Spring into Spring

Firstly there has been a bit of news being made by Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 lately on which this local family business and its members should be thanked and congratulated.
On Wednesday August 29th JBH Mona Vale provided all the materials for a project completed in the 2018 Free Trade Day, working in concert with local Trasdesmen, who provided their skills gratis as well, to help those who need it.
James Johnson was spotted this week speaking on Channel 7's morning breakfast program when a segment ran explaining what was going on and why.
In the Free Trade Day Materials and Labour are provided to families that are struggling financially, elderly people who are unable to afford basic essential maintenance and repairs, jeopardising their safety and wellbeing in their own homes, and single parents who also have to keep a close eye on the budget and put off repairs.
This was the case locally, as just one instance, for one family whose home was affected by storm damage which they hadn't been able to repair.
The Free Trade Day provide FREE material and FREE labour to;
1)People who are living in dangerous situation, who's safety is compromised
2)People without essential services
3)People who cannot afford the cost of tradespeople
What’s the catch? There isn’t one. All they ask is that you to SHARE this information to spread what people power and compassion can achieve.
As they say themselves; FREE TRADE DAY - “The business of kindness”.
Visit: www.freetradeday.com.au to find out more
The next 'little item' may have been seen by devotees of The Block who spotted not only the Mona Vale store but also Cliff, Ged and Mick making cameos in an advertisement that underlines another core value of keeping it for the tradespeople as well as the DIYer:
Mitre 10: 'Heritage' TVC from Edge on Vimeo.
There's more!
On Friday August 17th Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Mona Vale were awarded Hardware Australia’s 2018 NSW Hardware Store of the Year over 2500sqm.
So August 2018 was a pretty big month, a trifecta - although, on being awarded 'Store of the Year' the response was:
'Thank you to all our customers, staff, suppliers and of course family!'
While on family - there's a great competition going on at present for all younger DIYer's - the Mighty Helpful Kids Challenge.
If you’re a kid that loves DIY then they want to hear about your favourite project!
With the help of your parent or guardian, upload a picture of your favourite DIY project, tell the Mitre 10 team about what you made, what was involved and why it is your favourite. You could win a VIP experience at The Block with return flights and accommodation in Melbourne.
Share your entry and encourage your family and friends to vote as the winners will be selected from the top 5 entries from each state group. Voting closes on September 16th.
Upload your project picture and description here: www.mitre10.com.au/kidschallenge
There's some great projects there already - go have a look!
All this may inspire you to visit your local Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Store,especially the great garden centre at Mona Vale, and spring into Spring.
The next few weeks will be ideal to bring colour and practical plants to your garden - all of which can ber done with big hands or small hands - or these working together.
What you can plant out now to enjoy in a few months:
Soft Small Salad Colours
Herbs to plant out now are basil, chives, coriander, dill, mint, oregano, parsley, sage, thyme, marjoram and parsley; just make sure you have some chicken wire over a planter box to keep the possums from eating all those tender shoots - they particularly have a craving for parsley here.
Vegetables A'Plenty
In Sydney you can sow beans, beetroot, broccoli, Chinese cabbage, capsicum, cucumber, eggplant, endive, lettuce, melons, okra, onion, parsnip, potato, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, rosella, silver beet, spring onion, squash, sweet corn, sweet potato and get ready for your tomato crop.
Spring Lawn Care
Springtime is a season where we feed everything growing in our gardens to encourage and support new growth and strengthen each plant prior to the heady summer days to come. Your lawn is no exception to this and a little work put in now will ensure you have a healthy spread of green when the weather becomes hotter and drier.
Just as we benefit from a massage to stimulate circulation, our lawns benefit from a good firm raking. During Winter our lawns and the soil supporting them often becomes compacted while the blades and roots may die off and this will reduce the health of lawn. Raking removes dead blades of grass, leaves and creates aeration and loosens up matted patches. If your lawn’s soil is very hard it is suggested you use a steel rake to create points into the lawn to add extra air flow and water and loosen compaction. This will also encourage new growth.
The other base for a good lawn is having a close look at its condition each Spring to determine whether it’s in good health. If you have a lot of moss plants amongst the lawn this is a sign of soil acidity. Lawns thrive on a neutral soil PH and applying lime will correct this.
If you have bare patches due to dog frolics, heavy traffic or water run-off and pooling you will need to re-seed these areas. Applying a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer as you do will benefit the new seedlings. Once the seed has germinated and you have given it the first cut, lawn experts recommend a quick release nitrogen fertilizer to boost its health. Sowing on a still day, due to this seed’s weight, is always a good choice. You don’t want the seed being blown away before it can grow.
If you fertilized your lawn in Autumn your lawn will generally be still using that in Spring. A lighter feeding is recommended for Spring and any organic fertilizer is going to be better for something that is organic itself and for the environment surrounding or adjoined to it.
The last Spring Care pointer is to weed now; bindis will multiply as the weather gets warmer and more Spring rains fall. This week a profusion of dandelion flowers out, if you’re not going to use the leaves in salads and don’t want these bright yellow flowers as part of your lawn, shows weeds will multiply, and quickly, if not attended to.
Tools And Products To Help You Get It Done At Family Friendly Prices
125CC Engine. 16" Deck. 12 month Domestic Warranty
5kg. Traditional lawn food. Greens lawns fast. Granular formulation.
2.5kg. 3 Month slow release lawn fertiliser. With wetting agent. Suitable for all lawns.
15m x 12mm. Quality Plastic Neta fittings. 4/ 6 star kink rating. 10 year warranty.
100% FSC sustainable wood. Plastic base provides maximum drainage & ventilation. Burnt oak finish.
170mm pot. Variety of colours.

JBH Mitre 10 Mona Vale has a wide and extensive range of everything you will need for Garden Preparation this Spring

Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 New Store
73 Bassett Street
Mona Vale - Online Store: Jbhmv.Com.Au

Products advice is available from the trained friendly staff at Narrabeen, Mona Vale and Avalon Johnson Brothers Mitre 10.
Click on logo to visit Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 website
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Avalon (02) 9918 3315
Johnson Bros Mitre 10 - Mona Vale (02) 9999 3340
JBH Timber & Building Supplies (02) 9999 0333
JBH Fencing & Landscape Supplies (02) 9970 6333
www.johnsonbros.com.au Online store: jbhmv.com.au

Previous DIY Pages:
Decking Timbers Caring For Your Deck Decking Finishes Privacy Screens I Privacy Screens II Privacy Screening Hardwoods Autumn Paths and Lawns Insulation Batts Plasterboard Ventilation - Edmond's Ecofan Blackboards for Children and Home Spring Lawn Care Shade Sails & Watering Basic DIY Tools DIY Tools - Power Drills Recycle Your Trampoline into An Air Bed How to Build Your Own Backyard Cricket Pitch Christmas Lights Displays around House and Garden Summer Mildew - Refresh, Renew How to Fix Things That Drip and Bump in the Night Time To Plant Winter Vegetables in a Raised Garden Beds Layout Organsing Your Tool Shed Make Your Own Weathervane Installing A Garden Watering System Decking Oils How To Make Garden Compost How To Winter proof Your Lawn How to create Shabby Chic effect on Timber Furniture How to Build Your Own Raised Garden Bed Growing Your Own Winter Vegies Winter Heating Guide Prepare Your Yard For Winter Eradicating Noxious Weeds From Your Yard How to Fix Furniture Finishes Part I How to Repair Scratches, Dings, and Dents of Furniture Surfaces - Part II Winter Draughts Fix Classic Wooden Tool Carrier Spring Garden Checklist Part I Install Your Own Skylight Retaining Walls for Saving Soil and New Spring Garden Beds Summer Salad Garden Native Plant Garden for A Fairy Arbour Renewing Short Flight of Exterior Stairs Deck Maintenance DIY Summer Tasks You Can Do In Time to Get to the Beach Garden Ponds for Attracting Birdlife, Dragonflies and for the Soothing Sounds of Water Salt Air: Maintenance and Protection Creating an Outdoor Dining Arbour, Gazebo or Patio - Part I Creating an Outdor Dining Arbour, Gazebo or Patio Part II Autumn Garden Tasks Autumn DIY Jobs: Waterproof Your Home Checklist Dealing With Dampness Inside the Home Fixing Your Fence Repairing and Replacing Damaged Decking boards DIY Toy Box and Snow Globes: School Holidays Fun - Winter 2015 DIY Wooden Toy Cars and Perfect Painted Flowerpots: School Holiday Fun - Winter 2015 Shoring Up an Under House Earth Bank – Installing a Basic Retaining Wall DIY One Shelf Sideboard Early Spring 2015 Garden Care Salad Garden For Children Keeping Your Garden and Home Cool in Hot Weather Classic Beach Garden and Camping Chairs 3 Portable Versions Anyone Can Make DIY Outdoor Furniture Mark I: Park Benches for Your Garden Make Your Own Scooter or Skateboard: Summer 2016 Fun How to Install a Solid Core Door and Door Furniture Summer Garden Jobs: Pruning A Hedge How to Make A Swing Chair - With A Frame for Garden Setting Garden Jobs for March to Make A Beautiful and Healthy Spring Keeping Outdoor Nooks Warm During Cooler Months Children’s Step Stool with Storage Stop Winter Rain Lawn Loss and Soil Erosion on Slopes DIY Garden Shed: Part 1 of 4 - Base DIY Garden Shed: Part 2 - Framing Walls DIY Garden Shed: Part 2b - Gable Roof Framing Garden Shed Part 3: Roof Installation DIY Garden Shed: Weather- boards - Door And Window Installation And Paint Finish DIY Coffee Table With Chessboard Inlay Spring Gardening: Feeding Your Soil And Plants - What Works For Each Plant DIY Sandstone Flagging Parking Area - Platform DIY Pre-Summer Checklist For A Safe Home Summer Spruce Up: Interior Paint Tips and Three easy steps to rejuvenate your timber deck The Perfect BBQ Garden Setting DIY Water Wise Garden DIY Side Gates DIY Storm Preparation And Home Protection One To Two Day DIY Weekend Spruce Ups Vegepods For Autumn Planting + Easy To Make Lego Table Or Student Desk That Can Be Dismantled + Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Online Store Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Great New Mona Vale Store: Still In Bassett Street - number 73 Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 New Mona Vale Store: The Greenlife Garden Centre Go Outside And Play: Creating Garden Spaces To Connect Children With Nature DIY Plasterboard Repair DIY Dolls House Or Garage Or Boatshed DIY Child's Waggon - or use as a large planter mover DIY Bathroom Refresh: Zing For Spring Tips for Growing a Native Garden FireCrunch, Australian Developed Fire-proof, Sustainable, Durable and Reliable Building Board Now Available at Johnson Bros. at Mona Vale and Narrabeen School Holidays DIY Ideas for Children: Little Vegetables Garden, Swing, Windchimes Bushfire Season Preparation 2017: Home and Outdoor Areas Johnson Brothers Mitre 10 Trade Centre at Mona Vale + Issue No 1 of Mitre 10’s inSITE Magazine for Tradies and Handymen Preparing Al Fresco Areas for Christmas Get-Togethers and Summer Visitors Summer De-bug; 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