July 10 - 16, 2016: Issue 271
2 JULY 2016
Following the very successful format last year, RMYC Multihull Division welcomed fifty guests to its annual dinner and prizegiving evening last Saturday 2nd July. Sailors, club directors and officials, sponsors and special guests enjoyed good food, good fun, socialising with friends, while applauding and congratulating the winners and place getters during the 2015-16 sailing season.
And apart from the serious stuff, there were plenty of smiles and laughs to be had as “special” awards were made for those not quite making a podium finish during the year but who deserved recognition in other ways.
Stephen Barton’s “J’Ouvert” (named after a popular Carnival street party in the Caribbean) and David Bishop’s “Coconut Airlines” couldn’t be separated by judges; awarding these boats joint winners in the “Caribbean Connection” award.
Timeless Crowther catamaran Te Arawa was awarded first prize in the “Total Crew Age Exceeding 300” award, while the Homer Simpson award for the biggest stuff- up of the year went to a boat unhappily capsizing in very blustery conditions one Saturday last season.
The “Most Robust Boat in the Fleet” award, went, of course, to Bulletproof while the “Guess which Boat I’m Sailing this Week” went to Freelance - the third boat owned by Neville McElroy this year.
All prizes for these special awards were presented by long-term division sponsor Inglewood Two Rivers wines Jackie Osborn joining us for the occasion. These prizes were generously donated by Captain Robin Ottowa’s Summit Coatings.
In the following pics Jackie is presenting the “good stuff” to Stephen Barton and David Bishop, Jim Geddes, Neville McElroy, David Renouf, John Power and Paul Pascall all worthy special award winners as you can see below.
Stephen Barton and David Bishop, joint winners of the “ Caribbean Connection” award
Jim Geddes winner of the “Total Crew Age Exceeding 300” award
Neville McElroy, winner of the “Guess Which Boat this Week” award
David Renouf, winner of the “Who Hoisted the Spinnaker Upside Down?” award
John Power, winner of the “Most Robust Boat in the Fleet” award

Paul Pascall, race starter, finisher, photographer and slide show maker extraordinaire!
And not forgetting the Homer Simpson Award!
Yes, Neville, Homer is yours to display proudly in the trophy cabinet for a whole year!
Turning now to some of the serious stuff, podium finishes during the year were won by Kurt Ottowa, Michael Finch, Joe Finch, Jason Geddes, Robin Ottowa and Alan Brand – Alan winning the overall Club Championship for the whole year by the slimmest of margins, one point!
Kurt Ottowa, “Orca”, 1st Winter, 2nd Autumn with Rear Commodore Michael England
Mike Finch, “Twiggy”, 3rd Winter with Michael England assisting
Barry Towns “Bluey Zarzoff” accepting the award for Joe Finch, 1st Summer, 3rd Autumn
2015-16 Line Honours winner Jason Geddes, “Quickstep”, with Margaret Rogers awarding the Partridge trophy
Jason again with former Rear Commodore David Dickson and co-compere Stephen Barton accepting the award for 3rd Overall in 2015-16
Division Captain Robin Ottowa, “Lukim Yu”, 2nd Overall in 2015-16 (by one point!). He’s saying here “watch out next year” or words to that effect
First Overall and Club Champion for 2015-16, Alan Brand “Xena”, with RMYC General Manager Steve Euers and great friend and crewman, John Mitchell
A special presentation to a special person. Robin with Cathy McDonald, retiring in August after 20 years at RMYC
And most of the happy winners posing here
Finally, we wish to warmly thank our special guests for contributing greatly to the success of the evening. Margaret (Partridge) Rogers, friend and foundation supporter of the Division all the way back to its formation in 1994, husband John Rogers, Mary-Jane Partridge, RMYC Rear Commodore Michael England, former Rear Commodore David Dickson, RMYC General Manager Steve Euers, Sailing Division’s Steve Lucas, Cathy McDonald, Jaz Rowntree, Kevin Newman, Paul Pascall. And annual awards prize sponsors 316 Stainless Shop, Inglewood Two Rivers Wines, Multihull World magazine, Bosun’s Locker, Summit Coatings and Gill Clothing.
Lukim Yu
Bluey Zarzoff

Alan Brand
RMYC Multihulls Race Secretary
Photos by Pal Pascall.