun events just for children.
Facebook Page:
Bayview Yacht Racing Association (BYRA)
Established 19491842 Pittwater Road, Bayview
Ph: 02 9999 2648 (clubhouse on Sunday only)
Membership Renewal now open (August 8, 2016)
Their Summer Sailing Program begins early September.

We offer dinghy racing on Sunday afternoons and twilight yacht racing on Tuesday nights from September to May. New members and visitors are always welcome to join our existing fleets or introduce a new class to the club.
BYRA has a strong focus on skills development, and offers learn to sail programs, junior sailing on Sunday mornings, introduction to racing, race training and other support as requested. BYRA has an ongoing commitment to supporting junior sailors and fostering their sailing skills, from learn-to-sail programmes through to elite competition.
BYRA is run entirely by volunteers, and we welcome you to get involved at the club, whether in race organisation, on our response boats, in the canteen or in the many other jobs associated with keeping our club operating smoothly.
You'll always recognise a BYRA sailor by their smile and friendly welcome, and that's just as important to us as doing well on the race course.
BYRA is also one of the local clubs who annually support the Learn to Sal / Try Sailing days:
Learn to Sail
Sydney offers many amazing waterways, but Pittwater provides perhaps the best environment for learning to sail. Some of the world's most successful sailors started out at BYRA, but that's not to say we're all about competition. Many of our sailors choose simply to explore the pristine waters of Broken Bay and the Hawkesbury. However, for those with a competitive streak we offer Combined Fleet Racing on Sunday afternoons with the other Pittwater-based clubs. This guarantees a high standard of competition and good-sized fleets.
Sailing courses take place on Sunday mornings and are finished by noon. Ideally students will be competent swimmers, but this is not essential as classes are supported by one or more patrol boats (as numbers require). These are crewed by experienced members.
• Boat
• Life Jacket
• Experienced Coach and support crew
• Patrol Boat
• A great club with a relaxed atmosphere!
• Hat
• Sun Screen
• Suitable Clothing - one of our long-sleeve rashies is ideal, but otherwise shorts/swimmers and something to cover your arms that dries quickly. You will be getting wet!
• Water and something to eat - or pick something up from BYRA's canteen.
BYRA operates regular introductory sailing courses for children throughout the summer. Training is conducted by experienced coaches who love the sport, and their enthusiasm is infectious.
Bring your child down to the club any Sunday morning during the season and someone will be happy to show you around the club and the boats. You can even attend one of our free Discover Sailing days with no obligation to see if sailing is for your child. Check the calendar on the home page for the next one.
It's never too late to experience the fun and sense of achievement that sailing can bring. Many of BYRA's members found sailing later in life.
One Wednesday in 1949, K.C. Dalton Esq. Skipper of the "Owen Davern", and Cedric Williams Esq., Skipper of the "Christina", sailed a match race around Lion Island. Mr. Williams won. The event aroused so much interest and enjoyment that it was decided to form a yachting association, and so BYRA was born.
The above inscription, which appears on BYRA's perpetual trophy, "The K.C. Dalton Memorial Trophy", states in brief how BYRA began. The first and inaugural meeting to form a yacht club or association was held at the home of Mr Dalton, "Marengo" Fermoy Avenue, Bayview, on the 27th November 1949, and an association was formed to be called - Bayview Yacht Racing Association, BYRA for short. Those who were present or had sent an apology plus those who were elected to the committee at the second meeting were declared to be foundation members, twenty one in all.
Early in 1952 BYRA was requested to form a V.J. fleet, and, at the end of 1952/53 season , BYRA had the second biggest V.J. fleet in the Sydney Harbour/ Pittwater Zone. The mixed yachts had fallen off by this time, and for a time BYRA consisted mainly of the Star and V.J. fleets, each operating as separate entities.
During 1956, Moths were introduced to BYRA and proved to be very popular, at one time seriously threatening the V.J. fleet in numbers. To boost interest in the V.J.'s the Patron, Major H. Porter, donated a V.J. for a competition in 1961. This V.J. was named "Thoroughbred" and was won by David Robinson. During 1958 the number of Stars dwindled and eventually the Star fleet moved its activities to the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club.
During 1963 Herons made their appearance at BYRA, and were eventually given fleet status. 1964 saw the Commonwealth Heron titles at BYRA, and this helped to build up the fleet, so much so that the increased number of family members brought in with the Herons was a shot in the arm financially for BYRA.
The 1964/65 season saw the introduction of three more classes - the 505, Fireball and the TS16 - and BYRA was really growing fast, with a predominantly family atmosphere. New classes introduced since then were 1967/68 Mirror Dinghy; 1969/70 Manly Juniors; 1970/71 NS14 and GriffinT.S. 17; 1974/75 Solo; 1977/78 Flying Ants, 1984/85 Spirals.
Facebook page:
Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club (RPAYC)
‘Excellence in Sailing’16 Mitala St,
Ph: (02) 9998 3700
Sailing Season Opening Day for their 150th Sailing Season: September 03, 2016 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Includes Sail Past - Pittwater Dash

The yacht club offers year round inshore and offshore racing, cruising, centreboard dinghy racing, sail training, Youth Development and courses plus has a large marina accommodating up to 352 vessels. The club hosts or runs many Regattas each year including the Harken Youth Match Racing and the Pittwater to Coffs (in 2017 will be the Pittwater to Southport)
There is also a modern boatyard with comprehensive marine services to help maintain your vessel. Membership, including family membership is now available.
It is known that a club called The Mosquito Yacht Club was founded in 1856. On Tuesday, 15th October 1867, an advertisement was placed in The Sydney Morning Herald - "Mosquito Yacht Club - Boatowners wishing to join please meet at McGrath's at 8 tonight." The advertised meeting duly took place at Punch & McGraths Hotel in King Street and, with Mr. T. Strickland in the chair, it was decided to form a yacht club to be called "Prince Alfred Yacht Club."
The name Prince Alfred was adopted to commemorate Prince Alfred's forthcoming visit to Sydney. In January 1868, His Royal Highness, Prince Alfred, The Duke of Edinburgh, in command of HMS Galatea sailed into Port Jackson. He was met by two lines of yachts from the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron and The Prince Alfred Yacht Club, between which HMS Galatea passed.
In August 1911, The Prince Alfred Yacht Club was given permission by King George V to use the prefix "Royal".
The Club originally occupied premises in Moore Street, Sydney, known today as Martin Place and it eventually moved into 51 Castlereagh Street. In 1956, the Club purchased property in Rowe Street and a new building was built on the site.
In 1919, the Committee decided that Sydney Harbour was becoming too congested for yacht racing and a sub-committee was formed to inspect land that would be suitable for yacht racing in the Pittwater area. As a result, Green Point was purchased for this purpose for an amount of 650 pounds. Apart from a few tree-planting ceremonies, the land remained practically unused until a group of enthusiasts, who had built Jubilee class yachts, banded together and built a boatshed, slipway and pontoon to cater for their needs. The Governor of New South Wales, the Honorary Commodore of the Club, Lord Wakehurst, officially opened the current premises on 17th December, 1938. No less than 22 Jubilees started in the race held that day.
Unfortunately, during World War II yachting in Pittwater and Sydney Harbour was disbanded. After the war, in 1947, the boatshed was increased in size, moorings were laid in Crystal Bay and Pittwater again came to life.
In 1956, a caretaker's cottage was erected adjacent to the boatshed; a liquor licence obtained and a small bar built by converting four lockers in the boatshed. Four sheep were kept on Green Point for use as mobile lawn mowers and a cattle ramp was erected at the front entrance to contain the sheep within the property. The slipway and boat storage area were re-built in 1957 by the use of voluntary labour and the racing fleet on Pittwater was increasing in leaps and bounds. The Club purchased the adjoining property, Moonbar, on the western side of Mitala Street and converted the building into a Clubhouse. This land, previously owned by Mr. Ashley Buckingham, became known as Buckingham Palace, and it was a popular venue for club members, with a lawn area and in-built swimming pool.
Facebook page:

Couta Boat Club – Pittwater Chapter

The club’s favourite places in Pittwater?
The RPAYC and Woody Point as well as the Avalon Sailing Club. These places still hold a lot of what the original couta boat clubs were like – family orientated, with the smaller clubs having vessels like couta boats, centre-boards, pulled up on the beach.
If people would like to learn more about building wooden boats in Pittwater, or have a go as crew on a couta boat, the place to start is at the Pittwater Wooden Boat School. An initiative of, and managed by Larry Eastwood, a wooden boat owner purist who wishes to see that his love and passion for wooden boats translated into improving the knowledge and understanding of construction and maintenance of wooden boats in order to add to the numbers of wooden boats owners – especially on Pittwater.
Larry Eastwood at or telephone: 0417 244 406
Pittwater Outrigger Racing Canoe Club

Pittwater Outrigger Racing Club is all about Respect. We’re a multi-age club that promotes enjoying your time on the water and is built on Diversity. Pittwater itself is built on diversity and equality, and that’s what we promote and maintain in the Pittwater Outriggers Club.
Membership commences 1st October each year
The Pittwater Outrigger Canoe Club is 21 years old in 2016 – officially of age!
Pittwater Outrigger Racing Canoe Club was formed in 1995 by a group of enthusiasts who appreciated how lucky we are to have such easy access to the beautiful waters of the Northern Beaches. Over the last 20 years has gone from strength to strength with an ever increasing membership of both competitive and recreational paddlers.
Outrigger canoe paddling is an exciting, exhilarating and challenging experience which promotes fitness, teamwork and general well-being through a healthy outdoor lifestyle. The club has a number of committed and long term members who ensure that everyone is given a range of opportunities to paddle, to improve their fitness, stamina and technique or for a leisurely paddle to enjoy the stunning scenery, flora and fauna around Pittwater. Our members range in age from early 20s to late 70s and compete in age divisions including Open, Masters, Senior Masters and Golden Masters in Men, Women and Mixed divisions.
Due to our strong membership the club is able to continually assess its canoes to ensure that members enjoy well maintained and in some cases state of the art craft. Safety is of paramount importance and the club adheres to the Safety and Risk Management Policies of The Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association
The location of the club in picturesque Pittwater, on Sydney’s Northern Beaches, allows access to the protected expanse of Pittwater and offshore for ocean training in the Tasman Sea. This idyllic position enables amateur and experienced paddlers to find conditions to suit their skill level on almost every day of the year.
Tuesday and Thursday
Fitness and technique
Time: 5:00-6.15am
Departing from Rowland Reserve near the boat ramp
Social and beginners
Departing from BYRA
Social and Beginners
Departing from BYRA
Fitness, Strength and Stamina
Departing Rowland’s Reserve, near the boat ramp
The club is always keen to welcome new members whether they want to paddle socially to keep fit and meet new people or to compete in regattas around Australia. We have training sessions to suit absolute beginners, returning and competitive paddlers.
Facebook page:

Bei Loon Dragonboat Club

Rowlands Reserve
Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club paddles out of Rowland Reserve, Bayview and is looking for new adult paddlers to come and try out. We are blessed to train in paradise, the beautiful surrounds of Pittwater.
There are over 60 Clubs and 3,300 competitors in the State of NSW alone, and Bei Loon has consistently been a top 3 NSW Club in terms of our membership which has averaged well in excess of 100 paddlers.
Whilst we strive to maintain our outstanding competitive record, we wish to balance that objective with the desire to provide an enjoyable, friendly environment where all paddlers feel proud to be members of the Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club.
We train hard, race hard and have a lot of fun doing it.
We are particularly proud to have the Pittwater Pinks as an integral part of our Club. The Pinks are all Breast Cancer Survivors who train with their Bei Loon colleagues three times a week out of Rowland Reserve, Bayview on Sydney’s Northern Beaches......a truly stunning training environment.
As well as the racing meets, we have lots of social activities.
The club hosts the Bei Loon – 8km Challenge Race each year
Saturday 18th March 2017
An Invitation is extended to all Dragon Boat Clubs

• ‘Champion’ boats will be used by all crews.
• Free $20 Pittwater RSL meal voucher for all competitors.
• Great training hit-out and team building activity before the State Championships.
Facebook page:
Pittwater Pinks

Social or serious - it’s up to you:
Training is every Sunday 8am to 10am all year round.
During summer extra training is on Tuesday and Thursday 6pm – 7.30pm.
During winter extra training is on Wednesday 6am – 7am.
Arrive 15 minutes beforehand to catch up with each other, join in the gentle warm up exercises and for those who are able, help take the boats into the water.
All members must be able to swim 50 metres, if not, a safety vest must be worn at all times on the water. Please ask Team Manager Glenda Rogers for the use of a club vest.
It all happens here:
We meet in Rowland Reserve, Bayview. You’ll find the boats nestled between the boat ramp and the dog park. Parking permits are not valid in Rowland Reserve, pay and display only. Free parking is available on the street or near Bayview tennis courts.
Be prepared….paddles up!
A paddle and gloves will be lent to you. Wear a tee shirt or quick dry top, quick dry shorts or gym pants, reef/aqua shoes or old sneakers, a cap, a bottle of water (a bottle in a waist holder is ideal, available from sports stores), sunscreen, sunglasses and a towel for after.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” ― Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows, 1908

Put on Your Sailing Shoes: Pittwater 2016-2017 Sailing and Boating Season - threads collected and collated by A J Guesdon, 2016.