September 15 - 21, 2019: Issue 421
Samuel Wood Postcards Of Pittwater And Manly: Collecting Postcards

Readers are often thrilled to see views of Pittwater not formerly seen in our history articles. Places we look to find these photos and postcards include the State Libraries of New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland, the National Library of Australia, the Australian National Maritime Museum, the Powerhouse Museum, National Museum of Australia etc.
Among these places are those focused on postcards. For example, the NSW Postcard Collectors Society Inc..
While based in Sydney, Australia the New South Wales Postcard Collectors Society Inc has members throughout Australia, and in different parts of the world. They also hold regular ‘Fairs’ where collectors may find that special item or items in their area of interest.
The Date for Remaining Fairs during 2019 is: Sunday 24th of November
The fairs are held at the IMAR Community Hall. 2a Fitzroy St Croydon (very close to the Croydon Railway station) from 9.00am to 2.00 pm. In addition to vintage and modern postcards, there will also be a range of other paper collectibles such as old books, magazines and brochures, Trade Cards, Cigarette Cards, and philately. Entrance is free, and great morning tea, lunch and other refreshments are available.
At each Fair, dealers offer thousands of postcards (ranging from over 100 years old to moderns), books and ephemera and small collectables for sale on a wide range of popular subjects and themes: views of Early Sydney, N.S.W, Australian and foreign towns and cities, glamour and fashion, artist signed (e.g Norman Lindsay, J.A Turner, and Neville Cayley), transport (including shipping, aviation, railways trams etc), social history, sport (including cricket, horse racing, golf and football), military, ethnic, famous people, advertising, theater, sports, architecture, historical events, royalty, fantasy, comic cards, etc… There are usually a good number of cards and some other postal items from overseas countries including the UK, Germany, France, Italy etc, China, and other Asian countries, and the Middle East and Africa. There are usually a good number of postcards with postmarks and other markings relevant to postal history collectors.
The Society encourages groups of members with common collecting interests to meet at the Fairs, and may be able to make a suitable space, tables, and chairs available if the Fair Coordinator is contacted in advance. The Fairs are a great place to meet and converse with other collectors and dealers, and to get some idea of what is involved in the hobby of collecting cards and other paper ephemera and its joys and challenges.
More at:
Another resource worth searching is the Australian Cartophilic Society Web Site – established 1968.
Their landing page states:
Welcome to our website and welcome to the exciting and passionate world of the collector.
Whilst the word “cartophilic” would suggest our interest is primarily in cards - cigarette cards, trade cards and post cards; our members have a wide range of collecting interests including badges, posters and other ephemera items. Through Society membership, our newsletter, card fairs, postal auctions and items for sale we cater for the needs of most serious collectors.
All the information that you need is here. Visit:
Collecting postcards is a hobby that began over a century ago.
In Moments In Time: A Book of Australian Postcards (NLA- 2016) author Jim Davidson states that at the height of the postcard boom there were several deliveries of the post every day, central Sydney had three and was exhorted to match Melbourne’s four a day, you could send a postcard in the morning to arrange a meeting for that afternoon. As a penny stamp was applied to postcards mailing costs, they were an affordable and quick way of communicating making postcards the emails of their day.
Postal cards, a simple bank card for a posted message, with the address and an officially imprinted stamp on one side, first appeared in Austria in 1869. Post offices in the Australian colonies began using this method in 1875, with New South Wales leading the way. Cards with pictures on them had begun appearing in many places, including the Paris Exposition of 1889. An image of the Eiffel Tower was put on a postal card, proving so popular that masses of them sold; this effectively began the postcard age.
Tasmania copied this example for its own 1894 Exhibition and although there had been decorative edges featured on the New South Wales postal cards, the Tasmanian one is deemed Australia’s first picture postcard. This was of a general view of Hobart and the exhibition building.
Official souvenir postcard of the Tasmanian International Exhibition 1894 to 1895 - PIC Album 1197/1 #PIC/15675/3 – page 10
Another early example is an advertising card published by the ‘Marine Hotel, Dangar Island’ in the Hawkesbury River – ‘for the Excursion Season 1892-93’ – page 8, Moments in Time.
This one, a lithograph produced by Gibbs, Shallard and Co., Sydney, tells of other progress in printing. Germany led the way here, where lithography had been invented as a black and white art technique. In the 1870’s ways to introduce colour were developed.
They were used as a means to advertise products as much as a way to remember places visited:
Milk Chocolate Postcards.
There has been a large demand for a confection. known as "milk chocolate " during the last two or three years, and the consumption at the present time throughout the world runs into many hundreds of tons annually. Last year MacRobertson and Co. imported a lot of expensive machinery for the purpose of turning out milk chocolate. Subsequently they manufactured the line and put it on the market, with good results. More recently they gave a prize for a number of photos of Australia's pretty children, to be reproduced in the shape of postcards, which of course advertise the firm's milk chocolate. The whole of the work is thoroughly Australian, the chocolate, the subjects, the lithographic work and the cards themselves. It is claimed that those are the most artistic set of postcards ever printed in Australia. Milk Chocolate Postcards. (1905, November 24). The Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), p. 5 (SECOND EDITION). Retrieved from
Example of MacRobertson's postcard found on Tasmanian Stamps Auctions Online website
By 1907 the development of autochrome meant high quality coloured photographic printing. German-printed postcards revolutionised what can be recorded in these miniature records, although so many so fast meant a decrease initially:
—Picture Postcards.—
The American Vice-Consul, writing from Magdeburg, gives the following account of the present serious depression in the picture postcard business in Germany, and elsewhere:—The crisis in the picture post-card business is ascribed to the fact that the 'boom' in this business, developed later in the United States than in England and on the Continent, which led to heavy speculation on the part of dealers, who piled up an enormous stock, keeping busy not only the presses in the United States, but also those in England and on the Continent, particularly in Germany. In the Iater part of 1907, however, although a falling off in the demand on the part of the American public was not noticeable, came a catastrophe; the dealers, who could not afford to hold their large supplies, were obliged to get rid of them at any price. The European postcard industry lost heavily, sometimes as much as £4,000 to £5,000 on a single customer. Part of the supply ; which was unsaleable in America, as well as the Continental over-production, , entered the English market, and to this cause a well-known English firm attributes the decrease in their sales. FROM THE WORLD'S PRESS. (1909, April 13). The Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), p. 6. Retrieved from
When George V and Queen Mary appeared in Dublin in 1911 a photograph postcard of the event appeared that afternoon. Sets of postcards were sold and even in their earliest instances were collected to fill albums with colourful images for tourists, for children and adults alike.
Above: Sydney Morning Herald, December 4th, 1904 advertisement
Some were even made into books for residents and tourists to purchase ready done:
Sydney: Samuel Wood, N.d. [1932?]. Paperback. An attractive booklet of 25 photos of Sydney printed in sepia on card, including the popular Bays & beach scenes in Sydney. Featured are town buildings, cathedrals, the University, Art gallery, Botanical Gardens, Mosman Bay, Taronga Park, Middle Harbour, Manly, Coogee and Bondi Beach, Watson's Bay, Rose & Rushcutter's Bay, Circular Quay, Neutral Bay. There is a color image of the new Sydney Harbour Bridge inserted at the front, with a ship and ferries and airplane overhead; the rest of the cards are printed in sepia on heavy card. Publisher Samuel Wood (1876-1957) was a wholesale stationer, printer and bookseller. 8x5", 24pp, grey card covers, ribbon tied. Cards a trifle tanned at margins, overall a very nice copy. Oddly, does not appear to be recorded on Trove. Very good condition. Item #24256. Retrieved from
In recent years these cards sell from a dollar upwards, some fetching 50 or 100 dollars for something rare and in mint condition. Auction Houses, such as Moss Green of Melbourne, hold regular sales of these items as single cards and as packs, where some collections fetch thousands of dollars.
The Guinness Book of Records states that the most valuable picture postcard in the world was sent by Theodore Hook Esq. to himself in 1840 and was bought at the London Stamp Exchange auction, UK on 8 March 2002 by collector Eugene Gomberg (Latvia) for £31,758.75 ($45,370.60).
The use of photographs as postcards provides insights into the photographers themselves in days when plates and unwieldy cameras were used, and also to see wonderful buildings and structures now gone: hotels, houses, wharves.
With any luck you might find cards like these:

Samuel Wood was possibly the oldest remaining wholesale bookseller and stationer in Sydney at his death, according to W.G. Smart, Hodder's Sydney representative.
He was born in Hackney, London in 1876 and started work in a newsagency and bookshop aged 10, having lost both parents. By the age of 20, he was managing the F. & E. Stoneham bookshop in Cheapside, London.
Due to poor health he migrated to Sydney, starting a book & stationery business in Angel Place immediately in 1905. He obtained the Australian agency for the postcards of John Beagles & Co. From 1913-1928 his business (by then including a printing department) was located at 35 York Street but the construction of the underground railway obliged him to move to 433 Kent Street, its final location during Samuel's life.
The business later moved, under his son Ronald, to Bunn Street, Pyrmont.
STRONG BOY WANTED. Bring reference, SAMUEL WOOD, 35 York street. Advertising (1915, November 16). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 13. Retrieved from
STRONG BOY Required, well educated, just leaving school preferred Apply SAMUEL WOOD 433 Kent street Advertising (1928, August 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 20. Retrieved from
WANTED strong well educated BOY Just Ieaving school Apply SAMUEL WOOD 433 Kent street Sydney. Advertising (1929, November 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
CHEAP Books and Magazines for Libraries. Large selection popular authors. Trade only. Samuel Wood, 433 Kent-street, near Town Hall, MA1605. Advertising (1937, May 8). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 30. Retrieved from
MAGAZINES large rooms new and Job Issues ready this morning SAMUEL WOOD, 433 Kent street near Town Hall. MA1605. Advertising (1938, January 28). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from
BOOKS New and Second-hand Iarge selection for libraries low rates Inspect SAMUEL WOOD 433 Kent Street - near Town Hall MA 1601 Advertising (1939, March 15). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 21. Retrieved from
BLACKOUT Paper, cheap and safe. Trade only. Call Samuel Wood, 433 Kent Street, near Town Hall. MA1605. Advertising (1941, December 31). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 15. Retrieved from
BOOKS new and second hand for starting library large selection Samuel Wood 433 Kent Street near Market St (Not Sets ) Advertising (1947, March 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 19. Retrieved from
In 1910 he married:
WOOD-WHITTAKER.—March 9, 1910, at St. Luke's Church, Concord, by Rev. E. Claydon, Samuel Robert Wood, of Quibrer, Lavender Bay, Sydney. to Ethel, eldest daughter of. Mrs. Elizabeth Whittaker and the late Robert Whittaker, late of Toongabbie. Family Notices (1910, March 12). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Ethel's father, Robert, was an Engineer and formerly a foreman for G. and H. Hoskins, had passed away on March 29th, 1909, aged 60. Her mother didn't pass away until 1933:
WHITTAKER-January 1. 1933. at Chatswood. Elizabeth, widow of Robert Whittaker, late of Rangers-avenue, Cremorne, dearly loved mother of Arthur (Port Kembla), Ethel (Mrs. S. Wood, Roseville), and Grace (Mrs. E. Harvey, Hongkong), in her 79th year. Family Notices (1933, January 2). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
After their marriage the Woods' moved to 'Brantwood' at 20 Brancroft Avenue, Roseville, where all their four sons were born and Samuel lived until he passed away.
Their sons - from NSW Births, Deaths, Marriages Records:
WOOD.-July 30, 1911, at Brantwood, Bancroft-avenue, Roseville, the wife of Samuel Wood, of a son. Family Notices (1911, August 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
WOOD.—September 29, at Brantwood, Bancroft-avenue, Roseville, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wood-a son. Family Notices (1913, October 4). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 18. Retrieved from
WOOD-June 24 to Mr and Mrs Samuel Wood Brantwood Bancroft avenue, Roseville-a son. Family Notices (1918, July 6). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Samuel Wood's 2 door American coupe can be seen in many of his postcard photographs [3.] - this one even showing what appears to be one of his sons:

His fourth son, Ronald, joined the business in 1935 and was made a partner in 1946 after his return from war service. In 1952 the business was made into a company with Samuel as Chairman. He attended daily till a few months before his death.
The State Library of NSW's Samuel Wood Collection dates from the earliest date on a Samuel Wood postcard (1907), to the year before his death (1956), as he worked in the business with one of his sons almost until his death. Some of the photographs are pre-1907.
Samuel Wood was a founding member of Roseville Bowling Club and his wife Ethel was active in the community as well:
Roseville is the latest district to claim a centre for St. Luke's Hospital, thanks to Mrs. S. Wood for arranging a most successful meeting at her residence, Brantwood, on Thursday afternoon, when the rector, Rev. P. J. Bazeley presided. Mrs. Wood, Rev. P. S. Bazeley, and Mr. Lamb (organising secretary for St. Luke's) were the speakers. Much sympathy was expressed by those present in the movement, and £14/14/ was subscribed in the room, while an influential commutes was formed. The rector is the president, Mrs. W. 0. Watson, vice-president, Miss Ethel Gardner hon. secretary and Mrs. L. J. Moxham hon. treasurer. NEAR AND FAR. (1923, February 17). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 9. Retrieved from
FOR ST LUKE'S The Roseville centre of St. Luke's Hospital will hold a garden fete at the home of Mrs. Wood. "Brantwood," Bancroft Avenue, on Saturday afternoon. FOR ST LUKE'S (1923, September 12). The Daily Telegraph (Sydney, NSW : 1883 - 1930), p. 7. Retrieved from
Mrs S Wood entertained a number of her friends at a shower tea at Brantwood, Roseville, recently, in honour of Miss Alma Duncan, whose wedding will take place shortly. The bride-elect was presented with a basket of flowers In autumn tints together with many useful gifts The guests included Mesdames Gardner, Law McHugh, Banks Craig-,Campbell, Smith, Schofield, Duncan the Misses Cleary B Gardner, I Bennett, N. Williamson, Woods, and E Allwork. NEAR AND FAR. (1930, February 22). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 11. Retrieved from
Ethel also had help around the home. With four growing boys and a large house to keep in order,
COMFORTABLE HOME for retiring young lady as LADY’S HELP, 2 adults and child in family. Apply after Thursday, Mrs. WOOD, Brantwood, Bancroft av . Roseville. Advertising (1911, November 29). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 23. Retrieved from
LIGHT GENERAL or LADY’S HELP for small family, no washing 14s per week Apply Mrs S WOOD, Brantwood, Bancroft avenue Roseville Telephone, Chatswood 636. Advertising (1913, July 5). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 27. Retrieved from
Will MISS L. SPROULE call at Brantwood, Bancroft-avenue, Roseville. RE POSITION. Advertising (1919, March 7). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from
Samuel Wood was survived by his widow and three sons, after one son, Gordon Frances, 'Frank', was killed only about five weeks after receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC). [2.]
MELBOURNE, Tuesday.— The DFC has been awarded to Flying-Officer Gordon Francis Wood 29, of Roseville (NSW). SYDNEY MAN'S D.F.C. (1943, July 20). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 3 (LATE FINAL EXTRA). Retrieved from
News has been received of the death of Flying Officer Gordon Francis Wood, D.F.C., as a result of an aircraft accident in England last Friday. He was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wood of Bancroft Avenue, Roseville, and left Australia at the end of 1940. After graduating in Canada as an air-gunner he was transferred to England and later to Iceland.
The ’Herald’s staff correspondent in London on July 15 reported that Flying Officer Wood had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for service as a beam gunner on a Coastal Command Liberator.
A message received by Mr. Wood Senior yesterday from the Air Ministry stated that the aircraft accident occurred near Lakeheath Village, Suffolk. Two brothers, Lieut. Kenneth and Sergeant Ronald Wood are serving in the A.I.F. AUSTRALIAN D.F.C. WINNER KILLED. (1943, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved from
WOOD.—August 13, 1943, result of aircraft accident, near Lakeheath Village Suffolk, England, Flying-Officer Gordon Francis Wood, D.FG.C dearly loved second son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wood, of Bancroft
Avenue. Roseville, brother of S. R, (Bob) Lieut. Kenneth (A I.F.), Sergeant Ronald (A.I.F.).
WOOD.—August 13, 1943. Flying-officer Gordon Francis (Frank) Wood, DFC. brother and brother-ln-law of Bob and Ruth Wood and uncle of Janice, Artarmon. Family Notices (1943, August 18). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 12. Retrieved from
Many of the photographs then used as postcards from our area date from and can be seen in sales advertisements for land subdivisions. These, as one example of that, also appear in Avalon subdivisions from 1927-1929:
Advertising (1928, November 11). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 37. Retrieved from
Advertising (1928, March 4). The Sun (Sydney, NSW : 1910 - 1954), p. 35. Retrieved from

Others simply celebrated the beauty of a place visitors would want to keep a memory of long after they had gone home. In an age when not everyone had a camera, these were a great means of keeping those views on hand.
Some more Samuel Wood photographs of our area, taken to become postcards, underline the value of this work taken to support a growing family to succeeding generations. Without Mr. Wood doing this work, would we have these high quality glimpses into our past?

3. Golf links, Avalon (584) Item No.: a1470003h
4. Bilgola Beach (585) Item No.: a1470002h
5. Jetty, Newport (586) - as above
6. Hotel - Newport (587) - as above

1. Furlough House (485)
2. Beach (486)
3. Lagoon (487)
4. Towards Barrenjoey and bridge (488)
5. Lagoon (489)
6. Bridge, lagoon and camping ground (490)
7. Narrabeen Head (491)
8-9. Lagoon (492,493)
All courtesy Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales

References And Extras
- TROVE - National Library of Australia
- The Bookseller, no.2664, Sat, Jan 12 1957, p.51 ; Ideas, Jan 17 1957, p.96 and State Library of New South Wales.
- R. Woodley, NSW State Library cataloguer
The very many friends of Captain A. W. Newbery throughout Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the world, will be pleased to know that he has taken over the Royal Hotel at Bowral, and will be pleased to meet them again at that delightful town, which is noted for its climate and splendid golf course. Captain Newbery is one of the best known master mariners on the Australian coast, and was for 19 years in command and acted as Marine Superintendent for the A.U.S.N. Company. He also did a lot of service during the Great War as master of the Indarra, and in other capacities. As Captain Newbery's great sport is golf, he will no doubt be pleased to see many of his Sydney golfing friends at the 19th hole, up at his new abode, where all the fine points of the game may be debated. PERSONAL. (1929, July 31). Daily Commercial News and Shipping List (Sydney, NSW : 1891 - 1954), p. 4. Retrieved from
Quiet Marriage At Manly
After a brief engagement of six weeks, Miss Mabel Newbery and Mr Geoffrey Cambage, sales manager of Dalgety oil department, were quietly married yesterday morning at St. Matthew's Church, Manly.
THE bride, who was also a member of the same firm, is the elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Newbery,' of the Hotel Newport. Rev. A. R. Ebbs gave the couple his blessing. There were no bridesmaids or groomsmen.
The bride wore for the ceremony a frock of tea rose crepe de Chine, which had a bolero bodice. The skirt was flared and moulded to the hips with a tucked yoke. Of the same shade of georgette were the jabot, collars, and cuffs. She chose a shady Baku to match her frock, finished with velvet ribbon, and carried a sheaf of pale pink rosebuds and blue hydrangeas. Mrs. Newbery was hostess later at the Newport Hotel, and wore a gown of black floral crepe de Chine, which had a cape and flared She added a black Ballibuntle, and carried pale pink carnations and roses.
The bride's only sister, Gwen was frocked in almond green and fawn figured crepe de Chine, and added a Java straw banded in green. Mr. and Mrs. Cambage left for a honeymoon tour by car. On their return they will move immediately into their home at Bellevue Hill. AFTER BRIEF ENGAGEMENT (1930, December 2). Daily Pictorial (Sydney, NSW : 1930 - 1931), p. 18. Retrieved from
Is extended to old patrons of the WOOLPACK HOTEL (Parramatta) to call in and meet the new proprietor, Captain A. W. Newbery (Late of the Newport Hotel.) Advertising (1935, August 22). The Cumberland Argus and Fruitgrowers Advocate (Parramatta, NSW : 1888 - 1950), p. 9. Retrieved from
1-5. Manly Beach (411-415)
6. Queenscliff Beach (416)
7. Ladies' Baths and wharf (417)
8. Manly Beach and North Steyne (598)
9. Dressing sheds and beach (599)
10. Manly Beach (600)
11. Bathing pool and dressing pavilion (691)
12. Hospital
13-14. The Corso and Soldiers' Memorial
15-16. Ferry and Manly Cove
17-20. Manly Beach and surf bathing
All courtesy the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales.

Previous Collectors Corner pages:
Blacksmiths and Tinsmiths Nylon Stockings Poster Art Furphy's Water Cart Mousehole Anvil Sapphire One Armed Bandit Gould's 1840 Single and Compound Microscope Tibetan Thangka Wheel Of Life Painting Cast Iron Seats Mabel Lucie Atwell Prints The Customs of Traditional Dining by Hans and Jenny Carlborg Albert Collins Landscape Boomerang Harmonicas Drinking: 18th Century Style Part I by H&J Carlborg Drinking 18th Century Style Part II by H&J Carlborg Fleece Shears Wood Case Crank Telephone 1803 Timepeice Vintage Guitars Milestones No.38 Rolls Royce Motor Oiler Christmas Postcards Seashells McCormick-Deering Horse Drawn Mower Rope Making Machine Marilyn Monroe 1955 Calendar Stubbie Holders Hill's Hoist Akubra Hat Fowler's Bottling Kit The Bold Autographed Script Fishing Tackle Arnotts Biscuit Tins Comic Books Silver Opium Pipe Mrs Beetons Book Souvenir Teaspoons Bendigo Pottery Gianelli Figurines Key Fobs Model Aircraft-static Porcelain Slippers Wagon Wheels Rhys Williams Painting Chinese Guardian Lions Australian Halfpenny Bud Vases Rolling Stones Still Life LP Autographed WL1895 Thinking Monkey Estee Lauder Ginger Jar Reel Mowers Surf Reels Millers Car Collection Hilton Lingerie - Slips Miniature Books of Verse - A Romantic Tradition REGA Pouring Can R O Dunlop - Sailing At Itchenor Painting Morning Shadows by C Dudley Wood The Father of Santa Claus - Xmas 2012 HMS Penguin Anchor at RPAYC - Newport SS Birubi Mast at RMYC - Broken Bay Helen B Stirling Ship's Wheel at Club Palm Beach Woomeras HMS Endeavour Replica Cannon at RPAYC The Doug Crane Classic Handmade Double Blade Paddle HMS Bounty Wooden Ship Model Collecting Ladies - Ferdinand Von Mueller and Women Botanical Artists Australian Bark Art Chinese Ginger Jars Hand Plough and Jump Stump Plough - Australian Inventions Frank Clune Books Frederick Metters - Stoves, Windmills, Iron Monger Trinket Boxes 1933 Wormald Simplex Fire Extinguisher is Pure Brass Chapman 'Pup' Maine Engines - Chapman and Sherack The Beach Ball Figureheads Salty Wooden Personifications of Vessels Binnacle at RMYC The Australian Florin - Worth More Than 20 Cents to Collectors Weathervanes; For Those Passionate About Seeing Which Way the Wind Blows Her Majesty's Theatre 1962 Programme - Luisillo and his Spanish Dance Theatre Cooper's Sheep Shower Enamel Sign and Simpson's and Sons of Adelaide Jolly Drover Sugar Bowl and English Pottery A Means to Gaze into the Past Chief Joseph and Edward S Curtis; His Images of Native Americans an Inestimable Record of Images and Portrait Photographs His Masters Voice, Old 78s and Australia's Love of Music Jack Spurlings 'Tamar' Picture 1923 Resch's Beer Art - A Reflection of Australiana Now Worth Thousands The Compleat Angler - Izaak Walton's Discourse Inspires Generations of Fishers Portable Ice-Boxes and Coolers How Many Claim This Invention as Theirs? Malley's and Sons Ltd. - A Munificent Australian Family Company Vintage Paddles and Gigs Nautical Memorabilia The Crinoline - a 550 Year Old Fashion B.B. King - King of the Blues Goes Home: a Timely look into Photographs and Autographs and Being Buyer Aware Deep Down Among the Coral - By Christopher Corr - A Limited Edition Print in Celebration of the seventy fifth anniversary of QANTAS Airways Old Chinese Rice Bowls for Marriage: Worth More Than You Think... Commanderie St. John: An Ancient Wine - From 1927 with Lineage to Cyprus in 1210/92 and Methods of Production to Greece in 800 B.C. Pittwater Regatta Air Race Trophies: from 1934 and 1935 and The Pilot Who Saved William Hughes Vintage Brass Mortar and Pestle 1958 Bedford 'D' Truck and GM Holden Australian Made Car Bodies Heart Padlock Charm Bracelets for Newborns: A Golden Tradition Marvellous Marbles: An All Ages Preoccupation for Collectors Antique Silver Fish Servers: Artisans Past Tuckfield's Bird Cards: to Swap or Collect Joseph Lyddy – O.B.B. Dubbin Boot Polish Vintage Wooden Tennis Racquets: A Collectors Item As Popular As Summer Australian Trade Tokens Record Enriching Colonial Histories: the Cascade Shilling First Art Form To Record 'Tasmania' And Kangaroos Australian Vinyl Singles of the 1950's and 1960's Dicken's The Old Curiosity Shop bought at The Old Curiosity Shop Pear's Soap: Artworks For The Masses Collecting Vintage Photographs: Early Tasmanian Photographer - J W Beattie Cyclops Vintage Toys Year Dated Beer Bottles Found In The Estuary Adjacent To Taylors Point - Roger Wickins Collecting Matchboxes: A Great Way To Explore History And Art Black Bakelite Telephone: Early Pittwater Phone Numbers Butter Churns and Milk Separators: Early Pittwater Dairies F100 Ford truck: 1977 model Collecting Buttons Photographers Of Pittwater Capture Historic Insights: A. J. (Arthur James) Vogan, 1859-1948 Historic Photographers Of Pittwater: Harold 'Caz' Cazneaux 1878 - 1953 Photographers of Early Pittwater: The Macphersons of 'Wharriewood' and Bayview Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Charles Bayliss Photographers Of Early Pittwater: Henry King Photographers Of Early Pittwater: David 'Rex' Hazlewood Were Manly's Statues, Smashed For Road Ballast, Sculpted By Achille Simonetti? Tablespoons - The Original Soup Spoons Tram Memorabilia - Historic Daylight Run For Sydney Light Rail Begins 80 Years After Last Tram To Narrabeen Closed