October 23 - 29, 2016: Issue 286
Spring Unto Summer 2016
Seeds and fruits as well as brand new bushflowers (wildlflowers) are beginning to appear in Pittwater bush reserves and alongside the creeks and waterways. Birds are feasting on these native seeds and fruits while large butterflies are attracted by the nectar.
Flannel flowers are in abundance at present, and have been for weeks - with masses covering the hills. So too all the varieties of red bottlebrush are lighting up the bush along with many kinds of yellow bush peas.
This week we share some of those found in research done for the upcoming Annie Wyatt Pittwater Fields of Dreams II history page as well as others spotted along the ways. All of this reminding you that Mother Nature speaks in verses and poetry, in bushland verges, for all the senses - should we wish to hear, see, smell, touch or speak it...
I dream to-night of that old town,
And bush so dear to me;
The big green hills, the ferny della,
From' Penang to the sea.
I love to hear the bellbirds 'k-lingl
'K'lingl K'lingl' from tree to tree,
Sweet music in that silv'ry ring,
Which dwells in memory.
I think of thee, old Gosford town,
With mem'ries sweet to me;
Those lov'ly views o'er hill and dale,
From Mangrove to the sea.
The rippling streams with gurgling
Like distant tinkling -bells;
Re-echoed in their ecstasy,
From halls in fairy dells.
The Xmas. bush, the waratah,
Sweet gem, the native rose,
The bloom of creamy flannel flowers,
Where sweet baronia grows.
The towering palms of luscious red,
In giant ferns so green;
With a rich aroma far and wide,
To charm this- gorgeous scene.
When in recess from season's bloom,
The shrubs of hills and dells;
Then springs to charm us everywhere,
The glorious Christmas Bella.
To gladden the heart at Xmastime,
With greetings thro ' our land;
Those charming flowers, aye, cast a
Frank blessings On every hand.
O joyous scene, O raptrous scenel
Where nature's art portrays;
The gift divine by man unseen,
In God's own wond'rous way.
O lovely hills! entrancing dellsl
The ocean laps thy throne;
In one vast song the breakers sing
Chromatics and diatones.
"Gosford" (1933, October 26). The Gosford Times and Wyong District Advocate (NSW : 1906 - 1954), p. 2. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article167860611
The ferns and flowers of bushland
Arranged to have a ball,
They chose a lovely dancing-ground
Beside a water-fall
The ferns were gallant gentlemen;
The flowers were ladles fair.
An orchid shy was partnered by
A courtly maidenhair
The Christmas bells were the orchestra
And pealed a merry tune,
As the ferns and flowers swayed and bowed
And curtsied to the moon
The native rose wore a gown of pink.
Fit for a fairy-queen
The flannel flower chose velvet white.
Trimmed with a 'touch of green.'
The waratah in royal red,
Showed dignity and charm;
The boronia gay had lots to say,
As she leant on the bracken's arm
Gaily they danced through the cool night hours
Which all too soon passed by;
When the ball was over the moon went down
And the golden dawn lit the sky
THE BUSHLAND BALL. (1930, December 27). The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), p. 5. Retrieved from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article16741828

Pictures by A J Guesdon, 2016