Soibada – Our Wonderful Volunteers - Ann Harvey

Ann Pictured with Mana Lou
The wonderful work of our community supporting the people of Soibada and the various projects there would not be possible without the support of volunteers. We are so lucky that we have many big hearted people here on the Northern Beaches. Thank you all. Your support and contributions are appreciated both here and in the village.
One of those most steadfast and hardworking of our volunteers is Ann Harvey. Ann has been a stalwart supporter ever since the Friendship arrangement began back in 2009. She was on the Soibada committee for years and a big part of the incorporated registered charity, Pittwater Friends of Soibada. Often found quietly toiling away in the background Ann shows her commitment to the Timorese through her dedication to social justice and through the work of her hands. She has been a Soibada knitter since the very beginning. The countless blankets she has crafted warm people in the village in the colder months. It fills my heart with joy when I am travelling around the sub villages of Soibada and see someone wrapped in a blanket lovingly made by Ann.
Always humble, Ann acted as another grandmother for visiting foster student Tanya from Soibada when she lived in Avalon for two years. She often drove her to and from school and attended all her concerts and events. Not only did she accommodate the two visiting Timorese priests, Fathers Abel and Tiago, when they came to Avalon from Soibada, she also acted as tour guide.
Most of our funds for projects comes from market stalls and events like the celebration of Timor’s Independence at our schools. Ann has been a driving force behind this over the years. Her honesty and kindness and dry sense of humour shine through in everything she does. Ann is a great sounding board for advice. She is voice of reason and tremendous support for me emotionally and spiritually. For many years she accompanied me as my “support person” for the numerous talks and presentations I do in the community. Although Ann has never visited the village she has been part of positive change and development there in so many ways. I am very grateful and I know the community there is as well. THANK YOU ANN.
Tamara Sloper-Harding OAM
Ph: 0403 226 699
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