August 27 - September 2, 2017: Issue 327
Put On Your Sailing Shoes Pittwater: Our Local Clubs For 2017-2018 Sailing Season

Put On Your Sailing Shoes
Pittwater's 2017-2018 Sailing Season
For all those still sailing throughout the icy months, what runs below may not be of interest - for all those yet to experience the best estuary in the world aboard something propelled solely by canvas and breeze, or an engine large or small, it will be of interest.
We include some of what is coming up this season, registration days and a little about these aquatic specialists.
Whether you're five years old or verging on 90 years young, for extra special moments, all season long - there is nothing, simply nothing, like messing about in boats!
Avalon Sailing Club
On Facebook:
Hudson Parade, Avalon
(02) 9918 3637
The centreboard sailing season is almost upon us and key dates for the next month are here:
27th Aug - Registration day 9am-12pm. Existing members can register on the website; those that complete their registration before the 27th will automatically be entered to win a Helly Hansen sailing jacket. (Thank you Helly Hansen)
3rd Sept - Opening Day - Centreboards dress up your boats to sail past Ludinda and catch your chocolates, plus more (see post later thisweek)
10th Sept - Blue & Red #1 (coaching starts)
16th Sept - Comedy night at ASC with x4 experienced comedians from various fringe festivals, TV appearances and more (see flyer attached)
17th Sept - Blue & Red #2
24th Sep - Blue & Red #3
1st Oct - no sailing - long weekend public holiday, but a Sailing Camp is planned for the week following (watch this space).
We'll be using Facebook more this year as a regular method of communication and picture posts of club activities.

Bayview Yacht Racing Association
On Facebook:
Address: 1842 Pittwater Rd, Bayview NSW 2104
Phone: (02) 9999 2648
The Bayview Yacht Racing Association (BYRA) is an active, family-friendly sailing club located on the southern shores of Pittwater in Sydney, Australia. BYRA, or the Bayview Yacht Racing Association, is a sailing club based in Sydney on Pittwater. We specialise in dinghy sailing and offer learn to sail courses.
Dinghy racing, twilight sailing, Laser, Optimist, Spiral, NS14, TS16, Cherub.
New Season Starts Sunday September 10th
Mal Keeler
Rob Warnes

Couta Boat Club – Pittwater Chapter
Website for more detailed information on the courses and access to the enrollment forms.
You can contact Mr Eastwood at or telephone: 0417 244 406
The Pittwater Couta Boat Club chapter began with just one vessel a few decades ago. One of the first couta boats around was Sylvia which Philip Kinsella had built around 1989. This was in Pittwater and later taken down to Sydney Amateur Sailing Club on the harbour. The next boat on Pittwater was Cariad, which was Mick Morris’ boat and the only one on Pittwater for quite a while. Larry Eastwood purchased Sylvia and brought her back to Pittwater. In the meantime Justus Veeneklaas, had a couta boat built called Tenacity and now there were three.
It was the dream of these sailors to build a Pittwater Fleet. When Terry Moran brought a 26ft couta boat Southerly up from Melbourne, one which was specially built to go racing, the fleet expanded. Along with Edward Brew’s J’Aime (24ft) the fleet, which sails out of the Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club on Wednesday afternoons, then to Avalon Sailing Club before sailing with the Woody Point Yacht Club twilights races on Wednesday, now numbers five regulars.
Perhaps this is not as large as the 100+ fleet in Victoria, but bringing and maintaining this part of Australia’s maritime heritage and history right here on Pittwater for these predominantly offshore skippers and crews is in keeping with Pittwater's own long history of a maritime heritage.
The Pittwater Chapter of the Couta Boat Club has added a Regatta – the Wattle Regatta, to their annual runs.
Also Visit Issue 327's: NSW To Stage The First-Ever Couta Boat Nationals Outside Victoria by Lisa Ratcliff

Palm Beach Sailing Club
On Facebook:
Catamaran · Multihull · Hobie 16 · Hobie Cat
Sandy Point Beach, Palm Beach
Please use one of the links below to download the Membership form for sailing season 2017/2018.
Please complete the form and return to the secretary at the address on the form along with confirmation of your payment.
If you require a parking pass please check the box in the "Payment Method" section of the form. Note the conditions attached to the parking pass. Council only allow us to issue passes to financial members and there are only a limited number of passes available.
The 2017 - 2018 season is nearly upon us. Hope you are ready.
Some up coming events:
August 26 The Heart Starter - time to dust of the cobwebs and find out what you have forgotten over the break. Keep an eye on this space something special is planned for this day.
Over winter a couple of members braved the cold and sailed the Brass Monkey while the Sweeneys took on the fleet at the youth titles in Brisbane. Doogie is currently competing in the Hobie 14 Worlds over in the Netherlands and we look forward to seeing how he and the other Australians go. Some of our friends from Vincentia are also competing in the Wildcat Worlds.
Have a squiz at our new look calendar we have added some more longer races and merged the Pointscore into one series decided on personal handicap. It can be found in the files section of our facebook page i.e. or on this website i.e. While you are there don't forget to download your membership form and JOIN THE CLUB.
The upcoming season is looking pretty exciting. Early indications are of:
3 Hobie 14s
15 plus Hobie 16s
3 Hobie 18s at least
2 Formula boats at least
2 Wetas
2 A Class
and 1 Fat Boy Turbo
Time to polish the Machine.....
Written By: Andrew Nelson
Palm Beach Yacht Club On Pittwater
If you like Sailing, cruising, racing, boating on Pittwater, you should think about Palm Beach Yacht Club. At Palm Beach Yacht Club, on Pittwater, you can sail, cruise, and race with friends. Plus you have access to Club Casual Moorings. All this for only $295 pa for full family Boat Owner Membership and $70 pa for individual Associate Membership.
NEW RACING PROGRAM 2017-18 - Click Here
NEW CLUB CALENDAR 2017-18 – Click Here
Saturday 24th Aug Safety Audit Schedule
Sunday 3rd Sept Rally and Raft-up 12:00
Sunday 17th Sept Spring Sprints 12:00
Sunday 24th Sept Safety Audit Schedule
30th Sept to 2nd Oct Long Weekend Cruise TBA
Friday 13th Oct Twilight Handicap Start 18:00
Sunday 15th Oct Estuary Race 1 - Olympic Course 13:00
The Club has three moorings available for casual use by PBYC members’ boats.
The locations are shown on the maps below. They are located in
• Towler’s Bay.
• The Basin.
• Refuge Bay.
The Club moorings are for use by PBYC members’ boats only. This use does not extend to associate members nor to other boats crewed by PBYC members.
An annual PBYC boat sticker will be issued to each member upon receipt of their membership fee, to enable the police and members to identify which vessels are entitled to use the Club moorings for that season. Please ensure that the sticker is stuck onto your yacht’s transom or window.

Royal Motor Yacht Club Of Broken Bay (At Newport)
(02) 9997 5511
On Facebook:
Since 1928 the Royal Motor Yacht Club Broken Bay has been operating on the shores of Pittwater. The gateway to Broken Bay and the Hawkesbury River, arguably one of the most beautiful boating waterways in the world.
Upcoming Events
Cruiser – Game Fishing – Mini Mariners – Multihull – Sailing – Sail Cruising – Timber Boat – Top Hat Sailing – Social Events
Heated swimming pool and children’s play park - A choice of three bars - The Garden Bar, Mariners Bar and the Level 1 Lounge Bar with unrivalled views of Pittwater - Full voting rights for Social and Intermediate members - Relaxed dining at Salt Cove on Pittwater - open seven days a week, every day of the year - Free social events - Open Day (October) and Australia Day (January) celebrations (drinks and food provided) -Ladies lunches – with guest speaker, held 4 times per year - Bridge Club held every Tuesday - Tuesday Trivia - Great family events - Annual Club Picnic Day (February) and Children’s Christmas Party (December) - Complimentary membership to either the Sailing, Top Hat Sailing, Game Fishing, Timber Boat, Sail Cruising, Multihull or Cruiser Division for the first year. (A fantastic way to be involved without having to own a boat). Shuttle bus available seven days a week to members with their guests (subject to a time schedule). The ''Nautical News'', our monthly newsletter with details of upcoming entertainment, promotions and special events - Members’ badge draw every Friday night from 7.00pm - Raffles held every Friday - Members 5% discount on all bar and food prices - Members discount on shows - Private function and conference facilities – special room hire rates for Members - Seafood Buffets held for special events such as Mother's Day, Father's Day and Easter - Free wi-fi throughout the Club for members - Happy Hours Monday to Friday - 5.30pm to 6.30pm - New Mobile App - Download at RMYCBB
Australia Day Boating Parade (January)
Club Picnic Day at The Basin (February)
Pittwater Festival Events (February and March)
Classic Yacht Regatta (March)
Game Fishing Tournament (March)
Stand Up Paddle Scotland Island Race and Try SUP (February)
Game Fishing Tournament (March)
Annual Golf Day (May) – fundraiser for local charities
Unique Vehicle Show (July)
Timber Boat Festival (November)
Kids Christmas Party (December)
Carols by Candlelight (December)
Christmas Lights Boat parade (December)

Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
16 Mitala Street
Newport, New South Wales, Australia, NSW 2106
(02) 9998 3700
On Facebook:
The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club - RPAYC is a yacht racing and sailing club based on Pittwater. The yacht club offers year round inshore and offshore racing, cruising, centreboard dinghy racing, sail training and courses plus has a large marina accommodating up to 352 vessels. There is also a modern boatyard with comprehensive marine services to help maintain your vessel. Membership, including family membership is now available.
RPAYC Opening Day, Sail Past & Pittwater Dash
Saturday, September 2 at 10 AM - 7 PM
Annual Sailing Program & Entry Available
View the Sailing Program here or download a summary of events here...
Entry into each series, Club, Club Marine BWPS and Regatta's is via the Online Entry System OPEN NOW.
The Sailing Handbook is currently being printed and will be available for purchase mid August.
Saturday 2 September sees the commencement of the 2017/18 Sailing Season with the annual Sail Past and Pittwater Dash Race.
This season sees a newly designed program of events and races to suit all members both new to sailing and experienced sailors, allowing more flexibility for boats and their various crew to participate in their selected events.
Spring and Summer events include:
Women's Tuesday Twilight Series (spinnaker & non spinnaker)
Wednesday Non-Spinnaker Series (year round)
Thursday Twilight Non-Spinnaker Series
Saturday Inshore & Classic Series (spinnaker & non spinnaker & One Design Division)
Saturday Commodores Cup Series, including a non-spinnaker division
Saturday Mini Regattas (Windward/Leeward sprints) ** Additional dates added**
Saturday Broken Bay Offshore Series (this is a combined series of SOPs and Broken Bay)
Club Marine East Coast Bluewater Series inc the Club Marine Pittwater to Paradise Regatta
Saturday Feature events, including Scotland Island Cup, Whisper Mug, Juno Jug and more..
Centreboard Training for Term 4
Green Fleet Optimist & Laser Class Training
Training for Intro Green, Green Opti and Green Laser is scheduled to commence on Sunday 22 October. This is after the school holidays and sesquicentennial celebrations on 15 October.
Tackers Kids Learn to Sail Term 4 Course
Kids Learn to Sail for Term 4 will commence on Sunday 22 October for Levels 1, 2, 3. View details here.
School Holiday Program
Two weeks of Holiday Programs have been scheduled. Tuesday 26 - Friday 29 September & Tuesday 3 - Friday 6 October. View details here.
Discover Sailing Information Day: September 24, 2017 11:00 until 14:00

The Discover Sailing Information Day is an opportunity for the whole family to learn what sailing life is all about and how to become involved at any age!
There will be a variety of Dinghies rigged on the lawn to inspect and learn about, course information for Holiday programs, youth learn to sail, adult learn to sail and Twiligh Sailing experiences plus more!
Invite all your friends, family and colleagues to learn more about sailing and club life at the Alfred's.

Sailability Pittwater
Phone 02 9918 6539
Classes sailed Access 2.3
2.4 Metre (International Class)
Facilities Member Parking
Rigging - lawn
Disabled Access
Activity Days Access - Fortnightly - Saturday and Wednesday, Rowland Reserve 2.4mR - Mondays, Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club
Club Activities Sailing at introductory level for people with disabilities, to competition sailing at state/national and international level.
Open times 10:00 at Rowland Reserve and RPAYC
Club information 1996 - Kay Cottee National Patron, John Brogden Pittwater Sailability Patron
Sailability is a nationwide movement that facilitates on-water activity for everybody regardless of ability. The principle aim of Sailability Australia is to facilitate sailing & boating in all forms for people with disabilities
Sailability Pittwater operates from Rowland Reserve, Bayview for our regular program of mainly Recreational Sailing. The fleet of high performance dinghies are now based at Sailability Crystal Bay, RPAYC Newport, which are used for competitive sailors - See separate Sailability Crystal Bay web site.
At Rowland Reserve we use mainly Access 303 dinghies, supplemented with an Electric Access 2.3 and Access Breeze 2.3s. See our attached Sailing Programs for details of when we sail.
For these programs we have a friendly group of volunteers, many of whom are experienced sailors, who take a range of persons with a disability for recreational sailing. We do offer basic sail training for people with a disability, and aim to give our sailors as much control of the boats as they can manage.
We have excellent facilities at Rowland Reserve, with a new storage shed in the Pittwater Council compound and a large sheltered area near the sailing, as we are one of the few Sailability Branches not operating out of a sailing club.
Also on the Pittwater is Sailability Crystal Bay, RPAYC, Newport, that have a fleet of Access Liberty single person, high performance dinghies, that can be sailed with manual or servo electric controls. For further details see the web site for Sailability Crystal Bay

Woody Point Yacht Club
On Facebook:
The founding Members of the Woody Point Yacht Club were a dedicated group of social drinkers with a boating problem.
The club has regular sails and social events, such as the wonderful Gentleman's Launch and Putt Putt Regatta and annual Commodores Christmas Party.
Introducing our new Commodore...Sue O'Neill
Vice Commodore Scotty
Sailing Gerry
Treasurer Robert
Start boat Ian 0432 576 942
Join Woody Point Yacht Club
Start/finish at Rocky Point
Summer - Start, Stokes Point, Soldiers Point, Taylor’s Point(s), Finish
Winter - Start, Stokes(s), Taylor’s(s), Towler’s Bay (p), Rocky Point (p),Stokes (s), Finish
Start/finish if light breeze, finish Rocky Point
Members sailing who have not paid up their Annual Fee’s are no longer given Start Times or Finish placements.
ALL skippers are expected to have the correct time (Telstra 1194) and start at the time indicated on the start sheet. The start/finish line will be between the starboard pile to the south of Woody Point and the start boat moored on, or in the vicinity of, the Waterways rounding mark bearing approximately South East.
Yachting Australia racing rules will apply. Spinnakers etc. are not permitted however headsails may be poled downwind. Protests are not encouraged however anyone with a problem, and accompanied by two cases of beer, may approach the start boat where the protest will be heard and possibly dealt with. The committee reserves the right to apply penalties for breach of instructions or rules. No boat is to sail on the inside of any channel markers or moorings!