Sydney Wildlife Northern Beaches Branch - Our Year in Pictures
Sydney Wildlife kicked off 2019 with a presentation to the Future Vet Kids Camp. We spoke to a couple of groups of youngsters aspiring to be veterinarians in the future. Dr Scott Bainbridge and Dr Audrey Shen examined some of our cute wombat patients whilst we presented on how to examine wildlife and the difference between treating wild animals vs domesticated animals.
At Future Vet Kids Camp the kids learnt everything from intubating an animal for surgery to drawing blood from a vein! It’s a sensational programme and we were very honoured to be invited to present.
Our very own Joan Reid won an Australia Day Award for outstanding community service in the Environmental Sector. The event was hosted by Mayor Michael Regan and the Northern Beaches Council. We were very proud of Joan!
Throughout the year, our amazing local veterinarians performed miracles on a plethora of wildlife:
Georgie caught this lace monitor with 2 toes that were damaged and each dangling by a small piece of skin. Dr David Ward surgically removed them.
The amazing veterinary team at Terrey Hills Animal Hospital treated countless injured wildlife patients.
Dr Izidora of AVES in Terrey Hills performing a salpingotomy on a wild python with disruptive dystocia (egg-bound). And Dr Anne from Mona Vale Vet Hospital about to amputate a necrotic section of a diamond python’s tail.
In June, Sydney Wildlife was invited by NPWS to attend a workshop to establish a Code of Practice for Marine Reptiles. The workshop - which was held in Port Macquarie - saw representatives from all wildlife rescue organisations sitting together and devising standards and guidelines for best practise around rescuing and caring for these special creatures. The workshop ran for 2 days and much was achieved! In November, we were invited again to attend a Code of Practice workshop, but this times for Birds.
In July, a number of our members travelled up to the Central Coast to attend a Seabird-capturing Course, run by the amazing Cathy Gilmore of Australian Seabird Rescue Central Coast (ASRCC). Members were taught the ‘noose’ technique for capturing pelicans and other large seabirds. They were also taught about marine turtles and sea snakes. It was a fascinating and fun-filled course!
One of our most active and passionate Sydney Wildlife members, Anne Jackson, started up a concept called MediDivert. Anne established MediDivert, essentially to reduce landfill, but also to give back to those who help wildlife (veterinarians who assist with treating wildlife, the mobile clinic and other wildlife rescue organisations).
The concept of MediDivert:
To procure unwanted, unused medical goods such as dressings, syringes, plastic forceps and theatre packs from hospitals and re-deploy them where they are needed. A bit like OzHarvest but with medical supplies rather than food!
In August we purchased and drove home our brand new Mobile Wildlife Care Unit!!! This unit is being converted into a treatment facility for injured wildlife and will be able to be deployed into areas of natural disasters such as bushfires and cyclones.
We were involved in many Community Education days and Market days throughout the year.
And many of the companies we met through these Community Education days ended up joining us at our Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility in Duffy’s Forest for Working Bees. Grill’d, Microsoft, Dell/EMC, Virtustream, VMWare, Powerchap Electrical, GB Reid Plumbing to name a few.
Our Advanced Venomous Snake Handling Course was also held at our Sydney Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility at Waratah Park. An entire weekend was dedicated to teaching members how to safely capture venomous snakes and restrain them for examination and treatment. Thank to Joan and the Waratah Park team for letting us use this amazing venue.
This year, a number of our members made their debut on television! Tilly joined Dr Harry on Better Homes and Gardens with everything from ducklings and possum joeys to a blue-tongue lizard release! Toni and her adorable kangaroo joey and Joan and her sweet wombats also starred on Bondi Vet Coast to Coast on Channel 9.
And, of course, there were hundreds of rescues taking place by many, many members throughout the year. Too many to show!
Thank you for all your support during the year! You have all been wonderful :)
A few things to remember going into the Festive Season:
• It will be hot and wildlife will be thirsty. Please consider putting out water in shallow, heavy-based ceramic dishes - positioned in the shade and with pebbles for small critters to clamber out if necessary.
• Drive carefully between dusk and dawn as our nocturnal wildlife are active on and beside roads.
• Keep your pets indoors between dusk and dawn to allow nocturnal wildlife to forage and hunt without interaction.
• If you are going away, keep windows shut so that you don’t get furry, feathery or scaly visitors popping in and not being able to get back out.
If you see any wildlife in distress over the Festive Season, please call Sydney Wildlife on 9413 4300 or WIRES 1300 094 737
Sydney Wildlife Northern Beaches Branch - Our Year in Pictures
By Lynleigh Grieg
Sydney Wildlife