August 4 - 10, 2019: Issue 415
Spring Wildflowers Are Now Coming Out
Although mornings are still cold the first Spring Flowers are following on from Winter wattle blooms. Now is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy what's happening in our bush reserves and that mellow late Winter sunshine.
This week some of what's been seen out around here lately. Our thanks to Penny Gleen of Church Point Ferry Services, Marita Macrae of the Pittwater Natural Heritage Association, and for their wonderful captures for all of us stuck inside!

Sydney Golden Wattle - Acacia longifolia
A species of Acacia native to southeastern Australia from the extreme southeast of Queensland, eastern New South Wales, eastern and southern Victoria, and south-eastern South Australia - photo by John Vaughan
On Chiltern Track- Ingleside
Some wonderful photographs by Pittwater Natural Heritage Association's (PNHA) Marita Macrae on the Chiltern Track at Ingleside.

Pods of Acacia terminalis Sunshine Wattle on our favourite Chiltern Track Ingleside. Backlit in the morning.

Amazed to see Honeybees buzzing around flowers on male Allocasuarina distyla., a first for us, and interesting because there’s only pollen on these flowers which flies on the wind to pollinate female flowers on separate bushes.

Prickly Moses Wattle on the Chiltern Track. We just love the sandstone heath understorey.
On The Elvina Track
Photos by Penny Gleen
Banksia ericfolia
Red spider flower, Grevillea Speciosa
Hibbertia - Guinea Flower
Darwinia fascicularis
Dillwynia elegans - Eggs and Bacon Bush Pea
Pultenaea - Bush Pea
Pink Spider Flower Grevillea sericea